No. 53701
File: 1450679035794.jpg (49.46 KB, 576x1024, missphilippians.jpg)

To add insult to injury, here's his apology (now deleted).
>Miss Philippians and Miss Columbia
No. 53709
File: 1450683572635.png (1023.96 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2015-12-20-23-12-07…)

>>53701Omg, I didn't know it was deleted. Haha!
I can't belive they just took the crown off her in front Of everyone. And it was such a long pause of them standing next to each other not really moving. So awkward…
No. 53743
>>53741It had to be. When the pageant had that one girl give the homophobic answer to that one question, people could not stop talking about the pageant. I think the girls reactions were very real, though.
Fuck Harvey for being apart of this, though. He has the most annoying forced acting, was annoying the whole show in general and I wish he'd go away.
No. 53747
>>53741Most likely is. Steve Harvey has been hosting shows for years now. I don't think he would be that dumb to make a newbie mistake with cue cards.
And the whole thing seems like a shitty VMAs-tier publicity stunt.
No. 53781
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Apparently Miss Germany's getting in on the action too now
What a shitfest. Why do these pageants even exist?
No. 54314
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Sorry fit the bump. But Shits funny.