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No. 558996
Counterpart to this thread:
>>>/ot/293131Post any character from any media source that you would deem as lolcow worthy or milky
Vendetta rules still apply, don't post a character just because you hate it, post it because they would for sure be cringy and entertaining
No. 559002
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sketch from skins gen 1
>loner, no friends because she's creepy
>obsessed with a gay guy, records him from a window
>binds her chest to appeal to this gay guy (maxxie)
>claims a teacher groped her because he wouldn't give her the part in a play that would let her kiss maxxie
>breaks into his home,steals his underwear, masturbates on his bed
>ties her disabled mother to the bed after she finds out sketch was lying to her about maxxie being her boyfriend and keeps her there to prevent her from telling anyone she's been stalking him
>takes pictures of maxxie dancing in the apartment complex from the window with a flash camera
>becomes an understudy for the girl who would play the role of maxxie's lover, gives her emetics before the play so she has to stand in
>maxxie figures out what she's doing. she tells him she loves him, he says he's gay, she makes him touch her bound chest and tells him she's "as close to a guy as he can get"
>kisses maxxie. maxxie is disgusted and knows what she's doing, leans in and tells her he felt nothing and she slaps him on stage
>goes to maxxie's best friend anwar's house, paints herself as the victim, says she loved him all along just to stay close to maxxie
>openly sexual with anwar to try and make maxxie jealous
>eventually anwar leaves for london where maxxie is going to follow his stage dreams after realising how creepy she is (despite losing his virginity to her) and she is left alone
No. 559016
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This faggot
No. 559018
>>559002She would totally be a fakeboi if she was written for the current year, but she's kind of secretive so I don't know if she'd have the social media presence to become a real cow.
I bet Katie Fitch would have both the cow tendencies and be all over social media, attention seeking, starting drama with other girls and bragging about herself and her boyfriends. Would probably get cancelled for old homophobic posts.
No. 559022
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>>559002Cassie is BPD sadcow
>~not pro-ana~ no desire to get better whatsoever>romanticizes mental illness, QUIRKY EXTRAORDINAIRE >has trauma tumblr, is probably a nymphet ddlgfag>blog full of shit poetry, text posts of how high and hungry she is at all times, how hard and abusive therapy is>attempts suicide every time a boy ignores her>uses sex to spite said boy, manipulative self-harming until he begs for forgiveness>fellow sadgorls come wk her on lolcow often No. 559027
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Nadeko from the Monogatari series (the Renai Circulation girl)
Literal snake
Obsessive over someone else's boyfriend
She is hated by other characters in canon
Pretends to be cute but she's a bitch
No. 559029
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He's weird, creepy, obsessive and a literal manchild
No. 559031
>>559025Max Galactica from Ace Attorney.
Self centred psuedo celebcow in love with a teenage girl.
No. 559033
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Keeping up with the Lannisters
No. 559035
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But she'd be stuck in /snow/ forever despite committing actual felonies because her threads would be full of radfem/fds derailing and tall anons sperging out whenever anyone criticizes her looks
No. 559048
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I didn't even necessarily dislike her but. The shoe fits.
No. 559049
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i can perfectly imagine his thread written like
>16 year old abuser, bully, shit friend
>mentally ill, has anger issues and a god complex
>takes his anger out on his friends
>gets in fights daily
>despite all of that, he still has a huge following and fanbase
No. 559050
>>559049He doesn't do anything embarrassing, though. Cows aren't
just bad people, they also have to be eccentric and weird in some way. That usually requires some level of oversharing or sexual perversion.
No. 559055
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This one might be too obvious.
No. 559065
>>559039Effy would be a cow. I can see her posting things when she's drunk but would keep it down otherwise. Lolcow would find out about her because people would call her out on her shit online, anonymously or publicly.
Katie is the most
valid candidate to be a lolcow out of the entire cast due to attention whoring and dating low level celebrities like that one football player.
Cook too, because I can't see him keeping anything about his life private and posting most of his nasty thoughts online.
No. 559086
Literally the entire cast of Riverdale are cows
>>559049Sooo just a regular 16 year old chad?
No. 559090
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My vote for a Celebricow
No. 559095
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Guilty pleasure because I love them but both of these sociopaths from Don't Trust the B in Apt 23
They'd squirt milk all over social media
No. 559101
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Gross, rude, selfish, melodramatic, causes conflict, doesn't take anything seriously, literally a hoarder, etc.
No. 559140
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>>559101>little homeworld is built>it's the hot new thing for a good while>eventually a /snow/ thread arises about gem-chasers>men/women who exclusively want to date gems and have a legit obsession with them>an /ot/ thread making fun of gems attempting to integrate into the internet>obligatory thread for lesbian and bi women to salivate over hot gems>people digging into gem social medias and websites in there too>cows arise from pretending to be honest to god gems>gem lolcow posters?I could see it. I wonder how well they would integrate, and if any diamond would browse here.
No. 559141
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>>559140>>559101remember the woman who literally skinwalked amethyst
No. 559153
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>her character had a popular trauma/pro-ana/depression blog in canon
>stalker follower of her tumblr kills herself
>in and out of inpatient facilities for years
>tons of family drama, would probably have a messy finsta too
>no doubt she'd be thinspo queen
No. 559197
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No. 559213
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I love him but we all know it's true.
