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No. 497795
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My dad is making crab legs on Christmas eve. Gonna get shitfaced with my old friends from highschool next weekend.
No. 497804
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Did furoshiki wrapping this year, goddamn I wish I had thought of this sooner - my wrapping skills are abysmal, but when it’s cloth it looks bomb each time without fail, and it has a novelty factor to it which just adds Christmas cheer. Merry Christmas!
No. 497806
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I really hate receiving presents and the inevitable family drama that happens every single year without fail but I'm looking forward to the food. After that I'll just listen to some christmas jazz, drink tea, scroll though pinterest boards and wish I were somewhere else.
No. 497817
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>>497807I think the cloth is meant to be used to wrap other things, such as lunch boxes and anything else you may carry around with you. I’ve wrapped the gifts for my kids with silk so they’ll just play with it after, but if it had kabuki art on it it may be worth displaying it even. I mean, since it’s a versatile piece of cloth the imagination is the limit really
No. 497818
>>497809that cloth is known as a furoshiki, basically what
>>497817 said. it's like a gift bag.
No. 497837
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tonight is christmas eve for me but i streamed home alone in my discord to my american friends and only 5 or so people came since i organized it literally today despite saying i'd do this like a month ago but it was super comfy and nice and filled the friend void in my soul since i've been so busy cleaning the house/my room for family christmas tomorrow
also i ate all the random leftovers we had in the fridge including the last piece of my brothers birthday cake since my family went out to a friends dinner party
No. 497838
I have to drive my ass across the border to visit my family, which will probably just include getting drunk and smoking. The real treat will be seeing my cat back though.
>>497804Aw this is a really cute idea anon
No. 497913
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>>497809I also make one! I make like every year a marzipan-cherry tiramisu. It's so good! Besides this, we also have Makufka, which is a traditional, polish dessert that we make like in the village that my mum is from. Our dinner will be also traditional polish, just like all these years before. Tomorrow we will meet with the rest of the fam because it's my uncle's birthday.
I wish all anons, specially the ones who are alone, a very blessed evening. Lots of good spirits and love to all of you!
No. 497928
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Celebrations have already begun were I am
No. 497978
>>497966USAfag, I live in Washington.
>>497919Awww congrats anon, he might not remember but you always will. Hope you guys have a lot of fun!
No. 498005
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Me and my boyfriend are going to our cities Christmas event downtown to get hot coco and look at the trees, then having a nice dinner, then he's spending the night so we can make each other breakfast tomorrow morning and open gifts together. This is our second Christmas together and as someone who has spent a lot of Christmases alone, I'm so happy!!