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No. 500777
I naturally have founder memories of the 2000's because of the amount of fun i had on gaiaonline forums, the same level of fun can never be had again because I don't have a cool avatar to hide behind. I had many surprisingly deep and fun conversations on habbo hotel for hours and made friends on there, again, I had the comfort of having an avatar to hide behind.
I also miss old They removed the forums and verbose descriptions and the journal/diary feature. I really enjoy sperging about metal with the people there or reading other people's thoughts and opinions on music and really used to be an amazing platform for hardcore music listeners, especially if you love metal or obscure music. They also blocked off a bunch of nsbm bands (or at least bands who made that kind of stuff in the past) which was a bad move. Not that i support it, other than the freedom of speech argument, if you are discovering a new band and you don't agree with that kind of stuff, having that information on band readily and easily available with the nsbm tag on the band would help you avoid it if that what you want. Not to mention all of their stuff is still on spotify available to be consumed, so it would be disappointing to just randomly stumble on their stuff, then find out much later on that they are nazis after enjoying music.
Keeping on the subject of music, I really hate modern music production in mainstream music. The industry seems dead set on homogenising all genres together, rather than curating a bunch of acts that can lead as gateways for someone to dive deeper into a genre. I miss seeing a rapper and a rock band stand on the same stage together at an award show and how the award shows were a celebration of diversity amongst generes. Everyone did their thing and had the same chance to be represented and respected.
My least favourite thing about 2010's culture is choice feminism and the whole sex positivity movement. It's not wrong to question someone on their sexual promiscuous ways, as such behaviour tends to be a cry for help. Every time you look are a sex worker, rather than saying "well that's her choice", you should ask why and what happened for her to get to where they are. An alarming amount of people in the sex industry are products of trauma and mental illness and it gets ignored so much because apparently it's slut shaming to point it out.
No. 500928
>>500821I agree,
>>500777 can we be friends?
I actually know one of the original devs of Audioscrobbler, which eventually became I don't live in the same town as him anymore, but I'd be curious to find out what he thinks about what its become.
No. 500965
>>500700Same. The internet used to be a nice refuge from the retardation of average folk, now they're all online and spreading their negativity and
toxic bullshit and just making everyone's life a living hell. It used to be you were weird for being online, now you're weird for not having a twitter account/snapchat/instagram/30% coupon code for some basic ass brand, etc.
I hope we can just go back to having holistic, no bullshit experiences with one another instead of everything having to be filtered through some super woke positive label generator. I see way too many ignorant people using academic language poorly in non-academic situations, having circular arguments with other idiots, and just generally making total asses of themselves in public.
I wish we could have normal, healthy human interactions with one another that don't have to be quantified, sent through an internal HR checklist of "is this woke enough?", and having some existential crisis over the morality of having a friend or lover who doesn't look or think exactly like you. I feel like the 2000's-2010's were like this culmination in a period technological medievalism; everything is made super complex, there's some distant and vague moral authority which dictates what is right and wrong for the wee folk who for some reason buy into everything they read and hear, and we're all expected to be "tested" on how well we fit into this paradigm everyday.
No. 506571
>>500777>>500743I liked the 2000s for similar reasons since I had a lot of fun online and thought the internet was a nice escape from the real world. It was before the internet got filled with the invasion of normalfags, so if you were into a subject you were bound to found many people passionate about it since pretty much only nerds would get online. Though, what's interesting is that the socially awkward/introverted/ect I guess "nerdy" people seemed to remain on the internet, but all these people have the negative quality traits (social awkwardness, stubborn, lack or little charisma, reclusive, spazzy) of a nerd without the positive traits (the intelligence, passion, dedication, versatility, and originality).
Mostly, when I judge something I try to judge it for something how it was generally. I would say the early 2000s was good to decent overall, the mid 2000s had some good moments, and late 2000s when things took a noticeable tone shift. However strictly speaking of the internet, 2000s >>>> 2010s anyday.
>>506223Eh, I don't agree things have gotten more exciting since 2016, even though I agree early-mid 2000s internet culture was its peak (god, things would be so exciting for online communities and researching stuff).
No. 506576
>>506525Yeah, I judged the 2000s as quite misogynistic in tone in general. Women were picked apart to hell & back, being a dumb girl or a ditzy girl was really the "IT" thing for some reason; I think this is a pushback because in the 1990s we saw a lot of smart and tomboy type of characters who still had girl friendships, and by the 2000s the girls shown in the media were all the bimbos, girly-girl, dumb girl, or "hawt" girl archetypes. I agree with you, a lot of my problems with femininity and women also came from the 2000s and even early-mid 2010s culture. I thought the 2000s was pretty bad with how it showed femininity as something shallow, stupid, and completely based on adolescence or very young adulthood so I dislike seeing women having a lot of nostalgia and fond memories for that time. I see the subculture that developed sometime in the late 2010s as the polar opposite of that garbage in the 2000s and I can't be more happier that it's different, but some people wanna bring it back smh.
No. 506715
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>>506708The one thing of the 00s that I wish didn't go out of style were these sweater dresses that people would wear one shoulder on, one shoulder off.
No. 506743
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>>506718That explains why when I looked them up there was a lot of modern pictures of them haha. I didn't know that.
No. 506901
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Wiggle by Jason Derulo is literally the worst song I've ever heard. Worse than Disco Duck. Worse than Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer. Worse than any Nickelback song.
