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No. 562250
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>>562245>Please don't discuss politics.Anon, I…
No. 562268
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anonymous leaked the accounts info of the Minneapolis police department No. 562269
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No. 562270
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No. 562271
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No. 562272
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No. 562289
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anonymous is being cancelled kek
No. 562298
>>562291>trans rights are importantthey're not even a
TERF lmao. and this is the proof that libs think trans people > everybody else. even when an innocent black man is killed, trans issues are considered more important.
No. 562310
[ignore the bait above me]
>>562284Keep posting vids like that, I love em
No. 562357
>>562350If you're talking about the alleged twansphobia tweets, then I have no idea and I don't even know how they came up with the idea to search trans/terf/whatever on that anonymous account like? I don't get it.
If it's the videos/documents that anonymous published, then I think they decided to drop the bomb now while the entire protest etc. is happening so people pay more attention to it and know how "corrupt our government really is".
No. 562372
>>562368I think anonymous is a term that can be used by any hacktivist, it's not an actual organization but I might be wrong.
No. 562373
>>562370Thank you anon keep trying to document and stay fucking safe.
Fuck cops dude I’m sick to my stomach, I can’t even begin to describe how sick I feel inside. America is not free. The police are brutalizing anyone and everyone they are trying to scare and beat us into submission
No. 562387
>>562384You can thank the cops for beating the shit out of peaceful protesters that caused angry reactions in crowds which in turn turned into riots. Cops have started the violence against people peacefully protesting in all large cities INCITING the violence to occur. Every city where the cops took off military gear and walked with their people did not experience riots.
You can thank the cops for the riots.
No. 562391
>>562357I'm talking about the accounts and passwords, why are they being leaked? Did these ppl do anything in particular?
No. 562399
>>562390Flint, Michigan
Tacoma, Washington
No. 562412
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>>562387Looks like everyone is losing patience with the looting
No. 562413
>>562384last month pro-coronavirus people were protesting here with literal rocket launchers and the police did not give a fuck. they closed off all of downtown and let them walk wherever they wanted to. think it's a coincidence they were 95% white?
Protestors have not been violent at ALL tonight as I have witnessed and recorded and cops keep throwing tear gas canisters at them, kicking and pushing them. The news is saying the protestors have turned this into violence and they have NOT. The proud boys and cops are only ones inciting violence and proud boys are vandalizing gay/black/jewish owned businesses. They won't even close off the roads for them and cars are almost running them over
I am sending all of my footage to local news orgs
No. 562416
>>562413I live in one of the cities, the people coming in are agitators literally bussed in, along with white supremacists and antifa trying to duke it out. The local media isn't helping unfortunately.
All day protests have been normal.
No. 562418
>>562416Yes The people from here are protesting peacefully and the proud boys are coming in from out of town and inciting violence. It's done intentionally to discredit the legitimate protestors
>>562416Im making a new twitter account without my name and then posting I dont want the cops to come after me
No. 562432
>>562425Are you kidding me? How the fuck could you tell those were proud boys? If anything they looked black to me.
What the fuck is with all the people saying that most or even all of the looters are white supremacists?
No. 562437
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>>562425>>562432this is in raleigh NC note the tattoo that says PROUD BOY and white power hand sign. If that does not convince you that proud boys are there. Cody Gall is here tonight as well stirring up shit
There is also a video of white kids bashing in a window in downtown raleigh.
No. 562440
>>562428I don't know if that's true at all. I heard that a firestation was burned down today, we barricaded my work too since it's a Hotspot. No protesting but people were drinking and sparking up the street. Cops told us to close early. No fires or major damage here but it's OC.
I forgot to state the firestation that was burned was in LA.
No. 562446
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This shit needs Curb Your Enthusiasm music when it pans over the cops.
No. 562461
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Accurate, there's people on Twitter tinfoiling about cars being set up for them to burn as bait, while they have excused any damages as rightful anger. So which is it? I don't see anyone actually fact checking things either and people are spreading so many rumors 24/7. I hate twitter.
I'm going to see if I can go to a protest tomorrow but the lack of leadership just makes me feel like nothing is going to change. Cops are just going to escalate and don't give a fuck about running people over.
No. 562466
>>562434There's no obvious evidence the rioters are proud boys. please show me
>>562437Maybe there are Proud Boys in NC but the video
>>562425 is of people in Rochester No. 562467
>>562289based anonymous-sama
trannies love comparing themselves to black people but "terf" on twitter is more important than actual hate crimes in the streets
No. 562480
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>>562466Yeah I'm sure the proud boys are ONLY in north carolina. They're all over, just not all of them have a literal tattoo declaring themselves as such.
Theyre in portland, im sure other places too i'm not going to research it for you
No. 562484
>>562482some type of flmmable
toxic liquid.
The road was closed for a few hours to allow the peaceful protestors to be there.
…Then police came and maced the people that went after the truck driver after he stopped.
No. 562499
Live news helicopter coverage in Louisville sure to mute the sound so your ears don't explode
will post more live coverage in other cities shortly
No. 562546
>>562539How do cops "accidentally" abandon a van full of rifles??
This shit is fucking sus and they might be banking on agitators taking it so they have cause to go ham on EVERYONE
No. 562550
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>>562546Because they have poor training and are fucking idiots who could never get any other job that requires their brain to function at above 5%
No. 562555
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A lot of those protests from what I’ve seen aside from the violence kinda looked like people were more happy to be out of the house rather than to truly fight for a cause.
I saw people promoting music at the protest hanging out until someone was actually shot.
No. 562576
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Why do all the people saying this shit look like that
No. 562577
>>562567They don't treat them the same way as blacks but they still get attacked by officers.
Remember that this is not only about race, it's about the corrupt system in place that is not only trying to put people against each other but also to protect the interest of big coglomerates and politicans.
Race is a glarring problem but people need to realize that when you protest you are protesting for your well being as well as minorities. White Americans die at the hands of the police all the time. Why do they not speak of the injustice? The difference is that many of them think that "it won't happen to me" or "that person whas a redneck/white trash" or some of them tolerate it becuase they believe they can cope because "at least blacks/minorites" have it worse.
Wake up America
No. 562580
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>>562579Correct, and history shows that it worked before. Maybe we need to try it again and keep going. People have nothing to lose.
No. 562581
Also hasan's tream is good content material atm with live coverage on twitter if you all are bored. No. 562585
>>562580Yeah but people need to stop defending looting and rioting under the guise of protesting, and it's not just blacks or whites, anyone is capable of looting. Excusing this behavior is only going to add fuel to the fire, and this is something bigger than just George Floyd's murder.
I'm going to go to a protest with a friend tomorrow. I'll bring my recorder but I don't want to upload on twitter or normie sites.
No. 562606
>>562601just checked his twitter and the tweet is taken out of context's making fun of ppl whining about lootings
don't desecrate the poor dude's name
No. 562621
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No. 562622
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>>562617They tried to silence him because he spoke the truth.
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i was watching livestreams of the peaceful protests and it's crazy how eager police are being to pepper spray peaceful protesters. not rioter, looters, or agitators. peaceful protesters. some states are going into martial law in their big cities
No. 562635
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>>562425What's insidious to me is that these same people (or their supporters) will go to 4chan, Twitter, FB, etc and screech "These THUGS are destroying their own communities! What about the small businesses?!".
They know what they're doing, and I can only hope they get swift punishment.
Also, it's probably already been posted, but it's been shown that at least one cop was starting fires and looting to frame protestors.>>562604Kek
No. 562641
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>>562633dude looks retarded
No. 562643
>>562639His ex-wife exposed him, and the eyes, browbone and what little you can see of the facial structure are pretty damningly similar. Not all or even most white men look like that, IMO.
I'll wait for the counterevidence for him being antifa or some other hired person before putting that theory on the same level.
No. 562648
>>562647Where is your proof? Can you identify the man in the video for us, or offer an alibi for the cop?
Do you have anything to indicate this is faked at all, or just "what ifs" and "It was on Twitter, don't believe it"? Can you at least show proof that the text messages were faked? Anything at all?
No. 562650
>>562648Did you see the original twitter post? The caps looked really suspicious. You can't even see his hairline or nose, you can't give a positive ID on someone based on their eyes alone. The burden of proof is on the OP, it isn't up to me to prove it isn't not faked lol
Can you even prove that his ex wife did actually out him, with proof?
No. 562653
>>562650So, no proof, just that you personally can't tell and don't think they look alike? You're actually less credible than the Twitter post at this point. At least it shows the two faces side by side for comparison (and yeah, they're similar), and gives reason to believe using text messages (which you still haven't given any criteria for being falsified, though text messages and DMs are the easiest thing to expose as fake these days).
It wouldn't even be the first time police officers have false-flagged, framed people or acted as provokers, but I digress.
I'm not telling you anything and didn't reply to you, I'm simply sharing what I've read/seen, so the burden is on you as someone who wants to call it out. Do so with ample backiing, or just let it be until we have the full story.
No. 562665
>>562659Still waiting for some actual counterevidence, anon. Without it, your claims are less credible than the OP's.
Hell, if it's a lie, at least we have the OP's name and face to ream him. He'll be remembered as a fake news peddler, and has something to lose. I can't really say the same for you, but I'll still wait for proof, if you have any. Otherwise, this is just your own speculation, and I don't know why you seem to want to convince me of it.
No. 562668
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>>562661Ntayrt, I don't want to dox myself by posting pictures, but I attended a women's march here in NC and a known proud boy leader brought anti-women signs and tried provoking people into fighting by joining the ranks. Most people ignored the bait, however some white looking dude came up to them and tried to tussle and swipe their signs. He scurried away after protest organizers tried to get him, the proud boy leader and his mate carried on amongst the crowd.
Looking back, was this a false flag attempt? Was the guy starting a random fight with the proud boys, after everyone successfully ignored them, actually a proud boy too but just posing as a marcher? Did they expect a snowball effect from one person initiating confrontation?
No one knew the guy and he left without a trace. Come to think, the altercation didn't get all too violent as one might expect. Regardless, I wouldn't put it above that hate group to pay someone to stir shit. They don't care about the dishonesty, they just believe whatever it takes to put the blacks and the females back in their place is for the greater good.
Not involved with any of the previous conversation btw. I was just passing through and reading about proud boys again made me want to state what I personally witnessed. I would not be surprised if they are heavily involved in the violence.
No. 562673
>>562668>Looking back, was this a false flag attempt? Was the guy starting a random fight with the proud boys, after everyone successfully ignored them, actually a proud boy too but just posing as a marcher? Did they expect a snowball effect from one person initiating confrontation? Most likely. That's their whole tactic. Make something happen so they can "retaliate". Despite their focus on being "strong" males fighting the good fight for "western values", playing
victim is their favorite thing to do. They also love violence, so I can definitely believe they're inserting themselves in what's going on right now wherever they can.
No. 562677
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No. 562681
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Allegedly, he wrote "Fallout Equestria". No words.
No. 562682
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are memes allowed
No. 562688
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May he and Anon rest in peace.
No. 562706
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The police officer who pepper sprayed a 6 year old girl, and refused to give his badge number, has been identified. He works for the Seattle Police Department.'t wait to hear from contrarians that the child was "threatening" him and she should've "stopped resisting arrest".
Before anyone starts insisting it's fake, never happened and that cops are innocent, here's the video, edited to hide the girl and her father's faces: No. 562710
>>562699I agree, I live in this country and it's so cringe.
But what's up with protests in Toronto, London, and Berlin? I saw they were looting shops in Toronto and fighting with police in London.
BLM is a issue we Americans have to answer for but why are foreign countries cargo culting us?
No. 562712
>>562336OP is honestly dumb lol
>>562706>police man in Seattle works for the Seattle police departmentGood info, anon lol
Anyways, I heard this family was just walking home from protesting when this happened, that's horrible.
One thing I noticed is a lot of people are trying to be divisive about the whole situation, at first they're chanting along with "no justice, no peace" but now they're backpedaling and trying to stress the fact someone who's been detained or attacked by law enforcement was
peacefully protesting. Law enforcement seriously doesn't care, if you're against them, that's all the ammo they need. I, personally, am all for the protests, rioting, and looting. Government property should be priority, but by all means go for businesses, many of them are insured and they are covered.
Also I'm not understanding why people are trying to point out how a lot of people out there protesting are white. This is still America, the percentage of white people in America is larger than other races. I don't care if your only bad interaction with law enforcement was them stopping a dinky little house party you attended. If that alone makes you feel like they have too much power, fight for what you think is right. It's us versus them and there's way more of us.
No. 562713
File: 1590995109492.png (Spoiler Image,1.71 MB, 898x1406, 7892s.png) for blood. Just…The amount of violence the police are using on children, women, elderly people and civilians in general has me questioning who are really the "thugs" here. Everyone is talking about small businesses being affected, but conveniently pretending they don't see this happening.
Here's an officer violently shoving down another young woman for not getting off the street fast enough:'s footage from her phone, corroborating that she didn't attack him:'s her, talking about the incident. She ended up in hospital:'s so many videos and testimonies of this kind of shit. "Protect and serve" who?
No. 562722
Cop grabs protestor's mask from his face to spray him getting dragged away and arrested while walking to his car after stating "no justice, no peace". Another cop shortly afterwards tells the person recording "you're next". police have no legal obligation to protect a citizen, their only job is to protect and serve the law, by whatever means they believe upholds it. Power hungry cops are having a blast right now and we allowed to be angry about this
No. 562735
>>562732The girl being shoved in that clip is biracial, though. I don't deny that this is basically a free-for-all for power-tripping cops, but police biases toward some races over others still remain in a lot of cases.
The main thing that solidified that for me is when a black CNN reporter got arrested on camera, while they left his white colleague alone. Both were polite, compliant and asked where they were supposed to go, but only one was handcuffed and told he was under arrest. No. 562747
>>562735I've seen videos of:
>old white man bowled over (and then they went over to pick him up again)>White female photographer permanently blinded by police fire>white male press thrown to the ground by police and gassed>that photo of a crying white girl who got shot>another white guy with blood pouring out of his eye who apparently was blinded by being shotThey definitely have a racial bias (kinda the whole point of the protest) but I think white people do strut off to protests genuinely believing they are special and will be spared. How about the video of police just mowing down protestors, don't think they bothered to check the races first. Or the video of them paintbombing people standing in their own porch, that was from a distance and the person you see for a second in the clip was light skinned or white iirc.
To be clear, I'm not trying to make a veiled point about muh no police brutality against poc, that's clearly the case, more that white people are dumbasses who believe their economic privilege also applies when attending a cop shoot-em-up.
t. white person
No. 562754
>>562751Twitter? You mean countless examples of police attacking innocent people? Of six year olds being pepper-sprayed, cops ripping people's masks off to attack them, bystanders getting shot?
But yeah, sure, it's those damn "rioters" and "looters" that are the problem. Boys in blue can do no wrong. I just want to ask, who right now is being protected? Who is being served? Because I don't think anyone can say right now that the cops are making them feel safe.
No. 562761
>>562759Can you at least describe what's going on in those links, or post screencaps? This is an imageboard. The first two are about buildings, so I guess on good word, you think buildings are more important than human lives.
The third one isn't a protestor, but the far-right brony who ran in on people with a sword, inciting violence.
Yeah, sorry, police officers attacking innocent, peaceful people just because kind of beats this on the scale of animalistic behavior.
No. 562767
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I know there are protests worldwide responding to this, but I wanted to ask what are the international/non-American anon's thoughts on what is currently going down in the U.S. ?
Picture is the White House, home of the United States president, today. It is being reporting that Trump has been taken to an underground bunker.
No. 562772
>>562767Britbong here. I think it's fair to say that if it was Obama in office he wouldn't be able to do much about the rioting in general right now but they wouldn't be literally trying to burn the Whitehouse down.
Trump is probably dying to act like Duterte but he can't. Like everyone always says, twitter isn't real life.
No. 562774
>>562767>Protests worldwideLiterally where? Nobody outside of America or maybe the UK gives a shit about this. The only protests I've seen in Europe this spring have been small nutjob groups protesting against 5G towers or something and they weren't rioting and looting. Everyone else is too busy worrying over 'rona messing up our economy even worse than it already was.
As an eastern eurofag outside of the Anglosphere I couldn't care less and this is the feeling a lot of people around me share, I just browse the thread to marvel at the stupidity. You constantly get riots like this and expect everyone around the world to have candlelight vigils for the poor dindus and antifa plants like we didn't have our own shit to take care of. Maybe during the ferguson protests we had some sympathy but when it happens literally all the time it gets old real fast, especially with self-centered Americans pressuring every other continent to ~share the message~ despite never giving a second thought to atrocities happening all over the world. These are just thieves ruining their own country because someone with an already existing criminal record was paying with a forged bill and got a heart attack while being manhandled by the police. Sorry Texan cops can't arrest people without killing them but it's none of our business, maybe if everyone wasn't carrying pocketfuls or guns on them they wouldn't be on the edge or filled with murderous intent.
No. 562778
>>562767Ausfag here. Everyone I know is sharing #BLM posts on Instagram and if you don't you're a stinky racist. Like we have our own problems to deal with; our police force isn't the best but they're not a military gang either, and it's kind of insulting to try and raise awareness for the racism that Indigenous Australians face and then to get drowned out by fuckwits yelling about something that doesn't even affect us.
I agree with
>>562774, none of you gave a shit about the bad things happening to the rest of us, but the U.S is so self-centred and self-important that it expects the whole world to stop and look.
But I gotta admit, it's been a long time coming. Your country is a joke, your leadership, your constitution, the American state of mind, all of it. It's all a joke and I think it needs a fresh start.
No. 562779
>>562767A lot of Brits outside of Twitter think the solidarity protests in London/other major cities are dumb. We have a racism problem, sure but it's nothing like the issue America has. I think that goes for a lot of countries that have held protests. It's a sad situation but it doesn't concern us in such a dramatic way.
Additionally, I think the protests should really be about police brutality in general.
No. 562783
>>562781These online protests don't really mean anything beyond supporting what American's are doing or making yourself look like a better person though.
My friends have also shared a lot of BLM stuff but the reality is, we aren't in America and all of this makes no difference to what is happening.
No. 562784
>>562767Christ anon you really had to bring them into the conversation. Obviously our country is shit but all you're going to get is 20 international anons parroting the same shit.
I really wish Americans didn't try to push our politics onto other countries because the resulting shit is all the same hot takes, whether that be the racebait anons or woke twitterfags. Let us burn in peace for fucks sake.
No. 562790
>>562786We're literally a South Park episode with Donald Trump huddling up in his bunker. I don't see this ending anytime soon like some other anons are talking about.
Someone's gotta take one for the team and just hit that nuke button.
No. 562791
>>562780The protests in Japan are very similar though, against the law enforcement.
There's definitely something broken in the system.
No. 562792
File: 1591005382266.png (1.9 MB, 2532x1440, Screenshot_20200601-035238~2.p…) note, but Infowar and BLM sides are arguing over which one of them torched this homeless man's belongings.
I'm 90% sure the mattress was an attempt to put out the fire (or am I a retard) at the same time the homeless man is yelling at the camera man, blaming him.
Any thoughts?
No. 562796
>>562791Stupid weeb.
Nuke the USA
No. 562799
>>562793With police response to the peaceful protesters, the different groups alt left and right groups duking it out, and actual awareness of Donald Trump's (and many others) allegations there's no way this is going to just suddenly disappear.
Donald Trump is the only Republican guaranteed to get votes. If it doesn't get worse over the summer it's going to be hell during the fall, especially when Trump gets elected again.
This is so much bigger than George Floyd at this point. Tinfoil but I don't know what else to think.
No. 562824
>>562819Yeah, premeditation didn't happen.
2nd degree means the intention to murder. As much as I hate the police and think they are wrong here, I don't thing that's the case either.
Manslaughter, (called 3rd degree murder in MN), is unintentional murder and that is true all day.
No. 562846
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Dallas Police created an application that allows video submissions to narc on protestors. App was downloaded by kpop stan Twitter and they flooded it with fancams. App is now down.
ngl this amused me. kpop stans sometimes do good. No. 562856
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As a Non-American, I love this. This is why I love America. You crazy motherfuckers truely believe in freedom and stand up for what you believe in. My country would never riot like this. We just take everything the police and government do to us. The police could round up 100 children and shoot them each in the head and no one would do anything. I'm not even exaggerating.
I hope you guys keep LOOTING EVERYTHING like Louis and nike. Take everything back. But please stop nearly beating other humans to death. That's really not good.
Also, kek at NIKE virtue signalling to black lives matter with this advert and they get looted and trashed. Thats what you get for shameless capitalism.
No. 562858
>>562840Right but that's your opinion. The law probably states something very specific that doesn't apply in the situation. It's shitty but that's the reality.
I'm also assuming this will be going to court so they can raise the charge if they find it appropriate?
No. 562862
>>562844The same thing happened to Aiyana Jones. 7 year old girl, shot in her own home, asleep on her couch. Posed no threat to anyone. No one rioted over her. It's depressing.
One of the things that baffled me about the early protests is that they focused on the cases where there was even room to debate whether it was the
victim's fault. There are many cases like Aiyana's, or Sandra Bland, the man who went out in public in cosplay with a plastic sword, and was shot multiple times in the back by police officers, or the man who was told to put his gun away by police, did so and then was shot for "grabbing his gun", but instead, all the attention went to cases like Mike Brown's.
The entire point of the protest was basically derailed because people tried to argue that it was Brown's fault for resisting arrest, pulled up his criminal record, etc. It was a shitshow, and made room for the "dindu nuffin" meme.
I'm glad they didn't make the same mistake in 2020, as George Floyd was definitely not fighting with the police or resisting arrest, but the fact that people seem to pick and choose who is the last straw (and that men's lives seem to be valued more than women and children's) is baffling to me.
No. 562875
>>562871Christ shut up, As if you idiots don't riot over fucking sports every year.
What the fuck are you talking about 99% of protestors when you're not even an American retard? Aren't you guys soooo tired of our politics? Stay out of shit you don't even understand.
No. 562879
>>562871ok bootlicker/boomer.
>>562874idk but when I saw videos of people looting and destroying one of the most expensive malls in America, it made me extremely happy.
No. 562883
>>562868While I don't agree with corona hoax because I have family friends who have died from it and family members who have gotten severly sick I genuinely don't think people give a fuck anymore if they die.
People are poor, millions of people out of jobs, our government gave billions of dollars in bailouts to corporations while the general population gets a one time payment of 1200, and our the state of our police and public relations is shit regardless of race, and sure unemployment exists if you can even get approved or your payments on time.
The fact that we didn't see this coming sooner is hilarious. This was the straw on the camel's back.
No. 562889
>>562880Do you just throw around buzz words for everyone who doesn't agree with you guys
