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No. 557249
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>>557246>Who do/did you want to see better themselfLuna Slater
>Why?I can really relate to her. I was like her, romanticising terrible shit like drugs, in an
abusive relationship that went unchecked when i was young (with a guy born on the same year as Lurch and roughly the same age gap), interested in hello kitty shit and poetry and self-indulgent art of sad girls smoking. If I hadn't broken up with that man, I could have been going down a very similar path. It's also very hard to give up on somebody who's so young because if people had given up on me, I would be in a terrible place
>How?This has been done to death in her previous threads but all she has to do to start is give up the dream and break up with Lurch. She could move back home with her dad and it'd be an uphill struggle for a very long time but at least it'd be uphill instead of straight to nowhere like she is right now. however it's hard to help somebody who won't help themself. it's bizarre to be so far gone so young
No. 557389
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>Who do/did you want to see better themself
Simply_Kenna / CozyKitsune / McKenna Kaelin
I feel like she improved a lot in terms of her past mistakes, even though right now she keeps saying cringeworthy things, but I feel like as if she has some sort of a passion for things she enjoys and I like her photo aesthetic (and some new vids) in general. Ever since i've been following PULL thread (cause lolcow one died), I kept building more sympathy with Kenna thanks to PULLers doing nothing but nitpicking EVERYTHING she does.
I still believe she has a chance to fully redeem herself and become a fully pleasing person, but she really needs a nice therapist that would help her to get her crap together.
Really wish she fixed her hair and went back to being less SNOW filter-y, though. She is pretty without them and a heavy makeup.
No. 557402
>>557249She was the first one to come to mind. Of course her addiction and mental health issues are tragic in itself, but the way her thread drags on is just sad. Sometimes I take a peek and all they have for milk are screenshots of her art and poems, which aren't the worst. There's clearly potential for improvement there and there's definitely a decent person behind the drugs, she just needs rehab or something.
>>557389I also used to watch her PULL threads and I also ended up liking her. She is clearly not good at being a public figure and she certainly has issues with being insecure and arguing in comments… but there's still some kind of niche she can fill pretty well. If only she would be willing to settle in one identity/skill, she'd be fine. Instead I feel like she needs to be 12 things at once and constantly change and the issue is that's not how people make good money on YouTube.
No. 557404
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>Who do/did you want to see better themself
She never seemed like a bad person who deserved it. I wasn't an all-out whiteknight for her back in the day but I used to get chewed out on /cgl/ threads about her because GOD FORBID I didn't completely shit on everything that she did. Like I thought her kimono shoot and some of her fashion shoots were legitimately good but some people were dead ass wanting to nitpick everything. The whole reason why she caught so much shit was because she was the short, stocky fat girl of the early 2010s. She said some shit about small tits which made her public enemy number one. Nowadays, there are cosplay famous girls who are morbidly obese, and cosplayers shit on all body types of their rivals regularly. Sarah just made the mistake of trying to be before her time, I feel bad for her.
Well, I don't know. The fact is she'd have to move out and away from her mom in order to have a chance at becoming a functioning adult but it seems like she's either too mentally ill, scared, or still immature to do so atm.
I want to root for her but she seems like a person who isn't going to get better, she's too traumatized and can't do it alone.
>Honorable Mentions
Sh0eonhead-Pregory reminds me (shamefully) of a more attractive version of my ex. I dumped his ass awhile ago, coincidentally around the time when Preg started to get real shitty towards her. While I fucking hate Sh0e, her breaking up with Preg would give me a sense of closure too. Shit men don't deserve women who worship and do for them. They deserve to die alone and pornsick. Maybe I just wanna see manbaby Preg have a crisis kek.
Dolly/Shayna-She's a gorgeous and attractive girl who's throwing her life away by being a lazy, filthy fucking whore.
Momokun/Mariah-Genuinely attractive for her size but she's got a terrible, insecure personality that's enabled by her simps.
