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No. 521711
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>>521675I googled her and she looks like a bad taxidermy of communismkills
No. 521794
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If I looked like this I'd also think that rape is a compliment tbh
No. 521795
>>521682Yeah seems a bit overused, even outside of LC.
I've legit seen men call a woman a pick me although she wasn't even attempting to pander to their asses in the first place.
No. 521800
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Lefthot/tradthot solidarity.
No. 521810
>>521682Oh? Like what? What thoughts do you have that are so different that you get called pickme?
No. 521812
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>>521803This fellow woman? Nah I'm good.
No. 521823
>>521816Gonna tell me about those different persecuted thoughts or no? Give me some perspective pls.
>>521819>you can’t be laughed at for saying dumb shit on anonymous imageboard Really
No. 521845
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I support a thread for this. I thought it was pretty well-known by now that this sort of NLOG behaviour is dumb and will never make you exempt from misogyny but they still continue to do it.
No. 521862
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No. 521939
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>>521862>I fundamentally think they are disgusted and horrified by working-class people’, says Khachiyan. ‘Real women don’t live up to the liberal-feminist pieties’, adds Frost. ‘And I think that’s very threatening for the uptight, white, overeducated, liberal women to be confronted with’, replies Khachiyan.Ah yes, the white PhD dropout Manhattan art hoe podcast grifter who "works" a whopping 2 hours a week and walks in literal fashion shows knows what Real Working Class Waman feel, unlike those ivory tower neoliberal feminists.
No. 521941
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>>521939She did grow up in New Jersey anon… idk where but from little snatches of information I remember it was someplace like pic related
No. 521945
>>521873I thought it was funny in a "taste of your own medicine" kind of way, not gonna lie.
I don't agree with the message, but targeted at someone who makes rape jokes centred around women's attractiveness themselves? They can take it.
No. 521960
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>>521945Evidently not. The audacity of this autistic centipede looking hoe.
No. 521964
>>521711>>521675I suspect the negative reaction against Terese illustrates how reactionary and/or alienating materialism taken to its logical conclusion can appear in a liberal cultural sphere. A basic example of Aimee’s divergence from other online leftists would be her opinion on “identity politics.” Many leftists seem to consider identity politics as any political critique which concerns a non-class formation such as gender and race. There can be bad applications of identity politics (for example, judging Kamala Harris as a better candidate than Bernie Sanders due to the historic significance of a black woman becoming president) so it must be carefully modulated, but necessarily must also exist in a socialist perspective for fear of a class-first approach failing to serve the interests of historically marginalized communities. I have seen examples of online leftists who publicly identify as socialists retrospectively label the civil rights movement as an example of identity politics done well in spite of identity politics only being explicitly theorized (I believe) in the 1970s.
On the other hand, Aimee and her ilk acknowledge the existence of racism, sexism, and bigotry of other kinds and the need to combat that through their politics. However, she understands these forms of discrimination to stem from material relations of inequality (think the formulation of black and white races being formulated in the 19th century as a justification for slavery). As she understands societal relations to be grounded historically in materialist relations, she believes the best way to address racial and sexual inequities is through a universalist, economic movement. Identity politics is not a necessary component of a socialist worldview, but rather an inherently liberal and incompatible element which can be wielded by the ruling class to undermine worker solidarity.
I can understand being personally annoyed by her but as a neophyte to leftism I do find her Twitter feed and podcast very educational and illustrative of what a rigorous Marxist approach can be like. And it’s telling that she often riles up some of the most annoying people who inhabit or orbit the leftist twittersphere.
No. 521968
>>521785It may just be me spotting the obvious but since several years there is a general pattern of discriminatory slangs being created online to target specific parts of the population and associated behaviors, but exponentially grow in popularity and lose almost all of its initial meaning in the process, to become a commodity label you can slam on anything you dislike if deemed fitting enough for it.
