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No. 591126
I wanna go back to Brazil and Japan. Given how they're handling Covid in Brazil and personal stuff, I don't know if I'll get to go anywhere next summer. Bummer.
My favorite Japan travel experience was going to Shikoku. I'll never stop shilling that place. I don't know if it'd be a safe bet for tourists visiting for two weeks but if you're staying longer (a month, a year+), it's cheaper than going to Kyushu and it's very beautiful. Tons of tiny, accessible islands that you can visit in a day either by foot or by bike. Local produce can be as cheap as 1 dollar for a kilo. The locals are very nice even if some will panic if they assume you don't speak any nihon lmao.
I want to visit Canada and Norway because I have friends over there.
>>591112 I wanna experience the bizarro Quebec French, as a european French myself lol. Apparently in some places/shops they'll greet you with "Hello Bonjour!" so you can pick which language you want to use.
Norway is sunny out at 3am during the summer which sounds awesome.
No. 591136
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>>591126Oh wow, googled Shikoku and the nature there looks amazing! I'm planning to go to Japan eventually (actually it was supposed to be this year but… well), it's going on my to-visit list for sure.
One of my dream trip ideas would be to rent a car, go through former Yugoslavia countries and visit as many Spomeniks as I can fit on the planned route. These are so bizarre and fascinating, even more now when they're abandoned. It's definitely doable so I just need some proper planning and go ahead some year.
No. 591273
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I'm a non-American who dreams of going to New Orleans one day. I love everything it's famous for - the architecture, the history, music, food. Sometimes I just look up photos of the French Quarter and sigh with longing. It's so beautiful.
No. 591284
>>591140I really want to visit Denmark/Finland mostly because I remembered asking on a thread where they had the sweetest strawberries and one of the anon answers was Denmark/Finland? haha. Mostly because I lived in a tropical climate and the soil in my country is particularly not suitable for growing sweet strawberries.
That aside, another EU country that I want to visit is Italy. I just want to go to their museum, art galleries, and churches.
No. 591444
I miss Japan bros. Ik it's weeby af but I've been going there once a year for almost a decade, I got lucky that my dad loves it there and goes really often (he also speaks pretty good moon, makes it easier). So he and I are travel buddies and it's like our family holiday. Anyway I can't wait to go again, next trip will be Kyushu and Okinawa. I just want some idea of when covid will let up so I can plan it properly.
Lately I've also been really wanting to go on some sort of tropical beach holiday. I usually avoid beaches because I'm insecure about my body and burn really badly, but I'm dieting and if I can be confident in a bikini the first thing I'm doing is going to hawaii or fiji or maybe on a cruise. Hopefully with friends/my sister instead of my parents so there can be drinking involved.
>>591262Moscow is so cool man. I like it even better than St Ps, all the buildings are monuments are so grand and imposing. I went with a tour group though so luckily I didn't need to use any russian.
No. 591678
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Uggghhh I want to go to Japan soo bad but I don't think I'll ever be able to afford it
No. 591847
>>591845Not original anon but when are flights the cheapest? I estimated that I could spend less than 3000 on a trip if I ate cheap (which I heard is easy) and stayed in airbnbs. most of that 3000 went towards the flight. Even right now, flights are sooo expensive for Japan.
Also, what are the best places to stay/visit that are affordable or worth the price?
No. 591871
>>591847im not sure, but i think jan/feb can be good times (although CNY can affect things) also sept-oct is good. the cheapest flights i've gotten involve lots of connections. booking early is essential, and always look into nearby countries. us to seoul direct flights were the cheapeast route for me (i don't like having to connect flights too much, which is obviously gonna make tickets more $$) it's expensive to fly into japan no matter what, but flying into kansai or nagoya region will dock hundreds off the ticket price in my experience. the bullet train is moderately cheap and will take you to major cities in hours. its an actual godsend.
3000 dollars is probably more than enough, but you definitely have to plan carefully around the flights. tokyo is just off the table if you want to live and travel cheaply, tbh.
you also have to think of what you want out of japan. old temples and beautiful mountain scenery? arcades and cafes? the beach? plan from there. i am a big fan of the kyoto and nara region, also gifu. i enjoy the hot springs and nature, but that might not be your thing. if you want more of a city vibe like tokyo, try osaka or even kobe. i haven't been to okinawa but i've heard good things.
No. 592510
>>592504Be careful with your car, make sure you lock it properly, if you really have to stop at a gas station, be quick and park it as close as possible to a window so you can keep an eye on it.
I got my stuff stolen on a road trip in France and the police sucked ass, there were no security cameras in the gas station and no one saw a thing.
No. 593808
>>593798>>593801>>593807none of you even know what country I'm from lmao. I work from home + get a covid test days before my flight so relax, I won't be bringing the nothing virus to your lands.
I'm not staying in my shitty country for years before they force some vaccine on us.
No. 593822
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>>592504Rochefort-en-terre is a very cute medieval village there, it has been elected village of the year many times. I really liked it there, went in the Christmas season where everything is decorated and it was so refreshing! I don't doubt it'll still look nice even when it's not that season.
Food wise, the cider is really good there, and buckwheat crepes are really nice and cheap. I recommend kouign amann for dessert (very sugary and buttery so beware if you don't like that sort of thing), or a far breton for a lighter option (flan/pudding type with prunes)
No. 593833
>>593827I get it. But considering that:
>I live in a terrible household>Rent here costs a limb >I hate my fucking country so much I want to off myself I've decided to fuck off to a cheaper, more beautiful country.
>>593830Shh anon, these people are just happy that their lazy lifestyles are being applauded for the first time. They get to cower at home AND be called heroes for it? Woohoo!
No. 593839
I love travelling but I have cancelled everything this year because it would be to dangerous and egoistical to go ahead.
No. 593862
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>>593822>Rochefort-en-terre is a very cute medieval villageOh damn, how did I not discover this town myself looking for places to visit? Thank you so much for the recommendation, I'm going 100%, hopefully I'll find a motivation to drive there early in the morning to catch a cute alley like pic related in a sunrise light. And I see theres this huge national park area nearby so the visit is gonna align perfectly with my hiking in the nature plans too.
I've heard crepes in general are a thing in Bretagne, so I'm gonna see how far I can go limiting my diet almost exclusively to different kinds of crepes. Kouign amann sounds like my kind of dessert too!
No. 594251
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I would love to go back to Japan, I went abroad for the first time to Japan a few years ago and even though I was scared of the social barrier at first I ended up enjoying my time there.
I was originally planning to go to Tokyo in 2021 to avoid the Olympics but since they are moving it to next year I am hoping to have money to go in 2022 instead. I was also tempted to go to a language school too but I'm really unsure about it.