Luna Slater-Another attractive girl throwing her life away with drugs, bad partners, and being a lazy whore.
No. 557803
>>557394I wouldn't say I root for phoebe because she's such a dick but I get cluster b vibes from her rather than aspergers and that's probably why she acts the way she does. I think therapy, if she actually put effort into it would be really beneficial for her. She has more potential to improve her situation than a lot of other cows do, which is part of why I find her so frustrating. I think a lot of the time when people speculate about cows having bpd it's pretty baseless but I do see it with her.
>>557490agreed. Margo did so much damage to her that I'm not terribly surprised she is the way she is. I had hoped her relationship with manaki might have been stabilizing for her. It's a shitty situation.
>Leave the internet, make female friends in her age group, get a job, maybe move out of Japan because she seems to have no support network over there.that's the best thing she could do. Switzerland isn't in the EU but she's probably entitled to Hungarian citizenship through Margo, which means she could live in any of those counties, many of which have excellent state mental health care. She doesn't have to have a relationship with her family if she doesn't want, but staying in Japan isn't going to do her any good. An anon in her thread said something about her turning into Sere if she keeps going like this and they're probably right.
No. 557872
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>Who do/did you want to see better themself
Shes just… stupid. I dont think shes ever had bad intentions, shes just really really stupid.
Shes a classic emo teen. Anorexia and cutting as a teenager. Chubby rainbow bulimia phase at early 20s. will probably go goth in a few years. she seems so damn predictable to me. im not surprised at all that she got fat, or that shes wasting all her money on useless stuff or that she still thinks shes the most special trilingual girl in the universe. dumb is as dumb does… can relate in every shitty aspect of her dumb dumb life.
she needs someone to wake her the fuck up. maybe a partner or a friend, but the thing is she only surrounds herself around yes men that follow all of her orders, and when they dont she drops them. and if she remains that way shes literally never going to change. her mother is never going to say anything nor her brother or father they have never seemed to care. so the only person who can make pixie grow up is herself. and i doubt she can. i dont know what else could wake her up. maybe if she ends up in the looney bin after some attention seeking behavior (wouldnt surprise me if this happened in the future). maybe if she ever fell in love with a guy who actually says "hey. youre being a dick/stupid as fuck".
she needs to grow up. but shes stupid. very stupid.
Oh god. First of all, lose the fucking weight. And not in ana chan way or a bulimia way because that is never going to fix anything. I am completely aware that overcoming these illness is insanely difficult, yes. but damn bitch at least try. try to do some exercise, try to eat 1200 calories and not 2400. SOMETHING. im not saying she should ana chan herself, but a healthy bmi, even if its in the higher side of things looks nice on her.
i understand she wants to keep the whole colorful Japanese barf thing going. fine. but do it in a way that makes you look nice. i think she looked really nice with pastel haircolors! or the dark blue looked super flattering on her as well. i would suggest pink hair since its really "boohoo im so kawaii" shit while it doesnt look super insane or edge lordy in my humble humble opinion. disagree if you want, but anyway i sincerely doubt shed go for a black or a brown haircolor till maybe shes 30. so pink or lilac is FINE.
jill, im so sorry to be the one to break this to you, but youre kinda ugly and thats fine. most of us are kinda ugly. you cant pull off half the shit you try to pull off. that alternative Japanese fashion and stuff, it doesnt look good on everyone. in fact it only looks good in some. like i said, its fine being kinda ugly. youre not SUPER ugly or anything. with the right amount of (NORMAL NOT WHATEVER THE FUCK SHE DOES) makeup, nice hair and a nice body… you could actually be a catch. you would be so surprised. but you decide against this every single time.
stop buying so much useless shit. i get it. shopping gives you that instant boost inside. you feel good for some seconds. but cmon. whatever allowance she gets shes spending it the very first day she gets it. its insane. she absolutely has a shopping problem. i think she needs to work this out in therapy as well.
stop the whole fantasy world shit. youre not trilingual. you didnt invent a style. youre not the biggest fan of anything. just grow up. please grow up. this shit might be fine in high school, but its enough. it looks bad.
