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No. 555948
The more secrets you feed the farm, the stronger the farm gets. Lay yourselves bare before the farm gods.
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>>>/ot/541792Commentary is allowed. No. 555970
knew a cunt like you was about to gatekeep a bunch of drugs lmfao. Should've said that I did it more than once and there were times where I was just completely high out of my mind nearly every day uwu
No. 556029
>>555996Similar here, it took quite a few attempts to manage my first toy because the pain was so intense. I continued to have sharp pain and some bleeding the first dozen or so times that I fucked toys. I'm generally good with pain but my hymen was a bitch to stretch.
Years later when I eventually had sex with a guy I only told him it was my first time afterwards.. he didn't believe me so I explained that I had used toys for years. He seemed so disappointed! I hate that men have this thing about 'popping it' as if our pain is their accomplishment. I'm glad I dealt with it my own way.
No. 556048
the only sex i genuinely was enthusiastic about and felt was passionate was with my recent ex. i think about him constantly and can only get off to thoughts of him. i love him fully, wholly and completely. hes the only guy who got me off, ive never been so deeply in love with anyone and never will again.
we broke up and it's difficult for me cos his ex gf is still his best friend but is still obsessed with him and hated me for dating him. he also moved to another country to be with me, so they dont see each other. he denies the extent of her infatuation with him and dismisses obvious flirting (eg sexy selfies, disparaging me) as 'friendliness'.
i tried to be friends with her, but when we broke up she wrote a callout post about how toxic uwu i am, even though she supposedly abused/raped him in the past. the only reason she hates me is because im dating someone shes hung up over, i really wish she gave me a genuine chance and i feel sad that the progress i made with her was lost that day.
i just want to get back together, but this time just make peace with her obsession and ignore it.
its been a year and he moved transatlantically to be with me, they see each other barely once a year. so why is she so delusional and unable to move on?
her friends should tell her: let him go, he let you go a long time ago.
No. 556090
>>556076i believe him! good point sir. i heard that excuse recently but i forget where.
i looked up my grandma's house on the registry and there were 3 on her street, but not the house i was scared about. but it did say 1 offender not registered? in a town of >1000 kinda spooky to think.
No. 556106
>>556101school bus anon here. only time will take the embarrassment away..mostly
you know what, i actually did shart in front of my girlfriend a few months ago. she'd literally been trying to get me to do it because she thought it would be funny. then it happened and all she could was laugh her ass off while i was yelling at her to help me because this was her doing
No. 556132
>>556110Our looks…? And some personality traits I believe
We have some interests in common and do have heart-to-heart convos bu t we never really talked about nor gone over the past and current toxicity of our family life, I don’t think either of us want to tbh.
I remember back in 2011 when we were waiting for our ride for my sister’s quinceñera, we were completely alone and it felt so awkward while talking about bracelets.
2018 that awkwardness wasn’t really bad when I had to spend the nights with her at the hospital during her ankle surgery. I was comfortable being by her side and happy being away from my stepfather but sometimes I got the feeling she didn’t want me around much and was asking for my sister (see above) or my stepdad to spend the other nights, I didn’t felt wanted and it still hurts to this day despite trying to mend the relationship.
No. 556174
>>555953Idk why people are shitting on you. Weed addiction can be a thing. Sometimes you’re not addicted to the substance itself but the lifestyle, the friends and the rituals around it.
Kinda in the same boat at the moment because all of my mates take one thing or the other and every get together or party I join there’s drugs. I have no self control and the only thing that doesn’t tempt me in the slightest is crack or heroin.
I’m almost tempted to start dealing because I lost my job to Corona and everyone around me is too dumb to figure out how to buy shit online so they just buy it overpriced on the streets. I could make hundreds every weekend with just a few grams.
Sometimes I’m tempted to leave the country and start over somewhere else to get away from it all but now all borders are closed until at least next year.
No. 556180
>>556102I feel the same way about my dad. Even told me the same spiel about killing himself. I think he's dumb enough where he doesn't even realize just how insanely manipulative that is even if it is true. Good times.
Don't let her drag you down. You deserved better anon.
No. 556181
>>555954It could be anon. I knew a person working in an asylum and she’d have all kind of people, ranging from depressed but sane to pyromaniacs. Those people often can’t hold a job and she’d work hard to place them in shops and stores. Sorry you had to deal with that, we tend to think of slow or disabled people as sweet people but sometimes they’re straight up nasty and assholes that add onto your workload.
>>555948I feel a bit bad because I’m leading on several guys and part of me feels that it’s wrong but the other part just thinks that I never specified anything and it’s their own fault for falling for me when I never made any promises.
In reality, I don’t mind hooking up with men but romantically I only fall for women.
I have this bad habit of “flirting” and hyping up people when I’m tipsy and they fall for it every time.
So if any anon is out there trying to figure out how to flirt with straight dudes, just find a legit thing about them that is nice, look at them straight in the eyes and say crap like “I think it’s amazing that you did X! I’m really impressed”. Or just say shit like “You’re absolutely right” when they say something. That’s all they need really.
No. 556184
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My son is three months old; I’m breastfeeding. (Attached to baby 24/7) So like my body’s fully healed and such. I can only have sex with my fiancé when we’re both not tired and it has to be all quick. I love my son but I want some nasty stinky monkey sweaty, naked SEX. All I can think of all day.
No. 556260
>>556257Elaborate in what way?
Bf bad
Balcony good
And before you ask, yes, I am 100% lacking in empathy. What benefits me and material wealth always matters more to me than other people. I've come to accept it even if I'd never confess to it irl.
No. 556281
>>556256Hahahahaha I have the exact dilemma rn except I’m inlove with my room, I think if we broke up he would be the one to leave but I’m not sure as his name is signed for the apt
Good luck anon
No. 556286
>>556282I just hate the thought of people seeing right through me so I can't leech off of them anymore.
I live rent free in the nicest apartment building in town, you can't just throw that away
No. 556378
>>556181You sound like a bitch, should probably stick to eating pussy
>>556328What if he decides to leave you instead? Are you gonna Ted Bundy his ass just so you can keep your precious apartment?
Nobody is jealous of your stupid balcony, you stupid cunt.
No. 556388
>>556378are you having a bad day,
nonny>>556260>What benefits me and material wealth always matters more to me than other peoplefucking queen
No. 556403
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>>555963>>555968>>555985Late response but I did it with a dildo. Tbh I was kinda embarrassed of still being a virgin at 21 and also didn't want a man to take it so I just did it. Feels good knowing other girls did the same because I was feeling like such a weirdo. My friend's bf kept pressuring her while we were at a school trip and it went really bad, she ended up crying and he was actually mad at her after. It gave me a big impression at the time
No. 556434
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I attract anorexic men and I'm not sure why because I'm quite fat and love food. Is it because I'm into the brooding boi music scene types?
The new man I'm dating is over 6' but is only 140 pounds when wet, he's pretty skelly(like even more than far left of pic related). I feel ashamed to eat or mention food around him because he only eats once a day and is a picky eater. Like he doesn't eat junk food-which is good-but he also doesn't like a lot of normal foods either. Sometimes when I smoke weed and we'll be talking on the phone I'll be like "Awwwwwh yeah doesn't _____ sound great to eat right now?!" and he'll reply that he isn't hungry kek. I hate being fatter than my boyfriends but idk maybe I'm like thinspo to them or something. Which doesn't make sense because they're romantic and are sexually attracted to my body. They never ask me to perform fat fetish-specific activities like face sitting or belly squashing plus the sex is always fairly vanilla so I'm not sure if it's sexually motivated either.
>inb4 I'm exaggerating
I did legit date a diagnosed anorexic male like several years ago but back then I wrote it off cause he did have a phobia of becoming obese after a brain tumor had caused his obesity, so I didn't think that had anything to do with me.
I tried googling "fat women with skinny men" but all I get are articles talking about skinny women dating obese dudes, or a bunch of people shitting themselves because a 400 pound woman said she only wants to bang skinny dudes. I'm not terribly insecure about it cause I am making better dieting choices as of late and am losing, but I was just curious about the psychology.
No. 556442
>>556434>>556434Maybe I'm thinking about it too deeply, but I wonder if it's because being underweight seems like the male social equivalent of women being chubby? Like, they're both viewed as "why don't you get up and do something to fit into the standard of beauty??" but it's either too difficult or they just don't want to. Being big/chubby for men is acceptable and masculine, while being super unhealthy thin is acceptable as "feminine" for women, so skinny men and fat women are on opposite ends of the same thing. Am I making sense?
I feel like this experience potentially makes skelly dudes have more open-minded ideas about beauty and attraction. I also date skinny dudes and I feel like they're less stuck up about what women should look like. Idk, this is interesting, thanks for listening to my podcast
No. 556462
>>556260>What benefits me and material wealth always matters more to me than other people. I've come to accept it even if I'd never confess to it irl.Anon please stop embarrassing yourself. You're literally just afraid of intimacy and fixate on the fleeting joys that material possessions bring you as a cope. There are no less than 50 million other people on this planet who also do this. Nobody who lacks empathy to the point of being an actual danger to others goes around subtly bragging about it for edge points.
People who larp as sociopaths internet are harmless to the point of being pathetic.
No. 556470
>>556443Aw you’re deflecting, how cute!
Why don’t you go find a sugar daddy if you like material wealth, or are you too much of a pussy to go through the ordeal of sacrificing whatever dignity you may have?
I’m sure rich old men are okay with you mooching off them if you give them what they want, know what I mean?
No. 556522
>>556480Aww u mad?
My point still stand, go find a sugar daddy you whore :)
(go back to kiwifarms) No. 556529
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>>556256I would like to see your balcony anon, i'm sure it's lovely!
No. 556976
>>556971Yeah I did. He was the one that suggested that I go get tested but he made it seem like he wanted us to both get tested to make sure we we're clean before having sex again bc he does have multiple partners. But he never told me that he came back for anything and I'm pissed he wasn't up front with me about it.
He said he was scared to tell me bc he didn't want it to ruin our friendship (we have a long history and have know each other since middle school and only have sex in the occasion).
So while I'm mad at him, there's not much he can do but say sorry. He didn't know he had it when we had sex and I should've been more responsible for myself and asked about how many partners he had, if they were using protection and probably should've used protection myself.
No. 557107
>>557072>>557096Tbh, I have little to no confidence, and I do consider myself ugly, however I also have a low expectations rate.
>>557104Understandable, a lot of people call her ugly and she has been caught reading and posting here
No. 557132
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When I was 11 years old, the most hated girl in my school called me a nigger and told me I was going to hell because I wasn't a Christian. I sat behind her in class so I had fun sticking messages on her back with another girl I didn't like. During recess, we would throw water on her and trip her up. I also pretended to forgive her and be her friend in order to talk to her and thus push her to say ridiculous things to make my friends and I laugh, which was easy because she was socially inept. The teachers noticed us but didn't say anything most of the time, which is funny because I used to get yelled at when I was behaving/being bullied before. I feel a bit bad for the girl now, she was poorly dressed and clearly from a poor family. Even the younger kids made fun of her.
No. 557194
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Fbeing tall. Everytime I see a girl complain about being short I wanna fucking die. bitch what is it, you’re so feminine? You’re seen as such a womanly woman. Must be so difficult also you can just wear heels what can tall girls do to erase their stature? I wanna be like 5’3” and cute. I feel giant and intimidating, my shoulders are broad and rib cage is way wider than my hips. I feel attacked when farmers talk about trannies cause all that literally applies to me and I was born a biological female
No. 557203
>>557194How tall are you anon?
I'm on the taller side and wouldn't mind being a little more taller, being tall is the fucking best imo
No. 557221
>>557219i really wish i could voice out my opinion in the situation but then i realize she can be a bit stubborn or "blind." she literally thought this two actors in a thai bl drama are dating but when i tried to be realistic and told her that it could be publicity stunt with the gestures and other things they do with each other. she denied until one of the actors in the series stated that they were anything but lovers. it really broke her heart. now, she jokes about the 'delulu' fans when that was her before.
god, the kpop shipping was worse though but good thing she stopped talking about it when the group is currently on a hiatus.
she might not see our friendship the way i do and i don't want to fight with her considering she and i have been friends for almost a decade now.
anon, if you have the chance please talk to your sister. you're killing your ears and eyes off if it continues like that.
No. 557231
>>557194183cm / 6'0 tall anon here.
i understand how you feel. i refuse to wear heels because i hate looking even more down on people while i talk and standing out.
however, i hope you come to accept your height and your body. it's tough sometimes, but i've grown to like my height - we can't do anything about it so why stress over it?
No. 557238
>>557194First of all, tall woman =/= tranny. Being "small and cute" is overrated and imo, not that meaningful among adult women.
Personally, I like tall women a lot. I'm sure you look good.
No. 557410
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>>557194Try being 5'3 yet still having broad and mannish features WITH the added bonus of looking like shit if you gain five pounds who no one takes seriously because you're child height.
That's life as a 5'3. Seriously, you don't have it so bad. I've been called 'tranny' by incels too at this height. People who are calling biological women trannies don't give a shit how tall or short you are, they're saying it to hurt you.
>all women in pic related weigh 150 No. 557522
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>>557521at least you know how retarded you're being rn
No. 557595
>>557565>>557565>>557583Have thought about all of this and come to the conclusion that since my specific face is what bothers me, 1.) I think I would be fine with a different ugly face, if reborn 2.) I hate any other form of vanity and consumerism/materialism and I think it's fine to be "ugly", I genuinely don't find anyone other than myself ugly 3) I don't feel sorry for myself because I know I'm being a dumbass, I'm just very exhausted
>>557570Thank you. I know you're absolutely right and when I think about women in the world who actually suffer injustice and real strife, I feel ashamed of myself for feeling this way. That's why I posted it here. You're right, I probably won't kms. I'll try to focus on being a good person.
