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No. 49126
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No. 49166
>>49106>>49115>>49118Same. There were so many creepy old people and basement dwellers everywhere. It was all "ey bby wanna fuk" or some pretentious spiels about why they're failures in real life.
I hated the big boob look, so I would go around as a regular sized, kinda skinny female character. Didn't deter the creeps.
It's too bad, if it weren't for the userbase, this would be a really cool thing.
No. 49177
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>>49050I still play it and occasionally make mods for furry avatars. I love creating shit and being a qt furry but goddamn, I agree with everyone else in the thread about the userbase. I've come across a guy who wanted to be vored by Marilyn Manson and a horse pretending to be intellectual while talking about wanting to sniff my avatar's crotch just to name a couple of recent experiences.
The family roleplayers who treat second life as their actual life are probably the most surreal unsettling ones, I've had too many spanish ladies scream at me while talking to their pretend prim baby.
No. 49200
>>49177omg reminds me of that documentary about second life
old morbidly obese people pretending to be shredded 18 year olds all day
No. 49225
>>49200as someone who's young and relatively attractive, it's weirdly ego-boosting to know that some people spend a shitton of money to pretend to be young and relatively attractive and fulfill their masturbatory fantasies as such.
the sort of pitiful part is that everybody's fantasies seem to involve wearing hideous, tacky clothing, being as tan as the collective cast of Jersey Shore, and possessing massively disproportionate it-hurts-to-be-alive physiques.
Like, can you imagine the back pain that some of those female avatars would have to deal with constantly? yeesh.
I am starting to believe that the majority of the real world is just grotesquely lacking in taste, which is why we need games like Second Life to hide them away from society and funnel their efforts into their computers.
Except then I stumble across a really nicely decorated shop that someone spent hours and hours making, and I'm like GODDAMN WHAT IS THIS MYSTICAL UNICORN GOD OF CREATIVITY AND INTERIOR DECORATING WHERE'D YOU COME FROM HELLO SAILOR
No. 49231
>>49200I just went spelunking in youtube trying to find the particular documentary you're talking about and I got waaay off in the weeds.
on another note, second life trolls are some of the most inventive and hilarious that I've encountered so far. this is beautiful 10/10 highly recommend
No. 49267
>>49233Holy shit this is insane.
I don't care even so much about the adulterers or the fat lady making her 3d houses and sexy avatars, but the guy with the little girl avatar took the fucking cake. I had to watch his spiel about the 'suicide bombings' three times to really fucking grasp it. He doesn't even seem insane, it just seems like he's trying to fake insanity to excuse the fact that he's into ageplay or something.
No. 49279
>>49233I've watched this so many times.
>>49267This and tbh, I don't really blame his wife. There's obviously huge issues going on, and his solution is just hide.
I have no idea how or why Second Life got such a huge mid-life crisis following.
No. 49287
>>49284Haha, I love Esteban Winsmore!
It is hilarious how angry SL players get over a freaking game. And they all sound so old…
No. 49368
>>49323why should you have aspirations in life in the first place?
i don't believe that there is such a thing as waisting your life. i mean, idg why people play sl but i do other pointless shit so i'm not judging
No. 54427
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W O R L D S . C O M
No. 54454