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No. 586521
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i had this dude that i went to college with (and hardly spoke to) keep trying to hangout or visit my ac island and after like not seeing him in 5 years he sends me a book on facebook like “i love you like love love but i respect your relationship and wont try anything” like dude….. idk you…. we havent seen each other in 5 years wtf was he planning to meet up and confess to me all these years? i’m disturbed.
No. 586522
I was never a popular artist or anything, I wouldn't say I'm talented at all, but I once made a comic that circulated a bit on tumblr, especially on aesthetic blogs. It wasn't an edgy comic but I guess it had some dark charm to it.
A woman in her mid 20s reblogged it, and I had an habit of checking out who rebblogs my stuff because that way I would find more stuff to follow. When I read her description and about me of her page, it says something about hitting her own unwanted child. She had a baby son, roughly between 7 to 14 months old. And she said how she had to hit him because she was mentally ill and needed an outlet for her frustrations and anyone who dared question her was an ableist, or something like that. Basically, making excuses on hitting her own baby because she is a victim and her family hates her and she has the right to do so or something like that.
I was really disturbed. I reported the blog to tumblr and never went back. I hope someone took her child from there. But that really shows that sometimes, as an artist, you have no control over your audience, or who will look at your things, or what purpose will they use it for. Just some food for thought.
(and again, I didn't draw anything edgy or remotely close to vent art, it was just very experimental).
No. 586535
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I used to have to have a tumblr when I was 13-14 and was mutuals with this dude who mostly reblogged meme posts and whatnot.We would just joke around and sent each other posts,nothing sexual or suggestive.One day he sent me a video of a guy raping an iguana for whatever reason.i blocked him and never interacted with him again,I was obviously in shock and tried to do things around the house to forget about it.I also don’t know if he was trying to groom me because I never put my age in my bio,but I did reblog “fandom” related posts and I think he might’ve guessed I was a kid from that.i remember it vividly but still keep wondering what if was some kinda nightmare.
No. 586549
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At the time I was really into Dead by Daylight, and I let myself queue with some randoms because I wanted to play the game. I joined their Discord group call and I just kind of quietly sat and carried them (they were pretty shit at survivor, so..).
Being the only woman in the call, they immediately got too comfortable with hearing a woman's disembodied voice and started to joke around a bit, and posting stuff attempting to gross me out, like snot and people spitting at their camera.
Their demented nasally voiced friend decides to spam the group chat with gifs of beastiality in an attempt to be gross back, and all of his friends were instantly disturbed as the group chat was flooded with pictures and gifs of their weirdo friend's porn stash. I hit the Disconnect button, left the party, unadded all of them from Steam, and didn't forget to block the kid who spammed it.
I don't play multiplayer games anymore. And I definitely won't try to be nice to randoms ever again if I do.
No. 586579
>>586543Damn im really sorry anon, my experience with a groomer was similiar, he used to call my cuts 'cute' and also sent videos of him peeing and stuff. Although this, combined with csa, made me extremely hypersexual all throughout my teens. I am better at controlling it now.
I hope the best for you anon
No. 586587
>>586579Thanks anon, the fucker is in jail now (who would've thought hoarding disturbing porn would ever get him in trouble!) so i feel a little bit vindicted, it sucks how this kind of shit can warp our ability to form healthy relationships for so long.
The worst part is that this fucker wasn't even a fat gross neckbeard, he was a somewhat attractive 24 yo, my love starved dumb selve fell for the bait so hard, you always think creeps look like creeps but the most dangerous ones don't.
No. 586589
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When I was 13, I would have sexual conversations with an 18 year old guy. I doubt he was trying to groom me, and I came in contact again when I was 15 and confronted him and he apologised though
No. 586601
>>586589He only apologised because you realized what he had done and confronted him once you were older and just a bit wiser.
Normal 18 year olds don't talk about sex with tweens without ulterior motives.
No. 586646
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I remember always managing to talk with pedophiles, the first one being a guy in habbo, a 21 years old grown ass man, sexting a 9 years old kid.
It was shitty, I think this is why past me was so obsessed with keeping my innocence and being “pure”, but it kind of got fucked when I started joining random chats with an old friend of mine.
She was a year younger than me, but she was waaaaay too social, so she knew about lots of things. It was because of her that I used Omegle and weird radio chats in which some raunchy reggaeton music was constantly playing.
When we used Omegle, we got a guy jerking off to us. I was weirded out and told her that this was wrong and that the guy was a creep, we were around 12/13 years old, she told me that it was okay and kept chatting with him. I had to run away from there and went to my room, it just felt gross.
Then we started using the musical chats, that’s where I met human bubble bass, as a kid, I always assumed that the guy I was talking to was probably my perfect knight in shining armor, I never assumed a guy could be as fucking ugly as that guy.
I texted him a lot, he sent me a bunch of sexual texts and asked me if I wanted to fuck him and such. Of course, since I was a fucking stupid teenager, and I wanted to be cool, I always told him that yeah, I would love to.
One day he asked to meet me, and because I’m not stupid, I told him to meet me at a mall close to my home. He was just like bubble bass, ugly, with the face of a thumb and a neck beard.
That made me stop using chats like those, he never talked to me in real life because I knew that talking to strangers was a bad idea, again, I was somehow kind of straight laced when it came to stuff like those.
No. 586731
>>586506Sweet OP you were very naive not to expect this to immediately spiral into a thread for
victims of online groomers. I wanted to read wacky /x/ stories too but unfortunately pedophiles and creeps ruin everything.
In case anyone needs to see that they aren't alone and read some supportive responses, the online child grooming thread is here
>>303056It's not as much disturbing as word but when me and my friends were 13-16 we RPd together online, there was a random user that would come to our threads to join in but within each of their posts would rp as two separate characters, usually interacting with each other in very NSFW ways. We were normally polite but even when we ignored them they would keep posting incessantly with their characters doing each other in public, or trying to flirt with us. This went on for years and eventually we stopped using the site but last year I logged in out of curiosity to find that they were still doing the same thing in the forums. I messaged them to ask about their life but they wouldn't tell me even their age or gender or nationality. I'm always going to wonder who this person was that was sexting themselves in front of us for 3 years.
No. 586868
>be me, 15 years old, innocent lil girl, don't know about grooming because I'm an ESL so my first encounters with these people are new and exciting
>23 year old man starts talking to me, giving me attention, tells me I'm so mature for my age, not like the other girls, etc.
>we start talking more and more, at some point he starts sending me pics of his asshole with dildos in it, dick pics too
>does this through fake blogs pretending not to be him, but soon starts sending them through his real blog
>i think this is normal
>he ghosts me
>months later i find out he did this to all of my other underage friends. we dox him together, find out he's 27
>during those months I befriend another guy who seems kind, understanding and very cool. develop a crush on him but never act on it because of our age difference (he's 19) and because he has a gf. he becomes my biggest support and it makes me gather enough courage to expose the first guy, driving him off all online platforms (or so I hope)
>second guy gives me a lot of compliments, talks about his fetishes to me and what he likes to do sexually with his gf
>I think this is normal (I still think that. I don't know. We were friends, right? I'm still confused)
>I disappear, but I start talking to him again while I'm 17 and he's 22
>he's single now, flirts with me, talks about sexual things. I talk to him about religion when he does that because for some reason sexual things make me afraid and uncomfortable
>he tells me the only reason he didn't send me dick pics was because he was scared I would dox him like I did to the other guy
>we lose contact luckily
This ended up becoming a story of how I was groomed once (maybe twice?). I still have trouble with intimacy. I'm a virgin and I don't know if I will ever feel completely comfortable being with someone sexually, or seeing a penis. It makes me feel gross.
I also have worst stories but I can't share them because I fear the person involved lurks here
No. 586898
this isn't nearly as serious as other things in this thread (and is actually kind of funny) but it was a stupid online interaction that dominated my life as a teenager. It's long but I just gotta put it out there.
When I was ~13 I fell down a rabbit hole and wound up becoming a supermegafan of this washed up Jrock star. Around this time, I also started a tumblr, and went looking for other fans of this guy. The community was tiny and composed of mainly 24+ y/o's who were still clinging on from the star's glory days. There was only one girl on there who wasn't that old, she was like 17 when I met her, but 4 years difference is still a lot when you're 13.
Anyway, she was known for being the "funny one" in the fandom and the older users all would reblog her posts. I immediately looked up to her, and because she wasn't too old, she felt more approachable. We became fast friends and it was fun for the first year or so.
She would occasionally make a TMI or cringy post (about weird things like being depressed because kids used to make fun of her for being "too skinny", or arguing about how irish americans were just as oppressed as blacks in the past so racism against whites exists, her sexual habits with her autistic foster kid trans man BF, etc) but I was 13 and thought everything a 17 y/o did was automatically cool.
As time went on she began to post about family issues, especially about her dad, who was a really bad & self destructive alcoholic, and it was honestly stuff I was not equipped to handle/ try to comfort her about at the time. But she didn't really have anyone else, and so started my job of keeping her from entering depressive spirals by sending long, gushy support messages back and forth through tumblr's fan-mail feature. Even sent her a stuffed animal through the mail at one point. However, she just kept getting worse. It got to the point where if I didn't send her a message every time she made a depressing post, she would continue to make them one after another in increasing severity talking about how no one cares and she's alone and she wants to kill herself.
She also had a extremely weird obsession with shipping the Jrock star with a really old, crusty rock/metal vocalist from an older, very explicit German band. (No, these people did not even know each other) She would write GRAPHIC fan fiction about them fucking, and draw fan art of them as a couple… and then expect us all to reblog this stuff and compliment her on it. Due to this and the stuff mentioned in the previous paragraph, I took to going AWOL and pretending I was not online for days at a time so I wouldn't have to be guilted into reblogging her revolting art and coddling her through her depressive episodes.
One day, she posted something extremely concerning that suggested she was about to kill herself, and then made no follow-up posts for the rest of the night (extremely uncharacteristic for her). Me and her other online friends attempted to contact her and got no response. I wound up calling the cops to check on her because I knew her address from sending her the package. Turns out she was alive and well. Business as usual resumed, only now she was apparently going to move out of her parents house with her autistic trans orphan BF. She opened (traditional art) commissions to fund it, I pity-bought one and paid her extra to help her out, but in the end the move didn't pan out because neither her or BF were functional human beings despite being nearly 20 at this point, but whatever. I was in too deep.
At this point I was around 15 and had developed severe depression myself. I, following her lead, also began excessively depression-posting like a fucktard. One day, seemingly out of the blue, I checked my tumblr in the middle of a school day and saw she had messaged me saying she had just CALLED THE COPS ON ME after she read one of my posts which she interpreted as me being in imminent danger from myself. She has MY address bc she mailed me the commission i ordered from her. I'm freaking the fuck out in a school bathroom stall trying to figure out how I'm going to explain this to my parents when I get home, assuming they will have arrived at the house already (mom was working from home). This is the only instance in which I am eternally grateful that the police are slackers, because they never actually showed up.