No. 557640
>>557637Anon, you already are
Jokes aside, is it the attention? People checking up on you? Being followed and commented on?
No. 557777
>>557773i see. i kinda notice from a group of fakebois that i follow on instagram that they stopped talking to their friends who left the trans scene and became girls again. idk why, i always thought that the girls were living somewhere far and couldn't communicate with them longer but there was one who came back from university but only have few pictures from one location and it's because their fans were demanding for a reunion.
maybe i was seeing things from the shallow point of view. especially since i'm in a place where being a tomboy meant you're a lesbian, and also a disappointment, and not just someone who likes things far from the norm. it took years for my mom to realize i could never be like her. thanks, anon.
No. 557881
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I use space e-mail still to this day. It used to be a huge part of my Tumblr phase back in 2013-2016 and I still haven't grown tired of using it. It's nice to say whatever I want on there and send it. Most e-mails are from so many years ago though, I wonder what happened to the people in them.
Pic attached is a random email I just got from someone who's kin with Jean SNK and writing this to Marco aka their "kin mate" and it made me laugh. It's very cringe but I kinda find it endearing, because it's just so crazy to me how it's from 2013 and back then the SNK fandom was peaking so hard.
I'm feeling pretty nostalgic and sad right now, because I miss those times so much even though I used to be a genderspecial fakeboy back then. At least I had a lot of friends, was popular on there and had the time of my life with my blog aesthetic and fandoms I participated in. Nowadays you don't even have anything like that anymore.
No. 557901
>>557767if you want to try to do it, do it. if being a fakeboi means cutting your hair short and changing your clothes or name, do it. those things aren't permanent and you might even find out something about who you are and how you express yourself.
sorry to sperg but ill even share my own related confession. despite the fearmongering and clearly biased attitudes and perspectives you'll get here, I know quite a few trans elders and older trans folks, including transmen at all stages of transition, and talking with gender nonconforming or trans people provided me with a perspective I never thought I would've had if I continued to browse boards like gc and other sites. depending where you're located, you either have a lot of barriers to go through, or you may have it easier than others when it comes to transitioning (socially or physically). but there really is a sense when having a deep philosophical conversation with an ACTUAL trans person (and not an internet persona or strawman) that they have a more free and open understanding of themselves and others. Just seeing the dedication some of the trans ppl I've met have gone through just to be able to physically transition or discover who they are is impressive regardless of someone's own personal thoughts towards troons. definitely educate yourself and open yourself up to new perspectives, actually transitioning takes a lot of dedication, time, and self discovery. even if you turn out to not actually be trans, if you're not making irreversible decisions like medical transitioning, you can still learn a lot about yourself. I've met de-transitioners who de-transitioned/no longer identify as trans but still appreciate the journey they went through to realize who they are. of course not everyone is able to say that, but if you really believe you have gender dysphoria or euphoria, I'd definitely talk to a gender therapist or reach out to a local LGBT+ center that may have educational resources.
No. 557930
>>557901At least you’re honest about being trans is as easy as changing hair and clothes and name kek nothing permanent, just like trying on a costume.
Can you tell me more about these deep philosophical conversations? genuinely curious.
No. 557933
>>557155i'm in the same boat except he's not dating anyone, just a long time friend. if we hung out irl, i wouldn't be feeling this maybe. actually, i think it the platonic crush started right before the virus hit the US then quar escalated my feelings. i have a gf and she's the same way with him. it's caused some issues
>>557527don't think suicidal people care
>>557595could it just be really bad dysmorphia?
>>557767i understand the need for camraderie, but they easily cast people out for a slight differing opinion, etc.
No. 558139
>>557194fuck you
at least you can become a model if you really wanted to
I will never have that chance.
No. 558143
>>558099This freaked me out to read because I swear I could've written it exactly. Been maladaptive daydreaming my entire life. I can't remember a time where I didn't do it. And unfortunately, a lot of my daydream scenarios are embarrassing romance fantasies usually centered around a celebrity or someone otherwise unattainable. And sure enough…Hozier has been one of the latest ones. He's just such a beautiful singer/lyricist and seems like a really nice, genuine person - operative word being
I can reason out why I do this all day long. I know I'm just projecting qualities I like or desire in a person onto someone who appears to embody them, but I can't seem to stop myself. I feel pathetic even typing this out.
Hopefully you can at least take some comfort in the knowledge that there's another person out there doing the exact same shit
No. 558151
>>558144lmao anon i feel like i can relate in some way; i'm not hot enough to be a model but i'm also 5'8 and had a pixie cut for awhile, so i got a lot of "lmao u look like a man" or "lol ur so brave…" comments
i'm not particularly feminine, i'm just tall and skinny with an average face. people don't respect me more for my height, which isn't even out of the ordinary but is still somehow too tall
No. 558183
>>558143He definitely seems that way…god knows we would probably be let down. Never meet your heroes.
Daydreaming like this makes real life hit so much harder. Everything and everyone seems so bland and disappointing in comparison to what I think about. Even/especially myself.
I just feel stunted and dumb.
Anyway thank you. Let’s pray for our little maladaptive hearts.
No. 558204
>>558143Maladaptive daydreaming anon here too.
I think the gist of mine are centered around romance and someone with a status (usually actor or singer) to show off.
I guess I kinda hate how “bland” I am compared to talented people, even though I’m neither stupid nor untalented, I always want to be an extreme something (Really smart, really good at something, wowing people with it or becoming extremely rich) or being associated with someone with those traits.
Kinda lame I guess but I’ll never let it out outside of an anon board.
No. 558208
>>557194I feel you so much. It's not like I want to be super sm0l, I just want to be a normal woman. There doesn't pass a day without me dreaming about being shorter and thus more feminine. All the anons saying that this is "overrated" and that we should be proud strong warrior amazons are so delusional. This is the real world, who gives af about having slightly higher chances of becoming a model (sorry I'm no 15yo poor siberian girl about to be sold to sex trafficking) when it means having a shit social life in exchange?
As a child I was never allowed to be a typical kid, I was always held to much higher standards than others because everybody assumed I'm much older, as a teen I got bullied and starved myself to appear smaller while other girls started getting boyfriends and now as an adult I still! get rude comments. And it's not like men respect me more either, on the contrary, they might treat a smaller woman better because they thinks she's cute, no need to be nice to somebody you find disgusting.
>>558187>I’m 5’10 and muscular. If I lose weight you can see my bones and I look like a manly Gollum. Same, gain weight and look like a massive monster, lose weight and look bony and manish as hell.
It's not just general height, it's everything. Your hands, your feet, your head, even your knee caps, everything is different, bigger and uglier than of a woman of average height, there are like a billion tiny things that keep making me self conscious that I wouldn't even have to think about if I was normal.
No. 558214
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>>558213you said it yourself anon, third one down
No. 558217
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>>558215>It's not just general height, it's everything. Your hands, your feet, your head, even your knee caps, everything is different, bigger and uglier than of a woman of average heightAnon my sides
No. 558257
>>558244And others don't get bullied at all, even if they have unattractive traits. I definitely remember some 'popular girls' from school who were tall, broad or chubby but fun and likeable so nobody was mean to them, and they certainly got boyfriends.
imo personality and bad luck is what gets you bullied, mostly if you're quiet or awkward or weird and happen to be around particularly nasty people. Appearance is just low hanging fruit when it comes to insults.
No. 558261
>>558205If it’s really out of control, ie negatively impacting your life then yeah it’s time to look for therapy or self train yourself to snap out of it?
I usually keep it in check by “allowing myself” to zone out in places like the bus, shower, walking somewhere, cleaning around or right before going to sleep.
I usually have dumb scenarios going on and “scenes” that I like to elaborate on and replay in my head until they’re perfect. I also often do that with my exes until a new obsession arises. Which is kinda funny because it actually helps me stop thinking about them (by replacing them with someone else kek) but since it’s not rare for some of them to message me out of the blue, I wonder if they do the same thing.
No. 558297
>>558244Some of my classmates (boys) acted like I was ugly and weird only because I had short hair and resting bitch face. Also probably because I looked older, not sure about it though. At the same time I was getting a lot of positive attention from other men, in their 20's and older (that's why I think that maybe I really didn't look like a teen). Surely there were other reasons why some of my classmates didn't like me - I was introverted, listened to 'weird music', and so on. But the thing is, I wasn't ugly at all.
Bullies at school are mostly conformists and would always look at you through the prism of current beauty standards in their most primitive form. I was in high school around the end of 00's. The most popular girls were glamorous tanning salon habitues with dyed blond hair.
Sometimes it's not even about standards, an insecure person will taunt you just about anything that makes you stand out in any way to feel better about themselves.
Sometimes it's being done because their own self-esteem is threatened by something that you have and they don't. For example, you're smarter or more individualistic. They realize that they won't really accomplish anything after school and it makes them jealous of someone who most probably will.
TL;DR school sucks, bullies are losers
No. 558304
>>558302>Legit some guy in highschool implied I would get into my choice college only because I was Latino and a woman.That's disgusting of him, the next time someone speaks to you should reel off the disparity in education that you would have received just a few decades ago or even the solve rate of murders of Latino women in recent history. So what if the odds are in your favor in college applications? Thousands of women before you lived an incredibly unjust reality, the world owes it to make up for that.
I'm really angry for you anon. It's inspiring that you're dedicated to becoming a good student to show these awful people that you deserve your place, but rich kids whose parents buy their way into college don't make that effort, so don't put too much pressure on yourself for the benefit of others.
No. 558375
>>558302regardless of how you or anyone feels about affirmative action, he fact is that it exists and you would be a fool not to take advantage of it.
just work hard and don't doubt yourself.
No. 558376
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i think i have fuckboy tendencies (due to my attachment/mommy issues). i stay away from romantic relationships because they give me anxiety, but i always end up in some sort of weird gray zone with guys…
>i meet guy/guy dms me
>we start chatting (online)
>both are attracted to each other
>are friendly but eventually start flirting
>develop some sort of emotional relationship
>i lose interest
>guy gets needy
>we fall out
it has become a pattern and while i try to avoid it, it seems to happen somewhat regularly. maybe a side of me seeks it out to feel fulfilled somehow?
therapy is helping a bit, but it's so hard for me to develop deep & strong bonds with people i like, especially if i like them romantically. at some point i find some kind of a flaw and lose all interest and feelings i had for them. it's terrible, because i genuinely stop giving a fuck about them and their feelings.
i know it's a defence mechanism but i feel like i should feel bad for treating people this way, but i don't. this happens with friends too, i push people away, stop caring about them and move on.
No. 558427
>>558425Not a stranger, long time fwb
Just because you're single doesn't mean the only people you're sleeping with are strangers/people that you hardly know.
>>558416The area I'm at is already opened back up and never had a mandatory lockdown. You can even go in to restaurants and eat.
No. 558433
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I recently thought about the value of life and how could things like Holocaust happen. Then I pondered how much should I be paid for me to kill a random person in the world Death Note style. I came up with an answer, 4 000€. Then I thought to myself, "What if instead of 1 random person I'd kill 60 000 000. If I put 60 million to death I could get away with something like 0.1€ per life.
Killing someone for a mere ten cents is just cruel but six million dollars would really change my life. Does it really matter if I kill ten or twenty? I'd feel just as bad for one as I'd do for sixty million.
>But what if you waste it, can imagine the guilt?
That's no reason to let an opportunity pass by.
I can't be the only one who thinks like this? It might seem psychopathic but I'm quite sane. It's just a hypothetical question
No. 558444
>>558435Lmao you sound like a prudish sex ed teacher
Adults have casual sex. You dont have to be in love with someone to have sex with them sometimes you just want to get off
No. 558448
>>558444are you 12? anon is saying that fwb is somewhat dangerous normally because you have to be
more trusting of the other person than in a relationship.
No. 558455
>>558450>you suck at casual sex if you're worried that you're pregnantLmao, what? You know the only way to guaranteed not to get pregnant is abstinence. No form of contraception is %100, both condoms and birth control fail sometimes. And if you're having sex with the same person, there's a chance you might not use a condom every time, even if it is slightly reckless.
But yes, me having sex with a fwb is me going in a downward spiral.
No. 558575
>>558376Ah! Same but with several people at once. I just want to be able to sleep or hang with them once in a while with no attachement (I know it’s not ideal for them, sure) but they tend to develop feelings and get in their head that we’re going for a committed relationship.
I don’t know, should I just say straight up to someone new “Look, don’t take it seriously with me”? Because sometimes I do fall in love and then accept a committed relationship, where I don’t fuck around. I actually have never cheated in my life. I just feel like it’s in bad form to talk about the other people you’re seeing even if you’re in a fwb relationship.
I also tend to get bored of things and people real fast unless I fall in love. And in my experience, when I don’t give them a lot of attention like not texting them for several days, it just makes them needier? I legit had one person told me once that what they liked about me was the chase.
No. 558668
ever since i started wearing braces, got them taken out and now have retainers. teeth has been a part of my attraction to someone, idc if he's handsome or she's pretty, the moment they open their mouth and see crooked teeth, rotten teeth, large gums, or really yellow teeth i immediately get turned off. i know not everyone can afford dental but at least take care of it, brush your teeth, floss or use mouthwash.
there was an incident that made me put teeth in my criteria. when a classmate talked for a few seconds with my group and left. his breath really bothered the heck out of everyone. His breath smells like an actual sewer, it also suck since some of his teeth were rotten, with cavities.
it's also frustrating to watch a baby sleeping while the nipple of the bottle they were drinking still on their mouth, since, to me, that's a first sign of dental neglect from the parents. fortunately, my mom doesn't do that to me but i end up having two of my baby tooth taken out at a young age due to my large intakes of sweet.