I think about now generic terms like hipster, normie, more recently soyboy, cuck, incel/femcel and now maybe pickme, which has the same kind of potential
sage for our of topic ESL ramblings
No. 522089
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>>521964tl;dr "token female agrees with me" porn and I'm trying to intellectualize it
Anti-idpol left consists entirely of gf simulator paypigs deepthroaing an entire thesaurus to convince themselves that their motivations are entirely distinct from those of chuds who beta orbit tradwife ecelebs. In the meantime their leftist yes girls like Khachiyan and Nekrasova are overtly salty that they have no access to the trophy wife lifestyle due to being aesthetically challenged, having to settle for a socialist LARP with bill splitting soyboys instead.
No. 522103
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>>522095It's even funnier once you read her twitter and clock that it's entirely a cope for being unattractive, much like her politics. It's not like she can become a hot trophy bimbo or a glamorous neolib girlboss that she's foaming at the mouth about. All that's left is minmaxing the edgy punk gf. But it doesn't age well, hence why she's getting progressively more insane and sad/thirsty on main. Dasha is a bit more honest:
>“They were like, partying and dancing and lying down on the floor with their thin legs, and I was like, Wow, my life’s okay, but I would literally trade it all — the podcast, Adam, my status as a socialist icon… — I would trade it all to be an extremely hot and relevant model for five seconds.Aimee Terese, who worked corporate in the past, is basically exactly the same. Imo she and Anna are the closest thing to an actual femcel. An ideology stemming entirely from being rejected by the very NYC elite they desperately want to be.
No. 522136
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>>521794My pronouns are hee/hee/heee
No. 522143
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>>522136Lmfao, I'm saving this
No. 522178
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>>522095 Anna used to be pretty, I don’t understand why she went out of her way to start dressing less feminine and cut her hair if she and Dasha are so obsessed with trad aesthetics
No. 522215
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>>522178Pretty but not trophy wife worthy, also profoundly insecure. Rather than live with being a standard beta Becky or properly looksmaxx (which she sees as beneath her), she chose to overcompensate by (unsuccessfully) convincing herself that she's above it all. Even her fanbase is laughing at how she's wants to be a fragile bourg kept woman to an apolitical Chad while LARPing a pozzed druggie art hoe aesthetic. Maybe it's a thinly veiled scream for being loved for her "true self". In any case, it's too late for her to pivot from that, hence why she gets more psychotic by the day.
Pic related, top kek at the seething envy and projection.
>my film studies soyboy would like to fuck these women, but he doesn't have any money or stability that these women require, so he settles for me, a scrawny sjw who foots the bill every time we go out while convincing me that he's really into my edgy anti-establishment aesthetic No. 522273
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>>522215She’s been dating a equally Jew-y looking musician for some time now, chill anon. She literally picked her looksmatch in every way kek
No. 522371
>>521640omg finally!
i discovered redscare and the other dusts after finding out dasha and adam friedland were dating.
all of these ladies are so god damn insufferable
No. 522582
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>>522371They wish they could be babebuxing socialites but all they get is a smarmy leftist beta male who got called a sjw once so now he's trying his best to prove to /pol/ that he's t-totally cool and misogynistic like them.
No. 522783
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Whenever I hear about these pickmes I remember this parody of them and how it
triggered anna No. 522798
>>522720In case with lefthots, they're basically shoeonheads but leftist because conventionally unattractive.
In case with chapocels in general, it's:
>/pol/ack but wants free shit/pol/ack trying to disguise his inceloid pet issues and culture wars as material problems of the working class
>overcompensating sjw who's terminally embarrassed of being a sjw >invertebrate sjw who for some retarded reason sees reactionaries as cool so he's desperately sucking up to /pol/acks by bribing them with white male idpol (only to be told that he's a retarded cultural marxist who needs to be physically removed)>assorted betas and omegas who choose leftism because know that they wouldn't thrive in a tradmasc environment but still cling to their own retarded brand of limp wristed nerd "masculinity" that usually amounts to bleating at rape victims on twitter No. 523045
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Excuse my link on the image board. Its recommended reading on Dasha and Anna No. 523190
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>>523184I do think she wants to date a working clsss socialist man, but she knows she would have nothing in common with that type of person
No. 523421
somebody redpill me on amber frost
>>523411didn’t they break up a while ago?