nonny? I don't like seeing my community fucked and burned to the ground either but I go to these protests and the majority of these people are not these hedonistic animal people. Obviously there are some protestors who are pieces of shit but as far as I'm concerned that's not the majority.
No. 562891
>>562889Shit anon, I'm sorry I meant to reply to
>>562871 not you.
My bad.
No. 562898
>>562887She's okay, her niece said that
she is in the hospital and is stable. It's a brutal video but rest easy in knowing she's alright.
No. 562906
>>562877>if you're going to make boards that affect ppl globally, ppl around the world are gonna talkTbh this. Also, I thought political stuff is forbidden on lc and now there's a thread about the things happening in solely one country?
When I saw news about this man's death/murder I was horrified. There wasn't that much reported about this in my country, so I also translated a bit for my family and they all couldn't comprehend how something like this could happen in the supposed "land of the free" in 2020.
At the beginning I supported their decision to protest, because all their efforts in the past were fruitless but when I saw a video of an Apple store getting looted and people running outside with several iphones in their arms… "Is the life of a man less important than huge corporations?!" No, but innocent people work there? Plus news about people getting beat up by protesters and "all white people are complicit in racism" shit makes it really hard for me to still feel for them. I'm usually extremely annoyed at kpop stans on twitter but them and other people not supporting blm because they aren't american are right: supposedly nobody is allowed to talk about anything else and if you don't voice your support 24/7 and donate you're "just as guilty"… You do realize that the world doesn't revolve around the US? There are extremely awful things happening every single day, party also because of the US's fault, but now everybody's life should basically stop because of shit concerning you?
There are some people in my country who also claim that we have exactly the same problems but that's just plain wrong. There's hardly a country with the history of slavery and white on black discrimination as the US, police brutality also isn't really a thing in all other 1st world countries and we don't have your fucked up gun laws either.
Protests are neccessary but your actions are way too head over heels (and violent), especially now while 100k+ Americans already died due corona. I know that most protesters seem to be pro communism, but you need tome kind of leader figure to organize all that and to get some sort of control and credibility. Those conspiracy theories about protesters being secretly undercover cops or right wingers need to stop as well. The vast majority of the protesters are either black or uber-woke fat female and lanky male whites, you have to acknowlege that there's some bad apples amongst you too.
The situation in your country will never change when your presidents continue to get elected based on who has the billions to finance election campaigns, leaders being so wealthy is a thing unique to monarchies, dictatorship or strangely also the US. Just as unique as writing "not all" being seen as bad instead of diplomatic. Of course american police officers are gonna act differently than e.g. in Europe, afterall every single person the confront could be secretly carrying a gun and poses a threat. I like the police, I often have to take trains at night and if there's officers patrolling the train station I stand close to them to feel safer, just imagine that Americans.
When I was a child I always dreamt of one day traveling to the USA but now no more, it really seems to be a massive shithole.
No. 562909
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No. 562920
>>562911Same. I laughed seeing that face pop up again.
Please don't let it become the next Braco, though.
No. 562924
>>562767All I know is that Trump is just stirring the pot with his inane tweets and someone needs to take his phone from him. The problems that are happening in your country are deeply-rooted and only reform from the ground up will fix them. I don't think it's possible, sadly. Segregation is still within living memory for some people. I also think it's insane that a country that has this many problems allows its citizens to be armed with lethal weapons.
>>562767He didn't deserve to die over a discrepancy regarding money. It's bad that he was a former criminal, but he served his time and seemed to be trying to better himself. He didn't deserve to die in that way over something like that, and if you think he did - your lack of empathy is horrifying.
No. 562954
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>>562935people didn't care back in 2012 when twitter changed their TOS because nobody apparently understood the implications of "okay, bots, I'm sorry I meant automated services, are okay to use now"
and now they cry about Russia while in the same breath defend the right of private corporations to do what they want with their platforms
No. 562955
>Live in Finland>mfw woke Antifa hippies are organizing a shitty fucking solidarity protest for muh BLM>mfw cops here have killed maybe 6 people over the past 30 years or so, all victims were armed and dangerous and it was the last resort>mfw cops here are always respectful and barely use violence, they can't even kick a door in unless it's an actual confirmed emergency threatening someone's life and there's nobody to let them in>mfw gatherings of over 50 people (tbh I seriously doubt more than 20 are going to show up though, kek) are still banned due to the Corona situation and the protest is supposed to be arranged in the red zone where most infections still occurThese bastards munching American ass deserve to be covid'd. Just enjoy this unbelievably peaceful and safe country that we built from ashes you retards, no need to clean up after Americans every time they fuck up.
>>562875>b-but football hooligans>Europe only consists of UKAmericunt thought process in the action over here
No. 562974
>>562960Actual Americans are laying low or rioting / protesting
Repost tagged the wrong anon
No. 562975
It’s been made into a race issue / police brutality so anything bad about him won’t be news
No. 562980
>>562975Lmfao it's like you
want the bad news to exist.
No. 562981
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>>562975>>562977not a conspiracy theory, its a fact that this happened
No. 562983
>>562970What’s YouTube have to do with this? I don’t have Twitter but this has spread to FB and IG too. The “If you’re not for us you’re against us” (if you’re silent you’re complicit) and it’s tiring everytime something happens like this.
It’s always black against white too, which furthers the divide between Americans; not to mention there’s more crime between other groups that hardly gets covered.
No. 562985
>>562969He was such a gentle giant who didn’t do a thing! in the USA are saints, really. I can’t wait for antifa euros to get shipped off to detroit and get raped by gentle giants like george floyd.
Enough with it.
No. 562988
>>562981>black womanNow, watch all the racists who don't actually care about black women pretend they do now to serve their agenda, lmao.
There's already one in this thread talking about Detroit.
No. 562989
>>562980No I want proof because the media is inherently biased when someone is killed (not that anyone deserves it, they need to be persecuted by law and court) and
>>562981 anon provided evidence
No. 562996
>>562856>My country would never riot like this. We just take everything the police and government do to us. The police could round up 100 children and shoot them each in the head and no one would do anything. I'm not even exaggerating. This implies your country has such a dangerous government people can't do absolutely nothing against it without losing their lives in terrible ways, if you're not exaggerating with the "shooting 100 children in the head" bit then the people on your country truly are helpless, all countries cope differently with this kind of situation, your country seems too oppressed to do anything about it, just because they're scared/disturbed because of all the shit that possibly happens on their country, doesn't mean they truly don't believe in freedom, they're
victims of a government that might kill them and leave a child without their parents, it's called a dictatorship.
No. 562999
>>562981>>562985According to those articles it was over 13 years ago he committed the crime, served his time and was trying to turn his life around.
He was arrested for trying to forge a $20 and then he died. I don’t know if he was under drug or alcohol influence but the whole story reads like he was improving himself until this occurred.
No. 563005
>>562999Exactly, but I guess redemption doesn't exist.
>Floyd had made changes to his lifestyle and a recent video has emerged of him pleading with younger generations to make good choices and to stop gun violence.
>He had been there himself years ago, first being arrested in his 20s for theft and then a later arrest for armed robbery before he turned his life around. That same "ahaha" anon who's posting edgy BS will be crying on camera and insisting they've changed if their dumb ass ever gets doxxed and their school/workplace called for being racist, lmao.
No. 563008
So he’s a 300 cm giant, a literal thug and people are upset the police made an accidental mistake and some of you leftists are making it a race thing when in fact accidents in law enforcements happen every single day.
>>563001Don’t give a shit about them because I like to mind my own business, but we all know americans are obnoxious snowflakes who want all the attention.
No. 563009
>>563002I just reported what I read. The article says his friends/co-workers didn’t believe he would do such a thing
However even if he did commit a crime he shouldn’t have been killed like this; and it wasn’t due to racism but someone being drunk on authority
No. 563010
>>563008>literal thugNo, that's still the police, who attack bystanders, 6 year old girls and arrest journalists for existing.
How many times have you "accidentally" kneeled on someone's neck for 9 minutes while they yelled that they couldn't breathe? Genuinely curious.
No. 563013
>>563011Who said I want anything? My post reads "if", but great job exhibiting your /pol/-derived paranoia.
Reading must not be your strong point, which is probably also how you ended up linking to an article that contradicts your "rapist thug" narrative.
I'm also not American, but you sure do sound like one with these crazy theories and diarrhea mouth.
No. 563014
>>563010I haven’t done so indeed because I’m not a cop who has to tame down criminals every single day. It’s a risky dangerous job and they don’t even get respected for it, I hate cops kinda. I like to stay away from trouble.
>>563012I should be doxxed for what exactly? Get some help freak.
No. 563018
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The amount of people in this thread saying they support the looting is sickening. I live in a major us city and it is fucking terrifying right now. It is not cool or fun to be living through this. The looters are not doing this for any sort of political reason. They are opportunists and they are burning down residential buildings and looting small businesses. They are trashing communities. If you think destroying the livelyhood of regular people will somehow help your cause, why don't you burn down your own house in "protest."
>inb4 brainwashed boomer
The police are fucking trash but so are these looters. Looting and torching communities is not going to help this cause.
No. 563023
>>563021No one's even posting actual news. It's all infighting, racebait and accusations.
You guys think you're better than twitterfags but here we are lol
No. 563024
>>563020>resisted police violentlyProof?
>"[t]he combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.""How does this prove the cop didn't kill him? It literally states that the restraint played a direct role in his death first thing.
Floyd was screaming he couldn't breathe, and the officer put his knee on his neck for not 1, not 5, but 9 full minutes. You can't pretend he didn't know what he was doing.
No. 563027
>>563020He had precious conditions and apparently drugs or alcohol that his lack of oxygen to his brain caused his death.
His rap sheet was apparently still ongoing, according to you, but you think any of these facts and information is going to change someone’s mind?
If you speak against the narrative you’ll be torn apart online or your own circle will turn against you. The current narrative was that it was racially driven and he didn’t deserve to die
No. 563030
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why are there so many whites at these protests? anyone else find that suspicious, shouldnt black people be mobilizing right now instead of white liberals?
nyc has majority white protesters, seattle looks majority white too, they also started burning things pretty quickly compared to other protests. is it all just white guilt or something else? has it been coopted by antifa cause thats what its starting to feel like.
No. 563031
>>563013> He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court recordedI can read fine, my hate for Americans and their woe is me whoring is normal.
> but great job exhibiting your /pol/-derived paranoia. And why do you even make up hypothetical scenarios? I am not /pol/ LOL. See that’s why I kept laughing.
>>563017I mean it’s a shit thread anyways
>>563021 I agree with this anon but admin said we should hide all threads we don’t like so
No. 563036
>>563030White antifas like to use black people as cannon fodder for their cause tbh.
Dox me/sue me idc.
No. 563038
>>563035Major cities are being affected but smaller cities haven’t seen any looting yet.
>>563036They’re activating their white guilt
No. 563040
>>563035We've seen a bit of looting/rioting in our major city but not at the same level as Washington and Minneapolis.
The community does a pretty good job cleaning everything up and helping each other out after the fact.
No. 563052
>>563049Maybe if I forge it you’ll buy it ahahaha.
Anyways, I still think American cops are much better than cops in say the third world. And why do you care if a bunch of rainbow haired freaks with dicks get raped? They probably want to if I have to judge their twitter timeline.
No. 563054
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>>563030This was posted in another thread, don't really know what to make of it.
No. 563055
>>563018Unpopular opinion but I actually feel a bit of compassion for the police. For every rogue cop who goes batshit on some poor fuck in the ghetto, there's another who probably genuinely wants to do some help in this cruel ass world but has their hands tied because of bureaucracy and general police culture.
They're out there sacrificing their lives for us while we're all sitting in the house shitposting on the internet, calling them names and yet they're being berated by these wannabe musty edgelords who think they're making such a "political statement" by sacking major cities and stealing from innocent shop owners. Also the National Guard who you could tell wanted to smack the shit out of the mouthy idiots who were spitting their corona juices in their faces outside the LA City Hall yesterday. No one gets paid enough to deal with that much abuse.
Like…why are y'all trying to burn down literal history in DC? It just doesn't make sense. It's embarrassing. Plus, now a lot of our enemies are having their moment getting their rocks off to the anarchy - that's what I am really concerned about because while we're setting trash cans on fire and jumping MAGA fags, someone could be plotting some real shit against us behind our backs and we wouldn't even know it.
No. 563068
>>563064 Thanks to you I actually checked /pol/.
Apparently he has porn too.
No. 563077
>>563074The entire world is under stress.
Those protests wouldn't explode so quickly if it wasn't for 10 weeks of mass lockdowns preceding it
No. 563080
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No. 563094
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What does police brutality look like in other countries, folks?
No. 563098
>>56309510/10 tbh
Fuck you for defending a man who assaulted a pregnant black woman though.
No. 563102
>>563099Answer: very different from America the spoilt first country who whines about a police brutality that’s on par with the other first world countries.
So why aren’t corporations and instagram thots caring about the favela kids that get shot by the police simply for existing?
No. 563104
>>563098He already paid his dues in prison for that retard. Unlike the cop who is roaming around with a history of killing 3 other people and most likely will still get away for it.
You couldn't even refute my point and just say "fuck you" kek. Too easy with these chuds. Fuck off with your fake concern. You idiots shit on black people, now you pretend to care for a pregnant black woman? When you all would've called her sheboon and welfare queen if you knew she existed? Fuck off with your troll concern faggot.
No. 563109
>>563103the daily mail, which tells you it's shit
they are workimg overtime to find SOME reason to validiate his death. When the black guy in his aparment died police and they found goddamn narcotics and polic gear in his room. When asked, they pretend they never said a thing. Really? When Breonna taylor and her boyfriend got shot at cops said the guy had a warrant, when he didn't. This shit is so played out.
No. 563110
>>563104This is funny because it’s obvious you’re a white faggot, maybe even a male. I can’t believe it how you used manipulation on me as if I didn’t get shocked what he did to the fucking PREGNANT woman. Hope your skateboard is used to crush your legs.
And nah, I never liked that cop that killed him, nice implication you dumbass retard. He won’t even make it alive. You’re so dumb.
No. 563112
>>563104Also samefag but I’m a different anon from the one you replied to.
>>563109A black feminist told me this actually, no lies. i really don’t waste my time reading this american stuff.
No. 563113
>>563110Yep kek, farmhands are laughing right now.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a white maletop fucking kek I didn't think of all the shit I said I get accused of being a white male.
Do white males post this?
>>563109>>563104>>563082>>563090>>563093>>563095You have nothing. Give up.
No. 563117
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Euro-cows, can you please explain this behavior to a befuddled Ameri-cow?
I'm genuinely curious why this thing is even spreading outside our broken country.
No. 563119
>>563114ahahah get fucked eurofags
t. non-american
>>563118as we all should. take care of ur mental health love
(time to calm down) No. 563124
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>>563114Jfc. I hope they won't start protests in the whole Europe.
No. 563141 night protest in Washington D.C. helicopter view between huntington beach two weeks ago protesting the beaches closing vs today at the black lives matter protest in the day. advocating “no quarter,” “whatever it takes,” and active duty military deployments against protestors. I've notice military and veterans hate cops, I always wonder why..
No. 563147
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Why do people post things like this and then act like they're justified when people start looting and burning. I've barely started to see people condemn it and discourage it but a few days ago all the woke retards were saying it's their right and now it's "it's a trap!". Lol
No. 563164
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No. 563183
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America was a mistake.
That being said, people protesting back in Europe are idiots. Especially during the pandemic. Here in Ireland I couldn't go to my grandmother's funeral last month but wokes can protest all they want gathering in huge groups.
The police here doesn't even carry guns.
No. 563196
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No. 563215 business owner in Louisville killed by police.
Where are all the fake concern faggots that cried about 'what about black owned / minority business owners?'
No. 563222
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>>563124Already happening. In Austria and Switzerland too.
Seeing that 99% of the protesters in those pictures and videos are white made me chuckle, they're the same type of people who constantly protest for refugees too, they just love showing how woke and non-racist they are lol
But at least it's all peaceful, the police is mainly there to make sure that everybody wears masks.
No. 563224
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>>563217't matter what you do, own a business, go to school, exist, give police free food. You are a target
No. 563241
>>563230Yeah so annoying, they always do, it's their only gotcha.
Going by that same logic, muricans shouldn't even be allowed to be around black people for what they did to them for literal centuries, yet instead they think they have the right to constantly judge all other countries.
And those protests are actually also about the problems in Germany, not just about the situation in the US.
No. 563265
>>563258Louisville, Kentucky officers. He was a owner of a BBQ restaurant that served free meal to cops.
All officers involved had their body cams off.
No. 563276
>>563231chicagonon here
is this the asshole that was down in hyde park just chilling in his militech cosplay? fuck him for getting off on this
watching black people loot their own economically depressed neighborhoods that will never recover/lose the mom and pop shops is beyond depressing but also kinda lulzy
No. 563277
>>563276fuck, sorry I forgot to sage
watching the snapchat map for chicago also shows people selling and showing off their hauls, so much alcohol and weaves and nikes
No. 563295
>>563278I heard the protest was rlly peaceful and only a few buildings saw property damage from looting as well
meanwhile the south/west sides and related burbs are imploding
No. 563301
>>563265>All officers involved had their body cams off.Is this legal? How is this allowed? Why turn them off if you don't have anything to hide?
Speaking of which, the body cam footage from the officers who killed George Floyd hasn't been released either.
No. 563307
>>563301It completely depends on the department. In the case for Louisville, it is in violation. The police chief has been fired over the body cam failures.
The two officers involved are on administrative leave and the two national guardsman have been pulled by the governor. Officers cannot be fired during investigations.
>>563285I should amend my previous statement.
In all honesty there is no clear story here. Police/National guard say they were fired upon and so occurred an exchange of fire. When Kentuckians sought clarification through body cams, it wasn't there. The only thing is security footage which does not give enough information about his death.
No. 563331
>>563307Govenor also stated they will both be independently investigated by the kentucky state police.
Also curfew is 9pm and people are fighting at my job to let us leave and go home. I feel really bad for those living closer downtown. Even in the surrounding area businesses have closed down up to Bardstown and Jeffersontown because of riak of rioters saying they will hit those shops. This is all heresay atm so we will see. But I need to go home because I don't want police stoping me and ask for papers or drag me out of my car.
No. 563346
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No. 563357
>>563353we know, bitch, we know
>>563355what the fuck are you talking about? if i catch another one of you being vague i'm getting up
No. 563365
>>563364That fucking sucks.
Anecdote from your local area does not statistical data make, however. Canada's primary victimized demographic is first nations, not black people.
No. 563375
In Seattle WA police left 2 loaded rifles in the back of cops cars, rioters looted the cars and shot rifles off into the police vehicles. This was caught on tape and witnessed by a news crew from Q13 Fox YouTube video is the Q13 crew’s security guard disarming the rioter like a badass
No. 563378
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No. 563382
>>563377Do you have any info that is new on that case? Looks like one that will never lead anywhere bc there's no evidence. Floyd is a legit case bc shit was on camera and undeniable. With Regis there is just
nothing there afaik. Open to seeing some new info that I missed out on while obsessing over the American BLM stuff though!
No. 563388
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chicago is having a race war between the latin neighborhood protecting their turf and the looting black people, a latino was just shot dead in a drive by from a car of black men
spoilered image of the body
meanwhile the protests are carrying on, getting very big on the northside (thousands strong) and peaceful
No. 563392
>>563388do you guys think this is gonna be la riots 2.0? tinfoil but i feel like the race war thing is unlikely to happen and is pushed by the authorities to take attention away from the real problem.
the situation is sickening and worrisome. the fact that people who just want to protest against racism are losing their eye sight and getting seriously injured is horrifying.
No. 563396
>>563392I don't think so, maybe a class warfare, there's so many white allies now that are praising the looting/destruction and fear that saying otherwise is racist
this pic I shared is just one neighborhood (latino) pitted against a neighborhood right next to it that is majority black
people who were already racist are just going to be more racist and then feel justified, and there's a lot less racist people now then there were then
No. 563403
>>563140They havent been just junkies and even if some have been when they are in police custody the police has to look after them if they cant take care of themselves you fucking retard the jail has cameras so that the police should monitor that people who cant take care of themselves are safe but keep eating that shit straight from policemen’s assholes you holier than thou retard you wanna act like american police are the only ones who make mistakes but even here police dont take care of the people in custody and have made illegal home searchers etc but ”muh Finland is the perfect country amurricans are so stupid!!!”
Hirtä itsesi vitun idiootti oikeesti vittu tapa ittes
No. 563406
>>563018Honestly not gonna be surprised when there is more racism caused by the looters and violent protesters.
But ya know men just gonna keep getting to be violent pos.
No. 563428
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Genuine question (seriously don't mean to offend): Why do people tell white people to take a part in this protest and movement, use their privilege for the riots, etc. and then get mad at them for doing the same thing they do aka vandalizing buildings and spraying a bunch of stuff on them? I thought they were meant to use their ~privilege~ in this movement, so why is it now an issue if they're vandalizing a bunch of buildings like the rest? I saw the video of two girls spraying BLM on a building for no reason and it did annoy me, but I thought that they're at least contributing something to the movement that's happening right now. Pic attached is a girl who killed a bunch of cops and people are actually saying they don't claim her, but I thought the point of this movement was basically "fuck cops" and that no one should feel any mercy for them, because they've killed a lot of innocent people and all that jazz.
(Got the pic from here:
No. 563432
>>563428The problem is, when looting and vandalism happens it's always going to disproportionally affect black people bc the whites will just temporarily get arrested at the most. For black people, the risk is obviously much worse.
If you are a white person at a protest like this, your
only job is to stay out of escalating stuff and put yourself between peaceful black people and the police. The police are far more hesitant to hurt white people. And if you don't wanna do that, just stay home and donate money.
No. 563439
>>563432>>563433That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for replying.
>>563434Your coworker sounds absolutely retarded and like he watched too many Hong Kong protest videos from Reddit and got the idea that it's all fun and entertaining.
No. 563523
>>563428I hope this bitch gets jail time. Throwing a fucking molotov at a cop car is not okay in any sense.
>>563473I've never heard of this happening, is this a British/German thing? Over here they usually set things (buildings, cars, etc) on fire and cause property damage and act alone, not under the guise of a protest. Sometimes they join leftist protests to pick fights with the police forces and cry about muh police brutality on social media after being taken to the slammer but mostly they just fuck shit up by themselves. IMO they should be classified as a terrorist organization, I'm amazed they aren't.
No. 563530
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I'm from the 3rd largest city in California and New Zealand just put us to shame. It's like they're more enthusiastic about this movement than we are
>>563521Based on what I see, BLM & Antifa have mutually opposing goals. BLM wants to see police reform/overhauls and are trying to spread the message peacefully. Antifa wants their revolution so that involves spray paint and broken glass.
Looters have the purest motives here - they just want new kicks and a free big screen tv.
No. 563548
File: 1591089481048.jpg (55.66 KB, 500x551, c09542bed0a045ebe54aece3de860b…)

