File: 1571967169848.jpg (98.26 KB, 960x520, halloween-spiele-fuer-teenager…)

No. 476707
>>476646I feel the outrage about Captain Marvel has already died down so it might not
trigger that many people
No. 477434
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don't think I'm gonna partake in the fun but this would be cool
No. 477468
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im going as britney spears' iconic and somewhat cliche hit me baby one more time outfit. im going to my friend's halloween party next week, but i doubt any of the attendees will get my costume as most of them are autists who take pride in hating mainstream pop culture.
No. 479127
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I'm going as a witch. We have our halloween themed party on Saturday because it's All Saints Day then and it's like halloween here so
No. 479182
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>love Halloween, costumes, decorating and having parties
>live in a country where Halloween isn't really a thing
>no Halloween events in any of the clubs or bars
>no friends to have our own Halloween party with
Guess I'll have my own party tomorrow then. One day late but who cares, since it's just gonna be me and my cats.
No. 479185
>>479182Hope you have fun anon.
There are a lot of halloween things going on where I live but there's no point in going because I don't have any friends.