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No. 590632
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I was in middle school when I read this book. There's a few lines in there that applauds the answer "I don't know" and encourages it as a valid response.
If I don't know something, I'm not going to tout a side as truth and pretend I'm an expert. I don't get into internet arguments at all, I'm largely agnostic, and I hate both sides of American politics equally.
No. 590802
>>590774You should really read Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. This is one of the biggest ideas in it.
Basically, he was a Jewish psychiatrist in Austria during world war II. He survived many different death camps and it heavily inspired his book.
Reposted because bad wording.
No. 590844
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>>590817Riding off this: if you can survive the next ten seconds, then you can survive the next ten, and the next ten..
No. 590875
>>590632Anon, are you me?
Also for me:
>we are all doing the best we can with what we haveI remind myself of that when I feel depressed because I don’t have all that I want or need right now.
No. 590962
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Reading Planetary by Warren Ellis was pretty enlightening to me and radically changed how I viewed the world, but issue #3 hit me hard.
It's a story about a cop in Hong Kong being betrayed by his partner and continuing on as a ghost, living only to kill criminals. The main characters come and investigate why he exists, expecting a large, convoluted mystery on how he came to be. There's an explanation but the comic tells us that isn't important, what's important is how we live our lives and investing time into pointless bullshit only diverts us from what's really lasting.
It hit me like a ton of bricks. It made me realize how much time I and many people put our time into ideas designed to make us docile (things will naturally work itself out) and not conductive to building a meaningful life. Not some ubermensch shit, but just being present in your everyday life and making the most of the time you have here.
I recommend if you're a fan of comics to the rest of it. It's definitely a deconstruction on the morality of superheroes and some of the fucked up ideas that it inadvertently produces.
No. 590995
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learning a little about the philosophical tenets of taoism has changed my perspective on life. by no means an expert or a practitioner, but it revealed to me useful ideas:
-do not expend energy fretting over what is not within our control
-take things in stride
-expectations breed disappointment, so manage them wisely
i highly recommend reading the Tao of Pooh; basically a text that illustrates how Winnie the Pooh's personality reflects taoist principles. it sounds super silly, but it's a fun read!
No. 591143
The Cool Girl quote from Gone Girl. The movie version is also fantastic, but I preffer it from the book. Made me realize men are different to women.
Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot. Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.
Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl. For a long time Cool Girl offended me. I used to see men – friends, coworkers, strangers – giddy over these awful pretender women, and I’d want to sit these men down and calmly say: You are not dating a woman, you are dating a woman who has watched too many movies written by socially awkward men who’d like to believe that this kind of woman exists and might kiss them. I’d want to grab the poor guy by his lapels or messenger bag and say: The bitch doesn’t really love chili dogs that much – no one loves chili dogs that much! And the Cool Girls are even more pathetic: They’re not even pretending to be the woman they want to be, they’re pretending to be the woman a man wants them to be. Oh, and if you’re not a Cool Girl, I beg you not to believe that your man doesn’t want the Cool Girl. It may be a slightly different version – maybe he’s a vegetarian, so Cool Girl loves seitan and is great with dogs; or maybe he’s a hipster artist, so Cool Girl is a tattooed, bespectacled nerd who loves comics. There are variations to the window dressing, but believe me, he wants Cool Girl, who is basically the girl who likes every fucking thing he likes and doesn’t ever complain. (How do you know you’re not Cool Girl? Because he says things like: “I like strong women.” If he says that to you, he will at some point fuck someone else. Because “I like strong women” is code for “I hate strong women.”)
No. 591147

>>591143Movie version
And when they find my body, they'll know: Nick Dunne dumped his beloved like garbage, and she floated past all the other abused, unwanted, inconvenient women. Then Nick will die too. Nick and Amy will be gone, but then we never really existed. Nick loved a girl I was pretending to be. "Cool girl". Men always use that, don't they? As their defining compliment: "She's a cool girl". Cool girl is hot. Cool girl is game. Cool girl is fun. Cool girl never gets angry at her man. She only smiles in a chagrined, loving manner. And then presents her mouth for fucking. She likes what he likes, so evidently he's a vinyl hipster who loves fetish Manga. If he likes girls gone wild, she's a mall babe who talks for football and endures buffalo wings at Hooters. When I met Nick Dunne I knew he wanted "Cool girl". And for him, I'll admit: I was willing to try. I wax-strippe my pussy raw. I drank canned beer watching Adam Sandler movies. I ate cold pizza and remained a size two. I blew him, semi-regularly. I lived in the moment. I was fucking game. I can't say I didn't enjoy some of it. Nick teased out in me things I didn't know existed. A lightness, a humor, an ease. But I made him smarter. Sharper. I inspired him to rise to my level. I forged the man of my dreams. We were happy pretending to be other people. We were the happiest couple we knew. And what's the point of being together if you're not the happiest? But Nick got lazy. He became someone I did not agree to marry. He actually expected me to love him unconditionally. Then he dragged me, penniless, to the navel of this great country and found himself a newer, younger, bouncier cool girl. You think I'd let him destroy me and end up happier than ever? No fucking way. He doesn't No. 591195
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The idea to always challenge your own comfort zone and to always pick the more adventurous option, even if it's riskier. Any new experience is a new memory that you'll have all your life.
