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No. 489135
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/477987 No. 489143
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what have u guys done that make u happier/more fufilled?
No. 489148
>>489143finally got the illustration from my visual novel game
it's nothing big but
i am very satisfied No. 489153
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>>489143After years and years of saving money, I finally bought the laptop I've always wanted and I'm really stupidly happy right now. Cannot stop making random folders and deleting them, because I own this laptop. Only me. Me. I have this much power. I can create it and I can take it out of the computer world.
No. 489206
>>489106Yeah, I mean I'm not saying I want to see people being sexually assaulted but it's just a matter of principle for me. Like you're polite, super intelligent, and cunning and also love evil? You must be asexual, no way! Polite and even kneeled people can't be hypersexual unlike those wild and bad mouthed people, impossible!
And then you see the irony hits further when radio demon was a serial killer driving my point further.. which is fucking hilarious because the polite and intelligent serial killers are the most sexually sadistic and lustful and brutal. I'm not saying I wanna see rape but they're pushing some idea unintentionally about rapist or creepy males only being slobs and idiots I
No. 489239
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Not sure if this belongs in here or elsewhere.
Theres this chatting browser MMO, think Club Penguin, being made as a kind of recreation to a defunct one named Fantage (think CP Rewritten).
The beta opened a few days ago and it was a shitshow of bugs. Its only been like 2 days and the admin implemented a safemode restriction for chatting, where you have to pay 20$ to write whatever you want instead of just using a filter or report system.
I don’t know how hard or easy it is to program a game but the admin always seemed greedy to me ($3k donation page where at 1k we get a functioning inventory, 60$ for a day early of access, etc..) but it’s funny to see everyone starting to get upset and turn their backs.
No. 489286
>>489206Did you like the netflix Ted Bundy movie if you saw it? The fiction one. They chose not to show (most) of his crimes but they do show him using sex/sexuality to manipulate his long term gf. He did assault his
victims and they reveal it at the trial and don't pull punches with how graphic it was.
It's not a perfect movie but you mind find it refreshing anon.
Also maybe for a fully fiction horror rec The Loved Ones? The villain isn't totally sexual in a straightforward way at first but her whole murder thing is clearly is driven by getting off/getting what she wants in an immature and disturbing way.
I also reccomened this film to a lot of women who like horror overall because it's rare to get a film with a female villain and hero who have interesting motivations (the villain has a very "male" way of wanting to keep and conquer her "boys" and the hero girl is the first character to start investigating her bf's disappearance.)
No. 489289
>>489286Yes I did and liked it. It was respectful to the
victims except in the trailer. Thanks for the recs anon
No. 489364
>>489309It's a weird cliche when you think about it, I mean some of the most
abusive and cold hearted people I've met have had insane sex drives as they are driven by their own personal pleasure
There's an anon on here (at least I think I recognise their style when they post) and they have the most intense disliking of people who call themselves asexual, like why?
No. 489367
>>489364The sociopaths who make these movies/shows don't want to alert their viewers to the fact the sex addict who values their own pleasure over all is more likely to be the baddie, not the quiet asexual.
Conflating sex with love is another intentional diversion in movies/shows so we consider pleasure-seekers as "loving" instead of narcissistic
No. 489432
>>489400That's a really good theory, actually. I suspect it's just sociopaths covering their tracks
Anyone into true crime will tell you the most polite, reserved, well spoken and intelligent serial killer tend to be as sadistically hypersexual and fetishist just as bad as the dumb and openly Brutish ones it not more.
Also to the anon who brought up it's because Hollywood falsely conflated sex with love, you're too correct. It's also another manipulation tactic
No. 489471
>>489468these days you gotta make every single character out to be gay/trans/disabled in some way or you'll get attacked for "erasure". a lot of people jumped on that trend ever since being lgbt is "trendy" somehow. and it's mostly those people who preach about being woke and identify with mogai xe/xim/they/them bullshit.
disney not having a gay/whatever character? they're being homophobic, committing a hatecrime and here are my headcanons as genderqueer elsa in a wheelchair with vitiligo and autism.
don't even bother listening to them or getting offended by it, it's just completely ridiculous.
No. 489645
>>489635people assume all flirting is seduction or coming onto someone. that's not the case. why do you guys assume this is something women do? the most flirtatious people who flirt without intent, and "friendly flirt"/"innocent flirt" without attraction have, in my experience, been popular, outgoing men. have you people never been to parties or in an environment where people innocent or friendly flirt just to be social? flirting is often very nuanced, relies on cadence, eye-contact, subtle flattery, all of which can be very ambiguous, and that's the point for a lot of people. it's not outwardly sexual for flirtatious people, generally. some people, though, take it really far and then it becomes obviously sexual and serious. the spectrum has become too wide and people associate the more heavy stuff with flirting, but just being playful and charming is considered flirting as well.
it's supposed to mean "to behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.", but i guess a lot of people seem to conflate all flirting as being hit on, or a form of seduction, but it's not always so.
No. 489656
>>489645Ehh, ‘innocent/friendly’ flirting has always struck me the wrong way. Feels immediately uncomfortable.
I don’t consider being friendly and normal flirting but touching your coworkers, making eyes, and even vaguely sexual comments are way beyond being charming.
No. 489658
>>489468ive only seen bits of the first Frozen (i worked at a movie theatre when it came out. didnt work there long after) but i could see her being gay
like another anon said she practically had a coming out song. also, and this is just the vibe i get, she reminds me of lesbians of olden times that wore pants and didnt date men only to find out centuries later that she had a collection of journals where shes written a shit ton of poems describing women she came to adore
like i can see how tumblr pushes it sometimes, but if disney was gonna make a princess gay, id expect it to be her
No. 489668
>>489663Yeah dude I don’t believe in innocently flirting either. Imo it’s all a means to display sexual and/or romantic interest.
It would be weird to be a married woman and flirt with the men in the office. They’re not gonna see it as casual or friendly. Men flirting with everyone in the office is, IMO, more about them signalling they will fuck anyone than them being charming or nice.
Being normal and making a joke (what’s being called innocent flirting itt) isn’t flirting as far as I’m concerned. That’s regular socialisation.
No. 489679
>>489677Has nobody ever told a joke to you at work?
Never made a quip and had a laugh with a coworker?
Everything else like touching them or giving them compliments outside of ‘good job today’ is flirting and imo flirting isn’t the same as socialising. I think you’re calling being friendly, banter, and signalling availability and interest are all just flirting.
No. 489699
>>489679>Everything else like touching them or giving them compliments outside of ‘good job today’ is flirting and imo flirting isn’t the same as socialising.i've had people from all ages and sexes touch my arm when they make a joke or touch me without being romantically or sexually motivated. i assure you it's not always sexual or anything more than playful socializing, or "innocent flirting" with no sexual motivation, at worst. you guys are honestly kind of autistic if you interpret touching someone on the arm, alone, to be sexually motivated or uncomfortable. i've had all manner of people give me all kinds of compliments, lots of which were not done with sexual or romantic intent, and i've done the same and it not be done with sexual or romantic intent. "what's up?" can sound more than friendly with a specific tone, or not. either way, it's incredibly autistic to overestimate that everyone is sexually interested in you, or seriously sexually interested in you because they touch your arm when they make a joke or laugh or give you compliments, especially people who are very outgoing. you guys are going to be woefully disappointed when you realize your 10 minute interaction with a 'desirable' outgoing guy or girl was just them being charming and that their compliments weren't sexually motivated.
No. 489714
>>489632Holy shit
>>489601I just know you're insufferable. Like I don't even have to guess
No. 489722
>>489719If it's not sexually charged then it's not flirting. Period.
>>489645 your post too? The definition you posted from google even includes these synonyms
>synonyms: trifle with, toy with, tease, lead on, philander with, dally with, make romantic advances to, court, woo, vamp, pull, chat up, make eyes at, make sheep's eyes at, give the come-on to, come on to, be all over, set one's cap at No. 489737
well, i guess my point (that i couldn't make clearly) is that what someone considers flirting is very subjective, and a lot of people assume all flirting is sexually motivated. i don't even know how to use it because i've had people describe behavior towards me as "flirting" with sexual intent when it wasn't, or my actions as "flirting" with sexual interest when it wasn't, so i have no idea how to even use it at this point because it seems to vary based on interpretation of certain actions. "flirting" encompasses a pretty wide range of behaviors and is up for interpretation. that's why you'll sometimes hear about socially awkward men assuming that a barista smiling at them means they're flirting with them, when they're just being friendly. some people think literally, on their own, touching your hair or smiling is flirting, maintaining eye contact while talking is flirting, certain cadence, laughing, taking a drink when they take a drink is flirting, complimenting, alone, is flirting, using nicknames, etc. and obviously people think playing footsie or saying obviously sexual stuff is flirting, so it's a pretty wide range of behaviors that people consider to be "flirting", and a lot of it, like touching someone on the arm or shoulder, or complimenting them, or giggling, is flirting, and i think can just be playful socializing that may or may not indicate interest. you really can't know without further information or confirmation, but some people think the mild stuff is definitely more than being friendly, they claim it's "flirting" and so it's necessarily sexually or romantically motivated. like above, anon considers complimenting someone and touching their arm when you make a joke to be flirting and so it's sexually motivated, because all flirting -> sexual. i don't, i think that's just a certain form of playful socializing, or, at most extreme, it's some kind of "flirting" but it's not necessarily sexual or romantic. i just think there's a certain grey area of ambiguity where interest can't be assumed, and certain people seem to believe that grey area is definitely flirting and so it's definitely sexual.
No. 489768
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This qt girl in a server I'm in dmed me asking to be my friend after talking a bit. I might cry. especially since i have like 2 friends.
I'm a little worried since I'm really not that fun to talk to. I'm just happy.
No. 489798
>>489767That's menopause age, increased anxiety is common
Looking back my mom had a pretty rough time with it. Was angry and uptight. As she was getting past the worst of the affects on her mood she then got diagnosed with breast cancer. Menopause affects mental health. On top of that you are entering a whole new risk category for all sorts of illness. I can see how it's not a fun time tbh
No. 489821
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>>489135>So, you listen to heavy metal too?>>yeah>What are your favourite bands?>>Slipknot, POWERWOLF, and System of A DownI'm tired of these people, I have nothing against their taste but I hate that when I make them listen to a heavy metal music they turn away and say that it is 'too heavy'…smh
No. 489824
>>489823I'll have to check those out, except Death which I already know I don't like.
Honestly metal is such a broad genre that sometimes it feels pointless to say you like metal because there are so many different types that 2 people can love metal but the music they listen to is completely different, so different it might as well be a different genre all together.
No. 489826
>>489822IKR! but the dumbasses whom I talk to insist on calling it all metal.
They are good bands, you won't regret looking them up.
happy listening.
No. 489860
>>489821Wait, some people call SlipKnot metal?? i never heard that. some weird. shit
>>489823Nice! I'll check these bands out
No. 489883
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I wanna go home and pet my dog so bad.
No. 489893
>>489821I feel the same way about black metal.
> do you listen to black metal> yeah, I love metallica <3instantly dropped. It's not even black metal ffs. Also a lot of hard rock artists that are nowhere near the metal genre let alone black metal.
No. 489910
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I went to a convention last year and an artist was doing $5 dog doodles and I got 3 done of my dog. I'm going nuts trying to find the artist again. I want to pay her more money for drawings of my dog.
No. 489923
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I completely forgot that I wanted to buy a climbing harness and some sites have them on sale but I already spent money on a shirt and I'm too much of a cheap fuck to now spend $50 on a harness!!! I want one so bad. I've been sticking to bouldering because I'm too cheap to buy a harness and too much of a coward to ask someone to belay for me but I've been wanting a harness to practice endurance on the autobelays in my gym…
I'll probably suck it up and not buy one because in reality I never spend more than half an hour on the autobelay walls anyway. Bouldering is fun enough for me, but whenever I see new and fun routes on the autobelay walls, I really want to try climbing them too… 70% of my gym is top rope climbing and it sucks. I wish we had more space dedicated to bouldering walls.
No. 489924
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For a year now I wanted nothing more than for my ex-best friend to unblock me and talk to me again. But they just unblocked me and I had an anxiety attack after seeing how much has changed and the people they're talking to again. I want to hate them and block them myself but I can't stop checking my messages to see if they're tying to reach out or if it's just like an unblock-stalk-reblock thing. I'm scared and I feel like this is a big trick. Fuck you, dude.
No. 489927
>>489910I love this so much
>>489823Any similar bands like Death? Just recently started to listen to them I surprisingly LOVE it! I also wanted to get into Napalm Death but idk where to start …
No. 489954
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>>489931And me, please! Adorable!
No. 489971
>>489910I honestly can't believe that people pay $5 for this. I really need to get into drawing.
Tho no hate, it's cute but not for that money.
No. 489997
