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No. 599737

Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
Have you made friends? Has your life changed? Has your worldview changed?
Have you experienced the opposite? Post away!

Personally, I love this website. I used to be kind of paranoid of posting, but I think there's so many smart, amazing farmers, it's really cool to talk to all of you!

No. 599741

For me, it's finding that my friend Alina is alive and well. Last time we talked before we lost contact you seemed a bit sad. I miss you. I can't believe I found you on lolcow out of all places. I know I might be posting all over the place today but please get in contact with me kirkorb@gmail.com I miss you so much too. I hope you eventually see this mesage, I'm so happy to know you're here.

No. 599763

Thanks to lolcow I will never view men the same way ever again and that's good because there are too many greasy,creepy,disgusting cretins out there

No. 599766

No. 599781

I have always enjoyed the imageboard format a lot but but obviously 4ch etc are utter garbage, I'm just happy that this place is one were being female is standard and we can talk about all sorts of things. Just letting it out anonymously and dicuss or read all sort of interesting, fucked up, profound, funny weird crap from others.
The negative part (except for anons being overly retarded and infighting) is that it's easy to spend too much time here.

No. 599797

Tbh I think it's only marginally better than other imageboards. I guess I can just tolerate female crazy better than male crazy because I can actually relate to it and it doesn't make me feel unsafe, just irritated and kind of hopeless about everything. I think the fact that I only come here when I'm feeling depressed or lonely says a lot kek

There's some occasional really funny posts here though. The funny posts of lolcow thread is excellent

No. 599798

Lolcow helped me to desist from trans identity due to GC discussion, could talk about this confortably and I felt I won't be slammed when saying truth about bad effects of troonery and how they damage vulnerable people

No. 599815

lolcow makes me want to kill myself

No. 599836

why anon

No. 599839

Don't visit then.

No. 599840

Sorry you were dunkd on

No. 599845

This. I used to be a pickme and now I opened my eyes about men and I'm thankful for that

No. 599865

Yall made me hate and despise men that's for sure. And I thank you all ladies for that. I'm the happiest I've ever been after I learned not to give a shit about what scrotes think about me and made me realize I had been repressing my homosexuality since puberty and woke me up from the troon nightmare. You're all like the sisters I never had.

No. 599869

I just use lolcow for a laugh. I like to bait and tell jokes, i get a smile from people losing their shit at a reply of mine. I also learned to not take shit on here seriously, everyone's taking the piss and acting in extreme volatile manner as people do anonymously. People who get their politics from here worry me. Most posters here are pickmes, cows themselves, have an eating disorder/bpd or are neet. My best friend uses this site too, I introduced it to her because it's right up her alley, we used to spend time armchairing cows we know irl before we even knew what a cow was. It's nice to have someone irl that's a farmer

No. 599875

I’m grateful for lolcow because it showed me not to take people’s opinions too seriously. It’s easy to say dumb shit anonymously. I imagine many people here have issues expressing their thoughts in real life so this is a good place to get out that aggression.

Same. So many ex pickmes here. If only everyone could see the light.

No. 599878

It made me a more hateful person with an unhealthy fascination with other people's lives tbh.

No. 599883

Whenever I post about myself on ot I get called gross and trashy, but in a worried way, which is somewhat heartwarming.

No. 599887

I love you finnanon? I love you

No. 599891

Most women on lolcow actually are still pickmes except we have split personality and use the pickme persona when it’s beneficial.

Kinda gross and hypocritical those buzzword identity labels to frown upon others come to think of it.

No. 599892

I feel you on that ahahah

It ruined or eye opened me the dark side of the art comunity. There's so much salt, how can someone with a pure aesthetic and that overall cute image be two faced, etc.

It also allowed me to be more critical about the QIA+ (troons) community, it was already the case but reading harsh comment and being able to join them somewhat felt good, I'm less sensitized about the subject. But it made me hungry for new drama so I should stop a little bit. Maybe visiting only once in a while

Basically it was good at first but at some point too much is unhealty, I feel like it's like how I felt with tumblr (and now twitter)

No. 599915

>we have split personality and use the pickme persona when it’s beneficial
who does this?

No. 599918

Literally everyone here kek. It's like tradthots claiming to uphold chastity and trad values, except it's pickmes pretending to have cut men out of their life entirely

No. 599919

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No. 599920

This, basically. Emphasis on
>People who get their politics from here worry me. Most posters here are pickmes, cows themselves, have an eating disorder/bpd or are neet

No. 599925

I love you too anon

No. 599934

I just think this place is neat.
The cows aren’t really a draw anymore so I like looking at all the other threads. This place does help me stay on top of what’s going on in the internet world without having to check social media.

