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No. 502542
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I’ve been revisiting 60-70s art recently included the Japanese psychedelic inspired movement. My favorite artist out of them is probably Aquirax Uno.
No. 502563
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>>502542good thread op
Idk why but I really like soviet cartoons from the 70s and 80s
No. 502584
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I love superflat
No. 502651
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I’m obsessed with the golden age of illustration. I’m nothing but JC Leyendecker’s little bitch, hoping to due several studies of his art soon.
No. 502667
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>>502591The soviets anons artists probably wouldn’t have done drugs tho
Here’s a some drawings by Marjorie Cameron, she was an costume designer and artist who was involved with an occult lounge in the 50s in Los Angeles that included a rocket scientist and future Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard. I love how she uses lines. (1/2)
No. 502668
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No. 502669
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>>502651Same! His brother did awesome work too, pic related
No. 502676
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>>502667Yes, thank you anon, Cameron was the shit. She was an otherworldly woman and that energy radiates through her art so much.
As for what I think is garbage, I know this barely qualifies as last 100 years, but I never understood the hype around Modigliani. I kinda enjoy his early work but from 1916 onwards it’s all naive, pretentious, same-looking bullshit. There’s a reason he never made it big before he died and I don’t think that’s because his nudes were too scandalous at the time.
Not to mention he was a shitty person, who married a 19-year-old girl while in his late thirties and was
abusive to her.
No. 502677
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Since were talking about illustrators, a favorite of mine is Maxfield Parrish.
No. 502724
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There's a current exhibition going around the world about Ishida Tetsuya, a Japanese painter (1973-2005). It first started in Museo Reina Sofia and moved to Chicago. I wonder if they'll do more shows in other places. I went to see it and his work is even more beautiful up close.
His work is filled with real existential dread and nihilism, but it's also absurd and humorous? I love it and I can fangirl about his technical skills all day.
No. 502725
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>>502724there aren't too many good quality photos of his work and it's a shame because they're brilliant in real life.
No. 502729
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>>502724This is one of my favorite close-ups I took of a painting. IDK, the textures here mesmerize me.
No. 502868
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>>502722 Google tadanori yokoo, keichii tanaami, belladonna of sadness and the short films of Shuji terayama (I think there are some on YouTube). Also I think Takato Yamamoto has some that vibe but he’s contemporary.
No. 502878
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>>502540Contemporary art isnt the last 100 years. Modernity begins mid 19th century, then you have modernism mid 20th century. Contemporary art is the last 30-40 years, more or less.
Pic attached is one of my favourite sculptors, John Chamberlain. He is of course, critically acclaimed but I do feel like any time I discuss him with someone (peers, professors, parents, friends), they all dislike him. So I was stoked when Dan Graham told me he loves Chamberlain because he was the only one (at his time) to truly understand how contemporary design correlated to art. I don't agree with that particulary statement but I still love him.
He did a lot of pieces where he would deconstruct cars, motorcycles, etc, and re-arrange them in sculptures. There's something incredibly dirty and at the same time clean about his work. And who doesnt love a bit of melted plexiglass, after all?
No. 504908
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I like this sculptural painting style from Tamara de Lempicka