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No. 595467
>>595466I'll start. The friend I've known for the longest time grew up with me in a town that was really white, Evangelical Christian, and Republican. (We're 26 now and have known each other since middle school) Her family definitely ticked all of the boxes. My friend always dressed really hippie/boho but was pretty conservative and she told me how she wanted to save herself for her husband by not dating.
After she went to college, she changed and went to libertarian before being full on liberal/SJW. She was really involved in policy debate which was a woke shitstorm and now she is in academia. She's really into BLM stuff and I would be she loves books like White Fragility. I think she really resents her upbringing. And I think she's one of the types who thinks that white people have no culture because she was talking to me about how she felt like she didn't have an identity outside of academia recently.
Anyways it's kind of cliche to me personally, especially the part about growing up religious and needing to replace it with another crusade.
As for me, I grew up in an atheist family and am now mainline Protestant. I'm kinda judgy in that I think I'm still the more tolerant one despite being religious kek.
No. 595538
>>595466omg i love this thread mainly because i have a few people i can talk about, but i'll start with only one for now…
met this girl in high school in grade 9 (i was around 14 i think) in my gym class. since i came from an elementary school where liking anime was bullying material, i was happy to learn she was into anime and happy to make friends with someone new in general because i didnt have many. HOWEVER, things went to shit pretty fast in my head at least kek i assumed the way she acted was "normal" for anime lovers because this was my first anime liking friend, but overtime i noticed that the way she acted was not really that normal…
girl was hetalia obsessed and i had never seen it or planned to but she would constantly tell me everything about the show and wore a ring which she said was given to her by her anime husband, japan (the guy who is Japan from the show). everyday she would show me hetalia memes she screenshotted on her phone & play hetalia music and eventually she found a real boyfriend in japan who was 21 years old. whenever i would say something like "hes a lil old for you" or "you guys wont get married" she would ignore me the rest of class and guilt trip me.
fast forward to a school anime convention trip, she got lost from me every 5 min, would make me pay for all her food (i was a huge pushover), and would force me to stay with her while she was hugging random hetalia cosplayers. anyway fast forward to grade 10: on top of anime she became an mlp fan, would still make weird excuses in order to make me pay for her food, and would brag on many occasions about how she has a model-esque body and such a huge ass+boobs so lots of men love her and i really wanted to unfriend her. eventually, a spanish exchange student came to live with her as she was supposed to switch places with her the next semester and go to spain with her (she was brazilian and loved spain from hetalia idk), but she hardly took the exchange student around our country or interacted at her. i was really angry about it so i invited her to come to the mall with another friend and the hetalia girl. that day hetalia girl ghosted me on text and decided to tell me she was taking a shower right when i told her our ride was there, so the exchange student never got to come (from then on she complained and was matched with a new girl in our country who wasnt a piece of shit) but hetalia girl called me stupid and selfish and got upset that we left without her. after that sge saw me in person at school and i told her in person we were done even though she tried to follow me and talk me out of it.
i was never her friend after that but later in highschool people came out to me and said they were so happy i dropped her because shes awful and they didnt get why i hung out with her. lucky for me, she replaced anime with 5sos and mlp as her main loves and kinda disappeared from my everyday life!
after highschool, i checked up on her fb to see what shes ended up doing and it was pretty shocking. ended up going to college for makeup artistry and worked at the face shop instead of ~teaching in japan~. now that ive been graduated from uni for a while i checked up on her again and saw that she recently went to college again for teaching, reposts a bunch of liberal posts, and has married a balding white man who looks like hes 30-40 years old (we are in our early 20s). the marriage thing is shocking knowing her dream of marrying a japanese man, but i guess her interests changed despite her never losing her obsessive behaviour
tldr: weeb turned to mlp fan to 5sos fan to makeup artist to teacher married to an older man
No. 595588
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Girl in high school was a weeb, wore a yukata for class picture day and sometimes on random school days, was generally pure cringe and everyone in my tiny high school made fun of her.