Things fall apart from here. She had always been sensitive, but now she was seemingly finding ways to take personal offense at the smallest opinions I'd express on my blog. Like real stupid shit about like pansexuality or some shit, and then she would make a million posts about how everyone hates herrrrr wahhh, to which I would have to immediately respond to her assuring her i did not hate her (even when, at this point, I was starting to resent her heavily). She was still posting gross X rated fanfic and art about the jrocker and the German dude and whining about people not liking it. And then the 2016 election rolled up and she unveiled truly the dumbest opinions ever, like voting green party to fuck the system or whatever.
I realized her personality had not evolved at all in the 3 years I'd known her, while I, in turn, had grown up past my 13 y/o self who initially got along with her. I realized she, and her humor, and her tactics, did not grow with me, and that she was a full adult now who acted like a preteen emotionally. And this all culminated in me finally losing my will to put up with her BS and telling her exactly what my problems were with her, resulting in more sulking, resulting in me rage quitting the "friendship" after 3 whole years of being constantly focused on her and her emotions for hours out of each day.
Fuck, dude. To this day i think about this. It's insane to see just how consuming an online relationship, in which neither part has ever talked irl, can become, especially when one or both of the parties are unstable due to age or just mental illness. I still feel bad, but in the end she was just an intolerable person to interact with. I really wish things could have ended on a different note. She deleted all her social media, so i have no clue what she's up to today. I do hope she is still alive, truly. And I hope she's been able to grow up and mature and become functional.
I know this was annoying and long, but if any other anons have had experiences like this, I would love to hear from them. This is where i'd put a sadface emoticon if it was allowed.
No. 586962
>>586927Come on dude, let's not shame literal children who were groomed by predators. This is waaaay more common than you think, and it is never the kid's fault for sending nudes, it's the pedophile's fault for convincing them to. Read up on grooming, plenty of pedophiles are master manipulators and can convince children that they're good friends, that the kid is mature enough for a relationship, they make the kid feel special, and so on.
Isn't that a nice thought though, "If all kids were as well-adjusted and intelligent as me child abuse would cease to exist."
No. 586981
>>586972>I mean cheating is wrong so yeah not excusing that Uhh, cheating is absolutely okay if the dude is a literal pedo who started dating a fucking 12 year old when he was an adult. And he was obviously an
abusive psycho considering his reaction, getting cheated on is the bare minimum of what he deserves.
No. 586997
>>586989People are fucking gross when it comes to roleplaying.
It never ends, just a few years ago I joined a random roleplaying chat on kik, I just wanted to do plot heavy stuff and I explicitly said so when I joined and whenever someone sent me private messages.
There was this fucker, an absolute weirdo bastard with a cute anime boy pfp.
At first I felt pity for the poor autistic teen, then it got fucking weird.
Because I wanted to try new stuff, I thought “fuck it, let’s do this and see how it goes”. But I was wrong. The guy kept asking for some fucking weird mind control bullshit fetish shit show, it was with those bland ass characters from the anime seven deadly sins, it was shit.
The autistic teen constantly asked random shit about the anime and I really didn’t give a fuck about it. I told him that I didn’t want to roleplay with him anymore and he kept trying to guilt trip me.
It didn’t work, I stopped replying him and the fucking weirdo kept messaging me every. Fucking. Second. Asking me why I wasn’t answering him and such.
He created multiple accounts to pester me and I just blocked him.
No. 587006
>>586972anon, you did nothing wrong. you can't really cheat on a freak pedophile.
it doesn't matter what anyone told you. he never loved you, he wanted to own you. those online friends were fucked in the head and did not have your best interest in mind.
you are innocent in this.
No. 587031
>>586997I had a weird anime boy pester and guilt trip me too, why do they do it? Do they really believe no just means tsundere?
I was trying discord out and joined a normal seeming group for horror manga but somehow a 19 year old catboy trap targeted me as his new mommy gf and started to try to send me his programmer sock selfies. I repeatedly told him that I wasn't interested in any NSFW contact, but because he was so young and probably groomed I felt bad about how that was maybe the only way he knew how to get any attention online so I told him we could chat about manga if he wanted. He accepted that, he stopped using gross bwaby twalk or trying to guilt me. Then one day without warning he sent me something that looked like a nude photo so I just instantly blocked him.
I expected that kind of pestering from thirsty old men that want you to send pics but not from some supposed sub twink. It made me feel so unclean.
No. 587062
>>587031It’s so fucking weird, in all honesty, I stopped using discord and kik because of that, I feel like there’s waaaay too many groomed teenagers out there that are desperate for affection.
At first I just wanted to help them stop being so thirsty, I would just tell them that doing stuff like getting in relationships with people they just met and being so open to strangers about everything and anything was a terrible idea.
But i think they’re just so desperate for attention that they just don’t care anymore. It’s extremely shitty, and I’m no therapist to be attending people on my free time, dealing with kids is tiresome.
No. 587626
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>>587602Uhm, this is serial killer territory. Please do something about this, I am very concerned for you without even knowing you because I've been there.
No. 587793
>>587792Anon, while children are extra vulnerable, a person of any age can be abused and it wasn't your fault at all. Please don't blame yourself, that person was a monster and if they hadn't hurt you they would have just found someone else to hurt.
I hope that if some time has passed you have found some good coping skills and learned how to deal with the trauma in a way that works for you. Good luck pal.
No. 587892
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To every anon in here that has suffered/is suffering, just know you’re not alone. Those rotted dog asses will get what’s coming for ‘em.
No. 588940
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i was a huge not-like-other-girls pickme in my high school years because i hated myself and used to post in msn threads on /b/ (before /soc/ was a thing, actually part of the reason /soc/ became a thing lol) to meet people which unsurprisingly was disastrous. from the ages of 13-16 i had countless men in their mid-20's to mid-30's flirting with me, sending me dick pics, trying to sext me, etc fully knowing my age. one of which was my "friend" who ended up telling me he "thinks he has a crush on me >.<" when i was 13 and he was 21… gross.
the most disturbing one though was this dude name eric who fully groomed the fuck out of me and we ended up internet """dating""" for a while when he was 30 and i was freshly 15. i have no clue what the fuck i was thinking, he was morbidly obese and i wasn't even attracted to him but he lovebombed the shit out of me and constantly showered me in compliments and i was stupid and lonely so i was easy to convince. he would frequently reference my age and say shit like "i know its bad and you can't tell anyone or i'll get in trouble… but you're just so special and beautiful i can't help i'm in love with you" etc its always the same old song and dance with these pedos. he'd sext me every day, sometimes more than once, but i was so naive and scared by it that it would just be him sending messages about what he wanted to do to me/what he was doing to himself and asking if i'd like that and i swear to god i would just reply "oohh mhm.. what else? c;" i literally never said anything more than that because i had no idea what to even say. i always felt uncomfortable and gross about it but still lowkey liked the attention i guess. he eventually started sending me dick pics and videos of him jacking off (disgusting btw, he had a tiny dick) and then started pressuring me to send him nudes and videos of me. he also started to talk about arranging visits so we could meet irl. thank fucking god i never did and i ended up blocking him everywhere when i got an irl 21 yr old boyfriend when i was almost 16. not great either but at least i got away from the 30 year old fat ass with a micropeen.
the saddest part of all this is that this thread is full of stories like mine and its completely normalized and we sit here and still blame ourselves despite the fact that we were literally children who didn't know better. men are disgusting.
No. 589091
I used to play TF2 when I was around 14 years old and chatted with teammates. One time a random guy asked me to join his skype call, which I did, the fucking moron I am. He and his friends were in there with him. But as soon as I started speaking he went quiet on the call and private messaged me "your voice is so hot, I wish I could rape your throat". I immediately blocked him and left the call, but stupidly continued playing the match while I sobbed. This was years after I'd started being raped by my mom's boyfriend so I'm not sure why I was surprised but I guess I'm glad it freaked me out because I learned to conceal my gender after that. I never ended up being groomed or anything after that.
>>586646>I remember always managing to talk with pedophiles, the first one being a guy in habbo, a 21 years old grown ass man, sexting a 9 years old kid.I've been playing habbo again sometimes during quarantine and met a 20 year old girl who is dating a man approaching his thirties - he began grooming her on habbo when she was around 12. I feel like there's nothing I can do about it because she's an adult now. It's horrifying to watch.
No. 591167
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Ohh boy here we go.
I have been 13yo when I have joined touhou fanbase website, I did love the idea of cosplay, so I cosplayed one of characters for con and that's probably the thing I was known for at first. There was one +20yo (I believe) guy, who kept using handcuffs on me and while holding my hands, he pushed me back to sit on his knee. Once I turned 14 I kept hearing "I'm finally legal". Not to mention he has been trying to convince me to have sex with him (while I was still 14/15). I have been avoiding touhou community since then.
No. 591476
>>586521oh my god anon, i feel for you. similar things have happened to me where a guy who barely knows me suddenly is like "i have feelings for u". it creeps me out a lot, because they have put a lot of time creating a person that doesn't exist (as they don't know me) and then put her on a pedestal.
>>586646the internet truly used to be a lawless place when it came to chatrooms. my friend got this guy to blow himself on webcam when we were about 12/13. i still vividly remember it, ughhh.
a guy on habbo taught me what the word "orgasm" means while we had cyber-sex. it's creepy, as i'm sure he was an adult (i must have been 11 at the time), but it's also funny in a very cringeworthy way. he was like
orgasms and i was like "what does that mean?" then he explained it. god.
when i was a kid i spent all my time online unsupervised and probably did more fucked up stuff that i have forgotten about. i almost met up w a guy from habbo who supposedly was a year older than me
when i was 12/13. i was incredibly insecure and know it would be v easy to take advantage of me.
No. 591505
(maleposting, ban/remove if you want, I just think women should be aware of this gross shit)
/pol/ stuff paradoxically comes with an intense fetishization of interracial, of course every casual observer of /pol/ shenanigans has noticed this. When I was an edgy teenage /pol/ contrarian myself and porn-sick, I was little different (yes, male sexuality is indeed a meme).
A few years ago I went down that rabbithole on tumblr and discord of far right interracial lovers, and there's some creepy stuff. Beyond the porn sharing, there's people obsessively cataloging and sharing the social media of girls involved in interracial relationships, sharing their pictures off their social media and getting off to them. They're sharing photos of mothers with their mixed race children, fetishizing and getting off to that, literal family photos. And the worst I perceived was them planning campaigns to promote interracial relationships to underage/teenage girls on twitter and social media, getting off on the idea that they're 'corrupting' women.
