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No. 59823
>>59820That's great! What game? Just curious
My first game was Silent Hill in PS1, because my older sister was always playing. I've been playing since then
No. 59841
>>59823I'veto competed in Street Fighter, Soul Calibur and MK tournaments.
Silent Hill and Resident Evil were my crack when I was younger.
No. 59857
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I loved Catherine. Women representation was shit tho.
Three girls in the game
>Dumb blonde
>manipulative bitch
>normal girl (and they imply she's a tranny)
No. 59861
>>59857Catherine's view of women was disgusting. I loved the puzzles in that game and Toby was a qt, but fuck everything else about that game.
>Does life begin or end with marriage?>most people choose endsNice to see how progressive Japan is.
No. 59867
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>>59857>ImplyingThey all but say it. (Poor Toby, his first time having sex was with Erica.) Also, there are three women in the game, you're not counting the Midnight Venus.
tl;dr git gud at the game and you earn a new wife.
Gotta love Vincent's options though.
>Normal Human Woman.>A Failure of a Succubus.>Goddess of Love. No. 59923
I've been playing since I'm 5, thanks to Pokémon Blue and Super Mario Bros Deluxe. I like RPGs the most, and right now I'm mostly playing JRPGs because I'm trying to play as many SMT games as possible with my shitty European consoles.
>>59857>>59867I only watched a let's play because I don't have a PS3 or an Xbox360. Didn't they try to imply that the "culprit" was Erica with the dude in the confessional and the woman with the afro, I forgot her name, having the same voice actress as her in the Japanese version? Because the dude in the confessional has the same voice as Toby in the English dub and Toby kind of looks like Catherine (blond, blue eyes, younger than the other characters) so I thought he was Catherine in disguise or something at some point. I know, it's dumb.
No. 59945
>>59823>Street Fighter tournamentsMah nigga. Where are you located tho? I'm looking for a training buddy.
I've been playing on the competitive scene for a couple years but I rarely get to top 3.
>>59856It takes some practice to git gud at fighting games.
I first started in high school so I was able to put anywhere between 5-10 hours into practice every week.
No. 60014
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All time favorite
No. 60033
>>59945I'm in Georgia. Where are you?
Who's you main? I don't feel to bad if I don't get top 3 if I lose to someone who's actually better than me. I think I've only had one issue with a SF tournament where the match timed out.
No. 60054
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>>60014Had to look up this game because I had never heard of it before but that screenshot alone has convinced me to go play it
No. 60068
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I've been binge playing Pathologic in between binge playing FO4, and it's phenomenal. One of the best horror games that I've played yet. Polarizing characters, great atmosphere, impossible architecture, and three different people you can play as, each with unique story lines.
No. 60069
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>>60068Picture related, impossible staircase.
No. 60128
>>60033Aww man. I'm all the way across the country in Cali.
I main Sagat but I also play Poison.
Who do you main? And what's your opinion on SFV? It looks very offense heavy so far.
I like Vega's new shirt lol.
No. 60160
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Most people hate Ken's redesign but I really love it, it sets him apart of Ryu.
>>60128My only problem with new Vega is the yellow blond hair, he would look so much better with brown or honey blond
No. 60166
>>60163lol is a terrible game. Just about any other game will represent the medium better than lol.
dragons dogma just came out on PC and its fantastic, is anyone else playing? I'm glad it leaked early.
No. 60171
>>60166>lol is a terrible game. Just about any other game will represent the medium better than lolWhat should I play that I don't have to pay money for?
To be completely honest when I first tried lol my ultimate goal was to meet some desperate men who would buy from my amazon wishlist, and so I went with the most popular game. I still have no idea how to socialize and meet those kinds of people in the gaming community.