No. 523474
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Not sure if this fits exactly, but I've seen people unironically praise sh0eonhead for being 'leftist'. Apparently her side Chanel, Brainlet, has some basic soc dem leanings. This excuses every other 'pick me fuck leftists' thing she's done because A. She's creating a anti-sjw>light leftism>leftism pipeline and B. what if she slowly stops being an anti-SJW???
Her 'leftist' channel apparently
> No. 523833
>>523461Are you fucking serious lmao that happy merchant looking ass actually cucked her
Lefthots might actually be more beta than tradthots
No. 523886
>>523833Yeah her and had a whole beef over it because the girl took a picture in her apartment after she fucked Adam. So not only did Cumtown dude cheat on her but he cheated on her in her own apartment lmao
No. 528086
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not exactly about well-known lefthots but it's getting really annoying following women for political commentary and then finding out a decent portion of their feed is male pandering and sex work shit disguised as not sex work shit? what is this? her feed is similar to her curious cat but with more political tweets. like, the level of pandering is off the charts with these girls. sucks because sometimes they're sort of funny. i don't want to read about these women allegedly wanting to be anally gangbanged or receive cum tributes. what is this sexy political fusion thing??
No. 528479
>>521640Not quite related but whenever I scroll past this thread the OP pic fucking
triggers me cause it looks like my cousin who's a total stacey stereotype and now in older age acts all trad because her metabolism finally slowed and her job prospects are shit without a man to support her. Bleghhh, she even has that same scowl face too.
No. 529341
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tbh i have less of a problem with anna than i do with dasha, whose schtick is steadily running out of time/getting old to me. the attention seeking kinderwhore "i'm a sad waif teen" fetishizing, obsession with one's own eating disordered behavior, plus the catholic phase and obsession with ~ironically~ wanting to come off like a victim of sexual abuse, etc could be "acceptable" or "make sense" if she was 22 and freshly out of college or smth but it's kind of embarrassing and "how do you do, fellow kids?" when you're pushing 30 and it's obvious you never really matured past the shit you saw on your tumblr dash during your late teens/early 20s. it's also embarrassing to see people act like she's the first person to come up with the "aesthetic" she is constantly trying to affect, or like it's hard to understand what she's doing. if you changed one or two variables she would basically be ginger bronson
No. 530383
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>>529780Anna is a jaded idealist. Despite what she says, on some level she does believe that somewhere out there she'll find a tradchad who will love her just the way she is (or alternatively, entirely for her super vibrant militant pickme personality that totally offsets her monstrous appearance). Seeking surgery would be a public admission that her ideas about men or her own sex appeal are a silly cope and a testament to the fact that no amount of beta female virtue signalling and sexual deference will help her compete with those 7/10 neoliberal girlboss stacies who get into beneficial relationships without serenading beta male dicks on Twitter 24/7. The same chapos who nitpick her politics and smugly declare that they no longer find her fuckable because of some minor error in her "class analysis" will become shitlib classcucks in a second the moment an attractive normie libfem gives them a chance, while Anna continues contorting whatever's left of her spine in hopes of attracting a husband she doesn't have to pay for.
No. 530611
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>>530603The only time she's "insightful" is when she's blatantly, hilariously projecting.
No. 530715
>>529873dasha came across like a moron in that interview. it only became popular due to people having incredibly low expectations for hot women.
you can tell even anna doesn't respect her because the podcast is only listenable when they have a guest on who anna respects as an intellectual peer. in that case she puts in effort and can be insightful. when it's just anna and dasha she goes on autopilot and you can hear the cogs turning like
>>530603 said.
No. 530728
>>523474One of those videos is about women aborting boys due to gender, as if it's a widespread problem, when her literal only example of it is a small Reddit thread where most of the women were speaking hypothetically.
… yet girls being aborted due to gender is an actual phenomenon and the women are often pressured, even forced, to abort due to the overwhelming misogyny within their culture. She conveniently doesnt mention this at all, though, because god forbid she lose her anti-feminist points with her neckbeard audience by shedding light on reality.
God I fucking hate her.
No. 530829
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What do you think of Angela Angle?
