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No. 529849
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>Be new to Twitter
>Tries finding a friend with similar interests
>Soon I find myself talking to this person,we get along well,we share memes,we share the same opinions and we are the same age,speak the same languages,it's perfect so far
>I realized that I haven't actually seen her all of her account info,just her bio and avatar (no dumb pronouns or any shit like that,generic picture of her mangy pet cat as her pfp)hmm nothing wrong here
>Then I found out she follows Shadman,other nasty furfag artists too
>Retweets furwanker porn,the abhorrent shit I've seen (can't believe it's allowed on Twitter)
>Faves more furwanker porn and autistic greasy losers wearing fursuits
>Follows 3 zoophiles (I regret looking at their profiles)
>Immediately blocks her and I then delete my Twitter
God I hate Twitter
No. 530006
>>529923Good guides for what? His anatomy and rendering are garbage. /ot
Twitter is trying so hard to the the new ~quirky~ platform but it was never be as uniquely shitty as 2015 Tumblr.
No. 530250
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the fact that people like this exist is pathetic, these fucking "multiple system" tumblr refugees are scum of the earth
No. 530389
>>530334Its very hard to get noticed on twitter or even get followers Unless you have a former fanbase,are famous or one of your posts go viral..
I would suggest you use Instagram to share your art.
>>530382Not that anon, getting followers or mutuals on twitter is extremely hard. It has nothing to do with wherever their art is good or bad.
No. 530443
>>530250What am…what am I looking at here?
Is this a new form of mental illness?
No. 530830
Literally got suspended (banned actually since it isnt my first suspension) for tweeting to Elon Musk that he's an ugly musky piece of shit who lacks empathy to those affected by the virus
>>530334I had an account attacked by a tranny who makes lewd sonic the hedgehog art. I am not joking about that one. You're right, being a cumbrain is a normal thing on Twitter.
No. 530871
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i hate this bitch, every time i follow somebody, no matter what, she is there, in my timeline, at first I thought"oh is juts a girl that discover she is a lesbian" and let it be, but i hate the fact that now she make you feel bad for not suking her "girlfriend" girl dick
No. 530889
I'm going to try to delete my twitter because it's basically tumblr 2.0 but even worse because of how mainstream and unpractical it is. Literally the only people I want to follow on this shit hole are mangaka I like and I'll just turn to instagram to follow irl friends and family anyway.
>>530830Furries are completely shameless on twitter, I'll never understand that shit since normies are using it too, unlike in tumblr or deviantart. Reminds me of that "bitch I'm a cow" song by Doja Cat which was pretty successful, a furry artist drew some weird as fuck fanart of the music video with Doja Cat as a cow furry with giant udders in a skimpy outfit and her @ her on the post. Dude was shocked to see that she quoted the tweet with "WTF IS THIS" or something like that and was disgusted by it and other degenerates were telling him that he did nothing wrong uwu.
No. 530924
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I use twitter for notifications about Japanese games, but boy oh boy am I tired of the blatant woke pedos on there. 30+ year old fans that write erotica of idols or children's game characters, have R18 accounts and post how horny they are and are for some reason popular. I don't care if you're 60 and in a fandom, but the whole "uwu i'm so soft but also horny tee hee" image is creepy.
It's even worse that some artists I like deleted their pixivs and moved to twitter.
No. 530928
>>530889>I'm going to try to delete my twitter because it's basically tumblr 2.0 but even worse because of how mainstream and unpractical it is. Feels like it got worse since porn was banned on Tumblr. After that happened a bunch of MAP accounts started springing up and some implied that people who protested to pedophiles openly being on the platform were bigoted for judging people who have an attraction that they can't control. Yet saying men aren't women could get your account banned or suspended.
It's still my favorite mainstream social media site because I like observing internet arguments and the memes are better than boomer facebook humor, but the amount of insufferable tumblr-tier twats have hit a peak.
No. 531092
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Your typical Twitter baddie goes off about how bad capitalism is and how oppressed women are while supporting shit like make-up and the sex industry. Twitter woke culture is just about typing in as many buzzwords in a thread.
No. 531114
>>530889>>530928I've been on tumblr forever and I've never seen this amount of insufferable and degenerate people on there like I do on twitter. It's like tumblr but 10x worse.
>>531092I fucking hate these types of people too. So shallow it's embarrassing.
No. 531149
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Twitter is where celebrities go to pretend that they give a fuck about the world or ram their boring obnoxious personalities down everyones throats. Some of the worst offenders are: Jameela Jamil, Halsey, Chrissy Tegan, Jason Biggs, Aaron Carter, Touis Tomlinson, Sam Smith, (fucking hate this cunt) Kanye west, Demi Lovato, Rihanna oh and so much more. I absolutely moisten my cooch when I see their Machiavellian antics come back to bite them in their swollen asses. Also this piece of shit fucking cunt , poor excuse for a model Dani Mathers who looks like a basic ass bitch and ruined her fucking career by behaving like a middle schooler who’s parents are having a messy divorce (pic related is some fat old woman spotted at the gym while princess here excersises with her personal trainer before seeing her personal physiotherapist. Celebrities need to be cyber bullied online, brings them down a peg, yes you may be rich and successful with many adoring fans but that won’t stop people shitting on you when you/say do something obnoxious or dumb.
No. 531166
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Twitter gays are just misogynistic and degenerate, but make it "woke" and "inclusive". There's a lot of cattiness and internet slapfights that happens a lot on Twitter too, and the amount of gore and gross edgy shit you can easily find is unbelievable and disgusting.
Normies also finding out how doxxing works and doxxing people over the little shit like when that woman got doxxed over thinking we should pay more attention to Coronavirus panic and not Kobe Bryant's death.
No. 531253
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>>531146She's an absolute melt. Has never posted a candid unedited photo of herself. Thinks she's the only 32 year old woman that receives dms from men. Thinks her tinder dms are going to get her a book deal. Perpetually single. Convinced someone to date her for 2 months but got drunk and scared him off, immediately back on tinder posting screenshots of the dms. Wonders why a man won't settle down with her when she's attention seeking, low self esteem and argumentative but thick af.
Mostly I hate her sectarian views and her sensationalism of the troubles. She is 2 years older than me but likes to enmesh her living memories with what the men born in the 70s write on twitter about their experience of the troubles. My ma is a cathloic born in '59 and has apparently never faced such staunch discrimination as poor Ciara here
No. 531282
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I made a twitter account mainly for PreCure. I had lots of fun in the beginning, but after exploring twitter of my sfw mutals, I discovered basically every guy who is into PreCure is a degenerate pedo. They post vomit-inducing hentai with those 12 year old girls and sexualize the most innocent scenes on their nsfw accounts.
No. 531290
>>531149I really dislike how Twitter has given annoying obsessed fans a chance to interact with celebs and they usually get into these embarrassing hissy fights where they comment to a tweet criticising them or something. It's way better when there's a sense of boundary or limited interaction between fans and celebs because we see what a mess it can become on Twitter
Twitter is where brain cells and self control go to die basically, you get involved in these petty arguments with irritating fuckwits because it's part of the culture and it's like you're expected or encouraged to join in because everybody else does it. What an exhausting website
No. 531313
>>531282>>531294Out of curiosity, do you guys have any examples? I'm not active on Twitter or Tumblr nor do I have any interest in such shows but I sometimes see guys raving about those titles on Reddit.
Just wondering how bad it can be (don't post pics of hentai though please ugh)
No. 531431
>>531409Tbh western Precure fans are kinda nuts too. Really draws in the unhinged weebs.
Also people really love to endlessly argue on twitter, it's insane. It's like here except ten times worse.
No. 531492
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>>531282I was searching for some art twitter accounts to follow, some time ago, and I found that one disgusting art account full of lewd drawings of Lala Manaka (from Pripara) in her child form.
Shit like that makes me especially angry because she's character from a child media. Imagine all these girls that were searching for their favorite cartoon charas online and they found this shit. Disgusting.
No. 531741
>>531166Don't forget the time a Twitter gay made this woman sign his fucking douche
>>531516Twitter is the epitome of "Misogyny but make it woke."
No. 531742
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>>531741I forgot the picture
No. 531754
>>531742I just looked it up and appearantly she didn't know what that is (understandable, I wouldn't know either). They also made her shout "gay right" while holding poppers… Just look at her dead eyes, fucking hell. She probably wishes for annoying preteen fangirls instead of fags harrassing her to do nasty shit.
No. 531760
>>531750She’s probably so used to these freaks. Nowadays Gay,trans & sex is these peoples personality. I wonder how woke Twitter would feel if a straight man had her sign their pocket pussy. I guess being gross doesn’t matter because gay men aren’t attracted to her, or ppl assume that gay men can’t be gross sexiest jerks who can/do sexually harass women, or make us uncomfortable
Anyway I got banned on twitter because I told a white trans woman to stop comparing ppl not wanting her girl dick, to people not dating black people & to stop comparing POC to trans shit.
I got called a piece of TERF trash (a white dude got mad at me a black woman for telling him to stop using us for his dumb ass agenda) and I had a bunch of people jump down my throat and report me
No. 531771
>>531760When charli first came out in the early 2010s she was adored by female fans. 2013 was a great year for women in music. Idk when Stan fags started claiming her but they gatekeep the fandom too and it's such shite.
Twitter is a shithole for people spouting off buzzwords with understanding what they actually mean. Half the dumb cunts don't even use them in the right context.
No. 531819
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Can someone please explain to me why kpop accounts constantly post videos of their idols in the replies of tweets? They do it everywhere, even during arguments. Shit is fucking weird.
No. 531943
>>531760Yeah whats up with that? Trans people always want to use people not wanting to suck their dick as comparison to the oppression black people face. Its so weird.
Twitter is by far worse than tumblr imo. If you're not a gay trans right woke activist-esque type person who hates capitalism and loves anime you're literal scum to those people.
No. 532091
>>531819I've heard because it's considered competition with other K-pop fangirls, the more they post videos/pictures of their favorite group the more "popular" they are than the others or something like that. It's why they spam random hashtags with pictures that are irrelevant to the tag.
>>531880Barely related but something like that happened to me on Tumblr where some people kept harassing me and I asked them to cut it out and they just kept posting these ugly little men dancing and saying "u mad" like please stop it's not cute or funny get a hobby holy shit.
No. 532103
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>>531262 came down on her like a tonne of shit considering the woman was half naked. She essentially broke revenge porn laws.
Here is her grovelling for forgiveness on twitter.
No. 532106
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pedophile "lolicon" scrote tries to justify baby rape (aka "paraphillic infantalism"). yet thinks he can kinkshame furries (also degenerate, but not usually pedos). gets angry that people also told him to kill himself
right wing animefag twitter is just as retarded and cancerous as leftytwitter
No. 532157
>>531166>>531245>>531261lmao they can be used for sex but likely 99% of the gays and girls in her fanbase use them as party drugs because they give you a really giggly headrush. they genuinely do feel a bit like whip its so this anon
>>531255 isnt wrong. plenty of women use them, charli has and does mention them a lot, searching her tweets/retweeting the ones where she mentioned poppers was a bit of an inside joke for some stans… like, there are videos of ppl sniffing them at festivals and shit with 100% no intention of fucking. what was Actually really fucked up and disrespectful was when a guy had her sign an enema bulb. this is whatever
No. 532827
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did anyone else see the mimolet fiasco on twitter? i have a normie friend who barely knows anything about shit like this who liked the original art in question but she didn't realize it was like sexual art and she felt awful about it.
i also recognized the art style and realized it was a user on tumblr i used to follow like years ago.
No. 532831
>>532827Someone I followed like this (immediately unfollowed)
I tried to see the replies and it was deleted and they privated fast as fuck, Honestly don't know what they expected posting it? genuinely disgusting
No. 532860
>>532827Clowns in the replies on the callout post are saying shit like "it's just a drawing!"
Do they not realize that in parts of Europe, drawings of CP are illegal, too?
Then you have other tards pretending to be Japanese and saying "stupid Americans, offended by CP," when normal Japanese people are just as disgusted by loli and CP as Westerners. The only people defending this are degenerates. Loli and cub are gateway drugs to actual CP.
No. 532866
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>>532827looking for the artis name let me to this lovely furry frick
No. 532867
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>>532864Actually, they're tanuki, but that's irrelevant. They have more in common with human children than they do with real tanuki. They're basically children with animal ears and tails. The game explicitly stated that they're kids– it's part of their backstory.
No. 532871
>>532867My bad & yes I know lol I just think it sounds kind of funny when you say child porn to a drawing of >tanuki
It's still gross as fuck don't get me wrong I'm 100% on your side here but good luck getting any law enforcement to take that seriously.
No. 532911
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>>532114Getting real tired of horny twitter and it's terrible attitude in general ngl
If I run into another Tr*ns femboy person's profile page filled with degenerate shit involving furries and animu toddlers again I'm gonna lose it. So many of these coomers are one dog fuck away from becoming the next Todokaras.
>>532827I wish there was a way to completely filter this stuff out. I didn't care about it at first but now this shit is starting to spill out into full public view.
No. 532922
>>532920Sure but a decrease would be nice.
Anyway, fuck twitter’s shitty tagging system. Tumblr was at least better for that. Made it easier to find good fanart and resources.
No. 533013
>>532871people who defend shit like this will say "why don't you fight actual cp" and i can understand that by reporting stuff like this it clusters actual reports of irl cp. i personally wouldn't report this to law enforcement
however i still think it's important to take notice because as the anon said in
>>532860 it can lead to more extreme things
No. 533157
>>532911Speaking of CP, one of those pictures is literally of a fifteen year old boy getting raped by his
abusive father.
The internet was a mistake.
No. 533808
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satire but most twitter bio's look like this
No. 533923
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No. 534023
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>"they/them" lesbian
No. 534572
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>>534568>Why does it always take so long for people to notice this sort of things? Like why now and not one or two years ago.It's obviously gotten so much worse since all of the degenerates from Tumblr moved to Twitter. Like sure there were signs, but now to most people it's undeniable.
No. 534605
>>534571No not like any cosplay photoshoots. Although you mentioning that does remind me of Susu and bunny. I was mostly referring to sexually ambiguous tweets that ethots partake in back and forth when they clearly are straight. I guess its a game of ass kissing and pretending to be attracted to each other.
None of it really matters, just an observation I find with the culture surrounding Twitter.
No. 534677
>>534673Im going to be real with you anon: not even most of e-thots and coswhores behave as disgustingly as June does as ironic as this sounds. Most of them are level headed and keep avoid the "uwu" neckbeard pandering if not necessary. They just post their photoshoots and leave the kind of comments
>>534662 says to other e-thots in order to promote as she said. It takes a very special sort of extreme stupidity to unironically engage with this sort of audience like shoe does.
No. 535037
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Why does every fandom police retard have a disease?
No. 536374
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Eating cats good, white culture evil. Hashtag woke!
No. 536385
>>536374I mean that mukbanger that ate a roast cat has people all up in arms and I've seen some pretty racist shit said about that.
Meanwhile I love my pet rabbits but live in a white country where rabbit stew is popular. The same rabbit eaters complain about other cultures eating 'the cute and therefore off-limits' animals.
No. 536516
>>536434citation needed. there are Americans who live with animals like cows and chickens on their everyday homes, yet still kill and eat them, so whats your point?
>>536491exactly. this brutality happens in any country where animals are eaten. it's ironic to talk about moralfagging all while some anons are acting like they're on a moral highground because they're from the west where they can easily turn a blind eye to the animals being butchered for their food, all while grouping an entire country of vastly different cultural groups and customs as savages just because they extend it to all animals
No. 536901
>>536374The "You are being RACIST for not accepting people eating cats" argument is so annoying to me. No one is obliged to respect every cultural practice out there. What you personally choose to put in your mouth doesn't determine your race, and people are free to find your diet nasty.
I think eating quite a few animals (including but not limited to cats and dogs) is cruel and disgusting, but even worse than that is people who eat live animals and find entertainment in watching them wriggle around. Others may disagree, but I don't give a fuck. No one has to renege to them and pretend to be okay with it just because "That's how we do it at home!". Who cares? Your grandparents and their grandparents were fucked up, too, then. Die mad about it. Stop pretending it's the same as, say, different kinds of wedding clothing or cultural hairstyles. Once a living creature is harmed, it becomes an issue of personal morality for some people, and there's nothing wrong with not wanting harm to come to certain creatures (or even all of them, if you're the vegan/vegetarian type).
The only exception IMO is cultures where certain animals are all that's available to eat, like people who live where seals are one of the only viable long-term solutions for food. Most cultures who like eating "unorthodox" meat have no excuse, though. They just do this shit for fun.
No. 536902
>>536889Isn't their point that unless you stay away from all meat you can hardly call someone else cruel just for eating a different animal than the animals you eat? Seems like a
valid point.
No. 536920
>>536910Yeah many western countries have seen a worrying increase in cases of bowel and rectal cancer from eating so much red meat and processed meat.. we're consuming way more meat than is necessary and our idea of what a portion of meat looks like is totally skewed.
I'm not about to judge people for eating a variety of meat when we beat them when it comes to the sheer amount of meat eaten.
No. 536927
>>536915>That's like saying someone who only eats chicken every day can call a chicken and beef eater cruel.Well, yeah. They're both eating animals, but one person is clearly eating more animals than the other.
Ideally, people probably shouldn't be eating meat at all, but just because everyone's doing it doesn't make them all exactly the same and that no one should ever criticize.
China does eat less meat than the west for economic reasons, but their consumption is expected to double in the next decade or so, to the detriment of the environment. When you factor in that their meat is coming from more animals than just cows and chickens, it gets slightly more worrying.'s kind of sad that it's only now some parts of China are banning consumption of wild animals. Disease should've been expected at some point, but plenty of people would rather cling to "muh culture" than follow sense.
No. 537172
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I hate twitter but I also love it for providing prime oversensitive retard content. I saw people making fun of this girl for literally thinking an Animal Crossing character was flirting with her. The lion does not want to fuck you.
No. 537366
>>537172Twitter seems to breed oversensitive retards like crazy. It's actually insane, you see so many people getting upset over mundane things.
Literally stop playing the fucking game. In real life you don't get the luxury of just tuning out of uncomfortable/dangerous situations. Go into settings, reset your town. Is it that hard to not be a
No. 537707
>>537366>>537238>>537172i wish this was a troll, but she seriously uses content warnings for animal crossing when her twitter is mostly animal crossing. why would anyone be following her if animal crossing
triggered them lol
No. 538666
>>538653>but I’m never fucking touching it again just because of the people on there. It’s pure cancer.Hard fucking agree. Every other week I hear about some artist getting run of twitter because of petty drama. If you anger a group of stans or a group of literal children who like to scream at people on twitter all day, your mentions are just going to be filled with trash. If you're tagged as a NSFW account, twitter doesn't even automatically block users who are minors from following you. What the fuck? It's a shit platform in general. I'm currently waiting for fanexus to come out.
But you know, of course children are the ones behind most of the catfights on twitter. What do you have to do if you're in middle school or high school? Go to school, and cry. That's literally all you need to do. Might as well get on twitter and try to act hard.
No. 538701
>>538666I’ll take edgy 14 year olds over unstable adults who live on twitter any day. Behavior coming from people like that, especially your own age, is just about the most unnerving shit. They have literal meltdowns and full intent on causing harm where as a 14 year old tumblrino spamming the tags of a ship they don’t like, is annoying at its worst.
I just hate artist witch hunts/drama in general. Who cares if you had a bad experience with them, or if they said some offensive shit?
No. 538773
>>538628>>538628Oh god yes! Trying to be friends with other artists on Twitter is such a fucking pain! If you have less followers than them you'll totally get ignored. If you have the same amount of followers as them they'll see you as competition and ignore you too. If you try to make friends with artists that have low follower count than you, they also have a tendency to ignore you because they see you as a threat! Whatever happen to social media being a tool to make friends with the same interest? I hate how Twitter and IG turns everything into a popularity competition. Dammit it! I just want artfriends to talk about fandom art stuff and do fun art collabs together, fuck your popularity race!
And the SJW culture is just too over the top. Get off the internet if you can't handle different views. Not everyone in the world has the same world view and lifeexperience as you. However I do hate how Tumblr degeneracy has infected Twitter as of late. I lowkey blame Tumblr for the downfall of Twitter.
No. 538866
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Some of yall really be letting twitter know you lurk lc on an account with your face attached… 9/10 times looking like you have bpd lmao
No. 539176
>>539167teenagers use them to talk about their obsessions and make friends their age who also like that sort of shit.
they do that until they grow out of it. it's just a random fan account for a thing or several things they like.
that's all. it's not that deep.
No. 539527
>>535095I agree with the idea that’s it’s really a non-issue when you get an ugly villager and that people need to chill the fuck out. I’m the type who would get sad in real life when I was accidentally mean to one of my villagers though lol.
I once made one of my villagers angry in Wild World when I was a kid and didn’t play for a few days I was so upset>>539167Genuine non-snobby question but are you and your friend still in High School? STAN accounts are just the new wave version of all of the tumblrs dedicated to a particular character/celebrity/any piece of media ever except on a more ‘normie’ platform. I did it as a kid but eventually grew out of it and your friend probably will too. Just mute her and pray she doesn’t try and rope you into whatever her obsession is.
No. 540252
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No. 540253
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No. 540271
>>540268To be honest, they're the ones who will call everyone and everything a pedophile/nazi/fascist and have loli/shota blacklisted and all that jazz. They're those
infamous people who say you are a pedo/murder apologist for liking a 2D character who is not all sunshines and rainbows.
No. 540272
>>540252>>540253>calling out Aggy on his creepy shit means you're an anti and a radfemWhat a clever way to gather sympathy tbh
Combine those two words and you got both coomers
and trooners rushing in to defend them.
No. 540277
>>540273I'm not familiar with the person in the tweet and thought they are one of those woke SJWs going on their umpteenth rant over why this and that is bad.
My bad, I guess.
No. 540278
>>540273>My bad, I guess.NTA but it's an easy mistake to make. There have been artists who've done pedo callouts only to come up later as posting cp or other "
problematic" content under an adult only account. It's just part of the hypocrisy these people come equipped with.
No. 540349
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>>540252Really? Because whenever someone comes in a thread whining about "b-but what about the rights of the fictional characters??" they almost always get bent in half, and rightfully so.
>>540253>lolcow has threads dedicated to harassing and bothering transgender teenagersI bet she's talking about the fakeboi thread, lol. Checking their bio it says she's a they/them-
>pic relatedOh, well would you look at that. Still writing chemical romance fics, nice.
No. 540418
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not even into kpop bshit but i keep stumbling upon lana shitstorm tweets and im so mad
No. 540852
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No. 541034
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I was having a good day until I saw this.
No. 541036
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>>541034the "squirting submissive little" took me out
how can anyone even be proud of being a "pretty porn creator"?
she probably thinks that staying at home and selling a nude or two and getting her ass fucked by her nasty boyfriend/dildos is the same as sex world all over the world aka just plain abuse and torture for trafficking
victims and poor women
hope your dildo gets stuck in you forever
No. 541428
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Twitter is worse than tumblr
No. 541568
File: 1587004772653.png (163.76 KB, 648x799, mental illness.png)

