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No. 49891
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I agree. The concept of a waifu/husbando is that they are supposed to be your number 1 perfect ideal. No one can replace them and that is the standard you hold. It doesn't make sense to have multiple ones. People have mistaken it to mean "teehee anime character I have a crush on."
But other people don't understand and think we're joking when we talk about waifuism.
No. 49899
Does anyone else have what OP and
>>49891 describe? Or all you all just normalfags?
No. 49913
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>>49906honestly you're just ignorant.
my waifu is easily the best thing that has ever happened to me and i think any other person with a waifu or husbando can attest to the major improvement they see in their lives after meeting their waifu.
my waifu has motivated me to learn to cook, get a job, and live in my own apartment, all because i know that's what she would want for me and i want to provide the best life for her. i don't think a real girl could do all that for me.
you will probably just never understand and continue to sulk about how you can never get a gf. meanwhile i am in love with my perfect 2d qt and living the dream.
No. 49917
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>>49913my waifu can beat up your waifu. pic related
No. 49921
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i am guilty of this but no shame
No. 49923
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>>49917>liking m00t>everPlease have more respect for yourself.
No. 49924
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>>49923>being this jealous of my waifumot is laughing at you