I seen this two years ago, but I'm pretty certain they're all still at it. They all seen nothing wrong with grooming underage girls into their sick fetish.
Even if you're just uploading a family photo of you with your child, there's a chance that someone, somewhere, is getting off to the pictures and sharing your real name and profile along with it.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 591543
One time I was browsing for porn on the internet and I came across a website that was set up like 4chan, but had boards labeled by state, and within the state boards there were threads divided by town, and I found my town and areas around it, and there were a bunch of nudes of girls that I knew including my underage cousin.
So I flipped out and contacted the local police, they said they couldn’t do shit, then I did something I really regret - I contacted the people I recognized and told them. Literally nobody except my cousin responded to me and she denied it was her. I still regret it today because either I dug up a lot of embarrassment and shame for girls that might have been better off mentally not knowing their nudes were floating around, made myself look like a fucking huge creep (they’re probably wondering how I found it) and they probably don’t know who posted it in the first place.
I hate myself a lot for that. I was in the mindset that if that happened to me, yeah I’d want to know, but I don’t know what it’s like for other people, and maybe I just contributed to a lot of negative shit instead of doing something I thought was good or helpful.
No. 591549
>>591543>>591544You shouldn't feel bad, you were pretty much stuck between a rock and a hard place and your intentions were good. Who could say what's worse, knowing that your nudes are out there or being oblivious (and therefore having no chance to try take it down, or risking a nasty surprise in future)? Both options are shit, I don't even know if I'd want to know or not because either way it's horrifying.
It's not surprising that your messages didn't get a warm response but I doubt it has anything to do with you, I'm sure those girls were really embarrassed and didn't want to address it.
No. 591695
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I just remembered the time The Amazing Atheist got caught shoving a banana up his ass.
No. 591712
>>591544>>591543There was one for my home town too, maybe it was the same site except I'm from the UK. I remember it had posts on it asking if there were any photos of specific girls, or comments from people that knew the girls saying they were dirty so there had to be photos of them etc. A male friend showed it to me when we were both 16 and I never looked it up again because of how disturbed I was and never sent a nude in my life time because of it.
I never mentioned the board to any girls I knew or made the connection to AnonIB until this thread. I'm glad it's gone.
No. 591780
I'm really bored at work.
No. 592489
>>587031I had the same problem. I was sexually harassed by a supposed sub trap : he wanted me to send him nudes, and wanted to send some back but I refused many times (he was underage at the time, and also ugly as fuck).
He even wanted to pay for a hotel room to have sex with me. I was sexually abused as a kid so I have trouble saying "no" to people who want that kind of stuff from me (he knew that), so I just ghosted him.
No. 592518
>>592489Diff anon here but one of the pushiest experiences I had online was with an uwu subby femme boy with fucking cat ears and all.
I felt pretty isolated, 18 and living alone in a new city, was rebounding after an unexpected break up. Sunk to a new low by even interacting with such an odd guy but he lived close and I missed my geeky sub ex and I thought there was some similarities between them (I was wrong) I hated the crossdressing part. He'd take pics wearing stripey stockings with his cock hanging out and ask if I liked it. I tried to hint at being more interested in friends at that point.
Early in our interaction he asked where I lived and I had felt comfortable telling him that I lived in a certain area because it was an area with several large apartment complexes so that didn't exactly narrow my location down too much. But then the sexual pics kept coming, the 'femme but look at my big cock' thing grossed me out. When I turned down the oppurtunity to meet up with him he messaged that he was heading towards my place. He kept doing this. He'd message that he's heading to my buildings area to hang out and if I wanted to come down he's there… So glad that I never told him the exact building as he spent several evenings stood outside basically daring me to come down.
No. 592522
>>592518Things like this make me paranoiac as fuck. I've been talking to a guy I met on a forum for many years, since I was underage, but I never revealed my location or appeareance to him. He follows my accounts on various platforms, he's always been friendly and only a couple of times he told me he was interested in me romantically and suggested to meet up. I always said no because I just can't shake the feeling he could be dangerous.
Another person I met on a forum was an allegedly "13 year of girl with no friends" who wanted to meet up (she was quite eager too) after only a couple of exchanged messages. I ghosted the fucker and she never really posted anything anymore. I don't think that was a 13 year old girl.
No. 592539
>>587602You know the classmate committed a crime when distributing CP images? If it’s fresh case then I’d call the police and the school and get him kicked out.
I hope you practice all the safety preparations you can. Like making your social media accounts private. And get a restraining order if it’s possible.
No. 592816
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This is embarrasing, never posted about this anywhere but here it goes: I was 17 when I met this dude on social media through friends, we shared interests and he was this rawr xd so randum micro musician (aka a failed one and a fucking hikky). Started out mutuals, usually replied to his stuff only when he was talking with my friends but soon enough he was in my dms daily being cute and shit. He came off as this sweet and cool hot guy but he was 28, twenty-fucking-eight. We eventually started skyping, it was 60% of him being sexual as hell even though I stated millions of times I was a virgin and did not really know shit, surprise camming me himself wanking off no matter if I said it wasn't convenient for me. 40% was him being the most depressed ass bitch on the planet. I felt such pressure from his problems, I had my own real life problems no one my age should have been dealing with on top of school work too. Man, his WEIRD ASS FETISHES, the shit he genuinely wanted me to do once we met was too much for me as well. I had to take a break from everything that wasn't school for a while and once I came back, this guy acted like a I never told him I was going to be off for a bit, he acted like a true schizo humiliating me on socials. It kinda fucked me up for a good while. He is fucking ugly now and later on I realised he was in a local-ish cow's circles so that was a thing.
No. 592822
>>587602This is basically what happened to Amanda Todd. He's most likely a complete pussy just getting off on the idea of terrifying you and trying to ruin your life, but please try to stay safe, anon.
Reach out to the authorities if you can, there's a very high chance you're not even the only person he's collected CP of and is doing this shit to.
No. 594115
>>592887I just wanted to provide an update. While I don't want this thread to turn into being about me or my situation, I wanted to update because I see a lot of girls in this thread have gone through similar things.
The detective who took my report was very nice. They are going to begin an investigation on my ex. My advice to girls who have been through something similar: save screenshots and evidence of as many instances as they happen. Write up a timeline to reference the date of certain events and how they made you feel. Also remember that stalking, harassment, blackmail, and revenge porn is a CRIME. I didn't go to the police for a long time because I thought I would be blamed for the bad choices I've made. But there's been progress when it comes to situations like mine. It won't hurt to start a report and get a paper trail going, especially if the offender doesn't stop bothering you
Good luck to you all. Men have been getting away with this for too long.
No. 594222
>>587792I'm glad I'm not the only one who sent stupid nudes to online crushes/ online bf when I was 18/19. It all started when I got more invested to online gaming communities. I honestly feel bad for anyone who ended up doing something sexual before 18 because of these creepy older men.
That reminds me, I remember being in a Kik group for the gaming server I was part of and one of the guys was saying about how he wouldn't fuck a 13 year old because they're too young but he would fuck any boys over 14.
No. 594830
>>594230that good that things came back to bite at least one of those guys. I totally relate though, I had an online ex who would send my social media onto 4chan kik sex threads and him and his friends edited my face onto a black slave hanging. They would spam send me that stuff.
I am honestly scared that my photos would come up somewhere one day.
No. 596087
>>594212I have another update. Holy shit guys. The police are going to subpeona the site my ex was using for his information. I never thought I would get this far. I'm PRAYING that he got sloppy. He's kind of a stupid guy and he did this for so many years with zero consequences.
I just can't believe this is real, that people are actually helping me. I never thought anyone would care.
This is why I'm sharing my experience. I want you guys to know that it's possible to get help.
No. 597754
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>>597720This board is mostly finns
No. 598479
was invited to a discord server by this dude since we were both hobbyists posting our work on a website. the server was for his group of friends who sees the website's forum becoming shit because of mod tyranny.
anyways, i became active on the server. he and i talk a lot, sometimes going to topics that were a bit sexual with an intent of humoring the others with it, casually.
he, then, sent me a pm and said that the flirting might made the others the uncomfortable and wanted to continue with just the two of us. now, here's the thing i wasn't flirting. never, and i told him that. we got a bit silent afterwards but it was better than continuing what we started. i decreased the sexual talks and talk about different topics with his friends, like my academic-related work that i was insecure about.
dude, then, sent me another pm and did a tarot card reading me on me while i was offline for a few hours because i was asleep. and told me that i should stop or put my academics works/projects on hold because he wasn't optimistic. now, usually afaik, tarot card readers would also explained the cards they have drawn concerning one's future and all but he didn't. so i was a bit suspicious.
he also tried to propose to others to send some private information he could use whenever one of us went MIA from the server. his friends ends up disagreeing, wanting to stay anonymous and not bring irl friends and family from being contacted by him mostly. he's also proud that he sucks at cooking and calls it as his 'austictic bachelor' aesthetic.
now i think about it, this guy is kinda milky. idk if he's cow potential though since he's only active on the server. anyways, i'm glad i left. discord entirely as well.
No. 598537
god deviantart is such a gold mine for these types of things.
when i was like 12 or something i posted a rant on deviantart about how creepy and pedophillic bronies were. and then one of those obese, crusty, unwashed, smegma-ridden, fedora-wearing, dorito-crunching, mountain dew-snorting, plushie-humping, paper-fapping, fat roll-having, self stench-sniffing, flame blazer-wearing neckbeards somehow found my email, which was not posted anywhere, and sent me hate mail. and that was when i realized doxing is a thing.
to this day i have some serious reservations about the whole posting your full name on the internet thing. even when it comes to running an online business, i have absolutely no idea how people do that and go through their days not full of paranoia over it. it seems really unwise to me. sure today you like what you're putting out, but what if tomorrow your past self makes you cringe? too bad, because now your real name is attached to it and anyone can see you were once a humongous cringelord.
ok and when i was like 14 i went through this phase of drawing super buff anime dudes because i was autistically obsessed with DBZ and fist of the north star, and daydreamed about writing a comic like that someday. and some freaky motherfucker came into my notes asking me to draw gay porn for him or her, for free. they had to have known i was a 14 year old girl. there's no excuse for this kind of behavior. diss-goss-tang.
and for some reason i remember this follower i had who posted inflation porn of princess peach. i would go, and just stare at their page, pondering, what is the deal with this person and why are they following me.
probably why i'm so messed up tbh. this is probably the genesis of how i got into lolcows.
ok and you know that gore page on encyclopedia dramatica? i don't remember what it's called but if you remember it you know exactly what i'm talking about. it starts out with that pic of the adorable melon megaman hat cat. and then you scroll down and begin to see pictures of penises being squeezed by floss and pictures of people shitting and all sorts of fucked up gore and shit. now imagine looking at that when you're 11. yeah.