>>489987I used to work retail and the most heartbreaking moments were coming home late at night but having an early shift the next day and having to decide whether to spend the 10 minutes I had to spare between a) going to bed immediately, b) stuffing my face real quick, or c) giving some quality time rubbies to my dog.
I'll sound like a shit person but most days I could only give her a quick rub or pat down before heading to bed, and she would follow me around and stare at me for more love. I now work an office job with stable hours and the single best thing about it is having hours to devote to loving her before and after work. She is truly the light of my life and I'm so happy I finally get to spend all the time she deserves with her.
No. 490003
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Im in love with this girl off Zaras website and theres nothing I can do about it
No. 490051
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>>490003She looks like Motoko Kusanagi. I love effortless "looks" like that, they're admirable.
Not sure why the other anon thinks she looks 12 (small breasts?).
No. 490055
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Work evaluations were today and not only did I recieve high marks but my boss called me one of the hardest workers she's ever had and that I'm highly respected in other departments. Feels good to hear especially since I never thought I would ever find a career I'm actually good at.
No. 490062
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>>489924We're in the same boat anon, i cant help but relate so hard on this. A dear friend of mine broke up with me out of nowhere and blocked me instantly after the incident. Sometimes i wanted to check up on her because i knew she'd unblock pp from time to time out of curiosity…the thing is anon, its very rare for a friendship to actually form again after sth like this happens let alone talking to each other, my advice to you is dont try to check up ur ex-friend or any kind of ex-relationship after this (as tempting as it might sound) because its only bring pain, further hurt you and you wont be able to move on afterwards. If they really want your friendship to last they wouldnt do this to you anon, trust me, every relationship ends for a reason and its not your fault. Be strong anon, godspeed!
No. 490087
>>490055I'm bitter about my job and am about to say some dumbass shit. I mean congratulations but unless they show you with money it's meaningless jibba jabba. Unless they show you with a promotion and more money, they're jerking you around and you're falling for it.
You know they're taught in seminars, classes, etc, to say things like that to keep decent employees loyal. You probably
actually are the hardest worker, but they'll use that to make you work even harder. Beware. This is the exact point where you ask for a raise. Do it. Do it now. If you don't do it now, you're being tricked and used. DO IT.
No. 490120
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>>490051More like child-Motoko.
No. 490153
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i love women…you're all so cute and nice and kind and strong and talented and beautiful
i'm working on this collab with a ton of girls and i'm so happy…the memes are on point. everyone treats each other with dignity and respect and communicates well. i love you all
women are good
No. 490183
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this only really matters to me and only concerns me and I've been more relaxed about it but I'm more confident about my bisexuality now. I sometimes feel like I have to know whether I'm just curious or really bi but I never had a relationship with a woman or great chemistry. Anyhow, I have been really attracted to unfamiliar women in public recently and it feels good. I try not to stress about it anymore but this is nice. Feels like there are opportunities in the future
No. 490192
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>>490051>>490099Great taste, anons.
No. 490206
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tfw want to charge earphones for gym but at mall, and all they have is those chargers you pedal except i cant gym 2 hrs after immunotherapy what is this
No. 490278
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i feel kind of loony saying this but recently i've noticed a ""trend"" i guess? in children's toys and media in general. i didn't know where else to put it so here it goes:
there are SO many children's toys now that are specifically centered around poop and i find it slightly sinister and unnerving. it's EVERYWHERE. there's these weird fetish-esque children's toys that popped up on my instagram a few weeks ago called "The Hangrees" (pic related) which are literally made to "poop" out slime and come with all kinds of poop-related paraphernalia; yesterday an ad for something called "poop game" came out while i had a kid's channel on my tv, today i passed by this claire's-esque shop they have in my country that mostly caters to little girls and there was something called "unicorn poop" (just some rainbow-mashed glittery slime). it's popped up way too many times for it to feel like a coincidence.
call me crazy but i feel like someone is behind this? maybe a company, maybe sth else idk, but there's just SO much centered around poop directed specifically at children and i don't know why. i've read about elsagate being some sort of conspiracy meant to groom children into normalizing perverted behavior but i can't say this is purely related to that, but i DO find it strange. why poop, specifically? why is it ALWAYS directed at children?
No. 490295
>>490278Eh, as a kid poop and farts are just peak funny as I recall it. It seems marketing teams are just trying to profit off of that?
I turned out to be a degenerate though so take this with a grain of salt. I blame the internet and weeb shit more than poop jokes though. And I'm no scatfag or brapfag for fucking sure.
No. 490302
>>490287Speaking as someone who remembers childhood: Because slime is fun and poop jokes are funny.
The actual travesty is how over marketed and expensive that cheap Chinese shit is.
No. 490310
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>>490298I think pooping and crying baby dolls are a lot different from what we're getting now with
>>490287 which are infantile unicorns with heart-shaped assholes. The vomiting part is just wtf. I know kids think poop is funny but vomiting as a kid was hell.
I like to follow toy lines a lot and the sheer amount of actual shit-themed toys is really weird and the genuine family-friendly toy youtubers I follow don't even like them and are clearly creeped out when doing vids on them for PR. They especially are weirded out with the "OMG Surprise" dolls that have nipples sticking out, all while looking like adult babies, pic related.
I'd rather give my child Bratz, they were just teenagers in heavy makeup. This is really something else and it wouldn't surprise me at all if it were some guys with a pedo-poop fetish behind some of this stuff.
No. 490312
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>>490310that's what i was trying to say.
pic related has ddlg written all over it. it has fucking tattoos.
No. 490314
>>490313anon's point is that bratz dolls are
teenagers not DDLG fantasy babies with booty dimples. do you think guys don't jerk onto literally anything?
No. 490353
>>490310The weirdness aside, that’s such an ugly body design
Like I actually do like the design of the unicorn poop-puke babies
sue me but these are just straight up ugly as sin
No. 490357
>>490346Dollfag here, I have avoided all the trash new toys as I'm into art dolls, but I have to say all the current range of toys look cheap as shit. The dummies, pooping, vomiting, "sexy" bodies and thicc asses is something else.
I agree with other anons that it's definitely a fetish thing. Baby dolls that we had as kids was an extremely different thing to this.
No. 490369
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>>490357Do not even get me started on LOL dolls
No. 490392
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I started watching The Untamed/Chén Qíng Lìng, I haven't watched these types of show since I was a child. I've only indulged in some Chinese (trashy) literature since.
But wow the cheesy wuxia drama and action makes me incredibly nostagic, the subtle classy twink-free BL, the aesthetics! Gotta say the Netflix English sub can't convey the historical context very well but understandable. Anyway I just wanted to gush a little.
No. 490401
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I'm gonna compile a list of every fictional character I've had a crush on.
Might take a while.
No. 490405
>>490395Unfortunately I don't watch enough Chinese entertainment to give you good recs anon (feelsbad). This one just happens to be on US Netflix. Douban is like Chinese imdb, you'll find what's popular/critcally acclaimed there, then using a VPN, the world is your oyster! Or just get a Viki account lol
>>490404Anon I'm so into it, I really like ancient chinese cosplay! All the women in this are impossibly pretty.
No. 490422
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I wanna have a wholesome summer fling.
No. 490466
>>490346>>490310What the fuck? Did they ever bother to explain why dolls would need nipples? It seems like such a creepy, unnecessary edition to a children's toy.
I do like Popovy dolls, and they often have nipples, but they're made as art. These dolls, on the other hand, don't seem to have much artistic merit in mind other than "big eyes cute girl doll pink hair princess toy play", so what was the reason?
No. 490505
>>490466I agree with
>>490474, I don’t think it’s weird that a children’s toy has a feature that all human beings have. However, I do think the doll’s figure is setting up some unrealistic expectations like people always bitch about Barbie doing - but instead of impossibly skinny it’s just impossibly curvy. I don’t think little girls are going to be corrupted by a doll with nipples, but there are a lot of creeps who are going to ruin these toys for little girls just like my little pony.
No. 490537
>>490474>>490505It's more the fact that they felt the need to add them than the nipples themselves being a thing that might "corrupt children". I don't think any kids thought having nipples was weird or bad just because dolls don't have them or anything (I didn't, at least). There's just no real point to them, as most dolls don't need to breastfeed or perform any real human biological functions.
I'm just having trouble imagining the mindset of an adult who thought "It's time for dolls to have nipples". Like, of all stylistic choices, why that? They didn't think to make the eyes not look like runny eggs with blue yolks, or for the bodies to look anatomically sensible, but that's where they draw the line and demand realism?
I just don't get it. It's a weird thing to zero in on for a designer who seemed to not care much in the first place for aesthetic beauty or anatomical accuracy, and the fact that it's from the same company that makes seedy-ish designs of toddlers in fishnets and seems to have some obsession with scat is also weird.
No. 490552
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I only watched The House Bunny because I really liked how Kat Dennings looked in it, before the "transformation".
No. 490559
>>490474You can't free the nipple before changing what the female nipple means in our culture. First, change the culture, then you'll be free to do as you please with nipples. Just because YOU think they aren't sexual doesn't mean the general population does.
Not that I don't agree with you, I do believe nipples are a natural part of the body, but I also know that they are viewed as a sexual thing. If you imagine breasts without them, they suddenly lose the sex-element and become balloons, lol.
No. 490586
>>490559NTA and I also agree but
>I do believe nipples are a natural part of the bodysounds funny to me, cause what part of the body ain't natural? Vulva is natural as well and we don't want dolls to have defined pussies… (okay, I know that you mean that nipples are nonsexual, it was just an awkward way of putting the idea into words)
No. 490593
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>>490369>>490379this is relevant
>LOL means Little Outrageous Littles No. 490638
i read this and it made me think about scarcity and behaviours: was neglected as a kid and i remember being so hungry i would swallow air to make myself feel full. i used to eat paper when i was at school and whenever i was given a gift like an easter egg i would break it into thousands of pieces and store them in a hidden place and ration myself to a couple of tiny shards of the egg a day because i never knew when i would get to eat again. i would take my brother and sister to the fields near where we lived to find as much wild fruit as we could because i didn't know how to cook and we never had any food in anyway. i was dangerously underweight growing up and have had health repercussions from malnutrition as a child. my sister had one of the worst cases of scoliosis the queen's medical centre had ever seen, it put so much strain on her organs it would have killed her by the age of 12 if they hadn't corrected it and i think it was made so bad because she grew up malnourished.
unsurprisingly i developed anorexia in my teens and was forcibly hospitalised with a bmi of 13 about 8 years ago. now i'm a few years into recovery and for the first time in my life i'm really, really fat - about 230lbs at 5'9". it's hard to deal with, but i know exactly how i got here - it's because when i have the opportunity to eat i will eat everything on my plate and i'll eat everything that is offered to me, even if i'm not hungry. i don't eat a lot of junk food, i've learned how to cook and mostly make vegan curries and rice but clearly i eat too much of them. my doctor told me my metabolism might have been damaged by my history of starvation but i don't know if that's a real thing.
i keep wondering if this impulse to eat is just because of a lifetime of not knowing when the next bit of food will come. since getting better the thought of cutting down food makes me really anxious now. i don't really know what's normal. i think it might be why poor people tend to be much fatter, like i understand it now and have a lot more sympathy. if you grow up in extreme scarcity then often you feel like you have to eat now or you won't again for a long time.
No. 490654
>>490638> unsurprisingly i developed anorexia in my teensHow is that unsurprising? Do you think history of malnourishment leads to anorexia? Because it doesn't. That's a separate issue you have.
> i've learned how to cook and mostly make vegan curriesCurries are incredibly caloric. Tons of fat and sometimes sugar.
No. 490656
>>490654>How is that unsurprising? I think anon means that a twisted attitude about food leads to a twisted relationship with it.
Not enough food, so you hoard it (many anorexics do this, keeping food stowed away all for themselves without eating any of it). Scared and ashamed of being greedy (and having it disappear on you), so you deny yourself and eat very tiny bits. Being faced with a full meal, being unable to stop yourself, and binging because your brain is worried you may never get the chance to eat so well again. Rinse and repeat.
No. 490661
>>490654mostly what
>>490656 said, but also my ED doctor said that anorexia often follows a period of inadvertent or controlled starvation like an illness or a first diet. maybe i should have clarified that.
i don't add sugar or a lot of fat to curries, i make them wholly from scratch. mostly tomato based with green vegetables or pulses, though i do occasionally do ones with coconut milk which i accept is highly caloric. i eat healthy food - i still have a knowledge of nutrition from all the obsessive reading i did as an anorexic - but just too much of it, is what i'm saying.
>>490656thank you anon, that is what i was getting at. reposted for sage
No. 490666
File: 1575474431404.jpg (15.37 KB, 487x287, CTeDTRGUsAAbi6D.jpg)