No. 559286
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I've seen her mentioned a couple of times but I figure her journey into cowhood would go like this:
>Mainly on Tumblr or spam/e-girl IG – the sadbbydoll/twauma aesthetic parts, kinda Luna and Ginger-esque. Trainwreck that romanticizes and exaggerates it.
>Michelle posts her in personal lolcows after Tony's accident, claims her bf's weird junkie sister with the double life is obsessed with Tony.
>Pandora originally whiteknights Effy but briefly turns against her after the Cook drama, becomes a vendetta farmer.
>Spam IG drama with her and Katie fighting over Freddie and @/vagueing each other.
>Emily posts about the hitting-Katie-with-a-rock-and-running-away-with-Cook shit.
>Effy's abandoned her socials for weeks, suddenly posts photos with Freddie.
>Eventually starts oversharing about her shit mental state, delusions, splitting on Freddie, etc. Probably crytypes.
>Pandora posts about Effy's hospitalization, farmers have a ball armchair diagnosing her.
>Effy's released, shares IG therapist's posts to her public account's story; whines about her meds not working and paranoia on her finsta.
>Briefly posts about kissing Cook and being confused about where she stands with both him and Freddie, guilt over having torn them apart, typical bawww cow behavior.
>Freddie dies and she loses it for a bit, is hospitalized again, neglects her social medias/disappears.
>Years later she's posted in the Where Are They Now? thread after going to prison.
No. 559300
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I actually kinda like Mutsuki, but is the first character that comes to my mind for a sadcow/lolcow.
>Gets mentionated in the fakeboy thread a few times
>She doesn't seemed that bad but is awkward
>Many anons have sympathy for her because victim
>Other anons make fun of her
>More milk comes in as the time goes on
>Rapes a corpse
>Huge simping towards other guy.
>She gets a thread on /snow/
>A few other investigators begin to post as a vendetta
>Cowtipping by calling her a simp at the CCG
No. 559305
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I already talked about them in the other threads but since that's actually a huge plot point I feel like mentioning them again. You all need to read Fujoshi Rumi. Asai, the main character, actually gets posted on an imageboard by Momose and then her blog gets spammed with anon hate because:
>she's a fujoshi who doesn't know how to behave in public, squees really hard whenever she fantasizes about BL and draws her OTP during tests instead of actually studying>she ships real guys from her class together and bother them endlessly about it even if one of them is actually her love interest/bf>makes a fool of herself online>occasionally fantasizes about being a kawaii fragile uke uwu who sweep hot seme off their feet, would have been an actual fakeboi if the manga was released in the mid-2010s>she draws BL doujins and sell them during cons and gets very close to a very famous circle of artists thanks to random connections, thus she makes many people jealous, which would get her at least posted in the artcow threads from time to timeMatsui would also be a cow but she's too self-aware to actually provide milk. Momose is a self-hating fujoshi so she observes and shit talks artists in her fandoms on imageboards while pretending to be a total normie in her daily life.
>>559016>literally the most hetero character in the games>faggotBut yeah he's cringe-worthy, but then again almost everyone in 2-3 was except
the culprit.
No. 559516
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Obligatory bpdfag. Her and Lisa remind me of Nika and Jaelle. They would be cows together
No. 559577
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I think he and his way chunni antics would give him cow status
No. 559611
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the show could never make up it's mind about whether she was legitimately famous or just known for her connection to her sister so I can't decide if she'd be a celebricow or a /snow/ cow. her death would cement her as a cow legend.
>When her sister Kamilah was being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2016, Tahani sneaked into the party as a server. After confronting her sister and being told that she was not thought about often, she toppled a statue of her sister, causing it to tip over and fall on her.
No. 559621
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>>559213i hate how i agree to this
also i think kirito belongs here
No. 559630
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Both Dennis and Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny tbh. Dennis gets a thread for his incel sperging and then constantly comes here to defend himself, which results in more sperging. Dee gets a thread for the cringy shit that she does, like her highlight reel and trying to pass herself as a classy sexy woman when she's clearly not. Mac, Charlie, and Frank are cows too but I don't see them ever venturing into our territory.
>>559055If he was older and female, then yes.
No. 560735
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Franky from skins because:
Basically gets her friend killed in a car crash because she acted like a retard and was thirsting over a drug dealer
Attempts to fuck her friends boyfriend while high on coke
Starts a relationship with the Dealer that got her friend killed
Gets in random street fights with the Dealer
Fucks her boyfriends brother
Tries to get her heavily pregnant friend to run away bc of the fact she was adopted and she doesn't want that to happen to her friends baby.
She was a toxic person and a shit character
No. 561025
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I could see Veronica being a farmer turned lolcow. Starting a thread on Pull about Trixie, maybe, and self posting about herself on the farms.