No. 601833
i met a dude on omegle who i stupidly accepted his friend request on my fb account, we were both in middle school. he was becoming close to an incel back then (incel wasn't popular at the time or idk, this was in the early 2010s). anyways, he hates everything mainstream, women because they only use him for academic gain and nothing else, to guys who are popular and thinks they're all cumbrains, hate his alcoholic brother, his parents. thinks he's god's greatest creation because he got a lot of medals and certificates from school. only watches gore anime. his profile picture is still the same (i saw it viewing one of my stories, that one sad ball surrounding smiley face balls).
the more i talk to him every night, video chat he preferred, the more i became annoyed with him. but i want male validation so it was conflicting to balance my tolerance towards his behavior while using him as a symbol that i am actually, in a way, likable and approachable to men.
i cut things off less than a month, idk how did it but i was so relieved when i did it. felt like a heavy weight was coming off my shoulders.
he prob hates me because i'm not that edgy, insecure, hateful bitch-weeb in middle school anymore.
No. 603437
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Not me at all but I came across this tiktok account of a man posing as some lady after they went on a date and she turned down his advances. He would post stuff about her daughter, he stole pictures of her from her Facebook and made a slideshow of the daughter in her bikini pictures adding the text “she’s on drugs” and a video of some roaches on a bed saying it was her daughter’s bed. And a whole bunch of other defamatory shit. He put up random videos of the lady just dancing or talking to the camera, with captions like “When Grandma throws it back you pay attention” he also posted about the lady having Botox parties. just trying to embarrass them. The daughter came out and said something, I think you could find her in the comments of this one. It really makes me not wanna ever post my face on social media again No. 603506
Oh lord the mobile chat room stories I have.
My absolute FAVORITE was this "girl" who came in out of no where with obviously stolen emo girl pics. She said she was going to have heart surgery soon. In the span of 5 days, I shit you not, she had 6 or so after life experiences, and was on mobile chatting while being prepped for the surgery. She logged out for about 30 minutes and her "brother" with obviously stolen vampire emo boy pics logged into the room and said she had died. Then she came back under the same username a week later like nothing had happened.
Had an old guy say he was chatting while at his sons funeral, then described how his son committed suicide. Next day, naw, that didn't happen.
Had someone say they were having a miscarriage in their 2nd trimester while hiding under their kitchen table from their spouse. When asked, why not call 911.. "no it's not that big of a deal, the miscarriage will stop soon and it will be ok"
Had a guy catfishing under a couple profiles. He got busted because he answered a dm to one account as another account. When he was called out his defense was "How can I have multiple accounts going, my computer is downstairs, and I'm upstairs".
2000-2010 mobile chat was fucking wild. I could go on for pages.
No. 606818
>>606813It's weird, your post reads like a greentext, but isn't
do you know how to greentext, anon?
No. 606835
>>606818>implying i cant greentextI actually wasnt trying to greentext or going for that format. If anything i failed at making spaces in between each line
I think i got use to reddit posting or something
No. 622798
My first sexual interaction with some was a guy I met on Gaia online when I was 13. He said he was 17 or 18 (I can't remember but from his pictures he looked to be around that age), and being young, curious, and wanting a boyfriend I lied at first and told him I was 16. For months every day we got online together and played for hours, talking and eventually participating in some really dirty sex roleplay, which we would do every day. If I remember correctly, I eventually came out to him that I was, by that point, 14, but he said he didn't care because we were so far into our "relationship" (we had been talking online almost every day for a year) that it meant something to him. Eventually his real-life ex girlfriend, who also was on gaia online, found out about me and for some reason, got really, really angry at me for being with him (once again, completely online relationship, he had never even seen a picture of me.) She and her friends started sending me really hateful and disgusting private messages telling me I was ugly and I should kill myself, and the stress ended up taking a toll on my real life, until my parents ended up finding out what I was doing online from things I had written in my personal diary that one of my teachers, of all people, had looked through. They were going through a messy custody battle over me at the time and used my online relationship with this guy as fuel in court, saying that living at so and so's house had made me a sneaky, depressed sexual deviant talking with men online (it was just this one guy, I had never had any other irl or online boyfriends before this), and I was banned from using the computer for months. When I finally came back, I talked to him a few times and he told me he wanted to meet me in person and that he loved me and was going to marry me. Thank god that never happened, and the last interaction he had with me was when he found an old video of me on youtube (I was around 11 in the video) and said "So that's what you look like." My parents never, ever asked me about it or tried talking with me about it or even about internet safety, I think they just cared about twisting it so they could use it in court to spite eachother. I think about it alot, and I've never officially talked in a safe space to anyone about it, so I guess this is where I'm putting it out there. Part of me has always wish I could either talk to him again, or that, back in those days, my parents had just sat down and talked to me about what happened.
No. 623068
I never really had any groom-y experiences other than a super gross bad e-relationship I had with an 18-19 y/o guy from habbohotel when I was 16 that follows me to this day (he moved to my city for no reason at all recently and still sneakily flirts with me whenever he re-finds my social media)
The worst encounter I had online was actually a whole span of 2-3 years in college when I would go on 4chan simply because my irl friends did so it was funny to send each other screenshots of stupid posts and be like "haha this was you wasn't it" or go on r9k omegle and try to find each other and laugh at the gross people on there, whatever. I was about 19 and had previously always spent my time online like this so I never considered 4chan would be a different beast and went into it very naively. It started with people from r9k omegle posting my photos in threads, finding my tumblr and posting my selfies, telling me "you go to X school and live in X dorm with so-and-so roommate" trying to scare me, and I would laugh and egg them on. It got worse as I began engaging with people and joining skypes and then I joined the miitomo threads on v or vg or whatever and the negative attention ramped up (which, again, I still found funny at this point) and one day one of my miitomo-4chan-twitter followers DMed me talking as if he knew me and asking why I hadn't been responding on kik (I didn't have kik) and long story short I found out someone had been elaborately impersonating me across an insane amount of social platforms–instagram, tumblr, kik and similar apps, they were using some app to mirror my snapchat posts onto their own account, music sharing sites, and gross sugar daddy websites where they barely changed my name. The most fucked one was the instagram, I still remember it had some death grips related handle and way more followers than I had on my real account, like they had clearly began to amass friends and a real following through this account while using my face and one of my nicknames. It was FULL of horrifying edits of my selfies with text over them that said shit like "fuck my ass daddy im sad" or idk I can't come up with any edgy ddlg garbage myself. It was so fucked up because the text was literally superimposed on my face so if someone came across those pictures and didn't know me personally of course they would assume the person in the photo made them, which is how I ended up with followers on my real accounts who were confused as to why I had no idea who they were. That was the worst part of the whole thing, the way the impostor was hijacking my stuff in real time and being aloof made it so that the same people that followed their nasty accounts could follow my real accounts (where I myself with the same face and name was also aloof) and never suspect it was different people. I'm not particularly pretty and have never posted nudes or photos that show my body in detail so I really don't understand to this day why someone would do that with photos of me specifically, the only conclusion I can reach is that it was a mad/bored incel from the chans.
I became insanely paranoid after that and constantly delete and re-make all my social medias but I fell again into the hole of messing around on 4chan again at the end of college and ended up in the circles of the likes of Michael Sosa, even becoming a discord mod/admin for him, but I've posted about that here in other threads. I noped the hell out of that but stupid incels still find my IG no matter how much I remake it but at this point I've realized any girl who posts their selfies online is probably experiencing this or has experienced it so whatever I guess. I'm just waiting to get further into my mid-late 20s so they'll finally think I "hit the wall" and leave me alone
No. 623069
>>622977I completely believe this cause chatango was my life at 13 and I saw images there that were more shocking than any other website I've seen (which says a lot I promise.)
My nickname on there was jailbait and I had several "17" year old boyfriends who wanted me to send nudes and got angry when I didnt. I never sent them anything, but I did facecam them.
No. 623497
>>623114To say the least, I was surprised to see someone else mention it (since it was a big part of my preteen years) but not surprised to hear someone else had similar experiences.
I really regret dragging my irl friends into chatango… but they had the brains to catfish at least.
No. 624040
>>623445Oh god, same here anon….
didn't help that when I was around 12 or 13 there was photos of CP again…. but of literal babies and even just seeing the tiny thumbnails made me gag.
I still feel disgusted.
I was seriously just looking for like meme shitpost threads so, holy fuck.
Unfortunately witnessing these kind of things so early made me not understand the warning signals of adult men grooming me with lolicon because my stupid naive brain thought "I mean… most of it has almost cute artstyles and it doesn't make me AS sick as those real cp pics so it's not that bad right?".
Thankfully my anxiety saved me from meeting most of these pedos but god I was still unsettled when a shit local cosplay pedo kept offering me money for swimsuit pics (I said no but didn't know it was a sexual thing…. somehow) and tracked down my mom's mobile phone number and called her and she didn't give a single shit about stranger danger and gave him MY number when I probably gave a fake one, fml. A couple years later I saw a girl a bit younger than me say he sexually abused her and scammed her and it scared the fuck out of me, she was homeless and from a very broken home so sometimes I wonder if she's safe these days. I really hope so.
No. 624540
>>586522Wait… fuck I think either this woman or someone unfortunately similar reblogged my art and aesthetic gifs regularly once upon a time and I felt so sick reading her personal text posts I blocked her but this made her angry? It was maybe 2016 and she had an obsessive incest kink, guro and femboys. Shit was disturbing because she kept lying about her age that she was younger than she really was… because "trauma" yet was posting about hating her goddamn baby?? It was sick, if it was a kind of migraine inducing blog theme with overly saturated colours but not in an artsy way just very ugly and maybe some generic anime pics. Was very obsessed with kill me kiss me or whatever that shit yandere yaoi manhwa was called.
If so I actually might know who you are, I won't guess because yeah anonymous but if it's that bitch only one person I knew had noticed her reblogging them and they had very experimental art popular with aesthetic blogs.
I can't remember her username and maybe it's for the best, shit was too depressing. I don't know if I'm more horrified we encountered the same child abuser the same way or if there was more than one psycho
abusive "aesthetic" blog mom at that time.
No. 624891
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>>624448I was groomed online from a young age as well (11-12), I remember my dumbass sending this actual 50-year-old pictures of me. I am absolutely fucking terrified of one day encountering them somehow, but he was a pretty paranoid piece of shit so probably not. He was such a horrible person to me, I cry so much thinking about it.
No. 625010
Has anyone been friends with a compulsive liar? Recently discovered a friend of two years has been lying about everything.
Short list of the most notable lies:
>She was Australian. She was actually British, but put an accent on for VCs
>Said she was a twin but her sister died before they were teens
>Said she had a job but was actually a NEET, didn't come online during certain hours because she 'couldn't text at work'. Later discovered this was her midday nap time.