I'm a cautious, non impulsive person, and I've always admired people who are more impulsive and don't overthink their decisions as much. Even if it doesn't always work out perfectly, it will at least make your life more interesting and to me that's one of the most important things there is.
Now to actually manage to practice what I preach…
No. 591367
This video, I'd say. And any others having to do with Space.
I used to get the same nightmare all the time, me walking out of my house and a Black hole suddenly opening up in the sky and causing a ton of damage to my neighborhood.
At some point, I realized I didn't know too much about how they worked. So I decided to dive into learning about them and space in general.
It was fascinating and a real perspective changer. Made me not only appreciate and care more about our Earth, but life in general.
I've also been looking up at the night sky more often. Ended up seeing two shooting stars in the same week a couple of months ago, 10/10 was really great.
>>591257I've had that video downloaded ever since I saw it on tumblr years ago.
Gives me hope every time.
No. 591451
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No. 591458
>>591238>>591147Loved both these movies, especially Gone Girl. Big lesson: never be a pick-me, not even once. You degrade yourself to a level that makes you lose the respect of men and other women, you become a human wastebin. Unless you're someone like Camille Paglia, by the time your 15 minute of fame is up you have to dig deep to degrade yourself further and produce to a bigger smile. It burns a hole deep in your soul, slowly makes you hate yourself.
I'm glad I got out of that path when I did and I was smart enough to not get involved in social media.
No. 591650
>>591143>>591458I think Gone Girl made something click inside my head back when I saw it, especially the famous monologue about Cool Girls and after reading the book version in particular. The "Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl." line really gave me a good shook and it
always replays inside my head whenever I see women acting like doormat handmaidens.
No. 593167
I don't know where else to post this
It's regarding Islam and how one fundamental difference holds it back from evey truly evolving
Nearly all rligions are a result of cultural syntricism and divergent evolution, almost like an organism
Zues, odin, Vharma, Jupiter all came from the same source that evolved different characteristics over time due to various factors
Islam is a result of the mixing of Eastern Syriac Christianity, Arab culture and values and some zooratrian asthetics
What differs Islam from other religions is how incredibly arab-o-centric Islam is, literally no words can describe how absurdly Arab-o-centric Islam is
The language of Adam was supposed to Arabic, the language of all those who enter paradise is supposed to Arabic, learning Arabic is supported in the Qura, it's believed that reading the Quran in ones native language is considered less holy then reading in Arabic even if you don't understand a single word
When a people are introduced to Christianity then the people do change but so does Christianity, it adopts local characteristics to suit the people, but when islam is introduced to a people, then while the people do fundamentally change Islam stays the same
I saw this myself when I was in the UK, Churches.would have various different practices and ways to pray depending ethnicity and culture, but masjids/mosques in the UK, Bosnia, Arabia and Pakistan all prayer procedure is exactly the same, other ways of prayer are not allowed and tolerated
Islam can't evolve because of this, it's what holds back Muslims, without some reformation then that's the fate people have to deal with
No. 593184
>>593172>>593167Islam here in the Balkans used to be completely locally adapted up until pretty recently.
After the Yugo wars when a lot of militant islamists from the Middle East came to Bosnia for training, there was a notable shift towards the arabization of Islam there. It's straying away from the traditional local way of worship inherited from the Ottoman Empire towards this new, foreign form of worship.
What I'm saying is, Islam hasn't always been arabocentric, it wouldn't have proliferated as much if it was. The arabocentrcism is deliberate and political, and new for us here.
No. 593216
>>593185Pre Islam we gad a vibrant Hindu and Buddhist culture and before that there was a Native religion called Zunbils. Not much is known but it had similarities with Zoroastrianism and perhaps other older Indo-European religions.
From What I've read the Arab invasion of our land was pretty brutal and then the newly converted Turkic raiders also caused a lot of damage and destruction in Pakistan. There was a concentrated efforts by the Arabs and Turkic raiders to convert the local population to Islam.
Whats sad is that last remaining Pagans in Afghanistan lived in Nuristan who were only recently forcibly converted to Islam, in fact the Nursitan people are thought to be similar to the Kalasha in Northern Pakistan, they are also slowly being converted to Islam and are losing their culture. Their children have to learn Islam if they attend public schools, its a deliberate effort to rob the Kalasha people's culture and religion by brainwashing their children into Islam.
No. 593652
>>593167with all due respect, you do realize religion is technically not supposed to evolve right? People can choose to practice it differently/implement it within their own lives in whatever way they see fit, but religion itself is supposed to be unshifting in principle. Islam is the only religion on earth that claims to have a holy book that is untouched or adapted by man as well as principles that are set in stone, considering they are taken from the quran which is believed to be sent down by God and God alone. It would literally be a sin for Muslims to go around changing Islam because Islam is founded on God's own words. For example, it's mandatory to wear hijab in Islam, some women don't. I don't. That doesn't change the fact that it's still mandatory. Obviously Islam would be arab-centric considering it's origins, I get what you're saying in terms of being asked to learn a language in order to practice a religion "the right way", but Sheikhs literally cannot go around saying it's ok to pray speaking English because that opens the religion up to being altered in small other ways.