>>563530Well tbf anon we have gone 11 days with no new cases of corona, were hilariously doing better than obscure zero population rocks like Iceland.
Still, this is incredibly cringe. I get Americans and maybe even some stupid Europeans obsession with going outside because its summer there now and the agoraphobia has set in, they all likely want an excuse to get outside but its winter now in the southern hemisphere and now magically because the rest of the western world is vacationing and eager to go outside Aus and NZ fags are pretending they want to vacation in winter.
The euroanons complaining about protests should be greatful we all live in decent countries that aren't the U.S. As embaressing the protests have been outside the states they're at least peaceful.
I don't know who the fuck this protest is directed towards, Ardern has done an excellent job with everything thrown at her this year especially and Labour will hopefully win the 2020 election again.
No. 563559
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>>563540Ameri-cows, please stay safe. Things are going downhill fast
(newfag) No. 563585
>>562906Shut up, you dumb bitch. oh no, what ever will apple do? i'm sure the employees were traumatized by the $200B+ company they work for getting looted! how awful! what people that got beat up by the protesters? the guy who ran at them with the sword or the one with the crossbow?
>Those conspiracy theories about protesters being secretly undercover cops or right wingers need to stop as well.Yeah, it's not like this is a well documented phenomenon. What's cointelpro? What's an agent provocateur? Never heard of them! Some dumb cunt on the internet thinks we should knock it off and stop asking questions about suspicious shit, so let's stop talking about it.
You're so confident in your stupidity. This whole comment is you not knowing what you're talking about but presuming to preach to others about our issues and how this movement should be organized.
No. 563589
They really love showing how woke they are when they can't even pretend to treat other whites with respect.
No. 563596
>>563559RIP Italia.
This happened in my city and it's unclear whether she was shot by a protester or someone who was part of a group of agitators/looters taking advantage of the protests Sunday night.
Here's a timeline of the major events that took place Sunday night if anyone cares. No. 563674
>>563585I love u.
>>563610Honestly almost seems like a sabotage thing. The black square spam is making it so live-feeds of protests are buried on social media. It's bad and people need to stop because protestors need access to social media updates to stay safe and informed.
No. 563692
>>563686I swear there are multiple people going through spamming comments on randos photos using the BLM tag telling them to use the
OTHER tag they have to help people find info. No actual person in danger is gonna turn to Instagram, they're gonna Google that shit or if they're smart they already have sources bookmarked. But, that's today's activism, telling people they're activisming wrong.
No. 563693
>>563686idek what you pegged me as, but you're stupid as shit.
Social media, especially Twitter, has been extremely helpful in carrying info to protestors. Throwing up black squares is nothing but derailment and virtue signaling bs. People need to see "color of the day" info, police movements, news, bridge closures etc. and the most accessible platform to do so through is Twitter rn. Black squares from thots and brands and gimmick accounts are irrelevant in this time.
No. 563698
Jesus, so many of you need to take several steps back, calm the fuck down… If you're so affected by this, then don't waste your energy by screeching at anonymous posters on the internet, go outside and protest instead.
>>563403Nta but look it up yourself: police violence is in fact a non-issue in most of Europe. The only countries who might reach over 10 killings by the police per year are France and Germany, the US has only 4 times as many inhabitants as the latter yet the amount of people killed is usually close to 1000. In Finland it's often zero and in Iceland only a single person has been shot since 1944!
The laws are so much stricter, many don't even carry guns and if they were to actually fire a shot (which happens very seldomly) then they immediately need to give away their gun for an investigation - even if they didn't hurt or kill a person. How could anybody compare this to the US? Protesters in Europe are treated way too nicely for all the dumb shit they spew and for how many unarmed police officers they harm because muh capitalism or some other immature shit. Everybody living in (non-eastern) Europe should be glad and grateful, they fail to realize how nice and cosy their lifes are in comparison to the rest of the world.
No. 563711
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So, this is a genuine question. I'm not trying to exaggerate the situation. How likely is it that this will turn into a race war of some sort? Esp after the president's announcement yesterday and the way white "protestors" have been walking around with guns and being let go
No. 563714
>>563388>>563392Nayrt but also a chicago anon, my tinfoil is the opposite–I feel like the cops are aggravating for a race war so they have an excuse to clear out minorities while lumping it in with the protest shit. Look at how the normal, usually unreported gang shit going on keeps getting painted by local media as "not sure if it's protest related uwu just sayin"
I also keep seeing videos of Kings waltzing right in front of police and Mexicans on social media eating it up with their dumbass "we're the good minority nooo don't shoot us, shoot them!" as if the cops are gonna walk up and ask their heritage before shooting…embarrassing.
t. mexican
No. 563720
File: 1591108700254.jpg (155.44 KB, 1080x1199, Screenshot_20200602-073818__01…)