No. 599936

Because nobody can be a hypocrite and holier than thou right?

No. 599941

I know hypocrites exist but you can't always tell on an anonymous board unless you see their post history. It's like assuming everyone uses the same threads.

No. 599942

so? we don't have to be fair and act like everyone's different. we can assume all we want

No. 599943

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Lolcow was the first place i'd ever posted on the internet besides gaia and facebook. I used to be a heavy lurker of chans but took a long break from the internets. Onision was on the same level of awful of my current BF so I got invested in it. Ghosted him, stopped talking to all my toxic old friends, got into skincare and girly things, cleaned up my life, and I don't post much anymore but I'm much happier because of lolcow.

No. 599944

anon you seriously sound like a cow

No. 599945

It's a fucking bait, anon.

No. 599946

>If you don't take this site as seriously as I do, you're a cow!

No. 599947

who ever said that lol

No. 599948

You just did and you can stop deleting your replies too kek

No. 599985

>Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
It's not that deep. I do appreciate kind and supportive comments, and to be able to pay this back to other farmers. The value from jokes and insight into the abuse farmers went through has added up over time.
>Have you made friends?
I posted in friend finder thread, and had a couple convos. I dropped them, online friendships are not my style and I dislike discord.
>Has your life changed?
Not really.
>Has your worldview changed? Have you experienced the opposite?
I've used this site for three years. Lolcow lead me to examine sjw and tra bullshit, and to have a thicker skin. This site is for gossip for at heart, and some farmers are nasty. I feel like the userbase has changed, and sooner rather than later I'll stop coming here. My favorite thread was art salt; either I changed or it's gone downhill.

No. 599993

honestly, this site scarred me at first had almost a fear of commenting at all..first found out about this place when it was first search result for the holly brown saga (was a dumb weeb sry)…but then i found that I have nothing to worry about since you really have to make poor choices and over react to small criticism to get seen on here. so now honestly I'm more confident online

No. 599995

The site made me feel less insane. I found lc through the art salt threads when trying to find someone who thought some big art tubers were awful artists

It changed my life because now I worry over every little reaction I have if it would be cringey or cowish. Which probably is cringe on its own. So thanks for that

No. 600003

the gc thread definitely changed my views of transgender stuff so im thankful for that! this site also reminded me of what anonymity is great especially because i get nervous to join in conversations or talk to others even on the internet. i used to be scared to post here because people seemed intimidating but i think late last year/early this year was when i started to post after lurking for years and people are quite friendly most of the time! also i love it here u anons are so funny kek

No. 600005

>some farmers are nasty. userbase has changed
Agree. Sometimes I get anxiety posting to be honest. I still do then brace myself for what people say. It's not even that I've gotten any mean replies or if I did I don't remember (so probably weren't that bad), but I know how others get torn to shreds for no reason.

As for how lolcow has changed me, I think it warns me of the dangers of men more than society does. I've definitely taken part in the pink pill thread to get frustrations out anonymously (probably said all men should die or some shit lol) but now that I got it out of my system I'm just more alert and aware.
I also had no idea about trannys outside of public opinion until lolcow. I don't hate them but again I'm aware how much biological men can be dangerous now, and that they use it as a fetish, etc.

No. 600007

Ayrt, that’s true, but I like to assume that it’s hard to get out old habits totally especially if you also hang out with men. And the girls I spoke to that use terms like pickmes and lurk here were definitely hypocrites.

Kinda like how everyone here including me was anti photoshopping photos but meitu’s become casual now. Internalized misogyny never goes away fully.

No. 600014

It's just nice to speak anonymously without having to hide that I'm female

No. 600041

Fucking this, thank you. I have a “male” user name for pretty much everything so I don’t get harassed.

No. 600047

>tfw have an androgynous name and everyone online just assumes i'm male
I don't correct them half of the time because me being female isn't relevant in most discussions I have. Do I have the internet version of male privilege?

No. 600061

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I really like visiting /ot/. I can vent and get all of my dumb bitch out so I feel refreshed to face the world. Kind of made me manage my emotions IRL better. Sometimes I get replies from nice anons and it feels good to have female support, and other times I get made fun of and it makes me realize I was acting retarded.

I tried to explain lolcow to my boyfriend, and now we look at the Momokun and Venus threads together whenever he comes over. He thinks all the anons' insults are hilarious! Today he asked me to find the Amberlynn cycle wheel to laugh at again

No. 600068

I don’t even know what’s a male name anymore, I think my name is very feminine but everyone tends to assume I’m a guy and it’s annoying, I don’t like having pickmes flirting with me.