I speak arabic, but I don't understand quranic arabic at all and neither does anyone I know. I just memorize it and recite it without even knowing what I'm saying during prayer, and then I look up the meaning on my own time.
I sounded weirdly pious and holy writing all that out, I'm really not religious at all.
No. 593659
>>593652It's funny that Muslims actually actually believe that, the Quran was compiled over 100 years after the death of Muhammad in the 8th century based on oral traditions, the Quran literally means the recitation
It's likely the most altered holy book in the world but Muslims are so delusional about its origins, as an exmuslim I can't help but hate that stupid little book and the incel religion
No. 593679
>>593672I guess learning directly from the quran in the original quranic arabic isn’t a reputable source.
Also that anon didn’t even say everyone who practices it is an incel but basic reading comprehension is below lolcow I guess. Saying something negative about a religion does not equal being negative about individuals who practice it. Your notallmuslims!! boner is so fucking annoying.
No. 593683
>>593669Im an atheist but I was literally willing to pretend to be a Christian in order to take the aid of some Christian NGO in order to escape to the west, you have no idea the shit I have had to go through living with this goddam stupid religion over my head, the few years I spent abroad for my education in the UK were heaven for me and going back here was hell, I don't expect the vast majority of people in my country to become athiests or liberals anytime soon but I believe translating the Quran in local languages might give the people one step in order to deradclize them
Islam is an Arab centric and Arab supremacist religion
No. 593692
>>593686Yeah and Pakistani Muslims especially Muhajirs and Urdu speaking Punjabis have the biggest inferiority complex in the world, they try to claim Arab ancestry, try to speak with an Arabic accent sometimes, they are ashmed of their ethnicity and try to distance themselves with people who are the exact same ethnic group as them i.e Punjabi Sikhs and try to picture themselves as part of the Muslim Ummah, it's just sad and pathetic
The delusion is so sad and pathetic
No. 600769
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even more gone girl goodness
No. 619525
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Ichigo Sato from Voltage's Dreamy Days in West Tokyo will forever be my best otome boy. His game was the first otome I ever played at quite a young age and although my love for tsunderes has wore off, my love of the childhood friends turned lovers type trope has only gotten stronger! I've played his route multiple times since, at least once every year. That's how much I love his story lol. I just find nothing more romantic than childhood friends.
No. 619563
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A book I read had a girl say their friend who was crushing on an older dude, think 15 crushing on 30, "pretty creepy crushing on a dude 3 times your age because once you're old enough to date them they'll be in suspended animation waiting for a cure for their oldness"
After reading that the image of an old guy in suspended animation popped always popped in teen me's head when ever I formed romantic crushes on men older than me
No. 619581
>>591195this mindset led to two life changing decisions that i never regret. such amazing experiences and people always say, 'i wish i had the balls to just do that…'
its worse to wonder what if imo
No. 620529
>>620469What did it for me were the unabashed misogyny (too many instances to cite), outright scientific errors (flat earth, sun sets at a muddy spring, embryo verse, etc) and the sheer violence (Hudud,descriptions of islamic conquests,etc) in the Quran and Hadith.
What kind of pains me looking back now is the fact that the misogyny alone wasn't enough for me to stop believing when it should have been. It was the scientific errors that made it all so obviously manmade to me
No. 620674
>>620579That's something similar to how a lot of Christians haven't read the bible and just follow traditions by copying others who are also copying others, etc.
I'm in Europe so barely anyone cares if I don't fast during ramadan or whatever and I've noticed that since in my community a lot of people haven't read the quran and only follow rules because of their families they tend to "remix" traditions to go their own way or because Islam was mixed with local, more ancient traditions and believes from my countries of origin. My mother will NEVER wear the hijab and she cooks some dishes with alcohol because you can't get drunk from these dishes. I've even talked to some muslims, mostly young adults like me, who believe in god and all that but they think some parts of the quran are outdated or even insulting towards women and should be ignored.
No. 620698
>>620472Yes anon I feel this hard. I think I remember the moment I realised this was sitting in my high school classroom looking at all the other girls around me, specifically the ones with bodies similar to mine. Just that moment of "hey, those parts of her don't disgust me or even resonate with me heavily at all, in actuality I find it easier to appreciate parts of me when I see it on other people and how good it can look."
>>620526the key part in the original post is "unless they stand to gain something from it", perhaps you come off as an interesting person or someone who has a lot to offer. I think jealousy and envy can be the foundations of both good relationships and bad.
No. 620702
you will do everything a last time. Of course, eventually you'll die and will do nothing at all, but before that, throughout the course of your life, you'll do everything for the last time and you'll likely have no idea it will be the last time when you do it.
The last time you swam in the ocean, or visited a country, or ate your favourite meal, or saw your friend. Even the things you might despise doing, like going to work, or going for a run, you will one day do that thing for the last time.
After hearing this line of thought, I try my best to be present in the moment and take in what I'm doing more. Even if I hate it, to wish the time away faster is literally wishing away your life. You don't live in the past or the future, those are only your memories and ideas. You live only now, over and over again.
