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No. 59680
And that entire thing you said is creepy. So far ive seen weird animu dolls and pics of weird women. Its like im at a sleep over with a bunch of serial killer women. For some reason similar shit happening on 4chan doesnt disturb me as much. Like this entire site belongs on /x/
No. 59686
File: 1452838898662.png (626.22 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-15-00-21-11…)

Look at this shit jesus christ
No. 59687
>>59686oh no, poor kiki.
she is really innocent :^((
No. 59692
File: 1452852069752.jpg (93.37 KB, 600x450, 978256714476876.jpg)

Relax anon we all are friends here tee hee~
No. 59693
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pic related
No. 59697
>>59696Google images searches probably.
But it's not like the board is full of threads like this or continuously under attack.
If the girls from snow can deal with weirdos posting here their pictures and bitching about how horrible their nails are, you can deal with this.
No. 59901
>>59897Long-term effects of meth may include:
Psychosis, including:
repetitive motor activity
Changes in brain structure and function
Deficits in thinking and motor skills
Increased distractibility
Memory loss
Aggressive or violent behavior
Mood disturbances
Severe dental problems
Weight loss
Be careful!
No. 59926
>>59697I know. It's just I feel the presence of this kind of posters lowers the quality of posts overall. Like when stuff like this happens, their presence is very noticeable. Then female posters and other kind of posters can adapt the culture of the shitholes they come from if they want to post there or simply ignore them, but they, somehow seem to be unable to deal with the fact there is a female populated chan where they are not wellcome. And I come here not to stand the same crap I would eat in other chans.
Snow happens the be the only board here I don't browse regardless.
No. 59972
>>59947Gucci Mane cannot come fast enough to save your sorry ass. Dw about it, your dog will keep you safe, funny gangster man. :o)
No. 60039
I agree this whole lolcow thing is petty as fuck. I pretty much browse /b/ and /g/ exclusively and as long as I avoid certain threads most of you can actually pass as decently normal and well adjusted and make feel sort of feel like I belong.
>>59731>ricefagsSome people prefer functionality.
No. 61754
File: 1453453508891.jpg (27.04 KB, 403x312, download.jpg)

>>60184Oh, yes. Ricing is for """""""functionality""""""". Let me give it a go right now.
>huge ass "minimalist", analog clock with extra battery and RAM borders, color coded with no labels so that only an elite haxxor like you will be able to decipher what they stand for, painstakingly programmed over weeks in KLWP and KWGT >calendar-clock widget right underneath saying "hello deepak, the date is FRIDAY, TWENTY-SEVENTH of NOVEMBER, it is now FOUR THIRTY-THREE in the MORNING, friendly reminder to always poo in loo". This time you used a Zooper preset, but still with modifications by Yours Truly>a single row of apps at the bottom of the screen because you used too much fucking space and couldn't fit anything more without sacrificing aesthetics–oh oops I mean functionality>download the ZEPHYRCANYON UI icon pack and make sure the 5 five apps you chose can be arranged so that the colors are in the same order as the light spectrum, even if this means downloading apps you will never use>hide flappy bird in the app drawer because the icon designer didn't make one for your favorite game because making proper Material Design(tm) icons for gaymes is too hard>by the way remember to root your phone and get rid of the clock in the status bar because you sure as hell don't want to look like an idiot with 2clocks(tm)in front of all your cool friends at /g/Wow, I can finally use my phone properly now! Ricing just made my productivity so much higher!
No. 61763
>>61761Found the ricefag. u
No. 61823
I mean like, he prob ran back because he is a threatened fat autist