No. 60175
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>>60171wowowow ok lol is definitely suited to that, but getting desperate men to gift you things (especially things from amazon) takes lots of time and determination and you'll mostly end up with heaps of the stupid ingame skins. Just practice chatting up people, seriously you can't lose (unless you count all the time wasted as a loss)
As for free games? Ever pirated anything? Download Deluge and look at all the games on that you can then torrent for free (without doing anything complicated) on thepiratebay
Been a pirate all my life :~)
No. 60199
>>60128Dang that sucks. I think the tournaments in CA are better than the ones here.
I main Cammy, Chun-Li and Guile.
Sagat is awesome and Poison is pretty cool. I think Capcom should have included Poison in SFV. I'm excited for it, but I'm trying not to set my expectations to high considering what happen with MKX last year, but luckily Capcom usually doesn't disappoint. I can't wait to try out the new characters
No. 60216
Stock up on food the first day, prices skyrocket on the second, but go back down on the third.
No. 60226
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>>59923Yeah. Erica became afraid of the Witch that Steals the Life of Men, which is Midnight Venus, the chick with the redhair.
Who, spoilers be damned , is also the hero/villian of this story.
too long;didn't play, The entire story is essentially, two gods of fertility having a lovers spat and cheating on each other.
>>60166>dragons dogma just came out on PC and its fantastic, is anyone else playing? I'm glad it leaked early.Played it on the 360 and PS3.
Glad I live with someone who has consoles- I would have had to wait a few years to play this awesome game.
>2016>mfw posting low quality screenshots from 2013 No. 60248
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>>60226The battles against dragons are so awesome. When it came out people were like "killing dragons in Skyrim, love it" and I told them "Look for DD if you want epic dragons, Skyrim's are winged geckos"
No. 60254
>>60251breddy much
it's amazing how many former camgirls are now twitch streamers
for example, No. 60281
>>60175>Deluge >torrent client written in pythonkek no thanks
>Just practice chatting up peopleYeah, how do you do that? Like I said I've only had a handful of hours of experience with video games period. You have to explain it as if I never touched a computer to be honest.
No. 60289
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Im scared they'll never make another katamari game. I know Wattam is in the works, but I just want to rolllllll
No. 60372
>>60160I think the thing that people hate about Ken's redesign is his day-glo yellow hair and his weird eyebrows.
I'm definitely digging that he's no longer just fire Ryu (design-wise) though.
>>60199I've never played out of state but I'd definitely like to go to Evo or another out of state major.
Both Cammy and Chun look great for SFV and Guile is confirmed for the first character DLC packs so looks like you're in a good place!
Only Vega has been confirmed on my list and his playstyle is different from SF4 so I'm a little bit worried but I'll adjust. I'm sure Sagat will come back as a DLC and I'm hoping for Poison too.
No. 60514
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Love video games. Had a SNES when I was little and played with my sisters and dad. Typical Nintendo like Mario and Link to the Past. Bought my own GBA at probably 8. Was big on Advance Wars and so my dad showed me some Total Annihilation and I've been into RTS ever since. Proceeded to PS2 and then PS3 and then got a PC gaming boyfriend so that's where I am now.
I do it because it's fun but I'd love to do twitch. Never really come in to contact with men that put me on a pedestal because I play games and am actually good at them (if I do say so myself), but it's probably coz I've grown up with it being so normal and never bothered to use it for attention. I don't play as much anymore because it's my final year of uni but I really miss staying up 'til 4am playing through Timesplitters 2 with my housemates or having like a 2 month long game of CIV 5 ;-;
No. 60708
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>>60281>python is entirely bad meme:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
>0xpTo get free things from people online is an art, even with desperate men who have near zero contact with girls. Its all about time. If you appear at random and go 'plz go easy on me im a grill xddd' most men are aware that this is fishy and you'll often be accused of being male the more obvious you make being the opposite gender. Especially because multiplayer games skip the whole profile thing; you'll catch some pathetic boys eventually with the 'helpless grill tactic' but it'll take ages and pathetic boys don't usually even have a paypal plus they're mentally stagnate so talking to them is both annoying and unfruitful.