No. 620786
Some larger concepts:
The idea that worrying or ruminating does not help the situation, so it's a waste of time. Really helped me to curb my anxiety.
The idea that there is no inherent reason to be hedonistic or even comfortable. Helps me do tasks that make me physically uncomfortable (getting out of bed/shower, washing dishes, working out, tidying up).
And a few things I say to myself:
>This will not be forever
Applies to everything. All suffering will end at some point, even if has to end because of death. My depression puts me in states sometimes when I believe I will never not be miserable or suicidal. That always passes.
>How much pain am I actually feeling right now?
I have a close relationship with physical pain (I get bad menstrual cramps and had lower back problems for several years, and I get headaches regularly). Before, I would "go easy" on myself when I knew that pain was coming (taking a vehicle instead of walking/biking to work, for example, or allowing myself to neglect my daily household maintenance and lay in bed all day) and the anticipation of/response to the pain always made it worse than it really was. I make it a point now to continuously take an inventory of how much pain I am actually truly feeling in a given moment. It usually turns out to be less than the level of pain that would warrant the magnitude of my response to it.
>I am the only person who truly has my best interests at heart.
I cannot count on someone else having my well being as their top priority. I have a loving family and friends, but I would not trust any of them with my life and my interests. They have other priorities, and they should. This has helped out immensely in my career and my personal life because I constantly evaluate and ask for what I want/need without expecting someone else to tell me what I should be staying on top of.
>You should only be consuming as much as you produce.
This applies to food/calories, but I also apply it to non-physical consumption (TV, movies, reading, other passive activities). This keeps me creative and makes my days more interesting than they would be if I just sat around listening to music or watching TV all day.
No. 620863
>>620785is it bad if I find this more comforting than positive messages
>>620850>or that your consciously-chosen apathy means no one can still be effected by what you dothat's kind of true depending on what you're doing or if you never interact with anyone
No. 621021
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I have some rather vague spiritual ideas inspired by Buddhism
>karma is real, the workings of it are complicated, not meant to be understood
>the world is Samsara, a place of suffering, that's part of it without being defeatist
>I'm a soul, I'll be fine in the end, I'll get into Nirvana eventually
>I also have this vague personal belief everything will be resolved and good in the end and everyone gets into Nirvana eventually
No. 622137
>>622126Good for you anon. I can't stand vegetarians who act like they're so much greater and less extreme than vegans because they still eat cheese and eggs.
To be honest I don't even understand it because as soon as I learned about the environmental impact of animal products I knew it'd be useless to stop at vegetarianism but I suppose it depends on your source of information.
No. 622253
>>621021I'm not into the same spirtual stuffs as you, but I do have this deep seated belief that everything is going to work itself out eventually.
I've always believed it ever since I was really young and it's actually true for me, anything shitty or painful that happens to me ends up not being a big deal in the long run.
No. 622384
>>622181>If you care about the environment, as long as you eat local and farm-raised for example, is all good. Yeah okay… Eating 100% local and farm raised animal products would be completely unaffordable for most people living in cities, and if everyone ate "local and farm raised" then those "uwu cute nice farm where animals are loved" would have to increase their output so much that they could not stay so "humane". Also no matter how happy a cow is it's still land and resources used extremely inefficiently. It's even less environmentally sustainable to eat grass fed beef than factory farmed beef.
Summarizing this complex issue with "eat local and it's all good" is laughably simplistic.
Also people love to say they only buy organic local humanely slaughtered (lol) meat but most of the time they only mean "the two steaks I buy every week has all these things written on the label" but they still buy transformed products that contains meat from dubious originis, and still eat from non organic/locally-sourced restaurants, still buy salami sandwiches at lunch, etc. It's an excuse and never reflects reality.
Happy for you that you happen to have a farm outside your city that you can access, that treats its laying hens well (and I assume somehow they got their hens from a process more humane than the industry standard which is hatch thousands of eggs and throw the males chicks in a grinder or gas chamber because they're useless), doesn't even slaughter them after they stopped being productive enough, and on top of that you can afford those eggs. Good for you Anon. Most people wouldn't have all those things, especially considering such farms are few and far inbetween, so again: summarizing this issue with "just get from local producers bro, the animals there are sooo happy" is stupid.
No. 622441
>>622391Nta, but anon's argument was completelly reasonable.
The was we consume so much is simple unsustainable.
No. 622875

>>622832>If the entire human population were to switch to a vegan diet the use of artificial fertilisers and pesticides would skyrocket.Yes the issue of having fertilizer that is not harmful to the environment is important but the world will not go vegan overnight so this rhetorical supposition brings nothing to the conversation, if veganism made enough strides that most of the population converted to it then that means more research will be done because industries would put their money in research benefiting sustainable agriculture rather than lobbying for biased studies on how meat and dairy are not that bad.
Also an omni diet requires more crops than a vegan one since all the animals need to eat for months or years before they get slaughtered. And animal agriculture also causes pollution to rivers and lakes because of animal waste. We need better, more sustainable agriculture and less monocultures, but that is not ultimately incompatible with not killing animals. Regardless of if the world goes vegan or not, we should advocate for more research for pesticides and fertilizers thoroughly tested for to cause the least harm as possible.