No. 530916
I hate Dasha just as much as the rest of you, but I agree with anon
>>530905that she reacted well in the infowars interview. Ashton Birdie looked so desperate at the times Dasha wasn’t taking the bait.
>You know Venezuela!? >Heard of itwas better than anything Red Scare has on their Patreon
No. 530925
>>530916i don't see it. i've seen countless teens give ace interviews to right wing sources while giving some sass and substantiated answers that don't make them look just as stupid as their interviewer. there's literally no reason why dasha couldn't have given a short and reasoned answer as to why she supports bernie and his policies that don't play into the exact tropes the right has of the young left. "i like him because he's a socialist" and "eat the rich" caricature shit is exactly what everyone would expect of her when they see her and is exactly what the right wants to see.
she looks and seems remarkably out of touch, which, again, is exactly what the right wants. it's hardly an own at all. idk how it's top notch trolling to act like the retard your opponent expects you to be. the only reason anyone is giving her a pass at all is because she's a cute girl in a whimsical outfit. this is literally just like hot girl syndrome. like idc that she didn't do a great job randomly, but the way the left tries to rewrite reality by pretending this interview is not embarrassing is what shocks me. that college kid that owned crowder genuinely whooped his ass, hard. dasha and this girl, not at all.
No. 530963
>>530926they weren't attractive girls in strange, whimsical outfits. they were mostly men, so they didn't garner a hit following and "create impact" with men because they obviously didn't fetishize them the way they do her. i already said that literally the only reason why people praise "sailor socialism" is because she's a cute girl in a cutesy roleplay tier outfit.
if dasha was a dude he'd have been (rightfully) mercilessly mocked for seeming like an out of touch and well-to-do braindead brooklynite shilling his half-hearted politics solely for the sake of earning social currency. and "they're eating rats" came at the end of the interview, after she already couldn't offer better responses to very simple questions. i'm just saying, i don't think that interview makes the left look great or clever at all. they're so blinded by their boners that they don't apparently see that.
No. 530972
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>>530965like one anon here said dasha isn't pretty. i disagree, i think dasha is pretty and i made that clear like 3 times already. not that it even matters, what we think is attractive =/= what men think is attractive. and lol what, literally assloads of men on the left love her and want to fuck her.i mean, even the idiots on /pol/ have tons of threads talking about how hot she is. anna is a different story. she's coping for sure, but a lot of men do actually find her attractive. the red scare pod subreddit has plenty of either anna or dasha is so hot posts submitted with photos of them that get plenty of upvotes where men apparently go on at length talk about fucking them, so. twitter is filled to the brim with coomer leftists drooling all over her tho anyways.
No. 531064
>>530965The bar for "female organism agrees with my retarded moid opinions" clout is extremely low. Neckbeards said they wanted to fuck Christina "Based Mom" Hoff Sommers during gamergate. Incidentally, she is also a perfect specimen of the "unattractive or past prime female trying to gain relevance by cheering on betas" niche.
Half the ugly cows on this website have orbiters. If Dasha and Anna were attractive, they wouldn't need to capitalize on the social fringe of absolute losers. They'd be normie Stacy influencers/models and eventually well kept trophy wives.
>>530972Dasha is not ugly, she's extremely average and plain. Anna is an absolute goblina.
"Hot" to internet incels who would reasonably fuck anything =\= hot to actual well adjusted real life people, especially attractive/rich men. Fuckable =\= desirable or worthy of investment.
Hot women can do much better than Adam Friedland.