No. 558740
>>558739Sorry but simps aren't turbo Chads who are all that picky when it comes to looks, all they require is a self-hating woman who makes them feel good about hating other women as a baseline.
If you want to compliment Venti then just out with it, no need to create a false world around your feelings about her.
No. 558771
>>558530I don't think you're wrong for feeling that way, people have different needs for socialisation and you might just be someone who prefers being alone. You are still getting news from them, if everybody's fine, there's no need to worry.
Tbh, I'm the same, I greatly enjoy solitude, I spent quarantine with my folks but I know I would not have minded being alone for two months.
No. 558824
>>558799she provided no context for why she's breaking up with him other than her not liking him and him repulsing her badly. if it's that bad to where she can't find any good qualities in him, not only is she wasting her time, but she's being morally repugnant by purposefully wasting this guys time and stringing him along for a relationship with someone she is only staying with to purposefully hurt.
"who cares"
people with a basic moral compass. clearly you lack one. good luck in life with that
No. 558849
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>>558825But seriously her simps look like pic related. All unaccomplished losers from 4chan just like her.
No. 558914
>>558891you're not wrong lmao
>>558894where have you been? this has happened on multiple threads in just the past week lol
No. 558922
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I have no social media so it would be impossible to be one, but sometimes I want to be a cow (under a pseudonym lol) Not for the attention, but because sometimes lolcow is a personal trainer, make up guru, stylist, and skincare professional all in one go. Like as shitty as it would be to be ~boolied~ I'm aghast at how many cows get extreamly good advice and never follow it. Fuck, I wish I had a large amount of people deeply analyzing me and telling me what eyebrow shape is best for my face, what my body shape is and what styles of clothing would suit it best, how to lose weight without going to the gym, what hair color I look best with, what undertones in my skin, what eyeliner style is best for my eyeshape etc etc.
No. 558989
>>558986man the first time i orgasmed it was so weak i was mad i felt so cheated but it has only gotten better
also anyone else only able to cum on their own? a guy could be doing everything perfect but i just can't bring myself to do it in front of someone else like it feels too private
No. 559005
>>559001>>558986>>558986I'm jealous lol wish my first experience was so wholesome and exciting.
Instead it was a damn journey. I tried multiple times and I just couldn't experience the out of body experience google was describing to me. The fake possessed demon porn "demonstrations" didn't help.
One afternoon, I sat down and decided that, bitch, I am gonna unlock this achievement TODAY. I wasn't even horny. A hour and a very sore hand later, I did it. Then it was like learning to ride a bike.
>>558989>also anyone else only able to cum on their own?Only most women I think. It's hard to completely be IN yourself when someone else is present.
No. 559706
>>559361same here anon. you're not alone. there's actually a group on facebook for folks who have nail picking problems, so maybe that could be a support network for you? it helped me to not feel so alone and disgusting with how fucked my hands are. I've been biting my nails for as long as I can remember (so probably since around the age of 7 or 8). i'm hoping to stop within the next year or so.
it's definitely a part of an anxiety disorder or possibly OCD, but considering you also are pulling out eyelashes, I'd definitely recommend therapy if that's an option for you since it does sound like trich. good luck.
No. 559898
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>>559896On the contrary anon, scrotes give you money if you suck their dick which is fun and I like to use the money to buy myself cat ears.
No. 559906
>>559903Read the room anon,
>>559901 is a samefagging "radfem" femcel who has been derailing every thread for at least an hour
No. 559980
>>559976same anon, the more I think about my age the more skeptical I feel that I'm ever gonna find love. I'm not kissless but I'm a virgin at almost 24 and I'm mortified. I know I'm not ugly or completely antisocial, so I ponder what the fuck has to be wrong with me to end up like this. I've seen people who are married and have finished college at my age, and I'm a fucking loser who started college late, trying to escape my
abusive family's house. Do I even have the time or capacity for love right now? I crave it so fucking bad I assume I have to, but what kind of person could take on my baggage?
No. 560217
My parents had sex exactly right next to me as a kid in broad daylight and it influenced me so much as a kid, I started masturbating when I was in Kindergarten and grew up to be obsessed with porn. I exactly remember still to this day in what position they were and how they looked. We used to be poor and lived in this shitty apartment where everyone slept in the living room. They did it right there, on the floor and I was sitting right next to them. I remember them yelling at me to watch the TV and not look at them doing it, because I was so confused and kept staring.I still have so many questions regarding the matter, why they even choose to do it right next to me in that room and not in another, why they couldn't wait until I was gone or asleep, why they had to do it right there right then with me in the same room? I know they don't think I remember anything because I was a kid but I really fucking do. I remember it so vividly. All of it.
Anyway, I'm still kinda addicted to masturbating and don't really know how to stop, because 1) the sexual urges are always there all the fucking time 2) I'm a virgin and too anxious to hook up with someone 3) my imagination doesn't really work. I don't really like porn either and think it's disgusting from all the stories I read and documentaries I watched about former porn actresses, but I cannot get off without anything else and at least try to look for videos where it seems like the women are "willingly" into it and "enjoying" themselves.
The guilt is really massive and real though. I've cried before because I feel like I'm contributing to rape culture for watching these videos and getting off to them. Sure, in this one video I found it seems like the woman is enjoying herself, but how can I even be sure that it's the truth? That she's not being forced to do this or high off her mind while getting possibly raped/assaulted? I'm such a garbage person for this and a huge hypocrite too, because I claim to dislike porn but I still watch it. I really have an issue.
No. 560231
>>560220I posted a lot of things on LC before but I genuinely don't remember ever posting the incident with my parents.
If I did, then whoops.
>or does this often happenI don't understand this part.
>>560223I just think it's disgusting to expose your children to something like that. It doesn't matter if it's healthy or helps children explore their kinks/fetishes or whatever, no minor deserves to be exploited in a way like that because two grown ass adults were too horny to hide it and do it sometime later.
I'm curious about the podcast though, could you please link it?
No. 560237
>>560198Nta but damn it started early for you. I have the hair pulling version of this, trichotillomania. It started at about ten years old and it's been a daily struggle to fight the compulsion. I heard lately about strong links between sexual abuse and these disorders and I don't even know what to think started it for me. I've also heard about being genetically more likely to have it. My brother had a brief hair pulling habit as a kid but seemed to stop whereas I didn't.
Have you ever looked into what
triggered it for you that young?
No. 560262
>>560231>I don't understand this part.i remember an anon saying this exact part:
>My parents had sex exactly right next to me as a kid in broad daylight and it influenced me so much as a kid, I started masturbating when I was in Kindergarten and grew up to be obsessed with porn.and i can't believe that it happened to another person as well but i guess i'm just sheltered
No. 560330
>>560295I remember your post and it was funny tbh
Not so much the post from today but some of the darker posts lately that go into detail about childhood abuse seem off to me sometimes. I don't doubt that there are genuine posts too but I have my own experiences and I know it's common to keep the gory details to yourself, you always fear that someone will hear the details and either somehow enjoy it or picture it in thier minds and judge you. Again I could be paranoid, so I guess I'm confesssing to that.
I remember telling my (now ex) husband the actual details of my abuse and it felt so insanely vulnerable to let that info leave the guarded confines of my brain and enter reality. I see posts on here like 'i was sucking dicks at 8 years old' and.. even on an anon board it comes off as nonchalant. I'd never directly question those posts in case they're real so when I see them I usually just wonder to myself.
No. 560426
>>560408kek are you referring to uppercasechase
he's the posterboy for aydens
No. 560472
>>560457you know, to be honest I think she might have. She brought it up after I had an argument with me dad about some feminist topic and I was like "man why does dad seem like he hates women so much?" and then bam, oversharing. Then again, she left my dad for an emotionally
abusive/manipulative ex from her younger days who started bringing out the bad side of her in the worst ways (i.e. she started openly mocking overweight people, when she never used to before…my dad was overweight + I was also getting pretty fat from eating my feelings)
No. 560484
>>560455But why is it so shameful tho, idgi? It's your mom who sounds like a bitch in this situation. Also I'd never hurt my dad talking about his past abuse
>>560483This is funny
No. 560543
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>>560542Anon here's a venn diagram of femcels and radfems
It's funny, people are just bored in quarantine, I don't think anyone seriously cares at this point and if they do then they deserve to be baited
No. 560549
>>560543I kekd. I meant to say radfems/femcels & pickmes
I get boredom but, damn, if it isn't leaking into literally every single thread.
No. 560874
>>560851Holy fuck anon, same.
I hung out with friends a grand total of two times last year and I felt awful both times.
Maybe it is the low after the high.
No. 560889
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>>560851Perhaps your friends complain nonstop about their problems to you, bitches how shitty their parents and childhood was and you're just soaking it all up like some free therapist? If so then get better friends.
No. 561028
>>561013I kinda know how you feel. I have a sister who plays the
victim a lot and acts awkward/cranky around other people and it drives me nuts. She's just introverted with low self esteem and has convinced herself that nobody likes her because of that, so she doesn't really try to connect with people. I get really exhausted having to tell her over and over again that nobody is against her, and that SHE is the one actually pushing people away.
Your sister sounds like she may actually be on the spectrum though. I think you/your family should encourage her to seek a second opinion. I'm no expert on autism, but to my understanding, it often goes undiagnosed in women. It sounds like not getting a proper diagnosis has become a burden on all of you.
No. 561064
>>561060Yeah, I would never do that. It’s actually more sad than anything to me. Because I still do care about them as people, we’ve had great times together. But I just can’t handle it right now and being away from them has made me realize exactly what you said. We have outgrown each other.
I recently read some quote like, “it’s more difficult to walk away from the idealized past than the current reality” as far as relationships go. I think that’s why I feel guilty. Like I’m abandoning them because I’m going to purposely pull back. But I have to be honest with myself.
No. 561080
>>561032ADHD can also make people more sensitive. But whatever the case is, even people who are "high-functioning" need support. Does she see a counselor?
>She's never been someone I can bond withI'm sorry that your sister can't understand you. Please remember that you aren't responsible for her emotions, and not all siblings are super close. It sounds like your family babies her and your frustrations (understandable) partly lie with them.
>it's formed itself into extreme anger towards her and annoyance of every little normal thing she does. This is unhealthy and feeling ambivalent towards family is exhausting. I hope you enforce the boundaries you need.
No. 561137
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>>561061Somewhat with you anon. I'm short and weigh 250, I was almost 270 a few months ago but I got super spooked and decided to change up my diet, covid's been helping to reduce my temptation to go out and buy food and I'm more conscious about my stress levels and drinking calories. I'm changing for myself like other anons mentioned only because I don't want to risk developing major health conditions in my 30s, but I will always have a deformed body without extreme plastic surgery.
Pic related is the procedure I would have to get, since I had hormonal weight gain in my lower abdomen. I have a giant pannus/fupa. Even if I managed to deflate the pannus the extra fat cells and skin will always remain.
Five years ago I went from 240 down to 150 and all it did to the pannus was make it less saggy. Tbh it took everything in me from overexercising to starving and I remember hating myself so fucking much. I dunno if I have that self-hate fire in me anymore to force it to work, which is probably why it didn't last.
Not only would I need the work on my abdomen, but also the bingo wings on my upper arms which look massive. I joke with my friends that I'd be a 'flying squirrel' if I ever lost the weight cause of all the excess skin. I'll probably pursue plastic surgery once I get past childbearing age. Granted I could get a non-loser male to see past my uggo body to start a family with me lelelelel. It's really depressing, I've had this pannus belly ever since I was 12, I only remember a few brief years in my childhood when I was normal and not worrying about weight issues.
No. 561287
>>561265I know ephebophile and pedophile are different, but they're both terms for people who are attracted to minors. I don't really care about making a distinction between them.
>>561267That's true, but wouldn't 18-19 be a young adult? Technically they're teenagers, but usually people refer to 18/19 year olds as young adults, so I thought anon meant 17 and under when referring to teens.
No. 561395
>>561380I find myself in those situations about once a year. Tbh it's good that you have that reason to stop. I've met people who survived things like overdose but with a permanent disability and it's a good thing to cling to, to keep you here. Wish I had better advice beyond that.
> I'm so useless I can't even research and go through with a proper method to kill myselfYou don't want this. I confided to an ex once and his response was to tell me how to to do it easily with a low fail rate.. you're better off staying ignorant to all the eleborate ways to do it.
No. 561408
>>561398Not that anon but I considered charcoal and a helium exit bag.
Charcoal is the best way I think. I heard that to helium tanks they add oxygen now (not sure tho), so it's gonna be harder to die successfully.
Hanging is also good, but last choice.
If you ever consider suicide, never do that without planning. Chances that you gonna fuck up are way higher. Always do research and plan carefully. Also, because planning can take you months, you can get/feel better and decide not to do it.
No. 561419
>>561395I'm sorry you find yourself in those situations, they really do suck ass.
But I am really thankful for your reply, it gave me some comfort enough to get up and make myself something to eat.
>>561412I second him being put in an eletric chair v
No. 561857
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>>561758It's stupid, believe me.
>allow ex to eat my butt>mfw he proceeds to try to makeout with me and I can smell and taste my own buttholeAnd no it didn't feel good at all. Anon, just lick your thumb and stick the slimy thing in your ass it's no different.
No. 561862
>>561860Like tangy off-shit
zing lmao.