>Banning animal products in things like cosmetics would also lead to an increased use of petrochemicalsThat's stupid. Do you really think the only possible ingredients for cosmetics, or anything for that matter, is either animal based or petrol based? "Vegan, cruelty free, organic, all natural" cosmetics are a huge trend now, I'm not saying they're all good and dandy because of course greenwashing is big but it only takes a 5 second google search to see you can make cosmetics with only a few natural ingredients.
>increased plastics in the world's oceans If you're so concerned about plastic in the oceans then surely you're aware that most of it comes from discarded fishing nets and equipment? Shouldn't you try to do something against that now, instead of advocating against veganism because it might cause, according to your theories?
This post is a great example of the new woke arguments against veganism. "POC can't be vegan!" "Poor people can't afford vegan food!" and now "actually veganism is bad for the environment because uhhhhh if I don't eat beef the petrol industry will conquer the world". False equivalencies galore.
This vid replies to one of these simplistic videos that strawman veganism and that people love to jump on so they don't have to think critically about what they consume. I recommend this channel as she posts credible studies for every claim she makes.
No. 622927
>>622843The actual study I want to link is behind a paywall so this will have to do.
Artificial fertilisers deplete soil>Synthetic fertilizers have long-term negative effects. Synthetic fertilizers kill beneficial microorganisms in the soil that convert dead human and plant remains into nutrient-rich organic matter.>We see that when there is a lot of tillage, no cover crops, a system of high intensity [chemical-dependent] farming, that the soil just doesn’t function properly. The biology is not doing much. It’s not performing as we need it to. We are essentially destroying the functionality of soil, so that you have to feed it more and more synthetic fertilizers just to keep growing this crop.Artificial fertilisers pollute ground water>Nitrogen- and phosphate-based synthetic fertilizers leach into groundwater and increase its toxicity, causing water pollution. Fertilizers that leach into streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water disrupt aquatic ecosystems.>The problem is it creates what experts call a dead zone. When it is in the water, it encourages the growth of plankton and other aquatic plants to excessive amounts. When they die, the process of decomposition eats up oxygen that fish and other aquatic animals need to survive. As a result, the waters closest to the land where agricultural runoff is also heaviest are empty of fish and crustaceans.>Nitrate leaching through the soil can present a serious health hazard and contributes to soil acidification. When high rates of nitrogen are used or where clover grass pastures fix substantial nitrogen, especially on sandy or permeable soils, inevitably some nitrate is leached and may enter groundwater if there is a watertable. If this groundwater is used for domestic supplies, the leaching presents a serious health hazard.>Eutrophication is the enrichment of water by the addition of nutrients. The extra nutrients encourage the growth of algal blooms, particularly in stagnant water. Blue–green algae may produce toxins poisonous to animals, including humans. For this algae to grow, phosphorus must be present in the water above a certain level.>This excess nitrogen and phosphorus can be washed from farm fields and into waterways during rain events and when snow melts, and can also leach through the soil and into groundwater over time. High levels of nitrogen and phosphorus can cause eutrophication of water bodies. Eutrophication can lead to hypoxia (“dead zones”), causing fish kills and a decrease in aquatic life. Excess nutrients can cause harmful algal blooms (HABs) in freshwater systems, which not only disrupt wildlife but can also produce toxins harmful to humans.The use of artificial fertiliser releases green house gases>Another problem with nitrogen is it contributes to the greenhouse effect. Dubbed the "other greenhouse gas," nitrogen is just as bad as carbon dioxide in global warming, but is not as famous. The main sources of nitrogen in the atmosphere in the form of nitrous oxide are power plants and cars, but using more nitrogen fertilizers than crop plants can absorb plays a significant role. fertilizers are made from ammonia (NH3) produced by the Haber-Bosch process.[18] In this energy-intensive process, natural gas (CH4) usually supplies the hydrogen, and the nitrogen (N2) is derived from the air. This ammonia is used as a feedstock for all other nitrogen fertilizers, such as anhydrous ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and urea (CO(NH2)2).
Artificial fertilisers are harmful to human health>Synthetic fertilizers increase the nitrate levels of soil. Plants produced from such soil, upon consumption, convert to toxic nitrites in the intestines. These harmful nitrites react with the hemoglobin in the blood stream to cause methaeglobinaemia, which damages the vascular and respiratory systems, causing suffocation and even death in extreme cases (when blood methaemoglobin level is 80 percent or more).>At worst, chemical fertilizers may increase the risks of developing cancer in adults and children and adversely affecting fetal brain development. This is not news to scientists. A 1994 study by the University of Wisconsin suggest show that typical concentrations of nitrate (a common fertilizer) and a pesticide in the groundwater may compromise the nervous, endocrine, and immune system of young children and developing fetuses. A study in 1973 associates high levels of sodium nitrate in groundwater with the prevalence of gastric cancer, and another one in 1996 with that of testicular cancer. No. 622940
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The pain and pleasure principle. And thinking about how relieved and happy my future self is going to be when I do stuff that I don't want to.
