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No. 53649
Interested in this as well. Hope we don't get too many moralfags ruining this thread. I just try to act polite and "friendly" (even though I'm shy and introverted as fuck) to most people, I find it gives them a good impression and leaves me with a nice reputation which can come in handy later on.
>>53648That's just for men tho. Needs to be a redpill equivalent for women, but I don't mean /r/redpillwomen but something about actual manipulation, etc.
No. 53652
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>>53651Well alright, I've got a one.
>Meet a girl in grade school, we'll call her Jan (kek)>Jan is chubby, greasy, unkempt>We are friends for a short while but have a stupid falling out>Jan decides we are now rivals or some shit
>Enter middle school>Jan does all kinds of bitchy things to me, shoving me, trying to tease me, etc>Time to go Satan on her ass and psychologically torture her>I tape notes to her back about how ugly she is, elementary level shit>I start leaving shampoos and soaps on her desks at school for keks
>Enter high school>Jan is still a cunt to me, so I have to take it up a notch>Have a dance class with Jan, and she left her purse unattended>Hide the purse in the dance room and she can't find it>After school ends, go back into dance room, take the purse home, and throw it away after rummaging through her shit >She's all upset, but never finds out I did itThen I guess I took it too far…
>Jan decides to make some really weird list about the people in our grade listing them with awards or something>Over the list is really tame, just kind of cringey, but nothing mean, and even I'm on the list, but not as anything bad, just as "best awesome website finder" or whatever because I had introduced her>One of Jan's best friends at the time was in a class with me that's the last period of the day, and I know she has Jan's stupid list with her because they've been talking about it all day>I get the list from her best friend, pretending to show it to the girl next me, who is popular but stupid>I ask her if I bring the list back to her tomorrow morning if she will spread it around the school>she says lol ok>I trick Jan's best friend into thinking I had put the list back into her bag>Take list home>Re made the list and replaced with with a lot of mean shit that would get her ass beat>Took the list and copies to school and gave it to the popular stupid girl who met me in the morning>List gets spread around school>Jan has to leave early that day because people are threatening to beat her up>Jan has emotional melt down >Jan comes to school a few days later, now having to be medicated with anxiety medicine>Jan ends up getting kicked out of school for a year because she is losing her shitAnd that's how I made another girl have a mental break down. She came back a year later and I did something else to her, but yeah. I think the best thing about all of this is… Jan never knew it was me. I swore the other girl was going to tell everyone that it was me that did it, but she never did. Based popular girl. Jan cried in front of me about it, talked about her breakdown, showed her anxiety pills, everything. Didn't know.
I kept the list for a few years then eventually threw it away.
No. 53653
>>53652*over all the list
and *because I had introduced her to websites like maddox and shit lol
No. 53655
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>>53654Meh, I don't think I am. Jan and me had a complicated relationship. She fancied me her rival or something, and always tried to one up me at everything but the joke was on her because I just didn't care, but still beat her at whatever weird contest she invented. She obsessed over me a lot, and you'd think if she hated me so much she wouldn't have tried to always hang out near me? Like in the dance class, she purposefully would come over and hang out with the people I hung out with.
I remember she posted a big huge weird creepy rant about me on her myspace (yes, I'm old) and how I have the perfect life, and everything is handed to me, etc etc etc and it was really bizarre because…none…of that is true.
Anyways, I don't feel bad about it. I didn't do these things because she was fat or greasy, I did it because she started it.
No. 53656
>>53654that is… dumb. you gained absolutely nothing from that.
>>53647honestly op the best strategy is to be nice to people but never let them get too close. men are easy af to manipulate even if you're just barely above average looking. when meeting someone smile, feign interest, make small talk, but unless you genuinely care about them as a person always find a reason to cut things short. the more emotionally invested you get the more complicated things are, and the more mysterious/busy you seem the more interesting you become to them.
context is important. who is this person, how well do you know them, how often do you see them, what can they offer you? equally important, what do they know about you?
the easiest way to put it is this: you have to give someone a reason to want your approval. once you get that, you can use them however you want
No. 53657
>>53656thank you. the problem i had was with a guy who decided to throw a tantrum bc i made him feel
insecure :( basically:
>>instagram "well known">>talented/connectedbut
>>shorter than me>>clingy AF>>crazy>>small penis and erectile dysfunction>>obvi insecure>>ego complexthe good thing is that people know how much of a serial monogamist he is (and admitted to, i'm so stupid), but it cut off a LOT of connections I could have used. He was wrong and apologized but when I brought up specifics that were deal-breakers to me he just claimed I was "attacking" him when I never insulted him.
Ironically he became this obsessed bc I was so busy and not really that into him. I just want to be able to form my own connections with the people he knows, without them preemptively judging me since I know he's definitely damage controlling hard.