No. 594267
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I’ve always wanted to walk in the nice neighborhoods of New York City. I dreamed about living in one of those townhouses when I was younger, but it’ll never happen lol.
No. 594371
>>592504I lived there for a year, it's probably my favorite part of France! It's a large region and I'm not sure where exactly you'll be road tripping through but some highlights depending on what you like:
Carnac/Menhirs in general: Ancient stone arrangements, might not be your thing but Carnac is an amazing example of them. If you're in more rural Bretagne you'll probably see random Menhirs anyway.
For castles, Fougeres is amazing. Vitre is great if you're into old town medieval aesthetics. Suscinio is on the coast and has been restored very well/is the most "castle"-like of the ones I've mentioned.
Pont-Aven is a beautiful town famous for attracting painters, Concarneau is nearby and has a cool sea fort. The Eckmuhl lighthouse is nearby-ish, massive, and worth seeing if you like lighthouses.
If you're in the north Saint Malo is definitely worth a visit. Ive heard Dinan is also amazing though I haven't been there myself. If you have a more precise idea of where you'll be in Bretagne I can give you some more recs, my husband is from there and we spent like a month just road tripping around the region.
Not to discredit the car break-in anon but I wouldn't stress about it more in Bretagne than anywhere else. It can definitely happen but we never had any issue, from 200 person rural towns to Rennes, and I've never heard about any of his family members having issues either. Just use your normal roadtrip sense and always lock your car no matter how safe an area feels.
No. 594603
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>>594371Thank you for all the recs, I didn't even have half of it on my list! I'm definitely going to Mont Saint Michel in the north, but had no idea about Saint Malo which is very nearby, so it's a must now too. Vitre doesn't even look like a real place on the pictures but a movie set, I wonder how is it gonna be in real life.
Thanks for being reassuring about the car situation, I didn't really expect anything to happen in the rural areas too but started getting worried fo how is it gonna be on gas stations / more touristy destinations. But it's true it's no Paris so theres this much less to worry about.
My "base" will be in the south of Bretagne, close to Quimperle, so if you have any recommendations for that part I'd be very grateful! Especially in terms of good places to hike and interesting beaches (this actually all around Bretagne, not just the south).
I'm definitely going menhir-catching, though I was thinking of maybe skipping Carnac and look for something smaller and less touristy? Theres plenty of them everywhere from what I've heard. But if Carnac is awesome maybe I shouldn't. Btw, do you or your husband maybe know what could possibly be the island on the pic attached? I've seen in a video promoting the region but it didn't say anything about where is it.
No. 595277
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>>594603Oh your base is right around where we lived! Since you'll be in Quimperle I'd definitely recommend hitting up Pont-Aven and Concarneau. Pont-Aven has a cute port area with a lot of nice hiking paths along the waterway (its a bit inland so it's a nice forested walk). Quimper is a larger city nearby worth a visit as well, the cathedral and its attached museum are great and the town itself is cute. Just driving along the coast there you'll find a lot of little beaches to stop at, I can't give any specific recs on this since we just drove and explored and stopped when it looked interesting.
A bit more north is Locronan, very cute town but quite small. If you end up going there the Menez-Hom is nearby and you can drive up it pretty far and then hike to the top (it's basically a giant lone hill, great views but it's SUPER windy so avoid a dress/skirt). Crozon is gonna be a good place for hiking and beaches if you enjoy a super rocky coast.
As for Carnac, it's at least worth a drive-by as most the stones can be seen from a small road. Its become overwhelmed with tourists over the years so in the high seasons you're only allowed to go up to the stones on a guided tour, I'd avoid it if this is the case at the moment (it should say on the website). Low season you can just wander around them as much as you'd like.
Definitely drive through there to get to the Quiberon peninsula though, good views of the bay. I think your pic is on an island in the Carnac bay area.
Also, everyone I met in Britanny was super nice and friendly particularly in the smaller towns. The majority of tourism in Brittany is from the rest of France and I found people in cafes and bars were genuinely interested in why I was visiting and weren't shy about striking up conversations. The only place that seemed to feel "tourist fatigue" was Locronan.
You're going to have so much fun anon! I'm so jealous.
No. 596264
>>595277I've arrived to Quimper yesterday and since me and my boyfriend do a bit of geocaching we went on a search and found one exactly in the spot from the photo you've attached! Old town area is absolutely gorgeous with these small houses and cathedral towering over them. And the smell of crepes is everywhere.
Thanks for hike recommendations, both seem great, I'll make sure to not wear a dress even though weather is pretty inviting. Would make sense for that island to be in Carnac Bay area, I'll see if I can spot it!
No. 597892
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anon-chans, ill spend 24hr in Prague, is it fully safe? I know it has a good rating when it comes to safety but I still want to be aware of scams, where to not go and such.
No. 598947
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Has anyone ever heard of the blue lagoon hot springs? in Iceland? I found out about this place on instagram awhile back. Damn…it looks so dreamy…
No. 598999
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I want to visit Germany so badly. Austria too. I've been learning German more seriously for about a month now so hopefully in a few years when covid subsides/ I have enough finances/ feel more comfortable with the language I can go over there.
I've been able to visit Ireland and England, and they're so beautiful and I like the weather there.
Kinda funny: I went up to Canada with my family when I was like 6 and I was surprised they spoke English there and had "all the same things we had!"
No. 599073
>>599009My family didn't have anything to do with it, I was a little kid lmao
>>599025I'm actually interested in moving there eventually, but I want to go there a time or two to actually see how it is. I know English is common there, but I've always really liked learning languages and this is one I want to achieve a level of actual fluency with. I don't wanna be another one of those Americans going overseas and being like "sprechen sie Englisch please??"
I figure even if I hate Germany for some reason, being able to speak two languages isn't going to hurt me professionally.
No. 599104
>>598999>>599073As a german: don't bother. Most people (young and middle aged) aren't even gonna allow you to try and speak german because they jump at any chance to practise their english.
You might get so frustrated studying that you lose all interest in germany. Just enjoy a nice vacation once covid is over.
No. 602583
>>591679I've been to Vancouver plenty of times. It's like Canadian Seattle kek.
Don't recommend Calgary or Edmonton unless you're going to the national parks.
No. 668006
>>599073I know this is an old post but you really don't need to speak German in a capital city in Germany. I think you're overestimating how much people care. Europeans going to a different country don't bother to learn the language and just ask 'English?' or try to find another language they have in common.
I'm Dutch and never learned German beyond basic phrases, but Germans like to assume I'm fluent or something. I've had many conversations with German tourists here and me as a tourist in Germany where I just spoke English or Dutch very slowly and they managed to understand. When you go to a touristy area they literally won't care. Even if they act annoyed, I can promise they'll meet 10 more people they barely understand that day alone and forget about you the moment you walk out.