Example: Washing the dishes before going to sleep and think about how good I'll feel when I wake up the next day and everyhing is clean + I'll have more time to do what actually matters
No. 624740
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stoicism seems pretty cool to me at the moment. I think it should be applied carefully because it can lead to self-denial and surpressed issues applied wrongly but it's really inspiring to me atm. there is just something comforting about the earnestness of it all and these dead philosophers passing on their wisdom to little alive me.
I find it comforting that Epictetus had been a slave and wrote from that experience. I can't relate to the hardship of that at all but I can relate to hardship in general.
No. 625061
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>>624740Same here, anon! I've been reading this book which is loosely based on stoicism and it's been very useful for me
No. 680315
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You can, and will in fact, outgrow people, even if you previously admired them.
Some people just don't click together even if they are pretty similar.
Some relationships and friendships are worth being patient and fighting for.
You can tell the difference between someone who matters vs someone who doesn't. It's okay to be selective with your friendships, it does not make you a bad person.
Your friends should mature at the same rate as you do.
Even if someone is nice or were nice before it doesnt mean that you should be friends with them.
No. 680959
>>680694I feel this in my soul (that doesn't exist). I was raised with religion and threw myself into it without reservations, but when I started questioning things that didn't have answers and became atheist it all fell apart. I mostly felt relieved and better than ever before, full of self determination and freedom. But a big part of me wishes there had been
something to replace religion, that would make sense of the world and give me the reassurance that it would all turn out okay no matter what.
No. 688905
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I always thought "This book changed my life!" was a meme. I've pretty much has emotional problems my whole life (stemming from all over the place) and it's so difficult to stray from self-hatred and constantly, randomly thinking about things in my past and quietly mumbling "Ugh, I fucking hate myself/fuck my life/i want to kill myself" etc etc. I do it ALL the time. These are very impulsive thoughts and no amount on therapy has helped me keep them quiet. It's just so hard to not think about the past for me.
But I picked up this book "12 Things That Mentally Strong People Don't Do" and already, after just reading the first chapter, I am getting better at stopping those thoughts. The first chapter is about how you should stop feeling sorry for yourself, and instead feel grateful. Don't think about the things that went wrong in your life, but instead think about how thankful you are/lucky you are/fortunate you are.
The book is well written and easy to chew (if that makes sense?). When I'm mumbling "I want to kill myself" I immediately switch it up and interrupt myself, and change it to something I'm grateful for. And it's for the dumbest shit too, like this morning I said "I am grateful for this kitchen" because I could be in a spot right now where I didn't have a kitchen, couldn't afford to. But I do and I can right now. So basically, it changed the gear of my thoughts and made me think of something better. I'd really honestly rather do cringey shit like that than constantly think about how shitty my life was in the past.
I really hope that eventually I can change my way of thinking with this book. So far it's very promising. Anons, highly recommend you torrent it or buy it if you can. I've considered myself mentally/emotionally weak for years, so I hope this helps you too.
No. 688946
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>>688905My favorite self help book is 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck' and I recommend it to everyone that I possibly can, I hope you'll read it if you ever happen across it! I've come a long way since I first read that self help book and live a much more mellow, chill life. I'll definitely check out the book you mentioned though, no downside to learning how to be better to myself.
I posted pic related into the positivity thread but I'll post it here too. I don't have kids or want any, but the rest of the points still stand true lol. I've really come to appreciate the small things in life, no matter how ~*~*hallmark christmas movie*~*~ and cheesy that may sound, and it feels fucking great. So many small things in life make me want to cry because I'm so grateful that I can experience them at that very moment, even if it's just waking up in the morning and looking at how beautiful the sky looks and how the morning sunlight hits the building across the street. I wish you the best in your journey anon, I hope one day you'll find true peace with yourself and become a person you're happy to be.
No. 688960
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>>688946Wow, this is a helpful image because even little things like dishes not being washed is frustrating for me. Thank you for sharing. I wanted to try the subtle art of not giving a f*ck but I toreented it initially and I don't do well with e-reading. I'll buy it though!
>>688943No, it was super easy, mostly because I already say self-loathing statements out loud, so it was easier for me to interrupt them. Sometimes my self hatred becomes so overwhelming I have little outbursts like "Gah, I fucking hate my life, fuck my life, why am I so cringey??!", So it's actually easier to interrupt those thoughts rather than if they were internal. I am not really a firm believer of the corny "Always be positive, you're perfect, everything is okay in your life" cause it's really not, but at least I can be realistic about what I do have and be grateful for it (and trust me, I am an extremely negative person, because I've been through a lot)
I'll share a pic of the page. In the book she encourages a gratitude journal but since I hate doing corny shit like that, it's easier to say the things out loud.
No. 689745
>>622832I know this is an old post, but I wanted to add one point against this. Think about all the artificial fertilizer and runoff that comes from the crop fields used to feed the animals bred for slaughter. Animals don’t live off of air. Currently more than half the U.S. grain and nearly 40 percent of world grain is being fed to livestock rather than being consumed directly by humans. All of that farmland is producing mono crops which is a huge factor in soil degradation. Add the
toxic sewage that is produced from the factory farms and the meat industry is absolutely horrid for the environment. If everyone adopted a vegetarian lifestyle those farmlands can be converted to producing food for people, and if more progressive policies were put into place like farming based on permaculture principles or even if vertical hydroponic vegetable farms were utilized more we could begin to rebuild our soil and wean off of our dependence on artificial fertilizers. This would have a huge beneficial impact on the environment.
