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No. 593113
I'll start
A few years ago i went to a concert to see a pretty big post rock band with a friend. It was said friends favourite band but I wasn't in a great mood that day. We got to the gig and there was a bunch of people we knew so I instantly felt better that I didn't have to take the brunt of socialising that night. The music starts and I tell said friend i'm gonna hang nearer the back whilst he parties at the front.
Halfway through the set I go out for a cigarette because I'm really struggling to enjoy myself, the only other person out in the smoking area is this guy who is a doppleganger of my ex.
I sit nearby him in the small enclosure and ask if he's ok as the dude looks pretty spaced, we get to talking and end up having this long conversation for the rest of the concert about life and music, it was super interesting and really nice.
The music ends and every comes out, I lose him in the shuffle of our friend groups finding up and splitting off. I accept that it was a one time conversation and go home.
A couple days later I get a friend request, it's him! He didn't know my last name so i message him to ask how he found me, I have a fairly uncommon name so he said it wasn't hard to find the only person in my city with that name. We continue our conversations but he's quite patchy online, not replying for days then sending an essay. He made me a playlist of music which was very thoughtful and sweet, I was crushing hard on him but being wary of how much he looked like my ex. Eventually the conversation peters out, I was into tinder dating at the time and met my current boyfriend in this lul in conversation.
A couple months later he messages me apologising for ghosting, and offers to get a bus to my city so we could 'hang out'. Newly in a relationship i declined, but had he been a little quicker off the bat my life might have been quite different.
No. 593129
I had a super obsessive High School crush that lasted until the end of my Junior year. He was the first person to be legit kind to me but, was of course super popular and out of my league. It sounds so cliche but, we always ended up in the same classes and paired up by our teachers for assignments. I could never have a normal conversation with him because we had nothing in common. Despite that, he would still do small sweet gestures that kept me admiring him. For example, in our English class he'd offer to read my work out loud for me because he knew I had social anxiety, he'd forget his books and would always ask to share mine and would touch my hand while we were holding the book together, stuff like that. We only met once outside of school at a party and I managed to be relax around him and we had a fun time hanging out together.
At one point though, I just gave up and accept I never had a single chance with him and also started to believe he was messing with my emotions because by the end of Junior year he became really self aware of his looks and popularity, his personality started to change for the worse. It sucked because of course I had him in one of my classes Senior year and once again was paired up with him for assignments. I purposely distanced myself and ignored him. Looking back, I still can't tell if he just felt bad for me, maybe he did have mutual feelings at some point or was just toying with me.
Either way, I've felt "over" him for years but, I still see him show up in my dreams and I hate it. I have a partner who I am dedicated to but, I still think I subconsciously never got over this guy despite seeing how he looks today on social media, he looks like a giant asshole.
No. 593130
Nice thread pic.
When I was applying to college there was a really cute nerdy guy there too, I immediately thought "hey this place isn't so bad if there's cuties like this here", and guess what, once classes started, he was also a first year student with me. One day in class I picked a random spot in the back (the classroom was still half empty) and he comes by me and asks me if he can sit next to me!? I freaked out and thought he wanted me to move a bit so he can sit in the middle of the row, so I get up and he sits a few chairs away from me. Luckily a couple of girls came by so I moved next to him to clear a spot for them. The entire time I was sitting next to him I kept getting these intense pains in my heart from it beating too fast, as if someone was clutching it. I never felt like that before and I haven't felt like that ever since. He tried to talk to me a bit but I was beside myself and couldn't hold a conversation kek. I never sat next to him again although he always sat in the same row as me (it was always only us in that row) but on the opposite end. I never talked much with him, he is a super awkward type, he never talked to anyone. I wish I could have talked to him, but I'm also the super awkward type. He failed some of his classes so I never see him anymore, I really miss him. He was so perfect, like those soft shoujo manga boys with his fluffy hair. I really think he liked me but we were both too scared to do anything. I should probably get over my dumb fears to make sure I never regret something like this again, but I don't think I can.
No. 593174
I laughed hard at thread pic, great job OP. It hurts.
One that got away was a girl that left her number for me on a napkin at work. I've mentioned this on some other thread here, but this is the full story.