She was a 2nd year transfer and sort of fell in with me and my friends, followed us everywhere like a puppy and pouted if she wasn't invited somewhere when I invited everyone else.
She wasn't evil or anything but she was extremely weird, dumb and annoying and even the token male friend of our group eventually got tired of her cringe behavior, we just had to avoid her as much as possible.
At some point her backpack broke so she wore some weird briefcase to school, girls from school picked up on it, made fun of her irl and online but she didn't seem to notice for years. During gym class she'd lock herself up in the girls' bathroom and practice singing Japanese songs. She found out about the bullying towards the end and just went off the grid, was at prom for the first 10 minutes and the last few days of class but then disappeared.
For years we heard nothing about her except weird rumors circulating around the local college campus, apparently some people from her former high school met some of my friends there and started spreading stories. She wiped her complete internet presence, we couldn't find her anywhere.
Fast forward a few years, LinkedIn became popular. She popped into my head one day randomly and I decide to look her up out of curiosity. Surprisingly, I find her.
She always seemed mentally unwell so I assumed she'd end up not doing anything with her life and living in her mom's basement watching pirated anime, but I had to do a double take.
She was always kinda ugly, with an awkward weeb haircut, cheap glasses and gaudy hand-me-downs she tried to style into some cringe decora outfits. She was now a really cute young professional with amazing hair, two degrees and ongoing grad school, a ton of fancy achievements and a nice job, massive network with lots of recommendations.
I messaged her to catch up but she said she didn't know who I was and doesn't remember going to class with me. Sucks but can't blame her, glad she's doing well though.
No. 595589
>>595588I bet she remembers you being a bitch to her. Good for her for denying your dumbass request to catch up now that you could gain something from meeting her when you ghosted her during school.
People like you have no shame. Fuck off with your catch up offers.
No. 595663
Not sure if it's a change as such, but one of my (few) friends in high school ended up torturing and murdering a mentally retarded man with 2 guys, she's now in prison.
I would have NEVER guessed it. I avoided loud and violent people with mean streaks, or people who would now be described as having "crackhead energy". I was quiet and calm and so were my friends. She was sweet, quiet and a bit dumb. Her family was shit though. Visiting her home she had a bare mattress on the ground for her bed, but the main room had a 30 inch tv (big and expensive for the time). Her parents and especially her brother gave me bad vibes. They'd sit on the couch and swear, shout and be hateful. The brother especially, he seemed quick to anger and hit my friend randomly.
I remember comforting her when she cried a lot, because of something or another her family did or said to her that day. She'd always share her candy or takeout with me and we'd sit in the park and watch clouds. Then at 15 after summer she seemed to just disappear. Police phoned me to ask if I knew her whereabouts because she ran away and I was just glad she got way from her family.
What's strange is I think I've always had a good sensor for dangerous or just unpredictable people. I'd avoid them like the plague then not be surprised when it's revealed later they had untreated schizophrenia or attacked an old lady or sexually assaulted someone. It's what kept me safe when even though that mid 20's guy was handsome and pursuing me, a lowly teen, something felt off about him so better gently reject, it's kept me safe plenty of times.
Yet I missed this? Probably the most heinous and dangerous person I willingly kept close? She murdered them 6 years after we were estranged. Her brother appeared in an article stating she was always a monster even when younger and it didn't sit right with me. Not saying she didn't murder! But the whole thing has just left me confused and didn't make sense.
I sometimes wonder what happened to her in those years between me knowing her and the murder.
No. 595695
>>595663Reminds me of the 2017 Chicago torture incident, do you happen to know the motives behind it? Was it just for ((fun))?