I'm self conscious that my ex thought I was love bombing her (she's only had abusive relationships before we went out) when in reality I'm just like a stupidly excited puppy. She was the girl of my dreams and I had been lowkey following her for years before we actually talked (I told her I had been following a lot of her socials ofc- we also have a lot of mutual friends so it wasn't really hard to find any of them).
We're broken up now so it doesn't matter but I'm afraid of future partners thinking I'm love bombing them when I'm just… too excited. I wear my heart on my sleeve and it sucks lol. I say shit like 'I love you' too fast because it's become the norm between my friends and I to say it to each other because I'm scared as shit that one of us will suddenly die and I want the people I love and care the most for to know that.
No. 490671
>>490666I wouldn't take it too personally. I needed a few years of just being single after getting out of an
abusive relationship
No. 490684
File: 1575479969654.png (191.18 KB, 484x389, 23.PNG)

sorry reading thru onision milk and this dude is 23? HOW? i'd think he was at least 36. no wonder anons are thinking barely legal guys are their age, it's bc men our age look older than us by far and the younger ones have yet to accrue as much skin damage so they might look similar to our ages. holy shit.
No. 490686
File: 1575480292767.jpg (320.46 KB, 900x566, Finneas_TourUpdate_EDIT.jpg)

>>490684samefag but also in that same vein, this is billie eilish's brother. does this look like a 21 year old to you guys? how is it that men don't look their ages at all? are they moonlighting as appalachian miners??
No. 490689
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>>489135>>490686nah, their family has an unfortunate case of looking 10 years older than what you actually are, billie is only 14 in pic related.
No. 490693
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>>490686>>490685pic related is one of my favourite male models, he is 23 and looks like it also an absolute hottie.
No. 490696
File: 1575482525764.jpg (279.41 KB, 1607x868, ZomboDroid 04122019095717.jpg)

This isn't a groundbreaking observation by any means but it seems 100% obvious that the body types that are popular on instagram and online these days are trying to literally emulate the bodies from cartoons we grew up with.
No. 490697
>>490696Women have to be literal cartoons in current year or else be considered fridge shaped ogresses.
It's funny since the features are clearly just exaggerated femininity because…duh, cartoons…but now we're expected to become the exaggeration. It's like getting PS to look like a caricature someone drew of you lmao.
No. 490820
>>490805i feel like meditation is best if you pick the type that suits you best. There are so many different ways to do it and once you start reading around it's actually pretty easy to make your own practice!
I like David Lycnh's approach so far because he's a) described experiences from his past that sound a lot like psychotic episodes. I some due to PTSD which I treat with medication but I need other tools to deal with it when the meds don't work. (i'm not recommending mediation as a way to avoid or supplement medication but they really don't work all the time and meditation has helped me through some really scary episodes!)
b) a creative so his motivations to meditate (to make better art and let your brain rest so you can be more creative) resonate with me in a way "just meditate to be happy!!" doesn't lol.
so find your "teacher" as corny as it sounds, don't worship the ground they walk on and shop around for people you relate to imo. and there are some legit health benefits but if you aren't motivated by that I don't think it would sway anyone's opinion lol.
No. 490847
File: 1575515278274.jpg (42.88 KB, 400x524, right-here-desu.jpg)

Does anyone else like hamsterfragment 's art? I heard he/she passed away? I hope it's not true.
No. 490911
>>490909lol, you're bored right?
>>490847came in to say her/his art is cute as fuck. sad to see his/her pawoo hasn't been updated in a while.
No. 490913
>>490909Sorry for sperging (I'm
>>490911), I thought I was in the art general because of the art post, my bad. Yes I agree, especially the butt thing holy shit.
No. 490916
File: 1575554103005.png (490.83 KB, 563x356, 215.PNG)

>At a new workplace
>All the girls in my office greet each other with big kisses on the cheeks
>Also hugging randomly
>And so many petnames
>Complimented a coworker's leggings and while telling me about how comfy they are on the waist she literally hiked her skirt up to show me
I probably seem uptight but I can't really see myself being so close to coworkers. Good for them tho
No. 490944
>>490940Stay on top of your birth control lol
I know alot of women with kids who have learning difficulties, autism, behavioural issues that bring a whole lot of stress. That's life
No. 490946
>>490943Yeah the main reason I don't want kid is because I don't want to pass on all the crazy genes from my mother's side of the family.
>>490944I will lmao. I just wanted to share those weird feelings, because I've literally never had baby fever before.
No. 490952
>>490940This was a cute post until the end when your handmaiden side came out.
It's good you are happy with the idea of having a baby with your boyfriend, very natural and good, but please don't put expectations on this idea of a baby. There is no "I would prefer." You get what you get.
No. 491019
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No. 491129
>>491126>introversion and extroversion isn't real?
They're just words to describe people who either prefer being alone or prefer socializing. Sure, not many people are 100% either but these are definite traits that exist.
No. 491167
>>490847wait where did you hear that?? i loved their art so i hope not
their twitter updated last just a week ago but i dont know if they have a different social media that's more up to date
No. 491172
>>491154I wouldn't really wanna see the pointless times I've infought with other farmers, but lolcow is like a diary to me because I've posted on ot for a few years now. I like going back to old threads in the catalog and recognizing my old posts and reliving those thoughts and feelings. Stuff that I sometimes forgot happened.
I know it's dumb cause I could just get an irl diary but I have an aversion due to some childhood trauma cause my mom used to read it while holding me back and shaming me. Putting it on paper makes me feel like someone's gonna snatch it and read it and humiliate me for it. But on lolcow my feelings are anonymous and it's just there. It's freeing somehow.
No. 491368
>>491242Yes! I totally agree! I can tell a
big difference in my week if I exercise at least once and not exercising at all. I try not to beat myself up over it when I don't have the chance to exercise, but it's SO important for your mental health to get something in. 30 minutes of cardio within a 7 day period is all it takes.
No. 491385
File: 1575626686406.jpg (58.87 KB, 821x789, sad.jpg)

I used to buy weed from a telegram group and it was so cash, they delivered to you, it was great. They closed shop for some undisclosed reason some time ago so I went looking for another group (there's tons here). Well, I got scammed out of 25 euro. I feel so dumb now… Guess it's back to buying from random people at the park for me…
No. 491402
>>491154It would only haunt you.
When I started using lolcow I had no idea mods can see our entire post history in one place so I must have confessed very private things, even now I still shitpost too much. It's good I'll never be important enough that journalists would look into my anonymous posts on a gossip board.
No. 491433
>>491419>>491402This used to bother me, but then I remember that to moderate a site like this, you have to be sort of autistic yourself. Plus, if I ever become an important person, I plan to lie my ass off about my internet history.
If it really haunts you, just poison the waters and bend the truth about personal shit to destroy any real life connection to yourself. Switch genders, locations, and intricacies of situations. Posting from the perspective of another person helps, too.
If you really need to vent about something, and you're that paranoid about it being linked back to you, come back in the next few days or weeks and post some stupid bullshit scenario or anecdote that has nothing to do with your life.
No. 491445
>>491377I get the feeling! Sometimes I try to post it anyway. I do it in hopes that it might make them feel a little bit better too. Who knows? They could've been someone who said something nice to me when I needed it.
It's really dumb and optimistic thinking, but the world already sucks and a lot of parts of this board are already filled with vitriol, so even a bit of hope and optimism doesn't really hurt.
No. 491446
>>491434Post pics!
I missed out on black friday sales for climbing gear, so I might finally buy myself a harness. Or maybe I'll pay a 3rd party to buy me stuff from that 24-jikan pokemon line, all of the items are so god damn cute.
No. 491459
File: 1575653562858.jpg (144.91 KB, 1000x1000, grandpa-tea-set-set-of-4-49868…)

>>491446I'm leaning towards this, it's literally called "grandpa" set.
Climbing sounds like a fun hobby!
No. 491463
File: 1575654050922.png (832.49 KB, 750x750, A83D9E3F-5693-4BF7-A9FF-B6A5EB…)

Got to ep 17 of the Untamed and bitch I’m big mad. The lvl of anime villainy is too advanced. Also, imagine my disappointment to find out that the main characters are of course cringy boy idols. I’ll just pretend to not know this.
No. 491481
>>491463Really liked the manhua so I was excited for it but as soon as i saw the cast I lost interest. I even watched a few episodes but the acting and the dialogues (like in most cdramas) were sooo bad.
Wang yibo was a big fat miscast.
It's pretty obvious that their main priority was to please thirsty fans.
No. 491486
>>491459Anon those are soooooo pretty!!! I'm a fucking sucker for cute mugs and cups and tea sets. I got a teacup that looks like the ones in the back of your pic, but it has a cute floral pattern on it and is white and pink. It's my favorite cup, but it just sucks that I drink so much tea and I have to use a plain huge cup just to get my fill lol.
I only started a few months ago but it really has been fun! A lot of physical and mental challenges to overcome every time I go, but I really look forward to going every week!
No. 491496
File: 1575662044084.png (2.59 MB, 1242x1242, b8b57f3961a7e080e29903d90604e7…)

I have this really cute idea in my head for Christmas gifts to give each of my roommates and I'm so excited to make them. I wanna make little personalized drawings related to their hobbies (plus throw in a little chocolate cause who doesn't love free candy?) I'm normally a grinch who doesn't really care for the holidays but I know they're gonna love it and I'm so excited to see it happen. Only thing is that I'm kinda insecure and overly perfectionist about my art so I'm hoping that I'll be able to make something I can proudly give to them. I can't wait though, neither of them even know that I can draw so they're gonna shit their pants.
No. 491535
>>491481I found Yibo cute ngl kek Not that he's a good actor or anything, he only has to make like 2 whole expressions after all. Knowing they're idols and this is essential an idol show just ruins my fantasy. They seem bland and fake to me now.
Where can I read the manhua anon? I read half of the novel and I thought the anime was crap.
No. 491549
>>491508The gym is a lot more boring and depressing than ring fit adventure.
Bouldering is a lot more fun, or dancing, or anything other than the bloody gym.
No. 491575
I had my hard boiled egg and I'm happy.
>>491432F. Would it be that bad if you had one sometimes?
No. 491687
I moved from a small town where I knew loads of people to a bigger town to be with a man, and did that classic thing of putting him first and not keeping up properly with my friends. I know, I hate myself too
now he's dumped me and I regret every choice I ever made lol
at the moment tho I'm glad all my friends are hundreds of miles away. I can sit in my flat like a hermit and wallow in sadness
No. 491690
>>491535He is cute but he can't act even if his life depended on it, unfortunately.
It's still ongoing but a good proportion has been translated: No. 491691
>>491685>Just two years later, I'm baffled when people say they have no friends. out of all people! if you've been in these shoes, how did you forget how they fit so soon? all Chad's are the same kek
on a serious note, hope my luck turns around but I just don't see it happening. my count of opportunities is going down and will flat line in 6 months when I graduate uni. after that I'll need to slave away fulltime at my job that's only 45+ aged people to afford masters (2 years for sure). I'm predicting descent into actual insanity, I'm struggling as is.
No. 491695
>>491691A lot of shit has happened in two years. I was on the verge of dropping out of college but I got my shit together and turned things around. I've been on so many adventures since then. Not all of them great, haha.
But my luck was that I reconnected with an old friend from high school. They didn't end up going to grad school like they had planned, and lived at home and visited me pretty frequently. Then they were tired of living at home, so we were roommates for a couple of months. Long story short, that put me back in the mindset of being able to do college and make new friends. It also made me sperg out less. That's why I say that luck is so important, because I don't think friendless people have worse social skills than me or are weirder.
No. 491700
>>491426lmao you're indeed really immature as fuck
god have mercy on your kids
No. 491710
>>491701** hypothetical/future kids
just for you, sperg
No. 491725
File: 1575725035597.jpg (179.61 KB, 1334x750, 1ki21z3mtxq31.jpg)

JK Rowlings other novels really are something
No. 491735
>>491725This reads like some bizzare porn fiction ebook from amazon…
Is it from the Casual Vacancy or one of the Cormoran Strike novels?
No. 491753
File: 1575730002273.png (133.38 KB, 595x252, 1570571476330.png)

Why are there suddenly so many cowtippers? Why do anons like cowtipping? It ruins all the fun. Also cows find their threads so easily these days, are they constantly looking themselves up or is someone telling them about it? (or are they secretly farmers?)
No. 491766
File: 1575732323115.jpeg (133.37 KB, 1479x916, E4C14DE5-2EFE-4040-A101-70E25D…)