These are the same type of people that think drawings are the same thing as honest to god real cp, and go around harassing random fanartists on twitter. You have to actually be fucking retarded to believe this and go "omg DM me" when this pops up.
Full video:>>541537If you're in the art community these people infest every single space. You can block block and block, and you'll still see these people.
No. 541575
File: 1587007828536.jpg (138.76 KB, 1124x1364, EVIbzjzVAAI0YIT.jpg)

Voice actresses of the She-Ra reboot doesn't like a tweet saying they are going to send her to the guillotine for being rich. Whole of woke twitter proceeds to dunk on her No. 541577
File: 1587008492204.png (344.99 KB, 728x896, rIL7KNPg.png)

>>541575It's cause she could've handled it differently
Everyone's been using the Tony Hawk meme as an example
But I guess it takes very little to make yourself look like a
victim No. 541582
>>541568Isn't that angryretsuko person defending stwawbewymilk?
Don't care if people who draw loli get harassed tbh.
No. 541619
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>>541575>>541585I really hate jokes like this, they do know when SHTF its gonna be right wing ex-military guys with guns who are gonna take over and not your local skinny-fat woketard
No. 541632
>>541600>wanting to view real CP with real victims and real abuse>not as bad as drawing a cartoonLiterally same thing as people who sperg about muh representayshun on netflix series and marvel films but couldn't care less about real black people being brutalized and killed by police.
>"But it normalizes pedophilia and leads to actual abuse!" The 00s called, they want their "media brainwashes people and violent videogames lead to violent actions" back.
No. 542002
File: 1587076483482.png (14.33 KB, 590x206, angryretsuko.png)

>>541985>>541632Isn't it not real CP though? I thought that was your point.
Some overly curious idiots want to be part of drama and asked to see loli.
The person who drew the loli in the first place is worse. That's what I meant. Not sure why you're bringing up black people being brutalized for no reason.
No. 542015
>>542002>black people being brutalized.That was a different anon. I didn't get that point either.
The point is that these people don't know the difference between real cp and drawings. In every other place they would be thrown out for asking to "see" it. Also I'm not sure why you keep bringing up this angryretsuko person. I did not mention them at all except for linking the video in which a bunch of people are asking to see cp, retard. I'm not defending some twaumatized pedo troon drawing kids pissing themselves, I'm pointing at a bunch of autists that are asking to see cp.
No. 543197
File: 1587296395434.png (704.13 KB, 2048x1228, Screenshot_20200419-071442.png)

Twitter is a den of the most degenerate hedonism and sexual perversion.
Imagine what is being shared between private accounts. It's honestly mindboggling that all of the main social media sites are literally havens for pedophiles and sexual degenerates.
No. 543238
>>543197what squicks me out sometimes is accounts with disgusting urls have popular normal tweets
idk why i go on there when all i do is block
No. 543356
File: 1587330141837.jpeg (158.31 KB, 750x530, 98CD8614-C609-4B02-9531-BEDC35…)

gonna keep posting more DIDfags for my fellow anons. I find these people humiliating and hysterical.
keep telling yourself that, delulu
No. 544081
File: 1587479101671.jpg (49.77 KB, 428x542, 1587478397537.jpg)

Presented without comment
No. 544110
>>544105why are you surprised that someone who is into a fucked up fetish would be into another fucked up fetish.
Just like how the ddlgers are into petplay/pissplay/rape
No. 544158
>>544117I imagine a lot more people could be into taboo fetishes like scat and diapers but most will never really consume this kind of porn/material so they'll never know. Kinda like how some people say they felt "tingly" watching the Jungle Book as kids and feel like their hypnosis fetish started there. If they have never been exposed to situations with hypnosis, I don't think they would ever know they have the fetish.
What fandoms do is expose people to the fetishes they are already predisposed to have.
No. 544785
File: 1587593652223.jpeg (359.21 KB, 750x841, 9BF3A930-4315-4B1A-856A-83B34D…)

Found an especially cringey DIDfag, complete with an entire "about" page for her "totally real altars" including one who identifies as a "kitsune". Also apparently has a discord server and twitters for various fake headmates. This is ridiculous No. 544788
File: 1587593864407.jpeg (364.28 KB, 750x810, 19452435-9D68-4411-8B6E-AF6B27…)

>>544785Another degenerate who appears to be girlfriend of the aforementioned. Also has a bio page for fake headmates. These people are fucking deranged, just not in the way they think lmao No. 544793
>>544789clearly one of her headmates is bi and the other is lesbian, anon
sage for siide sperg but I remember when DID wasn't all that popular and everyone was faking personality disorders instead. I almost yearn for the days when the snowflakes were pretending to be cluster b's, this headmate shit is way worse
No. 544932
>>544788>ace/aro>agender girl>bi lesbian>she pronouns but they/them pluralsI.. what? How does this all work together, she doesn't have a gender but is a girl and a lesbian, but also bisexual and an aromantic asexual? It's like a machine generated twitter profile.
>>544867Honestly anon while it's an easy simplification to just call everyone degenerate perverts, paraphilias are something that just happen and their birthing mechanism might remain a complex mystery. Someone might only get off by licking doorknobs or sniffing shoes or something extremely weird like that and never know why and they can't help it. A lot of studies do suggest that developing paraphilias goes all the way back into childhood and are related to being conditioned to associate a nonsexual object or action to be arousing. So while I think the "totally spies created a generation of weird fetishes" is tinfoiling spergery there's an inch of truth in it.
But it seems to be such a gamble as to how a person's psyche works in order to develop an actual paraphilia so it's pointless to try and blame TV shows and fanfictions for influencing people so much. Most people who have kinks wouldn't approve them in real life situations to begin with, like you could get your rocks off to roleplaying as a student and a teacher with your partner in a safe, controlled environment but if your actual real life teacher started hitting on you you'd be disgusted.
>>544895I hate furry degenerates as much as any other person but I still find it interesting to research why they are the way they are and this seems like an accurate take. A lot of furries are autistic and probably need to feel comfortable and disassociated from their real body in order to feel safe enough to experience arousal, so they use the animal alter egos as proxies to have sex. And because they associate safety with childhood and being pampered they end up becoming diaperfurs and adult babies.
No. 547796
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No. 547903
File: 1588273482048.gif (1.03 MB, 245x225, download.gif)

>>547818Bitch, same here. I'm going to sit here and play my ancient pc games and download sims booty shorts CC.
No. 547932
>>547912I'm so done with our citizens.
Have a look through #universalcredit if you want to see a bunch of haughty ingrates throw tantrums about how they refuse to live on the same paltry amounts the lower peasant classes have done for years, and complain about how outrageous it that the telephone and online system is having technical difficulties during a time of global crisis.
No. 547955
>start being active on Twitter again>lose followersvideo related
In all seriousness though, it fucking sucks that people who are decent at art keep exclusive to shit sites like Twitter, Tumblr, IG, etc.
I don't like that I'm having to shake hands with awful sites like those just to see the content I want.
>>547796>>541428Oh are people still doing this "unfollow me now if"/dnfi bullshit? I had hoped that people would've grown out of that already and recognized how immature it is. It was at least kind of amusing in 2013, 7 years later it continues to only be used by the biggest flakes and narcissists.
>>547834Tumblr users used to do that a lot years ago. Some of the people who put that are, in fact, over 18 and scummy as shit because they want to be a honeypot for actual minors.
No. 549322
File: 1588506754533.jpg (229.67 KB, 1070x634, 20200503_134447.jpg)

I found this gem today. Some girls really need to start interacting with their peers irl.
No. 551697
File: 1588924165401.png (206.43 KB, 750x1334, FC288876-2BC5-4B81-8158-94E617…)

Oh my god I can’t make this shit up a woman was sexually harassed and Twitter users are telling her not to “kinkshame”
>” I (43F) caught my son’s friend masturbating to my high heels last night. I told him to leave the house without telling my son and to never come back”>apparently when she caught him and confronted him, he got all embarrassed, so she told him she’d tell his parents> he took off without telling her son what really happened The original reddit post is deleted so sorry for the paraphrase green text. No. 551916
>>551698Replies are still real, I hate the coddling of teens, they know right from wrong jfc
>>551697Why do teen girls' hormones lead them to be groomed by pedos but teen boys's hormones make them sex offending creeps?
No. 552546
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>Mother's Day trends
I'm glad I deleted Twitter
No. 552805
File: 1589205723322.jpg (95.69 KB, 1080x918, qqthemenz.jpg)

>>552546Men can not take it not being about them. They spend their entire lives depending on women, first their Mother's then their girlfriends and wives, and they can't even take ONE DAY A YEAR to say "thx here's a $5 box of chocolates from Walgreens"
No. 552865
>>552805>>552546There is literally a father's day…
Women don't do this passive aggressive shit on father'd day
No. 553352
File: 1589328875723.png (455.43 KB, 576x2261, fucking hell.png)

Can we fucking nuke twitter already?
No. 553653
>>553359I've been thinking about this a lot lately.
>>553584Its annoying af and just another way of saying bitch.
No. 554426
File: 1589600317302.jpeg (79.9 KB, 738x865, EYFVIW_XkAAJpVI.jpeg)