No. 531202
>>530829she doesn't belong in this thread anon
>>531068>In Ukraine [where I grew up] she is a 4-5…. Cut her head off and maybe she could be a 6are you okay? you sound male and/or unwell tbh
>>531064> Incidentally, she is also a perfect specimen of the "unattractive or past prime female trying to gain relevance by cheering on betas" niche.she looks fine. she has a cute figure and a cute face etc, but yeah her appeal is that she's female and cute, not that she's a captivating and astute political or social commentator. yes the bar is low for men, they'll prop up anyone female that shares their opinion, like you said about hoff sommers, but most people would consider dasha art hoe attractive
No. 531249
>>531242yeah, i’ve listened to many episodes of red scare and previously would have described myself as a “fan” of the show (though like most self-professed fans of the show i was critical of the hosts). i dropped it recently because it stopped hitting that golden ratio of freewheeling dumbass contrarian hot takes to genuine and insightful discussion. it seems like anna is vying more and more for a position within the IDW and/or wants to be respected as a serious intellectual but in her efforts to do so has just adopted extremely milquetoast conservative opinions and regurgitates whatever comes across her twitter feed. at one point she retweeted this tradcath anti-abortion take that claimed the woman’s womb is a spiritual gateway and the act of aborting a fetus permanently profanes it or whatever and then when questioned on it she unconvincingly claimed it was just a “joke” and she retweeted it because it was “so obviously absurd.” meanwhile she’s openly admitted to having multiple abortions. it’s boring, hypocritical, and unoriginal. she’s just a careerist and will adopt whatever position she thinks will boost her notoriety and market value in the twitter/podcasting realm. hilariously she also claims to be an old-fashioned moralist.
oh, dasha’s sudden post-breakup conversion to catholicism has been irritating too. it’s obviously a disingenuous attempt to latch on to an obscure twitter subculture.
sorry for the rant. anyway, the episode topics vary depending on the guest. if there’s a guest it’ll usually focus on whatever that person’s area of expertise is. sometimes the guests are accomplished and intelligent people like Glenn Greenwald, other times they’re retards like Deanna Havas. if there’s no guest they’ll usually just recap current events in the political/media/art/fashion world. sometimes they do movie reviews. they’ll talk about authors they like and discuss recently published essays or op eds. commonly recurring topics are the MeToo movement, Hollywood scandals, their diet/beauty/exercise regimens, Zizek/Paglia/Baudrillard, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, their Russian heritage, sex, eating disorders and the body positivity movement, and girlbossery (which they define as careerist liberal women).
No. 531260
>>531249Thanks anon, I do appreciate the thoroughness of your post. I only knew about the hosts through being an ex fan of other breadtube influencers. Your description makes the podcast seem more likeable than what I’d suspected it’d be (sans whatever Catholic and trad stuff they seem to be interested in now?? Like what?)
The usual topics seem to be pretty female oriented. I’ve seen a snippet of them doing a live podcast and the audience was majority women. It seems like orbiters make up most of their twitter hype but less of the people who actually support their Patreon and listen to their work.
No. 531295
>>531260The orbiters, despite acknowledging that Anna is a femcel lolcow and Dasha is an aging kinderwhore riding her coattails, like them for being female tokens who perpetually yap about how #metoo is a cash grab by careerist attention whores (palpable envy), Harvey Weinstein is "merely" a Bernie Madoff of sex crimes (one would think that a retarded socialist would consider financial crime by white collar elites to be the most evil thing in the world), rape is just when you regret bad sex and you need to give men blowjobs. That and a bunch of "muh white working class men oppressed by urban liberal women" culture war/male idpol bullshit wrapped into faux concern over class issues. The amount of time Anna spends whiteknighting rich men and absolutely seething over the idea that someone somewhere got a payout for a sexual harassment claim is incredible. The only rich she wants to eat is her female competition it seems.
The thots are basically Lauren Southern et al, but, like, "left".
No. 531330
>>531323She's not even Slavic. She's Armenian.
Anna is a particularly insufferable example of a failure-to-launch post-Soviet Bloc Brighton Beach trash who escapes their shithole country because of how backwards and conservative it is, then proceeds to berate America for not being like their "spiritually superior and unliberal" shithole country of origin, all while refusing to set foot in it ever again. If you hate how liberal and woke America is, why don't you fuck off back to where you came from? I'm sure they love ugly ass pretentious pseudo-communist art hoes there and will totally listen to what you have to say. As one of the other anons in this thread said, you'd be a decrepit fruit stand lady over there. Paying attention to ugly women for their "personality" and "insight" is something that can only be enjoyed in the liberal West you seem to despise so much.
Source: Russian immigrant.