It's much more important for Americans to learn social norms and etiquette of the places they visit in Europe. That's the biggest difference between a European tourist and an American tourist, not language.
No. 673969
>>598947I've been there. It's definitely a nice place if your into that kind of thing, but it's not nearly as impressive as these pictures make it out to be. It's also pretty crowded.
Next time I visit Iceland I'll try to find a hot spring that's less popular where i can actually relax.
No. 757991
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I just want to see some massive mountains and pine trees peeking over fog. Growing up in the desert really gave me grass is greener syndrome and now sunny days and palm trees make me depressed. Going on a trip to upstate New York or Washington isnt unfeasible at all but I'm scared I will feel the intense desire to move and be made more sad. I kind of had this experience in Japan where while I'm happy I went but I'm lowkey depressed knowing I will never live there. How will I be able to witness majestic trees, moss and fog and not just pack up and move? I still haven't seen a truly large mountain in my life and I feel like I'll literally pass out when it happens.
No. 758457
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has anyone else visited the former USSR countries? I've spent a lot of time in central asia, and I think it can be one of the best places for young women to travel to on their own, it's relatively inexpensive and the people are extremely kind and generous to guests. if you don't know how to drive it isn't a major problem as long as you have a little time to spare, because all the towns have pretty good access via share taxis or you can hire your own. the men can be kind of egotistical although that does make it a little easier to know where you stand, and the views and delicious food and affordable outdoorsy stuff mades it all worth it.
No. 758462
>>758457Can you share more anon? That sounds very exciting!
I live within a few hours from St Petersburg which should have decent rail connections to the rest of Russia, and I can hopefully get a train or bus from a bigger city to elsewhere in Central Asia.
It's been on my radar for a long time, but I don't speak any Russian. although my native language is quite similar so they could understand me a bit with some difficulty.
My biggest concern is finding lodging without getting scammed and not getting raped or beaten. My home country is pretty safe but the risk of being kidnapped and trafficked is always there, and I tend to travel solo so I'm extra careful.
Where I'm from I had to stay in hotels and bnbs for short periods of time, and the concierges always try to scam me because I'm small, young and female. Either they lie about not charging my card and charge it twice, or they charge way over the agreed upon price and threaten to call the cops when I refuse to pay, if I haven't paid yet. How have you travelled there, how can I stay safe and unscammed?
No. 758469
>>758457This sounds so nice. Amazing landscape.
Anyone else really want to solo travel? My mom always beat it into me when I was younger that going anywhere alone as a woman meant I was gonna end up on the nightly news, and how people would say I deserved it for going there to begin with.
No. 758478
>>758457Ohh that sounds very promising! Where have you been exactly? I'd love to visit Mongolia and Kyrgyzstan, both such a beautiful countries, but since they're so desolate and never come up on travel recommendation lists I'm worried of how it would be there.
>>758469I'm generally too spooked to travel solo but I have a friend who travels alone a lot (just cities though, not into the nature) and nothing has ever happened to her. So I guess if you're smart about it it's not THAT risky.
No. 758989
>>758478>>758469>>758462I'm pleasantly surprised so many other people are interested! I'm an american who came on an academic program so I barely knew cyrillic getting there, but even with just that I was able to manage major cities fine, everyone speaks Russian so once I started to catch up people would meet me halfway. it's definitely one of those places where you'd want at least a month there, to make up for the plane ticket which cost me about 2 months rent in Bishkek one way but also because time really does move at a different pace. some days you might spend 3 hours waiting for the taxi taking you somewhere to fill up, maybe a border is inexplicably closed for some reason. it's the biggest grab bag because I have some real horror stories (I'd like to emphasize that I was safe the entire time, it was mostly frustration over very unreliable transportation, and I have friends who lived there all their lives and the only times they've been sexually harassed are by the odd foreigners that make it out there), and then days where I'd find myself among some of the most gorgeous landscapes drinking vodka with strangers. I spent most of my time in bishkek with the most trips up to almaty, but I also loved khujand, tashkent, and samarkand.
before I drag on too long, my main tips would be to check caravanistan, learn some Russian, or even better make friends who speak it to bring with you or meet people there. the locals who know English are extremely down to earth and maybe it's just that poor south east asia magnetically attracts the worst foreigners in the universe,
but there really aren't as many sexpats as there are hikers, state/ngo staff and their families, and a small community of English teachers. if you keep quiet, look vaguely russian, and (this is key) know when and how to dress modestly nobody should mess with you more than they would an ordinary citizen.
No. 770491
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>>758469I solo traveled around Italy for a birthday a few years ago. It was fun, but don't drag a huge suitcase around in the middle of July, as I did. I also got gastrointerite (as the Italian doctors called it) and vomited in my Airbnb host's apartment, kek
No. 771126
>>771101You will get there eventually. I know how you feel though. I'm a little worried myself that travel will never be the same. And my American passport has taken a beating in reputation over the past 6 years and isn't looking better with the pandemic.
I was supposed to hop on a plane to Berlin literally a week after the travel ban hit and the whole world started closing down. Not to mention I had just moved to the city and was looking forward to new adventures. Now just sitting in my apartment the last year paying high rent for nothing.
I've been binge watching Mediterranean Life and Caribbean Life a show that follows people as they choose their new home abroad. I'm now dreaming of moving to the Mediterranean and working remotely.
Seriously though just follow those travel dreams. I did after college and it is easier than you think.
No. 797582
>>797575Unless you're great with heat and humidity, I would recommend avoiding summer in Japan. It's absolutely miserable and I come from a hot af country.
Anyway if it's your first time, you can just do the standard tourist stuff like Shibuya, Akihabara, Harajuku, Asakusa etc, you can't really go wrong with the popular spots except that they can be overcrowded. My fav place to visit is Odaiba, it has tonnes of shopping malls and fun things to see, teamlabs have their exhibitions in the area too.
No. 1007585
>>1007400I like Liseberg and Gothenburgs stadsmuseet. The Natural History Museum is also really good and free and just a nice place to wander about. The Haga area is also nice for grabbing coffee/fika. If you drink I recommend the bar Folk. It's super chill and I just had a great time there.
There's fuck all in Orebro. I've only ever gone there to stand in line at the migration office and I think that might be the most exciting thing to do in the whole town.
No. 1007626
>>1007400kek why do a random foreigner want to go to Örebro of all places? This is hilarious.
>>1007585Do you live in Göteborg because if you do I can't believe there is another nonatella in my city
No. 1015548
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I really want to visit Taiwan. Picrel is Jiufen, the town that apparently resembles the setting of Spirited Away and I'd like to go visit, but other than that I would just want to travel around to wherever. I want to go with my mom because she reads and speaks Chinese fluently, plus she has friends there lol. I've visited a lot of countries in Asia/SEA but never been to Taiwan.
