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No. 564136
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>>564134>Who?Venus Angelic
>What made them entertaining in the first place?We all know the living doll saga and it was quite interesting when it was revealed that Margo was abusing her the whole time
>What makes them milkless now?The thread is a vendetta/wk shitfest and any actual milk has since soured, she's just doing sex work and it's depressing and it's the same vendetta-chans nitpicking the way she looks at the camera like this is PULL
>Do you wish to see a return or are you happy to see them go?I'm not sure what this means, I take it you mean do you want them to return to being milky. No, I think her "storyline" is finished (like Kooter's) and the old girl just needs a happy ending at this point
No. 564139
I'd say PT because she's not funny for the current internet culture, just sad? People used to laugh at (mostly harmless) different things but now there has to be some degree of malice or narcissism to make someone milky. I'd say that's the difference between the pt brand of sadcow and the
>>564136 Venus brand of sadcow.
No. 564396
>>564384I feel like most cows in /pt/ are like this. I could never get into Moo's thread because the latest one is always so boring and going back to the first just isn't interesting when it's not in real time. The only cows that seem to have consistent milk there are Onion and TND but even then Onion is same shit different day and TND is just kinda sad for me.
The only cow thread I truly follow anymore is Shay's and that's more sunk cost fallacy than real milk kek.
I couldn't get through the Nika Petrova thread. Those two girls are just genuinely really sad.
No. 564408
>>564380When she started doing the lewds (like that incredible cow/milking themed shoot with the absolutely bizarre poses) it was amusing to look through the threads but it's just regular camwhore/costhot seethe fest now. It's transparently a nitpick thread. She has not been /pt/ material in ages.
>>564396I used to follow TND a bit but since she came out about drug use it's been so boring. It's not really lulzy to gawk at her, she's just sad and vapid. I did love the saga of that strange house she moved to with the atrium in the middle. that thing gave me keks for days. Her mom seems to be a better cow than her because she says way worse shit and has less shame, somehow.
No. 564463
>>564136I'd disagree, she's more of a blatant cow now than she ever was. Before it was at least thinly veild
Who else misses Erin Painter? She was a true cow, too bad anons couldn't let the milk flow naturally and had to scare her into obscurity… then ruin the thread with rampant self posting and cow tipping.
No. 564475
>>564399I agree, I wish the thread was more active (bc they post every damn aspect of their lives on sm)
I feel like I’m one of the only anons who finds their antics entertaining. Nika is a true cow and beyond morally bankrupt , it’s easier to laugh at her than someone like Luna ..who is just depressing and pathetic
No. 564476
>>564464Yep. Especially after the whole Hansen thing.
I can’t look at his threads in pt, the psychotic anti-os soured any milk that could be derived from his threads.
I just want him to fade off into obscurity.
The last time I browsed one of his threads (haven’t recently) there were anons still convinced he was going to prison and that he pushed his child out of a window.
No. 564480
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>>564463Erin was a cow in its purest form
I miss her selfposts of her crying about nothing and all the 'unedits' of her face.
I hope that one day Erin and her nose will return and the sweet river of milk will flow again
No. 564503
Momokun/Mariah Mallad
>Why were they entertaining in the first place?
She was a huge sped trying so bad to be a smug bad bitch earning some hot cash with her spandex bodysuit to the point she was even fighting with anons in her first thread. She was picking up fights all the time, her cosplays were godawful despite her bragging about being such a skilled crafter, she made fun of other people for being fat despite being a fatty-chan herself, she threw a fit over not placing with a shitty thot gijinka cosplay and had a vendetta for one of the judges for the longest time, she bullied her pining EX (KBBQ) out of the community and defiled his work and reputation, she stole character and costume designs, she pocketed money from a charity sale, she lied about getting lipo and tried to pin her weight loss on some diarrhea tea, scammed her patreon donators, she didn't credit people she commissioned her cosplays from, she lied about going to university and staged her schoolwork, lied about pretty much everything, the list goes on. She had prime milk coming in every week, it was ridiculous how much drama she got involved in.
>What makes them milkless now?
After her Twitter got purged and post-sexual harassment claims she shut the fuck up. Also enough time has passed that she's grown up. She was around 20 when the drama was at its prime after all and you're still basically a teenager at that point, now she's nearing 25 and chilled out a lot. Her thread got invaded by malicious fellow costhots who only wanted to laugh at how fat she is and nitpick every instastory, then call "hi cow" whenever someone called them out for extensive tinfoiling. I sort of feel bad for her now, any time she attends a convention some Twitter faggot takes candids of her and posts them to the thread thinking it's breathtaking drama because someone spotted her. People go up to her to take selfies with her just to make fun of her behind her back. That's petty and mean spirited, literal fucking children do this. The last time I checked the thread someone was bringing up the tired pedo claim again because she had taken a photo at the print studio working on her NSFW merch and anon thought an Asian lady in the background was a "child". Cringe.
The sexual harassment case didn't make sense to me to begin with. She grabbed people, yeah, but it obviously wasn't done in a sexual sense but instead because she's an autistic dumbass with nonexistent social skills and didn't realize when it was inappropriate to get touchy feely. But people still played it up like she was a convicted rapist on the loose.
>Do you wish to see a return or are you happy to see them go?
I'm not sure at this point anymore. She crossed the line to full softcore porn with her anal plug and fingering shit, she's not shy about showing her vagina and ass anymore. So she can't exactly go back and quit the internet now. I was hoping that she'd just leave and go live a normal life but I'd be lying if I said that I wouldn't be excited to see some new drama blow up.
