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No. 58944
>>58940I got unfriended for using *trans instead of just trans.
Don't worry about it.
They also go deeply offended by me saying that Tumblr was a massive cesspool of the worst of people.
No. 58945
>>58943I don't understand why anyone thinks 'stupid' is an 'ableist' term. You don't have to have a mental disability to have a low IQ.
I've heard that it's because it's "a common insult directed towards people with mental disabilities", but it's not
exclusively used towards people with mental disabilities, so I don't understand why people get so pissed off about it. It's not like calling someone 'retarded' or a 'spastic'.
No. 58949
>>58947And that's perfectly reasonable. That's the way it should be.
But apparently it's
triggering to call people out on their bullshit.
No. 58951
>>58949You can call people on their bullshit as much as you want, if they start using excuses why you can't call them out for their shitty behaviour then they're making a fool of you.
PC basically means you can't be oppressive, it's not a bad thing when understood.
It sounds like your "friends" are real soft-asses who can't take any criticism ever.
No. 58953
>>58951I don't see how that would be 'making a fool' of me unless I fell for their excuses.
I wasn't complaining about political correctness or 'friends'. Do you think I'm another poster or something?
No. 58957
>>58953Do you though? What gets you riled up about it all?
I think you may be cool to chat to, that's why this topic was made.
No. 58965
>>58963Does that sound oppressive to you? Are you oppressed by that?
I've not really heard any views yet, that makes me sad.
Was hoping for some real shiz.
No. 58966
>>58957I'd like to think I'm generally pretty quick to tear someone down for trying to pull the PC card.
I wouldn't say it riles me up, I just seriously don't understand how the word "stupid" can be interpreted as "ableism".
Although it's generally the tumblr bunch who get offended at stuff like that, so maybe trying to use logic there is just fighting a losing battle.
No. 58967
No offence meant by this, but are you esl?
No. 58974
>>58973Well that's daft isn't it when I'm chatting to you in English.
Did you fail in comprehension?
No. 58977
>>58976I knew this topic would attract people like you. With nothing really worthwhile to say. just a general bitterness to everything, how do you live life like that?
I'm very curious.
No. 58978
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>>58977your comprehension skills seem very messed up…
No. 58979
>>58978I said before you, so bags on that.
You're very interesting.
No. 58983
>>58943lol they would've crucified you for dumb next since you would be using ableist language about people who can't speak. I swear that SJWs undermine their cause by always taking things a step too far. Who the hell is using "dumb" to describe someone who is mute these days? Word meanings change over time and it makes uber PC pushers look DUMB when they fail to acknowledge this fact.
>>58944Really? I thought *trans was the more PC term. One of the biggest issues if we try to stay PC is that many SJWs don't agree on nuances and or they constantly change the goalposts.
Re: the subpar troll in the thread: farmers, don't feed the trolls.
No. 58992
>>58984It came off as a shitty trolling attempt to me, but either way starving them of attention is probably the safest way to go.
>>58987I've just been hiding them from my feed. I actually like all my facebook friends or they're just good contacts to keep up with. Most of the people I have hidden are actually people from the other side–legit racists and crazy religious fundies.
No. 58994
>>58983You're even a true "ableist" with a broken bone and suffering to them. Tumblr has become worse than the chon these days, like a complete opposite but the same.
None of them understand what PC is at all, it's ridiculous.
And nope, not allowed to use *trans anymore, it's offensive because WHO THE FUCK KNOWS?!
No. 59067
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I see similar signs on my campus
No. 59083
>>59067Okay, how does this fit this topic? Genuinely curious–this is definitely not PC, though it is a pretty SJW stance.
On a separate note, flyers like this are pointless or damaging to a SJW cause–it would actually make excellent propaganda for the KKK and other hate groups since it's just alienating potential white male allies. The only places I could perhaps see this flyer not damaging race relations further would be at an historically black college or a women's college–that seems more like the actual intended audience for this piece of trash anyway.
No. 59084
>>59067Maybe it's because I go to a university where 80% of students work and 70% are over the age of 21, but I don't see much of this bullshit here.
Sure, there's a few signs for the LGBTQ club around. But most of the flyers are for like, language clubs, financial aid, and public speakers. Tumblr doesn't seem to have an overwhelming presence here.
No. 59467
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>>58938From the same country who's Prime Minister fucked a pig. Nice. Pig fuckers and pedophiles, that's all the UK government is, really.
No. 59497
>>59467lol I know this post was supposed to be insulting but you don't seem to realise that almost everybody in the UK fucking despises David Cameron and want him executed.
Please post more pictures like that.