There’s absolutely no reason why I should like this dumbass yet somehow I fucking do how do you even get over someone you know you shouldn’t like.
I even find him physically attractive etc is wrong with me
No. 491779
>>491753some of the most notorious cows have been caught farming (see Kiki, Dasha) so I 100% believe even if they're not posting they're at least lurking.
even lower levels like Kelly's FOTR crew have been caught on here, it's not that big of a stretch to just assume.
as for cowtippers, some of them aren't even farmers I don't think? sometimes it's hard to tell. newfags for sure though
No. 491821
>>491766I used to be very into a girl who could be compared to the female version of a neckbeard/incel, and on top of that she wasn't even cute, I've been there.
How did I get over her? By slowly realizing how bad she was, by having my friends remind me how I could do infinitely better that
that, by keeping my mind busy and by getting on a dating app and start talking to other girls who were way cuter and nicer and not constantly
toxic and negative like her.
No. 491842
File: 1575751958107.jpg (150.52 KB, 455x442, 3bkcig.jpg)

I am really this fucking awkward?
I am really this incompetent when it comes to being social?
Today I sold a backpack on marketplace for $12,man was waiting for me,walked 20 minutes,arrives at plaza,waits 20 more minutes for this man to appear,man has a daughter,they like the backpack I have,he notices my weird Spanish accent,I tell him I'm from another city/department,he says that's not how said person sounds like from said department/city,my simple response was that Spanish isn't my first language,I even spoke so quickly in Spanish that I swore it almost sounded like gibberish,when they are both satisfied and when the man proceeded to give me the money,I say Merry Christmas,when it's not even Christmas yet even though there was this huge fucking Christmas tree next to us,fuck how embarrassing
No. 491887
>>491876Nta but this argument is kinda weak since there is
so much shit floating around. There's more than enough to go around, and more is being produced every second of every day.
No. 491900
>>491876What I find cute, most people might not. And odds are that those things are also hard to find, especially if you live in the middle of nowhere or a country where these things aren't really popular, so online shopping is the only option really.
Sure, most thrifted items are fugly XXL 80s deceased grandmother garb but you can find lots of nice items and some people are just too busy to thrift regularly as well.
No. 491995
>>491988They just naturally attract angst like crazy, their lives are too sad to avoid it.
There is lighthearted stuff though, just filter ao3 to exclude the angst tag and include fluff or humour or something.
No. 492001
>>491980it's fucking dried non-fat creamer. that's how
not milk their shit is. i don't get why people are so engrossed in those two. like, yeah, the mother is unhinged, but there are literally so many moms who are delusional about their kids that just spam twitter or whatever all day. yawn.
No. 492519
File: 1575908194244.jpeg (47.77 KB, 780x520, 0018944d-448a-45ea-9bef-3c89f6…)

Posted about going to see Portrait of a Lady on Fire in the last thread and finally got to go see it on saturday.
Absolutely lovely and wonderful film. My heart aches and I'm still so emotional over it (am also on my period so it doesnt help lol). Any NYC or LA anons, if you can, please go see this movie! It's available until the end of the week, I believe. I think it's also supposed to come out for a bigger release on Valentines.
I'm so tempted to go back and watch it again, but I don't think my lesbian heart can take it.
No. 492530
>>492417they literally do surprisedpikachuface.jpg every time a drug addict dies at a young age. like uwu life is so unfair, god took him so young, blah blah.
the same people will signal boost to carry narcan everywhere but never consider rehab or sobriety.
No. 492606
>>492602I really miss the crafting and sewing, the puzzle of how to make a prop or a costume from scratch, and the satisfaction of everything coming together, but cosplay really does fucking suck.
It's so fucking vapid that no matter how much I slaved away at my costumes, I always felt like I would fall short. There's so little sympathy in the community. Even if you poured your fucking heart out into the best you could possibly do at that time, people would be ruthless and catty. I spent a big chunk of my life doing it, but I'm so fucking tired now lol. It might be easy for some people to say "it's just for fun! don't care about what other people say!" but I always felt like the people who said that were the ones at the top who were always fawned over lol.
I did find my own little corner of people and had a lot of fun, but the big picture of it all really fucked with my head and self esteem growing up. Sorry for cosplay sperging lol.
No. 492621
>>492609Yes! That's what I meant- the people sucking haha. It's changed for the worst in recent years.
It was probably the rose tinted glasses of my very young self, but I really miss the days when it was just a weird and cringey niche hobby. It's always been a popularity contest, but with people monetizing it more than ever now, it feels way too cutthroat. It's just fancy, elaborate dress up. We all look like fucking fools to the outside world, so stop shitting so much on other people.
No. 492665
File: 1575932818804.gif (2.13 MB, 500x498, u guys are my friends.gif)

Hey guys, I have a dumbass question to ask. Do you guys think you could help me with a short survey I made for class project due next week? It's only 5 questions and anonymous. I don't have any friends to participate in this, so here I am asking you guys. I get it if this is weird though. Thanks and sorry if this is annoying. No. 492679
>>492519Is it sad? Does one of them die or end up with a man like we're so used to in media?
I'll watch it or not, depending on the answer to this question. I've had enough of tragic lesbian love stories, just let us be happy
No. 492742
File: 1575946797865.gif (133.37 KB, 350x300, 0BC976BD-883A-4A79-837C-33A772…)

>>492680>>492675>>492670Thank you everyone who participated! You all really made my week!
No. 492767
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>>492761That’s awesome anon I really hope you enjoy it all. I hope all you ladies are doing the best you can
No. 492819
>>492773This goes without saying anon
I am actually seriously appreciating Froot and Love and Fear right now.
Marina siempre
No. 492874
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After months of wanting something with reversible sequins on it, I finally got myself a pencil case with bluish-purple and silver sequins. I can't stop playing with it. I love being so easily entertained by sparkly stuff.
No. 492877
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>>492767nta but I love you girls so much. I hope you're all doing well.
No. 492880
File: 1575989357230.png (98.84 KB, 500x397, if-im-too-much-maybe-youre-not…)

Saw this ad on the subway maybe like two years ago or so, and it's stuck with me ever since.
No. 492950
File: 1576002553571.jpg (124.79 KB, 1000x1000, 6a0c6907-6997-49fe-8d0d-3ed106…)

These are really cute, but they are super short. I wish they were longer or were shaped like clips
No. 492997
>>492966i think it'd make it better, kinda like how ghibli movies are pretty normie and their showings are always very average
the autists would still go, but it'd be less concentrated
No. 493030
File: 1576019285577.png (121.92 KB, 400x360, 1575589605693.png)

Just gave up on the tiny amount of dignity that was left in me by ordering customized stickers of my favorite 2D characters online at this print shop near me.
Kinda cringe but I am a poorfag and cannot order anything overseas because 1) no money 2) the customized stickers in that print shop are pretty fucking cheap 3) I still live with my parents and my mother refuses to open the door to anyone due to paranoia and mental illness lol.
Still feels like I fucked up somehow and that the people in the print shop are going to laugh at me because of the pictures I picked. Kill me now.
No. 493032
File: 1576020440800.png (103.02 KB, 540x304, waaaahhh.png)

Damn I'm so grateful for my 2 friends who not only tolerate but appreciate my autism. They let me read the instruction manual and act amazed when I point out a cool function. They let me stiffly follow a recipe and allow me to delegate tasks for that recipe. The best thing is how sometimes they can realize that I'm biting my lips as to not give unsolicited advice, they would go "Aaa Idk what to do~" to casually hint to me that I can give input. They even let me nag at them for stuff like reminding to take vitamins and how they're not mopping the floor in the most efficient way. That's what I'm thankful for today.
No. 493042
File: 1576022428995.png (688.75 KB, 720x666, 54545345.png)

I'm on Okcupid again after an awful, unhealthy relationship ended two months ago, and even though I know that I'm most likely not ever going to meet any of those girls as they live far away, it feels good to speak to them.
Hell yes, it feels good to have all those nice, interesting and very attractive girls liking me and complimenting me after that bitch made me feel awful about myself all the time, like I wasn't enough, when the truth is that she was the one far below my league.
Now I know where to put my standards at, and it feels nice to have this positive attention by girls who are a thousand times better than the one girl who pulled an Onision on me.
Life is good
No. 493232
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>>493053Thanks, nice anon.
No. 493273
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My sister wants to circumcise her son, now I'm a diehard feminist but even I understnad how dumb and pointless circumcision is and I argued very hard against it but she's not budging
No. 493334
File: 1576092582716.jpg (23.44 KB, 580x435, Cb3R5NZW8AA-34l.jpg)

>want to buy something from taobao and aliexpress
>but what about hong kong
No. 493399
>>493398That, too, but I assumed that she wouldn't be known in the thread if pathetic behavior wasn't standard issue for her.
It's the unknown watchers/followers I'm surprised about. I don't get how group consensus can be so cringy, and all at the same time.
No. 493498
File: 1576126765126.jpg (70.85 KB, 500x684, 1471814413472.jpg)