>Said she was close with her dad, in reality had never met him
>Said she'd met or was related to a celebrity crush / idol of almost everyone in the friend group. Notable cases include apparently being the second cousin of Jodie Foster, distantly being related to Bob Ross, and her mum being college roommates with Paul McCartney.
>All of the women on her dad's side were prostitutes
>She had an immunity to overdosing because her mum tried to kill herself while she was in the womb
>Qualified for Mensa but refused to join, got messages on Facebook from Mensa members who had never met her, begging her to join
The thing that tipped it over the edge is that she lied about getting a new dog & posted photos of a mutual friend's dog (friend not being in the server, she didn't know we were friends with him). Everything spilled out from there, it's crazy.
There was random small stuff, too, like lying about being colourblind or about being bullied for how vivid her (shooped) eye colour was. I have no idea if anything about this girl is real.
No. 625019
>>625010Used to be friends with one, my favorite lie of hers was that she studied abroad in Japan and the Yakuza got her addicted to heroin then when she got back her sorority sisters locked her in their basement for a week to cure her addiction.
Honestly the best thing to do about compulsive liars is to cut them out cold turkey.
No. 625025
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Got catfished when I was 15 by a girl I knew through a mutual friend. We "dated" for like 6 months online before I walked into a room full of my friends looking at her profile. I felt mortified. Like 8 years later I looked her up on facebook and learned she was the type of white girl who unapologetically says the n word. I'm not sure if this reflects more on my poor taste or the on state of her character. I wouldn't classify this as disturbing I guess, but at the time I was pretty unnerved with the idea that someone would pretend to be a different person throughout so many lengthy conversations. People are kinda strange
No. 625532
>>625048It bothers me to see mums im friends with upload pictures of their children who cannot consent. Sometimes even nude baby pictures, it is very naive to upload things olike that no matter how innocent they seem. and I think for the most part (but not all) these mothers do understand this. But they don't stop to think about the depravity online that creates a demand for even totally innocent pictures. I saw a post being shared lately about how a baby photo was stolen, and then uploaded to a website (one I know very well for perverts uploading schoolgirl pics) and they had photoshopped makeup onto the baby, and there was a screenshot showing all the disgusting comments. this one I found an article on it. its so fucked. I would never upload photos of my kids online knowing what I know, even having kids terrifies me these days because of the huge internet presence its seen as acceptable for them to have.
No. 625591
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>>625532This person in the comments of that article fits this thread too. Why does he care so much about calling paedophiles what they are? His Twitter is all the usual SJW stuff so it's possible he isn't even a MAP, he's just the end result of woke pandering.
No. 625643
>>625532Most millennial/genz parents are well aware of the fact pedophiles are all over the internet. They are well aware when they upload pics of their kids that, chances are, some perv is gonna be inticed by it. This especially goes for influencer parents.
They just choose to post the pics anyway. Because it's worth it to them to have some nasty freak fapping to little Timmy as long as they get the attention and validation posting their kids to social media brings. It's depressing and disgusting, but it's the reality.
No. 625650
>>625591Lmao this was exhausting to read. I bet this guy also goes on about the differences between pedophilia and ephebophilia.
If you don't see the problem with pedos stealing pictures of children from facebook for fap content, I don't know what to tell you. Imagine if you found a gallery online with every picture of your child you ever put on facebook/instagram, shit is creepy as hell.
No. 648997
There was this fat-to-fit guy on reddit that posted his weight loss results. He looked very good, lost a ton of weight, nice face and body.
I commented that I loved his tattoo and that he looked great after the weight loss. Suddenly I got a DM from him and it was like "Hi :)". He seemed nice, he asked if I wanted more pics of his tattoo. Out of politeness, I said "Yeah sure!" And he showed me, but then started sending more pics like, of his chest and beard after his shower. Eventually started asking if I thought he was sexy, if I was interested in "sexting :P". I said "No thanks bruh, I've got a boyfriend" and he was all like "Okay it's fine there are plenty of women here who are interested in me after the weight loss" and going on about how much sex he's had since.. I just gave him the thumbs up and told him "If you're having that much sex, good luck" and blocked him.
From that day on, I pretty much gathered that if you give a man an inch, they'll take a mile and try to fuck it
No. 649065
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>>648997Slightly related but I'm really concerned for the wife of an ex-infinifat from reddit that I saw on r/all today.
He made this melodramatic post about his "war with obesity," but what he didn't mention until people asked him in the comments is that: He only lost weight due to a $15k gastric bypass, which he paid for with his wife's cash that she received from a medical settlement when her mother died due to malpractice. Then he got several corrective plastic surgeries paid for by tv shows he appeared on to whore out his story of being a 500 pound man.
What's worse is that in his pics he has a son, and in the comments he talks about his "great sex life" whereby he described having slapped his wife with his flesh apron of belly fat when they fucked, but how he totes is all about the sex now. Sex, sex, sex.
Like what is he playing at by mentioning these sordid details about his wife and their sex life? It seems like he wants reddit to know that he fucks, he probably messages women on there too which is gross.
In another comment reply, he has the audacity to call his wife "big" (I mean she looks heavy but nowhere near his tier) and said how she lost 70 pounds naturally. I feel bad for her, he mentioned that they live on a farm so I'm sure his poor wife was not only caring for a 500 pound manbaby who couldn't see his own dick, but also caring for a baby and a farm property practically by herself. I fear that this scrote who just sloughed off his fat with a scalpel is probably gonna see what he can do about an upgrade now that he might think he can pull better than his "big" wife who took care of him when he was a bedbound hog. Fat men disgust me.
No. 649128
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>it’s spring of 2017, i’m a senior in high school and 17 years old
>i used to actively get on omegle and spam my kik username out begging for scotes to message me because i craved their attention so badly
>occasionally people would ask if i was the one posting my username or if someone else was trying to get me spammed.
>”anon, did you post this on omegle?”
>usually say yes when asked, but this time i said no, it was my ex who posted my username
>dude and i end up talking for three days straight
>have similar taste in video games and also really liked horror movies and weird porn/hentai
>cringe i know
>this whole time i don’t know what he looks like, his age, name, or anything. just know he lives in chicago and recently left the military and that he used to be stationed in south korea.
>am stupid so he knew my name, face, am a senior in high school and the vague area i live in bc of what i told him
>anyway aside from sending links to porn i avoided sexual conversation with this guy, changed subject whenever it came up
>guy starts referring to me as his future wife on day two
>red flag but i kept talking to him, tell him i want to at least have my 18th birthday before considering marriage
>day three he starts talking about how he was going to start looking for a house and job in my area so we could move in together
>i block him immediately because bitch wtf
No. 649153
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> cut off girl when i was 12
> girl was overall terrible, but specifically very obsessed with me
> make a social media account on an obscure website
> my friends make accounts together
> man starts talking to me
> we talk daily
> would get randomly jealous or protective of me
> saw him at my school only once
> we cosplayed the same character
> hugged
> never saw him again
> not even in my school
> stop talking because he was rude as fuck
> this is where it ties together
> check girls instagram
> hes in a group picture with her
my theory is that she stalked me through him, which is fucking terrifying. how tf do u do that shit in middleschool? dude was a lot older than us too.
No. 649254
>>649065I mean, if he still looks like lower right pic, I wouldn’t worry about him finding too many opportunities to cheat.
Dude spent 15k to look like a 3 days old corpse. Might’ve as well stayed fat at that point.
No. 649335
I cam whored on /b/ underage (no full nudes) and developed an eating disorder after getting called fat and ugly by a bunch of scrotes. (I wore a fucking size 3 in jeans)
But this one is a little more interesting, maybe.
> went to detox the same day lil peep died
> get out of rehab and find out about it
> make unfunny joke, "me and lil peep share the same sobriety date"
> start getting called out, death threats, whatever
> one girl screenshots my post so she can make everyone aware that I'm terrible and deserve to die like her sweet angel, lil peep
> girl is a toopoor skin walker, big surprise
> she messages me death threats and threats that she's going to tell my mom, get me fired, my boyfriend fired etc
> block her
> I don't use my real name on FB or where I worked
> messages me from a different account telling me she wished that the purge was real and details how she would kill me, my boyfriend, and my fucking dog
> tell her to fuck off and block her
> starts spreading rumors to my friends that I'm secretly a nazi
> Starts group to "doxx" me
> continue getting violent messages from random account for awhile
> they stopped for about a year and then I started getting them again too and did my ig followers and fb friends
I'm not scared she'll actually find me. But Jesus Christ, unhinged lil peep fan. And it's really annoying to have to deal with her every 6 months.
No. 649573
>>649547Sounds like a perfect bartering exchange to me.
In all seriousness though, did you block her after that? That's some weird shit.
No. 654764
>>654753Seriously. I'm almost 30 and I can't imagine pursuing a friendship with a teenager. Being friendLY, certainly, but looking back I understand how utterly different children are compared to an adult with fully formed perspectives and experiences to back them up. That's not a diss to teens, we all need to go through that period of growth. It should be common knowledge that adults need to respect kids who haven't finished developing mentally.
Unfortunately I was taken advantage of by a 30-something when I was 18, and now almost being the age he was, I can see exactly how insane it was to think it was acceptable in any way, shape or form. I look at teens and see children. He saw something to fuck and use emotionally and financially. Repulsive.
No. 655400
>>622316Good luck with this.
I hope he rots
No. 655588
>>655201Funny thing is I wasn't even a thot. I was a good Catholic girl who'd never been on a date before, didn't flirt with boys and focused on my studies. I believed that surely if a grown man expressed undying love for me, he must really mean it because he was worldly and always carefully weighed his feelings. Combination of naivety and optimism I will never possess again. Shame I ended having to learn the hard way, but at least I know better now.
>>655419I'd be on board with that. I'm sorry you're going through this. Fwiw I eventually got into a much healthier relationship. It's still really strange having a "normal" dynamic where my partner actively attempts to care for me and respects my boundaries. Some days I don't know what to do with it, but I do believe some of that damage can be undone.
No. 655746
>>655654This was almost me! It was long distance at first and he ended up coming to my country instead of the other way around. As shitty as that time was I'm so relieved I didn't end up actually uprooting my life for him. Getting pregnant on top of that… god I can't imagine. I know exactly what you mean about feeling helpless to stop it. I don't know why none of the adults in my life stepped in. These days they say it was because I was legally an adult and they couldn't do anything to stop me, and I get that they couldn't have physically imprisoned me or anything, but damn. They hardly expressed concerns or explained
why the age difference was improper. I had to learn later on from internet randos and reading books on emotional abuse. So much emphasis on teaching kids how to be book smart but no one teaching them how to be healthy humans.
No. 656100
>>656092>jacking offokay
No. 656107
>>656104The point is, I thought you were a scrote/had a dick based on the language you used.