I'm glad this pathetic e-girl got ~cancelledt~ for tweeting this bullshit. Why the fuck would she even tweet this and not see how bad of a take it is?
No. 554442
>>554426To be fair medical systems often fund the voluntary castration, breast augmentation, and hormone regimen of men who claim they're women and of course vice versa.
Bad way to go about the point trying to make people with noses on the left insecure, but I think society is so stupid on how we gatekeep the necessity of plastic surgery when we so flagrantly give it out like candy to some but not others. If a new nose would change someone's life, then it's pretty shitty to monetarily penalize them for it when there's already precedent of other vain types of surgeries having been medically covered.
No. 554448
>>554442Agreed. If we're following the logic of "I need to have cosmetic surgery to have a higher quality of life and feel like my
true self", everyone should be able to make a call, essentially say "It's up to the government to fund my boob job and facial surgery, or I will kill myself and the blood is on
your hands", and get exactly what they want.
No. 555192
File: 1589810189572.jpeg (697.22 KB, 1125x1352, C045AC7A-BDD4-4F12-92EF-D76DCE…)

the delusion
No. 555286
>>555192Is this a trans woman, if not why the FUCK are people always trying to compare POC especially black women to trans women?
Also what "aesthetic?", wish people would stop bringing trannies into anything, women have been looking and dressing like this.
No. 556069
File: 1590000983956.png (28.17 KB, 477x364, jjjj.PNG)

>>555192I posted this on the other site (gardens) but it fits here as well since we are talking about similar silly things on twitter.
No. 556278
File: 1590058516218.jpeg (69.83 KB, 954x995, 1583322093725.jpeg)

>>556069>Nowadays's pornified beauty standards are basically about looking like a hypersexualized parody of women with over exaggerated secondary sex characterics, lips and so on>"U fucking cissies we trans women invented looking like pornified parodies of women first!!"Lmaooooo
No. 557736
File: 1590300646658.jpeg (244.03 KB, 750x429, 7897160B-DECD-47FA-9587-8C4209…)

I genuinely wish this is satire
No. 557746
>>557736sadly not. twitter is filled to the brim with pornsick people who always try to find a way to force their addiction onto other people, including children. it's crazy to think twitter has become way worse than tumblr in that regard - the porn ban made all the sickos flood twitter, but at least it made tumblr more bearable and useable.
can you also believe these creeps actually use their real name and a picture of their face when they tweet all this nasty shit about porn and how horny they are? do they not have any shame or dignity? this is the type of shit you say when you're strictly anonymous.
No. 557753
>>557746>>557750These people either forgot or were never told that the internet is NOT real life and that it's not recommended to post anything under your real identity and/or in a public place, and especially not things that could get you in trouble like that disturbing shit
>>557736, or what's your political opinions, shit talking your current employer, insulting/harassing/threatening anyone, etc. Especially because the internet never forgets and it's super easy to archive pages and websites.
It's amazing how just 15 years ago parents, even the ones who weren't tech-savvy at all, would yell at their kids that posting literally anything ever would bring viruses to their computers and they'd get kidnapped, tortured and killed by pedos, now if you know where to look you can find out someone's address, employer, who they voted for, who they have or had sex with, who they're related to, where they went to school, etc. in 10 minutes. I managed to do that with people I know irl and who should know better without even trying, it's just that bad.
No. 557772
>>557736Christ porn is not for minors she could've just said a site or school program about sex education. Either way politics shouldn't be involved in any of it and there's still a large possibility for pedos to groom online or even molest/assault kids if it's an after school program. I wish kids could learn real sexual health education rather than vague crap due to conservative upbringing, but I'm assuming she wants them to watch outright
abusive porn with questions that lean on sex pleasing than stds and reproduction. The shit that gets posted on twitter just keeps dialing up, is it just a massive hugbox of acceptance? That or these posts get buried in retweets of other content I assume.
No. 558532
File: 1590453351666.png (284.65 KB, 598x388, 749823623539857235792.png)'m fucking laughing woke twitter is trying to cancel Ray Sipe for this
No. 561498
File: 1590866809393.jpeg (147.66 KB, 554x700, CD019927-A57A-4F17-BFFB-BDC096…)

>lots of tweet warning people to wear protective gear so they won’t be identified at protests
>still people with no masks
No. 561520
>>561515Nope, never posted there? Why?
Can it be that more than one people share my opinion? What a shocker.
No. 561593
>>561514This. Fuck the salty muricans who keep whining about "j-just drop your social media, y-you're being just as annoying as the American spergs!!!!". If I wanted to avoid all this shit I'd have to relocate to an island with zero human contact or any way to be informed of the outside world. It would be one thing to let people outside of the borders to know what's happening in your country but it's entirely another to demand everyone take action right now because to them the US is the de facto global capital.
>>561511Holy shit what the hell. The world has to stop revolving because there are riots in the US? The americentric imperialism knows no bounds. My country is busy enough dealing with the virus and the inevitable massive recession and societal issues following its effects, giving a shit about the American racial tensions isn't exactly top priority on my fucking list of things to care about. Fix your fucking country on your own. And by fixing I mean actually doing something of value instead of tweeting Extra Spicy Woke takes on it.
No. 561608
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>>561605Sorry everyone outside the Anglosphere hates your developing country.
No. 561638
File: 1590880688555.jpg (40.29 KB, 498x490, 346383345.jpg)

>>561611I think i might be partly responsible for that meme, some years ago i posted pic related on another imageboard and the very next day someone started chanting "rent free inside your head" after a successful bait and so it spred.
No. 561646
File: 1590881775868.jpg (49.12 KB, 583x581, 5685864.jpg)

>>561638They most likely got it from this.
No. 561647
>>561644Your reading comprehension is not so good.
>>561646That's in 2020 though, but the meme is already several years old.
No. 561712
>>561706Don't be daft anon,
>>561638 this anon posted that image to an image board and it was so captivating the phrase was coined.
No. 562758
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>>562700Personally I’m not ready for the annoying “quirky” brands shitting out tweets left and right. No. 563219
File: 1591045135490.png (31.91 KB, 595x267, Screenshot_2020-06-01_17-54-53…)

Do the women that post this on twitter actually believe the bs they're spewing?
No. 563266
File: 1591050637173.jpeg (365.5 KB, 750x1010, AD5B3520-495C-4113-A165-8E0866…)

People are so rush to quick and judge others even if they are donating and keeping up with events, just because they choose not to blast their actions all over social media like everyone else. 1/2
No. 563271
File: 1591050875016.jpeg (307.82 KB, 750x1010, 59A15D8D-A6B4-4ACE-BFDD-BF2324…)

>>563266I hate this witch hunt against people who havent flooded their timelines with the same links and tweets as everyone else, condemning them. I know there are people out there really trying to get the word out, but at some point it just feels like virtue signaling. 2/2
No. 563333
>>563300If it’s not their job to be political they shouldn’t be strong armed into doing so because it creates a vicious cycle from then on. If they don’t reply (or influence to use your word) to every political discourse then they’re canceled.
It’s not worth it, imo.
No. 563366
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>>563271Another one I found from a gaming YTer I watch. Tweet this is all under said “it’d be great if people would stop friending my personal fb” and the reply that spurred this thread says “It'd be awesome if you used your platform to condemn what's happening right now and raise awareness.”
No. 563491
File: 1591075732030.png (837.59 KB, 892x788, louis.PNG)

Holy shit I had no idea Louis XX/Louis de Bourbon had a twitter account and that there were actual royalistes replying to him and shit. Dude is getting ratio'd for complaining that his grand-grand-uncle's statues in the USA got broken during the current American riots. I'm losing my shit I feel like I'm written a shit post right now kek
No. 563509
File: 1591081456830.jpg (45.88 KB, 568x420, 89.jpg)

Pic attached is actually from Tumblr (but on Twitter the same shitshow is also going around) but holy fuck, the thing that Anonymous account said isn't even "TERF" related in the first place, it's literally common sense, but these people will blow every single thing out of proportion. They literally act like you cannot criticize the "bad trans people" and the kind who abuse that entire thing to groom and ruin the lives of others, because "they are still trans and you are being transphobic!!1!1!!!!". Even if that account isn't the "original" Anonymous account, it still made those news blow up and decided to do something against it and these little babies genuinely believe that someone thinking their trans ideology isn't all rainbows and sunshines is worse than a bunch of child rapists and traffickers getting exposed. Oh my god, everyone on Tumblr is literally brainless and what the fuck is even a "Crypo-TERF", that literally made me laugh.
That account bringing more attention to old news that were actually ignored in the first place and making everyone else more aware of all the entire child trafficking business etc.? No they are still bad, because they said fukky wukky to my twans people!!!!!!!!!!
No. 563517
>>563509TRAs are deathly afraid of anyone ever listening to dissenting opinions, because it's an emperor's new clothes situation and evil TERFs are the ones being like 'but he's naked…'. They're like a cult trying to isolate and brainwash it's followers by constant silencing of opinions, demands that people block and ignore, do not interact etc etc.
That's how you know they're in a fragile, easily dismantled position. In comparison, reading what a misogynist/racist/homophobe etc has to say would only reinforce an activists belief, because it's hateful bullshit and just proves you right that they're garbage. Same doesn't apply for transphobia because if you read what a TERF has to say you'll probably peak trans.
No. 563519
>>563366This is an infuriating sight. Those people live in a weird bubble where not only they can't imagine people not caring or wanting to talk about what they obsess over
right now, but also get all high and mighty about it if proven otherwise. And they consider tweeting shits as activism. Dumb tweets from shallow dorks stringing gay little snarky comments to harness moral asspats and cover the fact they're also probably somewhere safe are activism and "raising awareness".
Please excuse my salt
No. 563522
>>563366>>563509Most of America is on fire, and THIS is what they choose to care about? lmao
No. 563630
>>563509Yeah I don't get how they're comparing Black people in the USA (and racial/ethnic minorities in the West in general) being discriminated against all the time, the corrupt and unnecessarily violent police doing fucked up shit all over the planet, and sexism that women and girls face everyday in every aspects of their lives from trafficking, prostitution, rape, murder, abuse in general, discrimination at school and at work, or even in healthcare, to their crossdressing AGP fetish. Oh no, the account with relevant info about big cases such as Epstein being a serial rapist pedophile tweeted about men being dangerous for women in general, cross dressing men included!! Oh the horror! Like really, what kind of messed up sense of priorities is that?
No. 563987
File: 1591127884474.jpeg (28.3 KB, 563x545, images (12).jpeg)

>>563509Everytime I hear these tards putting "crypto" in front a negative term in order to sound smart all I can think of is this. Even the 80s is side eyeing these people.
>I hate money I loathe possessions it's just so crypto fascist No. 566181
File: 1591403736411.png (62.14 KB, 740x515, twit.PNG)

Sometimes I think about making a Twitter for fandom things and see this top-tier sperging circulating.
No. 566183
File: 1591404083816.png (572.21 KB, 744x436, 18697348093.PNG)

>>566182If you guessed Karen, you're right.
No. 566224
File: 1591421694397.jpg (219.52 KB, 474x1560, image.jpg)

>>566181Thought that icon looked familiar and surely enough, it's a Voltard fandom mom who was recently featured on KF for having an autistic meltdown over her fujo ship. These people make art Twitter look like a petting zoo.
No. 566263
>>566224>it's some 30 something fujo throwing a tantrum about her ships on the internetSomehow I'm not surprised. Can't even scroll down on her "serious" politics twitter without bumping into voltron yaoi lol
Art twitter is a shit show. I swear it's a new artist getting cancelled every day.
No. 566265
>>566181>>566224I'm not a Voltron fan but even I know that the people who shipped Sheith got universally doxxed, harassed, suicide baited and called out as a pedophile because they were shipping a 26-year old and a 21-year old. Crazy bitches even called it incest because they grew up together at some point despite not even being brothers and went as far as to continuously harass the creators on Twitter. Yeah, I'd probably lose my mind too dealing with it. If you're one of the insane antis supporting this sort of behavior and call it an "autistic meltdown" when someone's patience wears off with bpd twitter spergs try to brand you as a pedo over a harmless fictional ship you can get off this site immediately.
Now that I think about it, what the fuck is up with the sudden influx of cancerous Twitter discourse people who obviously came from the K-pop thread or have no idea of the context of most things happening online?
No. 566294
File: 1591440619924.jpeg (Spoiler Image,791.75 KB, 1242x1207, 92735F49-758B-4D78-BC2A-61F8A9…)

I just want to die. Mom/daughter duo on OF. I’m pretty sure they’re not the first. No. 566297
File: 1591440818286.jpeg (Spoiler Image,877.76 KB, 1242x1137, 406500D3-84DD-4907-AC0D-8ECF5F…)

>>566294Her daughter’s account… #AutisticAdult… Does anyone else feel icky? Not just from the incesty shit, but also from the fact that the mom is pretty much taking advantage of her?’s a video of “yaas girl power” basically: No. 566307
>>566297Oh no… I remember the video with her mom being supportive towards her onlyfans career, I'm all for not slut shaming anyone but even then her showing her tits next to her mom felt a bit uncomfortable to me and it's nothing compared to what you've just shared. This is honestly borderline the same level of fucked up as the infamous two broken arms reddit story.
(anyone not familiar and curious, here it is, obv incest warning
No. 566317
File: 1591442630372.png (484.65 KB, 798x1434, bhk8.png)