No. 561039
>>560735ugh I could not STAND this character. Being a foster kid really fucks you up, so her erratic/
toxic behavior was understandable, but I think fans of the show would have had an easier time adjusting to her if they'd made her like that from the start. Instead, she goes from being this artsy, introverted androgynous girl to raging BPD-esque fag almost over night. I also really hated the fact that she suddenly had multiple guys pining for her in season 2 when it didn't really make sense for them to do so. I guess maybe the idea was that her really disordered behavior was just brimming under the surface and didn't become apparent until she was in a relationship with matty? idk, i'm rambling, but I hated this character and what the writers did to her. i wish there had been more of an coherent explanation as to why her personality suddenly shifted.
No. 561882
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I feel like she could be a farmer and a cow
No. 568136
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Franky would be a trooned out fakeboi bpd cow
Mini would be a cow
No. 568142
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Franky from Better Things would also be a fakeboy cow.
The characters on Better Things make me fucking furious.
Was Louis C.K the one with awareness? Is this why the shows has gone to shit after he's been cancelled?
Every character besides pathetic Mary sue mom is basically a monster without any redeeming quality or awareness (and it's like noone even acknowledge that is batshit behavior even for teenager).
No. 568145
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>>568143Yes, Pamela Adlon is the other writer of the show. It has honestly made look down on her. The show now feels like an insert fanfic.
It's obvious it was C.K that balanced the show and wrote the funier bits. He's a certified fucking creep and I have mixed feelings about him coming back but at least, he writes some funny comedy.
No. 568242
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she was the hogwarts equivalent of a weaboo. If she grew up in the muggle world she would have been one of those kid who wore naruto headbands to school.
No. 571692
>>568242I disagree. Luna is a weirdo but she was a pretty nice person and her eccentricities weren’t really cow behavior.
Bellatrix would definitely get a thread for being a Death Eater pickme though.
No. 571746
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>>wah wah, got myself raped by putting myself knowingly in a very dangerous situation but IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT No. 572096
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almost all of the eltingville club
No. 572147
>>571746>men are dangerous and should be constantly suspectedKek I agree but still not her fault.
She was a whiny spineless cow about everything else tho.
No. 572278
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Obnoxious attention whore, narc, entitled, delusional about her level of talent, treats everyone like shit.
No. 572280
>>572147It's absolutely your fault if you get in the jaccuzzi in your underwears with someone you know is a fucking rapist.
I hate that it's what we're saying to teens now : "nah, absolutely nothing you can do, do dumb shit and then we'll tell you it's not your fault".
NO, PROTECT YOURSELF, you can absolutely contribute to your own safety, ffs.
No. 572292
>>572280>he can’t help that he was raping people! It’s her fault for being around him, he can’t help himselfAnon, people should use common sense to avoid getting assaulted. I do agree with that. But instead of
victim blaming, maybe you should blame the, gee I don’t know, THE RAPIST.
No. 572312
>>572051A few woke women decided to prove twitter is reality by wandering around shithole countries and got gang raped and murdered.
It's not very woke or lit to call places shithole countries but 98% of women have had their genitals cut in Somalia.
No. 572384
>>572296How about blaming men who rape in the first place? Instead of the
No. 572396
>>572280Nah you're being a dumb bitch and you want to kick other women when they're down instead of holding criminals fully accountable for their actions.
Sorry to say but retards like you don't learn until this horrible stuff happens to you, and then your cope of "But it won't happen to me cause I didn't do _____!" crashes and burns to the ground. It's like saying you deserve to be mugged for walking alone and carrying cash, like gee, how unsmart of you for existing!
It's so weird when people stan for criminal behaviors.
No. 572401
>>572384Ntayrt but the reason why anon criticizes the women
victims is because they're easier targets. Women might actually internalize this horseshit and psychoanalyze every little time they looked at a man funny while truly believing they did something to deserve rape. Vulnerable women silently accepting undue blame while men get a slap on the wrist and a wink in the eye.
Compare that to confronting angry, violent men who might clap back verbally or physically if anon dare attempt to criticize their behavior and say they're responsible. Society favors men and doesn't want to ruin their lives with consequences for their deplorable behavior, there are dire social consequences for women who speak against male behavior.
tl;dr anon is a coward who is coping
No. 572558
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This infantilized coombrain character that scrotes/TIMs worship/attempt to skinwalk. Every bad aspect of a cow (lazy, extremely narcissistic, whiny, bratty, panders to typical male weeb fantasies) and nothing redeeming apart from 'oh she sucks at lying and is honest by virtue'(???). She reminds me of most cosplayer cows.
The show/story itself is utter garbage too, but then again so is pretty much all anime in modern misogynist gatekeep coomer-pander culture. I don't watch a whole lot but I definitely can't recall any good female representations in recent anime.
No. 572729
>>572558this whole show is such a cow I hate watch it.
the fact that made a useless panty sniffing NEET into unironic gender equality meme is a cancer so evolved I get homicidal rage every time i see it
Megumin went from generic loli bait to them making whole ass movie about Kazuma attempting to rape her and she likes him anyway
Darkness and Yunyun arguably interesting characters are reduced to throw away repetitive jokes
No. 572736
>>572280in your underwears
>>572716 >underwearsUnderwear. Even if you were talking about multiple pairs of underwear the plural is still underwear.
No. 730652
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this bitch