>>563714Cops kill Hispanic Americans at high rates too
No. 563731
>>563723Doublepost but wow, what are the odds lmao.
>soon it's gonna be the cops breaking down their windows Exactly!? Like, what, do they think the cops are gonna be like "man you guys are alright, we owe you one"?? It'd be amazing if all the Chicago minorities woke up and started protecting each other from the real threats
>>563726And? If you paid attention in middle school history, your precious black on black violence is also a product of racial inequality. Try again
No. 563732
File: 1591110037773.jpg (448.97 KB, 1080x1756, Screenshot_20200603-004137__01…)

I found a comment on Reddit that describes the contents of a list of videos pertaining to the riots. They're all horrible, as expected. I'd embed them but a lot are from r/publicfreakout. So here's a picture of the comment and the links:
"A lot of violence going on in these riots is disgusting. and majority of reddit try to hide it."
* [Rioters beat white wife and husband hard for trying to stop protesters breaking their store](
Here's [another angle](
* [Rioters burn a home with children inside then blocks firefighters](
* [Rioters beating down white journalists for fun](
* [Rioters throwing bricks assaulting a fire truck with firefighters inside](
* [Rioters burns homeless mans possessions for fun laughing at him](
* [NSFW - Rioters kill employee of pawn shop](
* [Rioters attack and shoot fireworks at people eating in a restaurant](
* [NSFW - Guy has machete to protect stores, gets thrown rocks at, attacks, gets beaten and maybe killed](
* [Black man who invested life savings into bar crying](
* [Black man angry at rioters burning his business down](
* [Asian business owner with destroyed store laughed at](
* [Rioters shoot 4 police officers](
* [Rioters kill 1 police officer](
* [Rioters run over police officer with a car](
* [Rioters run over police officer with a car again](
#Pastebin for sharing the list No. 563738
>>563382Hey anon, ntayrt butI'm from Canada and what I see is that while the protests stemmed from standing up with solidarity for the death of George Floyd and Regis Korchinski-Paquet, I think it's become bigger than that. The protests seem to call for change in the police system and antiracism for Indigenous and black people, two groups who are treated like shit by government and society.
That being said, the case of Regis still being investigated. People think that her family is pointing fingers at the police to profit off it, as they have created GoFundMes, but have redacted one of their statements.
No. 563746
>>563723Exactly, We don't even show out for our own communities because we're that ashamed to acknowledge that racism does impact our communities.
Mexican kids/women and other south Americans get sexually abused and separated from their families in detention centers, kids put into the foster care system to be adopted, the fact that eloteros and paleteros are harassed by the police and a whole bunch of other stuff. How many wide spread protests did we see for them from other Latinos and Mexican Americans? We didn't even show solidarity for the people who marched in Mexico for femicide.
Then we get mad that black people don't march for our issues lol. It's a joke
(Had mad typos so reposted.)
No. 563747
>>563726This is one of the aspects about this that piss me off. In London black teenagers are stabbed to death every week and no one cares. Imagine being a black mother and seeing your children joining drugs gangs knowing that it will get them killed. Yet a black man dies on the other side of the world and all the middle class SJWs take to the streets for that. It's sick.
>>563731>black on black violence is also a product of racial inequalityI don't disagree but destroying the communities people live in is not the answer. Think about how much government money is now going to be spent on rebuilding damaged infrastructure, that money would have been better spent giving black people the tools they need to lift themselves out of poverty.
No. 563748
>>563741Yeah that coupled with the angry mobs holding people randsom until they engage in armchair activism. This is a fucking mess and I hate people
>>563742Because both sides are instigating violence even against innocents. Apparently supremacists are also involved so that's the natural inclination people are getting. No one wants a race war, now that would be retarded. And honestly I've been watching constant live streams and various news broadcasts, and yes there's people of all races looting. Proportionately these's a whole lot of black people too which being ignored or outright justified all over social media. Regardless of the government potentially igniting the looting we've all gotta be accountable
No. 563750
>>563749Both sides are horrible but it makes my blood boil seeing celebrities making hot takes or blaming this or that group, I seen who is doing this. I even know people who are looting and burning.
These people don't care about george. They are black, white and all colors, JUST trying to get free things and watch things burn.
Fuck them.
No. 563755
>>563749Totally agree anon the links here
>>563732 have a few instances of what you're saying. They don't give a fuck, the people doing this see it from the "destruction of property doesn't equate to murder" when it quite literally is at this point. Fires cause harm and even death, something they're conveniently forgetting. This video was a report of rioters setting a building with a child on fire and then preventing emergency services from reaching said child
>>563727 No. 563758
>>563755Nayrt but what are you and
>>563732 trying to prove with this? What's the point in sharing videos of violence and repeatedly explaining that guns and fire…kill people? Yes, it's happening, we know. And?
No. 563759
>>563754Someone French who was involved in the many protests there explained the role of police/control agents like this in riots or mass protests very well on Reddit a few days ago.
When things go south and people are being disturbed your main priority is to ensure that no one else joins these protests and makes those crowds bigger, and you do that by showing the people at home that it's dangerous and they have a 0 tolerance policy towards you if you turn up.
Obviously it's hard to say how well this works and it's obviously not helping anyone when the whole issue rests on police brutality but it explains what happens.
No. 563763
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No. 563767
>>563761That’s completely wrong and inhumane as fuck people are dying already enough as it is!!!
>>563763Hey she knew what was up when she said “I hate America” five years ago. Before I mess up, that’s her right? Funny how she doesn’t need bodyguards to do this (as if they’re not all around her).
No. 563774
File: 1591115521861.jpg (120.6 KB, 758x784, aifakgi904u9uo4.JPG) she knew her body would keep the guy from being beaten into a pulp, lol, imagine the force they would've used if she wasn't there.
No. 563775
>>563772She doesn't just tan, she's also changed her style of speaking from cutesy to hoodrat and constantly capitalizes on being racially ambiguous because it's in vogue. She constantly benefits from her unironic privledge and takes opportunities away from black female artists more talented than herself.
And that donut shop, Wolfe Donuts is a brown owned business. The nerve of some entitled white girl waltzing in and licking donuts she didn't pay for lmao
No. 563776
File: 1591115802974.jpg (34.07 KB, 709x322, aifakgi904u9uo4.JPG) the thread for more. What the actual fuck is going on, too many bad actors on all fucking sides.
No. 563781
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>>563147Here you go>>563775right
>>563780tbh, I don't know I just found this post
>>563774 and kept scrolling down for more.
No. 563786
>>563781Of the bricks are staged, why do people fall for it? Seriously, it makes no sense, if its 100% the police of anfifa can they explain why so many people pick up the bricks and fall for the trap?
>>563782People have been doing this all week, I think there's truth to everything, I think a little bit of everyone is doing fucked shit, but to say it's one group or another, when there's videos proof of certain situations, it blowing my mind.
No. 563794
>>563783Should have clarified, but he and his girlfriend talk about how there were pallets of bricks that aren't common around the Soho area.
He has a pretty level headed view of the protesters and rioters as well so definitely not playing the blame game.
No. 563795
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Trump roleplaying as Regan and Nixon with le southern strategy and law and order. No. 563799
File: 1591116792563.jpeg (130.25 KB, 768x576, 5ed551f90ab6c.jpeg)