No. 564536
>>564511My tinfoil is Luna is to recovered junkies as Shayna is to sex workers, milkless and the same shit over and over again but
>I-I QUIT BECAUSE IT WAS BAD!and she can too
No. 564600
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>>564585This was apart of her appeal
No. 564739
>>564732yeah people like mickey, jillian and most of /w/ are run of the mill internet users nowadays. they're not cows and their threads are boring and unnecessary.
anyway my vote is for kota because really, what's interesting about her nowadays? there's no crazy shoops, no drama, nothing.
No. 564744
>>564735I only think her sex work is milky because of what she said about her mama Margo making shit up about her being a slut.
Even broken clocks are right twice a day, as it were.
No. 564756
>>564736I think it’s still popular but I think the communities are very insular. I wouldn’t feel welcomed in my local one because they’re very on point about brand and expect you to come into the group knowing everything.
It could be why that milk is drying up. Or maybe the old lolitas just want to be left alone and aren’t on SM anymore.
No. 564757
>>564503Yeah Mariah has been old milk for a while now. I didn’t realize she’s almost 25.
I also agree about the sexual assault. It wasn’t sexual but it was harassment and that’s not cool. But she’ll always be on blast for that until she leaves cosplay or cons thanks to nitpicking anons.
No. 565016
>>564536Just took a gander at Loona’s thread for the first time in a while and it’s a bunch of anons sperging and postulating On when /if her redemption arch could happen, mixed in with a-logs spouting the usual ‘junkie bitch should just kill herself’.
I don’t think it’s possible for her to recover at this point, I don’t understand why anons waste their time screeching into a void , she’ll never take any advice and get help. She could have gone into an inpatient program and detox in the past but chooses to sit on her ass, barred out while her bpd/dbt ‘workbooks’ collect dust.
I sympathize with her and I did find her threads to be entertaining in the past but I think it’s time to let them die. It’s beating a dead horse.
Her brief foray into ~sex work~ and recording herself on the phone with her dad And drinking her piss was enough for me to check out.
I know a lot of her issues are self inflicted but I can’t help but feel pity for someone who destroyed themselves at such a young age. I get that she romanticizes the junkie life ~ but it’s obvious there’s something mentally wrong with her to continue to abuse her body like this.
I doubt Lurch dying would even make much of a difference (at this stage , it’s pretty much imminent ). I think once he kicks it , her drug use will worsen and she’ll OD.
If you tell farmers in that thread to stop bumping it with screenshots of her shitty art and crusty selfies (they aren’t milk) you’ll automatically be labeled a WK.
It makes sense that a lot of former junkies flock to her thread sand feel connected in that way, but it’s pretty clear that she has no plans of addressing her addiction , taking accountability and getting help.
We get it, she’s dirty and weird looking and makes bad art/poetry….
No. 565084
After the current thread inevitably gets locked I don’t see the point in making a new one unless/until there’s any real milk(other than her being a bartard, junkie, and living in filth/squalor).
No. 565884
>>565442It’s becoming one of my favorite threads, I’m not an instafag but it doesn’t really bother me because this milk is pretty good.
Especially the recent Luka /Jaelle fiasco.
Hopefully Nika reactivates her spam account again (she will).
No. 570283
>>570037Last I bothered to check on her on her last year, she's had her twitter deleted several times and just makes a new account when it gets banned for ban-evading.
As for cows I want put to pasture I would say Venus, partially because I really wish for her to leave social media and try to get her life together but also because the anons in her thread are unhinged to the point of defending Margo and Manaki, because to them Venus is the worst person to have ever existed and deserves 0 sympathy.
No. 570450
>>570419I took a look at her thread before and someone was implying that Touhou is "pedo anime," while posting fanart kek.
There's no real milk anymore anyway, like
>>564136 said. Doing SW isn't inherently milky.
No. 731429
>"Doing sw isn't inherently milky"Im sorry but yes it really truly is. Camwhoring or prostit0ting usually signals the last cycle in a cow's life because its the point of no return. Cows degrading themselves by going to these outlets is typical cowish behavior.
Sooooo many cows have ended their cycle or had an arc legs spread camera on that it's nothing BUT milk when that arc happens.
No. 742585
Kelly Eden. Her threads have long since degraded into rehashing antics from years ago, nitpicking her quarantine roots, and still speculating why her friends group dropped her 2 years ago.
Also, the UK weebs (Kelsey/Connie/Becky/Abi/etc). They were honestly never milky enough to warrant a thread in the first place, and I suspect the main contributor for the last couple years is someone who knows Kelsey IRL and has an obsessive vendetta against her. Let it go, man.
>>731429NTA, but at this stage y'all need to accept that sex work is almost mainstream at this point. I don't like it anymore than any other farmer, but that's just the way it is. It's really not inherently milky, otherwise every OF ho is worthy of a thread and if that were to happen, this site would get very boring very fast.
No. 742659
>>731429I think it's often milky, but not inherently milky. Escorting and camwhoring tend to attract people with self-destructive personalities, and that's where the real milk comes from. It's not just that they're doing sex work, it's that they have bizarre attitudes towards it– they're either in denial like Mariah, pathetic like Shayna, or up-their-own-asses about it like PNP. There are definitely smaller cows here (mostly in /w/) who don't have much milk beyond showing their gooch to strangers on the internet, and it's those threads that often attract coomers who just want free porn. There just isn't enough time in the day to give every mentally ill camwhore a thread, so we kind of have to stick to the ones that are particularly insane.
>>742585We don't have to accept shit, lmao. I'm not going to normalize a stupid life choice because more dumb people are doing it. It speaks volumes that the people who do it are either mentally ill or extremely desperate for money.
No. 744380
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>>564134Shayna. She’s gone stale since the piss tent and poop eggs era, she’s no longer interesting. Sometimes I go to her thread to laugh not at her, but the anons.