No. 561865
>>561857lol, thanks
No. 561896
i was going to post this in the "post about yourself as a cow" thread but it's more of a long form confession about myself in elementary and middle school
>white trash drug addict mom with many signs of an actual legitimate developmental disability / retardation
>mom exhibits narcissistic traits as an extension of her retardation and drug addiction (narcissistic traits =/= NPD)
>raised to believe i was an exceptional wunderkind prodigy from a young age, due to my mom not realizing she was "slow"
>doted on and showered with affection and praise by the entire family since birth, due to being the first born of the new generation in our family
>lays the groundwork for a persistent dunning-kruger effect later in life, and a tendency towards histrionics
>towards the end of elementary school i discover anime, manga, catfishing as scene boys from page 2 of google images, repo! the genetic opera, edward scissorhands, crude late night adult comedy cartoons
>this makes me feel like a god among uncultured brats, fuels my unwarranted superiority complex to the max, i am insecure and desperate to be liked
>immediately set out posturing at school and introducing everyone to this shit to show off how edgy and mature i am, believe i am enlightening my peers, actually just corrupting them while being a total sperg
>my more well adjusted peers begin to ostracize and bully me somewhat, which is honestly understandable, as i am being an inappropriate and cringy weirdo
>small gaggle of impressionable and misfit classmates tolerate my behaviour, i put a few of them onto naruto and death note
>fast forward a while, teachers and staff at school have been kind of picking up on the fact that something is fucked up with me (my home life, but they're not properly trained or equipped to recognize or handle this)
>they humiliate me various times in front of my peers for some behaviour which was admittedly pretty fucked up on my part
>tried to steal some sharp implements from an art project and got caught, made to hand them over in a dramatic moment in front of my entire class to teach me a lesson (was planning to take them home to self harm with later, i guess they probably thought i was going to hurt a classmate or something)
>came up with an imaginary boyfriend to overcompensate for having barely any friends and feeling profoundly undesirable even though i was a tween. imaginary bf's name was tyler
>some girl plays along trying to be nice to me, things get carried away in the heat of the moment, apparently my imaginary boyfriend cheated on me. i use this storyline as inspiration for a terrible drawing of his face being ripped off, with the caption "DIE TYLER YOU EMO FUCK" (he had emo hair in my drawing because i thought emo boys were cute)
>teacher goes through my desk at school and finds the drawing, it gets sent to the office and they show it to the school counsellor
>school counsellor kind of grills me about it, trying to determine if tyler was a student at the school, whether i legitimately wanted to hurt him, she kept asking me what "emo" meant
>whole thing was incredibly surreal because he was a fictional character i made up, i refused to say anything because it would be even more humiliating to admit i made up an imaginary emo boyfriend, decided to have him cheat on me, and drew bic ballpoint pen torture fanart about it on a sheet of looseleaf
>after a while i stopped giving a shit entirely because of how i kept getting humiliated and owned by peers and staff (i deserved it though)
>later that year i stole my mom's cheap drug store perfume bottle and lighter and brought it to school, turned it into a mini flamethrower in the girls bathroom (sounds like absolute horseshit but it happened, i got in a lot of trouble over it, which is completely understandable)
>my mom also used to yell at me and shame me for eating too much food (i ate normal amounts, but she was a weird retarded druggie)
>this led me to legitimately binge eat in secret out of shame and fear rather than eat normal amounts throughout the day out in the open
>used to eat entire family sized loaves of garlic bread raw/uncooked off the counter and gnaw the foil packaging and toss it on the kitchen floor so it would look like our dogs ate it
>had to pee on the garage floor a few times because i didn't have a key to my own house and didn't want neighbours to see me peeing in the yard
this barely scratches the surface of the kind of stuff i used to get up to, i'm still a cow but a bit better at compartmentalization and repression now. fairly certain i inherited my mom's retard genes
No. 562618
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>>562560everyone loves the smell of their own brand
No. 562620
>>561857fuckin kek'd
also I don't get the hype about getting one's ass ate at all. both my ex and current bf constantly wanted to it and it feels so fucking weird. i don't get any pleasure from it at all and just end up cracking up because it tickles.
No. 562771
>>562749I'm sorry anon, distancing yourself from destructive friends is not easy but ultimately we all have to be selfish and think about our wellbeing first.
I agree with you on everything you said and i realize it's an unpopular opinion.
Yes we all wish women could go in shady alleys with revealing clothing without conseguences but sadly that's not how the world works, and doing that is just going to bring harm on them and will not help change
No. 562788
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I’ve just been broken up with in the most painful way imaginable. I loved him more than anything else on earth, and he posted a detailed exposé about how I was an abusive BPD psychopath, and claimed that he dated me out of ‘confusion’ and that he never liked me, and even alluded that i might have raped him (I didn’t).
He also made a post saying that I was jealous and obsessed with his ex girlfriend (Their friendship bordered on an affair: she sent him nudes and kept trying to convince him to break up with me, which i rightfully voiced concern over).
i want to kill myself but i’m scared it will hurt and i’m too fucking cowardly.
this is just one of the posts he made.
How can someone i loved so much hurt and betray me in the worst way imaginable. I was very submissive and did everything I could to save this relationship, I waited on him hand and foot and took him out to do anything he wanted.
No. 562798
>>562788>did everything I could to save this relationship, I waited on him hand and footI was like this too in a relationship that just ended (he initiated the breakup). I truly put so much effort, care, and love into a relationship, and I feel my love was never fully reciprocated. Being broken up with while you’re still in love is so unimaginably painful. I can’t imagine also being harrassed by him online. I care, anon.
What is he saying you lied about?
No. 562815
>>562798He said I lied about cooking for him, caring for him, cleaning for him, even though i did literally all of those things for him. He said i lied about the relationship being good, because once a month i used to post selfies about what we were up to etc.
he’s basically saying he was never happy and never enjoyed our relationship, even though it was such an incredibly close, rare and special bond we shared.
it’s just awful, i’m fucking pathetic and will probably end up bribing him to hang out with me. i am disgusted by the thought of having to spend time with anyone else except for him. he is the only one for me.
he’s a NEET and has no friends IRL so i’m hoping he’s bound to see me again at some point after some time has passed.
No. 562821
>>562788this is exactly why women need to be hypergamous and have a couple of males on the burner so when they break up they have someone else.
Women please marry for interest or for money because if you marry for love and do this stupid struggle love bullshit with a neet loser then shit like this happens.
No. 562827
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>>562815>will probably end up bribing him to hang out with meNo. He doesn’t deserve you. I know exactly how you feel about losing a special bond and never wanting to love another person again… I’m going through that right now and was also thinking of killing myself. But do you really want to be with a person who defames you online? You seem like such a loving, loyal, and caring person. You deserve someone who loved and appreciates you. You’re going to be okay anon.
No. 562832
>>562815Sorry if i'm being harsh but take the blinders off for a minute.
He acted very shitty and proved to you what kind of person he is. He lied and manipulated his way into the
Either he knew that acting like this was going to hurt you and absolutely disregarded it and did not care, or he lacked the empathy and he's so egocentric that it didn't even cross his mind.
Both are equally bad. This is the kind of shitty person he is, why would you still want to spend time with this person? You can and should do better.
There are so many people in the world.
People ain't shit.
Better stay alone that having people like that around. Love yourvelves anons.
No. 562850
>>562771Thanks, I just had to vent because I feel like I’m being a shitty friend for basically abandoning her.
The fact she has now been raped THREE times and has been assaulted I don’t even know how many times makes me feel she makes risky life choices. she’s always trying to pressure me into copying her behavior too.
I’m still going to see if she will go through with getting therapy. hopefully she will be able to stop running from her traumas and be able to let go of her
toxic behaviors and
toxic places she is incredibly attached to.
No. 562867
>>562850Honestly, cutting ties with her and explaining why might be one of the last thing you can do to wake her up and get some fucking help.
Be safe, anon.
No. 563625
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I still don't understand the sage culture on this website and beside the rare time I post on /snow/ or post something clearly off-topic where I always sage, I randomly sage everywhere else like I would toss a coin
No. 563695
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>>563682I like watching drama, that's why I'm a farmer.
No. 563752
I invent myself a life everytime I go to my sweetheart stacy hairdresser not to scare her off.
>>yeah, quarantine sure is hard, it's so loong
>> Yep, I work a normie job, not some internet nonsense
>> Yeah, I know, the hair is so long, I wanted to see how it would look like, it's totally not that I'm a lazy bum who comes in once a year when I'm starting to look like an amish girl
>>Yeah, I do the color myself, ahah, I like it. (Please don't sell me a color, I'm good with just doing my root myself every month, idc the color il all over the place)
>> A kid? Ahah, NOT YET! But I'm sure my imaginary 2 yo niece will be very surprised by the change!
I even make the effort to not just stand frozen and looking into the void like a robot for an hour for her. It's a loot but she's nice and she gets my hair right.
No. 563818
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>>555948>>563649That's because we are objectively the best sign
No. 563907
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I hate people like this with a passion. That's it.
No. 564531
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>>564223We'll be friends in one thread and infighting for days in another, that's the magic of lolcow.
No. 564903
>>564901That's just false.
>4. Do not harass or brigade against any subjects posted. (cowtipping)>5. Do not alert a subject to their thread or take any other action to lead them to (cowtipping).I didn't harass or brigade her and didn't mention the farm. Just accept the fact that you can consider it a shitty thing to do but she offered a service for money, I accepted the service and interacting with a cow alone is not cowtipping.
No. 564913
>>564903whether or not the terminology is correct, people get constantly banned for messaging cows and posting about it like it's milk. the problem isn't the bragging part it's the interacting with cows instead of letting them graze.
if you feel so guilty then shut the fuck up, stop justifying your gross kink and never interact with any cows ever again.
No. 564923
>>564911Where was I bragging? It was in the confession thread and I felt bad about it. I think that's a stupid rule and people post their DMs with cows all the time, they speak about their relationship with Luna in high school, they talk about seeing Lurch on public transport. It's not enforced like that and you're being dumb now just so you can moralfag about what I did.
>>564913I never justified my gross kink, I simply posted in the confession thread about feeling bad about it and discussing the ramifications about it but my bad for ever thinking that you can have a discussion here without it devolving into Y-YOU COWTIPPED!
No. 564928
>>564844i cannot tell if this is legit or a troll
could you post a screencap of your chat with her?
No. 564990
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>>564989Kek. So you're a woman as long as you act like one? You're so far into rad politics that you've come out the other end and now sound like a troon. Well done anon.
No. 565034
>>564993First two nights I was sweating profusely and my anxiety was really bad. Couldn't sleep at all. I got my hands on some weed and that has been helping. It feels like a mental/emotional withdrawal more than anything atm.
>>564999Ty anon. I really hope I can stick with it and get my shit back on track.
No. 565127
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Honestly, the feeling of taking a really good shit (the kind where your eyes tear up) is probably the closest feeling I will ever get to having an orgasm.
t. virgin who basically has never had a libido and probably has anorgasmia
No. 565130
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>>565127this absolutely sent me. i remember the frustration too anon, it took me legit years but once you coom you can't uncoom so maybe it's better to never know. sometimes when i'm walking back with a face full of mascara and a ludicrously short skirt the morning after being obviously fuck and chucked i wish i was one of those olden time women who lived and died not knowing about anything that goes on down there.
>ywn be blissfully unaware of your own sexuality No. 565209
>>565205y-you mean 100 men will be watching me?
shayna could never
No. 565248
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My favorite part in cow threads is when anons post pictures of their living accommodations, particularly if they're filthy or disorganized. It could be because I'm nosy. I find these pictures fascinating, like I'm looking into a secret on how someone else lives. The worst part is that it's not like anons are playing paparazzi, these cows seriously see nothing unusual about how they live and self-post these pictures freely and publicly. Tbh some cows live so shamefully it makes me feel better that my biggest sins are that I hate hanging up my folded laundry and sometimes leave an unwashed dish or two in the sink for the entire day.
Sometimes I like to look at cow rooms and spot things like merch or trinkets that I can identify. I get excited if at any point in my life I bought or owned the same products that they have, like a game of I Spy.
Yes, I also enjoy the show Hoarders.
No. 565252
>>565245Wow, thanks for curing my disordered eating. I’m fixed now.
>>565248I imagine Taylor Nicole Deans room smells so bad. I actually want to die anytime I think about it. She had 3 cats with one litter box. Reptiles galore, and mice/hedgies.
And she is constantly eating French fries in bed without showering.
I want to die. I hate cows.
No. 565266
>>565248Are you the bitch that won't let Luna die? Stop getting off to her filthy, filthy walls
>>565254Just do it, i wish thirst was allowed here more, it's weird how for a site filled with a lot of gay women thirstposting is fucking illegal
No. 565309
>>565298I don't necessarily disagree, I actually thought it was accepted due to the frequency I see it. Someone in the Venus thread is apparently "female and appreciates her nudes". I really can't be fucked deconstructing everything wrong with that statement.
For me it's situation based on whether the anon is bothersome. But imo it's a bit of a double standard banning coomers for the same offence.
>>565305Ntayrt but my fucking sides
No. 565312
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>>565305I'm so sex-starved from covid I just might let you do it too.
No. 565316
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>>565310I love myself just enough to not find disabled chaku ero attractive, but I enjoy the irony of your post.
No. 565352
>>565130I'm 20 and i legit never even masturbated. On one side i feel like i'm scared of sexuality and if i did it i'm scared i would want to do it again and it's a waste of time, on the other side i'm not a very sexual person and i don't care about it.
>>565127 don't even remember the last time i took a good shit, i've always been constipated. Maybe that's why i'm chronically depressed lol i miss out on the pleasures of life
No. 565356
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There's this first person shooter game I love to play with some friends. I know I'll be called a scrote for this but all the girls I encounter in this game really suck. I feel great about being better than them but at the same time also wish they were better to break the stereotypes about gamer girls (hate that term). Some of them are very entitled and whiny too, a girl just left our gaming group cuz a guy killed her and they got into an argument. Just learn to lose like a champ, girl.
No. 565380
>>565360>giving back to societyCould you not donate these plushies to charities?
>I didn't learn anythingPretty sure stitching and sewing is still a skill.
Don't be so self-pitying just cause you're not gonna cure cancer.