Nigerians in Victoria Island, Lagos protesting for BLM.
They're kind of being laughed at by other Nigerians for this, though.
No. 563813
File: 1591117286586.jpg (27.8 KB, 718x314, aifakgi904u9uo4.JPG)

>>563803>>563799>>563801>laughed at by other NigeriansGood, they're fucking hypocritical considering they like to pretend the government and the rest of the country didn't genocide 3 million Igbos a few decades ago with the help of Britian. And the army still patrols their areas in the south while literal boko haram fucks shit up everywhere else,1967%20to%2015%20January%201970.
>>563793true you have a point, I just feel bad for the local protestors that are getting ignored and the rioters look on with glee to cause shit. people recognize this social media # shit is meaningless if you don't go out there and do something, sick of retards using protests as "look at me" slackavist shit.
No. 563817
>>563813Agreed on Nigeria, it's surreal seeing all these unrelated countries specifically jump on a cause for the USA.
I was hoping that it'd make everyone protest the bullshit their own police forces and governments have pulled (I know for a fact there are worse cases in Nigeria
alone), but I guess attention on social media is more important.
No. 563820
File: 1591117736632.jpg (60.74 KB, 1078x719, aifakgi904u9uo4.JPG) being shot at on your own property and bootlickers are like "you didn't follow curfew" when you're at your fucking house.
No. 563824
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The USA is truly the world's biggest lolcow.
No. 563826
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>>563758I'm going to answer that question with a quote from the thread description:
>This thread can be utilized to post any footage that isn't covered by mainstream media outlets>>563754>I don't think people are promoting lootingHere's my brief stint amongst the youth of social media: seems to be the hot phase right now
No. 563843
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>>563837simple, because they know or expect to know that they will never be a target. Am i condoning looting? No, but that's all they focus on and the fake concern for black own business while staying silent when shit like this
>>563224 >>563215
or this happens No. 563844
>>563837I know, we'll rape and pillage our own city that'll end racism in the police force!
I could list so many other issues that need to be addressed before burning the city becomes
a viable option but I'm tried and cbf. Even then shit's only going downhill from here
No. 563846
>>563843How do you know those people don't care about these things? I care about looted buinesses AND people being treated unfairly, killed or jailed.
This is dumb, so everyone who cares about black businesses being destroyed can't also care about this?
No. 563852
>>563742>Do you all want a race war?Kinda.
I think it'd be funny.
No. 563854
>>563837It's more
>Police murder bad, riot murder justified>>563843I'm concerned with the multiple dead and injured thankyou, including George and those who predate him. It's not just looting and burning, although implying people concerned with the act perpetuated on innocents aren't supportive is so manipulative and disgusting.
>Staying silentGod you're one of
those who screams racism at people who don't want to take part in armchair activism.
No. 563855
>>563850Also wanted to add that there's graphic videos over there of innocent civilians being killed by protesters.
I feel like a lot of people will turn out to be racist after these events. Especially other minorities, like Asians, Mexicans and Arabs, who already hold contempt towards black people. You have to remember that the average person doesn't give a shit about twitter and the wokeness culture.
No. 563861
File: 1591120350925.jpeg (469.7 KB, 1125x924, BCA96709-0208-4EB5-AF98-15AD64…)

Found on my friends post, this coming from a privileged white hoe.
>inb4 scrote
I went to high school with these people
No. 563862
File: 1591120379286.png (946.68 KB, 1012x1016, 8oGftQQ.png)

>>563826kek the fucking kuromi rabbit
anyway what were farmhands thinking allowing this thread
No. 563863
>>563813>Good, they're fucking hypocritical considering they like to pretend the government and the rest of the country didn't genocide 3 million Igbos a few decades ago with the help of Britian.This. People are so far up with the slave narrative that they keep forgetting that even today in Africa African tribes sell other African tribe members as slaves to each other and commit genocide against them all the fucking time. It was black slave traders who sold them to the whitey (and arabs, who bought way more of them) to begin with.
What fucks me up about this whole "protesting" (read: looting and rioting) is that they're playing straight into the racists' bags with this sort of behavior. Trump is going to be re-elected based on this event alone, all he has to do is to reference to what happened in May-June 2020 and people will vote for him if he promises more security and authority to the police.
>B-but grassroots peaceful protesting never worked!!!Yeah well rioting doesn't either. Real change doesn't happen overnight, it takes decades of persistent work to rework the power structures and cultural attitudes, including abolishing the idealization of extreme macho masculinity and thug life within the black community.
No. 563867
>>563856Funny because a lot of the propety damage can destory innocent human lives and has KILLED some innocent humans.
Funny because what you are saying is what EVERYONE is saying, people saying what you are saying are NOT being silenced, in fact, the people worrying about the lasting effects of all this are being silenced a lot more.
Whose saying these building are more important then human lives by pointing out ti's pointless to destory your own neighborhood and innocent people's shit?
And yes, the police Do NOT start all the riots or looting, like I said, as someone who is black and has seen this shit first hand, I've seen and heard a lot.
No one cares about where we'll be after this, people screaming online don't have to deal with cleaning this up. WE DO.
No. 563870
>>563855Yep there's literally video links posted in the thread. The younger generations are just as retarded as they think their parents are and will live to regret this shit. The ends doesn't justify the means
>>563856It's sad but the retards of America played right into the government's hands and have damaged the whole movement for respectful protestors. Some are shills some are autists who think anarchy is justified. I'd say it's education levels but universities egged the whole
victim class culture which validates this behaviour in many people's minds
No. 563880
>>563862So many Sanrio hoes trying to be the ~uwu perfect ally~
>anyway what were farmhands thinking allowing this threadI'm genuinely surprised too anon, I'm sure it won't last
No. 563891
I've come to really hate these annoying agitating cunts the most.
They're pretty much always suburban upper class trust fund white kids looking for an excuse to rebel against mommy and daddy, and it's ALWAYS super transparent.
No. 563920
File: 1591123487585.jpg (262.4 KB, 1456x1941, SUnwebdr.jpg)

Okay I was right
>>563894I posted some pro anarchists prior in the thread. One of them is already coping shit from the woke public for not supporting the cause hard enough from another fucking country?
No. 563930
>>563923Unless you're Asian and living in an Asian country, chances are this will affect your country in some way.
Just look at what's going on in France right now.
No. 563977
>>563972>Mind yours.said the burgerfag, shitting up every existing social media with their shitty politics, harassing non-americans because they don't involve themselves in it too
No. 563990
>>563986I love how that’s all you can retort with.
> fat americansss uhhh McDonald’sStfu and stop involving yourself with it. The biggest minority in America is people who give a fuck what any other country says fuck you
No. 563996
>>563990we wuz kangs n shiet
>>563992and looting luxury stores to get herself some gucci bags to show them cops
No. 564007
>>563996I’m white try again.
I love how all the non Americans know so much about the country. All you get is your scrubbed media. Witness our country firsthand for a length of time, as any “poc,” for lack of a better, term then come talk about it.
>>564001Lol yea you got me
No. 564008
File: 1591128861559.jpg (4.89 KB, 160x159, 1441306121421.jpg)

>>564007>witness our country firsthand for a length of timeI'd rather shit in my hands and clap
No. 564013
File: 1591129054171.png (127.77 KB, 440x371, Ozkm8ks.PNG)