>>566294>>566297At least people are dragging the mother in the comments, but a sane website would've banned both accounts before they even hit 1k followers.
I feel like this is what happens when you push this "all kinds of sexuality is empowering" meme into the mainstream. People like this will exercise their freedom of speech to try and normalize their degeneracy.
If they're in a place where this isn't illegal, expect to wait a few years before the op-ed about how this free and enlightened pair of body-positive, sex-positive, age-positive neurodivergent sex workers were relentlessly harassed by bigoted Twitter users, "mainstream" sex workers trying to gatekeep them and anonymous imageboards.
No. 566460
>>566265>antisLmao. Maybe you should get off this site and log back into anime twitter.
>>566317Ah, sex positivity. One of the things actively killing progressivism.
No. 566613
>>566423I've said this before on this site but sexual
interest is definitely a trait that isn't wrong to be commercialised, there was abuse i can guarantee it and to this day but we went wrong when we went from the lingerie, the titillating dance, the flash of the thigh, it all being about just enough for excitement but not perversion to actually just humiliating yourself for precious little money in the long term. It's a weird take "sex work is fine as long as there's no sex" but anyway
No. 567521
>>566460Just because you don't like a popular slang term like "antis" doesn't make it not a popular slang term anymore, or that the anon you replied to is an anime shipper…
You seem pretty tone deaf here.
No. 567562
>>566224She is an absolute nutjob but she is correct about lesbian ships being more “child friendly” than gay male pairings.
She’s probably just salty that her ship didn’t become canon and doesn’t care beyond that but still.
No. 567685
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lmao imagine being this stupid
No. 567741
>>567685>I know my shit!! I got a Ph.D. in armchair psychology you FREAKSYes, human brain isn't developed enough to tell the difference between fiction and reality when it's releasing oxytocin as we see our favourite character die as an immediate reaction. There are many studies supporting this. But in what fucking world does it correlate with something you get off on? We can applaud the death of a fictional character being a good way to write them out of the story and we can analyze it because a normal person, despite the acute reaction of crying, can differentiate fiction and reality and distance ourselves emotionally from what happens in our favourite show. When my mom dies I won't be talking about her death's importance to my character development, I'll be struck with deep sadness and mourning being unable to take a break from reality. And that's the difference, you can always walk away from the movie or the game when it starts feeling too uncomfortable. You're always in control and experiencing it in a safe environment. Even though fiction can evoke some primordial senses like anger and sadness while experiencing it you break the immersion the moment you turn off the screen and walk away.
"Fiction affects reality" in the sense that it reinforces our already existing opinions and feelings, but it doesn't hypnotize us to believe or act upon something that we wouldn't accept in our normal lives. There are multiple studies about something like sad and aggressive media influencing young teenagers negatively, but in each case the teenager has pre-existing mental conditions such as depression and anxiety, and the media only reinforces their bleak view of the world. This study has found that children from religious homes are more prone to believe fiction is real than children from non-religious homes, further reinforcing the fact that fiction doesn't create new ideas, it only amplifies something we already had in our heads: . So in other words people can ship whatever the fuck they want without being influenced IRL by it and if they are, they most likely have underlying mental issues that need to be treated instead.
Anyway there's really no point in trying to make sense of these "m-muh fiction is REAL" people, they're only using it as a weapon against anyone who ships what they don't personally like and keep finding "
problematic" traits only to make everyone kneel to their will, all the while fetishizing and infantilizing real life K-pop idols like they were cute cartoon characters and not living, breathing humans. Like I really don't want to give these people the feeling their points about shipping a 17-year old and a 18-year old is pedophilia or that shipping incest will make you fuck your brother by debating them, the only reaction they deserve is an awkward silence and a stare that says "take your meds". Their spergery is so over the top that honestly it always feels like they're compensating for some hidden kink they don't want people to know about, which is often the case seeing how many "KILL FANDOM PEDO FREAKS" people turn out to have sexually harassed or abused minors in real life.
No. 567751
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Attempting to steer this thread back to normal instead of fanfag discourse with this good old “I’m 14 and this is very deep” material.
No. 567773
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Presented without comment.
No. 567785
>>567767People are still "whining" about it because the perpetrators moved on to other fandoms to continue their bullshit over there. I wouldn't say it's "whining" when it's literally peoples' reputations being ruined by doxxing and falsified pedo claims over fictional ships.
And no, I don't give a shit about Voltron either and I hate that show. But I do give a shit about these speds ruining other fandoms they entered after the show ended. It's always fun to just roll your eyes and tell people to get over it until the people reach you and find something
problematic about the stuff you like just out of spite. These people can literally turn white black with their mental gymnastics and everything can become
problematic if you happen to like something they don't.
No. 567806
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Petition to bring back That Thread
No. 567807
>>567806This person has a dick they are very proud of, pinned post is about their dick and they also have an onlyfans where they show their dick, so no stans coming in here 'trans women are women'
Issa dude.
No. 567874'm not too great at reading the nuances of social dynamics, and this situation is baffling to me.
I can see that the Andrew person was pretty rude.
My interpretation of his responses, with the little context given, is that he was pushing back against doing some extra work in a channel where the "vibe" was less formal.
In the email with Nick, she describes this as "feeling empowered to be rude". I think a more charitable characterization would be to say that the channel's informal atmosphere played a role in the inappropriate response, rather than it being some sort of power play. Again, without specific details of their previous interactions, it's hard to judge.
She then characterizes this message: implying her request to be impolite.
My interpretation was that Max was attempting to de-escalate the situation. I think it could even be read as a direct acknowledgment of the request as being polite.
She says that other people "piled on", but doesn't show examples. I don't see how the screenshot of the "random" channel has anything to do with the situation.
Regarding the email with Nick- Why is an in-person meeting suspicious? The comment on tone being lost in digital communication seems extremely
valid in this situation.
And why was his decision to talk to the other people involved unacceptable? Conflict resolution can't be one sided.
Regarding the Reparations email, it seems that her main objection to the resolution was Max's lack of a direct response to her. (And perhaps, this could be an uncharitable interpretation on my part, it seems like she's upset that the end result was not a complete capitulation)
"Reparations Day" was changed to "Redistribution of Wealth", where 10,000 people received $15, and 100 people got $1000.
The request for reparations to not be trivialized was met, but not in the manner they suggested.
The next one is very confusing to me. I can find no charitable interpretation for her self-described behavior in this message: Nick follows up on the Slack conflict, it seems to me that she explicitly lies to him. It seems like she expects him to intuit her response as disingenuous, to know that her feelings haven't changed and she's still upset.
"Because I said I stopped thinking anyone would show up for me" - Was that actually part of the words from your mouth? Or was that part of the subtext you expected him to pick up on?
No. 568329
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Double standards.
No. 569341
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It's time to close the Dumb Bitch Meme thread, guys! What woke twitter wants, woke twitter gets.
No. 569441
>>569341How is that racist? lmao
I’m Mexican btw, what’s the deal with white people telling everyone what they should be outraged about
No. 570216
>>569441Came here to ask this.
Feel like they're angry at anything they don't understand or haven't figured out how to retool it into a watered down/ugly version of it for themselves. Calling it racist is their way of saying "stop having fun, guys!"
No. 571591
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No. 571677
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No. 571753
File: 1592466837489.png (377.91 KB, 798x1035, sawa_writing.PNG)'s an idol game called Ensemble Stars that has a character (Arashi) who the fandom started collectively headcanoning as a trans woman despite him looking like a man, dressing like a man but being an effeminate stereotype of a Japanese gay man complete with the distinct, feminine "onee kotoba" speaking style, similar to the sassy gay way of talking in the west like calling each other "sisters" despite being male. A native Japanese fan wrote a post about how she sees Arashi as an effeminate male due to the circumstances I explained above and the bad part of the fandom is just going nuts over calling this poor woman a ~transphobe~ and spamming her mentions with vitriol, using vague fan translations as "proof" to dispute her, a native speaker who has grown up in Japan as an ethnic Japanese person.
Do these people not fucking see how bordering on homophobic this is to brand every GNC character a tranny and how racist it is to start talking over a native person due to your shitty western white superiority complex? I fucking hate Twitterfags so much, bomb this godawful site already.
No. 571818
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>>571753I got curious so I checked his wiki out and wow, this is already so damn annoying. I hope the creator comes out with a statement and tells them all to fuck off and either accept it the way it is or leave their work alone.
But I bet they'd even call the creator a transphobe. No. 571821
>>571753Lmao at the people trying speak Japanese to an actual Japanese person: fucking embarrassing.
Like imagine someone speaking broken English to you and trying to push shit as facts. “Atashi” doesn’t mean canon trans character, pronouns in Japanese don’t work that way
No. 571825
>>571764I would understand if they used she/her pronouns to sort of be "in the joke" of calling him an onee-chan and such but the fact that they actually demand everyone to recognize him as a brave and stunning trans gurrl is nothing short of brain dead. He doesn't even cross dress and clearly presents as a man, some story parts even straight out have him saying that he's still male but the tranny capers cherrypick dialogues to present as "proof".
>>571818IIRC the creators have specified him as a man before but they twisted it around as "it's debatable!!!". Some brainlet in the replies actually tried to claim he's a trans woman because he uses the feminine pronoun "Atashi" to refer to himself which is just something stereotypical effeminate gay characters do in general. I hate how the most aggressive part of the fandom gets to dictate the rules for everyone, even over Japanese fans who have read everything in their original native language.
No. 571855
>>571825I don't know shit about Ensemble Stars but
>because he uses the feminine pronoun "Atashi" to refer to himself which is just something stereotypical effeminate gay characters do in generalYeah that's pretty much the equivalent of calling James Charles or Jeffree Star closet transwomen because of how they talk. Thank god even before deleting my twitter account I already muted terms related to this game years ago.
No. 571865
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>>571593this is the supposed explanation. lol
No. 571891
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No. 571893
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No. 571897
>>571893God I love watching men get rekt
Shit is funny
No. 571899
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Elon Musk is basically a cow.
No. 571994
>>571604It was always kind of bad, but the Tumblr exodus made it sillier.
>>571635I'm pretty sure Americans who have corrupt police forces in their neighborhoods wouldn't notice a difference since they're the ones either blatantly ignoring the crimes, or being bribed to ignore said crimes. People like you love thinking America is some kind of ungrateful, first-world monolith when really it's a 3rd world country with McMansions and a Gucci bag. A literal shithole.
>>571591>>571865This is one of those things where the microagression depends on the source of the context. It has its roots in the stupid Afrocentrist misogynist bullshit and is often used in a patronizing context. ex "You're a queen, and because you're a queen, fit these molds that I define for you." It can be considered a backhanded compliment. "Queens" are expected to be idols who never feel pain or sorrow unless it's attached to a 'kang,' and are expected to base their entire existence upon uplifting them while feeling proud to come second. You see similar narratives in Aryan bullshit.
So, tl;dr, in said group 'Queen' is used to describe a level of pickme a woman should aspire to be for the comfort of males instead of a legit compliment.
I doubt my explanation will make sense to anyone looking too hard into it, but that's the gist. It's explained in the post, but it doesn't delve into the origin of this concept so it's likely lost on people who have no idea about how these dudes behave.
>>571893Fucking gold.
No. 572003
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>>571918>>571891Obviously it's not true. Beethoven's parents were both Germans, not that it matters. I doubt these people could even name anything he composed besides Symphony No. 5.
No. 572066
>>571994>>571635 here
I don’t care what you think about America and I wasn’t making a statement either way. I just don’t want this thread to get sidetracked by Americans, Eurofags, and others arguing about which country is better. That’s why the BLM/protest thread got shut down. Country/ Continent sperging on lolcow is just dumb and always ends with tards flinging their shit at each other.
No. 572074
File: 1592523552044.jpeg (324.36 KB, 750x1091, A1E4CA64-4B9E-4275-9BAA-A1C8A4…)

I hate this shit lmao. Promoting/encouraging donates to organizations who do work to end systematic racism like protestors have been doing is one thing (and something completely fair in my eyes), but sticking out your hand and asking for money for no other reason than being black??? The fuck.
No. 572086
>>572076>not everything is about race! stop this! we all are human beings, we're all same!NTA but… black people never say that. They're always pretty clear that many things about about race and our (systemic) differences.
Not that I support random people expecting donations rather than organizations/businesses, but don't be obtuse.
No. 572159
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I hate shit like this.
I do believe that Breonna’s killers need to be put in jail but jfc, it’s not a contest. She was killed this years whereas the Danny’s rape charges are almost 20 years old.
No. 572180
File: 1592537833659.png (189.45 KB, 598x608, 1234654.png)"Karen" cop crying with anxiety (for a dumb reason tbh), twitter proves her right by trying to dox her in the replies
No. 572206
>>572180she must be overworked to be that paranoid and delusional about the effect she might have thought her video would have. it makes me feel bad for her.
and twitter is twitter, she went right into the crocodile's mouth.
No. 572263
>>572196As far as I can tell she is a cop at McIntosh County and because Richmond Hill police corrected people that she doesn't work for them they sperged out and decided this means she was a faker.
It's more depressing that she's a real cop.
No. 572371
>>572180this shit is hilarious. in spite of all of the videos and photos of peaceful protesters being brutalized by police nationwide, this irrelevant piggy thinks that she's relevant enough for a minimum wage worker to give enough of a shit to shit in her coffee.
this is the epitome of Karen and exactly the problem. even when there's no threat, even when they're waiting at a fast food restaurant for food they paid for, they still perceive anyone whose not in a uniform with a badge as a threat. this bitch couldn't wait an extra 3 minutes for her meal during rush hour or understand that a minimum wage employee at Mcdonalds might be a little late with bringing it out, and decided to have a melt down on twitter instead of it acting like she's a
victim when nothing even happened to her outside of her own head.
this is a problem too common with police officers in the US, specifically those who receive "warrior training" (look it up). they perceive everyone as a threat, which only furthers their brutality and us vs them mentality against the communities they're meant to protect. i hope she hears every laugh that comes her way
No. 572374
>>572180This is a person who is heavily armed, with access to military grade shit that can be used against unarmed civilians, crying over McDonald's. Quit your job and get some real help from people with enough degrees in the right fields to care, Bacon Karen.
>>572317No problem. I think w/Twitter when people vent with these kinds of things, they don't expect them to trend or forget that they're not speaking in an echo chamber where people who might not know what they're on about don't exist. So it seems silly, on a site like Twitter where your tweets could be picked up in a tending hashtag or term or retweeted to hell and back, to start shrieking about how you don't need to explain it to anyone.
Not that people are obliged to do so, but it's one of those topics that could start a good conversation since you see variants of it with races, religions, and nationalities. But that might start friction against certain narratives woke twitter often embraces.
No. 572897
>>572882i sometimes see tweets like "imagine if jonghyun…" describing cute/sexy things he would do (sometimes with other members) and it's so uncomfortable.
i wish they'd get off twitter for once and see that making imagines about a dead person and their loved ones interacting is fucking weird and creepy. no one cares that some nerd online needs to "cope".
No. 572924
>>57218015 years in the fucking force seeing and doing all the crazy shit you can imagine as an officer and you're crying someone fucking with your mcdonalds?
Holy fucking shit lmao this country. No doubt she was given all the easy tasks while every one else got stuck with shit work.
No. 573230
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So I was looking more into the mentioned Arashi drama and came across this person.
>Obviously fakes being Japanese to have authority to force her "Arashi is a trans woman queen!!!" headcanon onto others
>Not only claims to be Japanese, apparently she claims to be a Japanese man
>Claims to be diagnosed with NPD and "calls out" other people for "faking it"
>Knowledge of Japanese language and culture is limited to generic weeb 101s despite being "a true ESL Japanese I'm not lying I still mess my Rs and Ls!!!!"
>Obviously speaks English as her first language, never tweets in Japanese besides very simple sentences, doesn't have an accent, uses other peoples' translations as sources instead of her own, all her operation systems and games are in English
>No photos to verify her being Japanese or even Asian
>Throws a fit about people telling her to stop racefaking
I thought these "I'm totally a Japanese prince boy born and raised on the great ancient island of Honshu" people died out in the mid 2000's but apparently not. Hours of fun though.
No. 573280
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Went down a rabbit hole of some autist anti flipping her shit about persona ships, and stumbled across this gem of pure stupidity.
No. 573292
>>571825>>571855Super late to this and sorry for the sperg in advance, and no I don't think Arashi is trans, but Ensemble Stars has stories lately of Arashi saying he "struggles with his gender" in particular and that he helps young fans who are going through a similar situation. The old stories did have him say he was a guy but lately whenever Arashi is written, they have all the characters refer to him femininely. I think people can think whatever they want of him since he's a character but the drama and constant transphobe accusations is so retarded.
Enstars fans are all over the place. They all get super
triggered over every little thing (like a character recently might be hinted at being a cannibal, and people are seriously offended over it) which is hilarious when the lead fucking writer for Enstars wrote graphic incest novels. You'd think they'd have cancelled the whole series over that.
No. 573299
>>573292>but Ensemble Stars has stories lately of Arashi saying he "struggles with his gender" in particular and that he helps young fans who are going through a similar situation. This is exactly what kills me, they're basically taking the goals of gender equality and abolishment of gender roles back by decades. To them GNC people
must always be trans because our society encourages conforming and thus the answer isn't self-acceptance and loving what you are even if it's unconventional to the norms. I know it's ~empowering~ to see a character put through what you're feeling but these people are so quick to swallow the quick fix 1 hour photo pill instead of opening up a discussion about how gender-nonconforming young people struggle with the dissociation of how they are and how society sees them. And you can't even say this out loud without people shouting "ok transphobe but she's still a KWEEN".
Enstars is pretty all over the walls in general, I have no idea why these people don't cling to the million wholesome bland idol boy games available and instead latch on to the one with a shit ton of crazy content in it. They're literally like cancer, they invade a place they don't feel comfortable in and start wrecking the place and destroying everything just to please themselves instead of going somewhere that would be more suitable to their tastes.
No. 573356
File: 1592784979091.png (38.88 KB, 602x449, the absolute state of the jojo…)

