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No. 50651
>>50649Agreed, this is more suited to /meta/.
Regarding a population increase… I'm kind on the fence because on one hand I'm unsure as to whether new users would benefit the board positively (we could potentially get an influx of SJW's), but on the other hand the current population is stagnating and not bringing anything new to the table aside from infighting and aggression.
No. 50681
>>50649how about reddit? We could post about our board on the makeup subreddits or that sort of thing
it would bring fresh blood, a little variety and spice to posts
No. 50714
>>50702/r/muacirclejerk has similar bitchy humor.
Even though most subreddits are vocally PC there are always some lurking dissenters. Might be worth a shot.
No. 50737
>>50730newfag stumbling into a place of interest is different than it being advertised to people who do not understand chan culture.
don't do this.
No. 50747
>>50737Agreed. People who will fit in well here will find us on their own. I seriously cannot think of a single place to advertise lolcow besides the chans that would not just be inviting cancer.
For the record, thanks to the gull(s) subtly pointing out this forum on /cgl/ earlier this year… would've taken me longer to come across it on my own.
No. 50827
>>50824The problem with chans is that we would need to target a female specific board, and ever since /fem/ died those have been few and far between
/fa/ is now full of men, and /lgbt/ is full of trans and pedolesbians, the latter of which would love the dakota threads