No. 531334
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>>531323No one in particular, it just really annoys me when people glorify Russian communism so much. Especially when their understanding of it seems to be very minimal and it's just for edge points
No. 531399
>>531295This is so stupid. It's a
valid criticism that the #metoo movement has had little trickle down to the average working woman and predominantly benefited a small amount of the most privileged women, and it's a very shallow understanding of socialism to think that means you would necessarily view white collar crime as the 'worst thing in the world' like obviously their is nuance and nothing is that black and white. I hate how people use women's age as an insult and to dismiss their arguments like Dasha being 29 (which is still young anyway) means anything, we're are all 'ageing'? I think a lot of what they say is very obviously exagerrated or tongue in cheek for comedic effect and it's weird for people to take things so literally.
No. 531423
>>531399"Women lie about rape to get money" is woke now. Real lobotomy hours.
>I hate how people use women's age as an insult and to dismiss their arguments I think the funniest thing about the whole edgy anti-idpol """pro working class""" left is that much like tradthots and other reactionaries, they never hesitate to tap into liberal tokenism, damsel in distress posturing, bourgeois respectability politics and "buh but I'm a waman/black/gay are you saying I can be wrong on wamen/blacks/gays?" the moment their bullshit is challenged (as our lovely exhumed corpse Aimee Terese has demonstrated when people started giving her a taste of her own venom). The perpetually projecting goblin you're whiteknighting is not opposed to the idea that women's politics may stem from their age/sexual market value or lack thereof, quite the opposite. That's probably 90% of her takes on women and feminism.
The fact that some rich women have been able to speak against sexual harassment takes away nothing from working class women. In fact, it has probably done more for them than cosplay socialist whining about how white urban man buns don't have enough money.
It's all tongue in cheek sis, relax.
No. 531429
>>531421You don't understand, blogging about how Scarlett Johannson asked for it is prakthith and totally helps working class women.
Rich women should shut up about rape because they're rich and better off than 99% of men on Earth, but rich male comedians like Joe Rogan must be protected against mean internet comments at all costs uwu. They may be millionayahs, but they are the voice of the alienated male working class and thus effectively trailer trash by cultural proxy. Also, Peter Thiel is #goalz, slay king. Prakthith.
No. 531438
>>531423It has done nothing for them, it has offered a spectacle to shut women up and had no meaningful impact
be honest, do you really think that there's nothing worth critiquing in the idea that a lot of these women were chummy with Harvey Weinstein as long as it could further their career and had all the resources to do something to stop it happening to another girl but waited until it would benefit their career to speak out? Do you not think people are ever genuinely
victims but also exploit this victimhood as a means for personal profit
No. 531456
>>531438Implying chapocel whining about metoo is doing anything but shut up women up. You posed next to Bill Cosby's Hollywood star, wow! Totally owned those bourgs, man.
Be honest, do you really think that the likes of Dasha, Anna, Amber and Aimee give two shits about working class rape
victims and not just a) lamenting their inability to do what the #metoo crowd supposedly did for clout and b) thus grifting on male leftist sexual resentment that's no doubt amplified (and socially approved) towards rich women they can't access? Succs are so adorable, you guys think it's all that subtle when you preface your impotent incel rage towards women with "rich" or "neoliberal"?
The wokes already got busted for trying the same thing with "white", you gotta try something else.
I guess your incel-LARPing-as-succ thing would be a little more convincing if the absolute cuntrags you're worshiping weren't e-fellating rich men as we speak.
No. 531458
>>531456I don't know 90% of the words or references used here, idk what a succ is or about the Bill Cosby thing, I was just talking about Dasha and Anna's comments on the preformative aspect of #metoo which I think has a
valid basis
No. 531515 tweaked out 34 year old hot topic pro ana whose only job is a podcast
what is anna gonna be in a decade lmfao
No. 531533
>>531531because the tweet was about women, no ones gonna end every tweet with 'men too!!!' also surely no one would deny it is a fact that society is a whole lot more critical of women's looks and ageing, so it probably wouldn't be as big a deal for men, she said it's a bad idea for women, not that it looks worse for women. Idk, the tweet comes off to me as relatively light hearted and also true. I feel like theres a lot of interesting things to genuinely criticise Anna for but a lot of the posts in this thread seem so nitpicky and emotional like people just have irrational hate boners. I get hate following celebrities but hate listening to a podcast and picking apart every benign tweet the hosts make seems on another level to me
>>531532do you have any reading comprehension? in the context of the tweet she was replying to it was referring to when you're old and cellulitey
No. 531535
>>531529NTA, and I've personally never cared for tattoos, but reading that thread almost makes me want some.