No. 557879
>>557814that sucks. She seems decent at learning languages but I'm guessing the standard would be pretty high.
I've checked the policies of a few EU countries and Swiss citizens can move to all of the ones I've checked without a visa. She could pretty much pick up and go whenever she wanted.
No. 557916
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She's just pathetic. I don't know. I don't sympathise with or like her but it fascinates me how she clearly follows her own thread but won't implement any changes. It's bizarre to me how public she is but can see how everyone rags on her and continues to put up the same content that gets her humiliated online. I just don't understand how she can live like this. Her life seems so terrible and lifeless but she keeps ticking along.
>How?She just needs to delete her online presence and learn to act like a human. Find a personality outside of male attention. She's not good looking and she needs to stop kidding herself. Sometimes in pics she looks cute but it's terrible to see people whore themself out if they can't even pull it off. I love trashy women who are unashamed whores like Courtney Love or many other sex workers who look good and get money while still working on themself. It's just really strange, it feels like she doesn't like it and it doesn't fit her. She was only ever a cute tumblr stoner chick, why the hell is she going down this weird road when she's not getting anything from it? I'd like to just stop opening this site to see her sitting in her room in amazon clothes and looking awful. The tweets she puts out condemning others for her own behaviour is such an insight to me tbh. I'd love to know how she sees that behaviour in relation to herself. It's like she's brain damaged or something. An interesting cow
No. 557922
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>Who do/did you want to see better themself
Abby Brown
Idk, I’ve got a soft spot for this one, maybe it’s the nostalgia factor. She’s not completely innocent, but she does not deserve the slew of trolls, fb hate pages and harassment that she’s been plagued with. Clearly she’s mentally unstable and not getting the proper help or influence from her family, therapists or friends and certainly not from Will or the other men that use her.
Her parents are enabling as fuck and I don’t see her moving out anytime soon, but staying the fuck away from Will and focusing on loving herself and working towards an independent future would help. It would be nice to see her get hyped and inspired to do productive things instead of rapidly changing her style.
No. 558168
>WhyNo wonder she was a stupid kid since she was actually encouraged to put herself out there by family on myspace/tumblr and egged on to act in immature ways. Wasn't mama ostrenga getting into tumblr drama herself back in like 2012 or so? With parents who willingly take 100s of "scene queen" photos rather than stop their kids' online presence when shit gets
toxic, no wonder kota and kaka acted how they did. But kota hasn't done anything really milky or meanspirited for a long time imo. Alien shoops, terrible modeling shoots and awkward styles/haircuts is her fucking herself over trying to maintain a dead career but nothing special.
>HowNo idea. She's got nothing going on in the States to come back to, she's be starting from 0. Guess her best bet would be to try and leverage her connections, experience in modeling and language skills to get some steady work in Japan out of the public eye. Fashion/art industry as an international advisor/liason for companies? Don't think it's realistic though
>>557922Abby is my choice too. She isn't an angel by any means, but beyond being spoiled and completely unaware, her actual bad behavior seems mostly episodic when her mental issues flare up. Otherwise, looking like a rainbow emo isn't a crime. Tacky sure, but not badly intentioned. I wish she dropped Will once and for all, and took on a more toned down look. She could keep some emo elements but bring it into 2020.
No. 558207
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>>557246>Who do/did you want to see better themselfDakota Rose
>Why?Dakota never seems like she's ever shown her real self to the public in any way after the 4chan drama. Charms eluded to the fact she just doesn't have real friends and is kind of a loner among everyone, even other models. I think she's honestly kind of a bitch and that's why she's so sugary with her fake side, but I'd prefer to see that. She seems really hollow these days because her modeling life, who she was in Japan, and everything she's built up to is basically over now.