No. 600069

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>Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
it's kinda heartwarming to see anons support each other by giving advice and cheering each other on (in /g/ and /ot/ threads). it's super cute to see positive encouragement.

>Have you made friends? Has your life changed?

i have gotten good advice that has impacted my life for the better, thank you farmers. u have also introduced me to good movies and series.
i have never looked for friends here, maybe i will in the future, some of u seem rly cool.

>Has your worldview changed?

lolcow completely changed my view on the trans movement and porn.

i love this dumb website. it's really great to have a community where the culture still has aspects of what the internet was like in the 2000s/early 2010s. i'm so glad that i have a place where people are blunt, call out my bullshit and rightfully make fun of me if i act retarded.

No. 600109

I think posting here and soaking in the culture(?) has helped me form my identity as a young adult, as dumb as that sounds. /ot/ and /g/ have just been nice places to interact with other women (which I struggle with irl), and the vicious femininity has played a role in my struggle with my weight and fashion sense. You mean bitches inspired me to drop lbs and dress cuter, but somehow not out of insecurity. Also opened my eyes about the porn industry and how much of a coomer I've been.

Overall it's just nice to support other women and receive support, especially anonymously. What's more earnest than taking the time to tell some stranger on a gossip site who will never know your identity that you care? Luv u all.

No. 600180

Honestly I just love coming here to shoot the shit and joke around without it devolving into people posturing about having the wokest politics, like on Twitter or even other gossip forums. Reminds me of what online conversations were like in the late 2000s/early 2010s.

No. 600181

Congrats on not trooning out, sisters. I mean that sincerely. Guess those gc threads served a purpose huh.

No. 600201

Now when I think about it, I'm surprised but lolcow certainly influenced me. Planted a lot of radfem thoughts in my head, even though I'm not trans-exclusionary I'm more gender critical than I used to be. Same with sex work. Even something as stupid as Shayna Clifford's threads helped to open my eyes about sw. And the sole fact that there is a women-only space somewhere on the internet was very reassuring and farmers helped me a lot with my problems on /g or /ot. One negative thing tho. Before lolcow I didn't know/care about nasolabial folds lol

No. 600204

God cows are really cute, aren't they?

Anyway like any imageboard there are the odd people who just wants everyone to die or suffer like they do. But also the posters here have helped me get a backbone when I had no self esteem and hyped me up when really needed.

But also when I'm self pitying and playing helpless then I'm told to stop blaming everything else and get my shit together, which I REALLY appreciate, even if not in the moment.

Because I feel like on any non-female dominated space on the internet, advice or criticisms are skewed because of my gender. Feels like such a male narrative everywhere else. For that I think it's definitely changed my life for the better.

No. 600246

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I'm older than many farmers. Some of you sound really young. So many are struggling with setting boundaries in relationships and with shitty scrotes in general. That was how it was for me too, and if anything I post now can be helpful to an anon then I'm so glad.

No. 600519

lc is my guilty pleasure, I don’t use social media or have much to do online really so I like to pop in here for a good laugh.
I mostly lurk cow threads because the idea of contributing to them makes me feel a little guilty, but I sill read them so whatever.
The cows have generally grown stale to me over time and I mostly am here to browse /g/ and /ot/
I’ve made friends thru the friend finder thread and I’m thankful for that. Having other females to relate to on radfem issues makes me feel way less alone.

No. 600532


32 anon here and I agree. My twenties were a shit-show and I feel like the wise old sage of lolcow now kek.

No. 600537

Another 30+ year old anon here. It seems there's a few of us. Did you used to visit Stamina Rose? I came through /cgl/, then SR and now I'm here.

I feel like in someways this site has changed, but I feel most of it is good. There seems to be a broader variety of users instead of people coming to rip on cows and poke fun at people. I like watching people bicker on /g/ and /ot/ as well as witnessing sweet moments like someone offering good advice, encouraging others to do their best and generally being cute. There might be some cunts amongst us but I feel we are all generally okay people.

Lastly, I'd like to use the friend finder but I'm a bit dubious and shy coz I feel I'm a lot older than most of the users on here and think they wont wanna talk to me. Maybe one day.

No. 600558


32 anon again here - I used to browse the odd snow thread every so often but only started posting (ot and g) in the past few months since covid really hit the fan. I’d also like to try the friend finder but am shy of it for similar reasons…

No. 600586

29 yo oldfag here. I need more IRL friends. This place is toxic af.