>>493382is he one of those super buff manlets or a normal bodied manlet ??
No. 493551
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I'm leaving lolcow for good, so this is goodbye. So long and thanks for all the memes
No. 493646
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Lmao koreaboos are so fucking retarded
No. 493649
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>>493646Where is this from, i nearly peed myself
No. 493809
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If everything falls apart, at least I'm still cute.
No. 493847
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Who's bright idea was it to give Brazilians control of the amazon's safety and well being?
Why does Brazil have the largest population of Japanese aside from Japan itself? I mean, i know why. I've read lots about the history of the Japanese-Brazilian immigration but still, i don't get it. Everything from the language, culture, cuisine and flora are completely different. Don't twist this into racebait shit I'm just being a history nut
t. brazilian
>>493684The best way to avoid that line of thought is to understand that native speakers make mistakes too. Native speech is messy in any language! Learn some key words like "place", "thing", "situation", "location", etc. so you can fill in gaps in your vocabulary for when you forget something. If you worry too much about sounding perfect you'll just sound artificial. Go with the vibe! It's all a part of the language learning experience.
>pic unrelated No. 493905
>>493847Thank you anon! I actually did a homestay for a semester in rural Japan and I was able to get over my speaking anxiety because it was like… "oh I need to tell my host mom things, I can't worry about how I sound because she needs to know XYZ thing" and everything fell into place afterwards and I picked up so much and improved so much in just those few months… then I came back to the states and fell out of practice and everything fell apart haha.
I hope I'll be able to become even halfway as comfortable as I used to be…!!
Also I snorted loudly when I finally saw the mirror in your pic lol…
No. 493942
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Virgin Billie Eilish v. Chad Ariana Grande
No. 493982
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cannot stop laughing at this and needed to share with someone
No. 493985
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>>493982thanks anon but consider also this
No. 494024
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Can someone please put into words why this is fucking hilarious?
I'm trying to explain to my older, foreign coworker why this is so funny but she doesn't get it. I don't know how to explain it. I just think it's really stupid and dumb humor. Or maybe it's just that my brain is so rotted from internet memes lol
No. 494034
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>>493982>>493985A while back for some reason I managed to get really deep into some orchestra memes, especially trombone section ones. I have no idea why. I've never been a part of an orchestra
No. 494074
>>494024I hate how this exact kind of sense of humor feels catered to me but I could never describe why I think it's so funny. I guess "so absurd its funny" like
>>494026 said is the closest you can get.
No. 494111
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>>494024it's just nonsensical silliness. we know what it's really called, so when we see some silly alternate, idk, it just does something for us. reminds me of these. idk why but they give me a little laugh.
No. 494129
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I… have no words.
No. 494136
>>494129Yeah Bob, because they're all dead.
On a more serious note, allergies can develop depending on what the child is fed and what surroundings it lives in, but it's also genetic.
I have noticed that kids from countries where people normally spend a lot of time indoors, socialize less and rely mostly on supermarket food tend to be more allergic and gluten-intolerant but it could very well be just Anglo and Scandinavian genetics I suppose.
No. 494235
>>494024Pretty much what
>>494026 said, it takes you by surprise and plays with your expectations so your reaction is to first be confused and then laugh. Laughter is usually linked to surprise which is why the key element of comedy is good timing, however I personally feel that overanalyzing why things are funny often dilutes the comedy.
that image is funny as shit tho and I actually giggled out loud at it
No. 494298
>>494296by the way I corrected it to all americans because all americans do that race baiting shit and it's obvious.
anyways i just can't relate to male online culture at all,i disagree with literally everything they say and they penalize me for it.
No. 494318
>>494313I had it worse during childhood, in adulthood i cottoned on and learned to hide it/work on stopping it.
think I inherited it too? does ADHD or anxiety run in your family anon?
a lot of weird ritualistic shit my mum does I have picked up. wish I was born in a fucken bubble and raised by aliens.
No. 494326
>>494318My mum tends to overthink, and worry excessively and my dad does seem to have some obsessions but he hides it pretty well.
I think he mentioned that one of his parents was obsessed with health, so it does run in the family.
During my childhood it was more about compulsions but now it's almost always obsessive thoughts, which has been making my life to fucking hell.
I wish i could just be like a regular person for once who just worries about actual important things.
When i tell people, they're almost always like "oh yeah i'm an overthinker, too!" so i kinda go with it now, i or don't tell anyone about it anymore.
No. 494332
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No. 494505
>>494473>>494494i don't have a problem personally with the "nigger", "nigga" board culture thing when it was, you know, 9-10 years ago. first of all, it's fucking lame to keep using it when we know political landscapes have drastically shifted, and it seems like it's trying REALLY hard to hark back to a time of "old internet culture". it's just not organic anymore. it was never totally kosher to use it, but it wasn't as politically charged back then, the racism on the boards wasn't as obvious, intentional and sought to be spread in the way it is now. it's just totally different and lame to use it still, imo. i get the "board culture" thing, but like, it makes them seem like children trying too hard to integrate based on an old idea of the chans, or a 33 yo that can't let go.
No. 494528
>>494518This. Back in 2004 4chan was edgy and based on cynicism and dark humor, but it wasn't politically charged at all. Everyone got made fun of equally because they were counter-culture and based on having fun without limiting borders. I know it's hard to imagine for zoomers who have only seen the controversial board culture of the 2010s but back in the day something like the "nigga stole my bike" meme was done because it was a funny misinterpretation of a screen from a video game, not a politically charged attack towards black people. I was in my teens in the early to mid 2000s and I shit you not, I could reveal my gender on 4chan without a ton of "whores need to get back in the kitchen" or "tits or gtfo" replies showered on me. The only even remotely similar meme was "there are no women on the internet" but it was done to make fun of basement-dwelling male nerds posing as women to fuck around with people, not to demean women themselves.
Now it's just a disaster of straight out sexism, racism, homophobia and every meme is derived from spiteful intentions. It's still counter-culture, but a reactionary one towards the mainstream PC discourse which I hate as well. Everything on the internet is way too politically involved these days, now I have to take my escapism to the real world instead.
No. 494538
>>494528I think you're being nostalgic because 4chan has always been a misogynist hellhole where scrots can masturbate over how much they hate anyone female. Early on they had loli and guro boards.
The general level of political hatred has increased through the years though, yes.
No. 494544
>>494541Why do you think so? I unfortunately visited the guro board, which was of course filled with misogynist porn.
Anyway, I am glad I never got that extreme reactivity disease a lot of long term users get. It made me scared and hateful towards scrots as a teen though.
No. 494573
>>494550>>494546>>494544>>494541>>494538anyways, original talk was about the racism. the racism is much worse. 4chan was always misogynistic, but it was never as bad as it is today, just as a general tone throughout the site and throughout like, all chans. the tone is sooooo much more malignant towards groups (women, blacks, jews, and just anyone that isn't white, really) throughout the entire site. everything was nowhere near as bad as today, that's the important part. the nigger/nigga shit wasn't genuinely racially charged because the boards were nowhere near as politically/racially minded and just generally hateful wrt groups. they are nothing but hateful now and they are spreading their ideologies to convert people through "humor" and through that veneer of plausible deniability that was once kind of actually
valid in the past, because it really was mostly just humorous and not about race in the past. it's really stupid to use it now knowing that board culture now is so political, but it was definitely different before.
No. 494711
>>494573I think this is a nice way of thinking about it, but it's effectively wrong
A lot of the racism that exists today is directly stemming from the racism that was there before–people actually started coming to 4chan so they could be racist, and for some reason you think that has anything to do with a specific political spectrum
The whole "nigga/nigger" dichotomy is flawed, I remember thinking 4chan wasn't as racist as people think because quite a few people expressed the view "nigger doesn't mean black person, nigger just means stupid person, anyone can be a nigger"–but that's not actually accurate nor does it represent anything truthful.
I thought the same thing when it came to the whole idea that everyone was a faggot. People new to the site were newfags, people one the site from the beginning were oldfags, it's just edgy humor that isn't really about shitting on gay people. But it really still is.
You can't escape the racism on 4chan and even if you go back 10-15 years from today, everyone who claims to be black/minority/gay/lbt and is okay with the whole edgy humor thing absolutely reeks of the same kind of "pick me" bullshit we get with conservative women sticking up for shitty awful men
Regardless of how people acted, then and now, you'd still be a nigger even if you did everything right to try to escape that.
I've been on 4chan since 2007-8 if that means anything
You're right, 4chan is a completely different beast now–but it's not worse, it's just less subtle which is more often than not really fucking exhausting
No. 494715
Not really a vent, so I guess this goes here.
There's this really cute local-ish grocery store. Caters to mostly an asian/international community, but it's close to a university so it's really modern and sleek. I love it because I can buy freshly made Donburi, Macarons, and south American soda in one trip.
But there's this new(?) worker who is weirding me out. Nothing sexual, he's just so awkward and I never want to see him again.
The first time, I bought a few cans of "Inca Kola" and he took like an extra couple minute just to look over the can, assumedly because he never saw it. I obliged and told him a bit more about it, but really the social cue was "please hurry up and ring my stuff up". He took it kindly, and as a joke he pretended that he was going to keep it by stuffing it in his jacket. It wasn't like, deep within his jacket, but it was popping out of his half zipped jacked inbetween that and his undershirt. Naturally I thought this was disgusting and washed the can when I got home–who the fuck does that? I put my mouth on that?
I really wanted to tell him off or at least demand that I switch the can, but I was too stunned at the moment from the sheer weirdness to think of that right away.
The next time, I see him and I swerve hard. So hard, he had nobody in line at his register and I immediately turn to this older, asian granny who takes forever to ring stuff up. All of my stuff is in my hands, so I put it on the counter next to the register while the granny finishes with another guest. He looks over and I pretend it's too much of a hassle to go over to him "I'll just wait over here" I say. He doesn't take the hint and does the "nice thing"
He grabs a basket, walks over, puts all of my stuff in his basket, and walks back. This is while another customer just starts to get in line. So now, he's created this awkward situation where I'm in line about to get my stuff checked out, another customer is in his line, but now the customer in his line has to wait because he can't just fuck off.
I don't say anything directly to him, but I face the customer and apologize to try to say "hey bud, you fucked up"–but I really doubt he got the hint. At the very least, he seemed slightly pissed off, so he didn't say anything.
Fuck that guy. That's weird, right? That's just weird.
No. 494717
>>494523I don't know if this helps, but commercial CBD isn't as regulated as it could be, which means that businesses don't really have to keep track of how much they put in their products.
I can't say I've had any experience with CBD, but I've seen a few tests and quite a few products claim to have amounts of CBD in them but the actual amount differs–both far over and under what is listed.
No. 494805
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Settle something for me, doesn’t this actress Park Jin Joo totally look like she has FAS?
No. 494868
File: 1576492809958.jpeg (146.93 KB, 1300x855, 66F63525-9421-4F73-B384-54A3A8…)

you cannot possibly comprehend my absolute fucking delight upon seeing a dog sleep like this. it is so insanely cute it breaks my heart. my dog sleeps like this a lot and i adore it. it's even better when he's having a dream and does little bubble barks in his sleep. SO cute.
No. 494893
>>494805Wide set eyes, long septum and thin lips indicate yes but tbh if it actually is FAS it's the mildest I've ever seen. Quite probable it's just her face.
Speaking of which isn't FAS so weird. Sometimes you'll meet someone and their face tells you 'my mom drunk while I was a baby' and they might not even be aware of it.
No. 494987
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Was about to vent, but this picture sums it all up pretty well
No. 495005
File: 1576531087312.jpg (55.56 KB, 506x600, kitten-licking-his-siblings-ch…)

The kitten I'm looking after keeps waking me up by licking my face and ears, fuck.
>wakes me up
>kinda hurts
I know she's only doing it because she's comfortable and she likes me but I need to sleep damn it, I have work.
No. 495026
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>>495005Awwww. I'd like to have a cuddly kitten.
No. 495104
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There's so much going on in this headline
No. 495195
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>tfw its been a year since anyone has posted on the Positivity Thread
No. 495198
I know it's stupid to care but my instagram followers keep dropping even though I've been making an effort to post quality content people actually like, I'm proud of the stuff I've been sharing and I'm not even being spammy. I literally never get new followers anymore even though my posts perform pretty well and it just makes me feel bad. The only people that follow me now are doing it to get me to follow, and they immediately unfollow later. I'm not playing any of those stupid games, I just don't understand why people seem to regularly enjoy my content but don't follow me.
>>495195Not since I naively clicked on this video
>>494937 no
No. 495202
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>>495195I'm actually OP of that thread and I made it while in the depths of my depression while a student studying abroad. It made me so happy that people were posting on it and sometimes I want to necro it but I'm scared mods will yell at me for necroing lol
No. 495225
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Hey guys, so i always wanted a long furby for a while but they tend to get a little pricey from time to time. Do you guys know where to find them with an affordable price? I dont know how to sew and live outside of the us so it can be a little tricky for me to get my hands on one of these bad bois. Thank u in advance!!!
No. 495344
File: 1576613378279.gif (1.98 MB, 500x401, tumblr_9b215f961d788faf190367e…)

I just watched The good, the bad and the ugly and it was great!
Clint was a cutie
No. 495345
>>495202If You Bump It, They Will Come anon.
That's to say, I'm sure other anons will react kindly to your positivity. It's coming from a genuine place.
Also sometimes mods redtext a thread or a (necro) post but other anons don't care/aren't deterred and carry on conversing anyways. ALSO also it would be v funny to see a mod on this website in particular ban someone for being positive. It's part of the charm here right? lol
No. 495361
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>>495208>>495218>>495345Thank you anons! I bumped it and I hope more anons will share good things happening in their lives. It's so weird to come on this site of all places for good feels, but I really love reading people's posts about when good shit happens to them.
Also yes that would absolutely be hilarious if I got redtexted for just trying to be positive hahaha
No. 495364
>>495350Oooh i didn't know there was a trilogy!
Looks like I'll be busy heh
No. 495431
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I miss the days of being a One Direction stan.
No. 495716 this from more lolcows, pls post 'm. I love them.
>>495361What is this type of meme called? How do people make it? It's kawaii as fuck.
No. 495722
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>>495716I have no idea haha I usually google 'cat/dog heart meme' on google images and a couple of them pop up!
No. 495816
>>495804Not for fucking music industry gangsters going from potentially 40-60+ years in prison just to 1 year in prison
I don't know any non politican/highly connected family person in other Western countries that would get that
No. 495835
>>495770tbf in europe he wouldn't get any persecutions at all, they love fucking kids (age of consent is 14 in germany lmfao) and there dating a 14 year old as a 20 y old is normall
i like the medieval age of consent laws in the usa, i hate progressive sex positivity that libfeminists forced to brainwash young girls with.
No. 495843
>>495835oh he didnt go to jail for being a child molester
he went to jail for gang shit
No. 495846
>>495835most EU countries have 15 or 16 as age of consent, not 14 (which is reasonable because teens at that age have sex).
Also in my part of Europe a 14 y/o dating a 20 y/o would not be socially acceptable, please stop over generalizing Europe.
No. 495851
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>>495846>not socially acceptable >not socially acceptableSure jan, but do stay on american twitter because as I said america's medieval age of consent laws is the only thing good about the usa.
>>495843I heard he snitched le gang, will he get murdered?
No. 495853
>>495846Also what's the difference between a 14 y o, a 15 y o and a 16 y o?
Oh yeah I know, a coping europoor LOL.
No. 495926
>>495920This. I hate smug eurofags (and other non Americans) who act like they’re so better than Americans when in reality, they suffer similar problems as we do. If not the same. Lolcow seems infested with them, for some reason.
If you’re gonna criticize us, as at least don’t be a hypocrite about it.
No. 495941
>>495928I’ve been outside the U.S multiple tiimes. And how is traveling outside my country supposed to convince me that European aren’t hypocrites at times? Every country has obnoxious people who think their shit doesn’t stink.
>>495935I’m actually from a big city. But stay salty.
No. 495956
>>495947I absolutely agree that America sucks. I never said that it didn’t. It just that a lot of shit that I’ve seen on lolcow in regards to criticizing American culture sounds stupid and uninformed. Some of the shit I’ve seen on this site:
>Americans are obsessed with plastic surgery! Unlike us! (This was coming from someone who claimed to be British. Lol)>America is obsessed with sex and degeneracy and normalizes pedophilia>Why does America obsess over Kardashians and people who are famous for no reason?Again, I do agree that American culture partakes in all of the above. But a lot of these posts seemed to imply that it’s an uniquely an American thing, which, I’m sorry, is fucking retarded. That’s what I was getting at in my original post. I know we were talking about laws and criminal sentencing, something completely different from what I just mentioned but my point still stands. Practically every county in the world doesn’t have their shit together is what I’m getting at.
No. 495963
>>495959For real!?
Holly caca, I was so sure that was not going to happen!
No. 495965
>>495963It's up to the Senate now, even if he isn't convicted he's STILL IMPEACHED
No. 496001
>>495995Honestly this plays right into the narrative he's been feeding his supporters from day one. They will rally on this. Dems are playing right into his hands.
If biden wins the nomination (which its obviously early but he's polling quite a bit higher than the rest of the nominees) Its pretty likely there will be a trump 2020. The american far left reallllly don't like moderate democrats like Biden and will just not vote, or vote third party (which is basically just a vote for Trump). Its the same thing that happened in 2016. The far left (which IMO was quite a bit smaller than it is now) really didn't like Hillary, and chose not to vote for her in favor of a third party candidate or just chose not to vote at all.
No. 496076
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Anyone living in Australia I hope you guys are safe from all the bushfires happening. There’s been a lot today especially around where I live and it really breaks my heart to hear about people losing their homes. Hope everyone’s okay out there
No. 496079
>>496001>>496026It seems like impeachment really just is a symbolic practice at this point. For a normal politician
,or at least as normal as any politician ever could be, there's a shame that comes along with it but Trump just always wants to be a
victim so badly. He embodies a misogynistic, white nationalist mindset that confuses their prejudices being challenged as oppression because they're literally fucking retarded.
I'm far left but swallowed my pride and voted for Hillary. I also fucking hate how American loyalties lie within partisanship rather than what's actually right.
No. 496096
There are two foreign youtubers, they're both stupid and lack any self-awareness, one is a toothless illiterate and struggles with simple speech and is an addict. The other is an obese goblin who ran for president once, and had his dog taken away for abuse. They're toxic, immature, rude towards each other and other people. They're unhygienic, they've pissed/shat themselves on camera, the house they live in is a mess, they refuse to work. People pay to come in and film them. Despite objectively knowing this is pathetic, I can't stop watching them. And despite seeing how they act, I almost kinda like them. Now one has moved away and I'm hoping he comes back and they make up soon. They're so terrible together, it's a perfect match. It's like an ironic OTP but maybe not so ironic after all.
No. 496098
>>496088……how can something without a brain even be alive? or do I want to know
>>496096This sounds like /snow/ material
No. 496114
>>496098The Hartley babies had just enough brain matters to
technically be alive, but were effectively sacks of meat. There’s an extensive thread on kiwifarms.
No. 496318
File: 1576788514623.gif (238.83 KB, 220x220, J3.gif)