>>564007>I’m white try again.Did you do your part, fellow white woman?
No. 564015
the kpoppies are invading this thread it seems
>>564012i giggled
No. 564020
>>564016do you realize that some of us are, GASP!!, not amerifags/eurofags?
>>564017is it your first time greentexting
No. 564022
>>564013That solves everything. Ofc I did. I’m the all the cops in the country and all corrupt politicians, and racists. The knees that are kneeling care. The people that need to be held accountable aren’t on their knees.
Besides I have the vid. Positive the 30th haven’t been out my house since.
No. 564037
>>564029NO. The second we have a leader they are delegitamized (Deray), ran off (Marcus Garvey) or killed (Nat Turner, MLK and Malcom X).
You can't fight off an ideology and a belief if enough of your population is sick and tired though.
No. 564042
File: 1591130571042.jpeg (90.46 KB, 800x450, B32A8BE8-50E5-42B3-B930-C6DD11…)

>It’s another Eurofags and Burgers have a shit flinging contest thread
I’m thinking about going to a protest in my dinky suburban town on Friday. Any advice? It’s gonna be during the day
No. 564043
>>564020Kek, I forgot to press enter. Please sue me anon before I get destroyed by all these sick burns.
>>564037This is true, they want chaos amongst the black community and for the most part it works.
No. 564060
>>564047Just believe in the plan anon, bunker boy is ready for a 72D chess move, just you wait!
Screaming "law and order" like he's Regan kek, and he gave Obama shit for Fergueson protests/riots and Trayvon Martin. Come on! Do something! He will just yap shit to the media and twitter while governors and mayors hold the bag. You bet your ass behind the scenes all the repubs are pissed at him doing nothing. Mitch McConnel is literally MIA right now too, his constituents in Kentucky hate him because he keeps ignoring them and taking away their redneck medicaid and black lung disease healthcare. They hated him and the previous govenor so much that they voted in a democrat govenor.
No. 564070
>>564049because some things are bigger than yourself, these demonstrations being one of them. there are people willing to risk their safety for this cause, because it's an issue bigger than just individual pain. y'all call it chaos but the only chaos i see is when aggressive cops agitate protesters and go out of their way to harm PEACEFUL ONES, even ones running away from the chaos in the back of the head.
calling this shit a "riot" without acknowledging the police that are escalating peaceful protests to that point is tone deaf.
No. 564079
>>564075People keep yelling at people for only seeing one side of the issues while only seeing one side of the issue themselves.
>>564076Agreed, but i'd be a liar if i didn't say what i've seen with my own eyes, which is people from my community stealing, looting and burning.
I refuse to pretend it's not happening, The cops suck, rioters suck, peaceful protests get fucked over by the police and bad actors.
The police are the cause of this, but there's MANY people to blame for the way they are acting and people who do not give a shit about George.
No. 564088
>>564082Yeah no. The problem is that 2 VERY different issues were combined and are presented as being the same. The police being
trigger happy, violent retards is absolutely an issue and needs to be adressed, no matter the race of who they shoot. The race profiling that the black community has issue with is absolutely not the same problem and in fact not a problem at all. We do age and sex profiling because we know young men are the most likely to be criminals. We also know that black young men are even more likely to be criminals. Acting like racial profiling is somehow a negative is simply denying reality because you don't like it and it is insane that it has become normalized in public discourse.
>>564084The pandemic hasn't fizzled out anon. And these riots will only make it worse, much much worse.
No. 564090
>>564084I think some of the robbers and looters (the ones less interested in Floyd or justice) are probably drawn to the excitement of it after months of having no social life because of the pandemic. I think in a weird way some are using this as something to dive into after months of boredom. Not all obviously, but there's always piggybackers
It's not the first riot, won't be the last. Not the first new virus to pop up and concern us, again won't be the last. Every few years some sort of bird or animal flu hits us. These things repeat.
No. 564116
>>564049Thanks! I usually wear sunglasses whenever I go out because its sunny now and also wind gets in my eyes easily.
>>564048I'm hoping not much is gonna happen because its a small town but then again, the high end mall 20 mins away from me got raided so I'll try to be prepared no matter what. Thanks for the advice!
No. 564131
Tfw it'll not be guillotine time
No. 564154
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No. 564171
File: 1591144743001.jpg (852 KB, 1446x1792, 1591122230822.jpg)

Come home, white woman.
No. 564175
File: 1591144974551.jpg (9.06 KB, 211x375, rif-1591125806055.jpg)

Mayor DeBlasio's daughter was arrested.
No. 564183
>>564180I meant to put this link: instead of the first. Sorry for the duplicate links.
No. 564186
>>564182Russia is unironically a nicer country than America though?
Name a US city as nice as Moscow:
>Affordable in the suburbs>Excellent transport, and it is being upgraded and new overground lines put in all the time>Safe>Clean as fuck>Cheap food>New developments/new things happening all the time>Tons of history No. 564188
File: 1591145614352.jpg (1.02 MB, 1536x1376, 1590926092154.jpg)

We've got a facecrime.
No. 564189
File: 1591145666193.jpg (131.87 KB, 621x919, 1591042702229.jpg)

More Twitter lunatics. Can the state publicly execute Jack Dorsey, liquidate all his assets and distribute them to the people pls?
Social media is cancer.
No. 564190
File: 1591145714533.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2324, uxAHNff.png)

>When a multi-billion dollar corporation demands you repeat a mantra
No. 564192
File: 1591145787518.jpg (307.15 KB, 1080x1810, Screenshot_20200601_144205.jpg)

I found this ethnomasochist funny.
No. 564195
File: 1591145901667.jpg (164.55 KB, 480x654, 1591063294665.jpg)