No. 600587

any idea how to make irl friends because i have no clue nowadays

No. 600624

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it definitely drastically changed by worldview. before i became a frequent user i was pretty typical libfem, watched porn and thought all sw was empowering and shit and being introduced to dworkin through this site really turned all of that on its head. i realized i was so afraid of being called a terf that i'd avoided even knowing what radical feminism was. i'm not an insane gendercrit tranny mod sperg but i do consider myself a radfem now.

as a result of that i find myself feeling much more connected and in tune with my fellow women. i feel a genuine sisterhood and spend more time advocating for women which i think has overall had a really positive impact on my life. im incredibly protective of young women and am more comfortable sticking up for them when i see creepy bullshit happening whereas before i was a bit too scared or insecure to always speak up.

it also made me a lot more aware of my own bad habits and behaviors by seeing the cows on here and how people responded to their actions. i find myself being way less needy for attention and more thoughtful about what i post online.

as for heartwarming experiences, i always do get a bit of a the warm fuzzies when i see anons being sweet to each other or another anon thinks something i've posted is funny. i use ot a lot more now and the conversations here are really fun. i really do like other anons. i think back to when i was a desperate teenage pickme and would frequent /b/ and its honestly just nice to have a board where the culture isn't disgusting and misogynistic. its gossipy and silly here and its nice to be interacting with mostly likeminded people. i feel a part of this community.

No. 600667

I really only came here intially to find out about cgl drama, but I was sucked into ot eventually.

At first, I was super scared of the man hate thread for some reason. Idk, I thought it was extreme. But when I realised that it's just a space for anons to complain about men without somebody barraging in with the "n-n-not all men!" deflection, I became at peace with it and agree with a lot of posts.

It was nice to find out about radfem shit from here. I was into anti-feminist shit for a bit, but deep down I really hated how the ideology presented women as the other and that we are all so privileged because men want to sleep with us and blah blah blah, male centric bullshit. I also had a nlog phase, but not necessary because I had bitterness towards girls who where prettier and girlier than me, for a very long time I wanted to be like them, but I was chasing for something unattainable and it made me depressed. I enjoy nerd shit like video games and comics, but those crowds tend to be a sausage fest and I always craved the companionship of other women over men no matter what. I did come to peace with a lot of this before lolcow, but finding radfem stuff made me feel less uncomfortable for defending women. I don't have to pretend porn is empowering, I don't have to defend trashy women who sleep with 11 men a week. I just overall don't relate with lib fems AT ALL, but I don't fit into the right wing crowd either. It was easy for me to get on board with radfem stuff because of that. I just was afraid for being attacked for not screaming "yas queen" at every mentally ill man in a dress or for a woman shoving vibrators up her cooch on live stream. I was afraid for being a stinky terf, but now I don't fucking care. I don't care how other anons perceive what I post, I know i have made some people upset here. Mainly sex workers tbh.

I know people here can be toxic with their nitpicking and the blatant mental illness that's rife with many here. But the groups I've joined on the friend finder thread have been so much fun. I find it hard to talk to people one on one and I barely really have friends in r/l so it's nice to at least have an online group to talk to about random stuff there. I probably use discord more than I use lolcow. But I will always enjoy the opportunity to say random shit into the abyss as a faceless person.

No. 600833

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lolcow has pink pilled me for sure. I met some people here on board that i've actually become friends with outside lolcow, which is so nice. I feel more direct about my opinions. I come here to lurk, relax and honestly, this site makes me happy. I love that it's a safe haven for majority female userbase. I've been on here at least 5 years and it really feels like a second home. Thank you fellow farmers and anons.

No. 600942

it's like being held hostage and developing Stockholm syndrome. I love it

No. 600947

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I love lolcow. You bitches are consistent, even when my life isn't. I haven't made friends here, but I feel a similarities in views with posters here more than I do other sites. I've used imageboards for 16 years and counting, but this one will always be my favorite. There is a uniquely womanly cattiness here that just makes me feel at home.

No. 600954

>There is a uniquely womanly cattiness here that just makes me feel at home.
Ironically, I've been here for 2 years now and that's exactly what I don't like about this board in comparison to all of its other qualities. How do people enjoy cattiness?

No. 600959

Why are there so many men here? It just enrages me. It proves that they just have a predatory mindset and will hunt women to the ends of the earth just to be around them and bask in their glow. If they do eventually take over then I’m just going to not give a fuck, because I don’t even spend much time on here anyway. If there’s any men reading just kill yourself. You’re probably a beta that doesn’t fit in with other men anyway and women will never love you. Just give up.

No. 600962

I fucking HATE the pickmes of lolcow. They’re like “I’d rather a 4chan faggot spam every thread with violent rape porn than listen to one more retarded femcel!” And there’s some other simp bitch in one of the other threads like “dads would be better parents if they tried” no sweaty they’re paedophiles. Men probably masturbate to the thought of their own daughters. They themselves know they’re useless parents and that’s why they discriminate against themselves in family court.

