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No. 5874
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Next up we have mh_audrey
No. 5875
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Can't forget PeachMilkyTea
No. 5876
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Oh and kawaii voldemort… Kittyphina!
No. 5877
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27 or was it 28 year old? TaylorR
No. 5878
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Suppose we can't forget Venus either sigh
No. 5879
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pandafofanda.. not exactly that well known but is a rich snob who is trying to be a famous weeb
No. 5880
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Pink-raj..'s slowly.. trying
No. 5883
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Andi Autumn who could be Kota's missing twin from the side like this… No. 5884
>>5881looks a bit like a guy trying to be dakota.
Still, she seems pretty cute
No. 5887
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Krisella CantĂș (Spanish)
No. 5888
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nekonyapii is actually a white weeb trying to be asian
No. 5889
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Oh and we have srcircusdoll
No. 5910
>>5887Mexican, and a full-on Kotex copycat. Not even trying to be kawaii or cares about Japan. Just imitating Dakota to the max. She's been obsessed with her for several years and I'm a little creeped out that she hasn't stopped.
Anyway, this thread would have been a good idea if OP weren't such a moron.
>white, thin, blondeisn't something you can control if you happen to be like this naturally..
Also, it pisses me off how circle lenses and kawaii shit auto = living doll. PT does all that, and nobody thinks she is or is trying to be a LD. Yeah.. there are legit copycats like that pandafofanda bitch, but as a white/thin/blonde girl I'm kind of afraid that if I just put on circle lenses and a gyaru top someone's gonna say "Dakota copycat!" cause I've seen it happen to some of my instagram friends, and I swear I'd fucking rage.
No. 5912
>>5910Uh, I mean, there's a pretty blatant difference between Kota and PT. "Living doll" is more than just circle lenses and wearing pastels…there's a clear similarity amongst all of the girls in this thread – there's definitely a certain aesthetic.
The last half of your post lol no1 curr.
No. 5913
>>5883What's the big deal with this girl? I've been seeing her all over tumblr. She's not ugly, but she's nothing special and her makeup looks really bad imo.
>>5912I think it's more about how these girls go about it, not the aesthetic. With most of them, you can tell they're after the fame Kota has just by taking a quick glance at their social media.
No. 5916
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>>5913>"Living doll" is more than just circle lenses and wearing pastelsExactly.
Most people posted here so far are just white girls who are into jfashion. They've never labeled themselves living dolls, and some of them are doing nothing more than following gyaru fashion, like DollieLulu.
This right here is what a real "living doll copycat" is. And she's not even white.
No. 5917
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Here's her current account
No. 17856
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Mexican 25 year old Leslie Pavon
No. 17980
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instagram: babyspiced
No. 17991
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>>5873Forgive me in advanced. And I know you girls are gonna hate me for this but I've always wondered if I'm kawaii enough to ever be a living doll
massive lols ensues I'm clearly not white and lack the sort of income it takes to keep up a dolly wardrobe and what have you so I've never really tried. I've been watching kota, and venus and all the other little lolly dolly's for a long ass time and I've been burning with jealousy over them all the while and always dreamed of me being in their shoes, having the cute blog, the fan base, the cosplays, the youtube videos, the outfits, pictures, wigs, lenses, shoes, trips to japan, kawaii decoden phones but that stuff just never came no matter how hard I worked to make money and save up, it's just been set back after set back keeping me further away from it happening so I just gave up. So I figure since it's not likely to happen for me, it'd just be cool knowing in another life, would I make a cute living doll? or a hilarious Pixiterry joke? Lol…
No. 17994
>>17991I really hope this I'd bait but…
If not, then why not just be a camgirl? I can see you having the appeal of being one.
No. 17998
>>17991You want honesty?
No. Nose too large, face too long, bad eyebrows, saggy eyelids. You look kinda old and tired with gross hair.
No. 18019
>>17991you def aren't ugly or pixyteri-like, but I don't think the kawaii look suits you. plus the photos you posted were taken with a low-quality camera which always makes people look worse
you remind me a bit of Olivia Thirlby from Juno actually
i think curly hair would suit you
No. 18022
>>18019If she fixes her eyebrows and do better make-up (and fixes her hair), I think she'd look good in her own way. She doesn't have any dolly features but I don't think that makes her ugly.
Just getting good eyebrows will change a lot for her. They're currently too short.. should be closer to her face, and not face downwards like they do.
The black makeup under her eyes isn't really working for her.. too much dark make-up. She looks like she has long lashes too, which she should take advantage of.