I was behind the counter at work, and she was far back in line bc we were busy. She had long blonde hair and big doe eyes, very femme, and I just kept looking at her and I thought she was looking at me too, but I wasn't sure. I was trying to be subtle, but clearly wasn't. I helped her and was a bit more stumbly than usual coz I was awkward and nervous, and I got to check her out as well. She enthusiastically asked, "do you want my number??" and I just stared at her, mouth open, and nodded, handed her a napkin and pen, and she waved and left. While closing, I guess my co-worker tossed the napkin I set off to the side by our speaker. I thought it was out of the way enough, but in hindsight, I should have just pocketed it. I hope she doesn't feel rejected. I still think about her literally all the time, but I haven't run into her since or seen her in the shop. My heart hurts now.
No. 593314
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I'm in love with my current guy, but about once every year I think about Harry the Server.
>looked like what Harry Potter wished he looked like
>dat jaw
>floofy but styled chestnut hair
>cuteass big ears that stick out
>tall, skinny but had strength from running/lifting all day
He was very friendly and always deeply thankful whenever I restocked/cleaned the server station (I was a food runner in between room service shifts), which would cause my heart to flutter. He was the ideal server for a fine dining establishment, guests asked for him all the time.
I asked him once how he could do his job so well with so much confidence, and he said that he has severe anxiety and that he just fakes it. I told him that I also had anxiety and faked it… I saw a real smile from him then and I think we had a moment of budding friendship. Afterwards he'd come to the back sometimes to curse about people because I knew what was up.
I kept it as an innocent crush bc we were both in long-term relationships, but four years later I like to fantasize about bumping into him one day if we're both single. I tried to look him up on social media but it seems he doesn't keep up with it.
No. 593326
long story
at 14-15, i was getting treated for my ED. one time, the nurse who always took my blood pressure etc. told me if i knew a guy called "X" (turkish name idk if i should tell), who was appearantly from my school and was also getting treated there. i didn't know him, but even then, i started fantasizing about him for some reason.
btw he was at our school but i later learned that he was in the other campus that's significantly distant from mine. anyway, i found this out by excessive stalking. like going through our school website. they would list every single person's place in an exam and i had to look at all "X" named guys' social media.
one time, coincidentally, i saw him in the ED clinic. i actually didnt realize it was him until someone called his name. idk if this makes sense to americans here but we were at the same place while he was getting weighed (scale was in the hall, not in a room, there's not much privacy). the nurse said something like "oh she's from your school" and he shyly introduced himself. we talked for like 3 minutes at best and then he went back to a room to talk to his doctor.
this was 5 years ago and i still dream about him, occassionally check his instagram. never had a crush after that. god i hate being a hopeless romantic.
if you see this, cute ED guy, please hmu (also you're a scrote so you're not allowed here)
No. 593780
When I was 13 I dated this asshole (my first bf) I learned that “all guys jerk off” and that they look at everyone And a whole bunch of other shit, he also tried coercing me into giving him a blowjob, I kinda regret dating at that age but oh well. I was desperate and hormonal, he left me on the night of a jr high dance only to dance with some other girl that night. A few people saw me crying when I got on the bus but nobody really said anything. The next day my friend gave me a flower and teddy bear. She said it was from a boy but he chose to remain anonymous, I kept asking and and asking finally it was some nerdy dude from my P.E. class. He was such a nerd like with the gawky glasses, taking his lunchbox to school, athletic shoes, etc. but he was so cute and nice. I actually talked to him, he’s lovely. Kinda fidgety and nervous but in a cute way, my heart gushes when I think about him to this day. I moved away during eighth grade and I haven’t seen him till recently I was hounding an old friend of friend of mine for his number and the. I asked for his instagram. He’s still so cute, he draws a lot, tbh they look sorta Chris-chanesque nevertheless he’s just perfect. He’s so innocent, he posts about how he loves his mom, how much he loves comics and Disney shows. He’s 20 and still sort of childish but that adds to the charm imo.
It hurts a part of me knowing that I’ll never have him, but I don’t deserve him. It just leaves me with this bittersweet feeling, like we could’ve been something way more, I also have a kid and I’m with the father of that kid so … the door is closed between us I think. But I hope he finds someone lovely, he’s going to a state university, so he should find an equally nerdy, cute girl. I’m way too normie and not as innocent.
No. 598459
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When I was 13 this guy entered my class because he had to repeat it (We're going to call him A), he liked and pursued me but we were friends and he introduced my friends and I to his group (they were a class above ours).