And there have been tons of these loons demanding white people form human shields for them.
No. 564197
>>564190Eh. Better that than going "Fuck niggers" but I digress.
>>564189OT but American Ashkenazi Jews who insist they aren't white will never not make me lol.
>>564186America sucks but let's not pretend Russia isn't a glorified dictatorship
No. 564198
>>564195Not to be that girl but white people get harmed/killed more then anyone, then it's black, why are people acting like the police WONT fuck a white person up when stats show they will?
(and I know there's more whites than black so of course they'd kill/harm them more)
No. 564203
>>564195>>564189from r/GenderCritical
>So, in the last couple of days I’ve watched countless videos of the protets that were sparked by George Floyd’s murder as probably many of you did. It didn’t surprise me at all to learn that in many cases white people were the instigators of the vandalism/property damage/confrontations with the police, often against the direct wishes of the black organizers of the protests. What’s surprised me though was to see so many very young white women happily throwing bricks/kicking out the windows/arguing with black ppl who were trying to stop them. And it’s made me think about young white female entitlement, how it’s fuelled by both privilege and oppression and how it manifests not only in the context of black ppl’s struggle against white supremacy but also in the context of liberal as well as radical feminism.
>It’s not a fucking secret that most of the female cheerleeders of liberal feminism/transgenderism/queer theory are a combo of three things: white, young, economically privileged. Yes, there are some WoC amongst them but they’re rarely (if ever) poor WoC. And most of the older women are professionals whose carreers depend on them toeing the party line. What makes these young privileged women so vulnerable to being fooled into supporting male supremacist interests? I think it’s the mind-fucking combination of simultanously being told they’re on top of the world while also being constantly dehuminized by the males around them. Both men in their lives as well as the larger society with its’ messages about female sexuality being all about objectifying/dehumanizing/degrading yourself. What they do then is what any child faced with her first real-world adveristy would do: they identify the messenger as the oppressor. They’re unable to reconcile their sense of entitlement with the hurt they feel for being treated as less than human by men. But admitting they’re not the all-powerful architects of their lives they've always imagined themeselves to be would be too ego shattering. So what they do instead is to construct the evil outgroup that’s responsbile for creating the hurt-feels. Radical feminists with our analysis of the patriarchy but also sometimes racial minorities who are unwilling to participate in their LARPing as revolutionaries game. And it’s the same ego driven principle – they simply can’t comprehend why black ppl/poc could ever be wary of instigating violent riots bc these violent riots are minimally dangerous to them and maximally beneficial to their self-image. They see these black ppl as cowardly conservative traitors the same way they see radfems as cowardly conservative traitors.
>Now to the most personally painful part of the analysis: young white women discovering radical feminism after being immeresed in transgenderism/queer theory for years are often unable to shed their sense of entitlement too. I don’t have it in me to judgde these women too harshly, I could’ve easily ended up as one of them if my circumstances where slightly different. But I’m tired of tiptoeing around their hurt feelings, of pretending their mummy issues are unique, tired of them bringing up their ‘not like the other girls’ egocentrism as some kind of proof they deserve special treatment. Radical feminism requires compassion for all women, including women who are more privileged than you. But radical feminism is not a support group for white middle class girls who have just recently realised white men won’t have their back the way they've always believed they would. No. 564209
What I wanna know is where the social justice liberals were when America under Obama turned Libya, the most prosperous state in Africa, into a wartorn hellhole with slave markets. These people pick and choose their issues according to whatever is front page on the NYT. That's it.
>>564197>America sucks but let's not pretend Russia isn't a glorified dictatorshipBetter a glorified dictatorship with stability than a weak, feeble liberal democracy that can't stop its cities being burned to ashes.
But I digress. Russia isn't a dictatorship. It's more authoritarian than Western European states, but it has elections and it has an anti-government media (Nezavisimaya Gazeta and the like).
>>564203Yeah, there's this tendency of WoC to try and do the guilt trip thing on WW to be honest. Emotional terrorism.
No. 564213
>>564161>race problem against its non-white citizensCan you clarify, what do you mean by "race problem"? Can you give an example of other comparably diverse countries that don't have "race problems"?
Secondly, when you say non-white citizens, do you mean Asians and Hispanics? Because they're proportionally less likely to be killed by cops than White Americans are.
No. 564220
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>>564029>What we have is an obese spray taned elderly dementa patient screaming "I AM THE LAW" while hiding in a bunker like a bitch.That's democracy for you. It can't produce leaders like pic related.
No. 564229
>>563521They got their hope and change with Obummer. He did absolutely fucking nothing other than get entangled in even more overseas conflicts than the dotard has.
When are you people going to see that the problem is the system of liberal democracy itself. Maybe Biden will fix it all though lmao.
No. 564232
>>564227Admit what? Russia's a nice country. I genuinely believed in the "Eastern Europe is a dump" memes before I went there, but Russia, Poland, Estonia, Latvia etc were nice places.
Not sure what you want me to say?
No. 564237
>>564234>>564224>Felt far safer there as a woman than I ever have in Paris, London or LA to be honest.100% agreed. You can walk around Gorky Park at 1:00am and feel completely safe. I friggin love Moscow. Probably my favorite city together with Vienna.
>>564234lol, I know you're joking but it wouldn't surprise me if we have PULLtards ITT rn who feel that way.
No. 564244
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>>564138 Happpened 30 years ago but completely peaceful and very successful. They were patient, stayed calm and organized (and of course also had luck). Those protesters dressing in all black, covering up their faces, bringing stuff (weapons) other than banners immediately makes them seem suspicious or like a threat, before they started their looting and violence. The protests were doomed right from the start, they themselves destroyed any respect and chances they had.
No. 564254
>>564246I have no idea why, I don't want white people to treat me like a magical negro who can do no wrong, I want to be treated like a fucking person, which most do.
All this crazy shit is retarded to me. I feel white people who do this come off racist rather then not.
I've never came across a white person like that, but then again, the white people around me aren't danger haired weirdos.
No. 564256
>>564203This doesn't make sense: on the one hand they're saying
>the mind-fucking combination of simultanously being told they’re on top of the world while also being constantly dehuminized by the males around them.basically painting them as
victims, but at the same time they also claim that white girls are so entitled and continue to list all the things they're tired of about them. If you write it like that you're kind of saying that it's not their own fault, so what do you suggest as a solution?
Btw the description white, middle class, uni educated, in her 20s and childless would also fit the majority of farmers.
No. 564284
>>564276I read it the opposite way, they're contradicting themselves, they say white women are told they're at the top of the food chain while actually getting abused. But instead of sympathizing with them they instead call them entitled. If they perceive white girls as technically being
victims, why the annoyance or anger at them? And what should be done to stop that process?
No. 564319
>>564316This person gets it. Anglosphere just OD'ed on classical liberalism to the point they've actually achieved the whole "completely free individual, free of all prior tradition, custom, group identity, religious identity, civic identity" thing.
Only problem is this didn't lead to a Shakespeare on every corner. It led to a race of people who hate themselves, feel alienated/atomized and take SSRIs/opiates to cope.
No. 564336
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>>564320We really love romanticizing the idea that we defeated the big baddie fascist yet can't recognize when it's happening to us in real time. Trump even spoke at the 75th anniversary event for D-Day last year and no one seemed to take issue with this. It's just a cosplay for Americans because they can take credit for what their grandparents endured while ignoring the genocides of modern America. We have to live out our patriotism through the past because all of our current wars have been for-profit endeavors.
>>564331I can't believe anons in this thread are still trying with the fence-sitter "b-both sides are bad!!" cope when there is so much video evidence to violence of different PD's across the country. Yeah looting is bad but living in a police state where your first amendment rights are being violated and no one in power actually gives a shit because they got theirs is a bit worse.
No. 564344
>>564336>when it's happening to us in real time. Huh? The U.S. is a liberal democracy, hence why Trump and his assortment of incompetent Governors can't even restore basic order. Fascist states use live rounds on looters and rioters.
>police stateYour country is violent in and of itself. Full stop. Your crime rates are enormous by Eastern European and East Asian standards, even when you remove gun crimes from the equation. You have hundreds of thousands of rapes a year. You have tens of thousands of murders, nearly half of which are unsolved. Your cities are steeped in trash. Every major transport hub/train station stinks of piss. There are entire homeless cities in CA. There isn't a single city in America above a population of 1,000,000 where a woman feels safe walking the streets after dark.
The cops are indeed shit, but they're merely a reflection of your deep, intractable and for some time now unsolvable dysfunctions. And to be honest if I was a cop in a city like Baltimore or New York, if I wasn't a jaded sociopath when I joined, I sure would be 20 years later.
No. 564345
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Pic related is probably my favorite thing to have come out of this.
Just shows that America really is just a shithole of a country and only Americans are just now realizing this.
No. 564349
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>>564345Do white american women really…?
Let's post pictures of civilized countries instead.
No. 564357
>>564347They're kneeling.
It was some Hispanic (or I think he might have been black and Hispanic mixed) guy going around on stream in NYC telling "white" "Jewish" and "mixed" (based on what they told him) people to kneel to show solidarity with (and I quote) George Foreman and/or Floyd Mayweather.
Most of the ones who did it were women.
He even got a few of them to say shit like "black power" and "we wuz kangz" (not even joking).
It was absolutely fucking hilarious, American women must have some kind of fucking mental disease or something to act like this.
No. 564359
>>564352You missed the video that has been going around - the stills are from it. Some random guy went around asking these women to get down on their knees and apologize for being white, and they all did it.
I feel like if we shame white americans for their self hatred enough they will stop being white whites and maybe grow a spine? But perhaps I am being too nice.
No. 564368
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>>564357I'm sorry but I have to laugh at the absurdity
No. 564385
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>>564344Happening in real time as in we are in a transition. Yes the U.S. brands itself as a liberal democracy but we are seeing a shift that, while definitely not started by Trump, has only been amplified. Of course we are not in full fascist mode yet but the signs are there.
Americans are having their worldview broken right now. We've had the hubris to look at other countries going through this and label them as shitholes when in reality American comforts have been an illusion. The Police are not on our side and do not actually care about the rights of individuals despite having the opposite being drilled into our heads since birth. Americans think we're free because we have so many fast food chains to choose from while ignoring the Patriot Act.
This country is broken, always has been and always will be. We are violent because that's the American way. You're right, Police Brutality is a reflection of a much bigger cultural problem that is rooted in how Americans function. We've gone from 'Keeping my barber shop closed is an infringement of my rights' to 'If you're not home by the 1 PM curfew then you deserve to get shot' in under a week.
>>564345This has big Wonderbread fetish guy energy to me.
No. 564386
>>564358I don't know, but most actual Russians I've known said they hate the place and its shitty government.
It's a complete joke if you want gay rights, too, but that's true of many countries.
No. 564388
>>564368Lmfao I'm done with y'all white liberals in America
It's annoying to see people focus on looting when this isn't what its about. I see so many politicians saying a few words but I don't see the democRATS doing anything. I see people praising police solidarity which is whatever because I'm not seeing charges being improved. 3rd degree murder isn't enough, nothing is enough until this gets addressed. All it would have taken to prevent most of this is to charge that cop with 2nd degree murder with the other cops are accomplices. But no, egotistical men can't even do that.
No. 564393
>>564389No, you're overthinking it.
This is how every protest is in shithole countries.
They all eventually devolve into rioting and looting and retards being retards because most third world shitholes are just full of people who are kind of stupid and do stupid shit.
What you're just now discovering is, surprise surprise, compared to most of the rest of the civilized world, America IS a third world shithole.
Enjoy it.
No. 564398
>>564385>Happening in real time as in we are in a transition.You are delusional. Fascism is not "things I don't like". Fascism is not "authoritarian government" (which the U.S. isn't, it's just a violent hellscape shithole, there's a difference). Fascism is a political system with a specific definition.
>We've had the hubris to look at other countries going through this and label them as shitholes when in reality American comforts have been an illusionI'm not American and I've always thought your mutt nation was a shithole. What now?
>Americans think we're free because we have so many fast food chains to choose from while ignoring the Patriot Act.Yeah I'm sure Tyrones stealing Nike Airs really care about legal mechanisms for electronic surveillance.
>This country is broken, always has been and always will be.Cool. You get it. But don't pass the buck. Modern America is a reflection of what liberal democracies were, are and will become. It has nothing to do with fascism.
No. 564400
>>564386>but most actual Russians I've known said they hate the place and its shitty government.Most actual Russians don't even speak English, so you're speaking to a self-selecting sample at best.
>It's a complete joke if you want gay rights, too, but that's true of many countries.You can be gay, it's just not considered normal. Deal with it.
No. 564404
>>564401>as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economyYes, because this definitely applies to America. A place where corporate interests have captured all organs of government long ago.
"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state"
- Mussolini
^ That is Fascism. Fascism is not Google, Facebook and Twitter being collectively more powerful and influential than the State.
No. 564407
>>564404I'm not American, and I stated nothing about it.
All I did was give the definition of fascism, which is, in fact, authoritarian.
No. 564410
>>564405It is sort of accepted, passively. It's just not considered to be normal. Which, by definition, it kind of isn't. Anyway, burgers need to fuck off with this obsession of spreading LGBT overseas. The actions of the American government and its various Sorosbux funded NGOs in this regard just end up making average Russians, Chinese, Arabs etc dislike gay people more.
My experience is the same btw. Russia's weird in that you can run into someone who would look like an "SJW" with pink hair in Petersburg or wherever but if you talk about gay pride parades they'll tell you they think they're weird and gross.
>>564407>All I did was give the definition of fascism, which is, in fact, authoritarian.It actually describes various aspects of what make up a Fascist government. One of which is regimentation/subordinate of corporate power.
If your only criteria for what constitutes fascism is "slightly authoritarian according to US liberals in 2020" then, honestly, every single Government on earth from Ancient Athens and Rome to Lord Palmerston's Liberal Government in 19th century Britain were "fascist". Is that really a definition you want to stand by?
No. 564411
>>564368>"I work for Black Lives Matter"Seeing that video I have never been more glad that I'm not a white American woman.
Imagine being such a brainless fucking moron that you hear that and think "yea, sounds legit, I'd better do what this man says."
Fucking embarrassing.
No. 564416
>>564410>It actually describes various aspects of what make up a Fascist government. One of which is regimentation/subordinate of corporate power. This doesn't change or contradict the authoritarian part in any significant way.
>If your only criteria for what constitutes fascism is "slightly authoritarian according to US liberals I'm sorry if you feel somewhat bristled by definitions of terms, but I don't see why you're arguing shit that was never said.
I can't imagine being so defensive/sensitive about something that literally has Mussolini and Hitler representing it on the Wikipedia page. It's already not taken seriously by sane people, give it up, kek.
No. 564420
>>564415But that applies to literally everyone, only the white American ones are going around kissing some random dude's boots because he told them he "works for Black Lives Matter."
Like Jesus Christ you'd have to be either insane or retarded or absolutely brimming with self-hatred to do something like that in PUBLIC.
No. 564423
>>564416>I'm sorry if you feel somewhat bristled by definitions of terms, but I don't see why you're arguing shit that was never said.So every single government on Earth from Imperial China and Ancient Athens to 19th century British Liberals and Medieval Italian City States were also "fascist"?
Because they had significantly more authoritarian laws on the books than western countries do today, and generally speaking, far less embedded civil liberties too.
No. 564425
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anybody else in this thread smoke weed?
No. 564426
>>564423>So every single government My post doesn't read anything even similar to that.
I don't know what's wrong with you, it almost feels like I'm talking to a bot that automatically reacts with strawmans about fascism if a post has the word "fascist" in it.
No. 666350
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>>666285>>666346anon gonna wipe their ass
No. 666386
>>666285My conservative parents are convinced that "The Liberals" are going to attack them, but they have no sense of priorities so the only things they've stocked up on are ammo and saltines.
They live in a suburban city that's a distance away from the next major city. This town has mostly 2 lane streets, only 3 freeway exits leading into town, and nearly nonexistent public transportation. There's really no reason for protestors to go there since they can't even escape when cops show up.
I can't convince them that protestors wouldn't give a fuck about their town though. My mom's too worried people will steal her LV bags and my dad just wants to shoot people.
No. 666421
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>>666386Your parents got totally brainwashed by conservative media. Not that liberal media are saints either. Everyone is pushing sensationalism lest the "other side" wins and brings the end of the world.
I still think the dead economy exacerbated by continued lockdowns will bring more hardship in the coming years, irregardless who wins. I'd tell them to stock up on canned food and bury silver in the backyard. God knows how long this house of cards we call the global financial system can remain standing
No. 666472
>>562361Of course they aren't, because they know they'll actually get hurt if they try to fight the cops. It's not as easy as beating up one unarmed old guy with 20 other people.
If people want to mob up, they should just do it and call it what it is. I hate dishonest words like "nonviolence" - imagine if the British actually shot Gandhi. Those mobs wouldn't have stayed nonviolent. What they are doing is much more similar to the game of chicken, where you speed a car towards other people and just hope they get out of the way so nobody gets hurt and you can say it was nonviolent.
No. 666482