Would love to see a photo in better quality.
No. 18032
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>>17991Honestly, I think you're pretty cute. I shopped you a little (through a phone app), but all I did was fix your nose and narrow your chin a bit. If you want to save up for that, you can practice your make up and build your wardrobe in the mean time!
No. 18060
>>18055Yeah, haha I listen to heavy metal so the goth look is something I know would better suit me but I have a thing for innocent looking/schoolgirl look too so that gets in the way. Thank you very much :)
>>18032Wow I look like somebody else with jaw surgery… I've wanted to get it since I found out it exists but I figure it's a lot of pain for a long time. This is really cute tbh! I actually used to have bangs but they did not look cute like that because I didn't know how to style them :P I'm losing a lot of hair due to stress so I don't think bangs are a good idea :/ I would just wear wigs if I ever did the kawaii look.
>>18022My hair is unmanagable. It depresses me. I'm on biotin/keratin, I treat it with oils and special shampoos and flat iron it and comb it but to no avail. It still remains a frizzy mess. I think it's just genes. My parents and their parents had terrible hair too. :(
>>18019>not pixyteri likeOh thank god. LOL The photos were taken on a 4 year old IPOD TOUCH, ew, I know. That girls very pretty thank you so much. Curly hair eh? My hair is naturally wavy/curly but gets tangled as fuck when I leave it that way so I straighten it a little. My eyebrows are naturally very short, I hate it, I'd have to draw them to make them longer. :/
No. 18072
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>>18060In regards to your hair, have you tried John Frieda Frizz Ease serum? It's definitely the best product I've found for that issue.
No. 18079
>>18060>I listen to heavy metal so the goth look is something I know would better suit meWhat? Those two things aren't congruent at all which makes me suspicious about what you actually listen to. Discarded.
>Wow I look like somebody else with jaw surgeryNo you don't. And they didn't do anything with your jaw. That photoshop would be closer to a chin implant than anything. If you got jaw surgery, it would slim your face even more and make your head even longer which is exactly what you don't need. Why would you even think about wasting your money on something you obviously haven't looked into?
>The photos were taken on a 4 year old IPOD TOUCH, ew, I know.How is that "ew"? Are you a spoiled child who needs a new handheld every 5 months? The only gross thing about this is that you own an Apple product. Learn to invest your money on better products.
And stop doing your makeup in a way that makes your eyes look even droopier than they already are. Unless you're going for the puppy dog bommie look intentionally, however, it doesn't look flattering on you in the least.
No. 18081
>deftones, disturbed, metallica, nine inch nails, system of a down, godsmack, alice in chains, slipknot, tool, a perfect circle, avenge sevenfold, iron maiden, gemini snydrome, saxon, pantera, drowning pool, lamb of god, korn, deep purple, five finger death punch, as i lay dying, amaon amarth, faith no more.Yeah, I listen to heavy metal, sorry.
No. 18082
>>18081>deftones, disturbed, metallica, nine inch nails, system of a down, godsmack, alice in chains, slipknot, tool, a perfect circle, avenge sevenfold, iron maiden, gemini snydrome, saxon, pantera, drowning pool, lamb of god, korn, deep purple, five finger death punch, as i lay dying, amaon amarth, faith no moreFucking LOL. All core and dadrock shit. None of those are heavy metal except for amon amarth and even then you couldn't type it correctly. My point exactly. Embarrassing.
No. 18083
>>18079>puppy dog lookHaha yeah I actually think of that when doing my makeup. Its unintentional but I dont mind. Its better than barefaced imo.
>spoiled childActually Im a poor adult. lol
>jaw surgeryId get jaw surgery as likely as Id get breast implants… which is very very unlikely. I dont think id ever really go for cosmetic surgery.
>what i listen toI posted below :)
No. 18087
>>18085That's why you had to google it. Don't argue with me on something I know about. Your scene kid and nu metal bands aren't heavy metal. Don't forget this
Quit acting so butthurt about it. You're only proving my point further.
No. 18092
>>18087>scene kidIll be 24 this winter. Man I wish I could be a kid again… sheesh. If someone told me how shitty being an adult was, I would've died as a child lmao.
>>18090Im not on a high horse? But ok, You win I guess… metallica isn't heavy metal haha whatever, I love those bands, I consider them SOME sort of metal… so yeah.
No. 18096
>>18092I said scene kid bands. I didn't specifically call you a scene kid. And there you go with irrelevant weird shit pulling a spoony again.