No. 689903
>>688946Changing my outlook on things like pic related has helped me so much ever since developing post traumatic stress disorder and a general anxiety disorder. I still have moments of panic and fear, which brings me to go into toddler brain mode, and it has been extremely helpful to rationalize why I feel this way. If I'm overwhelmed, I list things I've recently done most would consider stressful, even the littlest things I excuse as a reason why I might be feeling anxious, such as the fact I haven't felt anxious in a while or the fact I ate something I usually don't eat.
I have a checklist of things I try to run through my head during times of distress, I always start with asking myself if I drank enough water for the day, if I slept enough, if I exercised lately… Etc, usually one of those three things is the reason, and I remind myself it's fine, I don't have to remedy things so quickly so feeling like shit at the moment is expected. I usually end up feeling a tad relaxed after going through that exercise.
No. 736315
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This in my household was used as a way of life because land of the rising sun people be like that. Its kind of taken as a philosophy book in Japan…. This was mandatory learning for us as kids kek.
Basically the biggest takeaways I had with it were about having varied education in order to do one subject well. Arts are as important as war because lessons can all translate together. It is as important to know small things as big, shallow as deep… Etc. Think if you are a writer you want to know about the earth and clothing construction in order to create a realistic story and world. Every trade requires outside knowledge to thrive.
The other was in fighting I suppose the best translation is "long sword short sword" technique which takes from the way samurai used katana (longer blade used in large battle fields) and wakizashi (shorter blade, often used in closer fights developed to use indoors more easily) in which is applied in life. Your long sword is your primary talents and your short is a behind the scenes but still equally valuable talent. They are both used in your life. Thus someone's hobbies in art can come into play if they have a job in a corporate field. Etc….
The third is the timing for everything. That everything peaks and falls and we must adapt for it. In my life I have had to "switch fighting techniques" a lot more than I feel the average person has. But being sensible about having to be honest with ones self and know what "time" it is in order to adapt is essential.
I hope anons can relate to this in some ways. It makes change easier for me as well as parts of copium as a human being
No. 736356
>>736282Nta but why are we shitting on posts in this thread lately? Any sign of hope gets lazily shit on or called a cope.
Any other thread (minus the positivity one lol) would be cool to spread your cynical views in but let's not crap up this thread with it.
No. 736741
>>736282Have you never seen a born again christian go from an absolute degenerate druggie to a decent person? Or the opposite, someone having their worldview shattered by a traumatic event and becoming cynical? Othello wasn't jealous, his ideal in desdemona was just ruined.
I have a strong distaste of this imageboard crab mentality, and thought it was just limited to scrote /r9k/ and the like. Maybe I should move on and find something else to do.
No. 736968
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>>736294>>736356>>736555>>736741>>736854Thank you all for speaking up for me against that anon. I agree with you guys. Actually the reason I posted is because I already
have been seeing my life changed once I came to this belief.
I'm recovering from depression and already my way of thinking has made a lot of progress. When I was in classes I started appreciating the world more and what I learned of it. Since then, I see life as worth living and even in my low points haven't gone back to wanting to die. What's more, in cognitive behavioral therapy the whole idea is learning to improve your thinking by knowing its links to your beliefs and actions. Pic related showing the cognitive triangle. I'd heard all that before but one day it just clicked. Ever since I've been trying harder instead of giving up when it's slightly difficult, I notice change in my thinking already by applying the tools from therapy. It's slow but it's real and possible.
Lastly, this may be cheating but if you've ever gotten high, you may notice you take a whole new world view. Even though it's from drugs, that showed me that I don't need to view the world from a locked-in perspective of pessimism and limits. There are infinite other ways to see it and like you anons said, people change all the time. I think working on habits and self-talk is helping me to change how I think already; it's a lot more positive trending. I know it's a blog but it's relevant itt and I want to give hope that that belief really did change my life and maybe can for others too.
I personally think the human mind is very flexible as in it can do almost anything. But how you make that happen probably varies depending on the goal. Lucky for me I'm under 25 so I'm literally still developing which may help things with changing my brain.
No. 780500
>>779755You really had that important insight on shrooms? Nice. I thought that was just a myth, when I took shrooms everything looked yellow and that's it.
Anyway, you're absolutely on the right path, your insights are spot on, and I'm proud of you.
No. 782826
>>780500Thank you anon, it's very nice of you to say that. I didn't have that coherent insight when I was actually tripping, I pieced it together in the following months while processing the event.
I was tripping for the 1st time with some friends at one of their houses, and as I was approaching peaking some uncomfortable things happened that made me intensely anxious (not actually uncomfy, just uncomfy if you're on shrooms). I finally got it together enough to go to the bathroom and the sense of relief I felt at being alone was near-ecstatic. I can't quite explain what happened next, possibly this happened because my friend's old house reminded me of the houses I grew up in, but while alone in the bathroom I started thinking of my greatest past trauma but it was in a good way. I felt very connected and empathetic towards my past self and for the 1st time I realized how strong I was to make it through what happened to me. Before then I avoided thinking about it and when I did I felt like a useless selfish person who was just saved by other people but it was a lot more than that. I cried my makeup off with happy tears.