That's really sad anon, I'm sorry
No. 595745
>>595727lmao you really
triggered the moid with that one
No. 595876
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My best friend in high school and I were so close it made others uncomfortable. We'd practically cuddle in homeroom for the whole 4 years, hug each other like we hadn't seen each other in a decade if we crossed paths between classes, walk through the halls holding hands, etc. We were soulmates, scarily similar. Both on the school's "radar" the entire time for our shitty family lives and glaringly obvious self-destructive coping mechanisms. Our school's population was mainly sheltered, upper-middle-class+ white kids and we were both from blue-collar families. Her mother was horribly abusive, performatively hyperreligious and her dad abandoned the children just to get away from the mom. Her older brother was my first boyfriend. She was the smartest student in the whole school, threw herself into her studies as her one healthy form of escapism.
I was bullied relentlessly for the entire final 3 months of our senior year by our entire former friend group of 8 artsy students for Tweeting about how I wished one of the privileged girl's boyfriend's would stop telling me I needed help all the time after I was abused by an older man/coworker for the entirety of our junior year. I wasn't coping well at all, but he'd say it in jest sometimes but it still stung. She lived 45 minutes from me but drove down on a Sunday when it first began to spend the day with me. She was whose arms I broke down in in the hallway the following day after being called to the principal's office and blamed for everything. It was a charter school and the bullys' parents were benefactors. There was no way they'd ever do right by me. I didn't go to school for 2 weeks; I nearly dropped out with a month left. My grandparents that I lived with threatened to sue.
I've always wondered if things changed after I'd decided I wanted to go to prom but only if it were with Ashley. She was over the moon! I was going to do her makeup and everything. But I cancelled on her the day of. With little administration at the venue, I didn't know what could happen with those other girls. I didn't want to chance somehow being publicly humiliated. She said she understood but I think it remained a sore spot for her.
Anyway, we graduated and walked out holding hands. I didn't see her for the entire summer before college but she did visit me that Christmas. I was at my all-time lowest weight and it triggered and worried her to no end. She distanced herself from me once she left. I recovered only to make her proud and get her back, so to speak.
I did get her back but never in a way I'd have thought. We didn't see each other for about a year and half and then one day, after months of silence, she asked if she could visit me for a weekend. I had the weekend off work so I said yes. I was beside myself with excitement! But when she got to my house, she didn't hug me as hard or as long as she used to. She wasn't as chipper and she didn't swear as much. We were catching up in my room for all of 10 minutes before she told me she'd become a Christian. I've never been religious, but she used to despise anything to do with it, any of it, because of her mother. I was floored but supportive.
That is until she started preaching to me. She knew I was a lesbian fresh out of the closet and yet condemned me, saying "it's only a sin if you act on it." She dropped it when she saw how I bristled, though she gently asked me the next morning if I'd like to join her for bible study. I was surprised she'd even slept next to me in my bed. I was so uncomfortable I made up some lie to get her to leave early the following day. I found out through some digging with an old friend that she'd become an Evangelical after meeting on-campus converters.
When I told her the next week how incredibly hurt I was by the things she'd said, I got an apology that literally started with "I'm sorry you feel that way," and the rest was more preaching. I never replied. She'd text me occasionally over the course of the next ~year, just saying she loves and misses me. Then she texted me a genuine apology, ironically right as I was walking out the door to go to my beloved father-figure grandfather's funeral in January this year. I told her I appreciated it and I'd get back to her later, let her know where I was going. She gave me her sincerest condolences, remembering how much he mean(t/s) to me, and saying she'd pray for my healing.
Since his death, I've been feeling his spirit everywhere. I've projected my idea of God onto him. I got pulled over a few months back with my partner, who ran a red light and didn't have her license. I didn't know my tags were expired, either. I prayed to my grandfather to get me out of this somehow and it worked. No ticket, nothing. I see those repeating angel numbers or whatever all the time since his death. I think they're signs from him. I've confided in her about this recently and she gave me some Bible suggestions, etc. She's a lot less pushy about it now but we've become more like acquaintances. It's just wild that she became the antithesis of who I knew all those years. I still can't wrap my head around it.
