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No. 508952
>>508943Woah. that really surprised me. the amount of effort put into this thing
just for marketing a movie. how did they fake all that.. also
>san-skirt No. 509108
>>508953I wish she had a funner cruise before she went out (something in me tells me she's dead, but im not sure of the cause of death). She looks intoxicated so it's possible she fell overboard or something and no one noticed, but she also may just be awkward and not drunk. I find her sightings really questionable. like how have people heard of her case, remember her face, and have her in the back of their mind? or maybe she just wanted some dick when they landed and something went wrong. anyways, I won't ever be on a cruise without my parents holding my hands the whole time even when sleeping
lol someone on reddit says
>They claim that since she went missing three months after the movie ‘Titanic’ came out, she could have been trying to recreate the iconic Titanic pose and fell overboard. No. 509167
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>>509153Lmfao my friend went as burger king foot lettuce for Halloween
No. 509517
>>509349one of the online stalker videos
>>509408that was….a ride
No. 509675
While falling into the "internet mysteries" hole, I found some users who probably are just mental (and freak out some people very well). The video I'm linking has, so far 338 comments and 9,99% of them are made by op. This woman is apparently obssesing over a stalker who abused her. But instead of keeping her nonsense in multiple posts and accounts, like any other person trying to cope or "Chipchan"-it, this lady just exploded 12 years ago about this and then went silent… And no, the vid itself idk what it is, she probably reccorded the camera falling down.
>investigation of people ordering hits communicating in the code of a porn website
Where can I start looking into this? Any link?
About args, I'm still waiting for The 15th Experience to upload something, but I doubt they will. Aspicio Omniam still makes me hyped, just as much as KrainaGrzybowTV!
No. 509786
>>509675oh man i've stumbled upon a few of those and they make me so sad. have you heard of chipchan? she's a korean woman who has been livestreaming videos of herself since like 2010. i think she goes through periods of livestreaming daily, which is what she does right now. she believes there's a mind control device inside her ankle, or eyebrow? and all her streams are of her sleeping for extreme amounts of time with chaotic signs all around her in korean and i'm not sure what they say. she says a police officer named P implanted it there and that's why she acts the way she does or something. people keep trying to get her help but she doesn't want it. i think she has some people check on her weekly to help. she does answer emails and stuff. she's actually live right now
the video you're looking for is here
>>509511 No. 509791
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>>509786her streams look something like this. also she likes to be called jane. chip-chan is a sort of an insensitive and racist name reddit gave her. but that reddit is /r/chipchan and they keep up with her and provide insight and updates
oh also, she tends to scream randomly
No. 509813
I'd glad Reignbot made a video about Bonskinny because I don't use TikTok, so I would probably have never heard about the whole thing. It made me wonder if there were other things on Tiktok worth looking up
That said, I don't know why anyone could look at a cryptic social media character in a le creepy clown mask and see it as a anything real.
>>509675>like any other person trying to cope or "Chipchan"-it>>509786 have you heard of chipchan?
Kek anon, get some sleep
No. 509815
>>509791I wonder why this person doesn't kill themselves or literally do anything else.
Obviously they're very mentally ill, but if they have enough cognition to run a stream, make all of these theories and whatnot, surely they have the ability to end their life.
What a miserable existence.
No. 510046
>>509786Yeah! It was the first case I found on the internet. I remember having hopes of somebody actually helping her… Apparently P is a police member or caregiver asignated by the state to check upon her from time to time? She's been randomly screaming for years so idk if she's suffering from pain or alucinations… Probably both now because asia in general sucks at giving proper attention to the elderly and mentally sick.
>>509813 Most Tik Tok users are kids/pre-teens and predators/cheap influencers, I'm surprised it didn't got even more popular among young users like the momo thing.
>>509868 I loved to browse her page! I'm kid of bothered it's now shutted down…
No. 510139
>>509980>>509815yeah, re: suicide, unfortunately it seems like she doesn't even have the mental capacity to think of anything other than her delusions, or her structure. she can work streams and such but those are delusion related and she only interacts with things in her structure. that would be amazing if someone could help her take small steps to experience things outside her delusions to distract and she'll realize that even though she believes there's a mind control device in her, then so what; there's more to life, and you can do it while believing in these delusions..i think. but realistically speaking, she's too far gone. maybe it'd make her more paranoid if someone really tried helping her. she'd think they were working with P. i'm just imagining the best case scenario. she's forever living in hell until she dies. it doesn't help that apparently korea really stigmatizes mental health.
i think she googles her name sometimes. Jane, we're rooting for you
No. 510246
I recommend the Szalet board theme before starting to read.
