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No. 48321
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>be girl
>post boyfriend application and picture on any website
>use tinder or okcupid as well if you like
>choose from the hundreds of applicants
>now you aren't forever alone
wow so hard, those poor girls
No. 48324
>>48321Hotwheels has a girlfriend and he's a wheelchair-bound midget.
Honestly these robots who believe Girls should be satisfied with the first creep they come by on a dating site but men deserve a 9/10 qt nerd gurrl.
No. 48341
>>48321>"I'm attractive, I have blond hair and blue eyes">"I may be deformed and gross, but at least I'm white ;)"Cringe.
Honestly, do disabled people like this realize they're only ever going to attract either 1)abusive people who want to use their disability as a means of power over them or 2)men who fetishize the deformed and will only think of them as real human beings in the most secondary fashion?
No. 48342
>>48340The picture is from 8gag actually
>implying I would even bother saving those picsThe point is even if they aren't the most attractive people in the world, their looks still aren't at the level of "forever alone"
No. 48361
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>>48130Pretty much what
>>48133 said
Even at my ugliest, fattest, most socially awkward, pissing in water bottles and hoarding them in my room levels of autism I still got hit on and still had guys who texted me, went out with me etc.
They have to be legendarily ugly, I'm talking image related levels of ugly
No. 48423
>>48416dis bitch?>>48413eh i wouldn't really say trolling. i just try to fish up random responses. i just pretend to be forever alone when i'm really not.
No. 48430
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>>48341buttmad nignog detected
No. 48435
>>48423Yeah this one. she made some trollish threads in there, wondered if it was one of us
I should troll them again, but runnin out of ideas
No. 48459
>>48390>pathetic and the ultimate pity party. Humans don't need any form of social interaction to liveWrong.
I used to be like that, and I'm good looking. It does take huge amounts of autism though, or rather inaptitude. Finished school with no friends (bullied hard), never learned how humans bonded. Ended up as a complete loner for two years.
It's hard now to talk about what exactly I didn't know, but an example might help: I first started being non-FA in college, on the first day; I met the people with whom I'd have classes with and when I was leaving to go home and have lunch and be alone they called me back with a "Hey, Anonette, you're not coming to eat with us?"
We started talking, exchanged numbers, it all went very well and I'm now well adjusted (and well liked) but before then I didn't know HOW to meet people. Actually, only now am I learning how to form close friendships, open up, vent, call the person whenever and invite them over.
Some people have bad luck and are socially retarded. The fact that ~men still have interest~ changes fuck all if thé girl doesn't know what to do with his interest.
No. 48506
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>>48324>Honestly these robots who believe Girls should be satisfied with the first creep they come byIts undeniable that girls have it easier in the dating scene. This is statistically evident in every study done by dating websites. Even a fat ugly bitch gets more messages than a 7/10 guy. They don't have to settle for the "first creep" when there are plenty of options to choose from
I'd say on a good day I'm about 8/10, I get some success on tinder (although I never go sleep around because I don't believe in that shit) but on dating websites I got nothin'. Meanwhile I was on the train one time and some fat girl wearing a fedora had over 10k POF messages and 22 tinder notifications. Bitch if I had 22 tinder notifications my mouth would be on the floor.
Heres another story
My ex-gf was a 5-6/10 on an objective standard and even though she had depression and anxiety so bad she couldn't go to the grocery store by herself but I dated her because she was shy, virginal and innocent and cute. Nowadays she fucks dudes off tinder every weekend and like I said shes a 5/10 with mental issues and still gets literally hundreds of likes on tinder and can get dates whenever she wants.
I'm going through a transitional time in my life so I haven't tried the last few years to seriously try to get a GF because i'm focusing on me, but I wish it was as easy as installing an app or sitting at a bar somewhere.
Thanks for reading, please subscribe to my blog and remember to like and forget to subscribe
No. 48513
I don't see why women can't be Forever Alone. The qualities that make men FA are the same that make women FA - autistic, socially retarded, annoying, judgmental, poor hygiene, low self esteem or conversely narcissistic, lazy, demanding, no goals or motivation, mentally ill.
No one wants to date people like that, man or woman. FA men and FA women don't even want each other. They know they're wastes of time.
No. 48515
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>>48510>>48506This basically.
No. 48516
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>>48510>>48511>>48514I partly agree. There are a lot of scumbag guys looking for easy fux. I'm just putting out my perspective as one of those guys who doesn't do that kind of thing and has to try to find a decent girl
>>48513I think the difference though is that girls like that can still get sex if they try, maybe not a stable relationship but they can at least get laid. I mean hell, have you ever seen my 600lb life? Every female in that show has a fiance or husband or boyfriend but the guys either don't or their gfs/wives left them
No. 48520
>>48506Most of those messages are just guys trying to get laid with anything that moves. The reason why girls don't spam guys with "eyy bby wanna fuk" is because 1- they tend to not want one night stands 2- they can get them without sending messages
The smart, interesting guys that actually want to date you are rarer.
No. 48531
>>48516they can get laid because any women can have sex, no matter how ugly you are whereas men need to have charm and be good-looking.
i mean if quirky and PT can get laid then so can you
No. 48722
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>>48680Actually black people are more likely to commit incest.
No. 49018
>>48981skin tone use in a choropleth map is a pretty deliberate thing to do and it almost always communicates some kind of bias or discrepancy towards non-whites. Since Africa is always a prime spot for 'haha look at the poor idiot black people" (even though half of those nations in the dark are middle eastern and asian) people immediately gravitate to thinking black people = bad people.
I know racist chans dont care but the fact still remains most of the incest happening in the world is not between two consenting adults.
No. 49038
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No. 58932
Also check out this trainwreck spends all of her time complaining about being lonely. She's 30, never had a real job, talks about being ugly, lives with parents, etc. I guess that's par for the course for many people but she goes on and on and on. Pretty fascinating.
No. 59068
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How is it possible not to get flooded with messages as a woman on a dating site?
I'd actually prefer how guys have it because if a girl messages you it means she's most likely interested and it could actually go somewhere,whereas as a woman you are completely flooded with messages from every horny guy in your area. Even worse on interpals when you have hordes of third worlders just leaving creepy comments
No. 59133
>>59070Same. I just knew what it was on paper and thought it'd be really useful for language learning and just making international friends
Nope. Pretty much your experience
No. 59134
>>59068>I'd actually prefer how guys have itIt blows. Men have a trouble connecting with a girl on some fundamental level than fairly fleeting "traveling together", "netflix and chill" - there needs to be some more grounded circumstances.
One gender tries to understand the another, but instead, each should try to understand themselves in the first place, and the rest is negotiable.
For example, I've gradually turned from bicurious to gay because I seem to be able to have something in common with super rare tomboys (and i dont mean the mirroring gamer gurl stereotype), or well, other flaming faggots because they're everywhere.
>>48515In the gay scene, this gets even worse. Now imagine that implicitly, neither side wants to commit, yet they regret it constantly.
Selfishness, I guess, and perhaps utter lack of those certain feminine hooks to keep a mate.
No. 59154
>>48506I really don't like that comic.
Such a relationship would end up being co-dependent and immature.