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No. 48012

I hope /b/ is the right place for this. Out of curiosity, how much do you guys (girls) on average:

>samefag in general

>samefag in an argument/to prove your point
>suspect others of samefagging
>call out others for samefagging

And what board or thread(s) on lolcow do you think has had the highest rates of samefagging? (Barring called out Admin-marked posters)

No. 48013

I have only samefagged on lolcow on the vent thread and that was just because I was venting about two separate issues.

I don't samefag when I disagree with others since I don't see a point to it.

Occassionally I'll suspect someone of samefagging, but I usually keep my thoughts on that to myself.

How about you, OP?

No. 48024

I samefag a lot if someone posts something retarded (especially if it's their life story on pt/snow) or if a cow is posting in their own thread and I don't care for them. I think people recollect more if more than one person is criticising them.

Otherwise, same. I know I've never had an argument/convo with myself but I suspect some samefags of doing so.

Thanks for the reply, Anon.

No. 48025

I samefag sometimes just to confuse people and defuse arguments. Other times I just do it to make someone feel bad for being retarded.
I have a pretty good samefag detector, too, I'd think.

No. 48026

I only samefagged in one thread one or two times because I always leave out information I mean to post. Or I make a typo and correct it.

No. 48028

I samefag sometimes. Its usually because either a cow is replying to her thread or i posted in a thread and a new reply i want to respond to pops up around the same time as me.

No. 48030

Posting multiple times in a thread isn't samefagging… samefagging is when you pretend to be a different person to back up your argument or compliment yourself or something..

No. 48043

samefagging is cancer, please grow out of this.

No. 54575

only a samefag would assume samefagging is acceptable

back to the trash u go

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