No. 595952
>>595695As far as I know they were some kind of friends, had a party, got drunk and argued?. But nothing would justify it or make it understandable to me. Over a dozen stab wounds, set him on fire and smashed his eye socket.
It all happened about 5 minutes from where my parents live, too.
>>595763Hard to tell, but all offense my hometown has a lot of mentally deficient people. The type that can do basic factory or supermarket work, but are super easily influenced. They were often in with shit groups of people and did criminal/shitty stuff for their approval. It's a shame because often they just want people to like them. Heavy assumption to make but as they were friends I think that's likely the case.
No. 596030
>>595876This is such a beautiful and sad story anon. I'm so sorry you lost someone so important in your life to religious brainwashing, I know what's like going through something like that.
Have patience with her but don't get too close. To heal from someone changing like this is a long process. I wish you the best, you seem like a nice person who suffered lots. Probably your friend isn't evil neither but she isn't as strong to stand for her convictions and religion is her way to cope. I wouldn't be surprised if she also had lesbian inclinations and can't accept herself, those converters feed on people's insecurities to draw people in to their cults.
No. 596270
>>595589Second this.
>>595588Why did you message her? You’re clearly beneath her. Was she supposed to say “aw, let’s be friends!” Shameless townie bitch lol
No. 596275
>>595876Someone who truly, wholeheartedly believes you’re going to burn in hell for loving another woman is not your friend.
You can find god in the people who loved you and took care of you, and you can find comfort in them, but never bend to the beliefs of someone who denies your right to exist and love. You can find comfort and magic in things without giving them a name or face, especially one that says you don’t deserve to live freely because you’re gay. Please have a backbone anon.
No. 596296
>>596275You know that not all Christians believe that gays go to hell, right? Some denominations even have gay and lesbian pastors.
And real friendship is way more important than beliefs. My best friend is trans, and I'm sure they could find tons of people who would say to cut me off because I'm transphobic. Or people here are going to tell me to cut them off. Good and/or long-lasting friends aren't that easy to come by in life.
A real evangelical is going to think you're going to hell if you're not saved whether you're straight or gay. What's the big deal.
No. 596301
>>596296Her friend sounds like a closet case, also are you being deliberately obtuse? The religious fandom and violent homophobia is so intertwined, why get yourself mixed up in that bullshit just because you want to get close to an old friend who decided to contact you again only because she had the overwhelming need to tell you that your existence is a sin and try to recruit you?
No. 596309
>>596301idk I made friends with a bunch of Catholics at my college even though they probably wouldn't approve of my beliefs. Then again we weren't that close.
Anyways if it's meant to be, it won't be that big of a deal. Otherwise the twitter trannies would be right and I wouldn't have my bff.
No. 596384
>>596275Thank you. This is definitely what I needed to hear.
>>596301Thank you for saying the same thing as ^ but harsher. I've been so lonely that I've been overextending myself lately and it makes it worse. I need to find solace in my other friends whose love is unconditional.
No. 596456
>>595758I agree with you anon.
Men celebrate us getting raped and murdered everyday. They jack off to it.
While I don't support murdering other men just because, specially if they're innocent or good people, I do agree with the sentiment that men are wicked and many want to see us dead.
No. 596511
>>596309Are you gay anon? I don’t think you are because of such a relaxed reaction. Those of us who are have experienced more intense disgust and passive-aggressiveness from the God-folk. It’s one thing to be around them casually, but for someone you were once so close with to come into your life only to tell you that you need to convert from your Sinful Ways? Please. If it’s “meant to be” then anon can also hold her head up high and keep her distance and wait casually for when her ‘friend’ finally realizes she’s a nonce, stop trying to preach to her, and give her a real apology.