What are they putting in the water in the jojo fandom? There's so many angry little kids there.
>>573280That's so embarrassing. I can hear every bilingual/polyglot person laughing at this kid, including myself. Please learn a second language you utter pleb.
No. 573382
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God I hate bios. From what I gathered this person is in their late 20s and retired means on disability. Completely unironic.
No. 573402
>>573366>>573360Ugh, this shit. Minors can't simultaneously claim to be mature enough to seek out 18+ spaces and then backtrack and cry that they're MINORS and asking them to be held responsible for their actions is
VICTIM-BLAMING. Adults trying to safely engage in NSFW topics isn't
victim-blaming, it's actually perfectly rational when stupid kids are so quick to throw in buzzwords (as seen here
>>573356) to accuse other people of horrid shit when things don't go their way.
Calling someone a doo-doo head for not letting you into their clubhouse is something a child does. These are CHILDREN and they don't belong in adult spaces and it's fucking ridiculous to see them try and weasel their way in when they're clearly not mature enough to handle it.
No. 573463
>>573360>>573366They try to pin it on "W-well minors will be exposed to porn anyway so might as well make it work safe and educational then!!!!". They're the brats who have gotten used to having everyone bend to their will and learned the magic Pedo word to throw around whenever someone doesn't comply. They'll twist and turn facts around to make anything "
problematic" if they don't like it.
>This character is petite so they're a minor coded soft innocent child!!! stop sexualizing a child you pedo!!!!>I hate this ship!! T-they have a 2-year age gap so that spells child abuse!!! I don't care if they're 21 and 23 it's still gross!!!>Ummmm a 27-year old shipping two fictional 16-year olds (one that I kin and one that I hate)??? okay pedo lmao better start shipping this other 16-year old couple that I personally prefer or I'll report to the authoritiesI really, really wish Twitter would raise their age limit to 18.
No. 573482
>>573402The Twitter/internet pearl clutching about MiNoRs over 16 is a USA-centric thing.
The age of majority in Scotland is 16. It's only for reasons of being in the UK that they can't vote. There's some extra protection for under 18s in terms of contracts but that's about it. You get arrested at 16-17 in Scotland and you aren't allowed an adult to come be with you - you are one.
No. 573486
>>573366>minors can still follow explicit accounts.Is this legal?
>>573482No one cares that it's still legal to fuck teenagers in some countries.
No. 573525
>>573407>Johnny Depp apparently didn’t do anything.wasn't there audio proof of his gf being
abusive? I didn't follow him or his story much, but dunno why this is on the list.
No. 573553
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People can have whatever opinions they want about how often to say “I love you” but this person saying “youre probably full of yourself and need help” is really sealing the deal that antis have rotted their brains being so fucking angry all the time lmaoo. This person’s entire twitter is so funny
No. 573555
>>573553it's almost like this is a person to person, relationship to relationship case. almost like people should just say what feels natural to them and not what some weeb who probably only online dates has to say.
though if they have dated irl, it's amazing how people can still be so stubborn and preachy even after experiencing the real world.
No. 573571
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>>573382it pronouns & neopronouns, ah yes, a red flag of retardation
No. 573576
>>573553Fucking swear these puritan antis will next start pushing that women should wear only ankle-length dresses and that sex should never come before marriage. They're getting more delusional and retarded by the minute.
>>573554Honestly I have no idea, one would think woke brainlets would hate him for being such a ~
problematic~ character.
>>573564>I wanna know where antis get all this energy to be this fucking dumb all the time.This seriously keeps perplexing me. They have an unlimited energy for hate and obsessing over people who like fictional things they don't like. Why do they even bother? They're on like 24/7 performing this shit at full volume and their lives seem to revolve around making everyone miserable. Even if you block them they still continue to use sockpuppet accounts to harass you. But of course they're the sane ones fighting for a good cause, not at all acting like borderline psychotic stalkers and bible thumpers.
No. 573638
>>573576Part of me wishes they would put all the time and energy into something productive, like getting angry and working towards
actual problems in the world. But then I remember that being an anti isn't about productivity and change for the better, it's just about having false moral high ground. They care more about what happens in fictional spaces than real ones lol.
No. 573686
File: 1592859792784.jpg (157.45 KB, 1080x1658, IMG_20200622_230021.jpg)

I hate celebrities but fans forcing their stars to say or do something is gross.
We all know how controlled kpop idols are, those guys are barely legal, hardly speak english, are trained to do anything their fans want from them, are from a country that doesn't even accept homosexuality yet, but now twitter celebrates them as trans right kings because they repeated what a fan told them to say. Of course they have to console a paying fan if she's bawling and mumbling something they don't understand.
Reminds me of fags making charli xcx sign their sex toys.
That's not your icon being supportive, that's you being a major creep.
No. 573702
>>573525She chopped his finger off, was on a lot of drugs, and was
abusive to him. That’s is why it is on this list. Google is free.
No. 573707
>>573686Is it only me or does this appear as kinda manipulative/guilt trippy? She basically forced them to say something as stupid as this while crying and acting like she just ended racism or some shit. It must've been so awkward for the idols to repeat the stuff she's basically forced them to say (and also not even knowing what it means). They probably said it to make her stop being so hysterical and not because they're some ~trans woke kings who said yes to trans nb xe/xim/xems rights ugh~. I won't be surprised if the group gets any backlash from South Korea judging by how bigoted that country is.
>Reminds me of fags making charli xcx sign their sex toys. This is literally almost on the same level as that.
No. 573876
>>573525I feel like they were both
abusive. Depp’s ex girlfriend who is the mother of his children said he wasn’t
abusive when they were together. Iirc, I think he was sober during that time. Once they broke up, he started doing drugs again and hooked up with Amber and that’s when things really went south. Amber always seemed like a crazy person though. Could be wrong but I think that’s what happened.
No. 573878
>>573876a lot of relationships tend to be mutually
abusive when the abused partner starts lashing out at the main abuser to try and prevent the abuse, and it becomes mutually hellish and
toxic for both of them, tbh it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case for depp and amber, esp if drugs and alcoholism are involved
No. 574005
>>573997My favorite altcow Emilie Autumn just got cancelled for not making good enough BLM posts and blocking
triggered followers kek
No. 574012
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>>573686i don't even want to watch this video, i feel like it will give me permanent super aids. this is so embarrassing
>>573576>Fucking swear these puritan antis will next start pushing that women should wear only ankle-length dresses and that sex should never come before marriage. not that far off considering all they want is a wholesome soft gay coffee shop au with no conflict. normies think this is an exaggeration but i've been in close circles with those types and they only want that word for word. literally the most milquetoast uwu soft gay vibezz shit you'll ever see, because anything mildly spicier makes them cry. but then again antis are almost universally children so what gives, you can't reason with em so i usually throw their buzzwords back at them. radfem, terf, religious fundie etc. the seethe is glorious because they hate all of those
>>573486>minors can still follow explicit accounts.i don't live in the US so i'm not sure, but it shouldn't be. believe it or not, the fact that NSFW artists don't ever want minors following them is actually a controversial opinion among twitter minors. pic related is only one tweet out of many lol. children will act like children, and will throw tantrums when barred from spaces not meant for them.
No. 574038
>>574012How the times have changed, back when my crusty ass was a teenager everyone tried to one-up themselves in their edgy content preferences and most of us turned out just fine. I guess zoomers are now rebelling against preceding cynical gen x'ers and us early millenials by their uwu wholesome chaste purity culture. On the other hand I don't believe they legitimately think it's disgusting or ~giving them an anxiety attack~, they just love the validation they get from their peers for fucking with internet boogeymen.
>>574009idk man I'd rather watch weebs abusing cartoons than koreaboos infantilizing and fetishizing real life people and harassing them on air during a psychotic episode to make them say trans rights and cancelling everyone who made a
problematic joke in 2009 to make up for their conscience nagging about supporting an industry that overworks and abuses young people.
No. 574435
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Class Analysis 101 brought to you by POC of color of person of color LGTBQ+ Twitter
No. 574449
>>574435Fuck this ugly bitch.
Probably the same type to screech about compassion for the poor opressed blackies
No. 574520
>>574491are we supposed to smell
the joke out somehow or what?
No. 574581
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What do you guys think of Smug_Legend/Smugruko? She’s a clout chasing lolcow that has cheated on her boyfriend several times and recently got chased off one of the many twitter accounts she made for making a racist tweet about BLM. Apparently she made a new account where she is pretending to be a Japanese woman with perfect English.
No. 575033
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Is it ok to post this brainfart here?
No. 575039
>>575033So are they responsible for the behaviour of terrible trans women then? Oh right, any troon that gets caught doing bad stuff isn't a true trans because tranners are pure and sweet and could do no wrong as they're always the
No. 575102
>>575081not everyone wants rape in the media they consume.Did me not likjing rape apologists fujos
trigger you?
>>575091I've seen them too. I seem to find more women that men though. The fudanshis i've seen are on facebook, while the fujos are mostly on twitter. Last month many of them were complaining about someone (or many others) shipping incest. Gross but at the same time they are ok with rape fetishes? lol
No. 575142
>>575044>> people saying if you’re sad that the ride is getting rebranded then you’re a racist. What could’ve of been interesting news is now just two insufferable sides screaming at each other. this this this
I understand people will have nostalgia for the original ride and soundtrack, but you can still listen to it and it's going to have the same layout, just modified scenery. I hate the drop so I only went on it once in my life, but this is an exciting update for a new generation.
Additionally, people are bitching that Tiana should have her own ride. New layout and all. Where would they put that?? Do people not know how much time and money that would cost? It's not feasible and clearly the rebrand wasn't on a five year plan for the parks.
I was sarcastic in saying I wish people were more protective of Country Bears being booted from CA. (I do miss it.) But then a bunch of people were like YOURE RIGHT ITS
And then I quietly left because my brain can only jump so many bounds to get from bears singing country songs to RACISM. (For chrissake, Jungle Cruise is RIGHT THERE.)
Anyway, can't wait to be featured on some flounce group because that circle of people thrive on drama.
No. 575145
>>575142I'm not American so I don't know the nooks and crannies of the historical stuff but how is Country Bears
problematic and racist to them?
No. 575156
>>575138when did i say what type of bl I read? this is a twitter hate thread, im saying what i hate about twitter. make your own post and say you hate people who complain about fujos while reading bl, since it seems to make you fele some type of way. Obviously if I read bl i must be a fujo.If you read books like lolita you must be a pedo too going by your logic.
unrelated to the fujo protection squad, but I hate fake woke twitter. A few days ago a lady was sharing a video of her white son (or daughter i cant remember) participating in a dance at school. The school he goes at has mostly black people, and she was saying how nice it was and that since the class was a person short, they asked her son to participate. Most people commenting were nice but others were like if he isn't black he shouldn't be dancing that yada yada.
No. 575169
>>575044Disneyfag/theme park enthusiast rant!
I never understand why they change the most popular rides instead of the smaller less iconic ones. They could have rethemed Jungle Cruise which is a skip for most people and made it better/more atmospheric. Also the whole section of the park is going to be New Orleans themed so basically Critter Country is totally gone now.
I'm sure it will be more modern and people will have to get used to it but I'm a sucker for classic old style rides. I hope the international parks keep the original woodsy animal theming at least.
No. 575174
>>575145I think it's literally because the bears represent the American south that's offensive to them? They didn't present an argument as to WHY they're inherently racist but they were adamant of the bears being
problematic. Mind you, as far as my white eyes can tell there's no alludes to race or even the south other than their accents and songs they sing – no confederate flags, no caricatures… The worst thing is it's a bunch of rednecks characters blowing on jugs.
If the argument was that the bears needed to go because the attraction isn't up to snuff with current animatronics and shows, I'd understand the argument, but that wasn't it. So it was a bunch of people dog piling on because the attraction represents the south in a non-threatening manner.
No. 575183
>>575169It's probably not the sole reason, but I can see why Disney chose Splash Mountain. They already try to pretend that Song of the South doesn't exist, and in this current social/political climate, people are gonna start putting heat on them for making a profit off of a racist movie (if they haven't already).
I have fond memories of Splash Mountain, but it's not a big tragic loss to see it go. Things change. Disney revamps old rides all the time. The only people getting legitimately angry over it are actual racists and Disney obsessed weirdos who can't cope with change.
I actually think a Princess and the Frog themed ride like that would be super cute.
No. 575187
>>575044Please. Disney rides of all things? There are people and things that seriously and desperately need to get canned before any disney rides…
>>575080>I hate twitter fujos. Actually listen, I hate all fujos. I read bl,Stopped reading there just call yourself a fujo my G. i've been spammed/pressured to like BL so many times by traditional fujoshis and fujos in denial like yourself lol
No. 575200
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>>575189It's because they're dogs who are cops, so woke Twitter unironically believes it's "copaganda" to brainwash kids or some shit lmao. Not gonna lie the memes are fucking hilarious though.
No. 575240
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>>575224>mfw grown adults say things like pupper and doggo >>575219scroll up for some more
No. 575242
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>>575200can't believe Chase is a racist and a murderer
No. 575321
>>575240Kill yourself
>>575267Zoomer "humor" is basically their retarded woke takes with a meme image attached. It's impossible to tell if they're being serious or not.
No. 575391
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>>575388This better be another case of the media misrepresenting memes. Kind of like how they talk about anonymous like it's an all knowing, dangerous and powerful "boogyman"
No. 575605
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I don't know anymore.
No. 575612
>>575605>2 wonderful communitieslesbians yes, but pansexuals? no
what the fuck is even a pansexual, you're just bi you idiot
No. 575624
>>575617A good share of them are heterosexuals who date a tranny or are one themselves.
>>575618To be fair I can sort of understand the reasoning behind "bi lesbian" because people often assume bisexuals have a 50/50 attraction to both genders but it's still retarded and regressive as fuck.
No. 575792
>>575187>Stopped reading there just call yourself a fujo my G. i've been spammed/pressured to like BL so many times by traditional fujoshis and fujos in denial like yourself loldude same. Even super woke girls can't help themselves but obsess over twink anime boys fuckign eachother.
I don't get the appeal of gay men in general
No. 575832
>>573356Jojo fandom on twitter and tumblr is wild. If you draw art of characters you can bet your ass your art is getting analyzed for anything
problematic under a microscope.
People get death threats and called pedophiles for drawing shirtless pics of characters who look like arnold schwarzenegger and act like 80s action heroes, but who said to be under 18 on their character bios.
No. 575845
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the fact that people took this obvious joke seriously
No. 575848
>>575845>ableist to want to only date smart peopleSo, it's now bigotry to not want to date mentally disabled people?
The woke birgade has officially rendered me speechless.
No. 575853
>>575189I'm 99% certain that this is just a joke. I honesty doubt somebody could make
>>575200 or
>>575242 whilst being completely serious
No. 575905
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I’m watching a trainwreck in real time and I need post anon about it
>Critical Role has an obnoxious LOLCOW FTM that goes by Gray
>Has been regularly and aggressively stirring up shit in the fandom since her favorite male character was revealed to be exclusively gay and her OTP was shot down
>By claiming this is homophobia and the company is not doing enough outside of lip service (Note: since said company is owned by white LA theater kids there are some legit issues, but nothing so severe as what was being claimed)
>On Friday Gray posts receipts supposedly claiming that she was offered a position for diversity consulting but was ghosted when money was brought up. (Reality: she was spamming the company email and no legal paperwork exists. Also there are rumors of her cyberstalking the cast.)
>It becomes such a shitstorm that these tweet were made, addressing the lolcow BY NAME
>Now the entire fandom is melting down and it’s not going away
No. 575931
>>575919The company response is the only thing that kept this out of the Fakeboi thread.
It’s painfully obvious that this crowd of LA Progressives have never spent much time around people like Tumblr Woke Kids and Internet Trannies. Should have gotten an NDA and IP banned her account .
No. 575937
>>575189>>575200I wonder if since Brooklyn 99 caters to the left, it will be canceled because their audience would rather spam memes about how the fictional characters were bastards than enjoy a TV show that was written with them in mind and envisions police that align with their own beliefs
Fuck this planet I can't deal with the stupidity anymore
No. 575942
>>575939Whoops, meant to say “not exclusively gay”. That’s what I get for phoneposting.
He fucked a female NPC and has subtext with another male character who is not part of LB’s OTP.
No. 575956
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What the absolute fuck is up with Karens throwing a hissy fit because they don't want to wear a mask, jesus christ. These are the people who have never been told NO in all their lives.
Fuck how do you not punch someone for literally coughing in your face like that? That's some good restraint. No. 576028
>>529582Jesus Christ, I knew that there were some pedos that called themselves 'MAP's on twitter, but I didn't know it was
this bad
No. 576038
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>You can't say a fictional minor in the series wouldn't care that they're being sexualized, considering that they have the same values.
someone please please please teach these children a couple of lines on a canvas can't feel anything
No. 576045
>>576038Someone once sent me anon hate for reblogging one of the artist in question drawings.
These people are insane and I know they are kids, but even back when I was four I knew cartoon characters like mickey mouse aren't real and can't feel anything, so why can't a bunch of self important teens?
No. 576047
>>576045the funniest part is them also getting
triggered over people drawing nsfw of characters who are ripped to hell and back and look obviously nothing like their canon age
No. 576145
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This is so tragically pretentious and retarded it makes me want to cry like imagine having this worldview omfg
No. 576159
>>576145I've seen stupid "cottagecore = fascism!!" takes like this, but I've yet to see any wave of actual Nazis or tradthots latch onto it. It's girls of all races and sexualities just enjoying the beauty of nature and animals in peace.
They want to turn some cute fairy tale forest shit into something evil so badly, it's pathetic.
What do they even want people to like? E-girl shit and grafitti-covered cities only? Clowns.
No. 576198
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Someone actually made a good point on Twitter, and it got all the "woke" posters screeching in rage, calling them a "TERF", etc.
Wish I could get screencaps of the backlash, but they locked their account while I was reading.
No. 576246
>>576145>im still mad thigh high socks femboy coder light up keyboard aestheticholy shit I'm cackling
>>576198Man this is actually a really good take and I can only imagine the seething rage it induces in the Content Cops of Twitter. I also love that last reply, girl is putting some bitches in a casket
>>576200If that's the reaction you get out of this post then I'm sad to tell you that you should neck yourself asap
No. 576342
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>>576145>communist emoji>"gender critical fuck off!!!">"he/they">"faggotry">probably calls herself a fag because that obviously makes her such a manly masculine manpeople like this ALWAYS have bad takes
color me surprised
No. 576588
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>>576370>>576586Remember when that antifa leader tranny at CHAZ was outed for being a serial abuser piece of shit in like 2 days and he responded like an adult by threatening to kill himself?
No. 576618
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Damn. In the replies there are already tons of people loving how now white people will see themselves as a single interest group. That conspiracy theory that Robin DiAngelo might be a secret neo-nazi sounds a bit more plausible now lol
No. 576619
>>576618I swear to god I'm not one of the /pol/ brainwashed (((they))) tinfoils but this is
really not a good look for a jewish person to say when people are already saying that jews rule the world and are trying to cause a race war to form a new world order.
No. 576670
>>576650Fuck off with your alt right bullshit anon.
So now you should only hire people of the same race and culture?
Is this a freaking pro apartheid thread?
Amazon is shit but there's no 'globalist agenda' forcing diversity or whatever your pol brain thinks.
No. 577128
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Reposting cuz forgot image, cant tell if troll but either way but Im in tears
No. 577194
>>577128lmao why do these people always make up stories or make up statements that their children said.
Like they could just say that they are offended without making up stories
No. 577208
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twitter now going full tumblr retard and saying all therapists are bad lmao
"self diagnosis is never good"
I've has multiple bad therapists, currently have a good one, and I still can't comprehend how these arrogant brats hate the idea of getting treatment other than to keep attention seeking on the internet. lots of DIDfags retweeting this type of shit too.
No. 577235
>>577208kek what. I guarantee the same people saying this have self diagnosed themselves with bpd.
I will say though, I have had horrible male therapists. many more than horrible female therapists. you just have to find someone whose style works for you and you can trust and feel comfortable with. honestly my favorite therapist i've ever had was a relatively inexperienced young female lcsw, I had to see a male psych for my prescriptions though and he was an asshole.
No. 577560
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Conservatives on twitter are a special breed of stupid. Imagine thinking the state of NY is going to collapse from the police losing a mere 16% of their budget (the proposal is garbage but that’s another topic), and NYers are going to want to flock to red states. Yeah sure, lemme get in on that inbreeding and rising covid rates baby!!!!!!!
No. 577618
>>577208In fairness, Twitter IS where the Tumblr retards fled to after the porn ban. I expect for this to keep getting worse.
>>577560Imagine thinking someone wants to escape to your plague-ridden hellhole.
No. 577656
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I thought we had left fictionkin behind on 2015 tumblr where they belonged but apparently they're still going strong and doubling down on how insisting that they're totally Komaeda irl is a healthy coping mechanism for mental illness and how dare anybody mock that ridiculous concept. I find it funny that people act like it's such uwu soft and peaceful trauma relief when these retards get into slapfights and drama 24/7 over inane shit like "doubles" of the same character or cultural appropriation because a white person wants to kin an anime character.
Also if you have actual delusions about being some cartoon character, how would it be healthy to force people to acknowledge that as your super special identity? I'm pretty sure actual schizophrenic people aren't supposed to have their delusions validated and treated like they're real because that… makes it worse… but of course it's not like any of these dumbasses actually have the diagnoses they're flaunting anyway.
No. 577664
>>577128This has to be a troll, holy shit I'm dying of laughter. This is on par with all the other made up "My 2-year old came to me and told me that Gender is a complex network of different variables, not a binary, then everyone clapped" stories.
>>577194They know their point makes no sense so they have to lie "for the greater good". I can't find the study for the life of me so you'll just have to take my word for it but I remember reading that people with ~woke~ thoughts were more compliant to lie and cheat because they believed they were privileged to do so as they are "good people".
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>>577686what the fuck am i reading
No. 577980
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i watched the n-word moment they were talking about and it was literally directed towards a shark not an actual person omfg
No. 579039
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I hate self righteous people like this.
I’m all for shaming those who act careless and party. But some people have to work to support themselves. Landlords don’t give a shit if you lost your job to Covid and you can’t pay groceries with a sob story. Also most of the people who are still working are low income/minorities. Twitter loves to pretend to be all for them and still say shit like this.
Also stating your sentence with “Am I the only one” usually guarantees that you’re an asshole who likes to sniff their own farts.
No. 579043
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What does this even mean. This was not posted in irony and the replies were full of people marking where they were.
No. 579045
>>579043I think it has something to do with colors and the genders that like it the most? But if that really is the case then it's the most retarded shit ever. Pink used to be a boys color and not everyone who likes blue is now some man. It's literally the same logic conservatives use to be as sexist as possible.
Either way, this is confusing as shit and I hope I'm wrong lol.
No. 579046
>>579043I'm a butch woman and even though I fully know that still just means woman I tried to play this stupid game for the hell of it. All I won was some eye-strain. Thanks anon lol
Why does everything have to be a spectrum now?
No. 579097
>>579039Ugh I hated those people too when I went back on twitter during the height of the panic. Like shit, at some fucking point you have to go outside and we need to start working and doing things again to keep the world from collapsing in on itself.
I remember when cities across the world started slowly phasing out of quarantine these idiots were screeching at the government saying it was "wrong" to do it, all the while watching the economy tank into hell and people losing everything they had overnight. And these were the same hypocrites who were screeching at us to "lockdown" because just walking past someone meant you likely infected them, and blindly parroting whatever people were saying in the media like it was gospel truth.
I also hate the other half of this coin with the "keep borders closed!" mouth breathers. They proudly pat themselves on the back because they claim they are going to be "doing a lot more domestic tourism!", especially in the States, knowing full well the moment we coordinate international travel again they're going to be like everyone else and flying straight to Europe.
No. 579655
>>577656Most kinnies are the same people who enable schizophrenics who don't take medication and convince their delusions/hallucinations are
valid™ and everyone who says otherwise is an ableist hater
No. 581489
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>>581348Basically a lot of defending that one NFL player for tweeting a bunch of anti Semitic things and posting Louis Farrakhan, who’s been a well know for being anti-Semitic since the 80s. It seems to be a small minority of it though.
This tweet seems rather tame but it reeks of “We suffer more so stfu!”
No. 581535
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God i'm so feed up with it, half twitter is tranny-enabler and now you are apparently suppose to rt and tweet about political issues, especially concerning US, even if you don't live there?? happened with BLM and all that.
Twitter seems to be filled with all the tumblr users that had on their bios they/them ace-romantic/homosexual-nonbinary soft spaceboy, I believe they all migrated. seriously even now they do the same thing.. "please it's really important to put your pronouns even if you are cis!!! I don't want to be disrespectful thats so messed up!!" fuck you there is literal people dying and you care about pronouns
No. 581546
>>581489>yours endedwhat kind of piss poor attempt at oppression olympics is this what the fuck
antisemitism is still a big thing throughout the whole world, just because the holocaust happened years ago doesn't mean the world is all rainbows and sunshines for jewish people now. these woke people will literally downplay the actual terror and racism etc. other minorities face so that they can make their own struggle the "worst of it all" as if this is genuinely a competition
No. 581577
>>581546the holocaust isn't even taught about in a lot of schools in the middle east and many arabs deny it happened
but it's okay because american jews are rich and they're the only ones that matter
No. 581584
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I dislike ed twitter so much. They're all fucking dumb. Lately there was a 250 lbs girl(according to her bio) who posted a picture of a another girl and captioned it as"that's why we need to bully fat people"
No. 581788
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Sick of the way Twitter is reacting to this tragedy. Hounding official accounts for following search protocol and encouraging people to blow up emergency phone lines is such moronic, dangerous behavior. This site was a mistake.
No. 581799
>>581788This situation happened to a friend of mine last year. I hate how people are trying to make it into a conspiracy or attack the professional departments for doing something they think is wrong. Random teenagers saying "SEARCH THE MOUNTAINS SHE COULD BE LOST THERE" or turning it into a race thing.
It's sad but she drowned, this isn't out of the ordinary.
No. 581831
>>581788Any adult topic, death, assault, rape, people going missing, 12 year olds always manage to chime in and miss the point entirely.
Every search in water is bascially this, work til dark, stop overnight, resume. It's reported like that every time because the experts know what they are doing and what's safe. Imagine bitching at rescue teams to work harder.. from the comfort of your parents sofa.
No. 582056
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Goddammit the Wayfair conspiracy on Twitter is giving me life. Not even our tinfoil thread is that retarded
No. 582059
>>582058>>582056Part of the fun in conspiracies for me isn't whether they're well-supported or likely to be true, but the implications if it
was found out to be true.
No. 582073
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All these fake woke people need to shut up already. They tried cancelling Girl in Red (well known lesbian musician that creates songs about loving women) just because she blocked some one who said that Bi/Pan-Lesbians are UwU Valid when that label completely invalidates lesbians AND trans/NB people. These people fight tooth and nail to validate trans people just to validate labels that exclude them and proceed to spit on the face of lesbians because fuck women who aren't attracted to men I guess.
No. 582103
>>582085It's all gone so far that no outsider could ever understand even if they wanted to
Sorry to get political but this is one of the reasons altright politics are doing so well, simple and catchy "Let's kick out the scapegoat and prosper" ideas are like a catchy pop song whereas "let's dismantle all social concepts and change what words and social concepts are okay every week and also if you don't instantly understand and assimilate you're the literal worst" is discordant freestyle jazz played by people who all hate each other.
No. 582323
>>582085It's like reading an academic paper kek.
>>582103Language is literally becoming the new class divider.
No. 584435
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Saw the #sebastianstanisoverparty trending and clicked to see what's up… apparently his girlfriend wore something stylized as kimono to a party, thus, a reason for twitter crowd to cancel.
Also, weren't we through the EXACT SAME "kimono is cultural appropriation" discourse on tumblr like 7 years ago?
No. 584441
>>584435What's up with these people? Did the girl who wore the kimono offend anyone during the party? Did she pull her eyes back and say ching chong? What is the problem here? All she did was put on a clothing from a different culture with no offense at all.
Twitter loves to cancel everyone and everything for no other reason except for the rush of validation and head pats they'll get from other woke people because it'll show everyone how they know their morals and are better than the uwu offending racist bigots uwu.
No. 584447
>>584435God I can't wait for this woke fad to be over.
Japanese people, up to their fucking govenrment, have said that wearing a kimono is perfectly fine. Can someone point out go these twitter warriors that they are acting like a white savior trope
No. 584453
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I legit thought this tweet is sarcastic until i went to read more of that person's ramblings in the comments. Insane.
And I've just noticed that that party in question happened in 2018 which is supposedly before that woman and Sebastian Stan met, what a reason to cancel him. Some people really have nothing to do.
No. 584472
>>584448>>584451Germany and Ireland are countries, not a race like Asian is. It would be equally weird to have a black people themed party, or white people, or w/e. idk who this chick is or who threw the party but come on, it's not like they're celebrating their enthusiasm for asian culture. I doubt they're white supremacists either, they just see all asian countries as one big aesthetic and don't think about it deeper than that.
Personally I mainly want to cancel Sebastian Stan for aging badly, it's tragic.
No. 584474
>>584464so let me get this straight: nobody gives a fuck anymore about the misogyny and the accusations that have been brought up against at least two men, like the news has fucking fizzled out to nothing, but they will probably harp on about sebastians stans "appropriation" scandal for the rest of time
twitter stop
No. 584727
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So, like it was mentioned above, Twitter has a huge pedophilia problem.
There are actual pedophiles trading and selling actual CP on hashtags (such as #megalink, #jailbait, etc. and I seriously suggest not looking those up unless you wanna run across CP because it happened to me earlier unfortunately). One of the sellers even had a CP icon + header and a lot of followers which is so sickening. But what is Twitter doing against it now? Nothing. The only reason why some of those accounts are getting deleted is because people are reporting them.
I hope that this shitty platform gets nuked finally. They'd rather deactivate someone's account for not drinking the woke koolaid over getting rid of the pedophiles in their user base who are actively trading and selling child exploitation material. I don't ever remember Tumblr or other platforms having a pedophilia problem THIS bad.
No. 584751
>>584727You're glowing, anon.
People who think they're amateur fbi and 'help report' this shit are just opening themselves up for charges because only cops have a defence for seeing this kind of shit.
No. 584782
File: 1594830785438.jpg (331.02 KB, 1024x682, glow.jpg)