Apparently my ex is taking his new gf to all the places that he promised me we would visit but never did because he was always oh so busy. Fuck you buddy, just fuuuck you.
No. 496479
>>495995Not really though. If they fail to remove him he'll be seen his supporters as the president that stood against a corrupt deep state, and won. Relevant when alongside a wall this was most of what he promised. Heck, he even tweeted himself, "Go ahead and impeach me, numbskulls, you'll just make yourselves look worse". Then they went ahead with it anyway, and according to the polls, only made themselves look worse. Because obviously, right? Unless there's a smoking gun, which so far there isn't, it just makes Democrats look underhanded, and cowardly, and weak. Any party with the confidence to beat him fair and square with a remotely quality candidate would just do that instead.
No. 496495
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It feels nice to be cool with my ex.
Everything was really fucked up from all angles, and I think most (normal) people would've just ditched each other completely after everything that happened, but we just have fun banter and talk about shared interests, like actual friends. It feels really good.
I knew a full blown relationship was out, but I still didn't want to let them go (and I could kind of tell they didn't want that either). It looks like I didn't have to, in the end. I'm pretty happy. I hope it stays like this.
No. 496627
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I get on lolcow… Talk a little shit.. Get off… Back to life…
No. 496648
>>496641Yeah I hated them because of bullying but I can see why you would hate them because all those stupid teen magazines in the 2000s were filled with ana models with sharp features.
>>496646I guess the good side is that even we don't follow dumb trends people will consider us attractive because of the way we are naturally.
No. 496651
I keep checking the instagram of this boy who my friend (who was the general manager of my last job lmao) fucked while they were both working at my last job (retail store). It was sorta hush-hush drama but I found out through word of mouth because that boy ended up telling a whole bunch of people. My friend has moved back to her home country now for a year (for reasons unrelated to this, although I doubt they would have ever reprimanded her lol), and the boy quit shortly after I did (everyone assumes it was because he was fucking the general manager) but I came across his instagram because he liked one of her posts. I check it every once in a while out of boredom, I don't follow him, and for the past few days he just keeps changing his bio. He used to have a link to my friend's ig for the longest time, then took it off for a few days, yesterday it said something about being blocked by a girl, and today it just says 'it's a great day to piss people off.'
I get the feeling it's about my friend and now it feels like I'm just watching a soap opera. Or like, a soap opera is playing in the other room and I'm just trying to piece the story together every time I happen to walk by and catch less than 30 seconds of it. Just really, really watery milk but it's an entertaining part of my day to pop over to his instagram and see what he's changed his bio to every other day or so.
I haven't talked to this friend since she left the country. Everyone thought we were kinda close, and I thought so too? I didn't even get so much as a 'bye' when she left. We got along really well and hung out on occasion, but thinking back on it, she was a really secretive person and I found out a lot of things I didn't really need to know through other people lol.
No. 496661
>>496652I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!! I try to keep it to myself because I know people around me will be like "why are you still checking his page?" but it's really one of my long time guilty pleasures haha.
Finding his instagram after everything came out was super interesting lol. I realized that some drawings she posted were of him, and she most likely brought him on her out of state trips because I saw he posted a lot of photos of things she had posted on her stories, and he had some cropped pictures that were obviously her haha. I feel sort of bad that he basically got thrown aside as her boytoy, but not that bad because he was insufferable to work with and something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.
No. 496728
>>496725So do I. Not the OTT, stripey kiki-esque styles, but a tonne of teased volume on top and big swept bangs. I think it's flattering.
Too bad I didn't have enough hair as a teenager and couldn't pull it off.
No. 496776
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I can't believe kiki's spergfest is already 3 years old.
Also, I really really really miss Yuri on Ice.
No. 496784
>>496126have you thought about being a youtube personality?
Even doing a sort of timelapse for your art is a good way to create something people can interact with a bit more
hopefully it works out for you, nothing wrong with wanting attention
No. 496799
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>>496776>Also, I really really really miss Yuri on Ice.Ugh yes. They really derailed the hype train with how long it's taking to make this movie, it better be spectacular and have more baldfat than implied.
No. 496828
>>496804>>496799>>496776I miss the love for this series.
Pretty sure the threads on /a/ cured my depression for three months. And then made it worse for three years.
No. 496866
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>>496828Those threads are my last good memory of 4chan, and the only possible reason I'd ever go back there
No. 496871
>>496866bless best boy georgi
bless you too, anons. it was a simpler time
No. 496909
>>496866To go into /ot/ and see best boi Georgi in the first page is a blessing. Thank you Anon.
>>496864>>496828I personally have a mix of both. God it was a wild, fun ride
and how much the fujo shitposting of the show pissed my ex friends off was damn fucking delicious. Those threads were the closest thing I had to actual e-friends for 3 months ;w; No. 496950
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>>496799>>496804>>496828>>496864>>496866>>496871>>496909Me too anons, me too. I never had this much fun on 4chan after it ended, even with the hetfags in denial and shitposters using Fairy for their weird infighting attempts. But I'm content the movie will be beautiful and we'll rejoice once again.
>>496933A-Any day now.
Never. Absolutely never. No. 496962
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>>496949It's everyday bro
No. 496986
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This image fills me with disgust
No. 497005
>>496950The drawfag Anon was the shit. I still got their stuff saved somewhere within my hard drive.
>The fairy shitposting Oh God you made me remember that. Fairyfags were a weird bunch.
No. 497006
>>496986That documentary made me so angry. Especially where his male lawyer is talking over the woman who’s trying to bring up him up on charges.
The parts where he’s clearly caught in his own bullshit were funny though.
No. 497009
>>496948I think if you don't have a full blown autism diagnosis you just should keep going on unless it literally stains your ability to socialize. In that case, therapy and extra help may be a good idea.
In my case I do check many symptoms for the autism spectrum, but I was severely isolated as a kid and that's most likely what fucked my ability for social interaction for some years, so I take the whole thing with a grain of salt.
No. 497018
>>497007They're not orbiters though, they're guys I like and I'm willing to fuck if they behave. So far no drama, they know I will drop them at the first sign.
>>497016They know they are not the only men in my life but they don't know each other. We chat every other day and meet once or twice a month with each one to have dates and sex. Just like fwb but I see no reason to stop at one. I don't plan to introduce them to one another or have threesomes or stuff like that.
No. 497031
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Me after watching three Trey the Explainer videos
No. 497045
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I got like 3 hours of sleep and my dumbass decided to drink coffee at 11, I’ve been awake since 9 AM its 4 now and my body is rapidly giving up on me but I have family over so what the fuck
No. 497060
>>497049You're coping and here's why. First of all, the risks of actually having a scrote harem is way too high. What if one of them finds out that theres other guys and goes completely crazy? Also theres an extremely high chance they don't respect you and don't see you as fully human because you give them pussy for free. And for scrotes no woman is lower for them than one who gives it up for free. They're not your whores, you're their whore. Spinning this into some grand feminist act is the biggest cope. The only
valid way to have sex with men is if they give you lots of money and stuff for it.
Why buy cow if milk is free?
No. 497107
>>497105I know you'll cope, but I'm actually a bystander to this and what you said is disgusting. You don't care about anyone else's self respect, you just want to feel superior and not fucking men is a
real low bar for that…….
>>497106Might be a maleposter forgetting their LARP.
No. 497109
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I have finally accepted that I am a naive dumb baby
No. 497117
>>497112Okay, I was wrong, but
>>497060 wasn't me. But I still agree that having a fwb/casual sex is basically giving men what they want- free sex with none of the responsibility, emotional labor or commitment attached. A woman having casual sex with a man might think it's just fun sex with a friend but most men don't see it that way. They usually see sex with no responsibilities as an accomplishment and a woman is like an object that they won. There's a reason it's called being a "player" and "having game". In other words, they see you as a slut who is worth having sex with but not worth investing time/labor/commitment with. They will leave as soon as a woman they deem worthy of their commitment comes along and forget you ever existed. At least if a man is giving you money/gifts then you have gained something material out of it.
I'm sure there are probably some men out there who can have a mutual understanding with a woman that he respects and have a no-strings-attached sexual relationship with her, but they are rare.
That being said I hate the phrase "why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free". It's cringey and objectifying.
No. 497125
>>497116>Recognize that my opinion is not some ~repugnant~ extremist view and a lot of women share.The average women who'd hate on a woman for having casual sex do it because of, ironically, internalized misogyny and conservative opinions lmao.
>But go ahead and call me some unhinged, overly pinkpilled retard. At least I'm not delusional.Well yeah you've fried your brain with an image board echochamber to the extent that you think you're in some sad win/lose gender war scenario where anything good that happens to a man is a bad thing happening to you.
Feel free to never talk to a man ever again but it's mega cringe when you get so pinkpilled you loop back around to basically being a tradthot who slut shames women for not having traditional gender dynamics of only having sex when you're financially dependent on a man which as we all know is the real empowering situation.
No. 497141
>>497117Ntayrt but who cares what men "see" in it? Can't women just be complete humans with their own sexual desires and agendas, who may tire of the drudgery of pursuing a relationship, and just want the temporary intimacy with no mental load/duty attached?
You're not giving women any respect, dignity, or self worth by saying those things.
"Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free."
Who gave grandma Esther the keyboard tonight? Imagine yelling at women to value themselves while drawing comparisons of them to lactating milk cows for sale.
No. 497158
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Absolutely hate the face of this drawing for the 2020 thread. No idea why I find it so unbelievably unappealing, but I grimace at it every time I pass that thread.
No. 497179
>>497176fucked up people come in all shapes and forms
there was this tumblr artist who used to draw zombie/ghoul gore porn on tumblr and she legit looks like a instamodel
No. 497196
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I feel like I should kill myself. I'm 25 and I've been trying to get better at drawing for years but I don't draw every day and there have been many years where I just lose motivation altogether and stop drawing for a long time (yeah I know big mistake) because I feel like I'm so bad at drawing and that I'm such a loser and I will never get better at it. I wish I could've taken some classes in uni because they push me to actually draw but I was never able to and I have one semester left until graduation. I feel like I will never be good. I have never really finished anything.
No. 497197
>>497106The women who always say they enjoy the sex rarely even get orgasms out of it meanwhile the guy gets endless free blowjobs and also orgasms from PIV. Most likely they're on the pill too, which means decreased pleasure/sensitivity for most women and also actual harmful side effects. Even then, BC is not 100% effective, so she's always putting herself at risk so she can have subpar sex in most cases. Great. Casual sex is almost always at the detriment of the women unless he gets her off as many times, or more than him.
But really, how many men are willing to do that for casual fucks and FWB? Not many.
No. 497199
>>497197You act like all women are spellbound to men. You can ditch em any time if they don't please you. Can be said for any type of relationship but it's especially true for those.
It's not farfetched to believe that women keep these men around because they get something from it. Validation, companionship for the evening, apparently the rare gud secks.
Let independent women pick and choose for once, since heaven knows we didn't even get most standard rights up until recent history.
No. 497208
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>>497196I'm going to level with you, anon: a lot of
career artists will tell you that going to college for art isn't necessary, and they're mostly right. As someone
in art school right now, the biggest benefit is the industry connections, and even
those can be acquired without college if you're tenacious enough.
All you need to get good at art is discipline. Some people need discipline from an outside source (like a college class/professor), and others don't. If you're someone who doesn't, you can literally just teach yourself how to draw using books.
If it makes you feel better, I'm in art school and sometimes I want to kill myself out of sheer anxiety that I've wasted my money on this degree and I'll never land an actual art job. And I'm told decent at drawing! If you're an artist, the fear that you're not good enough never really goes away, no matter how good you get or however many classes you take. It sucks, but it's a good motivator. When I feel like I suck it drives me to improve– it's way better to think that you suck than it is to think that you're great.