It's so bad. It's like an entire song made of brown notes and shit lyrics. The fact that it's a hit makes me disappointed in humanity. Snoop being on it doesn't improve the song, it just makes him look worse.
>>506743Pffft, speaking of 2000s things. This is anime fanart of Flaky from Happy Tree Friends. That "show" had a cringey fandom on Deviantart back in the day. A fandom I'm embarrassed to say I was once part of, during my awful Hot-Topic-scene-kid phase.
I remember there being a lot of autism over what gender this character was supposed to be, and the animators just responding with, "I don't know. It's a porcupine."
No. 506902
>>506901Hell yeah. I modded the wiki and I remember their page was locked so no one could fight over changing their gender. Eventually Mondo said over Twitter that it was a girl.
I'm still very embarrassed how many male anime Flaky pics I had saved as a kid but honestly I wouldn't have had it any other way. I just related to her so much because she was kinda like a tomboy and I was a fucking stupid kid who related to a cartoon porcupine like man why couldn't I have just been a fujo like the rest of the internets.
No. 506909
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>>506904If you weren't edgy in the 2000s, were you even real?
Joking aside, there was much more "edgy" content just on the internet in general back then like that.
Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-Chan was one I watched (idk why, the show was awful in general), emo music was at its peak and it was just screaming and being shocking for the sake of shock, Jackass was just… fucking stupid, Final Destination had just come out and everyone was doing horror parodies, shock value gore was everywhere. It was also during the time the deep web was popping and during the latter half of the decade people would make spooky creepy pastas about ooooo a spooky tortured guy with psychic powers ooo so scurry. Edgy anime nonsense was everywhere, vampire roleplayers were everywhere, blood was cool for whatever reason.
It was the counterculture to the happy-go-lucky High School Musical golden age of Disney live-action films, Lisa Frank, sparkles and sunshine. Also, Shadow the Hedgehog made his debut at the beginning of the decade so that's telling.
I'm glad the edgy 00s age is over though, as much as I kinda enjoyed it when I was a kid. Now that I'm older, I just see it as childish and immature but at that time I was childish and immature. I don't know why I liked the edgy stuff that I did but I did and I eventually grew out of it.
I can't really comment much on 2010s culture because it was all over the place and completely inconsistent.
No. 506912
>>506904You sound like a Karen. Censorship is retarded and artists can make whatever the fuck they want. If kids are watching this, it's because they have shitty parents who use the computer as a babysitter. Artists shouldn't be punished because people don't know how to raise their kids.
Don't get me wrong, Happy Tree Friends is stupid and trashy. But I'll take stupid and trashy over censorship any day.
No. 506916
>>506915Fox-Trott on DeviantArt.
They didn't post much and that's the only pic they posted in that style.
Reminded me of Dork Diaries in a way.
No. 506927
>>506912media has a tangible effect on people. you're willfully ignorant and choose to ignore how easily influenced people are by the media they consume, especially tweens, teens and young adults. everyone watching happy tree friends was like 11-19, btw. censorship has to be a thing. people are too stupid to handle it. yes, adults included. guess you're a big defender of lolicon then?
>>506909emo music definitely influenced kids and was edgy, but it was rarely like, encouraging homicide or hurting others. it more encouraged kids hurting themselves, which, while not great, is still better than shit glamorizing hurting other people/other characters and wasn't so needlessly violent in the same empty-headed way. jackass i can see as being kind of funny at times, i definitely think that was less edgy and had more of a point than shit like happy tree friends. there was no punchline, no nothing. i don't think either are comparable to happy tree friends, and neither were as marketable in the same way. but yeah i get what you're saying. i'm glad the edge is less of a thing nowadays.
No. 506970
>>506901I used to hate happy tree friends. It horrified me even then tbh. Couldn't understand why people liked it. It was too graphic and also gross to see people getting excited by it. People got brain damaged after 2001.
Even back then I thought the 2000s edgelord was embarrassing and trendy trash that was going to age bad. I thought easily 80% of the stuff in the 2000s was trendy bullshit that wasn't really of quality or classicness. God the 21st century has been super awkward. I can see us kinda gaining our footing now in the 20s? I really hope we go back to stuff making cohesive sense lol. But the 2000s was more experimental than 2010s which is good, but man…. a lot of it was shit.
Looking back my favorite kind of edginess is the late 20th century edginess, 00s edginess was really childish and pointless tbh. Some of it was good/needed but a lot of it had no meaning or value.
No. 506999
>>506912But then if you do watch over your kid 24/7 you're an evil helicopter parent
Which one is it
No. 507178
>>506927>"censorship has to be a thing. people are too stupid to handle it. yes, adults included."That's literally thought-control, oh my god. You're basically saying that artists deserve to have their basic rights taken away on account of stupid people. I'm not a fan of the "think of the children!1!!" moral outrage, but at least I understand the logic of it. You're not even saying "think of the children" you're saying "people's rights need to be taken away to protect idiots."
Also, lolicon is already against the law in some countries. I would never defend it. Plus most people into lolicon are also into actual child porn, so getting rid of it doesn't affect normal people the way censoring violence would.
>>506934It was a joke. Also, sage your non-contributions.
>>506999Monitoring your kids' internet use isn't helicopter parenting. There is such thing as middle ground you know.
Also I literally never even mentioned helicopter parenting, much less complained about it?