>>584765Hey anon here is "pretty sure" it's only saving that will get you in life ruining levels of shit. What could go wrong? Why would anyone try to discourage this stuff? Got something to hiiiiide? Fuck off.
No. 585453
File: 1594953870599.png (82.13 KB, 1094x420, Screen Shot 2020-07-15 at 3.11…)

saw this real gem the other day and i just had to post this so we can all laugh at how stupid it is
No. 585458
File: 1594954279408.png (83.24 KB, 1064x386, Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 10.4…)

>>585453samefag but this comes in second the mentality just has twitter written all over it im not sure they know how duolingo works
No. 585476
>>585453Jesus, everything is
abusive now.
I actually do agree that it's stupid for parents to be over-the-top anal about making their kid finish every last bite on their plate. I think there was a study that showed that a lot of people who were overweight/struggled with overeating had parents who staunchly forced them to finish their plates and that mentality carried out into adulthood… but calling it just
abusive with no clarification is kind of dumb and memey. Now every spoiled brat can feel validated in being a
victim of ABUSE just because their mom told them to eat their veggies. That's why I hate all these buzzwords about abuse and trauma and gaslighting and so on.
No. 585478
>>585476Agreed. I got full rather quickly as a kid so shaming them for not finishing their food never sat right with me. I definitely wouldn’t call it
abusive though.
>>585474>>585458I think those languages are more in demand. Nerds (who are definitely one of the easiest groups to pander to) want to learn Valerian and Klingon. Tagalog isn’t a wide spread language and isn’t very useful unless you live in the Philippines or have Filipino relatives.
No. 585513
>>585480I don’t know. My mom used to give me “mental health” sick days whenever I faked being sick and I would say I’m a pretty well adjusted adult. Granted I’m on an imageboard now but that’s because of being bullied in school. If my mom forced me to go to school then, I would have offed myself long ago lol
Sage for blogposting
No. 586729
File: 1595198059811.jpg (435.39 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200719-183039_Chr…)

Ah yes the classic "leave us alone you meanies because at least I make money off my naked body!!" Good luck getting money when the new flavour of the week comes out, I guess No. 586733
>>586729The humblebragging is strong with that tweet
Oddly enough, it wasn’t even the most obnoxious tweet in the thread
No. 586737
File: 1595199227057.png (421.2 KB, 1242x2208, 03DDF13F-D350-4E29-A2F5-D35383…)

>>586733This was (forgot to post it lol)
No. 586819
>>586805Depends. It's better than forcing your kids to go to school only unless they're half dead from the flu.
My "mental health days" were 2 days a school year, starting freshman year of hs. I never skipped school unless I was sick, probably because I had a day off in case I was going to go nuts. Although it really shouldn't be a thing for 5 year olds.
No. 587398
File: 1595317827993.png (50.52 KB, 596x508, almost got it.png)

Literally thought this was a GC tweet sarcastically pointing out how "strange" it was that nonbinaries are always women who don't even attempt to deviate from the gender norm but it was an obese female enby being pissed that the tag wasn't filled with fat, masculine nbs like herself. They always get so close but then just fail to connect the dots. Imagine when "nonbinary" becomes the new "woman" and they have to come up with another new identity to put on their name tag in their desperate attempt to stay outside the box.
No. 587565
File: 1595341993825.png (1.27 MB, 1208x1138, Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 9.30…)

I know this isn't a terf hate thread, but I mean why does this shit happen
If you are a terf, you could at least take a few seconds to check out someone's profile before deciding that they identify as a dude
I honestly cannot side with terfs on the issue of who is a woman and what is femininity
No. 587589
File: 1595345823553.png (214.82 KB, 1248x808, 1594992553576.png)