No. 565388
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There's a group of not more than 5 complete newfags in the net idol dance thread over in /w/ and I have been pretending to be various girls I know wking themselves/vendettaing others I know nothing about for days. I have been accused of being both Caroline and Gabby and I hope I get a third, it's like collecting little white girls
No. 565557
>>565504Just name him, it's not like any of us are gonna snipe him
No. 565752
>>565746Scrotes are being nasty in response to her video, as usual.
>you can just get your uterus removed, it's totally survivable! Yeah guys, not like cancer can be metastatic and spread elsewhere. Sure, removing the uterus from a young woman so early totally won't throw her into early menopause and force her to be on hormones.
They sound more mad that she might die from cancer and not the glorious artery heart clog from her orange chicken and rice that they wish upon her so much. They're such assholes, this is why the concern trolling about her weight was such bullshit. They want her to die for their amusement and ego.
No. 565797
>>565752Obesity increases the likelihood of cancer, so technically, they are getting what they want.'ve always to wanted to see her finally lose weight, but I guess if she isn't lying about having cancer and it gets worse, she will under undesirable means.
No. 565897
>>565886Me too, and I'm not even a French native.
I was a refugee as a kid so we've been moving around lots. Where I live now is nice but people here are super cold and asocial, everyone who's different is treated like some sort of weirdo and people are always uncomfortable around you. I have like 2 friends I can hang out with regularly.
In France everyone was so friendly and nice to me and I made so many friends, I wanna go back. People actually make small talk and ask you about your life instead of just being quiet and awkward all the time.
No. 565901
>>565892Eh, I don't even really like bread, it hurts my gums. I just want to be back to my country.
I used to mock homesick people but I guess I'm just one of them now.
J'ai juste envie d'avoir neuf ans, d'être à l'arrière de la voiture de mes parents et de jouer à la gameboy à la lueur des lampadaire alors que le jour décline et qu'on revient de chez papi et mamie.
I miss that feeling so bad.
No. 565922
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>>565897>everyone who's different is treated like some sort of weirdo and people are always uncomfortable around you.>In France everyone was so friendly and nice to me and I made so many friendsIt's kinda funny to me because I'm French but not of French origin and I always felt like I was treated like a turbo retard or a weirdo until people got to know me better, and then I get the typical "wow anon, you're not like the other [insert ethnic group's name here]" Now that I spent some time abroad I don't want to go back to that, especially during job hunting.
>>565901I know that feel too. Too bad you didn't have that super cool high-tech shit though.
No. 565931
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>>565922I had that motherfucker but he did nothing with it's two little shitty lights in the sides.
C'était mieux de se mettre contre le carreau et d'attraper la lumière qui passait.
No. 565935
I still don't have my drivers permit at 30 but I'm gearing to it. Because I want those road-trip feels again (
No. 565936
>>565931>>565922I'm not even a Francophile but I'm surprised how even after running your words through google translate they still sound so poetic. I guess the meme of french being romantic is true kek
I was curious about your conversation because those photos have so much nostalgia for me, I also spent a lot of time alone at night waiting in a car. I thought the official light screen worked pretty well but as the batteries slowly drained you would be left staring into the increasingly dimming light.
No. 565938
>>565936It wasn't that bad I guess. I can't remember it so vividly now but I try.
Je peux presque sentir le poids de la vieille game boy grise dans les mains, posée sur mes genoux ramenés sous mon menton parce que le vieux chauffage de voiture n'est pas très efficace. Je peux encore entendre ma mère me dire :"Mets un gilet !".
With some luck, I'll be moving back in 6 month.
No. 565969
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>>565934>>565926Which cities did you go to and what happened? I'm curious.
>>565938>vieille gameboy grise>pas la gameboy color>incompatible avec pokémon cristalmdr, clocharde
No. 565971
>>565926>>565934Omg me too lol I was a total frenchaboo, always dreamed of traveling there, studied french so diligently and then went to paris for a school trip and it was the only vacation that ever disappointed me. All other places I ever went to always exceeded my expectations by far. Everything was so dirty and smelly, it's as if nobody takes care of the city, which is weird because isn't it one of the most popular and thus profitable tourist destinations in the world? It's such a pity because the facades of the buildings would be so beautiful - if it wasn't for them being neglected, the many graffitis, the rubbish on the street (or pee or a used condom…)
Since we went there as kids we obviously knew that we couldn't afford going to restaurants so we planned on just surviving on baguette and other bread, but that was so hard to find? Bakeries seemed to be rare and so overpriced and in supermarkets they mainly sold gross american-type sandwiches with way too much butter and toppings, I lost so much weight during that week lol Now I forgot any french I ever learned, no idea if I ever want to go back.
My friends and I were definitely sheltered due to living in a very small town, but nevertheless the many redlight places (sex shop, sex museum, porn cinema, and so on) and even witnessing a robbery were rather shocking to us.
>I felt a lot safer in 2nd world countries than there.Not sure if this can be classified as 2nd world (it's definitely seen as "less" than france) but the place I felt the safest was budapest. It was also super clean (which is extremely important for me lol), so quiet/not busy and extremely beautiful… Cheaper too, you can get buns for less than 1 cent there. No idea why it's so underrated but it's just as beautiful as other more famous european cities and imo you could feel comfortable traveling there alone or with just female friends.
No. 565974
>>565971ntayrt but i'm french and only like paris for the culture (shows, food, international shit, architecture) but it fucking reeks. your romanced view of paris definitely made it worse for you, but god damn it hasn't deserved it's title as the romance capital of the world in decades.
but for some reason my foreign mother think it's absolutely amazing and the city she feels most comfortable in. i also met japanese people who said paris was cleaner and better than tokyo, and that french people are nice…after i had just seen a bus driver yell at an old lady for being too slow and walked through the stinky subway.
No. 565977
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>>565974I’ve been to Paris once, I definitely preferred the big Italian cities to Paris! but I can’t believe you’ve met Japanese people who think it’s better than Tokyo, Japanese people are so disappointed by Paris they start PUKING kek
No. 565982
>>565977>>565976paris syndrome is mostly japanese terebi sensationalism, but it seems to be a thing for a lot of people across the world.
the japanese people in question had been in france/europe for a couple of months by then, and loved it. they were so genuine. and sober.
they admitted that finding french people extremely kind might be caused by their lacking french language skills but they swore that tokyo was nasty. i'm convinced parisian pipes poisoned their water.
No. 566031
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I guess it's time for me to admit that I'm obsessed with my ex. My feelings for him change every day and sometimes I don't care about him at all, for a long periods of time even. But then it's like I'm going through all the stages of grief over and over again. I also was acting like a creepy stalker recently (just on the internet) and found out that he might have a little daughter, so he probably married someone or lives with a woman… Don't want to go into details and explain what exactly made me think that. Just a few clues that I could've misinterpreted. I shouldn't care about his personal life. I can even say that I'm happy for him if he really has a family and is happy himself. It feels like a punch to the gut at the same time though. I know it's better for me just to forget and don't try to find some 'strong evidence' because it'll most probably hurt me really bad, but the process of seeking makes me excited and I hate myself for it. It's masochistic in a way.
No. 566171
>>566164I genuinely respect the self made ones even if they have an extreme "choice" mentality and I think they're right to some extent.
I don't respect the ones who are proud of how they were born and pull the nachural order card to say I'm meant to here, you're meant to kiss my ass. Trump is an example of that.
No. 566172
>>566164I'm from a lower middle class background too. I have no suggestions on how to pay for grad school unfortunately. I would ask her though, how she suggests you go about grad school or life even..
Call it a chip but I can't be friends with rich people.
No. 566527
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>>566525Dude, this is some scary shit.
No. 566549
>>566525I hope things are not too bad anon.
I also wanted to get me checked because on friday I came across so many people who discovered that they have cancer. The most shocking one for me was the one of a co-worker who I saw for the last time two weeks ago and now is in hospital because he got the news that he has leukemia. Stuff like that makes my healthy anxiety explode. I also never followed the amber thread but as soon as I read about cancer I had to check it and idk in moments like that I feel like I have it all ugh and this shit won't let me sleep at night for weeks.
No. 566551
>>566275>>566541Be careful around these 'friends' because what you're doing will be definitely be considered 'leading them on' in their heads
I'd never talk about sex that openly with my male friends, it'd give them an opening to flirt with me
No. 566624
>>566562>>566533I'm just so glad we met irl through pure luck and we've been so solid for years. She's amazing. Not to derail my own confession with sperging about my black and white thinking but she was a
victim of that in the very beginning but it's so past that now it's not even funny. She is a blessing, a reminder that i'm not doomed to be bpdfag or crazy woman ruining shit because she's just a solid 'god i appreciate this woman in a non-weird way' for so long. Not to paint her as my 'ol reliable, The One That Will Never Leave, because that's not it at all. She is an enigma of a woman and so, so smart and anything will happen, anything in the world and I'll speak to her about it and it's genuine agreement and same hat between us despite our outside differences. I love manually typing out a url of a fucking post from lolcow or any bit of writing or cowlike behavior that i've seen just to get her take. We were armchairing about our personal cows before I knew of this place kek. It's so hard to do her justice in a comment box but whoever she ends up with, if our queen deems anyone worthy of her time, will be so lucky.
No. 566826
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>>566781My bf brought this up yesterday, I don't have twitter so I often find out the happenings secondhand or through lolcow. We both had a good agreement that Rowling is right.
Honestly there's no better person than her to voice against them. Canceling her would mean canceling precious Harry Potter, and we all know how the tranny-sucking turbo left consoomers love their HP fandom and merch. It'll never happen, because these people would never give up something they personally love for some trannies who've never have and never will do jackshit for other people. It's perfect.
No. 566838
>>566826that's not really an epic win the way you think it is lol. people have been tired of the kween of terfs making everyone non-white or gay for meaningless internet points for a while.
the only people who'd die for harry potter rn are those who barely pay attention to canon and just wanna make fan content, and normies who binge-watch the movies. they never cared for JK in the first place.
btw both JK and HP are retarded kek
No. 566847
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>>566838>>566826i usually assume a b-list celebrity soapboxing a luke warm opinion is just an attempt to piss off the masses and bring back lost traffic. its a little embarassing that she wrote one of the most popular childrens book series, but cant find something more rewarding to do with her time now besides poking the twitter bear. i do have to ask though, what the fuck was she trying to say here? am i just retarded?
No. 566878
>>566847It's not like she hasn't been harassment on every single tweet since the first situation. It's not as if a few weeks ago someone said, "She's not safe to be around childern", people are saying she's obsessed but since she made the first mistake people have been harassing her & anything to do with her.
Pink News is hounding her like a dog, I don't like JK but people have NOT been leaving her alone, people are always waiting and tweeting nasty shit to her. I think thats why it's on her mind.
No. 566880
>>566838>making everyone non-white or gay for meaningless internet points The way I see it, she realized you always lose pandering to leftist SJWs and said fuck it
>>566846They’re having a hard time coping with the fact that HP will always be GLOBAL cultural icon, how many other female writers achieved that? JKaren Rowling has already immortalized herself while the cancelling party will be forgotten by history.
>>566847>what the fuck was she trying to say here?Rowling tweeted about an article referring to women as “people who menstruate”. So that Twitterfag was like why, to which Rowling pointed out that the twitterfag still uses the word woman and not Wonder Person who Menstruates. Emily-chan went on to call this cyberbullying kek
No. 566902
>>566787Kek just fucking say it, how do you hold your tongue this hard better to be on your own than surrounded by friends who'd walk if you didn't manage to keep your terven ways shrouded
>>566828>engraved in their skinthis isn't how tats work but yes. there are so many people with massive fuck ugly harry potter tattoos
No. 567143
>>567137You must have switched to emergency repopulate the earth mode. men are in this mode constantly which is why they're so crazy.
Or you're just very, very bored. Don't shag your friends.
No. 567155
>>567150Go to asherahs garden then. Is that so hard?
JK did nothing wrong but I doubt most people would disagree with that. Maybe we have bigger things to worry about or don't care.
No. 567170
>>567168I know you’re joking but if you have advice on how to flirt with shy and awkward video game dudes please let me know
I’m very blunt and can be aggressive and it usually scares the shit out of them
No. 567173
>>567172Ok, my experience with them is primarily at conventions. I guess every guy is different too. This one in particular seems really careful about what he says and is definitely reserved, but fuck I just want to DM him and be like “yo do you wanna cam”
Have a feeling he wouldn’t reply though lol
No. 567176
>>567175Anon I’m so bored and horny I WOULD but idk I don’t want to risk it backfiring somehow lol
I’m gonna try to get to know him better first I guess
No. 567196
>>567190I wouldn't fuck a serial mass shooter
He keeps getting away with it
No. 567225
>>567181I'm scared too, anon. I'm turning 25 this year and it feels like the past 5 years just flew by. I couldn't wait for the school year to be over 10 years ago, it felt like it never ended. Now it feels like it takes 2 minutes for a year to pass.
I'm also freaking out about aging though. I still feel like a fucking kid inside, how can I already be 25?
No. 567235
>>567231Feels like some post-partum depression, have you talked to your doctor about these feelings?
Please, get yourself checked out.
No. 567237
>>567231he may be projecting his own anxieties onto you. but like the other anon says, please get checked for post-partum depression.
it's incredibly common, and the earlier you deal with it the better it is. please don't wait much longer.
keep an open dialogue with your boyfriend too.
No. 567288
>>567280That's fucking weird, before I opened this thread I was literally just having an imaginary conversation in my head about how I realized I don't have much of a personality, I just adjust to the person I'm around most.
I don't think it's bad to be agreeable, people like us make good caretakers and can reduce conflict, but codependency means we often just waste our lives following other people. Personally, I need to find less boring people to follow.
I don't get what this has to do with being ugly though. You might just be depressed.