No. 1041900
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I want to go to Romania in the fall. They have the best castles & gorgeous mountains.
No. 1041902
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>>1041900The interior of this one has the most beautiful woodwork I've ever seen.
No. 1041914
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>>1041900I'd love to go for a roadtrip and end up on picrel, there's a lot of beautiful places in romania, both nature and towns, I hope I'll be able to go someday too. If you manage to visit it and still frequent LC, share some photos!
No. 1041915
>>1041909>>1041910Lol no worries. Anecdotally I've heard that Romania is safer & more progressive than most of Eastern Europe. And apparently it has a higher personal safety score than the US lol:>>1041914Ooh so pretty. I will anon!
No. 1042057
>>1041900Ooh Peles castle, so beautiful. I've wanted to visit ever since I found out about it years ago.
Anons do you have any other cool castles in your countries with preserved interiors that you can recommend people to visit?
No. 1254082
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Do any nonnas have any experience travelling overseas to work as an au pair/nanny? I want to travel to NY or LA next year but with my current financial situation I would only afford a few weeks slumming it at the most. I don’t have any childcare experience, but I am from the country that Americans love and consider friendly and welcoming. Did you enjoy your stay? Did you have enough time and money afterwards to enjoy some solo travel?
No. 1254360
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>>1254350imagine waking up to this
no rent
only gas
electric bill? solar power lol
No. 1254361
>>1254082Not me but few of my friends did that through "work and travel" program, it was organized by some trusted organization which took care of finding a safe and reliable temporary employment, maybe it would be best for you to look into this kind of thing?
>>1254350I don't think there would be any stigma, if you dont stay in one place for too long you'll be just another tourist, not a homeless person.
No. 1254374
>>1254082You're going to have a really, really hard time getting hired as a nanny in the US with no childcare experience. At least get some babysitting experience under your belt, especially caring for infants and toddlers.
>>1254133Depends on your travel plans. If you plan to move around to stay in different places then a backpack is the way to go. If you're staying in one or two hotels or homes throughout your entire trip, just get one large suitcase and one smaller carry-on size bag if flying. It's not too hard to maneuver especially considering you won't be taking it everywhere. Cost difference won't be much, and if flying you will have to check a large backpack just as you would a suitcase if it doesn't meet carryon size requirements. Suitcases are pretty light and easier to pack and unpack. If it's a short trip and you're just bringing a few changes of clothes and toiletries, a small backpack should be enough.
>>1254350I would worry more about my personal comfort than stigma. Just know all the van life shit you see online is faked and curated. Most of those people who promote it do not actually live in their van full time, they just make content with it. Living out of a car or van even if it's tricked out, you will want to be spending most of your time outdoors with your van just being home base. If that's something you think you'd like why not give it a try? Give it a trial run with a few long camping trips, at least 1 week long.
No. 1254411
>>1254360No water bill… cause you've got no shower or toilet lol
The way people romanticize living like a homeless person idek
No. 1254482
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>>1254411you can build your own toilet and shower inside, many expensive sprinter vans already come with bathrooms inside.
>The way people romanticize living like a homeless person idekfreedom
No. 1255561
>>1255026SO COMFY
>I don't know how secure this would bestay strapped lol
No. 1255997
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Is travelling to Denmark worth it? I am thinking of travelling during summer or maybe in late autumn instead (dont know which season is better). How expensive is life there?
No. 1290680
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>>1255997it seems kind of boring to stay there more than a few days
I never went to denmark, but I visited the netherlands and wanted to leave after 2 days
there are more interesting euro countries
>>1255026>>1254482my goal in life is to live in an rv or sprinter van
so comfy
No. 1290710
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I'm never, ever telling any of my friends that I'm plan on traveling anywhere. Next time I'll keep it to myself until the very last second so I can plan to do whatever I want alone with any of them trying to convince we should travel together, just so they can ruin all of my plans again and again.
No. 1290711
>>1290710traveling alone is soooo much better than traveling with people
itinerary conflict aside, it's also easier to put on a fake persona with people you meet in new places when you don't have your actual friends and family with you LMAO
No. 1309873
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Recommendations for solo traveling for the first time pls?
I'm very shy and anxious, so I'm debating whether going on a trip might stress me out even more instead. But I also don't want to sit at home all the time…
I live in Europe and planned to go somewhere by car. On the one hand I would want to go to a beach but being alone amongst families with kids, couples or groups of people partying sounds so uncomfortable, so I thought going sightseeing in a city might be my best option. Haven't even really decided which country or city tho, currently thinking about Florence. I know this is silly and childish but I'm just very self conscious whenever I'm somewhere alone, but I currently don't have anybody to travel with. Any advice or tips?
No. 1309888
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>>1309873I solo travel all the time. Greece is great for solo traveling and as safe as any place in the world can get for a single woman (the islands are safer). Locals are super friendly, food is great, it’s cheap, and totally normal to solo travel there. Friendlier and safer that other Southern European countries.
Book some tours, there will be families or other solo travelers and the tour guide will take you around the island on various activities or to smaller towns. The rest of your days just walk around the town and explore. Learn how to say hello and thank you, Greeks adore it when you speak Greek to them even if it’s just one word.
Pic rel, just got back from a solo trip to Rhodes.
No. 1309892
>>1309873>>1309888Adding to this, it’s not weird to be on the beach alone. I see solo girls there and people swimming alone. I’m also a highly anxious person, I mean I had bad anxiety for 10 years. Solo traveling made it better because it feels like a huge achievement. It flipped my life around in a good way.
People are super nice to me too when I’m on my own in shops and restaurants.
But yeah, Greece is the perfect starter country for a solo girl. Safe, warm, beautiful and welcoming.
No. 1309896
>>1309873i live on the french coast and often there are girls alone on the beach, when you live there it's just like your back garden- you go swim whenever! it doesnt have to be a big party with a ton of people so dont worry about looking strange by yourself.
i travelled alone to krakow and enjoyed it mostly! the sight seeing i loved but i went for education not vacation so seeing places like auchwitz and coming back to an empty hotel was too emotional!! but if just for a holiday it would have been good all round
No. 1311592
>>1309873Pick somewhere close to home and stay for a few days, see how you feel. For me it took away some of the pressure of "what if's" (i don't like it, i cant cope etc). When I actually got there I wish i'd booked for longer!
I wouldn't over plan your trip, just go with the flow, maybe book a tour a couple of days: nice to be around people without any obligation to talk, and if you did want someone to talk to theres typically other solo travellers there too.