>>587565Which one of these confirmed farmers is you, lmao?
Anyway, this person basically sides with trannies who think being a woman is putting on tight clothes and lipstick, lmao. Wouldn't be surprised if they turn out to be a tranny findom with an OF account or a cashapp link in their bio if I go to their profile.
No. 587595
>>587565What does this have to do with terfs? And you can't side with Terfs on who is a woman and what feminity is opposed to what?
A woman is someone born a woman. Femininity is whatever you want it to be. This is bad bait, I'm postitive someone can post thousands of tweets just from today of transwomen telling black women we are the same & telling us that femininity is racism.
No. 587606
>>587595Remember that 6'5, burly MtF who started posting photos of random black female celebrities, basically stated they all look like men and were "
victims of transphobia"?
And all the racist, misogynistic Twitter people who got tired of dunking on "Karens" (even if they themselves were white) absolutely ate it up and jumped on the free chance to attack (black) women and feel woke for doing it? Lmao.
No. 589156
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Love that the pastor is verified.
No. 590421
File: 1595742614869.jpg (253.98 KB, 1068x1908, IMG_20200726_084919.jpg)

Some girl on twitter posted her mom's credit card info and lots of people actually bought shit.
I censored the credit card info, though the tweet is still up.
No. 590422
File: 1595742663074.jpg (279.26 KB, 1080x1913, IMG_20200726_083016.jpg)

>>590421People on twitter are autustic
No. 591270
>>591263Maybe they're following specific friends and celebrities who don't use other social media? I agree with you but it's hard to let go of bad habits, especially when you don't even notice your habits are bad in the first place. I deleted my twitter like two months ago after I noticed that after all these years on tumblr+twitter all the online friends I made stopped talking to me because I was too
problematic for them for not reblogging/retweeting their trash takes, and artists and celebrities spamming my feed with things I don't care about became boring really fast.
No. 591420
File: 1595887619079.jpg (469.4 KB, 1079x1328, Screenshot_20200728-010101_Twi…)

Some people seriously want to defend ftm school shooter whose motive for the shooting was "transphobia and bullying, they deserve to suffer"
I know this particular tweet is probably a troll but there have been other retards on twitter who support this sentiment.
No. 592154
File: 1595977549352.png (121.39 KB, 585x871, Screenshot from 2020-07-28 19-…)

I know I'll regret wandering into the replies of any news thread tweets but I do it anyway and find dumb shit like this.
No. 594620
File: 1596312406057.jpg (62.44 KB, 1024x661, EeLfezKXoAAUnDk.jpg)

Shippers and "anti"-shippers on Twitter are batshit insane.
No. 594644
File: 1596314238788.jpg (39.7 KB, 513x680, stay in school kids.jpg)

>>594620You haven't seen anything anon.
Also for the record I did try searching for this person's @ since the original image was already censored.
No. 595762
File: 1596467608765.jpg (225.17 KB, 1080x975, IMG_20200803_110105.jpg)

Any STEM anons following the @Sciencing_Bi drama?
Apparently BethAnn McLaughlin, the founder of MeTooSTEM, has been catfishing on Twitter for years as a lgbtq indiginous anthropologist who a couple of days ago died of covid. People quickly figured out that none who fit this criteria actually died recently. BethAnn seems to have been a known but untouchable cow for a while.
Here's a write up: No. 595830
>>594620I'm most shocked that they've apparently started doing this to het ships too when before they only cared about evil fetishizing fujos lol.
>>594644>Sign telling "no people under 18" is used by pedophilesI swear this is some false rumor op started by 4chan, nobody can be this fucking retarded. Back to clown school with these people
No. 602475
File: 1597188778863.png (274.63 KB, 665x743, twitterfags are subhuman.png)

In today's episode of twitter causes dementia…
No. 602478
File: 1597188836428.jpg (43.38 KB, 500x340, EfK0tGfUwAEGgLb.jpg)

>>602475Bonus by one of the commenters
No. 603588
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No. 603654
>>603593>>603597>>603598Here you go.
Sign this now so the coomers might end themselves. No. 605082
File: 1597505486805.jpeg (72.36 KB, 1024x661, 3B5787EE-B39C-464A-B9BF-6B7FC8…)

No. 609446
File: 1597936071338.jpg (374.97 KB, 1536x2048, EfezQwKXgAA4cct.jpg)

this person tweeted this stupid shit and cant believe they got fired kek the people in her mentions saying this is okay are just as dumb No. 609447
File: 1597936215565.png (53.84 KB, 1054x176, looooool.png)

>>609446after that i checked to see their other tweets and saw this lol whatta clown
No. 612862
>>609877She still deserves it though.
Like if you have issues with the company, go to HR. Don't bitch on Twitter.
No. 612897
File: 1598245951883.png (596.74 KB, 554x872, klnj.png)

>>609447Uh-huh. $50 this dude is 6'7 with the body of a sumo wrestler. I swear it's always some big-ass motherfucker posting these weird, angry takes about women.
This is another tranny from Twitter who made a ridiculously long thread saying biological women are basically men and "face transphobia", by the way. He had a special fixation on black female celebrities for that thread, and he seems to obsess over them in general.
No. 612904
File: 1598246695647.png (1.59 MB, 1510x990, 8399.png)

>>612897Samefagging to post another example. Here is another awesome trans gal (mannylaveau) who actually teamed up with his friends, and beat up a black girl IRL because she said she doesn't fight biological males on Twitter. His sycophants cheered him on for "beating up a TERF".
Just like the previous one, he's also obsessed with female black celebrities, especially ones who had their biggest heyday in the 90s/early 2000s.
Physiognomy is very real. Of course they insist we must be "jealous" of them, or that we're the same. They literally need that delusion just to get through the day. I just wish they'd keep that shit in their diaries instead of subjecting sane people to it and trying to pressure us to agree.
No. 612953
>>612904In 2020 men beating up black women is woke and progressive. They really rolled the clock back on this one.
No. 613021
>>612904Besides the point but
>trans girl>MannyFuck sake
No. 614011
>>612904This guy legit looks like a pig. He looks like he smells too. Why even try anything when you have that face?
>he's also obsessed with female black celebrities, especially ones who had their biggest heyday in the 90s/early 2000s. Just like how gay men as a whole seems so obsessed with them and some white pop stars like Britney Spears and Lady Gaga.
No. 616429
File: 1598504012774.jpeg (453.53 KB, 750x1021, 623FC890-5651-4CA2-AA99-2EFB56…)

nikoteenie (from heartbeart rpg drama) was harassed by mack kenny, intern at CN for weeks in her DMs. she never responded though kek. No. 616430
>>616429imgur link of screenshots I'm stupid, best part is Kenny is son of Spongebob's VA.
No. 616458
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>>616429>>616430All of this seethe that is just obvious blatant projections and Freudian slips… and he gets ignored.
kek I literally didn't know it was this possible to be this pathetic
No. 616464
File: 1598509304445.jpg (54.23 KB, 650x603, Tom-Kenny-fam.jpg)

>>616429I googled his name. So, this is the dude seething over 2-year old indie RPG drama and spamming gross/
abusive messages to a woman he doesn't know.
I sense a lot of frustration there. Thinspo king.
No. 616615
File: 1598528045293.png (22.86 KB, 336x328, 9408689.png)

I followed McElroy podcasts for years until the way they pandered to the woke crowd got too annoying for me. Honestly how can you bear it when your entire audience is like this.
No. 616636
>>616615i have no idea who this is, but Ifound the tweet thinking, "Kek, people are about to tell him that he's apologizing for some bullshit" but nope.
Plenty of folks going, "Oh my god, thanks so much for being mindful" and shouting down anyone who says this is retarded.
what the fuck is fatphobic?
No. 616639
File: 1598531965458.png (19.2 KB, 526x235, hhh.PNG)

>>616615"Sorry for making jokes about what I eat!"
No. 616689
File: 1598536782574.png (69.31 KB, 739x875, wWsvUou.png)

>>616669I mean, he did accuse Nikoteenie of that. Possible projection.
>"Are you trans, is that what this is about?" No. 616924
File: 1598555994177.jpg (82.65 KB, 720x845, EYUcC54UYAIL7vc.jpg)

almost blogged, whoops
No. 618718
File: 1598716479173.jpeg (56.43 KB, 800x533, 4572A060-DEDB-4265-80A3-54252B…)

This weird fish selfie pose is really annoying and i can’t explain why. I hate how its practically everywhere. It used to be kind of cute and enduring but when everyone has the same copypasta personality it can get very aggravating
No. 619057
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No. 619308
File: 1598804519575.png (Spoiler Image,713.55 KB, 750x1334, 15B2DF6A-D966-4927-8F71-877BF3…)

>>619302I’m trying to dig around but all I could find was this 2nd page. The rest of the comic was talking about all the poses they could put it in and which countries permit the purchase of the doll.
No. 619438
File: 1598814605786.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.99 MB, 1447x8188, full.jpg)

>>619302I found the full comic.
No. 619441
File: 1598815188393.jpg (32.02 KB, 479x592, 1598644205173.jpg)

>>619438Fucking disgusting, unnerving. Christ. Is this supposed to help? He is getting praised for this? I feel like it will exacerbate things. Just off yourself, much better. I would think that complete abstinence could work, I had a
ddlg kink and I stopped interacting with any and all sort of things which might '
trigger' it and it helped me. But I am not a psych, maybe it's different for pedophile fucks.
>No Touch Yes ShotaconMade me kek
No. 619465
>>619438>No Touch Yes ShotaconA couple days ago an anon linked a super interesting ama of a person who works with non-offending pedophiles but sadly I forgot which thread it was.
They repeatedly pointed out how horrible drawn child porn is, because it lowers those mens inhibitions and makes them much more likely to act on their desires. Most of them are hypersexual, the best cure is chemical sterilization, not giving them material to fap to.
It seems like this is common knowledge amongst professionals, so I seriously don't understand how this disgusting "it's not bad if it's not real children"-sentiment has turned so widespread.
No. 619488
>>619445Rough rough translation but
>page1: discovers the doll, surprised since shotac*n usually do not have access to such a product and didn't think it existed, wonders if buying it would be a good idea (wouldn't family & acquaintances be creeped out?)>p2: bought it, impressed by the quality, the weight and touch feels real, so happy "the chest feels like a real boy's">p3: can do all kinds of dress up, can't help but love the doll, "not even photos can convey the dangerous charm of the doll," he's "done some things that can't be written here">p4: author claims his forbidden desires had been building up for many years and had become a deep darkness, even if he poked fun by calling himself "hentai" it was really no laughing matter. the doll accepted all his darkness and saved his soul. It's priceless etc. So thankful that Japan shotacon before fought for the freedom of expression. "Before you put your hands on a real by, absolutely buy a shtadoll!"Translating this kinda fucked me up, I think I'll take a break from lolcow for a while. I feel sick.
>>619481By the way the author has been confirmed to be male by himself and commentators. And…he f*cked the doll too.
No. 619497
File: 1598821774409.png (79.83 KB, 480x347, 1590.png)

>>619488>>619487>>619438and these freaks always say Japan is so advanced for allowing this shit
No. 619541
File: 1598828300779.png (404.08 KB, 588x530, hmm.PNG)

>>619438>those picsOk, so I thought I'd seen those pics before. Turns out an artist I follow had liked one of their posts prior to this comic being posted. I cannot tell you how fucking disturbing it is to run across shit like this just hanging out so casually in someone's twitter likes. This coco person had a few photos like those in the comic and talked about how "erotic" it looked in the comments with other people. Ugh
This isn't uncommon though, at least with Japanese users it seems(pic related is an example of the stuff they tend to post). I think westerners who scream about it being just a fantasy kind of forget that the people who make this kind of content usually are genuine pedophiles OR at least seem to be out of touch with reality/porn sick and don't realize what kind of people this art tends to attract. Or maybe they do, who knows.
Looking at the likes at some of these Japanese art posts you can find a good amount of VERY suspicious accounts. I don't think my brain is up for sifting through more porn garbage and going down these creepy sex doll rabbit holes right now, but just know that there are people out there liking pics of not only childlike sexdolls, but also IRL pics of japanese kids. Makes me wonder if Japan has MAP thing too.
No. 619596
>>619543same. this and that whole
>>619438 comic disturbs me so much. i feel strange even looking at the pictures of the doll or seeing it posed. why? why would you spend your money on shit like this? what is the necessity of getting a doll like this? do you want a medal for not going out and touching a child? asking for a medal implies having to put in effort, is it that hard for him to go out and not harass children?
No. 619666
>>619488>>619481>BeforeSo, they should go ahead with it if the doll's not enough? Why the fuck would anyone support this?
If these people can't hold back their "deep darkness", they should just be chemically castrated or die.
No. 619846
File: 1598877410848.jpg (Spoiler Image,1011.91 KB, 1440x2864, IMG_0039.JPG)

On the topic of pedos, porn-sick weebs should be castrated and exterminated
No. 620876
File: 1598996743312.jpg (74.43 KB, 640x728, 646502.jpg)

I'm both cringing and dying of laughter at the same time.
No. 621045
File: 1599018967870.jpg (118.39 KB, 750x742, ASVWbhX.jpg)

After going through various assaults of many kind, I can confidently say I hate this with burning passion.
No. 621054
>>621045If initiation rights weren't so absolutely morally bankrupt and fucked up, like killing a random person or assaults like anon said, I would be more sympathetic.
Just because it IS fucked up that we live in a society where people do horrible and reckless shit to survive doesn't mean we can't also criticize the practices of the gangs themselves.
No. 625185
File: 1599565366077.png (34.61 KB, 588x351, womx.PNG)

TFW you want to be so trans inclusive you end up being trans-exclusionary. TED talks going full circle
No. 625196
>>625191Of course not, only women are unacceptable and must be censored.
Loving their ratio.
No. 626346
File: 1599681835592.jpg (75.08 KB, 1024x663, get therapy pls.jpg)

This is technically instagram, but I think you guys will enjoy this one. I found this screenshot already censored so there's no @, but I can tell you this is from the BNHA fandom.
No. 626447
>>626346It’s funny because most of the people writing those fanfics are teenagers in their edgy moments who just want to cope in a kind of healthy way. Also, most of the people reading those are teenagers.
Also, a hit on a fanfic never has the account of the person registered and most adults reading those are just reliving their cringe times as a 4edgy8me teenager, unless the plot is actually nice.
I guess it’s time to cancel any person who has ever wrote something or ever read something and books should get burned because they got teens suffering.
No. 628021
File: 1599838741750.jpeg (Spoiler Image,241.9 KB, 900x1200, A8807FA4-E1F8-4119-AD10-83985A…)

>>6277862D femboys are the answer, it’s better to just get a nice body pillow of your favorite one and a good ol’ dildo.
>tfw this is the only body pillow close to what real femboy looks like. No. 628521
File: 1599890957503.jpg (321.34 KB, 1536x2048, EY-52TOWsAQ8hDO-orig.jpg)

>>627786This is the best looking one I've seen
No. 628866
File: 1599940093422.jpg (188.3 KB, 1076x701, SmartSelect_20200912-154618_Ch…)

This thread is a fucking mess but thank God there are some reasonable people in the comments. No. 628998
>>628866Literally word for word what homophobes say: lesbians like strap-ons so they will like a real dick, now with adding that they just need to really love the person and genitals won't matter because genitals are not that different.
Ngl i feel like shit whe reaeing these things, never thought the ones supposed to be on gay peoples side would call us bigoted and horrible transphobes for a "genital preference".
No. 629025
File: 1599950707406.gif (452.27 KB, 508x270, 1nOI.gif)

>>628866The absolute fucking state of gay twitter rn
No. 629113
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>>629025This made me sad af because it's clear she is not fixing attracted to men but "Penises are fine with me" congrats, you are bi
No. 629129
>>628521Looks like a man with tits, disgusting
>>628658This. Trannies are unanimously gross, a feminine guy has the potential to be attractive as long as he takes very good care of himself and has good genetics
No. 629135
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>>628866what the fuck is non binary dick
No. 629151
>>629129right just looks like a dude wearing his sisters bra
>>629135why does something have to be "
valid"? We don't need people to approve and validate who we are allowed to fucking date, it just fucking happens.
if you want to pretend to be a lesbians do it, if people rightfully say you are not one, if you truly feel it, it won't matter.
If they truly felt they were lesbians, they'd just look for the other fake lesbians and be with them, why doe everyone have to play with their games?
No. 629378
File: 1599982576757.png (412.07 KB, 738x962, 745.png)

