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No. 48555
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God no, it's my guilty pleasure/dirty secret.
No. 48571
>>48567I definitely agree. Some people just let their 'aesthetic' own them. They can't go a day without posting on facebook, tumblr, instagram, twitter.. I don't know, I just find it all to be very self-matsurbatory.
Lolcow has taught me a lot about internet safety. I don't want to see my face on /snow/ one day from a vendetta-chan. I get anxiety whenever there's more than one notification on my facebook, ha. I don't know how I could deal with strangers dissecting my poor life choices.
No. 48575
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>>48571For sure. Most people who do this claim that "im just bein confident, i slay" but fuck no.. you clearly post a fuckton of photos knowing very well that you are craving likes for reassurance.
No. 48582
>>48575Exactly! I get the whole body positivity thing, but there's that and then there's posting 3 selfies per day on your insta (which is 90% selfies and 10% quotes posted out of passive aggression) as if people need yet another reminder of what your face looks like today - because we've clearly already forgotten!! It's just comes off as incredibly self-indulgent and desperate.
But, yeah, lolcow. No: no one IRL knows that I post on here. Like someone said earlier, it's not exactly something you slide into conversation nor expect someone IRL to bring up.
Browsing and posting on lolcow has made me more aware of what I post on my social media accounts for sure in terms of content and of internet safety/privacy. At least, we get to learn from the mistakes of the many lolcows posted on here.
No. 48953
>>48632A pretentious cunt that gives everyone the stink eye seems pretty lolcow-poster to me.
Bitches need some sun.
No. 48954
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>>48953You seem like the pretentious cunt.
No. 48957
>>48553haha no, it's my guilty pleasure and I don't even tell my bf.
I do have some friends who also browse 4chan and we make jokes about it but 4chan is mainstream nowadays.
No. 48983
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Of course not, why would I tell anybody irl about what I post online, unless they're close friends anyway?
All the talk about internet safety worries me though (for you I mean). I never posted pictures of me online and I don't talk much about my private life. The only website where I'm active and not on anon is tumblr, where I mostly post in my first language so it helps me keep some sort of privacy. Were you guys not taught about privacy online? I had a bunch of classes about this as soon as primary school and I still have some of these right now in college. Do you think all the people who post private things about themselves were never told how the internet works? It's s strange to me.
No. 48984
>>48983American here. It's funny. I remember being told to be extremely careful about what I posted online when MySpace and stuff was a thing (I'm in my mid 20s) and really no one online knew my real name or anything, maybe just vaguely what state I lived in. But it seems like as the years went on, and as Facebook required you to use your real name, and internet life got more interwoven into real life, the whole idea of telling people not to give out personal details online just stopped (except for like, small children). I did see campaigns about not sharing nudes but not much else.
I think most people around my age are pretty safe about not putting too much online unless they are just blatant attention whores. It's the ones about 5 years younger or so who put everything out there like it's no big deal.
No. 48996
>>48984That's most likely the reason, you're right. I don't have a facebook and never had, so I'm still not used to the idea.
All of this reminds me that I used to be a lurker on many websites back then before I made a tumblr, but I never made accounts because I was always scared that somehow someone could find information about me and kidnap/rape/kill me. There were always reports of that on the news back then and teacher in school wouldn't stop talking about this. Regardless of how stupid this is, I'm glad we were taught about internet privacy so early because it prevented me from making a fool of myself at the time.
No. 49001
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Yeah, my bf, my sister, and my friend. I think it worries my sister a little. My friend doesn't think its funny, but I dont really care what she thinks, and my bf laughs with me. This place is my guilty pleasure. And eventhough you all talk shit about beauty trends that I actually like, I still think you guys are hilarious.