>>508920>-a cult in a dead mmo This was fascinating to watch for me. I scare really easy so I try to avoid spooky stuff but at the same time I'm a very indoor-type person, so I've been playing mmos for years, and I'm always surprised by how long some of them have lasted (like Requiem: Bloodymare, now called Requiem: Call of the Reaver, pretty dead, don't recommend it, but I still play it).
No. 511346
>>509400needing a down the rabbit hole for the final fantasy house just feels bizarre. it's odd to me that people don't know about it, particularly if you're on a chan based message board. maybe not, but i like to read and some of these rabbit holes are about stuff that anyone who's interested in weird culture already knows.
do people still know the story of shay?
No. 511356

>>511346samefag, but i was thinking of just shay, the fat lady. shay seems like a popular name for cows? anyhow. there was also shaye st. john, who was another weird internet personality back around 2003, when i was in kindergarten. shaye was a guy named eric fournier who drank himself to death. shaye was a character he invented and was 'a supermodel who had been in a car accident', who added mannequin parts in place of her missing limbs. i grew up around the corner from this guy and he was a fucking drunken jerk. sometimes you'd see him making these videos and i think he enjoyed frightening kids and grown ups.
he was also on LJ back in the day and ran with a bunch of users who stalked/harassed people there for 'the sake of art' when he was in a blackout due to drinking.
he later moved out to Palm Springs right next to my grandparents, so i feel like my childhood was full of this creep. i remember my mom being like 'are you kidding me!' when she found out about the crazy guy in the street making weird videos dressed in a mask from my nana, i think she thought everyone was going insane or something, like a zombie virus but with losers in masks instead. Palm Springs was a small town then so everyone knew everyone. here's a short vid, i'll link a documentary after this.
No. 512764
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jane (chipchan) replying to messages
No. 513198
>>511356oh no i do not like that video
he seems really annoying but entertaining at least
No. 519883
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Emailed Jane a while back and she just replied this. The reddit link says “‘pig’ broke into my house after making me unconscious, broke my pcs not to do Streaming
spread this pic plz”
Her username is mindcontrolwpn. I’ll attach pic next
No. 521065

Thoughts or info about rorochan_1999?
Her suicide stream got popular or so after shinsei kamattechan's ruru's suicide live show stream got reccomended to various users. I myself got it but I didn't have a clue until video linked.
Redit has some info too: don't see why there is an investigation about her. I got interested as well, but for me she clearly killed herself due to stress.
>niconico streams from 2012>titles about beign underage and erotic (??)>streams vary from chitchat, singing, piano covers, life risking behaviours and panic attacks>tweets about bulling at school, her parents never at home and her mother puting pressure in her grades>best grades in class>jumps from her balcony>mother allegdes to not have a clue>school denies bulling>>510552 I love this channel, I've missed so many things on the internet.
>>511346 It's frustrating, FF7 is a very popular game
>>511356 HOLLY FUCK Shaye (well that idiot) was your neighbour? That's one of the first, if not the very first, odd character that I loved! I almost forgot about her, kinda sad the guys and idiot and that annoyed so many people. Varely knowing english at that time made so mant things more misterious
>>519675OT but my family is a toned down version of a freak beliefs family. They do belive a lot of shit, they just don't practice anything. Aliens? Ghosts? Mistical energies? The hollow earth? And a christian god of course. Ama if you want. But it's just all rambling, thankfully they don't perform any weird thing.
No. 521316
>>521231Her phone doesn't fall with her, it lands on the floor of the balcony as she falls.
I'd post the gif here under a spoiler but I'm not sure if that'd be allowed or not. The gif is not very graphic at all and barely shows anything though.
No. 521333
>>521316Samefag, but here's a Livedoor article in Japanese regarding the suicide and the lack of detail in major newspapers.> However, despite the overheating on the Internet, major newspapers have not reported on the video at all, with the exception of some sports newspapers.> No matter what article you look at, it only reports the facts at a minimum and constrainedly.> In fact, regarding the reports of suicide, large-scale media have set rules for "self-regulation", as in the past, "chain suicide" was pointed out due to excessive reports in the past.> For example, in the Asahi Shimbun's case report guidebook "Case Coverage and Reporting 2012", in principle, detailed notes such as "do not report detailed methods of suicide" … At the moment, this report seems to be in line with those guidelines.Here's a blog post which includes some apparent headlines from major newspapers, links to her social media, screenshots of the gif of her falling, and what seems to be screenshots of the chat's reactions. is an archive of the article about her on Sponichi (Sports Nippon, affiliate newspaper of the Mainichi Shimbun), which was later deleted.> Around 3:55 am on March 24, a junior high school girl (14) living in this condominium was found to have collapsed on the apartment premises at 4-chome, Takakaicho, Omihachiman-shi, Shiga Prefecture. The female student died at the destination hospital about three hours later. The prefectural police are examining the cause, considering that the possibility of suicide is high.> According to the Omihachiman station, a woman (58) who was delivering a newspaper found her and called 110. No will has been found, and there is no information that there was bullying. There is a trash can at the landing on the stairs between the 13th and 14th floors of the apartment.> At around 1:40 am, the student's mother heard a noise in the student's room, and it is highly likely that she later committed suicide.To give more detail to the trash can note in the Sports Nippon article, here is an except from the Livedoor article I first linked.
