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No. 52632
It's not very practical to make a rule saying "don't call cows fat" or something like that.
>>52628Could you link an example?
No. 53601
>>53596This. Anas especially piss me off with their derailing. Every other thread has some tard either posting their weight stats, how milk and fruit is the devil, or how anyone who isn't a dying malnourished skeleton like them is a fatass.
>>52632I think they are talking about /cgl/. I haven't seen threads like they mentioned on here.
No. 53637
we need new cows like Kota,Venus,PT,… from the past
;_; why is the milk so rare nowadays
No. 53684
>>53601I can't stand the ana-chans anymore. I just try to ignore them. After getting into a stupid argument over a banana not being the equivalent to a Snickers bar or something like that I just decided to ignore them. That's really all you can do. Let their stupid posts go unquoted and pretend they aren't there.
The tumbrinas need to take a hike too.
CGL was great. Long ago. I can't even go there anymore. It's like some alien planet .
No. 53686
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I just tell them nobody like their flat tits and flat ass and they just go apeshit and i laugh and ignore their autistic moments.
i have no regrets
No. 53738
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>>53640Damn do I miss old /cgl/.
The board is alright still, but it's certainly dull and boring in comparison.
I miss the good days of openly discussing PT, tripfag drama, VA/Con drama, kota drama and more.
Sad how that is all no more for the most part
War has changed
No. 53744
>>53738>>53640Take your nostalgia goggles off. Old /cgl/ was cluttered and shitty with annoying, fame-starved tripfags. I can follow so much more drama on /pt/ and have it organized and keep /cgl/ to relatively helpful discussions.
Half-chan in general has really fallen, though. The mods are ban happy as fuck there and it's super stupid.
No. 53761
I'm gonna have to agree with
>>53744As much as I miss the way things used to be, the fact that there was basically no moderation meant that the board was a shitfest. Sugardaddy/prostitution/panty selling threads were common, tripfags ran rampant, and even the drama threads were starting to get old after a while (especially the Dakota threads)
However, I do not believe that when moot meant for things to get so strict when he finally stepped in. Things are out of control in the opposite direction now. (like the banning of Chinese Gossip)
No. 53762
>>53761>that when moot meant for things to get so strict when he finally stepped in. *that moot meant for things to get so strict
No. 74645
>>52617I think we might need some housewife-chan threads.
Unfortunately there are no pictures of her but she's spilled so much info about herself in the past few weeks, going on months now.. and it's definitely the same person. She only has one MO and it's to be terribad at shitposting.
All her stuff gets deleted and she ban evades on repeat but everything is in the archives.
No. 74690
>>74663What about more implements to give this place some originality?
Let's make a rule that says you can't just say what someone else has already said a million times, regardless of what it is.
500+ replies is pretty ridiculous when they're all the same. Also a waste of space.
No. 81252
>>53684I wish there were corsetfags instead, women obsessed with having the curviest bodies possible and obsessed with Victorian-Edwardian aesthetics.
I'm biased tho, since it's more easier to waist train in a steel bone corset than starve yourself to flatness
No. 81282
>>52632I know lolcow is meant to be pretty lawless but why is that 'unrapeable' thread allowed up? I have no problems with guys on pt but it feels like the more /r9k/ join, the more we have racial hatred, thirst threads and outright misogyny (rather than viciously fun bitching). It feels more like 4chan's /b/ than lolcow now.
>INB4 back 2 tumblr>>74663I don't notice anafags either, for every one of them there's a muh curvesss anon, it's only when they argue to derail threads that either is a problem.
People that post all the time without contributing anything are more of a problem.
No. 81294
>>81289Newfag? Guy who made the thread or just likes it?
Admin doesn't delete threads.
No. 81295
>>81282/b/ is going to shit because of them and it can/will/has begun to spread site wide. I don't think it's ~tumblr~ to think that way, it's that you can recognize that that kind of content is typical of their site and not lolcow. They way they rabidly argue over stupid conspiracy shit, holy shit it's annoying.
You probably don't notice them because you don't go into major Ana threads (see snow). They're professional BMI guessers and 32 inch waist chan desu.
No. 81748
>>81618>no one complained until some edgy kid decided to title it "unrapeable faces"Yes, that's exactly the point.
That point is the point we are making.
The point you have missed is this same point.