>>596384I’m sorry if it was harsh, but it’s said from personal experience. I was raised by evangelicals and I’m gay. Ironically, it was truly hell. It took me years to unlearn all the shit they put in my head to make me loathe myself. I’m still in disbelief that someone tried to #notallbiblethumpers you lol.
Remember, if she wanted to be in your life with your best interest in mind she wouldn’t do so under the pretense of “saving you from damnation.” These people are so selfish and don’t care who they harm as long as they spread their delusions. It gives them a sense of purpose. There’s beauty in plenty of things and you can feel it in a spiritual way without following a doctrine that has harmed millions. You can feel your grandpas presence and protection without giving it a title.
No. 596532
>>596495Lmfao I have 2 close friends in-town I can turn to instead of the old best friend, but go off.
>>596511You seem like such a strong person, props to you for healing and unlearning all that bullshit! I have the utmost admiration for people like you.
No. 596538
>>595588I knew a girl similar to you except she ended up being a failure.
She was very snobby about academics and was known for being a fujo. She even got a weeb haircut and wore this godawful lolita dress to school. However, she seethed at me when I got a sports scholarship to an Ivy League school.
She had a mental breakdown after she went to college and still hasn't graduated even though we're in our mid twenties. She was going back to college at her wannabe Ivy school.
Now today I see her post on facebook she's dropping out of college and volunteering through Americorps. Aka getting paid shit wages because you're too incompetent to get a real job. The kicker is she says is doing renewable energy work for some Christian organization. lmao is that even a thing?
No. 596675
>>596639Because she was my best fucking friend of years and I kept thinking she'd change. I wasn't ready to let her go, and since she's so ingrained in religion I wanted her advice. How are you convinced I'm spoiled, spiteful and
jealous of someone who's brainwashed and obviously struggling with extreme internalized homophobia?
I'm spiteful but she can condemn me to hell for being gay all she wants, is that it?
No. 596808
>>596675>internalized homophobiaSounds like projection. Admit it anon,
you’re in love with her.
No. 596819
>>596808Christ, I have to wonder if you even read my OP. I shouldn't have to spoon-feed your dense ass so you can continue you piss-poor play at devil's advocate.
I was head over heels for her in high school. Then we grew apart due to college and I met my girlfriend I'll have been with for 3 years soon. And see
>>596030 and
>>596301 because it's clear the church preyed on her being deeply closeted. A mutual friend of ours is genderspecial/into microlabeling herself and told me that she'd taken my old best friend to gay clubs when she visited her in DC in freshman year and that the friend had told her she "finally felt free" there. The conversion happened in her sophomore year.
Keep jumping to conclusions!
No. 596821
>>596639Found the devout. This is utterly absurd. Nothing she said sounded spiteful or jealous. You bitches are so cuckoo. What a reach.
>>596675I’m so sorry some autistic bully decided to spew at you. Nothing you said sounded unreasonable. But you know about the kinds of unchartered mental illness that you’ll encounter on here I’m sure.
>>596808Does being condescending make you feel superior? You’re just making yourself look like a cunt kek.
No. 596823
>>596808Anon you are projecting, why the hell would she be jealous of her best friend who became a religious nut job? Did you never have a close friend or something? It's logical to not want to lose a friend who you are this close to.
Tbh you just make it sounds like you never had any friends kek.
No. 596828
>>596819Then why is she continuing to let herself get brainwashed and not let her gayness flourish out?
She’s never coming back, I’m sorry.
No. 1203556
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>>595588>Girl in high school was a weeb, wore a yukata for class picture day and sometimes on random school days, was generally pure cringe and everyone in my tiny high school made fun of her.>She was now a really cute young professional with amazing hair, two degrees and ongoing grad school, a ton of fancy achievements and a nice job, massive network with lots of recommendations. I messaged her to catch up but she said she didn't know who I was and doesn't remember going to class with me. manifesting this into my life right now
No. 1203971
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I want to be the weeb who blossoms into a stacy and then ignores people that used to know her kek