>>564359There's something creepy about the whole idea of being "White American". It's like they only exist to be a scapegoat and have no self-determination or identity other than what school they went to or what 9-5 they work.
Immigrants in America, Irish, Italians, Chinese, Latin Americans, anybody that has an actual identity, will get angry if you insult their country or people, if you push around a person from their community, and nobody will bat an eye if they say they want to live in a neighborhood with people from their own country and speak their own language. You know, normal people. And then there's White Americans. Imagine being an immigrant from an actual culture, having kids in the US, and them becoming these "americanized" abominations. I think I'd rather have my child become disabled than americanized.
No. 666506
>>666472They didn't shoot Gandhi, but they did shoot heaps of the unarmed people doing nonviolent sit-ins under his influence.
It really doesn't take any provocation, so may as well just be ready to fight.
No. 666514
>>666508Well maybe not them because they're one of the older groups and they've been there so long they don't speak Gaelic or consider themselves immigrants at all.
What I mean is, letting that happen to you and your community is a horrible thing. Just read this thread and look.
No. 666521
>>666506>may as well be ready to fightThat's what they're there to do, that's why it's so pathetic to play the
victim. It's a "what are you gonna do, shoot me?" attitude.
Who do you even need to "fight" in America? The decent people who work for a living who's livelihoods the police won't let you burn down? They love throwing stones and death threats at people who are driving to work alone or with just their family when it's 50 of their buddies and one unarmed person, but when the police shows up and tells them to be
actually peaceful and not break anything or attack anyone, they act like it's brutality. I just don't understand how that behavior draws sympathy for someone and it would be really cool if someone could explain it thoroughly.
No. 666778
>>666744False, all Americans should kill themselves, it's not just the white ones that are inoperably retarded.
t. nonwhite American
No. 666787
>>666744>>666772>>666482Funny thing is, gringos come to my country thinking they're "one of us" and then they have cultural shock when they realize they're not.
Sorry, if you're a gringo born and raised with Latino "roots", but don't speak the language, don't have legal nationality and think taco bell is Latino food, please know that actual latinos consider you 100% a gringo. Sorry but you know nothing about our country and culture.
Same thing if you're a black gringo, but you're not "African", you don't speak the language, don't eat the food, don't have the legal nationality, etc, then you're 100% a gringo.
If you were born and raised in the United States that's what has shaped your life and your culture. It's so clear for the rest of the world, because gringos are very particularly gringo, no matter their color. It seems like gringos are the only ones that don't actually notice that they're gringos, although it's so noticeable for everyone else.
No. 666792
>>666787US Americans are so stupidly eager to claim they're anything but Murican. "I'm German! I'm Irish! I'm Eyyytayyylaayuuhn!!" No, you're not, shut the fuck up. The expired yogurt in the back of my fridge has more original culture than you lol
Americans who are the descendents of Italian and Irish immigrants are the worst and cringiest of all. Plastic Paddies and Gabbagool Gangsters the lot of them, with zero understanding of their "old country" and its culture. Just because you made lasagna with sauce from a jar doesn't mean you're Embracing Your Rich Heritage lmao
No. 666821
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>“As votes in Michigan continue to be counted, the presidential race in the state remains extremely tight as we always knew it would be,” Stepien wrote.
>“President Trump’s campaign has not been provided with meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process, as guaranteed by Michigan law,” he continued.
The ride never ends I guess …
No. 666822
>>666792I think its for the reason thats being discussed, where muh individualism and liberty led to Americans lacking any meaningful identity. Being "American" is hard to take pride in because the ones who do that are gun-toting fundamentalist magas.
And you know, there's our country's actions. Everybody else is scrounging for something, and distant ethnic roots are pretty much what's left. There's religion but again that isn't everybody. I'm a white American who tries not to fall into this trap, but I can see the appeal. I had relatives who came in from Germany that I knew and loved when they were alive, so I do feel a fondness for the bits of that culture they retained. But I am American, not German.
No. 666834
>>666821When candidates realize they're losing, their only remaining options that have the tiniest shred of hope in succeeding are
>pressure supporters to steal and displace mail-in ballotsand when that doesn't work
>claim voter fraud is occurring when all ballots have correctly been counted and processedand when that doesn't work
>attempt to file lawsuits against remaining states when 95% of ballots are counted and the result doesn't favor them.The missing ~300,000 or so ballots for the remaining swing states have yet to be found and processed, too, and the outcome doesn't look good for Trump.
With Biden at 248 electoral college votes and Trump at 214, all Biden has to do is get the 16 from Michigan (which has been slated towards him for the later half of the election) and the 6 from Nevada (which has been slated towards him for the entire race) to secure his place as the winner of the election. Trump would have to get at least 66 electoral college votes - when the only remaining states are Michigan (16), Nevada (6), Georgia (16), North Carolina (15), Pennsylvania (20), and Alaska (3), he has to win over at least four states (the first four), which is already unlikely, along with either Pennsylvania or Alaska.
TL;DR: Except by a miracle, or a counting error coming to light, Biden has it in the bag.
No. 667022
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(I knew the second mail in voting and mass early voting was allowed, Biden would be in because Republicans can't disenfranchies poor and and minority voters by having mid day poll closures and malfunctioning poll machines in majority minority districts where there is only 1 polling center.)
No. 667041
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If you guys are annoyed now, just wait for the next four years of pure autism, butthurt, and delusion. We are going to be inundated with more bitching and whining about voter fraud, omg they found ONE fucking ballot with a weird ass signature so we better RECOUNT all these million of votes.
Then we are going to have Hillary Emails 2.0 with the mystery computer of doom that just so happened to be found in somebody’s basement, accusations of Russians and Chinese doing shit under the table, Kamala Harris isn’t a citizen because she’s half Indian!!!! Find her birth certificate now! And Trump will continue harassing Obama on Twitter while Melania prepares to take his money once he finally croaks, probably due to blood poisoning from wearing all that goddamn sanguine foundation.
Buckle up bitches because that boomer salt is real.
No. 667070
>>667039Nigeria shouldn't even be a country. Southerners need to split off from the north once and for all, and there should be an age limit to political power. There can be no unity or progress in a country run by old evil scrotes, talk less of old evil Muslim scrotes who think it makes sense to place death sentences on literal children and young adults for "blasphemy".
I feel so bad for the protestors who believe/d in a successful Nigeria, and even died for it. It's just not possible.
No. 667108
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>>667041Are you kidding me anon? That sounds fucking hilarirous! I hate them both, and am ready for either side to chimp the fuck out regardless who wins.
No. 667120
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>>667041A lot of boomers are so filled with rage and anger all the time. I get that middle aged and elderly people grew up in a completely different time and suffered a lot, but do they have to spew absolute vitriol at anyone else seeking a better life?
Blogpost but I've heard a ton of stories about boomers being brutally beat by their parents, including my mom who has mentioned several times being beaten with a chair by her mother, and she "forgave her". Boomers are so fucking complacent so much so that they've also been brainwashed to violently put others down too. They just casually talk about being brutally beat by their caretakers, and act like everyone else has to nod and move on to
>>667070>there should be an age limit to political power. There can be no unity or progress in a country run by old evil scrotes,>talk less of old evil Muslim scrotes >place death sentences on literal children and young adults for "blasphemy". >NOOO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I NEED TO KILL PEOPLE FOR LITERALLY NO REASON BECAUSE I'M OLD AND I KNOW BETTER>NOOO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I NEED TO KILL PEOPLE FOR LITERALLY NO REASON BECAUSE A HOLY BOOK TOLD ME TO No. 667232
>>667188We have to pick the lesser of the two evils. Might as well pick the one that isn't going to try and overthrow the government or incite mass violence (pWoUd bOys sTaNd bY) if not elected. Anyways, who cares, it's the end of the fucking world.
If you aren't American or haven't voted, stfu.
No. 667281
>>667188If it wasn't for corona he'd probably be leading by a large margin
>>667232Kek typical burger behavior. You deserve what's happening rn
No. 667311
>>667281"typical burger behavior"
I guess voting because we have no other option is burger behavior. You deserve to live in whatever third world country you live in. Die mad.
No. 667333
>>667188No one really is celebrating, a lot of people are just sick of the constant drama, the division/polarization, the media going off on crazy tangents, family turning against each other or going koo koo because of QAnon and shit, etc.
The US has always had its problems but it feels like we have literally been chucked back into the 1800’s. If the things that are happening here were going on in other countries, we would be talking about it and appalled, but I think so many people are just caught off guard by the vitriol and violence it is like a quasi surreal experience for most of us. And a lot of us are wondering how and why we got to this place. Did Obama really upset that many people that they were willing to risk it just to get back this good ol’ boy hegemony? Shit is depressing.
No. 667481
>>666792>Plastic Paddies and Gabbagool Gangsters the lot of them, with zero understanding of their "old country"Culture isn't the most important reason to hold on to it even. It's almost like the social culture in America is one where you just have more human rights if you refuse to give up your immigrant identity.
Be proud of your ethnicity and identify as American, fuck you, we'll ruin your life and get you fired. But identify as an immigrant and you'll have your Immigrant-American associations and interest groups lobbying for more rights for you.
That's what's so funny and so fucked up. The person's actual ethnicity doesn't need to change, their cultural practices don't need to change - all they have to do is say "nah, I'm an immigrant" and they suddenly have more rights. It's like magic.
No. 667488
>>667333> the media going off on crazy tangents, family turning against each other >>667232> We have to pick the lesser of the two evilstbh that sounds like my 3rd world country's everyday life for as long as i can remember. reading everything that is happening over there rn makes me think that murica is just another 3rd world country but wealthy.
hang in there burgeranons, hope everything gets better
No. 667512
>>667498I mean you're basically describing India with guns and school shootings instead of rape
Actually Indian cops will just beat you with a stick but you'll still be alive at least
No. 667520
>>667498>taxes go to lining the pockets of politiciansthank god someone agrees.
i don't understand the people who believe taxes are actually helping people who are struggling. most of the "help" is just going to construction that just leaves the struggling to struggle even more and eventually have to find a new place to live.
raising taxes is not gonna do shit.
if you really want to help the struggling, advocate for lower taxes and use that money not taken out by govt and give it directly to those communities you want to help. real help requires doing actions, not freely giving some of your paycheck to the govt in hopes they'll "work on it".
also, i'm mad we're not getting our second round of trumpbux anytime soon.
nancy pelosi literally claimed she helps the homeless and feeds them, but rejects a second stimulus offer with trillions of dollars because the offer was from a republican… money has no red or blue affiliation, it is green.
No. 667528
>>667520I had no hope for that second round of stimulus checks from the moment it got put off the first time. It was mentioned just so that everyone would be really excited about clinging on for dear life a few moments longer, and they're just using it as leverage against us and giving us a big show with the never ending slap fighting to make it look like someone is trying to do their job and help the people.
We're peons to these people, and they'll do whatever it takes to string us along as long as possible and make excuses when the time comes for action.
No. 667532
>>667520I don't agree. Some of the happiest, wealthiest countries are those with the highest tax rates.
>advocate for lower taxes and use that money not taken out by govt and give it directly to those communities you want to helpthat's never going to happen on a large scale.
No. 667544
>>667509What do you mean more vulnerable? Of course they are if they just got off the boat, but after 10 years, 50 years, a couple generations, if they spend all that time working hard and end up with a family business, a house, some savings etc. and move into a suburb, what should they do then?
Should they:
A) Hold on to those association groups, and their "outsider" identity and do everything they can to further their own group's position in society for generations, never feeling guilty no matter how successful they become
B) Become "Americans" and start socio-economically self-harming and supporting things like other people cutting them in line when it comes to good schools or employment because "those people have less than me"
Essentially America is a
victim competition now. Nobody cares if your family worked for 100 years or 300 years, if you have a big house and some kid who's parents were junkies doesn't have that IMMEDIATELY without even working a single day in their life, it means you are evil and should give them a break. Option "B" shouldn't even exist, I don't know when people in the US first came up with that mindset but it's the worst thing about your country and it's social influence worldwide.
No. 667550
>>667532Those countries are the size of a single US state, "America" spans across the entire continent of North America and there's huge differences between the states, their productiveness and the people that inhabit them. Applying a "one size fits all" solution is as ridiculous as Brazil and Argentina pooling their government funds to have the exact same healthcare plan in both countries.
Scandinavian healthcare could probably work if it was only in Bernie's home state of Vermont, or in Maine, but all of the US? No way.
No. 667559
>>667548So am I, but you do realize there's other countries in Europe and us and our neighbors are countries of about 5 million people? If we shared our welfare and healthcare budget with Romania, how much do you think each one person would get to cover their health if you had 5 million Nordics paying 30% tax, but 20 million Romanians paying also 30% tax of whatever they make - and you have to use that money to give 25 million people healthcare.
We would all slump to the same poverty levels as they are. Our 5 million combined with their 20 mill would only mean a 1/5th increase in wealthy payers, but almost a 500% worse situation for us. That's why all 50 states in the US could not do it together and actually have a system anywhere good as ours, not achance.
No. 667561
>>667548What Nordic countries essentially are is what would happen in the US if wealthy neighborhoods, counties and larger areas became independent and left all the poor areas out of their government budget. We are the wealthy neighborhood of Europe.
Our healthcare works because it does not fund poorer countries. Public healthcare in poor European countries is a joke.
No. 667569
>>667563Google says that general area has the top 10 states in terms of quality of living in the US. Those states are also some of the least populated in the US, meaning that a very small number of people is creating and funding that quality of living.
That makes them similar to Scandinavia, small population, high quality of life. Nordic socialism that American leftists always idolize can fund their own areas, but it does not and could never fund all of Europe.
No. 667576
>>667548Congrats, you live in a rich Scandinavian country where all 6 of you know where the others in your country live so corruption rates are low.
I'm from Eastern Europe, our tax rates are high compared to our neighbors because we're non-EU. Those taxes go into the pockets of our politicians because there's lots of corruption where I live, those same politicians don't use the money to improve public services but finance their political party's activities and buy their wives designer purses instead.
We also have free healthcare which is better than nothing, but it's shit because medical staff are paid peanuts so all the good doctors end up going to Germany to work and we're left with the shitty ones. If you want a doctor that doesn't tell you he doesn't care about your breast cancer and that you should just deal with it, you have to go to a private clinic anyway and pay a lot more money.
Our public transport is very good in terms of connections, but all the buses are from the 70s and keep breaking down, so when another one goes out of order they never replace it and you have 2 Volkswagen buses from 1979 carrying 10 buses' worth of commuters. Very little of our taxes is used to improve this.
Our monthly salary is the lowest in Europe (~300€), import taxes are high so food here costs more than in Germany, electronics are cheaper in rich EU countries despite their salaries being 10 times ours, and more and more of our companies are being sold off to oil Arabs and Russians so whatever money that brings ends up flowing out of the country anyway. We're used for cheap labor force and underpaid with few employee rights. How do you think higher tax rates would work here? People are struggling as it is.
You're comparing apples and oranges and using working class Americans' current predicament to brag about how much better you are than them. The reason they don't want higher taxes is that it likely wouldn't go into improving their local public services and making their lives better.
No. 667684
>>562661It's just kind of hard to take them seriously as a "terrorist organization" if they don't even kill people like any old street gang you can find in every city, let alone real terrorists.
Why am I supposed to feel like these guys are the next domestic 9/11 because of whatever beliefs they have in their little meetings? There's already violence and plenty of people have died in the riots and I'm supposed to be scared of the proud boys holding up some lame signs or showing up to chant? What?
No. 668789
>>667705America is corrupt too, Einstein. Do you really think if taxes in the US were higher, they would go into improving public services in Nebraska and Oklahoma, or support systems for blue collar workers in rural towns and urban ghettos? I highly doubt it.
Even if my country were to somehow get rid of all the corruption, people would still be poor because all of our infrastructure has been built by and for communism and simply isn't meant to thrive under liberal capitalism (not that it was thriving before) since nobody bothered amending the constitution or many of the old laws and institutions, it was just a power grab from the get go. Corruption is a symptom of a much bigger issue that is societal and educational inequality.
Anyway, my point is that paying higher taxes with these wages is stupid because we can't afford to, people will be stretched too thin and will riot against it and you'll be back at square one.
You can't apply Scandinavian solutions to the US or Brazil or anywhere else fundamentally different from their countries of origin because the entire societal and economic structure is different, not to mention the culture.
No. 668821
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No fucking way. I cant believe Biden won, all that Rep coping is killing me.
No. 668827
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I normally avoid browsing /pol/ but right now it's hilarious.
They're having a meltdown and everyone from every board is flooding in and talking shit about /pol/tards.
No. 668885
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>>668827>mfw I used to find /pol/ more bearable when most poltards were all about nazi LARPNow it's all about MAGA bs and /standingby/ shitposts from ameritard NEETs. They'll cope with Biden winning by buying more guns and pretending they'll start a second civil war, but we all know they'll just do the usual bs aka shitposting in their containment board and posting their LARPing weapons.
Fucking hell, would rather lurk /fit/ and /fa/ rn