Art is an inherently stressful career, I suppose. In your specific situation, I think you'll be much happier if you just do it on the side for a while and slowly build up your skills. Don't stress about time. I know people who didn't get their art published in books until they were ten years out of college.
Sorry if I made things worse, anon. All I'm saying is that I really relate to what you're experiencing.
No. 497221
>>497218I mean, I wouldn't want to have sex with a guy who sees me as a fuckhole to be discarded, which is most guys, but if you're fine with that then go for it. I wouldn't want it because I don't like feeling used even if it was pleasurable. not to mention most guys are bad in bed, and you don't know if he's bad in bed til you fuck him which means you'll have to fuck a ton of guys til you find one who's good at it, all the while wasting time and risking STDs/pregnancy and by the time you find one is it even worth it? on top of that casual sex spreads STDs into the population, and STDs are getting stronger becoming harder to treat (super gonorrhea). but don't listen to me, I'm just a salty bitch.
>jealousuhhh, why would we be jealous of someone who has casual sex with men who don't respect you? any of us could go to a bar and get laid because men are desperate for sex and don't want to commit. I'm jealous of women in committed relationships with good men because that's actually difficult to accomplish.
No. 497224
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>>497221>committed relationships with good menlbr that's nothing to be jealous of either. Their goodness and commitment is conditional, it only lasts for as long as the woman is attractive and useful to him. Get old or sick? Chances are he will seek greener pastures. And you stand to lose a LOT MORE from a marriage with combined finances and especially with kids, it has the potential to be far more life ruining than a fuckbuddy or ONS.
I, for one, am only jealous of lesbians.
No. 497225
>>497221I also want to add that the men who you're going to be sleeping with probably don't deserve it, and it's just going to inflate their egos.
>>497224yeah, that's a good point. I'm jealous of lesbians, bisexuals and of women with men who do don't leave when the woman gets sick/old but that's incredibly rare, I might as well wish for a unicorn
No. 497231
>>497221I don't think you really read my post. I wrote "jealous men", you know the ones reading image boards for women and not getting laid.
And again, it's one thing to be concerned about risks which I am too since I don't sleep around but what's up with the hostility in this thread towards those other anons instead of concern?
No. 497286
>>497199But like, why take the chance? If you even find one who is somewhat decent, you've already went through an obscene number of them. Having sex with so many people is risky and unhealthy. Also women shouldn't get validation from sex anyway… like that Anon said men are desperate for it. They'd fuck a month old chicken sandwich. It's silly to base any part of your confidence on what they think.
>>497218I think it comes from a good place. It's like watching a friend engaging in self-destructive behaviors but they think it's good for them, of course you're going to get worried and a little upset.
>>497224>>497225Ok, but those aren't good men and that wasn't what that anon was talking about. I'm not saying this is the woman's fault, but a lot of time they commit to shitty men and don't realize until it's too late that he doesn't really give a shit about her. That's why shit like that pic happens and why being "picky" is so important. What I'm saying is, this is easy to avoid if you dump them at showing any signs of low empathy/selfishness and only look at their actions, not their words. A lot of women look past subtle red flags even when it feels wrong and that's why they end up in these relationships. They don't trust their gut instinct.
No. 497296
>>489135>>497183The zombie gore porn one actually seemed to be VERY into it, she even had a small collection of themed sex toys and spoke in the classic “yes i am very turned on by this” tone you usually see in genuine weirdos.
No everything is about men tbh.
No. 497297
>>497292>haremLMAO. Keep being delusional.
>an anon who doesn't seem to give a fuck.They all do eventually. When they get old enough they realize it wasn't fucking worth it and the men got way pleasure out of it than they did anyway. Keep risking yourself and your body to have subpar sex though, you go girl.
No. 497301
>>497299It's just a
triggered incel trying to convert anon to "nice guys".
No. 497307
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>>497297Yes, these roasties will hit the wall for sure, just you wait. And then they will all come flocking to supreme gentlemen with tears in their eyes, because they spent their youth fucking chads instead of staying in the kitchen like these walking fleshlights should.
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Posts with a shit ton of (you)'s are satisfying to look at
No. 497323
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>>497208Aw no that didn't make me feel worse. It actually made me feel a little better. Thank you for the kind words anon. I have been self-teaching myself and sometimes through online courses but I lose interest very quickly. I still think I would benefit from some in-person courses if they don't cost a lot. Thank you for the perspective. I always gets so intimidated and jealous by all of these great artists but I know it takes continuous practice. Thanks again, your reply was comforting!
No. 497329
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I love when I'm scrolling through /snow/ or /w/ and come across things that make no sense out of context.
No. 497411
>>497385that's why i said it's starting. the trend is being noticed on japanese female boards. especially with the switch allowing all content ratings, it's become flooded with cashgrab bl.
>>497394it's a problem because the quality of the content goes down. i'm all for having stuff in the mainstream, but when it ends up a saturated market we'll be left with nothing but calculated crap to get us to buy shit.
it's just a worry i have based on some recent things.
No. 497443
>>497411>>497377>BL>mainstreamIdk about JP but the rest of East Asia, BL economy is booming but it will never be mainstream like sexist shounen/shoujo shit due to censorship. They don't give a fuck about otaku women. But because of that, right now we have women creating their own shit and funding their own big dick ops with the power of organic fujo communities (even in China where BL is pretty damn over-ground and corporatized).
I can't believe how advanced and diverse "silly female interest" has come into its own as an established culture and still manages to be grassroots. I'm loving it.
No. 497469
>>497443Yeah BL will never become "mainstream" because it's still a niche looked down upon. Just because the content is more accessible and shows I can count on one hand have had canongay characters doesn't mean it's becoming "mainstream". Sure franchises might pander to the BL crowd by including fujobait but as for actually gay characters, you still have to go for the actual BL content created by fellow fujo authors. The big money company-born ones leave the gayness vague enough to catch the heterosexual otomefag market which is much bigger in size (and thus profit) than the fujos are.
And come on anon
>>497411 even if this was the case, BL has never been 100% good, there has always been hit&misses. Just skip shitty releases and support dedicated authors.
No. 497516
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>>497502A little bit of a tangent, but I was thinking about something related to this, but with woke white people, because a personal lolcow of mine retweeted pic related and it made me snort. It's always the most try-hard woke BLM genderspecial kweer flakes who are the most thirsty for boring white dudes. They'll always be retweeting or reblogging pictures of "safe" popular non-white models and actors and going all YES QUEEN YES KING SLAY UGH SO SEXY STEP ON ME WHITE PEOPLE ARE SO UGLY to pay their lip service and make sure the internet knows how amazingly woke and not racist they are for finding a Brown Person (TM) sexy, and then turn around and slobber exclusively over white male celebrities/characters.
It's like what they say about "the guilty dog barks first". Just admit you're like every other thirsty nerd girl who likes her 2D husbandos and shut up about bullshit representation that we know you don't care about.
No. 497523
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>>497393If you can recommend good otome CDs that don't have stupid as fuck dialogues and can be found online easily post them.
No. 497526
>>497516Holy shit, I’ve noticed this too!
It’s embarrassing how easy it is to see through their fake wokeness. And it’s always fucking Dimitri too lmao
So much for all that excitement about Claude.
No. 497527
>>497526It was fake excitement from the start. I don't know if you've noticed how they make Claude ooc almost all the time just so they can pretend they actually care about him. I've noticed the same thing with Edelgard receiving the "yass lesbian queen slay" treatment and her fans justifying her actions all the time because they don't care about her actual character, they just virtue signal or she's their cute poster girl waifu.
Meanwhile you have Dedue and Petra being ignored by the fans because "uuh they were badly written I guess? idk lol I'm a white American but I feel like they were badly written because IS are perverts and racist somehow!"
No. 497528
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>>497526Yep, always Dimitri, or sometimes Sylvain or Felix. My personal lolcow is a shoe0nhead-esque "bisexual" and fakeboi who hopped on the tranny bandwagon because she's a hopeless basic fujo. It always makes me laugh seeing her virtue signaling "omg uwu I love girls they're so pwetty and soft" posts meanwhile all she does is look at fanart of Felix and Dimitri or Felix and Sylvain fucking each other in the ass. Oh, b-but she's definitely attracted to women too, look, she retweeted some waifufag's big tiddy art of Edelgard! So gay, so woke!
No. 497538
>>497528>My personal lolcow is a shoe0nhead-esque "bisexual" and fakeboi who hopped on the tranny bandwagon because she's a hopeless basic fujo.As soon as i read this like a bunch of personal cows came to mind. These fujo cows seem to be pretty cookie-cutter these days.
>>497516kek i love how she mentions being a ~bisexual woman of color~ as if that matters. Also aren't these the exact type of people flocking towards Raihan from Pokemon?
No. 497540
>>497534Twitter, but it's a personal account with like barely 100 followers and she's really not that milky online. I fear I would out myself if I linked to her shit, plus like
>>497538 she's a dime a dozen, it's just funny cause I know her personally.
No. 497545
>>497502I've never dated a black man, and I purposely avoid them, because I prefer guys who remind me of anime characters. It's just a preference. Also, they're kind of horrible in character. IMO, the same goes for Arab and Indian men, but at least society doesn't expect me to touch them with a ten-foot pole. I've heard and witnessed too many disgusting things to put myself through that. I might get with a mixed guy, at most.
The only reason to ever be pro-black is for the sake of black women and children. Men in general are already pretty bad, but I think black men are some of the worst to deal with.
>>497536I always feel weird about this, because I guess I'm "supposed" to be jealous, but I don't really mind. I'd be a hypocrite to be bothered, since it's not like I want black men. To each their own. The only time I feel negatively is if the guys are the type to publicly talk shit about black women, while the girlfriend gets an ego boost for being "not like the other (read: black) girls".
Also, from personal experience, those guys seem to seethe the hardest when black women date out, for some reason. They're not bothered about being hypocrites. They can go on tangents about how black women are bottom of the barrel, but then, when we date men who actually do like us, they scream "bedwench", like we owe them something.
Honestly, if black women so awful, why should the "lucky" conventionally attractive, upper-middle class and/or smart ones punish their future daughters by procreating with black men (who are more
abusive, achieve less in life, and are far more likely to commit crime than black women)? Isn't that effectively squandering their good genetics and killing their potential? You can't have it both ways.
No. 497550
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>>497527Exactly! When all the fanart started showing up, the only thing I ever saw about Claude were mostly memes about him making fun of Dimitri/other characters for being white or about him being poc. Seemed like they only used him just for the woke jokes then completely ditched him for Dimitri when they wanted to do actual ship/fandom shit.
That was my experience anyway.
With that said, I’m happy to see there seems to be genuine interest in characters like Raihan from Pokémon. There’s so much lovely fanart of him, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people are trying to pull the same shit with him too.
I just love him so much he doesn’t deserve the disrespect gdi No. 497555
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Alrighty, finished the whole dollars trilogy and im officially crushing on clint, about 60 years late lol
No. 497557
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I've been browsing Lolcow since 2014 or 2015, so I've seen my fair share of posts from suicidal farmers throughout the years. Sometimes I wonder how many of them actually went through it, how many farmers are now dead. I wonder if I had positive interactions with them, if they posted something that made me smile or laugh, if our paths ever crossed in some way, no matter how small. It makes me sad.
I know that this is just a random post from a stranger on the internet, but if you're in a rough spot, please consider seeking help. You might not see it now, but there's a way to turn it around, there's a better future, there's better people to surround yourself with, who want to see you happy.
No. 497585
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James Charles looks like he could be the fourth Property Brother
No. 497586
>>497555Put him in the husbando thread! Also, brb gonna go watch it
>>497557You’re not the only one anon. I really care about all you girls so much honestly.
No. 497590
>>497528For a second I thought I wrote this post LMAO other anons are right, those types of fujos are really cookie cutter.
>>497520NTA but I know exactly what you're explaining. I've said this before in a similar way, like they basically exploit non-whites for congratulatory points between each other, but not actually caring about them. Same kind of people who freely share and retweet articles featuring photos and videos of some brown guy getting beaten to a pulp as a means to