You already explained you were a dyke. but anyways, casually "fingered myself" and "masturbating" work but I'm not trying to police your language, just know that using "jacking off" is 100% a term guys use.
No. 656114
>>656107are you guys paranoid bc of the scroteposting or something? i use jerk/jack off everytime i mention anything about masturbation i don’t think it’s male exclusive
Not particularly disturbing but I remember camming on xat(?) or tinychat with a girl, nothing weird or unusual actually but I don’t remember if they also had their camera on. if they did, i can’t remember if it was a genuinely young girl or not, and i have mixed feelings towards it. Unfortunately it’s way more probable that it was probably some creep wanting to watch a young girl on camera despite it not being sexual. on the other hand, i hope whoever they are remembers me if they were my age at the time.
No. 657775
>>657764I read the first sentance and thought you were talking about wanting to seriously date the guy, that went downhill so fast.
I met a guy off of a fetish and kink site years ago, he introduced me to a local kink scene… then months later he tells me he's on an offenders list because of child porn. He had told two other women before he told me and they were just fine with it? I cut him off. I contacted the people who organised events for that scene (at club venues) to warn them to keep an eye on him. He ended up being banned from one and some people were annoyed at me for doing that. Amazing how sex offenders can keep friends.
No. 657981
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Hey, I want to share my worst experience from around 2016 taking place
on Chatzy in a depressed/suicidal/therapy chatroom. This chatroom is still running
by a guy named Ironfist Issac, a religious racist bigoted man from Manchester,England.
- You can search up his name and find other people experieces from him.
- His name change before but just a variation of the one above but ran 2 chatrooms one time
and went by
- In this chatroom no one was allowed to pm because he locked that feature and only he can.
And we couldnt share our socials with each other.
- Chatzy is a website that should be shutdown, Issac had been on this website for like 5+
years already but he PAYS to keep his chatroom up.
So I joined in a odd time in my life and wanted a place to talk sort of anomonouysly,
and found this Chatzy room. It was cool at first and there were regulars who I hung around
and chated with and you have the ones that come in randomly and express how suicidal they recently been
or vent there stress and problems. The main thing is the admin Ironfist Issac.
Issac is a fucking nutcase. He uses this chatroom of vulnerable people to bully or to join god.
Issac has shown to be homophobic, hates jews, people outside his religion, hates the irish too, and possibly
preys on minors and more. He ran two chatrooms a Therapy and Suicide one. He went by Stoli and the suicide channel.
He changed his name before from Ironfist Issac but it usually stays similar or goes back.
Im not sure exactly what Issac religion is called but I think its specifaclly from the UK. But he belives in Christ but
from memory I think he mention how stupid the other europeans are and shit on Protestants.
Issac was known to go on tyrades like a mad man, he can easily be triggerd and will rant in paragraphs for little to
no reason. No one was allowed to critizice him or how he runs things at all, he sees himslef as like a
gods gift, extremly narssasitic. When you enter the website it says to give your self a man, click continute then you can see the chat.
Before you actually enter and your announce you can see the chat and conversations. Issac would watch for a while before he entered
and right when he did and we all saw "Ironfist Issac joined the chat", it all went quiet and we would all come back later cause
we all knew he was crazy.
My experience with him and what I seen:
- A teenage girl around 15-16 joined and Issac was chatting her up and she said he was pming her too. He was called out but he said
its fine and he is of age in the UK. Issac said he is in his 20s.
- A schizoprenic girl came on to say her struggle with SP and say she had trouble socicalizing. She started to freak out a bit in the chat
saying a random person name Issac was PM her that someone was in her house and to turn around.
- He express his hate of the Irish when a teen girl name Ellie joined who was pretty chill and just joined for the first time. Saying stuff
like Irish dont deserve to live or not human and such.
- When I was still new a guy who kept by passing bann and kept entering the chatt I guess he had VPN, kept accusing Issac as a criminal and
saying he need to be in jail. He talked mostly by username cause Issac would instantly bann him. This happen like 3-4 times throughout the
time I was there and others saying similar things or hes a pedophile.
Other things:
- He has a private twitter and all it says is "I provide communications"
- There are a handful of people expereience with him online. Some on 4chan, tumblr, personal blogs, and even a was made for him and Chatzy.
Chatzy for sure has pedophiles on it exchanging links.
- Somone claimed to call to police on him and a inveestigaiton may be going on (Im not holding my breath for that)
Links from people talking about him: (this is more updated for recent times)
a wordpress: twitter: (a website reviewer):—
It bothers me that this dude is still out there doing this after years and hurting vulnerable people. I used to have MANY screenshots years ago
but that was on my old phone of his shit but it broke unfortuantly so I only have a few now that been on my pc since that time.
No. 664962
>>664428This was a couple years ago now on a forum, I can't remember the topic of discussion, but the guy I was talking to started digressing about his personal life and about how his wife left him for another woman etc. I straight up told him that his personal life had nothing to do with the topic at hand and didn't know why he brought it up. His response was:
"If it were up to me I'd sow your vagina shut bitch!" all in caps. At first I practically fell out of my chair laughing because at that point it was stupidest thing anyone had ever said to me. Later on I realized just how angry he was and became concerned for any female relatives or neighbors in his vicinity.
No. 665471
>>664962>>664428This is why men will never ever ever be able to claim
victim. They are always the predators. Fuck 'em. Guys like this are a pure example.
No. 675759
>>586506met a british dude on discord when i was 17 and he was kinda anti-social n creepy. told me he loved me within a week of talking and poorly sang "Gives You Hell" by All American Rejects on vc to me. Often spazzed about alt-right views and sharia law…
this is out of order, but i blocked his ass after the "I love you" when i should've done it sooner
No. 675803
When I was 15 I used to be in a lot of Facebook shitposting groups and A guy who was the admin of a page of a group I was in added me
We started talking and he told me he was 20-22 and from Sweden, we had a super similar taste in music and vidya so we became friends
At the time I had a public art tumblr/Facebook and he was super interested in my art he also would constantly make flirty jokes and when It was brought up he do the “haha unless…?” Thing, it used to make me super weirded out
A few times he’d get really sexual or “accidentally” send me suggestive pics then the day after he’d claim he was drunk, then one day he asked me to draw an “oc” of his (he offered to pay) but the character looked a LOT like me at the time same hairstyle, hair colour (it was dyed an unnatural colour at the time), was goth and the same build as me I took the money because was broke highschooler and drew the character a few times before he started asking me to do more nsfw stuff I did end up doing it since I didn’t really think about it and I was still getting paid
Right after I started drawing nsfw for him he got more and more sexual sending me dick pics, vids of him jacking off, Videos of him pissing for some reason, telling me explicitly what he’d do to me, sent me a video of his ex gf giving him head saying he wishe that was me and everything like that, keep in mind I was 15 and he 100% knew that like I’d spoken to him about being in highschool and he’d even talked about flying to my country for my 16th birthday and staying in a hotel together, he also would constantly try to guilt me into sending nudes I never sent full nudes only like cleavage and thighs because he’d get genuinely aggressive about it plus I was literally 15 and he constantly say shit like “whats the point of us being friends” and imply he’d stop talking to me if I didn’t
At one point I was at my friends house for her birthday party and he kept pestering me about video calling him I just ignored it because I was obviously busy but he kept calling me so at one point my friend and I answered since she was annoyed and was going to joke something about how he was clearly jealous just because she was getting all the attention he picked up and we were talking normally for like three minutes before he literally showed me an my friend his dick out of nowhere my friend immediately hung up the call and was like wtf so I turned my phone iff for the rest of the night
The next day when I turned it back on I had a bunch of messages from him trying to guilt trip me into sending him pictures/video calling him that eventually escalated into him making threats towards me I blocked him after I read those, he made a few alt accounts and tried to message me on those but I blocked those too
Last thing I know was when he came up as suggested on Instagram and he’s got two toddler daughters but doesn’t seem to be married or with their mother
No. 675929
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>>586506When I was 11-12, I would visit different metal forums and typically talk to people that were older than me. At first, many of them didn't believe I was 11 because I was well-spoken, I guess. Also it wasn't really common at that time for children to sit on the internet (in post-soviet countries). But there was at least one guy that was only happy about me being 12. He was 19. I remember him saying "and I like the little ones, like you". I didn't fully realized what that meant, because I didn't expect to encounter someone like him, but it did make me uncomfortable. So I just ignored it. Yet we still talked from time to time. One time I was at my cousin's and I logged in my ICQ account. He wrote to me, and for some reason we decided to TROLL him, lol. We pretended to be 'my boyfriend', a 33-year-old nazi guy who went by nickname Fuehrer. The 'boyfriend' disclosed my 'true colors' by telling him that I'm older (not much though, like 16 or something). That guy immediately asked: "so she's not a virgin????", we answered "of course not". Then I talked to him myself and he was really angry. He told me I was a slut and a liar. My cousin and I were laughing at him. But now, when I think of it… it was really important for that 19-year-old guy that I was 12 and a virgin. Wtf?
No. 676297
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i had a lot of disturbing interactions on the internet when i was a kid (age 10-14). i used to post sexually suggestive pictures of myself, enabled by my own mom, who sometimes even picked the pics. like bikini pics. my body developed very early so i looked older. a lot of pedos would hit on me and say disgusting things. i was so naive i didn't see anything wrong with those interactions. also my mom knew and didn't gave a shit wtf. once a grown ass man asked for my address and i gave him the address of the internet cafe i was (i only got a laptop when i was 13). so he really came all the way to see me. i didn't imagine he would. but it was weird af… i can't remember well what happened, but i asked him to leave and he did. now thinking about it, he could have kidnapped me or something. scary.
i think the weirdest interaction i remember is a guy who added me on msn messenger and used to hit on me (despite being aware that i was 11-12 at that time) and tell me stories of how he was in an incestuous relationship with his sisters. he would tell me detailed stories of how they teased each other and eventually fucked. i didn't really believe the shit he told me, but for some reason i pretended i did. eventually i got tired of his bullshit and blocked him. then the guy made a fake account pretending to be his sister. i blocked him again and he made another account, this time claiming it was his cousing. i blocked him again but now i can't remember if he finally gave up or i changed accounts.
oh i remembered another creepy shit that happened to me. i once posted a lot of pics from a photoshoot of when i was 12. some of the pics were "sexy". i was a dumb kid so i thought there wasn't a problem with posting those pics on the internet. but then a year later someone made a fake profile claiming to be me and reposted all those pics. it didn't bother me that much because the person created the profile and abandoned it, but remembering it now, it was really weird. who would even do that wtf.
No. 688132
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>>688115Omg i didn’t know those where a thing. Thank you educating me anon I finally have a clue what it was about
No. 688137
I have a pretty solid online friend group, many people have come and gone over the years but I will always remember this one girl who I'm calling Linda just for the sake of this story.