I'll assume you want more than token compliments and $2 ingame items tho. For that you'll need to find your own way of chatting up men fo monies and the best way to do that is practice. Just try stuff out, get creative and never have just one account.
we'll start with usernames first though (usernames are like first impressions) Something inherently feminine will be suspect - try to make a username that doesn't particularly stand out but can be interpreted as something an honest grill would be. To get an idea of what an 'honest grill' is you should spend time lurking video game discussion areas online. What makes a dude take interest? hooking them will become easy af but amassing gifts? The only quick way to do this is be a whore. Like seriously, prepare nudes. >Its all about time
If you give personal attention to some guy + add nudes you're going to get things done faster. When to drop the nood is crucial for long term servitude and should be when things have progressed reasonably. If you ever catch anyone and need advice I'll be around. Training alone only embeds your mistakes! And if you're really serious, especially about noods i can set an email up to give some tips and tricks. Doesn't matter what you look like, there are proven ways for that sort of thing and sending a bad nood is disastrous (or alternatively find some noods online that are hard to track down - i would not recommend this as its bad practice for long term and long term is what you want if you want lots of amazon goodies)
And seriously, look out for girls pretending to be men (or just smart guys) because some of my best catches are actually from countering people trying to scam some easy dudes :> ALSO use a vpn and pretend you're from somewhere else or just go on servers outside of you're own country. Americans are too easy at scamming btw.
Having lots of personal experience with video games is not necessary. Look up Videogamedunky if you want an example of some harpy making major gains by playing games with boys without being particularly game savvy. Not that i would know and i would assume enjoying games helps.
No. 60711
>>60708Everything said there is really accurate. What's sad though is its not even that hard, well at least it wasn't hard 8yrs ago, it sounds like they have wised up some. I think patience and timing are most important though. Plus it helps if you enjoy what your doing. For example, enjoying the game your playing. Bc you'll be playing it a lot at first.
Just remember tho, When you get older you'll probably regret having all those nudes out there. Just don't ever get famous and you should be OK lol
No. 60713
>>60708>>python is entirely bad I never said that.
>The only quick way to do this is be a whore. Like seriously, prepare nudes. Nevermind forget about it. If I have to whore myself out not matter how much free shit I get it'll still feel like a net loss to me.
No. 60714
>>60709>>60711Thanks, its really dependent on luck as well.
>>60712I'm just poking fun about python, But woah now nudes are not crucial to success. Think of things from the perspective of the target; they want a person. For them its like some kind of relationship. Seriously, even withholding noods works wonders, as if your body is some kind of unattainable gem, they know its out of bounds but they still hold hope. I only mentioned nudes because a lot of hit and run tactics work excellently - just practice sending other girls nudes. I guarantee an eventual success by just sending randoms a nude and saying they'll be more to come if you buy so and so forth.
Ive only given a legit nude to two different individuals and i got back what i gave tenfold. I guess it should be something to do when you're really experienced. Maybe i shouldn't have mentioned it, but they're deeply effective. I still have those two on leash.
No. 60715
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>>60713Remember that some men legitimately pay for porn, so why not send them some and receive the proceeds first hand? Just be sure its good shit. I always feel kinda bad for posting this girl all the time but she just works so well. Sorry, whomever you are.
No. 60717
>>60714I only considered it because I thought it would be an easy process.
>VPN>months of grooming>hunting down obscure nudes or learning how to take """quality""" nudes>even coming up with a username is importantIt's not just the whoring, it's the wasted time. Not even worth the effort. Sounds easier to just get a job at Mickey D's tbh. Thanks for the effort post but this just ain't for me.
No. 60721
>>60717It's alright, its been so long… guess im looking for an apprentice tbh
and i meant no offense about making proper nudes, its not about a beauty-like quality its more about looking personal and real like in pic
>>60715In the end prostitution is an exchange of services whereas this is clearly subterfuge. And its fun.
No. 60723
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>>60721Just made this:
No. 60725
>>60724wowow sorry its: