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No. 566074
This thread confuses me tbh, i'd call myself sorta pink pilled for lack of a better term, maybe gencrit, very aware of the "watcher through the keyhole" meme and my eyes are generally opened to the reality for women but some people consider that blackpill/feminism just for being aware and agreeing with radical feminism, that sort of thing. A lot of it was just from growing up gnc/attracted to women which gives you a different perspective. I don't identify as feminist because that implies activism, i'm not perfect here I am on a site bitching about women, but I hold feminist views in most people's eyes. Often the ideal for feminism can be unrealistic and has become clouded with online extreme interpretations of everything as all politics has. Radfem writers like Andrea Dworkin sometimes miss the mark, take it too far but the backbone of what they're saying i see as true and not really a belief/political stance, just educating other women about realities about being female and lifting them up, letting them know they don't have to cater to men, they're generally 'not your friends' and women are taken advantage of and need feminism for self-empowerment, being able to speak out against male entitlement of our bodies, things like that but it's a vastly different beast in the first world, not really the same blatant treatment of women as second class citizens as we see elsewhere. I don't really understand "ex-feminism" because once you're aware and educated about how women are treated, it never really goes away. I was on radblr for a while but these women are wasting their lives trying to educate people who simply do not want to change and I see this a lot, women absolutely wasting their breath either preaching to the choir or to people in a way that just will not get through.
No. 566118
>>566117I took it as a feminist looking for feedback and improvements or whatever since:
> What changes within the movement would earn your support? Discuss here.It's not a perfect movement by a longshot, and twittards have a disproportionate amount of representation and influence over any other type of internet user.
No. 566122
>>566117Oh dear sweet beezejus i hope not anon! I can deal with the tradthots but if we get a bunch of yungcynicals? utterly disastrous.
>>566118Yeah but we are not allowed to make radfem leaning and GC comments so that kinda nulls a huge chunk of criticism users here would make, im not a radfem myself but that only leaves the right wing-y types speaking space.
No. 566127
>>566123Again not a radfem (heck if anything i have more tradthotism leaning even if im commplaining about them), but yeah no, radfem discussion isn't allowed anymore, it gets you banned, i've been banned for a day for sarcastically saying AGP Theory in OT.
Its not plastered there in the rules but you can easily tell the mods are very strict on it and will get you banned.
No. 566147
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>>566144I'm not the one trying to infight here.
No. 566155
>>566152Same, Anon.
I know all the shills will reply "well you weren't paying attention if you didn't notice [insert claim here] happening massively!" but like… I genuinely saw no infighting, 'PP Sperging in every other thread' or racism (a one talked about their experiences as black women with black men and that was racebaiting apparently).
It feels like Mandela effect lmao.
No. 566163
>>566162I don't think 'we're allowed', farmhands are just busy fingering themselves and thread will be locked soon enough
>>566161Assuming this is true, so what? Who says she has to be impartial or fair? She's confirmed for a cutter so her emotional dysregulation is probably activated when people keep talking about shit she doesn't want discussed. Not the end of the world, anyone who willingly runs or helps run an imageboard will be some flavor of retarded
No. 566166
>>566163I mean the site rules say it supposed to be impartial lol
lolcow doesn't cater to your political alignments and all that.
No. 566176
>>566141I just don't see why people who didn't like it couldn't just hide the thread then. As per the sticky. They chose to come in and get