No. 567326
Here we go and i'm not fielding questions on it. This is the ultimate i am engaging in thought distortion political opinion but marriage is, considering its history and how it has literally always imprisoned women, the only form of ultimate trust a woman can put in a man. It is literally the magdalene laundry. We can all get fucked occasionally and it's fine, you leave right after or as soon as he starts getting annoying but it's crossing the line by betraying your fellow women by marrying any man who does not literally provide for you in every single way and always has from the get go. That is the only justification of letting a man literally ideologically humiliate you and your fellow women like that. How could you humiliate yourself by engaging in the systemic "my father is handing me to the new man, my Husband, who will manage and control me from now on". Do not tel me im thinking about this too deeply kek, think about why marriage was ever a thing. It was always i am now taking this woman off the market, she is mine and will give me my family. I will always want to be on the market, this would be going back on everything i've ever said. I don't care how much women say about sex outside of serious commitment. It is fine, is ideal, feels good and it is not devaluing myself to engage a little in the biological Man Sexy meme but it would be to tell him that him and men in general doing the bare fucking minimum makes him set for life and worthy of that degree of fucking shameful turning your back and blinding yourself to history. Marriage is the ultimate pickme behavior and is allowing men to continue acting fucking awfully in a way sleeping with them never will because you are allowing them to reach endgame while doing nothing for it. "Settle down" why settle? Why 'settle' with any man who doesn't provide with you for more than like a month before letting him go like the captured and examined wild animal that he is?
No. 567333
>>567326There are scientific studies that have found married men are usually happier than their unmarried peers, and married women are usually unhappier than their unmarried peers.
Having a wife you live with = accomplishment for man. He has succeeded in “being a man”. He can now sit back and feel good about himself as he works on the house he considers his “territory” with his female property.
Having a husband you live with = new child for woman, often literally beyond just the man she now has to clean up after. Women are still culturally expected to do the majority of chores and most married men want to plant their seed in her and make a child. More work. More labor. Woman slaves away cleaning, cooking, caring for baby, keeping track of schedules and important dates and this is all either while working or staying home. Man does bare minimum and gets a pat on the back. Man takes baby out by himself one day and gets commended by society. Woman is simply expected to do all physical, emotional, and mental labor. Man does task like fix a broken pipe and feels great about himself. Man ignores pile of dishes in the sink. Man becomes angry when woman “nags” him about chores, because he’s not used to taking on that mental labor. It is, after all, the job of his wife.
I am of course oversimplifying this but its so prevalent.
No. 567334
>>567326Giving sex for free to different guys is in no way better than giving sex and other various labor for free to one man as part of a contract
We just need to require a significant conversion of finances before giving away any labor to men.
No. 567353
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>for a few months I would repost sex workers’ content/selfies on /s/ because bored
>currently lying about some parts of my life to my bf because I feel the need to protect myself
>have told lots of lies to people
>the only time I have been 100% honest to others is on imageboards
>I feel guilty
That felt good to let out.
No. 567366
>>567338Anyone who chooses to have a baby in these times is a selfish fucking idiot if you ask me. I’m also aware it’s not the case for everyone. As I said. My mother’s husband takes it upon himself to do all the chores because he wants them done a certain way. Of course there are exceptions. But these are cultural.
You sound like a scrote.
No. 567367
>>567366based, based, based
>hi scrotecome on
No. 567413
>>567411These anons are just kinda bitter. It's hard to find this kind of relationship with a man in the first place and it's still hard work to maintain it after you get together.
I understand feeling like it's too much if the guy you end up with is not that great and why someone would be tired of trying.
No. 567417
>>567370OP of the marriage is a sham shitpost. I'm not sleeping with random men and i don't know why everyone likes to draw this conclusion when i say i've enjoyed the sex with the literally 2 men i've done it with outside of a relationship. No, i am not fucking strangers.
>>567384It was genuine belief mixed with a peppering of humor, extreme ideas taking it from more of a serious post to a story and it was never a blackpill, just my honest to god view which is why i love to browse here. It's okay, it wasn't in full sincerity but in that lovely gray area that makes me love imageboard culture.
>>567400There is so much meaning and yet so little meaning in my life, as in anyone's. Yes, i do look at the dead board but i prefer to hear a more varied opinion. I don't like how life not aiming for marriage made you think of no meaning. See above, they're not 'random' men and we need to stop assuming letting literal strangers fuck your ass when we hear sex outside of commitment. Please don't subscribe to the meme.
>>567411I have an amazing best friend who i'd happily die for. She is a woman. I will, thank god, not spend my life pretty much alone. Again, PLEASE stop drawing the conclusion that because i'm not going for marriage for endgame that i'm letting random men fuck me who don't give a shit about me. This is moralfagging that you're not recognising.
>>567413>These anons are just kind of bitter.Yes. I appreciate the understanding and reasoning in the rest of your post in a laid back manner.
No. 567426
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>>567417anon i think you're really cool, keep on keeping on
No. 567434
>>567417i really agree with you sis. After years of providing free heavy emotional labor for scrotes being their girlfriend and being told to get therapy when I dared complain about anything (the last one had the audacity to tell me he was going to ask me to marry him when I broke up with him - after years of telling me he never had the intention to get married) I decided to never get into that shit again.
I do have a fwb-like relationship with someone but we trust each other a lot and honestly he's been a great emotional support ever since we met. We just don't want to formalize it because we have past relationships trauma and I have commitment issues because of my asshole ex. And this is fine, if one of us walks away we promised there will be no hard feelings, I have my life and he's got his own life as well. I don't need anyone to provide for me and he doesn't need a maid.
No. 567474
When I hear other women talk about their experiences with men (including online) I wonder if I'm autistic or lesbian without realizing it, or just cold or something. I have literally never put enough weight on a fucking male, of all things, to let myself get worked up about them. I'm not judging girls who get upset or are traumatized, it's just, men are so stupid and ugly…why would I bother letting their retarded behavior affect my life and how I view my existence in relation to theirs? I've had all sorts of experiences (I don't just mean sexual encounters) with men, some that I should probably be traumatized from, I neither seek out nor shut down relationships with them, and in the end I feel that I should simply exist and not spend an ounce of energy worrying about them. Somehow this always attracts the right kind of relationship for me, and when it stops working I have no trouble letting go.
I do believe in romance and true love and all but I'm going to live my life and if a guy ends up sticking around forever that's nice, if not, fine. I don't get why it can't be that easy for everyone else. I don't express this irl because I know I sound all high horse-y and people will just assume I have some sort of external advantages that blessed me with good dating luck (I don't)
No. 567485
>>567467lol how did all of them involved react to the news
I’d feel like a clown if I was you because they stayed together
No. 567541
>>567485Oh, idc if they’re still together, that’s their choice- I just didn’t need that shit on my conscience. I explicitly told her if she fucked around, I wanted to remain ignorant about it.
The husband reacted hurt and upset; but later yelled at me because I told the wives of the other dudes too. I didn’t bother responding, it was too pitiful lol
….The wives were extremely thankful and kind, I hope for their sake they ditched.
>>567510Cheating happens, but setting up situations to purposefully have them interact, as well as befriending the wives is… lol wtf man
>>567511Maybe they do now, but he was definitely unaware and upset at the start. The whole thing was like some kind of incel fanfic
No. 567557
>>567507glad you're talking about it with a professional, anon.
the fact that you are afraid of this pattern and want to steer away as far as possible from anything related to pedophilia is already making a world of difference between you and pedophiles.
i hope you can be free from this someday.
No. 567637
>>567507I'm a fellow CSA survivor and I had this same problem come up last year with intrusive thoughts. It's is way more common than you think, it's just such a shameful subject, people are scared to talk about it, for obvious reasons. One ofIthe many things i learned is, while it feels horrible at the time, the fact that this reaction repulses you enough to send you into a panic attack is a good thing, believe it or not. An actual pedo would be comfortable in those fucked up thoughts. I confessed this shit to my mom, who is also a CSA survivor. And she told me she's had those same insane thoughts before. It's disturbing, but rape/molestation seriously fucks up every part of your being.
I'm glad you're taking steps to talk about it, anon. It's horrifying keeping such thoughts to yourself. I hope you manage to work through it. Also, I don't think you're a pedo, if that counts for anything.
No. 567720
>>567647Anon, you cannot thrive in an environment that broke you. You need to make a plan to leave your family's house if you haven't already. Imo, the best way to jumpstart your independence is to learn a trade at a community college
or join the military so you can learn life skills and move forward. You got this
No. 567731
>>567647unless you're a 90 year old posting on lolcow, you have a lot of time to (re)build yourself anon. even just one year of thriving in a good community can make a world of difference in your mindset.
it's never too late. you got this!
No. 567914
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this girl is dead, and I would feel very insensitive skinwalking her, but I like the hair and want to try it. god I feel so gross
No. 567957
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I miss Behind the Bows. I was surprised to see it is still going, but 2 secrets a week… Sad.
No. 568086
>>568081I'm not particularly hairy but have quite a bit on my arms and have never bothered to remove it since legs and armpits are enough to me.
I remember a guy I know pointed out how I had hairier arms than him and I was just like kinda confused. I didn't say anything about it to him directly but not having much body hair as a man can sometimes be a sign of having low testosterone so it wasn't really anything to brag about on his part.
No. 568113
>>568081I haven't shaved at all since quarantine forced me to stop visiting my boyfriend. I'm a NEET and I wear pants so often that when I shower I forget how hairy my legs are, lol. Summer is here and I'm already dreading having to shave since I know it's going to take a lot of work.
Speaking of body hair, I have peach fuzz on my back and some in other odd places like my neck and shoulders. Wtf. Is waxing worth it?
>>567870Hmm you sound like me but when I was in my mid-teens. You'll get bored eventually.
No. 568133
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I'm so jealous of her. Not of her good looks or her career, but of her family…
They seem to love and support her so much. I remember being her age and feeling completely lost and alone in the world, my parents couldn't be fucked to take care of me or help an imperfect child, guess they thought I would raise myself and things would fix themselves on their own? Now they're very obviously embarassed of how delayed I am compared to my peers, but they could've avoided it if only they gave me the help I needed ten years ago.
No. 568211
>>568048>>568020Im the same- I love Read With Cindy, and Caleb Joseph/insaneReader I can’t find anyone else that’s comparable.
Give me suggestions!!
No. 568380
>>568312Why did you tell him anon? Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think it is a good idea. I get that you feel guilty, but now he's going to probably be resentful and will not trust you. And your guilt is still not gone.
I'd say just be honest with yourself about why you did it. I bet it has nothing to do with your bf, so it can be solved within yourself. Did you need the validation, were you feeling needy, what or who does this guy represent to you? Analyse why you did it so you won't do it again, understand and face your own shame and promise to never do it again. Everybody makes mistakes anon, I believe we should try to learn from them but not by making the situation worse. Anyway, I hope your relationship is going to be okay, just give him some time.
No. 568387
>>567507You're not alone with this, anon. I just got off the phone with mine and I told her there's some things I want to talk about but I'm scared to say it. If you're open to it, can you tell me how it went?
It's so humiliating and the idea of that being written down anywhere makes me want to die. But I don't think I'll ever be able to love myself if I don't talk to someone about it, and I do trust her.
I hope you get better.
No. 568528
>>568515Does she ever say that she loves anyone else? What's her nationality? Did she have a good relationship with her own parents?
These things can really change the whole situation. But if she's just your usual American middle aged lady who says she loves everybody else, then I don't know hat to say.
No. 568555
>>568550Nah, the most fervent haters of her on here just seem to be really gender-critical which like.. fine, whatever. Blaire isn't too bad honestly unless you're on the extreme end of the left. I guess she could rile you up in that case since she's conservative or whatever. The state of her thread kinda proves my point. One of the most boring threads on snow 90% of the time.
Related rant but I am so tired of the trans-debate at this point in 2020, I don't care what you identify as or if you could be defined by some as a "TERF", this whole gender identity debate should've been mostly left behind in the 2010's. But no, J.K. Rowling says some shit and everybody loses their minds.
No. 568602
>>568578Hey hey, in my mind I'm always the biggest crackhead but before quarantine, my classmate said "our entire class has such crackhead energy, except from (my name) she's the only normal person here"
So honestly there's no point trying to allign how others perceive you, how you perceive yourself, and how you want to be perceived. Those are completely separate things…As long as you want to be "kind" in all those 3 criteria, you're good to go…Don't worry whether other people think you're softer than you are.
No. 568611
>>568610Quit the religion while you're still horny af, carefree and have your young body.
You're going to regret it later.
No. 568616
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>>568615Eh, family can't keep hounding you about religion if you move out and are too far to give you shit for it.
I know, I did it.
I know it's easier said than done but welp.
No. 568622
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>>568617Kek, well. If you're voluntarily going to eat the religious bread yourself, nothing much we can do to help.
Just stop being a horny bitch and keep praying the jesus (or whoever the fuck), I guess.
No. 568632
>>568616From my personal experience they could, depends on many circumstances though. Since I was a kid I had my parents' friends and my uncles and aunts snitch on everything me, my siblings and cousins do. If you're surrounded by hardcore gossip hens and you move out but stay in the same city or even region you're done for.
>>568617Good luck then, I hope you'll somehow manage to find mister perfect so you can marry him with no second thoughts and you can fuck him all day everyday.
No. 568710
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i wish i had a female friend who wanted to do spa days with me where we exfoliate, do hair treatments and face masks etc
No. 568908
When I was unpacking my bf's things the other day I found a box of items related to his ex, like photos and artwork. I looked through all of them and read some notes they had written and I cried over it. Then I put everything back and gave it to my bf like "oh I found this box idk what's inside" and it was the first time I ever lied to him.
The real confession is that I've posted about my bf's ex at least three times on previous confession threads. I'm pathetic and obsessed
>>568754Was the dog okay??