And as other anons have said, sitting on a beach alone is no big deal, same with eating in restaurants, enjoying an art gallery or whatever you're into. Something that helps me is reminding myself everyone is thinking about their own shit. Whats for dinner? I need to sort that bill out. I should call my aunt. Ohh look a cute dog! I should get a dog….. No one cares in the nicest way possible. Enjoy your trip, you'll be so proud of yourself for doing it.
No. 1319948
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I'm going to London in a few days, then I'll go to two different cities in Ireland. Are there any recommendations for public transport and how to avoid tourist traps when it comes to food? By the way, I don't drink alcohol but my friends will travel with me and drink alcohol, do bars and pubs usually have good non alcoholic drinks or do they just serve cheap, nasty virgin mojitos?
No. 1320304
>>1320250I'm French, not American. I'm not too surprised by pubs serving soda because it's the same here in bars. I guess I'll have to look up bars and pubs first if I want to drink something a little more fancy than that then. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out.
As for the tourist oyster card I'll look into it online, thanks a lot. Where can I buy one and how do I charge it? It looks like it works like the suica if you ever went to Japan where you can charge it however you want before traveling instead of it being some sort of
time limited subscription.
No. 1320388
>>1320379Yeah pretty much. I haven't flown since before lockdown so stuff might have changed but it's pretty much:
>Get to airport 2+ hours before departure time>Go to check in counter and give them your passport (or use kiosk and follow directions)>Check in luggage if applicable>Get ticket>Go through security>Find gate>Dilly dally around until your boarding time approachesAlso occasionally check those boards with all the arrivals/departures every once in a while to see if your flight is delayed or has changed gates.
No. 1320427
>>1320379Some of this depends on the airline, but the process usually goes like this
- Online check-in will open anywhere from 24-72 hours before your flight, check with your airline to see what they do.
- When you go to check in, they'll ask a bunch of questions and disclaimers about luggage. Don't put a bomb in your hang luggage basically
- You'll get a seat number and will have the option to get a digital ticket which goes in the wallet app on the iphone (idk how it works on android) or print a paper ticket.
- If you have checked luggage, get to the airport ~3hrs before your flight, find your luggage check in desk and get your luggage checked in the system. In some airports there's self-service bag drop, so you have to do it all yourself but it's not that hard. They might also give you a paper ticket here as well, you can use this one or the digital/printed one. If you don't have checked bags, skip this step and get to the airport ~2hrs before.
- Find the security gates and join the line, you'll have to put your hang luggage on a conveyor belt to get it scanned, as well as walk through a scanner yourself. Make sure you have no metal on you because otherwise they'll want to pat you down
- Once you're through, find your gate and take a seat, you'll be called to board ~30-40 mins before takeoff.
- When you land, They'll check your passport (if it's international) and visa (if you need one) and then you'll be through!
It sounds like a lot but it's really not that bad. Good luck nona!
No. 1320436
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>>1320304I wouldn't get the Oyster personally. The cheapest way to get around would be to get a contactless payment card with no foreign fees (Do you have revolut in france?)
If you have a contactless card it couldn't be easier. At the gates you'll see a round pad like picrel. Tap that with your contactless card and the gate will open and you can walk through. Exiting is the same: tap the pad and walk through. The system will automatically calculate the cheapest fare for your journeys and charge your card.
If you can't get a contactless card and need to get the oyster, you'll see ticket vending machines with the same symbol on them, you can check your current balance and add money to the oyster card there.
If you're taking a bus, you don't need to tap out when you get off, just tap the pad once when you get on.
No. 1350330
Japan's border will open on October 11th. After all this time I have managed to work for fulltime two years in a row and since I couldn't do my full year in Japan with my working holiday visa because of covid (as in, I caught covid) I'll try to go back next summer. I'll also try to visit Morocco before Japan because I wanted to go back there for a long time and covid fucked up my plans. It's been a decade since I went there last time and saw my relatives, I'll treat myself as much as possible. A friend of mine wants to go to another destination instead but I'm not interested in that one so I'll refuse.
>>1320436Once I arrived in London my friend and I got ourselves a travel card, I don't remember the price but we took one for a whole week for the zones 1, 2 and 3 and it was a good deal because we took public transport a lot. When we arrived to the airport they didn't have the oyster card, and the train station after that didn't either.
No. 1358175
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>japan finally reopening
THANK FUCKKKK, I've missed it so much!! I've already got my flights and leave booked for Jan, going Okinawa for the first time and a few cities in Kyushu + Osaka.
No. 1358181
>>1358178Prices seemed pretty normal if not a bit low (plus I used frequent flyer points so I'm only paying like $1000 there and back).
I'm also worried about it being super busy with tourists but I don't want to put it off any longer, I'm kinda hoping that going to beachy/warm places during winter will mean it's not too awful. Most people would race to go in October or wait until Spring I assume.
No. 1358186
>>1358183Personally I wouldn't want to do another summer in japan but if you're used to humidity you're probably fine.
I've never actually stayed in a ryokan or capsule hotel, I stay in cheap business hotels you can find in every city (eg Toyoko Inn, APA). They're perfectly fine but for me it's just a place to sleep and dump my stuff so I don't need it to be part of the experience.
No. 1361907
Booked my Japan tickets for February. I wish I could just go into a coma and wakeup when it's time to go KEK.
>>1358414>Did anyone go to comiket at least once? I was considering it and it was also cancelled at the time because of covid. I want to try it out, I'm sick on anime cons in my country.It's mainly a lot of doujinshi.
No. 1361940
>>1358194APA is connected to that weirdo religion thing that Abe and his ultra conservative right wing party was attached to btw.
Did Japan just give up in the women only train cars? I'm there now and seems nobody gives a shit (tons of men on), when I was here a few years ago I swear men observed the women's only thing
No. 1362200
>>1362024I'm leaving like right when they open, so I'm doing all the super touristy stuff now. might even go to Disney even though I don't care about Disney just bc I can.
just note that the weather/humidity gets worse every year bc of climate change. summer is the rainy/typhoon season and it's worse in the southern part. my relative went during that time and was a little dissatisfied bc it rained nearly the entire time
No. 1362211
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>>1362203I’ve heard that Japan weather is a lot like Atlanta and the American south. I’ll totally be fine.
No. 1599096
Oh there is a travel thread!!
I want advice for anyone who has been, lives, or is even aware. I have some travel ideas and need to know it it's worth it. This list is for a lifetime of travel, I am not doing them back to back, I would be way too tired.