>metallica isn't heavy metalNice dadrock backup band.
>>18095You couldn't fit this into one post? I don't live anywhere near the UK so I'm not really sure where you're going with this.
No. 18100
>>18096I dno wth a spoony is.. I literally am only familiar with kota/venus chans lol
Dad rock, sure. Brits always use "Bloody hell" and "fucking hell", is where I was going. -_-
Not mad? What's banby's? lol And "ablooabloo"? Is that some teenage "run to the laptop after school and pour out my rage on lolcow cause I have no friends IRL" lingo or something? O_o
No. 18101
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>>18099You sound 12 years old and dealing with pubes by this.
No. 18103
>>18100farmers, you all need to consider that this may not be the original girl posting.
Girl, if this is you, I'm the one who shooped you. Life will be better if you just drop it, all of this petty drama is going to do nothing for you but cause you to become a subject. C'mon now- this is not important enough to reply to. If you've made it all the way to lolcow you should know this by now.
No. 18106
>>18103it must be the original girl. the emoticons and retardedness are p consistent.
>>18105you turned it into that yourself. quit playing the victim. all you have to do is ignore them and get over it.
No. 18107
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>>18104Do you need biology class? Pubic hair… You sound like a 12 year old who just started growing pubic hair…
No. 18108
>>18106>Calls me retarded>Tells me to get over anons doing the sameThat logic.. damn.
No. 18109
>>18107I'm not that anon. You don't need to keep samefagging. I just couldnt tell what you were trying to vomit with your terrible English.
>>18108>>18107>>18105Please fit your hissyfit into one post and stop dragging this on. Yes, everyone here thinks you're retarded. Go figure.
No. 18112
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>>18111>hur dur you're under 16>already said I'm 24. Most likely older than all of you here. Are you illiterate or just lazy?
>>18109Yknow, retarded 12 year olds think everyone besides themselves of course, are retarded…
I got to go to work now… It was unpleasant getting to know all you children.
No. 18123
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Do you guys think the living doll thing would suit me?since we are already on the subject
No. 18126
Try again.
Traverse the ulzzang tag and gtfo
Jesus, on another note, not self posting. This isn't a self post thread, and I wouldn't want to be associated with this site at all considering the people we regularly make fun of.
No. 18130
*stop self posting
In addition, this goes to anyone who has "the urge". At least go to /g/ or something
No. 18241
>>18131You want advice? Alright
your first selfie was poorly edited and no one gives a fuck about your belly. There is no definition to it at all. Congrats you don't eat and wanna be kawaii
like thousands of other kawaii asians on the internet.
You might appeal to the many weebs or LoL guys who have yellow fever. You happy?
No. 18328
>>18275That's the fun of it.
Anyway, I reversed Google and didn't find anything in particular, so I assumed it's an original pic. To say it's anon or not, well that's a different story.
>>18123Here you look like Jun's (enuthanizeallwhitepeople) friend Mae(the Taiwanese-American one I think)
5/10 + 1 cause of internet anz fever
No. 18333
>>18112You're 24 and arguing with people about music on lolcow? Your age doesn't give you validation to act immature.
The fact that you say you are 24 actually makes you look worse. You are obsessed even "jealous" about the dolly look which is targeted towards middle schoolers and young high schoolers, lying about liking something you don't know about, and typing like a typical weeaboo all whilst spouting the comebacks a child would come up with to validate your shitty logic.
At least make a new thread to self post in. Why did you do it here? Don't you know that this isn't the place to do it? Quit being lazy and make a new thread in /g/. You are even a massive newfag not knowing where to post, who spoony is, what babby means and what abloobloo insinuates. It's not hard. The second hand embarrassment is real. You don't even know how to put makeup on or how to do your hair. How are you going to manage the real world? And what do you have against people from the UK? Who hurt you? Why don't you have common sense? I have so many questions.
You are a giant womanchild. Congratulations.
No. 18672
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>>17862Holy shit you're right. They look like twins!
No. 18704
>>17998>saggy eyelidswut?
And I think her eyebrows are fine for her face.
But yeah, definitely zero chance of being kawaii.
No. 18730
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>>5883Eugh, I thought she was hella pretty based on the pic you used but then I delved.
Her shoops are so inconsistent. Also,
>dem izumo kamiki eyebrowsWhy.
No. 18854
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Abigail Cervilla/ Angelicpretty/ Kawaii Sheepie/ Kiwi Vanilla. Argentinian blogger/ model living in Tokyo. I think she's really cute.