No. 569010
>>568998I've been dealing with that for far too many years. If you can make actual notes of what
on your phone or in a notebook triggers those emotions and reactions, when and for how long, it's much better than ending up before a professional with nothing but a deep breath and an "Uh…". The numbness is great to make you feel like there's not really an issue anymore when really it's hiding the problem.
No. 569040
>>569039isn't that only if you eat the brain?
>>569033i'd eat the buttcheek. the meat apparently slaps.
No. 569138
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When I was younger I used to send anon hate to my mutuals on tumblr and then send them nice messages as myself about it so that they would like me.
No. 569139
>>569017>>569026Thank you guys… I just feel lonely, perhaps extra so because of the quarantine, and one of my friends announced she’s going to move overseas to live with her BF she met a year ago and is madly in love with and I just felt so pettily jealous. I wish I felt that way for someone and they felt that way for me. Of course I love my friends but I really want a partner.
I guess it could be overly high standards as no date I’ve been on in recent years was a person I wanted to see again, though.
No. 569182
>>569179I had one just the same, I tried to be his best friend for a year because he guilt tripped me so bad about how nobody cared about him except from me but one day he managed to find another girl to cling to in the exact same way and never bothered me again.
You know what you need to do, you're not his mother.
No. 569447
>>569404lol u the clown anon, giving groups you hate your coin
>>569138lmao that’s some psycho shit
>>569409Post it
No. 569458
>>569366I hope you can find people IRL that you can relate to, that you can grow with someday. Until then, we're here to talk shit and cry with u!
My confession of the day is: sometimes I go on the "retarded crush" thread and read posts to see if someone posted about me.
No. 569797
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I have a soft spot for this kind of art. I didn't know Meyoco until a few anons on the artist salt thread began to point out how Instagram artist copy her, but I really enjoyed the pictures they posted.
Not gonna lie, a few of them are really samey and even Meyoko herself has a few wonky and repetitive drawings, but I find them charming most of the time.
I've been thinking on buying Meyoco's merch for a while. It also came through my mind the idea of try that style by myself, I have this comic idea with a sort of weird symbolic aesthetic going on, something like Oyasumi punpun, but I feel like if people will start to call me basic or a Meyoco's copy; I suck at pastel colors and my stuff is not really popular, in fact I am a nobody, so I believe if I ever get posted into the art salt thread it would be seen as a vendetta or selfposting, but I am still intimidated.
No. 569804
>>569796I'm sure you've seen that youtube video, linking if not. It was somewhat proven that people with skin problems actually do feel trauma or PTSD when seeing people with perfect skin. So what you're feeling is "normal" (also all the women in this video are beautiful and it makes me sad to see them so obviously upset about their skin)
Starts at about 8 minutes in:
No. 569876
>>569853Unironically this.
Those are the same people that will say that people with really bad acne are just dirty and have no personal hygiene.
No. 569897
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>>569887Bitches on the right will post in the same skincare forums bitches on the left are posting in and go “guys my skin is so horrible how do I fix this :((”
I would fucking kill for skin on the right. I don’t need perfect skin I need skin that doesn’t scar me and itch and be painful and embarrassing for most of my life. Pores are so easy to cover up and you don’t feel them on your face.
No. 570021
>>570019She ghosts them afterwards. That's a punition. Imagine laying out your intimate shit and being ghosted.
Anon should send one ultimate text about the fantasies being degenerate and that no women would ever want to touch them before ghosting tho, for maximum humiliation.
No. 570033
>>570012I honestly should, I do keep all the screenshots and stuff but i’ve never really shown anyone.
>>570026Maybe using the phrase “into it” was bad on my part I just pretend i’m “interested” in what they have to say about it and a lot of the times the stuff they open up about it. Most of the times they’ll say all this shit with no provocation and won’t shut up about it. Tbh a lot of these dudes deserve it, and it’s not like i’m hurting their fragile egos or exposing them for it.
>>570027Again no I really don’t.
>>570028This! I see this shit way too often here like men deserve a lot of the shit they get i’m simply laughing at them for my own enjoyment, no one is being murdered or exposed. What I do isn’t even 1/4 as bad as the shit men do to women on a daily basis.
No. 570034
>>570029nta but maybe she's just having fun while trolling them wtf she doesn't have to rob them out of their money, humiliate them to their family, etc. because "REVENGE TO EVERY SINGLE SCROTE!!1!!!1!"
it's just good old trolling
No. 570035
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No. 570040
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i regret reading this
bc its true
No. 570064
>>569940yeah i've told him i love his body because of the way it is and not in spite of it, and he told me the other day i gave him confidence in himself. i said his little stretch marks reminded me of strawberry sauce on whip cream and that they're like a seal of quality on his skin lmao. it's corny but he seems to be getting used to it.
i'll just never tell him i love the physical effects food has on his body…
No. 570078
>>569797Honestly, the artist salt thread is a cesspool. I had to stop following it because it was filled to the brim with salty anons who were jealous of artists like Meyoco being so popular and tried to come up with some bullshit reasoning like she's undeserving of the praise (or the expensive tools/supplies) because she doesn't have the anatomy skills of an ancient greek sculptor. A lot of people in that thread use "muh anatomy" as a cope to justify their jealousy for the more successful artists without ever realizing that a regular customer doesn't give a shit if the leg is 15% smaller than the proportions would allow or that the character has ridiculous anime tiddies, as long as it's well rendered and has a cool, interesting, unique style with a subject matter that panders to people, it'll sell.
Exhibit A, the "How to draw like Meyoco" tutorial some jelly anon made was pure cringe and a good example of how hard it is to replicate even a simple-looking style despite all the people saying "even I could do that too".
No. 570081
>>570075just stop. It really is that simple. You feel yourself being mean? Stop it and apologise. You feel yourself being manipulative? Stop it and back off.
If you can't correct those behaviours on your own, go to a psychiatrist. It's already a good sign that you can actually objectively notice you're being a bitch, but that's only the first step.
No. 570087
>>570075Whenever I read posts like this, I always wonder if they’re the same anons posting about how they don’t have any friends.
>>569797It’s fine to like meyoco, but I got to admit it does get a little grating to see it rehashed by other artists. Not just meyoco but anything that’s easily consumable (pretty girls, witches with plants you get the deal) I know that it’s popular and I don’t blame artists for gravitating now towards it but after a while It gets hard to tell them apart and eventually gets old, ya know?
Some anons on there do need to lay off the random vendettas and cow tipping for sure tho.
No. 570090
>>570080Another thing that put me off the artist salt thread was the weird obsessive hate boner people have for Sakimichan, they're obviously seething over her popularity, money and objectively impressive rendering skills but try to disguise it as a legit concern of her being somehow
problematic. These piranhas are now gnawing at her feet for her liking some "anti-BLM tweets" (i.e. tweets bringing attention to the innocent people who got hurt or killed during the protests and how the movement is hijacked by astroturfers) and I can't help but be aghast by someone being so petty they actually track someone's liked tweets page. But they are obsessed with canceling her and look for any small piece of controversy to try and make the big tree fall as they simply can't deal with the fact that someone with subpar anatomy skills and wasting their talent pandering to coomers would be so financially successful.
There are so many legitimately dubious artists that deserve to be called out for shitty attitudes and behavior but because they're not competition and not putting a face on something nobody cares. I also feel like people only focus on popular female artists (again, due to jealousy and projection) but never give people like Shadman their time of the day despite him doing some really awful shit like creeping on actual underage girls. Even that one male pedo artist who was posted to the thread made anons just ree about how they "don't want to deal with this stop posting the pedo guy". It's all fun and games until the stove actually gets switched on and they can't handle the heat anymore.
No. 570097
>>570080I still remember that furry from the thread who @ed some mildly popular "fat posi" artist, only for them to be some weird "fat-posi" artist themselves, just with much fewer followers. When called out, she was like "Whatever I got 3 new followers out of this #winning", lmao. Can't forget about Racist Uncle's Holly Brown obsession, either.
The thread really does have a lot of people who are just mad about other artists being more popular than themselves. I still check in, but it's kind of a cesspool.
No. 570102
>>570101That's besides the point. You can hate on someone's art all you want and think it's ugly and disgusting but leave it that. Trying to justify your opinion by making up some woke reasons why you're allowed to think her art is ugly is cancerous.
>Man I really hate how this bitch draws like shit and has so many fans, she must be an awful, ~problematic~ person too because good people don't draw bad art or have a big, unjustified fanbase! Also as a side note those underdog artists you wish to "become popular" will stop being so engaging and sympathetic once they actually make it and gain fans supporting their work. Soon jealousy will set in again.
No. 570299
>>570121I'm detrans too and came to a similar realization, sexual abuse in my past and a family that heavily favored males and treated women like shit. I've watched other detrans on youtube for years and it's so fucking common, those two exact reasons come up in nearly every case.
I'm guessing that you only made all these trans friends in the last few years so harsh as it might sound.. rejection is possible but it's not the end of the world. Do you still have family or childhood friends that you're on ok terms with?
No. 570549
>>570440I got tired of AC after a while too. Do you have any other games for it? I've been buying platformers from my childhood as I see them on sale and they've honestly been more rewarding lately.
>>570475I hope you're able to move on well anon. don't think about those people anymore.
>>570536It's not just a matter of working hard, well off families send their kids to private school and/or hire extra tuition. There are almost no working class or lower middle class students admitted to medical school in my country.
No. 570573
>>558452Don't raise her to feel dependent, alienated and victimised by virtue of her very existence. Then she won't be
as vulnerable to exploitation before she's old enough to recognise what the guy is trying to do. Fulfilled and well-balanced women don't pay attention to moids.
No. 570689
>>570483>>566164You’re not wrong to feel this way. Personally, I came from the fucking dirt, and managed to just get lucky.
The amount of money I make is absolutely grotesque. It literally- I can’t comprehend it. 105k per year. For this bullshit ‘consulting’ job?? What kind of bullshit job IS that? This is what I should’ve been paid when I was answering nonstop phone calls, needing to know every answer to every question, following every ever-changing process, oh and also swallowing what little dignity I had left while customers berate me.
The least people can do is let you hate them; hate away. Fuck me and fuck them tbh
No. 570719
>>570689Same, anon. I actually grew up super poor, I worked as a housekeeper until last year and then I just got lucky as a diversity hire. People used to treat me like trash because afterall I was just a dumb immigrant cleaning their house and suddenly now everyone is super nice to me because I dress better and don't look sweaty and exhausted all the time. And most of the people I worked for never had to lift a finger but never acknowledge that, they always say they're "comfortable".
My ex was also from a filthy rich family but refused to acknowledge how privileged he was and would keep mansplaining to me how "money doesn't work like that" and "you can do anything if you just pull yourself up by your bootstraps :)". If I called him out on it he'd call me "dramatic".
You know what I do at work now? Fuck all. Yet I get paid more than I ever have before. At least I donate a good chunk of my income to small charities and use it for something more productive than myself, but it's so unfair and I hate it.
No. 570730
>>570724How is she proving him right? Her point was that people who get these 'higher class' jobs handed to them for nothing spend their time doing nothing and getting paid better and treated better than people who struggle away at shit jobs. She worked a shit job before but she didn't climb the ladder the conventional way, she found a loophole to get to a decent job so now she gets to live that life but the chances of people actually 'working their way up' the normal way is slim because the system is rigged.
People that start off with privilege know nothing about the reality of 'working their way to the top', it's not even the same game let alone the same levels.
No. 570856
>>570814Forgot to add
>I have no idea why only the kids with aspergers are like this.Could it possibly be that they have a challenging disorder which you literally just named?
No. 570890
>>555948>>570855I love how you assume that I don't do my job well or that I'm one of the bad ones. I don't show my frustration in my work or behavior. I'm not a child and therefore I know how to separate personal feelings from my line of work. I literally buy these kids birthday gifts with my own money and email their parents regularly about the good that they do as well as what they need to improve on. I meet with their counselors during my 30 minute lunch period to better understand them and how to accommodate them. If a teenager threatens that they are going to kill me because I didn't make enough copies , I am going to die inside the next time they want into class because at the end of the day I'm human and I'm doing a job that most people would never for half the pay that would be appropriate for it. People assume people who work in these fields are bulletproof and refuse to allow them to vent. You're acting like I wished something horrible on them.
>>570856I'm saying I don't understand why my kids with aspergers show this behavior and not my kids who are labeled as autistic.
No. 570904
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I found out my dad is a Patreon of some terrible 3D porn artist who makes weird BDSM dungeon inflation shit with terrible pre-rendered models and PS2 quality rendering. Also “she” has the same name as me.
I hope he dies.
No. 570909
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>>570904drop his loc anon I've got a gun and nothing to lose
No. 570931
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>>570907Sadly no. He was checking his e-mails in front of me, I saw 'Patreon' and a suspicious update from a girl name, and went on my Fennenko shit. I would bet money that "she's" some gross middle-aged coomer man that has to pretend to be a 'kinky girl artist uwu' just to get any attention.
>>570922Even as a kid I never really liked my dad, and the more I find out about him the more it just confirms why I was so distant.
>>570909This is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me on here kek.
No. 570945
>>570871I work as an anti money laundering and compliance specialist for a very large bank. I felt intimidated and then I remembered that some departments are run by actual real life retards who can barely tie their shoes.
>>570719That’s an insane stroke of luck, anon. I didn’t even think that was a thing that happened- I thought that was just white supremacist rhetoric that they boohooed about lmao.
I worked my way up one step at a time, but I see the boys club private school privilege bullshit constantly. The company culture is atypical, which allowed for someone like me to wriggle in.
No. 570950
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>>570809anon's desktop wallpaper is pic related
No. 570991
>>570809What’s even going on with that drama anyway? I tried following it on KF but it then descended onto hating one of the female VAs that accused him and her
abusive bf.