One night we are at a party and my best friend tells me that A, B and C want to kiss me. I was naive, never had kissed a guy or anything before and didn't know that I could have just declined? I just thought that I HAD to kiss one of them, and particularly, that I HAD to kiss A because everyone knew he liked me and was "rooting" for us.
So that's what I did, didn't enjoy it but neither despised it, it was just plain and boring; but, now I was seeing B, his (and now my) friend, with other eyes, I was really surprised because he was the most handsome and mature out of them and had a lot of girls pursuing him (and even an older, model ex-girlfriend, I literally felt, and was, a fla next to her)
We continue hanging out and I made out with A for a few times just because … ? but later cut everything off and B started to pursue me again but I always declined, even though I wanted to be with him, because I didn't want to be seen as a "slut" who had been with two friends and I don't know, I was just very insecure at the time.
B asked me out many times along the years but nothing happened and now my own group of friends and his have splitted after graduating high school. I don't use social media but I know he has a girlfriend. I normally wouldn't care about something like this, but I truly think he was a good guy, he was very respectful with the girls he had been with, even among his guy friends and took care of me and didn't left me alone the few times I got drunk, he even got in a fight with an older dude because he was harassing me one of those times. I'm aware that's just decency but I'm pretty sure he's the nicest guy I've known and being so handsome was a plus. I just randomly remembered all of this and it has me thinking "what could have been?" but guess everything happens for a reason? I just know I'll always have a sweet spot for him, he was a really good friend, anyways
No. 598487
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>autist teenage weeb
>almost no irl friends
>trying to deal with shitty traumatic childhood sexual abuse
>feel alienated from everyone
>meet other awkward teenage weeb online
>click immediately
>she lives in qt eurotrash country while I'm a burger
>talk over several years
>long late night discussions about animu and life and shit
>so happy when I talk to her uwu what is this feeling
>fall in love with her
>desperately want her to move to murica
>offer to marry her so she can move here to get better job
>don't mention how I feel even though it's probably obvious
>eventually becomes obvious she doesn't feel the same way and is probably straight
>eventually ghosts me
I still miss her though.
No. 602006
hmmm not exactly "the one that got away" as the age gap was slightly too big and I don't think of it anymore but here goes:
>male nurse
>polish with slight accent
>big forehead and great, well-kept beard, looks a little like a greek philosopher
>extremely fit, exercises with kettle bells (stalked his social media, sry)
>cute tooth-gap
>loving care-taker, down-to-earth, humble, easy-going, aims to make people feel at ease, nothing he won't do for clients, goes above and beyond
>sometimes a chaotic, playful dork
>tries to live healthily
>talks about coffee
>we both drink coffee black
>did the coffee with butter fitness meme for a while lmao disgusting
>I fall madly in love with him, never act on it, but it's there
>he starts dropping subtle hints about his partner who is also a nurse while still being absolutely wonderful
>I probably idealised him but that was still genuinely a good guy and a long and intense infatuation that left me with a happier heart instead of brokenness
>had a baby with his partner
>I respectfully keep my distance
No. 606380
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It was just a month ago,but I was on vacation and I was approached by some guy who was staying there for a while due to work.He told me it was a boring place and that he couldn't find people to connect to as most were immature.
The second time we see each other he offered me a glass of wine so I went to talk to him and I honestly had a great time.We had common interests and he seemed woke(in a good way)
So after that I slowly started fucking up as I asked him for his FB end didn't add him/text him immediately.Then I got sick and when I met him a couple of times I was kinda weird and I apologised the second time.At the time my anxiety had gotten the best of me and I felt like shit daily and one time I had the chance to talk to him I acted like I didnt see him.And in general I felt like I couldn't approach him after all this shit.I even sperged about him in a couple of threads.
The last day before I left I saw him again and texted him on Messenger.I did't get a response and then I tried adding him as a friend as some people don't receive the texts from people they aren't friends with.I got my request denied since he probably thought I was a weirdo(I have a random pic on FB and not my name) and then sent a message explaining who I was.Didn't get a reply either.I decided to give up since I already made myself to seem like a weirdo.Also there's a tiny chance he hasn't seen my messages at all since Messenger has some "message request" thing hidden where spam messages go so he MAYBE hasn't checked it.But he propably found me weird(I am) and avoidant(I was) so he lost interest and I don't blame him if he willingly ignores me.
TL;DR I let an interesting brunette chad get away from me because I'm a massive sperg and have huge-ass insecurities