Thailand: I want to spend a month or two there learning some Thai, dance, and kickboxing. I would rent a private residence, and try to explore every cultural and scenic place
Vietnam: I would want to travel down the country by train, see the north and south, about two weeks
New Zealand: popping off from Australia, to NZ. then I would like to visit all of Oceania. This trip will be planned for at most a month, there are many islands but just visiting a couple for each country seems enough, but Idk if I need more time because the flights to islands are not as frequent
Central Asia: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia. I have to skip Russia this time, and I have been to China already but if I do the silk road tour I will go again. I want some free travel besides the tour, where should I do that? I am thinking Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan . I am thinking a month time; and I want to see many cultural sites, in Mongolia try nomadic lifestyle.
Greenland and Canada: I want to spend a week in each place, just scenic and cultural experiences
South America: due to distance it makes sense to take one flight there and back, and I also considered visiting Antarctica so if I can tack that on from the Chile/Argentina part, what do you recommend is enough time for the continent and what to see? My Spanish is basic, I would study a bit before I go and maybe have a guide.
South and East Africa: The thing is I know not everywhere is safe but my goals are safari, cultural experiences, and food. I am thinking Kenya is a must. Where else is a good trip at this tome? It would be a shame to only see one country on this trip. Are the safaris different around the continent?
North Africa: It's not far from Europe so I can be flexible. Tunisia and Algeria are on my must list. Morocco and Egypt interest me but I want to be away from the scammier parts, so no Cairo at least.
Middle East: Are there any countries to avoid at this time? I want to go everywhere I can, no set time plan but one month at most is ideal.
In general what are overrated or underrated experiences? Which place should spend more time in? Where is a tour guide recommended for safety? Thanks
No. 1599117
>>1599096I can only speak for Morocco, I went there every summer until 2013 to visit my family, it's pretty touristic and there are many fun places to visit… In theory, I used to just stay at my aunt's place almost all summer long in Casablanca and the last time I went there the only notable thing I remember was going to Morocco Mall to shop for some stuff. Since then a lot have changed, I think now there's a tramway there? I remember Marrakech being pretty good and having a lot of very nice hotels but it's been too long. I also went to a hotel in Agadir and the weather was hell on earth, and my period lasted from when we just arrived to the hotel until we left so I couldn't even swim, and I never visited the city itself, but supposedly the beach is beautiful. I was stuck in my room and just suffered kek. As for Algeria, I never went there and even my Algerian relatives have no clue about what's interesting to visit, they just go there sometimes to stay in the family's house and do nothing. If any other anons know anything that's fun to do in Algeria I'm curious. I heard that Egypt is kind of a shithole and more dangerous for women than the other North African countries so be careful if you ever go there.
Regarding the Middle East, I never understood why Dubai seems to appeal to a lot of people. Isn't it just full of giant expensive malls? You can't even go there with a bf, you need to be straight up married, right?
No. 1599134
>>1599117Thanks for Morocco advice. I will make a more solid plan for there. I just hear Algeria is a nice place, maybe it's more scenic. From Italy it really isn't that far, med neighbor so I want to go for that too. Everyone says Cairo is horrible and overrated, but with a guide and a less famous city I can still experience ancient Egyptian sites. I forget the name but I think it started with an A.
Middle East, I actually have no interest in Dubai but I feel like it's a place one must see in this life. I wanted to see specifically Yemen, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon. I kind of wish I had gone to the world cup because it was so lively. And I have to unfortunately avoid unsafe countries by conflict.
No. 1605743
>>1605709>south of FranceThat's my pick for this year
Swimming and snorkeling in Cote D'Azure
No. 1846847
>>1846558have you already travelled a lot anon? or is this new for you? I think you're being wise by only going for a few days each time and spacing them out.
But of course I think you know your physical limitations best. I'm in a lot of solo travel forums and I think it's important to remember that this is still a holiday for you so if you feel tired, don't feel like you need to speedrun everything and tick everything off a list.
No. 1846849
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South East Asia (Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam & Hong Kong) for several weeks in a month - I'm very excited.
Central Europe (Prague, Vienna, Bratislava & Budapest) in mid/late September for 2 weeks travelling between them via train.
I really want to spend 2 weeks in Japan in March 2025 (it's cherry blossom season and it's off peak at my work) but I need to see how much I have in my savings to make it happen.
No. 1853710
>>1846847It's not new to me, I started traveling a few years ago by myself and I love it way more than traveling with others so now I should know my limits and what I want.
By the way, I just checked my period app and since I'm cursed, it turns out that I'll be on my period exactly during Japan Expo and during Comiket, and it's usually very reliable. Which means I would be utterly fucked over because mine are usually so heavy I need to go to the bathroom every hour and I've had entire trips ruined by my periods. Now I'm really worried. Last time I visited Paris I had an accident and had to go through the entire city in a heatwave with 98% of my shorts covered in blood and couldn't eat, thank god I had something to cover myself with but it was a borderline miracle.
No. 1945285
>>1945274I've been to europe around thanksgiving and early december and it was fine. December I needed a coat and gloves but I wasn't freezing. I was in France mostly though.
Unless you're in North-north europe it's just Fall at that time
No. 1945788
>>1945777I’ve used them a lot, but I’ve started to prefer hostels and regular hotels for the reasons you mentioned. “Traditional” airbnbs always feel uncomfortable to me, and I can never feel at ease using someone else’s kitchen. I also had some seriously bizarre experiences. In the last place I went to, I was in an apartment owned by a scrote, but with the airbnb page managed by another. Said owner always walked around half naked, watched porn at full volume and with his room door open, and scowled at me and the other (also female) guest. The airbnb manager had given me a slightly discounted price to book the room off of airbnb. I knew him, so I trusted him, but I wonder if he didn’t do that because this way I couldn’t review the place and warn solo female travelers of the creepy owner. I also stayed at a place where the owner used her key to enter my room twice when she thought I was away. The first time, it was in the late morning, so she probably wanted to clean up a little, but the second time was randomly at 6pm and she just excused herself and left, which felt suspicious. Both of these were nice places with good reviews in the middle of major spanish cities.
No. 1945826
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>>1945777I use it when I'm abroad because it's so convenient and in english but am very selective about the rooms I book and I avoid the ones that are just a bedroom in a house (too intimate, no privacy) or the ones that have a chore-list for the guests (that's just insulting). I consider it sort of an evil app for all the normal reasons people talk about but I'll use it sometimes. Some of the places are gorgeous.
>>1945796Select the "entire home" option and you'll get a whole apartment or house to yourself. Doesn't really guarantee the landlord isn't there somewhere nearby but you'll have privacy and not be sharing space.
No. 1945873
>>1945835That's funny because hostels have such a bad reputation. Like you hear people will steal your stuff, that bunking on top of eachother in crowded quarters is claustrophobic, communal showering like you're in gym, etc. Not saying I believe that (I've only had good hostel experiences) but I feel like they don't have a good reputation.