prove they're woke enough to put this harsh reality on their social media timeline.
No. 497597
>>497563African-American men date out more often than the women. In fact, a lot of them go full pick-me and try to discourage other AA women from dating interracially.
I think if it's such a big deal, all the Africans who move to the US can make up for it. AA women who only want black men can just look to African men. They have their own set of problems, but they're financially more successful, are better-educated and commit less crime than African-American men.
At the end of the day, all the races we know today only exist because of various groups blending together, anyway. The entire world will be shuffled and mixed into brand new races sooner or later, and trying to stop time because we're afraid of disappearing is a waste of time. The only way for black Americans, or any other racial group, to truly end is if they are all killed by genocide, war or disease. All mixing does is carry on their genes along with other people's.
(racebait) No. 497598
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i found a really old post i made on a harvest moon forums talking about and rating all the husbandos you could have in one of the games. it's EXTREMELY long and pretty hilarious. it's crazy how childish i sound despite the fact that i was about 16/17 when i wrote the post, lol. guess i was more autismal than i thought. also i apparently really hated one of the husbandos even though i got back into this harvest moon game recently and didnt have any problem with him lmao. it's just cool finding these type of old things on the internet, it's like a time capsule.
No. 497600
>>497586Husbando thread is for 2d only i think
All three movies are on yt btw, and have been for years
No. 497615
>>497613I have always have had large and very saggy breasts with a large areola and I can't put into words the absolute mental anguish and self loathing I felt all throughout my teen years and especially when it first hit me that males and even women would find my boobs absolutely disgusting and repulsive, that I would never be seen as desirable or even a real woman because of my saggy tits. I literally can not explain the extreme self hatred I felt towards myself and especially every time a scrote started to casually talk about how gross saggy breasts are or about how they "don't count". I'm 22 now and I've kind of come to terms with them now but you can't imagine what it was like. Even my goddamn gyno tried to talk me into a boob job at age 17.
Also, I understand board culture and everything but it still stings when girls on here rip apart a cow for having saggy tits. I mean I get it but I also can't help being reminded of the fact that my boob shape is seen as the absolute worst shape there is by both males and women.
No. 497631
>>497628I'm always thinking about what type of male would even be loving towards womens bodies. Millennial males are pornsick cumbrains ruined by constant pandering towards them through the internet and they're literally the worst misogynists I've ever come across. Boomer males are not as corrupted by porn but also have a lot of disdain and contempt in them for women who are too skinny/fat and not pretty enough for them. They're especially judgemental towards plastic surgery too. Zoomer scrotes are still pretty young but are already displaying their porn addictions and cumbrain behavior all over the internet. They're not as obsessed with thinness as millennial males but the only non-thin women they'd consider are thicc insta baddies which is also an unattainable look.
Almost forgot about gen x. I honestly have no clue but I've heard from other women that a lot of them are absolute sociopaths and I can see it.
No. 497637
>>497631I'd take boomers who don't want fake or too skinny/too fat bodies over millennial and gen z males who go into in dept analysations of women's bodies in order to nitpick. Hell even boomers didn't shit themselves if women had bushes/puffy nipples/saggy boobs/skin imperfections/outtie labias/non flat stomachs. On top of that most of them are able to support women financially. Nowadays you have to support the man but also be insanely nitpicked while also having to accept muh dad bad, suspicious smells, greasy hair and acne.
The 50s had it's issues and it wasn't perfect but God damnit at least sex was good enough
No. 497639
>>497597You're missing the point that races exist not only due to sexual selection but also natural selection. Races of humans are different because they evolved to thrive in different environments.
>>497615If you're still bothered by it start lifting weights. Having extra muscle beneath the breast tissue will negate sagging.
No. 497657
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>>497650Nta, but my parents, King and Queen Boomer, grew up in the late 60s-70s when having a bush both up top and downstairs was all the rage and porn was becoming more mainstream (with the iconic "porno music" we now think of), and looking natural and slightly dishevelled was popular. There was Playboy and other titty magazines but things were a lot tamer compared to now and people were significantly less repressed than in the 50s. They did have it a lot better in the sense of men being grateful for what they get, compared to now.
No. 497660
>>497650>>497650Some couples yes but not for the most part. Men would sexualize their own wives hence why you tend to find a lot of dirty Polaroids from the era of men's wives. Only wealthy men got prostitutes. There's also a lot of 50s smut too and various sex guides for husbands and wives. I'm not saying every single 50s couple was fine and dandy but come on now
>>497652Show me anywhere in the 50s-80s of men writing paragraphs nitpicking shit like nipple color and size and bushes and labia's. Literally nowhere. Explain how women were nitpicked during those times
No. 497663
>>497646Well yeah I mean you're not wrong
Also whether people wanna admit it or not, the 50s-90s pandered more to the female gaze than the shitty 10s then. How many sexy male fashions were out in the 60s/70s/80s compared to 10s?
No. 497670
>>497667Well back then your bf would go meet his buddies at the bar and complain about your body and how fat and ugly you are and how he wished you looked more like his favorite porn star and how he wished he could leave you because you robbed him of the life he deserves.
Same circus, different clowns.
No. 497679
>>497520And it's ALWAYS Americans. I have plenty of tanðnic animoo characters I'd love to fuck and every time I see some pedantic little upper middle class White/SEAsian/Black American fuck on her soapbox making a scene about how this is "fetishizing" I want to die a little inside. If someone was all over characters of my obscure ethnicity I'd be giddy with joy to tell you the truth. The same goes for when I like a cute twink boy and I get accused of pedophilia because he's not an ugly buff hairy bear despite being canonly like 22 and having an obvious adult albeit petite body.
>>497598Reading this post made me extremely happy that the forums I posted on as a spergy teenager are long gone and even if they weren't, my old nicknames couldn't be connected to my current one.
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I hope my sister isn't eating my lobster.
No. 497738
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>>497555What if I told you that his 30 yr old son looks exactly like him?
No. 497789
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>>497773 be honest, anon. Did you start the xmas thread
No. 497915
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Ever since I watched the “Don’t Fuck with Cats” I’ve had that New Order song stuck in my head and I can’t stop listening to it.
No. 497929
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Do you ever think about how you could make a killing teaching troons how to apply makeup? I know my way around makeup (obvs not makeup artist level) but i dabble in natural day-to-day makeup on the daily, i think if i could handle sitting with a narcissist for an hour or so i could make some money.
I think it would be in vain though. I doubt half of these retards could even maintain a somewhat consistent skincare routine to handle daily makeup use. If you have a bunch of acne and your skin is overall dirty, that just shows through the makeup, in fact caking a bunch of concealer and foundation on top is likely to make it worse.
No. 497936
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One of the reasons I hate the holidays is because I can't use the fucking bathroom whenever I want. Literally from December 23rd until Jan 2nd… and of course I'm on my period then too.
It's because our dog hides in there, he's scared of firecrackers and loud noises. I don't blame the poor animal for behaving the way it does, it's not his fault. However he's rather large and the bathroom is really small so he sometimes gets nervous when there's someone inside with him and there's loud noise outside. He starts to bark and growl which makes me uncomfortable since I really don't like dogs. Or he gets bored or wants attention so he tries to put his head on your lap while you're trying to piss. Showering is a no go, he loves water. Sometimes he wants to get inside the rest of the house but he's not allowed in because of the cats and dragging him back to the hallway is a pain in the ass and it makes everyone in the house nervous so there's a lot of fighting between my parents. I don't hate him for being like this, but I sure hate my brother for being a pos and bringing home a pet, without asking anyone and then making my father take care of it.
I can't wait until this is over, I fucking hate the holidays.
No. 497941
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"I am the kung-fu MASTER"
No. 497972
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>mfw all these anons living in legalized states/countries talking about weed
I just wanna be able to buy some edibles so I can get through this flu in some comfort at least, or some kind of substance to render me comatose so I can sleep through this shit. There's nothing in this world to be conscious for right now. All these flu functions like the dry hacking don't even serve a purpose since I'm not coughing up phlegm, it's here just to hurt me and contagion others.
Also I'm so delirious I posted this in the dumbass questions thread and not this one.
No. 497975
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I just binged on pop chips last night and today because I haven't felt like eating real food. I'm probably gonna get some coffee later. I feel like a loser y'all.
No. 498000
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>>497975>I feel like a loser y'allDon't we all, anon…
Happy holidays!
No. 498084
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I want a based farmer friend to get drunk with, talk shit, and play harvest moon with me
But I'm too boring and insecure to bother
No. 498091
>>498068And they'd need a tent and an air mattress to have sex because…?
Also who is dumb enough to light candles inside tents lol.
No. 498115
>>497929I don't doubt you're better than them.
I do doubt they'd ever listen. Transwomen are still men, so hating women is part of their schtick.
No. 498122
>>498084sounds comfy af, id be down
which harvest moon? i like the gba ones
No. 498132
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>>498084>>498122My man. I've been playing (More) Friends of mineral town for a while now, it's the best guilty pleasure
I courted Gray with sticks
No. 498328 just found out about this and it's so cool.
It's like every internet community made has it's own space for pixel art. Maybe our farms could make some too.
No. 498329
>>498328it's cool but
>see kirby and other creative stuff>a flag and really cool pattern design>sonic advance sprite>pokemon sprites>extremely beautiful graphic designsaww this is so cu-
>see ponies>scroll down and see more ponies>and then pony ass with exposed vaginalmao SPOILED
No. 498335
OP here, I saw some SFW pony art but thankfully haven't stumbled upon pony porn.
Why do bronies have to ruin everything?
No. 498365
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>>498328Imagine being the kind of person who plays Papers please and does this
No. 498367
>>498352Or if she’s decided to burn them and trash all her HP merch since JKR has been branded a “TERF” lol.
>>498356It’s rough, but I’m sure you’ll find someone. You’ll just have to sift through a ton of guys demanding to know why you don’t want babies/insisting they can change your mind. Blech.
No. 498379
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Took the ferry to get into work today. The terminal has a lot of bomb sniffing dogs and I saw a dog who really wanted attention, and kept looking up at his handler. The handler looked down at him and then looked away, and the little pup maneuvered his cute little butt around by stepping backwards so he could get even closer to his handler and sit on his foot, then looked up at him again.
God I wish I could have pet him. I love dogs so fucking much, I always get so happy when I see those good dogs working hard to keep people safe. I know I can never pet them but I wish I could!!!
No. 498421
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I got a blood test the other day to test my blood sugar and I'm anxiously awaiting the results. I'm terrified that I have diabetes or some weird issue but I have surgery coming up in a week for something unrelated. I have never truly felt "healthy" my entire life, but for the past several months I've been feeling tired and fatigued all of the time and numbness throughout my body but especially on my hands and feet and it's been getting worse. My sex drive is low. I'm not fat: I'm 5'5 125-130 lbs. When I lost 10 lbs (I was 115 lbs) I had bruises all over my legs and in general I bruise easily. I've had anemia on and off for years and it runs in my family, low blood sugar (I've had hypoglycemia before) and very low blood pressure (like 90/60 is the norm for me). I am always thirsty but I only drink water. I constantly have cravings especially for beef and fish and fatty foods like avocado, beans, etc, but when I eat them it doesn't help. I've also always had a sweet tooth and I eat healthier than I did when I was younger but I still crave sugar badly, but when I do eat it I feel like garbage and exhausted. My PCP also suspects I have Raynaud's. Btw I'm not trying to get a diagnosis on here just expressing my fears.
No. 498436
>>498429Like I said, this is a hypothetical “if I don’t get married in 10 years” thing. I grew up with a mentally ill, irresponsible father, and an intelligent, fiscally responsible and driven mother . Honestly, my life would’ve been easier if my parents had divorced when I was a child (long period of separation), and during that time I had never felt more comfortable and happy in my own home. I see where you’re coming from, but no father is better than a mentally ill, irresponsible, angry father. I’m not going to hold off looking for a husband, but I am going to stop coddling
abusive behavior just because I feel like a need a man to achieve my goals.