I basically want his friends to still hit on me and be seen as rational, which I was before dealing with this caveman-baby. And I want men to appease me with things, your advice is on point though thank you.
No. 53659
>>53656How do you do that line between friendly and mysterious? I'm an anxious sperg, so either I come off too cold or cringy when I try to be friendly
>>53652I like it, but gotta say the list thing seems dangerous. it's like 99% whoever passed the list around for you would rat you out (if it were any other girl I guess). Imo it's best to let absolutely noone know your plans or they'll fuck it up somehow. Dunno why but something about stealing someone's bag or purse seems neat.
No. 53663
>>53661Lie. I mean, that's why you do things inconspicuously and deliberately. That's why I made sure to make a point of "showing" Jan's best friend that I had put it back in her bag. If the other girl had ratted on me I could have easily said, "you saw me put it back in the bag".
>>53662Nah, if I were going to make up something that petty I'd at least make up something cooler. Yes, she legitimately made a stupid autismo list of fake / sarcastic school awards and who she'd give them. Yeah, she brought them to school that morning and showed them around to her/my friends. Her best bud in my last class did have it and I did take it from her and went home and basically re wrote it. I kept several of the "awards" the same, including mine, to not make it so suspicious. But I changed the more popular kids awards to be meaner/weirder, so they'd be mad at her.
It wasn't super deeply premeditated or anything, actually. I didn't think about taking it/rewriting it until the end of the day when her friend let me look at it again, and when I asked the girl next to me if she'd pass it around, I decided to take a gamble.
No. 53669
>>53667>There is no redpill for womenThat depends on your definition of "redpill". I think tumblr/SJW stuff is pretty similar. Teaches you that men are evil and out to get yet, sort of encourages you to avoid sexual contact with men because of the risks, etc. And that's a big part of what redpill is about, except genderswapped.
Granted there's also a big part of redpill that's devoted to "sexual strategy", i.e. guys basically doing pick up artist shit to as many women as possible, and I agree there isn't really a female equivalent of that.
No. 53672
>>53647Every time I wanted to make a guy emotionally dependent on me I started acting like his mommy on occasion. Example behaviors:
>Petting his hair while putting his head on my chest>Scolding him>Calling him good boy or bad boyAnd then:
>Making him tell me his feelings and problems>Letting him cry in front of me Works every time!
No. 53675
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this thread.
sucks youre all molls, if you were a beautiful princess like me you wouldnt need to manipulate people because they alrady love you
No. 53676
>>53666"abusive coke habit boyfriend" is my ex. And I feel you on the rest of that, and that's what I'm continuing to do. I just meant in the very short term while they're responding to me and not giving a good enough apology, how do I make them feel bad without looking like I'm trying to?
I clearly don't waste any time doing that, which is why I've been a doormat who focuses on myself. I just want the social skills to balance it out, not become an actual sociopath.
No. 53678
>>53676Actually me too (regarding the abusive coke-habit bf thing), and he's the guy I wasted 4 years of my life on chasing around trying to fuck over because I refused to let my feelings for him go.
I used to think I was subtle in my actions, but I look back now and I realise how obvious I was.
I was a joke; an angry, bitter joke that nobody wanted to be around because I couldn't let go of my baggage and would fling it around at every event. I was a fucking mess.
I met him again the other night at a party. I'm currently enrolled at university doing the very subject he used to be mad for and am top of my class, I'm succeeding in ways he always convinced me I was too stupid to attain, physically I've become more attractive than all the women be used to compare me to and bully me over, and my confidence has exploded.
He on the hand has become a legit drug addict who seriously has to snort codeine every night just to get to sleep, and from what I've heard his kidneys and bladder are so fucked up from abusing ket that he no longer has control of his bowel movements and will shit himself at random.
I let go of my anger and my rage, I purged all thoughts of him from my mind and I moved the fuck on in my life, and it's the sweetest revenge I ever tasted, but it turned sour pretty quickly because now I realise what a sad, horrible little man he was. I actually feel pity after having spoken with him, his brain is totally fried. He'll be dead in a few years.
Holding onto vengeful hatred is like holding hot coals in your hand.
You think you can use them to hurt other people but really the only one you're burning is yourself.
Anyway I totes want to hear your story too, you should tell me.
No. 53682
>>53647you have to be smart and pretty to manipulate people.
maybe you could learn to give sexual favors in exchange for people doing things for you.
No. 53711
>>53679The thing any enemy hates is to see you succeed and flourish, so you already know what to do.
Anyway my ex was for a time very successful and very attractive and had women all over him. Now look at him.
No. 53950
>>53856nothing special, just attacked her verbally.
After me and my friend saw her bully the loner girl, we told our homeroom teacher who then had a meeting in class. There we told her what a bitch she was for bullying and the rest of the class, with the exception of her group of bitches, agreed to it.
using words and being well-spoken is the best way to make someone crumble.