Hostels are definitely cheaper, if you're traveling on a budget they can't be beat. Airbnb is not really cheap anymore, which everyone said would happen and it did but somehow people still think it's cheap.
No. 1946444
>>1945835 and I honestly don't think hostels will beat their shady rep. sucks because I've only had positive experiences staying in them as well (europe, north africa, americas and south east asia so a wide spread). but mind you I bring a lock and I sleep with my essential valuables (phone, wallet, passport) at my side against the wall of my bunk. I think back in the day (several decades ago) most hostels were probably very shady places, and don't get me wrong there has to be some awful places still but I think with online reviews and comparison sites like hostelworld, they've realised that they actually need to provide a good service to have consistent bookings. I've only ever used airbnb when booking places with large groups of friends and it's insane how we'd have to do like 3 hours worth of cleaning before check out to ensure we don't get insane fines. like one hostel I had a surprise period on the white sheets, told front desk (female staff) and no issue at all, if that was an airbnb I'd get like a 3 figure fine.
No. 1946519
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>>1945477savoy palace
pic unrelated
No. 2030288
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I'm going to Bangkok and Ko Samui with my family this June. Not sure if there are any thai nonnies here, but who have visited Thailand before, what are some fun things to do there? We'll be staying in the capital city for three days and a week in Samui. It would also be nice to know any good shopping areas I could go to with my mom. We are not planning to go see anything 'exotic,' so I am mostly looking for safer suggestions although any recommendations are appreciated.
No. 2046617
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Hey, have any anons ever been to southern Japan? Planning a trip there for mid to late October and wanted to see if anyone here found anything cool down there. I'd be spending a week down there.
No. 2072615
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What map app do you use to pin places you want to go to on a trip? Google MyMaps is ok on a PC, but it's GARBAGE when using on the move on mobile. You can't add new places on mobile, it shows coordinates instead of addresses, it's hard to open on Google Maps app, and it constantly bugs out and resets out of the map, at least on my phone. Any better alternatives? Preferably one that is both on iOS and Android, and if possible, something that you can open up in a browser if you don't have the app installed
No. 2072694
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"Rich girl summer" in Europe on A TIGHT BUDGET? I'll be based around the BENELUX area for a month. Definitely want to go to Amsterdam. But would like to take a day trip somewhere in southern Europe based on what's safest. I will most likely be solo advice on that as well would be much appreciated.
>What should I experience that is quintessentially European? Where can I meet and talk with people casually? (I do speak a European language)
>Going to post this in two threads sorry.
No. 2072705
>>2072694>Benelux>day trip to southern europewut?
europe overall is safe for female solo travellers, just use common sense. south of france sounds perfect for "rich girl summer", but im not sure if it can be done on a tight budget
No. 2072910
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>>2072894Just saving businesses under favorites etc. It puts a marker on them in google maps like a heart or star.
No. 2086144
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Should I go to Cyprus or Greece? I want to stay at a 5 star all inclusive beach resort. I don’t want to visit the city or seek out any cultural/historical sides of the country. I just want to stay at the hotel, tan and swim in the sea. I’m scared the ones in Greece might have too many influencers who will disturb my peace kek. Which county would you recommend?
No. 2086151
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>>2086144Crete, Greece. The best hotel I've ever been in my life.
No. 2093953
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I plan to go to Japan (Tokyo and Kyoto mainly) this September, it will be my first time solo travelling and I live in a nordic country so I'm a bit worried about the heat too. The only thing I have planned so far is shopping, I wanted to visit a lolita store in person since I was 13. But nowadays I'm more interested in the non-consoomerist side of japan. I think their nature and traditional architecture is beautiful.
If someone has recommendations for day trips I could do, cheap hotels to stay at or advice for solo travel in japan in general I would greatly appreciate it.
No. 2094434
>>2093953September should be fine in terms of weather. I've never been there in September though, that's just what I've been told. In terms of more "cultural" visits there are a lot of cool temples and gardens you could visit for very cheap or for free. I haven't spent enough time in Kyoto to give you good recommendations, but from Tokyo I recommend you check the Meiji Jingumae garden in Harajuku and Yoyogi park (the park is huge so don't feel forced to check the whole park if the weather is kinda shit), the Sea Candle and its garden in Enoshima as well as the temples on the hill (I recommend you just take the elevators to climb the hill and go down by foot, don't make my mistake), the temple in Kamakura with the daibutsu and the temple next to this one if you go to the direction ofhe beach that has a huge garden, etc. These places look beautiful in spring and summer, no clue how they will look like in September. I heard the daibutsu in Ushiku looks amazing, it's one of the biggest statues in the world, but getting there with public transport is a pain in the ass according to a friend. There's a bamboo forest in Arashiyama in Kyoto, and a temple with garden in there, it's beautiful too but get there early in the morning to avoid huge crowds. There's a buddhist vegetarian restaurants there, the food is delicious.
>cheap hotels to stay atYou should be booking hotels now before it's too late and you can only go to capsule hotels or very expensive hotels. There are cheap business hotels like Apa Hotel, Toyoko Inn, etc. that could be interesting as a solo traveler if you just want to spend all your days outside and relax at night. Hotels there provide pajamas so don't bother bring yours, leave some free space in your suitcase for when you'll go shopping instead.
>>2094095>I'm hestiant about the being naked thing kek but it seems very nice regardless.Nobody will give a fuck as long as you don't have any tattoos. I'm biased though because I used to go to hammams in my relatives' neighborhood in their country and everybody would either get naked or just wear their panties and nothing else in there so I'm used to it. I went to two different SPAs with hot springs in Japan a few weeks ago and everyone was minding their own business the whole time. You can go there unprepared, they have a lot of amnesties, they give you everything you need like skincare products, razors, hair brushes, towels, etc. If you don't book a room in a ryokan you can still go to some big SPA and can potentially spend a whole day in there depending on how big it is because they often have restaurants and bars, you can sometimes watch TV or read books and magazines as if you were in a library, etc.
>>2094324>other than general female safety (shake off creepy guys, etc.)If she doesn't look east Asian she should be fine, allegedly Japanese men try not to start shit with foreign women in public as often as they try to harass Japanese women because they think we're all way more likely to cause a scene and try to defend ourselves, sometimes even violently.
No. 2094449
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>>2094434>allegedly Japanese men try not to start shit with foreign women in public as often as they try to harass Japanese women because they think we're all way more likely to cause a scene and try to defend ourselves, sometimes even violently.It’s so funny because many Japanese people have an “uwu we’re so tiny and foreigners are so big” complex and many Japanese MEN think white and black WOMEN are physically stronger than them. Learning that information made me feel so powerful, I wanna go to Japan just to make Japanese scrotes feel inferior, kek
No. 2094558
>>2094324>don't limit yourself to finding ryokans with private onsen, those are mostly used by couplesThat does sound gross, I will try going to a regular one then. If you plan your next trip please post about it here, I would be interested in hearing about it. Thanks again!