>>628521So i was in Moviebob's thread on Kiwifarms and I ran into Mr.Eva, he got 5k likes for losing weight and growing out his hair. He does not look much different. Then again, I know trans people post these before and afters & no matter how they look they get a lot of likes and attention.
Another thing I hate about twitter, just be a troon and you'll get attention.
No. 629415
>>628525Exactly. They're not supposed to be women or look like women to begin with.
>>628658So many times this. I just like well-groomed effeminate soft boys and trannies co-opting the term is disgusting. Saying "I like femboys" doesn't mean I want greasy sissyficated AGP dick.
>>628866>8.3 likesThat's enough Twitter for me today. I love how they always straight out say that lesbians not fucking them is the biggest problem while it's most likely a straight guy that's going to refuse sex and kill them but who cares at least they get to hate on women
No. 629420
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>>628866So they're finally admitting that women who date "trans lesbians" are in a fucking
straight relationship. Good.
No. 630204
File: 1600097663105.png (130.06 KB, 596x344, Opera Snapshot_2020-09-14_0835…)

It makes me sad that even the Touhou Project fandom has these kinds of varmin.
No. 630279
>>630204The only part that surprises me is '33'
Are 33 year olds going out of their way to tick all these boxes now? I honestly thought we were too old for that.
No. 630283
>>630279being 33 doesn't give you an interesting, fulfilling life if you're terminally online, emotionally stunted, mentally ill and autistic. for all those 25+ year olds acting like teenagers, they don't have anything other than their own identity and mental illnesses, so they list those and engage in communities where those things are important.
TL;DR god some people are depressing
No. 630720
File: 1600169536024.png (300.52 KB, 622x502, gina.png)

The twitter mob wants Disney to fire utter badass Gina Carano because she won't put pronouns in her twitter bio.
Farmers am I hallucinating? Is this real life? Someone wake me up.
No. 630737
>>630731They want her to signal her submission to the troon overlords. Do that or face harassment and bullying.
Gina is an ex MMA fighter though, they started shit with the wrong woman.
No. 630746
File: 1600174130858.jpg (410.86 KB, 1920x1440, Eh2lO5BU4AAwWG0.jpg)

>>630731Apparently yes, they've harassed Pedro Pascal before.
I know this is LC but I actually am ok with trans people and I'll use any pronoun a person will ask me to use because it makes zero difference to me, but behavior like this makes me want to make fun of them too honestly. How can someone be so entitled.
No. 630774
File: 1600180637664.jpg (44.28 KB, 520x347, SantosCarano025SF16.jpg)

>>630720This is especially sad because just a couple years ago somebody like her would've been seen as a great rolemodel for young girls. Most probably know her for being hot, but she was actually a very successful mma fighter. But nowadays something like that of couse doesn't matter anymore, because catering to 0.000…% of the population is more important.
I've said this before but this "Don't be shy, do this or that" that twitter likes to use sounds so creepy…
No. 630780
File: 1600181069267.jpg (184.62 KB, 1080x1326, Ehx-cWiVkAA_qOQ.jpg)

>>630776Exactly, that's what it reminded me off, it sounds like gross pedo/rapist talk.
Apparently this is the super offensive tweet that sparked all of this, how hateful…
No. 630781
>>630731It's because they want to ~normalize~ putting pronouns in your bio so troons wouldn't feel "unsafe" putting theirs up. In other words it's just a TRA power tactic to make people more conscious of their authority over them.
>>630774>I've said this before but this "Don't be shy, do this or that" that twitter likes to use sounds so creepy…They always try to creepily babytalk their way into peoples' minds like that in a shoddy, superficial effort to hide their aggressiveness.
>Hello friend! Just a heads up, to make Twitter a safe space for everyone you should put your pronouns in your bio <3. If you want me to help, please don't hesitate to ask! Let's all make Twitter a safer environment for marginalized people. <3 <3 <3 Just thought I'd let you know!>Oh you're not complying? You stupid fat ugly hag, you should be fucking shot in the ovaries and decapitated you terf piece of shit I hope your whole bigoted family fucking DIES No. 630796
File: 1600182385142.jpg (263.71 KB, 1400x1400, come to mommy.jpg)

>>630720only way to solve this is to put them into a ring together. I'd pay money to see it.
No. 630798
>>630780Fucking retarded. People are acting as if she just tweeted "all troons should be executed"
Why should she put pronouns on their bios anyway? Everyone knows's she's a woman.
No. 630825
>>630819That's because they are.
I wish there was an investigation into the people behind those twitter mob accounts. How many are old psychos, how many are brainwashed children and how many are Russian trolls?
No. 631087
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JK Rowling is on the chopping block again too with the trending hashtag #RIPJKRowling
Apparently the offense is a passing mention (in a 900 page book) of one of the suspects not being able to be clearly described because he was wearing a wig and a woman's coat during one of his assaults.
No. 631718
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>>620876Late about this but it reminded me of this interaction between a fan and a VA, this kind of questions are kind of manipulative since they obviously can't explicitly refuse because of the backlash that would cause. "On behalf of whole community" fuck off lol
No. 634306
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These people really have the most braindead takes and then wonder why the left can't win the elections when all they do is provoke each other and promote fights between groups that would benefit from the same damn thing. But no, twitter wokies need to feel smug and get rts so fuck "priviledged" womens rights.
No. 634308
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No. 634326
>>634313She says she meant that you need to care about one issue to be able care about the other, which is dumb because most people already care about the other things she cites.
And RBG dying will probably make life harder for these women at ICE too so everyone should be fearing anyway. IDK, such a weirdly condescending tweet aimed to divide people on her own side for no damn reason.
No. 634891
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Any UK anons keeping up with the #uktransrights thing? It's as shitshow (as expected). From what I gather some tween posts a bunch of misinformation about how the UK govt is going to take away muh trans rights. (pic related is a reupload, OP deleted). Troons are upset that they have to have a doctors diagnosis before meds/surgery and can't 'self identify'.
No. 635145
>>631718>>631718Voice actors on Twitter are the cringiest shit ever I swear. Either it's the autistic fans who think they actually are the characters and put them in awkward positions by their privacy-invading tweets or then it's the voice actors themselves having delusions of being the character and tweeting all sorts of "I'm character X and I say Y" takes. They also get way too personally invested in Twitter fights and love to humiliate people because they're a Big Name Voice Actor who can direct their fans to harass whoever disagreed with them. Bonus points if they're dub actors who get mad and passive aggressive when some non-amerifag prefers the original voice acting over theirs. Like at least attempt to hide your fragile ego.
The same goes for all show creators on Twitter to be honest. I'm amazed they don't have an agent monitoring what they tweet because it wouldn't be the first time some cartoon big shot had a meltdown after being angered by some random twitter user.
No. 635188
>>635151I'd hate to work in that field, you have to diagnose every troon that comes to you and give them hormones or risk being labelled a transphobe and have your career ruined.
TRAa complaining come off as so entitled, the NHS is understaffed and underfunded, plus the pandemic means everyone has to wait.
>>635152Self-identify benefits no one except fake bois and agps anyway, it's retarded to expect doctors to give you drugs and surgery without a diagnosis. It's not like someone with depression just says 'I'm sad' and gets a lifetime supply of pills and ECT.
No. 635327
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W H A T?
Is this person sheltered?
No. 635330
>>635327since fucking when have murder in movies (especially horror) been
problematic. This has to be a joke
No. 635426
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I don´t get why someone would do this, like, I´m not even mad, is more like a "wow how petty" sort of feeling.
No. 637025
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Feels like lately JK Rowling sends twitter in a meltdown on the weekly lol Now because she linked a terf shop
Tweet by Shoe (because of course she needs to show her support with dickowners) No. 637072
>>637048>>637058She was brainwashed by libfems a couple years ago, thought she had to be ultra woke and said a few embarassing things about the HP characters, but now she has grown into being gendercrit. That's a process many had to go through, nothing bad or unnatural about it.
She absolutely deserves the praise she gets, one might say "she's a billionaire, of course she can do whatever she wants" but so could all the other blue checkmarks who are amongst the worst when it comes to lecturing us peasants about social justice.
No. 637095
>>637027This is actually what fujo / yaoi fangirls in general get labeled with by woke fakeboys (including the racist for liking yaoi part(!?)). You underestimate the level of gymnastics Woke Twitter performed since the Tumblr exodus.
>>637057This. She's setting a great example. She's been through so much in her life already, she probably realizes a bunch of broke whiny scrotes are nothing.
No. 637365
>>637298because people are used to instant gratification and forget there's always a person who slaved hours making that art piece
that's why repost accounts thrive
No. 637667
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saw this gem and thought we could all have a good laugh
No. 637980
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I just came across this, and all I have to say is WTF!?
No. 637986
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No. 637987
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No. 638044
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>>637980I swear this has happened more than once
holy shit
No. 638083
>>637980I suppose this is what moralfaggotry does to you. You rape someone and then try to spin it as the evil people reading fanfiction are traumatizing people just as badly.
>>635327>boku no hero academia iconReally? Also some antis straight up have been known to spam gore to accounts they don't like, so I guess written people matter more I guess? I'm so sick of these sheltered autists. Someone please cram these people in a rocket to mars.
No. 638583
>>637980Antishipper furries shaming others for their fictional cartoon porn being outed for being pedos, rapists, abusers and other nice, civil people. Many such cases.
Seriously, they're covering their own tracks because their guilty conscience is nagging. It's some mental gymnastic shit at work.
>>637987>oh my god are you actually claiming that me raping someone is WORSE than you liking anime lolishit??? How dare you!! We're the same!!!!I'm speechless. Moralfags are entitled on an unimaginable level.
No. 639346
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Does anyone remember when suspect_tweets posted actual (badly censored) CP and got suspended? Good times. This is what moralfaggotry does to your fucking brain, you start to think real honest-to-god CP is the same as drawings. Kidfuckers in hiding, all of them. Reminder that downloading/distributing CP is a serious crime, and it is probably a felony to display it to your underage followers too.
No. 639387
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>Coomers out here supporting other coomers and discussing coomer things
>Vaush using anime girls from coomer games to describe how different women are but they're still women (including trannies)
>People blindly supporting him
Where am I
No. 639420
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Onlyfans should be banned.
I hate this so much.
No. 639426
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No. 639458
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>>639420this is obviously fake. there's a trend of onlyfans girls saying outrageous things for replies and to be fair it works. they're probably laughing all the way to the bank.
No. 639579
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someone tweeted this unironically- a /pol/ shitpost circa 2015 and people in the replies fell hard for the bait. jesus christ.
No. 639603
>>639600It was the
>saterdayFor me
No. 640491
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Twitter just got rid of the option to look at tweets if you aren't logged in, kek. Gotta love how every social media site is becoming unbearably corporate. Can't even browse anonymously now.
No. 640796
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tw/finn wolfhard
No. 640800
>Wahhh people do stuff I don't like!!! Don't you see you are remind me of my T R A U M A Can wait for this kid to grow and realize that the real world doesn't care about your ~
No. 640813
>>640803Because it's easier to fault someone else for your problems instead of, you know, growing up.
I've seen some fuckers blacklisting blogs of 14 year olds when said kids call them up, because it's easier to say "Th-they are
triggering to me!" Than admiting past and present fuck ups.
No. 641130
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Stephen King, who previously has tweeted "TWAW but stop hating on JKR", just praised her new book.
No. 641389
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I understand being upset over this, but i find it petty how she decided to force people to attack a rando on instagram. People in replies, esp kpoppies are bragging that they got blocked by her and they r spamming dms.
No. 641408
>>641389It is petty and does nothing, if the girl already didnt think covid is a big deal kpoppies sending her fancams she wont change her mind.
Also it just sounds like OP has a vendetta against this girl kek
No. 643708
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censored because it's someone random but wtf kind of take is this? I guess its my karma for having followed a genderfluid "it" pronoun on twitter lol
No. 643719
>>643708This shit is so funny to me. It’s like replying to someone who says “eat the rich” with a longass spiel about equality and saying “all economic classes are
valid.” Rich people aren’t affected by poor people whining, and men definitely aren’t affected by some girl writing that men are trash on twitter, get a grip.
No. 643729
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>>643719"masculinity is cute fun & natural lol"
No. 643769
>>643737What gets me is I think they're referring to masculinity as an innate gender thing which you can trans into and thats why they refuse to face that it's , mostly constructed and usually
toxic? But no it's one of the gender options you can waltz yourself into so it can't be bad at all. idk.
if they meant being born male doesn't inherently make you bad, then I'd agree.. but I get the feeling this is different lol
No. 644284
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… so dont look at all the personal stuff you posted on the internet with your name attached and a non-private account? sounds like a you problem
No. 644493
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This thread is full of men saying things like "you're one of the good women"
No. 644517
>>644493this is always code for "women should compliment men more" fuck pick-mes
well women don't do it because cum brains always think we're hitting on them. they love to say how it's been years since they've gotten a compliment uwu but when was the last time they complimented another man, or a woman without ulterior motives? also cue them bawwing about how many compliments women get. 1) if it's a thirsty comment or from a man with ulterior motives, doesn't count 2) women make sure to compliment each other, you scrotes can do the same
No. 644528
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>>644514She retweeted this so you can guess
No. 644540
If any woman complimented a random man, or even men they talk to, say, a friend or a friend’s boyfriend/husband, he would assume she’s flirting with him and then he will go through two options:
>A. Wow! She’s totally into me! I can’t wait to be able to fuck!>B. Ew! She’s into me! Gross! I will proceed to tell everyone I know so she can fuck off!The first scenario either comes with unnecessary flirting and even thinking he can do whatever he wants with said woman who complimented him, because “she’s into him” and she totally wants to receive whatever he brings to the table, or just unnecessary groping and disgusting behavior because “she wanted it”.
The second scenario will make the woman get humiliated by whoever simps for the retarded man, they will call her all of the names in the book and then it will end with the woman leaving the group either by her own or because they will have a nasty fight with her.
It’s so bothersome that I wouldn’t be surprised if not complimenting men was just some unspoken rule, they’re probably the most catty in most groups.
No. 644780
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>>641389but anon, cancel culture isn't real
No. 645230
Stop looking like an ogre and maybe I'll compliment you
No. 646696
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Jesus christ tfw you're terminally online and think people lying on tumblr or actually unhinged people are some kind of fake trauma therapy epidemic. Did they miss all the metoos?
this is not a real life issue they just dislike rich people
No. 646755
>>646733Rich kids will larp in public but to doctors and therapists, unlikely. going in regularly to address your mental state is a commitment. If they larp to a doctor that would indicate some other mental issue surely lmao.
there's 2 issues with what they said. By using a strawman it belittles how in childhood your self-esteem is fragile, being bullied can fuck people up long term for example. Rubs the wrong way to downplay that. honestly if someone's life is affected by something it needs to be worked out. secondly they seem to be equating all people with rich parents' problems to that, when we all have been hearing about metoo, about boarding school abuse, and the pedos at the top have many wealthy
victims idk it's kind of sick to act like the most a rich kid will face is their example
No. 646778
>>646755samesperging it just seems fake that people seeing psychs for the trauma of "uu teacher didnt like me" is a real issue at all. we all know there's more than that. There's cows and tumblrinas who get
triggered but most people see right through them. that's why this sounds like a very online issue. people who act like that likely have personality disorders anyway lol so I bet psychs might target that
sorry had a hard time wording it anyway them making a fuss is prime twitter
No. 646982
>>646778You just contracted yourself. First you said that "someone's life is affected by something it needs to be worked out" but then you said that some people do fake it or have minoe reasons. Where do you draw the line between having a fragile self esteem in childhood and someone being just "
Btw, it really seems like you're referencing a post of mine I made earlier today, at least tag it if you used it as an example.
No. 648519
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What a nonissue
No. 648593
>>648519Have they never played a multiplayer game before?
Happens all the time who gives a shit,if it bothers you,correct them.
No. 648689
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>>648665samefag but holy shit there's a goldmine of these snowflakes on twitter
No. 648692
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>>648689imagine having a skin this thin
No. 649104
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While we are on the subject of Among us, I found this and got a good kek.
I have no idea if this person is being ironic, a troll or actually serious but I think is funny.
No. 649107
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No. 649442
>>649235Tbf, they were oppressed in the 19th century. But that was a long time again.
I honestly thought SJWs wouldn’t give a shit about Italians because they’re white.
No. 650213
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the international lesbian day hashtag is terrible.
No. 658112
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Imagine being a woman getting upset because other women don't date how you want.
So much of this "Woke"culture on twitter benefits men.