She was the "kawaii uwu" type (should've taken that as a warning). Linda told us she was a 14 year old Canadian and we all didn't have any reason not to believe her, but all of us were devastated when she told us she had a brain tumor. We all tried our best to support her, she told us she could get a possibly deadly surgery to remove the tumor or eventually die of the cancer. None of us knew better so we all urged her to get the surgery, and it was "successfully removed".
Can't remember how but her identity was revealed, she was actually a 21 year old woman from the Philippines and she never had cancer, she proceeded to go full BPD chan on our mutual friend for being "emotionally abusive", and by that she means not being awake at 3 am to voice chat with her. She would rapidly switch between hating him and idolizing him, she tried to rope him back in 3 separate times with a "final goodbye" that ended with her trying to squirm her way back into his life. This affected our mutual friend's real life income because his social media is an important part of his job, and she was constantly slandering him with her army of friends who still believed her.
I distanced myself from her and she suddenly disappeared after that, I wonder about her to this day. Maybe she started the cycle over again with new people, kek
No. 712304
>>657981>Im not sure exactly what Issac religion is called but I think its specifaclly from the UK. But he belives in Christ but from memory I think he mention how stupid the other europeans are and shit on Protestants.
Catholic? There's a huge Catholic vs Protestant thing here. I'm glad you've stopped going there, anon
No. 1190792
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>prior context: i was groomed and raped by my sibling at 5 years old so it messed with my head of course
>be 11, trying to make friends online cause im bullied and no one talks to me
>full disclosure i lied. this guy added me and tried being friends. he said he was 22. i said i was 16 when i was actually 11. still illegal here im pretty sure though.
>i dont know about privacy or shit so my real age/birthday was on my facebook profile (where we mainly talked) and looking at me and my friends in the pics we posted it was obvious we couldnt be older than 15.
>anyways this guy grooms me, sends a bunch of violent porn and convinces me its what im into (im not).
>he lives a few hours away.
>every single day he sends me messages saying he has a car and can go to my house and that he wants to meet me IRL so bad
>constantly makes comments about how hes going to find me and kidnap me so ill love him (he sent me a bunch of kidnap and rape porn to drive the point home).
>my dad retired around those months and it kinda saved my life? i was fully willing to meet this guy, knowing i was 11 and he was at least 20+. i didnt give a shit. i did not take his threats seriously.
>in my mind i WAS going to meet him, not cause i liked him, but because he was so persistent about it. the only thing that stopped me was that my dad retired and was with me in my house 24/7 and he was very strict. so i never had "alone" time anymore to let him come over.
>he gave up after a few months of sending me vague threats every single day. saying i was going to be the perfect slave wife or whatever.
>he blocked me in the end for always postponing our meeting.
>dad died from sudden heart attack weeks after this.
>no more abusive scrotes in life anymore.
>kinda build myself from there.
im doing great… where i live human trafficking and kidnapping is very common, even in children… life works in very strange ways.
No. 1190831
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>be me 13 on Facebook
>get friend request from random
>accept because I’m a stupid kid
>”hey ur cute”
>user has picrel as his profile picture
>I thank him and continue conversing with him
>I tell him I’m 13
>he’s still talking to me
>”did you use the bathroom earlier?”
>”describe it”
>I block him cause wtf.
>check message requests
>”babe why did you block me”
No. 1195085
When I was 12 I used to listen to a boyband and made a sneaky account to talk about them in a forum.
A 18yo at the time came to me to talk about them too and uhh okay nothing weird.
Until she one day she sent me out of the fucking blue a mpreg fanfiction about them. They were brothers too irl.
Fast forward 3 years, idk how, she became friends with a girl from my school due to mutual BL interests, she talked about me to her and she went "OMG ANON?? ITS BEEN THREE YEARS! PLEASE GIVE ME HER INFO"
She gave her my info and she started saying shit like.
"Aww little Anon, you're 15 now :)" "You're in highschool now! :)"
Fucking weird, still thirsting about that boyband.
One day she asked me if I ever had sex and I was like "No, tf?"
"I really want to fuck Anon :("
Blocked her shortly after, she became close friends with my classmate and idk where she is now.
Yes, she was a girl, not a creepy man, an actual 21 yo woman being like this. My guess is that she was autistic or something. She met my classmate, they were larping KH BL at the local anime convention.
Weird. The thing that rubbed me off the wrong way is how she insisted on larping as the two boys in chat and got mad when I said no. We would randomly talk and then she would send out of the blue some rp dialogue and I had to complete it if I didn't want some temper tantrum in the chat.
Still thinking about this years later because it's the thing that started making me anxious about phone notifications.
No. 1195636
>>1195615>never heard of habbo hotelHow old are you,
No. 1195640
I started playing World of Warcraft really young, like 9 years old young. My mom never monitored my internet use, I was chronically online even at that age, so I would basically come home from school, do homework and play WoW until past midnight. Anyways I was “friends” with this guy who treated me like a younger sister. Like fully platonic, he was always worried about me and would drive off weirdos, even looking back on it now he was super genuine. I thought I was mature so I would get mad at him for not letting me “make friends.” Didn’t really realize until I was older how much of an absolute bro he was. Anyways, there was this 1 French Canadian fucker on my server who was obsessed with me. Like this man was fully 20+ years old asking to meet up with 9 year old me because he found out I lived in Ontario. It got to the point where he somehow found me on Facebook, would send me creepy messages on there too, made numerous burner accounts when I would block him. I blocked him in game, he would just make other characters to harass me. GMs on WoW did nothing, so my friend decided to expose him to the entire server. Share it in game, on the server forum too, how this grown man was harassing a literal child, asking to meet up with me, etc. he was really well known on the server so people were clowning him, he denied it but there were MANY screenshots. i don’t know why but I was super embarrassed, told my friend he was ruining my life (cause I was a dumbass child) and removed him as a friend in game and on Facebook. I’m not really sure what happened to either of them, besides the creep changing servers and ceasing communication with me. My friend was much older, like almost 10yrs older than me, and we never spoke after that. I think about him often as I still play WoW to this day almost daily, I’m 25 now and realize he went out of his way to protect me as this wasn’t the only weirdo who interacted with me when I was that young. I wish I could find him somehow and thank him for doing what he did because I truly appreciate it.
Also, as mentioned this was NOT the only time I found weirdos on WoW, a slightly funnier story was when this guy in my old raiding guild ALSO found me on Facebook thru our raid leader, found out he lived in the same town as me (I was 18, he was 23) and kept trying to get me to go out drinking with him (keep in mind you can’t legally drink in Ontario until 19). His profile picture was him fully LARPing in a cardboard armour costume, wooden sword and everything in a public park. I fucking died laughing, linked the pic in discord until the entire guild laughed at him for not only being a loser but a creepy loser. Never heard from him again
No. 1195689
>>1195369Did you exchange of site information or what? How would you even see porn there?
My memory of habbo hotel is random nonces aggressively asking me for cam. The worst part about them was that nonces on the site were so fucking bad at grooming and even at 12 i could smell them a mile away because of their distinctive typing style that made them sound old as fuck and the aggressiveness.
No. 1203661
this is long, but im glad there's a place I can tell this story;
When I was 11/12 I joined a drama class (theatre loser here) and met lots of nice friends but they were all a few years older than me. There was a boy (one of 3 boys that would prey on me and ultimately abuse me in the years to come). Lets call him Mark who was like 15 when I was 12.
Mark was a fat ugly cunt who would tell me all the things I wanted to hear to boost my cripplingly low self esteem and would make me feel bad for him because all of his friends who were his age were starting to have sex and talk to girls but no girls liked him (surprise surprise the pug face moid) so he would beg and beg and beg me to send him pictures because he was soooo depressed that he couldn’t get any pussy. Me being a terribly naive 12 year old who just wanted to make people happy would send him a couple pics of my boobies or what have u to make him happy (how fucking stupid, but I was a sweet child with low self esteem who genuinely wanted to make people happy, even at my own expense). He would ask for more but I would be like no mark I am 12 he would cry and iw pull feel bad but whatever. He would send me dickpics so I could tell him that it was fine and desirable. Amongst these pics was a video of him cartwheeling naked he sent to some other girls. It was a whole thing, no one knows why he did it.
Soon after a boy would message me on kik, I forget his name, he was far more attractive than mark but could only send me one pic of him because he camera was always broken (sus but ok I am 12). He asks do I know mark, yes I know mark, he says he is marks cousin, wow what a small world. And so begins this relationship where I send him pics of my boobies and mark would be like why does my cousin get more pics than me and get upset over it. His cousin would then blackmail me and say if I didn’t send more pics then he would leak what I had already sent, it was a scary and vicious cycle for 12 year old. Mark would come to my rescue and punch him at a family dinner and break his phone for treating me that way. thanks mark, you're an amazing friend.
Mark later tells me that his aunt and uncle have sent his cousin away to the fucking USA because they are very religious and he has defied them by having any kind of social media/messenger. Mark says I don’t need to worry about him anymore- problem solved.
2 weeks pass and mark messages me- Cousin is dead. He crossed the road and was hit by a bus. Deaded. Gone. Deceased.
I am riddled with guild for fucking years because if it wasn’t for me then his parents would never have found out he had social media and he wouldn’t have been sent away, ergo would never have been hit by the bus and fucking died. in my head for YEARS I was the reason for this young mans death.
Several years pass, mark is blocked on everything because he never really left me alone and continued to perv on me.
In therapy I finally realise there ~never was a cousin~. it was mark the whole time.
TLDR; 12 year old me was the most naive person in the world
No. 1818711
>>586535I remember browsing dvach(russian version of 4chan) as a teen and going on the /b board and I once saw
a zoophile thread on the catalogue where a guy put his dick in the bird's beak. I also remember being exposed to similar stuff like this on callout posts on instagram, it's so bizarre and disturbing.
No. 1818715
>>1195640The platonic bro part melted my heart
No. 1820447
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Not so much an interaction as it was more of an encounter: a couple of years ago I was searching for an artist who's speedpaints I really liked in middle school on youtube- the videos on her channel are deleted but when searching her channel name other speedpaints related to her stuff will show up. She made a lot of edgy mlp fanart so I guess that prompted someone else's speedpaint of #Sweetie Belle straight up getting fucked with a knife by Rarity# to show up when you searched her channel name. I'm no stranger to grotesque mlp degeneracy but I was surprised that was even allowed on youtube, along with (likely) his other speedpaints which was stuff like sweet apple massacre fanart. The comments had a bunch of people rightfully calling the artist a gross pedo and he responded to them all saying stuff like "it's my art and I can draw whatever I please/youtube won't take my videos down no matter how much you report them" I saw one comment that was along the lines of "how could you draw something so horrible involving child characters" and he responded by saying he thinks children even in real life are "too protected" coming of as some philosophical edgelord, but I was still pretty shook up about and how upfront he was being about it, along with how detailed his paintings were and how much effort seemed to go into them- like I knew there were millions of people like this on the internet but I didn't think I'd actually encounter one just allowed on youtube like that.