Feeling that strong connection and affection for my past self was so peaceful and grounding, it really felt like feeling true self love for the first time. As stupid as it sounds, feeling that and knowing it exists changed me even when the feeling faded. And the experience of feeling empathy for my past self gradually allowed me to reexamine a lot of things in a new light.
No. 784437
>>783387 and I don't know what the effective dose would have been because they were just a handful of dried psilocybin cubensis. On the spectrum of trips I've had it was on the milder end. Maybe I made it sound a bit like an ego-loss experience but it wasn't anything like that. I was talking to people and acting all normal the whole time.
I don't know what an unsafe dose of shrooms would be. I imagine it's very different for everyone.
No. 793539
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You can literally be another person tomorrow. You just need to compromise and change your dangerous, damaging, and self sabotaging behaivors. Start loving yourself, stop feeling guilty, stop that negative self talk. If those things come back shut them up. It's easy, I promise it is. Smile more. Complain less.
No. 793547
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This will sound shitty, but I'm going through a breakup right now, and as much as I love Mitski, her passion for music, her voice, her lyrics- I think I'm ready to let her go. In fact I'm ready to let any sad music that I've been listening in the past 10 years go, because sad music makes me sad, kek. It's so obvious, but sadness makes you sad.
Mitski's lyrics in particular are very "I have no self esteem and I'm a woman with 0 self that lets emotionally unavailable lovers stomp all over her" energy. I'm tired of that, and I'm tired of shitty scrotes. I only want happiness from now on!
No. 793562
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I learnt to complain way less, and just smile!
No. 793564
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>>793562this also helps me out everyday!
No. 793591
You can be beautiful, loving, adorable, and amazing, all you want. But if the scrote is emotionally available, doesn't commit, and can't make up their mind, he's not worth it. Yes, even if he looks and acts like the perfect man. There's no perfect man, every guy has its problems.
This is hard to admit for me, after thinking the man of my dreams loved me and then told me he never did. Lol. He always acted so sweet and loving. I guess his anxiety got the best of him.
No. 793602
>>793601Fuck sorry I remember what I wanted to write now
I think the first love you have is not the person you first date, or the person you give your virginity to first, or your first kiss. I think the first love is truly the first person you feel so many things for, you change your bad sides for, and you're willing to do so many things for. Unfortunately, those people often do not consider us their first love. I am so goddamn disapointed with life, really. It's their shit, it's not your fault, heal your heart and move on queen. And never settle for less than the love you deserve.
No. 813548
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these boomer memes
No. 813554
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>>813552ok thats all of my boomer memes
im out
No. 814185
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YouTube algorithm working its magic and a video about being okay not having a career popped up. This is one of the comments and this speaks to me right now. I'm in a retail management position because it pays well and it doesn't require too much effort. The job takes enough out of me that I don't have much time/energy to work on things I'm passionate about. I gotta get out of there.
No. 1140948
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You can't control anything outside of yourself besides your own feelings and actions
No. 1140981
>>1140948so true
nonnie stoicism ftw
No. 1141069
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Based early concept for Sonic's slogan
No. 1141087
>>1140981I had reconnected a couple of years ago to my father after around 8 years of zero contact (I was a minor and our mother refused to acknowledge his existence, and we moved around a lot to not let him find out where we actually lived looking back on it) and hearing him talk about the pain of not seeing your children with no hope of seeing them again broke my heart. He has a very stoic attitude towards life, and at first my instinct was to help him process the pain, because "he was shutting it out".
The reality is that he doesn't need to process the pain. I spent so much of my time self flagellating or wallowing in the painful feelings that I thought there was no other way people can live through things.
I really admire him and through him I saw the true value of stoicism. Once you let go of the feelings that chain you, it's truly a blissful life to live, knowing that no matter what happens you'll get through it.
It's really hard because of my emotional baggage but even miles away I can tell it's truly a beacon of hope.
No. 1141108
>>1141087Your beacon of hope dad who cared but also didn't care too much cause hes woke..
nonnie he's full of shit. Too many women reconnect with dads and put them on the worlds most undeserved pedestal like this.
No. 1142059
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Kill your baby, don't be retarded like omocat was. Done is better than perfect.
No. 1142128
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>>1142119Samefag, just remembered he borrowed me this book a while ago. I should finally read it.
He said it changed his views, made him more optimistic. He said I'd like it because it's based in statistics.
No. 1142148
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reading this as a teenager flicked a switch in my brain
No. 1142155
>>1142152Thank you
nonnie. Just finished reading it. I would have never guessed a think piece like this would be written in 2014.
No. 1142183
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>>1142059Kind of related, this book really helped me actually create instead of getting stuck with an idealized version of my ideas. Namely she talks about how if you have inspiration and don’t actually do anything with the idea soon, you will lose it forever. Another one will come around, but that one will be lost. Remembering it really helps me get off my ass and actually draw.
No. 1142324
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>>1142183I really recommend this book as well. Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking
by David Bayles and Ted Orland