>How?I wish she'd have just done a Youtube channel and tried to make fans in the West while she was in Japan. Not shitty hair tutorials, but really talking about her life and revealing herself. I never thought about it at the time, but I would've loved to have seen her vlog her whole life and modeling in Japan. Everyone was too busy criticizing her Photoshops, when in retrospect, she was very ahead of her time with filters and editing. We really should've been asking her to document her life over there, because she's one of the only weebs that ever "made it".
I think that ship has sailed, though. It's kind of funny Taylor R is her skinwalker, because she could've been like a significantly more interesting version of Tay. I even think most of her western followers would forgive her if she'd just talk like a normal person to us and finally explain her honestly very unique life, even though nothing unique happens anymore.
No. 558850
It's basic shit thats holding her back. I don't think she's a horrible person, just an selfish, stubborn and mentally ill. She needs guidence but she hates being told she's not perfect and anything is her fault. She's not this horrible irredeamable person but I feel she can get to that place.
If she wants to do sex work, she could do just that SEX WORK. NOT blog post, not make it a lifestyle. The reason why she has a thread is because she makes it a lifestyle. She has no friends and pushes her family away, so she blogs on her work twitter. If she was just to post pictures, people would get bored of nitpicking.
-Stop/cut back on drinking and smoking
- Improve, take advice, look at other girls, get better clothing, hair just very simple things.
If she quits sex work she's a blank slate. She can go home to her family, start over, log off and try to be normal. We know Shayna clings to whatever she enjoys at the moment. So it's very easy for her to find something normal to get obessed with and make it a personality.
Really the internet is her problem, i feel without it 80% of her life would be improved. She'd want to go out, make friends, she'd want to have an ACTUAL life.
Who cares if she gained a little weight? If she's not the baddest bitch in the world?
She needs to either move on or do better. She refuses to do either. What pisses people off the most about Shayna is unlike Luna, who had somewhat of a shitty upbringing, Shayna didn't. She has NO reason to be how she is. She has two parents who love her and can help her, most people don't.
She could improve as a sex worker and a person very easily, but she refuses to. For her it's either sex work or death.
her thread when it's not nitpicking is full of advice, the SAME simple advice. She never takes it. She's either going to get worst or better.
Sadly I see her hooking up with some horrible dude and going down a bad road.
No. 558851
>>558850I forgot to add that she is so lonely she is willing to post shit she KNOWS will keep her thread alive but because she has no one, she can't help it.
She needs attention so badly, she's willing to give people more ammo, rather then actually trying to solve a issue she's having.
That's crazy to me. Posting about her breakdowns, posting the same shit she's been called out for a million times, she can't help herself.
The best way to kill her thread is to not interact, to be better, to move on. If she cares about the thread and anon's are ruining her life, why not…try to solve the issue? People aren't going to stop, angry sex workers aren't going to stop.
She can solve this very simply. I'm someone who wants to see her do better, because she can.
No. 558859
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>Who do/did you want to see better themself
I just have a massive softspot for her. I was actually one of the kids who fell for her shoops (grew up sheltered, with little access to internet), so I should dislike her for making me feel jealous but thanks to her actually found lolcow lol
The way many treat her is unjust. Her being racist and homophobic happened when she was a literal child, far over a decade ago and people still bring it up. She looks normal now, does some low profile modeling work and maybe has a side job?, we don't really know much about her private life, and she only shoops minimally (which was probably extremely difficult for her, since she likely had big self esteem issues) yet people just can't stop nitpicking her. She lost weight around 1 or even 2 years ago and they still can't stop calling her fat.
