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No. 546397
>>546375And people wonder why so many people opt out of having kids.
I witnessed a few instances of shit like this when I worked as a teacher's aid. It really shines a light on how so many people end up so
abusive and entitled in adulthood.
No. 546440
>>546397Yeah like. That was one of many instances I saw at my job. I'm a natural around kids since I've literally helped raised them since I was a kid myself but that job really made me realize I like taking care of kids but prob never want my own.
Real talk I have so many examples with that kid alone, his mom is absolutely raising one of those men who don't respect women it's fuckin sad and nothing I could do about it. Kinda miss the rascals at my job tho
No. 546607
>>546602I did - this wasn't an uncommon thing with him acting out. Usually it's something like pushing a lil too hard during football. With this he couldn't say anything outside of 'I was just mad.' It's why I had to call his mom and not just the other kids parent.
I cared a lot about the little punk and it was mainly due to anger issues and his mom not being there. He was acting out in school and in our care so it was really a home issue since he most likely had some form of ADHD since he could never focus.
He did get beaten ie spanked but no abuse outside of that. And that's common in the area so I couldn't even bring it up as abuse if I wanted to (tried).
Sorry I ended up ranting to you but man a lot of things that happened in that job still kinda piss me off to this day and the fact that I ended up being some kid therapist since a lot of kids DID have something going on at home to where I became a mother/sister figure for a lot of them.
No. 548089
>>548063Right? Couldn't fuckin believe that she had been left in charge for so long. She's still at that job despite complaints from me and many others - it's despicable dude.
>>548073Aint this the truth. I was thankful for the job at first cause I was a fresh college drop out and needed something to give me purpose (sad I know). But it showed me very quickly that 9/10 is just some big fuckin idiot who stuck it out longer than anyone else with common sense.
No. 548405
Last year I worked at a frozen yogurt shop while in university and got paid 8.25/hr. Meanwhile I was the only one working in the store from 7 am to 5 pm or one of two from 5-11 pm and I had to do every fucking thing imaginable. I'm talking register, cutting fruit, replacing toppings when they ran out, refilling yogurt machines, cleaning the topping table and floors because grown adults would make a mess putting their toppings or they would spill their yogurt. I had to make cakes, clean dishes, answer phone calls, refill the register with cash, cut more fruit, deal with people yelling at me for the overpriced yogurt that's out of my control, stocking the back pantry with shipments, cutting more fruit, cleaning more yogurt off the floors - ALL OF THIS FOR 8.25
and guess what my manager has the nerve to text me on my day off the next day?????!?!?!!
"Hey, I came into work today and found a cigarette on one of the outside tables and a little bit of dried yogurt. You need to be cleaning the outside tables better"
me: "Sorry for missing that spec of yogurt but also that cigarette wasn't there I can't control what happens when I'm not in the store"
"Well I found yogurt, make sure that doesn't happen again"
Fucking SORRY that I missed a fucking spot for 8.25 an hour.
No. 551143
>>551116Anon children are dumb
Thats why they are children
No. 551148
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oh lord, I have so many stories, especially from previous jobs. I'll tell one from my current job though, this happened a few days ago
>get hired at fuck*mart a few weeks ago
>they tell us about these guys called loss prevention. they walk around the store dressed like customers to watch people and prevent shop lifting. we were told not to let anyone know loss prevention works there as they are undercover
>they have a door of people going in, a separate door for people going out (this is because of covid 19, to stop people from walking past each other closely)
>I am supposed to direct people who try to go in the exit to the proper door
>couple tries to walk in exit, I point to them the correct door
>loss prevention guys LOVE to use the wrong door
>as couple is leaving, they see the loss prevention guy walking in the exit
>guy stops to literally yell at me
>loss prevention guy sees this, does nothing
>I can't say "he works here" bc we have to treat them like customers
>the next day the same loss prevention guy WEARS A FUCKING NAMETAG letting everyone know he works here so what was the point of all of that
tl;dr I got yelled at by a customer for something that was not at all my fault
No. 551289
>>551116I'm in a country where masks aren't common so we're really relying on just distancing. Where I work groups of kids come in and because we have those 2 metre apart arrows on the floor a group of five kids will queue up each two metres apart to buy a single loaf of bread between them.. blocking up the whole small store. I explain every day that if you are siblings already coming in together you can queue together or even send one kid in to buy that single loaf of bread.
I wish parents would stop sending in four or five kids to buy one item. The owner doesn't want to upset locals by banning groups of kids.
No. 551300
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There’s this special water they sell at my work that is supposed to be “oxygenated” and is supposed to “strengthen the immune system.” A lot of the stuff sold at my workplace is homeopathic so it seems fishy to me, but some people say it works for them, so who knows. It’s also around $100 per bottle, but you’re only supposed to drink a capful or two a day.
One day, I was on the phone with someone who was asking about the water, and when I told them the price, they were shocked. I said “I think it’s expensive too” out loud because I was trying to sympathize with them (and I agree tbh) but in hindsight it was so stupid because my other coworkers (who sell the water) heard me. I should’ve known that I was supposed to try to sell it to the customer. The next day I got told not to do it again. I just feel retarded and I think about this daily.
No. 551313
>>551300You had a brain snaffu and made one mistake. They told you not to do it again and you won't.
You're OK, anon.
No. 551347
>>551345Uni anon here. Do it. Even if your initial scores (depending on where you’re from or admission processes) aren’t great, you go into less respected colleges and transfer into more prestigious universities if that’s something you’re interested in. I think education is education, and it doesn’t matter where you go but I work for a University that is the equivalent to US Ivy Leagues and a lot of people prioritize where I work because of its name.
The students here are really stupid a lot of the time, and I genuinely have no idea how they got in.
You can do it. You just need to be disciplined in doing your work, and willing to talk to your profs about what you don’t understand.
No. 551468
>>551313Thank you anon
>>551319I still agree with what I said and that the water
is probably snake oil, but I just feel embarrassed. I’m glad I didn’t get fired since job-searching is extra difficult now, with everyone losing their jobs.