No. 571008
>>570991he's sexually harassed and been an ass to both his coworkers and underage con attendees, and his behavior has been known for years, but he's gotten away with it as long as he did bc he brought in money for the cons. he is a known diva and a snob who holds himself in overly high esteem, is notoriously difficult to work with as well. other va's hate him covertly and he was the laughingstock of after dark con jokes. dick lasagna tried to portray himself as this 'good christian boi' va when he was known to be a predator and creep, and would use his status as this seemingly unassuming good christian whiteboi who always voiced bishounen to take advantage of fans… he'd also promote religion and his personal merchandise at cons that had nothing to do with his roles or anime at all, which is one of the lesser offensive things he's done. overall he is a hypocrite whose tried to negate his amoral actions with a flimsy public persona, and now has been exposed for what he really is: a weird old musty pedo who's past his expiration date in the industry
additionally dick lasagna cheated on his wife whilst philandering with con attendees. it's an open secret for years what a creep he was and I remember hearing about him since I was an underage girl. it's not like it was a big loss for the industry, he hasn't had a noteworthy main cast role in years but clings to desperate scrote fans and old roles to try and stay relevant
the kiwifarms thread was complete trash and whiteknighting so I'm glad you stopped following the saga there. also the VA who accused him doesn't have an
abusive bf, that was an overexaggeration concocted by the vic fanboys to try and defame her
overall it's a mess but I do genuinely believe after 10+ years it was about time he'd gotten me too'd
No. 571011
>>570958Same but at 40
30 is still pretty young
No. 571029
>>570987>>570958That's because you're either underageb&, think your life revolves around male approval or genuinely have no hobbies outside of frivolous consuming of beauty/fashion products.
My mom is 64 and super happy with herself and her life. She was super miserable in her 20s and 30s when she was with my dad, now she surrounds herself with friends and family and it's really nice to see her like this. Every time a man had weaseled his way into her life he'd eventually start negging her, being bitchy and bossing her around. And every single time my uncle and aunt would be there to pick up the pieces.
Get off the internet and go outside, maybe that will help.
No. 571037
>>571029Nah, I fucking hate men and I still don't see the point of living until 30. I'm already ugly, so I have no looks to lose. I'm more concerned with not having enough money to be happy.
Onto my confession. When I was young, i had a cold around the time where the swine flu shit was going around. I'm sure I got the cold from obvious exposure + my parents insisting on leaving the car door open at 0 degrees and making fun of me for begging them to close the door because I was freezing and had no coat. My mum forced me to call some swine flu hotline after i begged her not to, insisting it was only a minor cold. The lady was asking me question like what was my temperature, we had no thermometer in my house, yet my mum insisted I had a temperature. The lady on the phone was clearly annoyed and told me I just had a cold (as i suspected myself). My parents both proceed to impersonate me and start mocking me for the next couple of weeks for making the call and laugh at me when I run away to my room crying and try to make it out like i was the paranoid one and I was being rude for not wanting to talk to them and being sensitive. I have never ever forgiven them for this because they constantly love gas lighting me like this. They also don't believe depression or mental illness is real and they like laughing at people they see who has depression or any kind of mental illness, chalking it up as being the result of being a druggie or being entitled. I purposely wake up early in the morning and sleep early so I can avoid them and every time they wake up in the morning, I'm disappointed they aren't dead. I've given up on trying to have a relationship with them and i can't wait to get my shit together and leave.
No. 571078
>>570949It’s so boring, but I’ll indulge you lol.
I went to college for 3 years majoring chemistry (loans/fafsa) and working full time at various shitty retail jobs. College and working a grueling job don’t mix, I ended up falling too behind on payments to continue, and I likely would’ve failed out anyway. Horrible. Dropping out was the best feeling in the world.
-First job at the company was the late shift at a call center that served as a catch-all, with a focus on verifying possible fraud with irate customers. By far the hardest (also the shittiest pay!).
-Then I moved to a fraud investigations which was the most fun. I was extremely good at catching people in lies about “I didn’t do this charge!”
-Then I moved to AML investigations, which is not nearly as interesting/involved as it sounds. You look at accounts for clearly heinous shit that an idiot could identify (ex: this guy works at Burger King and deposits 5k in cash every week), you do a little paragraph about why something looks sketchy, and then I’m pretty sure it goes to a huge depository where it’s never looked at again and probably lit on fire.
-then I moved to a compliance department that was extremely check-the-box just making sure new business accounts provide adequate documentation.
-and now this consulting position. Which was handed on a silver platter to me by the woman I sit near who likes me and thinks I don’t suck.
I always worked hard and was at the top of the stats, genuinely got along with my coworkers, and made myself available for any extra work/help. That said, the main reason I got where I am is because people like me, and I’m a “favorite”. That’s it- really. Which is why I consider it pure luck. You either need old white guy connections from daddy, or to just be charming as hell and luck out at a company with a liberal culture.
No. 571079
>>570956>Vic Mignogna>d-listthat's kind of you.
>>571037how old are you now anon? I'm nearly 30 and have been poor and mentally ill my whole life. I understand myself better and I feel more psychologically at peace than I ever have. Things still aren't great but I've been on an upswing for the past year or so that I didn't foresee coming. If you had asked me at 18 where I thought I would be at 30 I probably would have said dead.
No. 571139
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I know she's a cow, but even with the serial killer tats, I'd wanna hold hands with her. Maybe even boink.
No. 571172
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Back when I was like 10-12 I moved to another country and then proceeded to post photos/videos of 2 cosplayers on my social media(they were at least 17. Wost part about it is that the videos were youtube links to the actual account of the person as well :|
Someone asked me if it was me and somehow I thought that I could get away with lying about it. Turns out I got reported and called out in a group that was created to weed out fakes by someone who used to be in the same class as my eldest sibling.
Thank god I've stopped being a creep when it comes to lying about my persona, but I'd be lying if I said it doesn't make me cringe randomly throughout the day.
>>571165Oh, I can relate to this, sxcept mine is medical.
I have so many issues that could quite possibly be easily treated if I went to my doctor, but the last 2 that I went to were so dismissive and you could just tell that they just wanted to end the appointment asap.
But speaking from experience, people who are paid to exterminate bugs(or anyone who makes home visits, really) will have seen houses that are rancid, and might even be grateful that it doesn't stink or w/e. They will understand that you being gross is not the cause after seeing how clean your house is otherwise.
No. 571211
>>571172You were 12 at oldest. You were just vying for some attention after becoming physically isolated. Don't be so hard on yourself. Imo "callout" groups are in themselves sometimes very cringe and juvenile.
I was about the same age when I made the mistake of tracing and coloring some drawings I found on a mid-2000s art site to accompany my legit preteen poetry I wrote. Passed the drawings off as my sketches. Uploaded my illustrated poetry to my very small Myspace page that only ever had about a couple men giving me a compliment on it. I think one of my weeb friends got jelly and knew I couldn't actually draw that well, so she found the creator and went and blabbed. Got two very angry inboxes, one from the adult creator grilling me and asking why the fuck, and the other from said friend informing me on what was happening and how I was "seen" copying someone's art. Lol she so obviously was the one who told cause she was salty. Couldn't even talk to anyone about it because adults had no idea what the fuck social media was or why I felt like it was a big deal at the time. It was stupid all around.
No. 571226
>>571187ty, I try to make myself feel better by reasoning with myself that they've probably forgotten about it and haven't thought of me in at least 10 years.
>>571211>from the adult creator grilling me and asking why the fuckHoly shit, I would feel like dying on the spot if that happened to me. Your 'friend' was such a snake lol
But thank you for reassuring me.
Your personal story reminds me of when I traced anime pictures on regular a4 printer paper(each had an edgy japanese sentence next to it, with the pronounciation next to it) and carried them around school. in those 2 years I never got the courage to draw anything new, so I just kept overlining the already traced pieces and hoping that others would notice how good my drawings looked lmao. A girl enquired if I knew japanese and I made up a random 'sentence' after she asked me to say something in it. As soon as I completed it I could tell that she wasn't buying it, and all she said was "oh, that's pretty cool" before leaving.
My weeb stage was so embarrassing, but trying to laugh about it helps.
No. 571279
>>571268I have a bit of a double chin despite being a slim person, runs on one side of my family. I remember the first time a guy pointed it out to me (male friend, aspergers so he had no filter) and that one comment made me hate it for years. I felt particularly self conscious in bed because of the angles that lovers tend to see you from.. eventually with age I stopped caring.
It also weirdly helped me when there was a trend of people sharing those bad angle unflattering pics where pretty much everyone can muster up a double chin pic with the wrong angle. I know theres a difference but it still took away some of that disgust I built up over the years.
No. 571285
>>571279It's always dudes. I've basically had my neck pointed out to me since I was a teenager. I have these little horizontal lines that span my neck due to where it creases, mostly because it's short and stacked fatly. I've never had a feminine, long neck.
I've gotten anything from being called 'Frankenstein stitch' to just being made to feel super old by guys who definitely had no business insulting someone else's looks. Now that I've gained weight I'm dealing with a massive double and jowls. I shouldn't have to deal with this in my youth, it's bullshit. Worst of all is I think it's here to stay, I lost a fuckton of weight a few years ago in a healthy manner and yet these issues didn't even fuck off then.
No. 571294
>>570923I feel this, I never had racist thoughts (I live in a 99% white country so I barely have any experience with PoCs besides Asians either) and I was cool with black people just as much as I was with white but the current era's social media, especially the recent BLM bullshit has really made me turn intolerant and it's not something I wanted to happen. I don't want to interact with black people because I'm afraid of angering them by saying something I didn't know was
problematic, I came across a new foreign black coworker at work and I was just awkward as shit trying to interact and probably seemed like a racist because I was so nervous about coming off as offensive or dismissive. I know it's mostly virtue signaling and self-flagellating, cannibalistic white people who are responsible for this but calling them out is, in the eyes of the public, the same as being racist.
No. 571427
>>571424Just bait
yaaawn someone is trying his damnest today
(hi scrote) No. 571445
>>571424I think it's a red flag for multiple reasons that are long to explain
>>571427What is remotely 'hi scrote' worthy about that post lmao. It's not bait I'm sure there's some decent people but I feel like they are by far the exception and the vast majority have some kind of significant social or mental problem. I feel like imageboards for most people are a adolescent/very young adult thing and its normal to progress on from them. People who are in their early/mid twenties who are still very into them seem to universally be really immature and low functioning.
No. 571460
>>571445The same could be said for people too obsessed about any social platform.
Then again I remember being 19 on 4chan and thinking posters older than me were strange. Mostly because I was secretly intimidated by them. Then as I got older, I realized that my interests and hobbies didn't just go flying out the door just because I had more responsibilities, and oop! My goalpost moved pretty quick. In fact I have arguably more time than ever to be on imageboards cause I'm no longer in college being micromanaged by dick professors. Plus I have a job where I'm allowed to be on my phone and get paid decent for the desk pleasure, whereas when I was younger I'd be screamed at my minimum wage jobs for being caught on my phone.
No. 571472
>>571460I guess someone being literally obsessed with it could but I don't think it's really the same, and I think someone being obsessed with literally anything is probably ~
problematic~. I think it's dishonest to say imageboards do not seem to have a significantly higher portion of maladjusted people but that's just my perspective I guess. I don't find them intimidating because like I said I look down on them and feel like most of them are usually kind of failures in some way. It's not that I think that people just drop their hobbies but just that as I have gotten older and my interests, perspectives and experiences have expanded I have felt the desire to be around these kind of spaces a lot less and think it's just a natural progression. In my experience the desire to engage with imageboards directly correlates with my emotional maturity and mental wellbeing over the years. I feel like imageboards tend to be much more insular and cyclical than social media and
generally have a worse affect on people's mindsets and perceptions and attract a different kind of crowd. Essentially what I'm saying is I think it's significantly less likely you would find someone who has a healthy view of the world, lives a full and balanced life and is happy who is in their 20's who uses imageboards regularly but that it would be probably more likely to find someone like that who also has an IG account or whatever.
No. 571507
>>571445I don't see how an image board is any different to social media. An image board is just an online discussion format. Most of the older people on image boards are there because they've used them for years and to them it's normal way of communicating.
>>571472>I think it's significantly less likely you would find someone who has a healthy view of the world, lives a full and balanced life and is happy who is in their 20's who uses imageboards regularly but that it would be probably more likely to find someone like that who also has an IG account or whateverNot really. If browsing /pt/ and /snow/ for years has taught me anything, it's that the mental illness present on social media sites exceeds anything that I've experienced on 4chan or LC.
No. 571520
>>571472>I think it's dishonest to say imageboards do not seem to have a significantly higher portion of maladjusted peopleIt's a smaller community so maybe you notice maladjustment more quickly. It's dishonest to act like it's more concentrated here just because it's smaller. Facebook can be a pretty fucked echo chamber too, the difference is those maladjusted people are more spread out, and you have the ability to filter content and people whereas in anonymous chans you do not.
Also this
>the mental illness present on social media sites exceeds anything that I've experienced on 4chan or LCAll of lolcow's content is picked from maladjusted people posting horrendous shit on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. It's more rare to see a cow posted for chanboard drama.
No. 571998
>>571967So pretty much your average 4chan girl
>managed to masquerade as a normie through it allOh wait I take it back
No. 572045
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I bought something new recently and posed with it for social media. One of my friends who's basically been ignoring me cause she's self-centered and dgaf suddenly crawls out of the woodwork and asks to hang out cause she's interested in my new thing, probably wants some selfies with it for social media.
I'm going to invite her over but hide the thing and say I let a friend borrow it, because then she'll have to stew in what she got herself into and can't say shit about having to spend time with me or else she'll blatantly look like a user friend.
I'm secretly evil.