I feel like many always were extremely harsh on her due to jealousy (because let's face it, being a moderu in Nippon is the average weeb farmer's dream) and looking back at her earliest threads, she was actually really cute? Yet people ripped her appearance apart (e.g. how is this pic a diss?). She sometimes got flack for what she said or did on japanese and korean tv shows but those are weird af in general, how could a foreigner know what exactly they want from her? Meanwhile other cows or snowflakes always get the benefit of the doubt. For example, I had a weird feeling about Venus for a long time already but people just keep on whiteknighting her, even now, when she's sunk a lot lower than Kota ever did. Same for Taylor, her copying Kota at a much older age was so embarrassing, plus she's married to her pedo/escort website sugar daddy, but the majority somehow still seems to like her? Considering her childhood was also weird or even fucked up, later she moved across the globe at a very young age and had to fend for herself in a shady industry, she's doing pretty okay now. There's no milk, she doesn't warrant a thread anymore, if it wasn't for the nostalgia, she would be a banned topic already.
No idea. I hope she can stay in Japan without having to fuck/marry a gross dude? Because despite her visiting them once per year there's obviously nothing waiting for her back in Florida besides her craycray family.
There are many other cows whom I don't follow because they're so fucked up that I wouldn't be entertained by them (like druggies), so of course I also want them to turn their life around.
I also hope that Greg's wife, whatever she calls herself now, escapes with the kids.
No. 559054
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When I discovered her, I was fully in my weeb fashion phase and I thought she was unbelievably cute, loved everything about her. It was the time when all those og j-fash girls were inspiring me so much, it felt personal yet worked-on, I have a nostalgia of these moments on yt when I just searched endlessly for weeb content.
I'll admit that when we saw her face on noppin TV, I laughed at her too but in retrospect it was only because it was reassuring my teenage self esteem that even she couldn't really be how perfect she appeared on her videos.
I secretly rooted for her when she had that Candy Doll gig and then Popteen, she was looking cute on camera and photos (albeit still very edited). Thought as she would better herself, away from the stupid shit she spouted online, but she didn't. I still look at her thread and accounts because I still believe in that redemption arc where she opens up and do actual things to help herself.
>How ?
Bring back your yt channel Koots, please. Do kawaii or trendy shit or both, vlog (and talk during it), open up and do storytimes on your weird life, etc. I still like the essence of her, pretty girl that posts weird stuff like vomit pictures, she had something going on, a personality. Sure Taylor is rich and can provide content, but her personality is so bland, she couldn't replace Kota with that. Please come back.
No. 559327
>>558859Uh, lots of Kota lovers in the thread.. I'm curious, is she who brought you to lolcow in the first place?
…OR are the Ostrengas back at it posting in our threads? I kid, I kid, pls don't red text me hi cowing. Always get a bit suspicious in any Kota (or Kiki!) related discussions, god knows why! /s
>>559054 No. 559646
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>Who do/did you want to see better themself
I felt utterly disgusted by her depressing life when I first started reading her threads last year, ngl. But recently a switch flipped and I'm starting to find her genuinely hilarious, like actually ha-ha funny. She's an unhealthy mess and a terrible pet owner/girlfriend but I think her, uh, business persona has potential.
I agree with the other anons that she could easily shut up on Twitter and stop stuffing her face, but I'm starting to think maybe she should actually go in the other direction. She's never gonna get messy-glamorous right, but she could go for some kind of raunchy comedy instead of whatever she's doing now. I think she'd be great at doing parodies of pornos and sex ed videos with the OTT dumb airhead persona and nonsensical props. It would allow her to mix in some SFW content, maybe then she wouldn't have to revolve her whole life around buttplugs. I also genuinely enjoy laughing at the massive blocks of ridiculous text she writes for her video descriptions and I think she should keep doing those. I'd buy a book of them.
She seriously needs to keep her ignorant mouth shut about anything political or topical though. She'd have to do some serious damage control to rise from the ashes with the same stage name, but it's doable.
No. 559681
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TND: she's had problems with her family as a kid and had to deal with her heroin junkie ex who ruined her. If she never met Johnny she'd still be as young and pretty as she was just a couple years ago. I think if she rehomed many of her animals, went to addiction counseling and made friends with other YouTubers/social media girls she'd be able to grow up and be her own person finally