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No. 48365
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>>48353each to their own but
>mfw engorged cunts No. 48367
How come trans women vaginas are pretty spot on but this is just a mess
No. 48394
If I could make myself 100% male I would, but why the fuck do these people undergo all this transgender shit knowing the science still isn't there? Transmen look fucking ugly. Their faces are usually gross and their bodies are fucking wrecks (the nipples are a dead giveaway everytime lel) I'm not against the idea of changing your gender in theory, but don't fucking wreck yourself with hormones and surgeries when the science isn't there, that way you look like utter shit both as a man or a woman
>>48353The only nice thing is that bear bod at the bottom but even then those are some tiny ass wrists
No. 48405
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>>48363but dating a transman would make you straight, not a lesbian, because they're a man
No. 48406
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>>48370ftm genital surgery is horribly painful, difficult, expensive, with lots of complications and doesn't even give a good effect.
Basically they use the skin from their arm or leg to make a skin tube, like a penis.
No. 48407
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>>48382Well, they're not women, so good thing you're not attracted to them.
No. 48419
>>48405No, they're not men. Being a man isn't short hair and wearing shit from the men's clothing section anymore than being a woman is make up and dresses. Ftm are still females and mtf are still male. Brain sec isn't real just like kidney sex isn't real.
They can cross dress all they want and take dangerous hormones and cut themselves up but it won't change their biological sex.
No. 48421
>>48352Can I just say real quick how stupid trans people sound when they say "assigned ____ at birth". That is terminology for intersex people, because doctors look at intersex infants and go "???" and then assign them a sex based on what they think will work best.
A 'transman' was not assigned female. They
are female. They still are female, even after 'transitioning'. Female is the presence of certain sex characteristics. Just because you don't like your genitals doesn't mean they aren't yours. I feel sorry for them that they suffer from dysphoria, but trying to overturn biological facts because it makes them ~feel bad~ just makes them insufferable.
No. 48451
>>48421 I thought the whole point of transitioning was to be the gender they think they're supposed to be, I find it odd that so many people online prefer parading that they're trans/previously some other gender instead of just saying they're whatever gender they transitioned to.
It's like do you want to be a guy or that batshit girl who attempted to grow a penis and wants to be called male
No. 49216
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>implying you wouldn't hit it