>Tattoos tend to look dirty, ultimately. That's why they work for men (rugged, tough) but don't really work for women (tarnished, used).
>And more generally why girls of today are absolutely doomed
>Most tattoos are tacky and ugly. Human skin is beautiful, and should remain unobscured.It's literally just men crying because women are doing something to their bodies that they don't find aesthetically pleasing. Most people who get tattoos do it because they want to or they like how it looks. Telling women they shouldn't do something they like because one day they'll be old and fat is a standard that would never exist for men.
No. 531549
>>531533Socialization relies a lot on plausible deniability and people being charitable to others. You're never going to see any single tweet that will spell out for you, beyond doubt, that "she is pandering to misogynists and being a cunt to other women because she is bitter about her social status", and the comments in this thread are gonna sound nitpicky because you're seeing the tweets on a case by case basis and not her persona as a whole and the feedback loop with her followers and orbiters.
This thread is about the phenomenon of pickmes pickmeing. If you're skeptical about the existence of this phenomenon, find another thread.
No. 531601
>>531549i mean, tweets like "you shouldn't feel bad for the women trump raped because they were prostitutes anyway" make it pretty obvious. if we can clock shoeonhead as a misogynistic post wall pickme based on what she says then anna is one beyond reasonable doubt tbh
>>531529it wouldn't be a bad take if there was anything about anna's fashion choices or behavior that would age well. even her incel replyguys think she comes across as a bitter old maid unable to cope with the fact that she's no longer 22 lmao
No. 531647
>>531515anna has dug her own grave cultivating the audience she has. some of the replies:
>It’s inadvisable for women to be over 27 years old
>Exactly. The butterfly at 20 turns into a gypsy moth at 40.anna is an unattractive childless woman in her mid 30s. she ostensibly wants to be liked and respected for her thoughts and opinions but has decided to amass an online following of tradcon men that think women are only good for their looks and should be discarded past their mid 20s. good luck with that anna
No. 531659
>>531601>>531647Good, I'm glad she gets comments like this. Women who are this vile toward other women deserve it.
>>531529Spoiler alert: your skin is gonna look like shit when you're old and gross, regardless of if it's tattooed or not. There's really no point in making aesthetic choices in your youth based on how it will look when you're old and ugly, because you're going to be old and ugly anyway.
No. 531803
>>531800And that she's "vain" not narcissistic lmfao.
The thot thinks sociopath and narcissist are two distinct concepts with no overlap whatsoever, I don't trust her to correctly distinguish between vanity and narcissism.
No. 531911
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Anna is so ugly it's offensive. A man in a dress.
No. 531958
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sick of seeing that retarded okie boomer slut all over my twitter timeline
No. 532011
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>>531961One look at her Instagram shows that she at least is trying hard to cater to a straight male audience with her looks.
Wouldn't say that makes her a pickme like
>>531970 suggests. She's treading into dangerous territory though by pandering to thirsty moids (who immediately turned on her when the found out about her boyfriend).
No. 532099
>Friedan’s women, in their comfortable homes with their comfortable allowances, with all of that marvelous free time, were the biggest experiment in UBI the world has ever seen, and they were desperately, wretchedly unhappy, to the point of mental illness. Because that is what being paid off and discarded does to a person.
>A capitalist state that holds the purse strings is far less accountable to its dependents than a husband. If he annoyed me or didn’t give me enough money, I had immediate recourse due to both the value of my labor and my proximity to God how do you make 300k a year running the most influential "socialist" podcast producing takes like this
50s housewives are just neets on UBI who are just given money for doing nothing but they also control their husbands with their labor
t. amber frost, class issues understander and proletarian oppression prioritizer