> There was a garbage bin on the landing between the 13th and 14th floors, so it is thought that the garbage could have been used as a scaffold to climb over a wall of about 1.4 meters. It should be noted that no will was found, and there was no information that bullying had occurred at this time.I have also seen this translate to "recycling bin" as well, which fits the description of what you see in the gif better, imo.
No. 521358
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>>521333For pic related, here are the comments transcribed and translated.
My Japanese isn't the best, so please correct me on anything I've mistranslated. Some phrases I couldn't figure out at all, those are left untranslated for now.
> Anonymous: わいふぁい ないんだろ (No Wi-Fi)> Anonymous: 大丈夫? (Are you okay?)> Anonymous: マンションの階段 (Apartment stairs)> Anonymous: どこまで登る? (How far have you climbed?)> Anonymous: こんな時間に外に出て、 不良娘か (Going out at such a time, you're a bad girl)> Anonymous: 部屋にもどろう (Return to your bedroom)> Anonymous: 屋上ゆめざす? (You're aiming to go to the rooftop?)> Anonymous: 息切れとるがな (Shortness of breath)> Anonymous: 新聞紙とライター持ってたらアカンで> Anonymous: はぁはぁ (Haa haa) // Out of breath sound //> Anonymous: 野外◯出? // My OCR couldn't pick up what kanji this is //> Anonymous: あぶねええええ (Watch oooouuut)> Yuukii: いつぞやのヤジやろうとかしでないよな> Anonymous: やぬるおおおおおおおおお (Stooooooooooooooooooop)-
> Anonymous: 危ないよ (It's dangerous)> Anonymous: 家出すんのかよ (Do you want to run away from home?)> Anonymous: Oい1> Anonymous: やめっっっっっっっっっっっっっっr> Yuukii: 虫にさされるから帰ろう (Let's go home before the insects bite you)> Anonymous: あああああああああああああ (Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)> Anonymous: wwwwwwww (lolololol)> Anonymous: 人 (Person)> Anonymous: え (Huh)> Anonymous: 怖いことするわ (This is scary)> Anonymous: あほ やめる (Idiot, stop)> Anonymous: 若いのにもったいない (You're so young, what a waste)> Anonymous: なんか、 想定外のことしそうで怖い (This is so unexpected and scary)> Anonymous: 部屋に戻れって (Return to your bedroom)-
> Anonymous: ツルッといくぞ> Anonymous: まじでやめれ (Seriously stop)> Anonymous: なにかあったのか? (What happened?)> Roro-chan: こわいよおおおおおおお (Scaryyyyyyyyyyyy)> Anonymous: ろろ危ないから戻るう (Roro, it's dangerous, you should return home)> Anonymous: でか、ここどこ? (Where is this place?)> Anonymous: そりゃ怖いだろ (This is scary)> Anonymous: 電車か (Train?)> Anonymous: いえかえれ> Yuukii: 高いとこ嫌いなんだよやめてくれよ (It's too high up, I hate this. Please stop.)> Anonymous: ほんまやめて (Just stop)> Roro-chan: にわいよおおおおおおおあああああくぁ> Anonymous: 怖いに決まってんだろ! (It's always scary!)> Anonymous: 落ちたらむちゃくちゃ痛いで (If you fall, you'll be seriously hurt)-
> Anonymous: え (Huh)> Anonymous: ええ (Whaat)> Anonymous: おいっ> Anonymous: 何の音だ (What was that sound?)> Yuukii: どうなった (What happened?)> Anonymous: まじだ (Seriously?)> Anonymous: ?> Anonymous: こけた? (Slipped?)> Anonymous: ええ (Whaat)> Anonymous: ha?> Anonymous: まじ…か? (Seriously…?)> Anonymous: やっちまった? (Did she do it?)> Anonymous: あいきゃんふらい? ゴッコあ> Anonymous: なーんてな (Just kidding) // Implying that they hope she's just joking //