>>2094434Thank you so much for the detailed reply, I will write down your recommendations and book a hotel as soon as possible. The spa is a good alternative too, thanks to you and the other anon I'm now looking forward to trying a public bath.
As for female safety, I'm glad it's at least safe for non-asian women. It's terrible that sexual harrassment happens to japanese and other asian so often though. If I were taller than 5' 1" I would love to feel stronger than men for once
No. 2096733
>>2094665Sorry for the late reply, I would love more recommendations if it's not too much trouble for you. I saved the shinjuku spa to google maps, I'm very grateful for your recommendations so far
>>2094740A credit card is really important. Ideally you would bring two in case one gets lost or stops working.
No. 2153878
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Do you guys order food or drinks when you’re on a flight? I love preordering food and buying some juice/cocktails when I’m on an Alaska flight. What they serve is some of the best airplane food I’ve had kek
No. 2153932
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>>2153878I love getting their canned cocktails!! But sometimes I’ll get some orange juice and vodka
No. 2169875
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The Lufthansa carry on and personal item restrictions are insane. I'm leaving tomorrow and I packed everything, but I'm worried that my gym bag in picrel doesn't meet the requirements for the under the seat bag. Have any nonas travelled with them before? Are they as strict as the website claims? I don't have a bag that will fit that size other than like a tote bag, which isn't feasible. Flying out of the US if that makes a difference
No. 2184620
I've booked my first big trip and I'm having some anxiety, 2 weeks in Japan! Finally I have enough disposable income and available time to actually go and I'd say a 5k budget (3.5k after booking flights), it's short notice with the trip being in 5 weeks, and I'm sort of paralysed with what to do.
I was going to blogpost but I'll try cut it short. For about a decade I used to be a huge weeaboo and dreamed of going to Japan, would sit and just envision myself there. The main appeal was just…being there. In the city and in the country. I don't know how to describe it. The fences, house designs, shrubbery, shop signage, everything. But I was shit poor so it stayed firmly in the back of my mind as a "one day". I'm not a weeb anymore but seeing pictures still brings me calm, it's still a dream to go. And I can't really comprehend the idea that after 15 years of dreaming, I will physically, in 5 weeks, be in Japan and have to decide a direction to walk in, a restaurant to eat in, how long to stay in what city, the practicalities of taking 2 large suitcases with me. Then finally having a last day in Japan.
I booked the flights because I knew if I didn't I'd chicken out, but now the idea of making an itinerary is overwhelming. And Youtube isn't helping at all. Do you guys know how many "MUST DO 14 day itinerary in Japan" videos there are? They can't all be right.
No. 2184661
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Which Nordic country airline is most lenient with luggage? I want to bring back a bunch of souvenirs but don't want to deal with BS from the airline
No. 2184801
>>2184661None of them are lenient unless you're lucky and happen to stumble upon a nice employee who doesn't care that much. I travel a lot between Norway and Finland because my family moved from one country to another and then moved back and have traveled with every Nordic airline there is. If I have to check in luggage, I use the self check in machines so there's no lenient employee to potentially help you out if your luggage weighs more than the limit lmao. The carry on guidelines are really strict and you are unable to bring extra luggage without having to pay for it. When it comes to carry on
weight though I've never seen anyone measuring that or caring much about those limits.
No. 2184811
>>2184801Samefag, but like
>>2184180 said, they don't care about a duty free bag. Also, you're able to buy a ton of suvineers from the airport (Arlanda and Vantaa sell a lot of cute souvenirs at the airport, not Gardermoen though their selection is kinda pitiful kek).
No. 2185270
>>2185152As long as you've got enough space and have packed everything in an organized manner, a layover shouldn't be any problem. It also depends on what kind of souvenirs you're gonna bring. A cup, for example, will need more space than a plushie because it has to to be wrapped in something for it to not break.
Out of curiosity, where in Finland are you planning to go to? I hope you have an amazing time
nonnie ♥
No. 2185406
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>>2185270I'm going to Turku but I'll definitely take trips to Helsinki. Thank you for the kind words nonna!
No. 2190328
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>>2185643I'll definitely look into it. I have another question for nonnies in snow, which snow shoes would you recommend? I doubt I'd have to walk on ice but I am very paranoid about frostbite, I really wanted a cute pair like pic related would these be suitable or should I invest in something else?
No. 2281132
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Are there any nonas that have been to Finaland or Suomi nonas around?
I'll be spending December there and I wonder if there are any tips on what to avoid as a foreigner? Specially in saunas, tips on places that only locals know about, etc.
I'll be mostly between south finland, Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, that Santa Claus city and maybe a bit in Inari.
If anyone here went there, how was your experience like? I'm solo traveling and it's my first time in northen Europe and in a colder place so I'm a bit anxious about it.
No. 2281916
>>2281132Generally you'll be okay by just using common sense. Bring warm clothes because it most likely will be at least somewhat cold, although now it's pretty warm in here (around 2 degrees in Southern Finland). There are not that many scammers etc. as there are not that many tourists, but if you take a taxi, it is best to order it with a phone (or use an app) and not take from a stand. If you want to be extra careful, ask for a native Finnish driver (or Swedish speaking lol because then they will definitely be Finnish, and I don't know if they actually can send a driver based on nationality).
A few things to note about public holidays as it is Christmas season, and Christmas is one of the two holidays that absolutely freeze Finland over (Midsummer being the other one). Our Independence Day is on December 6th, most places will be closed but grocery stores and probably bigger shops in general are open. We start our Christmas celebration on the Christmas Eve, meaning shops are open usually until 12 in the afternoon. If you are in Turku during Christmas, it can be interesting to visit Vanha Suurtori as they will declare "Christmas Peace" (Joulurauha) there on Christmas Eve at 12 o'clock. It's a tradition from the 1880's, the ceremony is held in Finnish and Swedish, it is then when Christmas actually starts. Most likely all places except certain grocery stores, gas stations etc. will be closed until Boxing Day.
I can answer any questions if you have, I don't know what you want to do here so cannot give any exact tips now. I'm from Turku area, so I am not that good answering for example Lapland-related questions
No. 2282508
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Has anyone been to Athens? What should I make sure to see? I have 5 days
No. 2427223
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My husband and I recently bought a house so now we can finally go to Japan since we’re not saving for a down payment anymore. I’ve sent the news to my Japanese exchange student friend from 13 years ago that I finally can come visit her!!! I’m so happy and I’ve been reading this thread to find neat places to visit while we’re there. We’re only going for 10 days or so but hey it’s better than nothing.