No. 1820669
>in my Facebook era>have many interesting randoms from around the world as my friends >enjoy learning random bits of other languages and cultures, because that's what the Internet is for, right ?>I was probably just their personal lolcow but whatever>befriend some turkish guy>lanky sad boy type, I think at least one anon on here would have liked him kek>overall normal and sweet guy, comments mundane nice things>someday DMs me out of nowhere>"There's no way you'd be my girlfriend would you">Wonder if he's having some kind of mental episode, decide to make shit up instead of embarrassing him>"uuuh sorry there's someone I like but I'm so afraid to tell them bc I'm worried it would ruin my relationship blah blah">silence>he ends up apologizing for being weird and tells me he was indeed not feeling well that day>never hear about him againAnd that's the most normal guy I've ever met on the Internet. I was a cringy oversharing edgy shitposter at the time so I'm still kind of surprised that anyone would have followed me as some kind of serotonin dispenser genki idol. That was around the same time as when that other turkish girl who called herself Ann Frank was popular (I think afterwards she was stalked and abused by a scrote, but I can't find anything about her anymore) so I wondered if turkish weebs are just always strange like that. I have so many stories from this time but this is the only one that's risk-free to talk about. Hope this dude is okay
Also when I was around 13 I went onto some forum dedicated to game making software. I dismissed a lot of the grown man humor on there as just typical edgelord shit especially since every age range made pedo jokes at the time, but then one of the mods took my email adress and added me on MSN in hopes of seeing my face.
>>1195110I LARPed as a boy on Habbo and once was approached by a female pedo who wanted to sext. Being a turbo edgelord I thought that shit was ridiculous so I let her do her thing, I planned to reply weirder and weirder things until she got grossed out, but I chickened out because not knowing how the hell sex works made it a little hard. I was like uuuh ok I put my finger in I guess ??
No. 1820688
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Just this morning
No. 1820690
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In tyool 2007 or 2008 I was playing Gaia Online' Towns or w/e their chatroom was called. My avatar had like the second darkest skin color (definitely the darkest in picrel) and it was dressed a little skimpy but nothing egregious.
Well, while strolling in a populated zone I notice a guy in a group of avatars ramble about 'niggers' in some cringe spiel after I passed by him and his friends. I knew it was about my avatar because dark skinned avatars were rare, so I turned to him like "what the hell is your problem? Stop being racist" (bless my 12 yo heart) and his reply was "hey kitty, you should add some milk to that chocolate".
It sounds ridiculous now but it was creepy to me back then and it still is. I had awful experiences with philistine males online beforehand but none dealing with such blatant racism and disgusting flirting on top of it.
No. 1820695
>>1820690I feel similar about gaia now, it was legit a playpen for degens and we had no idea. and the fact that everyone was always like WANNA RP WANNA RP (and the fact you could have your avi in base peasant undies from the beginning was questionable to say the least)
I'm sorry nona, I'm feeling similarly discomforted by stuff like this that was up until realization an acutual haven from the real-life shit we were trying to escape. turns out we just escaped to the digital version
meet you on 2X if you want to talk about how men should be banned from the internet and any and all access to children. also we still floating The Great Late Abortion for male-only purge night? No. 1820753
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>>1820733Rarely. I make posts like picrel to piss off moids
No. 1924760
>>1820790Men have a much flatter distribution of IQ than women. Female IQ is much taller, meaning that a larger absolute number of women stack up at 100 than do men.
You virtually never see female "complete" retards or hyper-geniuses as a consequence. However, with men, there are actually a large absolute number of super dumb and super smart males. Places like 4chan will be a mixture of super smart but also super stupid men.
No. 1924772
>>1924766It's not that there aren't any hypergenius or hyperretarded women, it's just that they are much rarer than hypergenius or hyperretarded men.
IIRC the studies not only showed that men have more variance, the mean IQ of women was slightly higher, 2 to 3 points.
No. 1924780
>>1924772Wonder if the ratio of “hyper genius” to hyper retarded men is balanced, or if this vanishingly small population is worth the amounts of crime and violence perpetuated by the rest.
>>1924778I salute your bravery anon.
No. 1925759
>>1924847where are these “studies” you are referring to then. the bell curve? lmao. it literally is an old wives tale. the earliest computer programmers were women as it was considered a menial job at the time; there have been countless genius-level female painters, philosophers, mathematicians, etc. the canon is merely stacked against them and ignores them. plenty were also suckered into becoming wives and contributed to the work of their husbands significantly; women worked on the manhattan project as well. there’s plenty of talented, eccentric women geniuses out there, unruly female intelligences that are constrained by our society to this day, they just aren’t celebrated because they don’t sex themselves up (massive waste of time) and they’re not easily digestible in a little feminine package. our society only lets female midwits pass through the filter of male gatekeeping, and so most of what you’ll see in terms of female public intellectual life is stereotypically feminine fluoride-stare theythem tiktokers muttering a million self-deprecating comments per second and hiding behind a baby voice to remind everyone she doesn’t actually take herself seriously because she’s a woman and it’s not her place. no one cares about the female geniuses out there to this day because they aren’t glamorous and being a woman = glamour to most. people’s brains have turned to mush by a mass pavlov effect through social media and influencer-based advertisement to associate women with lifestyles and consumption habits, as if being a woman was like being subscribed to a montly makeup subscription box. no, the bell curve-flavour bullshit about men’s intelligences isn’t true. it’s funny, almost every “genius” man i’ve met was usually a narcissistic sex addict cultivating themselves and putting on airs as a seduction technique, which is what they accuse us of.
also, violence doesn’t “correlate” to intelligence. wild claim.
No. 1944155
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I’m genuinely so fascinated that I always see the same exact type of people who write out stuff like this. It’s always some middle aged random who takes bottom up front facing pics. These people are like NPCs shouting the exact same schizo religious nonsense on public profiles.
No. 1944446
>>1944207Adults who talk to obvious teenagers/kids online about anime smut are either retards or creeps, or retarded creeps. It used to be so gross on DeviantArt when you would see some adult tard doing
erotic roleplays in the comments section with young teens. DA just filled right up with that shit after they started letting people post fanfics under TV show screenshot collages as a piece of art.
No. 2082845
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What the fuck is this ai pedophile shit on my dashboard because they tagged it 1960s fashion???? The fuck
No. 2082860
>>2082852Does attractive necessarily imply anything sexual though?
I've used attractive to describe cute kids with my friends before, because their cuteness attracts attention
No. 2082885
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>>2082876Samefag, I somehow forgot to mention that he used to ask me for selfies CONSTANTLY and sometimes I'd actually send them because he managed to say it in a "just as friends" sounding way, most of the ones I sent him were in my school uniform or while I was lying in bed AAAAAAAAAAAA it's such a good thing I followed my gut and didn't actually get into a relationship with him
No. 2083531
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Not sure if this really counts but fuck it may as well. In 2021, met this girl and became friends with her over YouTubers we loved and hated. Overtime she asked me to read her writings, when I didn’t she started spamming my tumblr ask box to (I never did) I asked her to stop (don’t remember if she did, haven’t been on tumblr in forever), overtime I started letting her tell me about her characters and here’s where it got weird because she had this MPreg fetish. Almost every story she wrote had a man getting pregnant by another man, or a woman getting pregnant but she didn’t publish sex scenes despite writing them. She wanted to do RPs with her characters and started them out of nowhere, sometimes it would get to talking about how fuckable they were (she literally made them in dress up games for toddlers) and she would tell me randomly that her characters were actually related if it got to the point that the RP turned romantic. She later started crushing on me and shit, I never felt the same and told her I would date her because I wasn’t in the best headspace and wasn’t really thinking straight. I DFE’d most stuff and fucked off, haven’t spoken to her since but that was a weird experience, the MPreg was the worst of it tbh but it didn’t end there. She also cried to me about she accidentally drove some guy to suicide once and got hate comments for it online but she never told anyone she did it. I was Christian at the time (not anymore) and she started crying asking if she was gonna go to hell for it, I still get emails because despite my old tumblr blog being dead for lord knows how long she keeps tagging it in random posts and shit. I can’t bring myself to just tell her to fuck off cuz I do feel bad to an extent and when actually talking to her it softens me up but it was just a fucking mess and was toxic as hell. I feel a bit bad that she may never get into a relationship now cuz she’ll be waiting for me to talk to her again, especially cuz it’s hard to find relationships with other women. That wasn’t even all of it crazily enough but I’m trying to avoid making a wall here
No. 2084028
>>586506I had a very disturbing interaction with an anon who looked like it was Geddy Lee's of Rush real account. He managed to log himself into the real IG account of Geddy "geddyimages" and when I didn't want to pay him money, he just blocked me on… "geddyimages" account, which looks like this: @geddyimages.
I'm chronicling this on my YT account - @olganesterowicz.
I'm glad I can talk about this on the anonymous feminist board.
No. 2084239
me and an old simulwatch group some years ago, there was this guy. seemingly normal if not a little off, we were all anime fans so it was to be expected. a couple years later he gets permabanned from the site we're on for racism, harassing other users, effectively ostracized from discord communities, and before he's kicked out talked about wanting to kill women, eat their corpses, and murder his cat in excruciating detail. nowhere years prior to that when he was in the simulwatch group did he ever indicate what a psycho he was, it was like something shifted in him, the bigotry and misogyny out of him was sudden.
he was also one of the moids responsible of spreading revenge porn of me so I have no sympathy for him. there were a lot of awful people in that community including shotacon and lolicon pedophiles, but he was one of the nastiest. dude was a quebeccois I should've known from the start he was crazy
No. 2084646
Worst and scariest was having a deranged scrote cyber stalk me because I was ignoring his messages. He not only found my real face and personal accounts but my stupid tumblr with my stupid fanfics on it as well. It was very upsetting for me at the time (I was around 17) and I've been over the top about cyber security ever since.
Weirdest was some freak who reblogged every single thing on my entire blog, a blog that I'd had for a few years by that point. When I posted something about it they deleted their account.
Most annoying was some scrote I talked to on omegle that shockingly didn't try to molest me like
>>2084320 (that was so nasty and fucked up by the way, I'm glad you followed your instincts) but instead was mopey and depressed and for whatever reason I felt bad for him and tried to cheer him up. It's been a while now and I can barely remember but I think he said something about considering cheating on his gf and I was like "omg nooo don't cheat that's bad" and he disconnected soon after kek.