No. 600964

>Why are there so many men here?
The majority of men have an existence based solely around attempting to receive attention, and feeling unique when they receive it. The idea that there is a self-sufficient community not involving them takes away their ability to think of themselves as unique because it takes away their opportunity to seek attention.

No. 600965

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The cattiness is refreshing compared to the fucked up shit I see on other boards.

No. 600969

Same, I came to lolcow for HC Browns threads and left a radfem and terf. It honestly feels great to have a space to talk to other people anonymously without someone butting in every 10 posts to complain about how women are destroying society. I feel like without lolcow I wouldn't have woken up to just how much resentment I had towards men deep down from being constantly othered and belittled by them, but I could never speak up due to all my friends being male.

No. 600971

NTA but you never realize how much you can enjoy a slightly hostile tone until you go somewhere with passive aggressive niceness. fail-fandomanon is one example I can think of, a short period of browsing there and to this day I'm still triggered by the word 'nonny'. I couldn't handle the fake polite arguments, just go off at each other if you want to! When it comes to talking shit about cows, sometimes it gets too nasty and nitpicky for my taste but it's better than being over moderated and censored.

Also, lolcow is just not that bad tbh. I've been places with the most aggressive, pointless wank and it's just the worst. Here it's a good balance of supportive and mean, often it's more like tough love and anons are still trying to help each other.

No. 600974

There's an honesty to cattiness. There's no ~uwu, you're my bestie and can do no wrong~(while still backstabbing you all the same).
There's the fact that we're an ingroup : we're catty, we know it, let's not pretend. We'll pick apart Moo but still give out relationship in /g.

There's also something wholesome about the cattiness in here. It's camaraderie, I think. Maybe anon will say some mean shit if I'm saying moronic stuff, but she'll also be there to pat me on the back in my worst moment (and in a genuine way, not in this bff gotta uplift gorls way).

Anyway. Love my catty bitches and I think I would really miss you all if lolcow went down.

No. 600993

Lolcow has helped me get out my unpopular opinions and not keep them in. Even if I'm still anonymous and a majority people don't agree, it just feels good to get those things out. It's therapeutic in a way. Also it feels good to see just the vast amount of opinions others have and I'm not trapped in this echo chamber online, so that's another plus.

One minus, in the beginning, I was venting a little too personally. An old aquaintance from my extremely activist online days figured out I was venting about her, didn't even drop her name, and called my employer on me for being politically incorrect during my vent about her. That was fun, learned a big lesson there lmao. I didn't lose my job thank God.

No. 600999

>An old aquaintance from my extremely activist online days figured out I was venting about her, didn't even drop her name, and called my employer on me for being politically incorrect during my vent about her. That was fun, learned a big lesson there lmao. I didn't lose my job thank God.
How would your employer know with certainty that it was you making those posts, and specifically her you were talking about?

No. 601026

Pink pill threads made me stop caping for men and trying to with their favor. GC threads helped me get out of troon mindset and realize that it's okay to be GNC and gay.

It all sounds so simple now and silly that I was taught life lessons from an anonymous imageboard. I don't even hate troons but it has just made me feel so much better about my life and personal identity.

I didn't really care much about gossip and I still don't but it has got me into reading some cows. I read the gimpgirl thread with my morning coffee, she's very entertaining to me.

No. 601040

I've learnt that my BPD and NPD isn't even nearly as terrible as I've thought and that I actually put effort in living a normal life and not behaving like a sick psycho bitch 24/7. Maybe it's my mind, but I've always thought of myself as the worst person ever for being (rightfully) diagnosed with those PS, but after seeing cows like PNP, TND and so on I feel normal.

No. 601125

Former pickme here, I would whore myself online for a crumb of e-dick. I hate how I used to do that. I was already emo but I indulged in the whole “alt gf” memes. Now I don’t really post myself online, I have an actual social life and due to shyness it’s kinda hard to be a hoe. I like it this way tho
I used to not really care about certain things and take them at face value, I drank the libfem koolaid and thought hoe=empowering, kinks are so amazing and everyone should try them, trans women are women, men can be feminists, sex work is work etc. When I first saw the PP/GC shit on here I was sort of overwhelmed but the more I read through, the more it started making sense. Now it’s so annoying to see it on social media, but I think more and more girls are leaning towards radical feminism. I see a post here and there saying “why do men like women small and hairless?”
Or “lesbians don’t have to suck dick” on twitter or tiktok. These posts are controversial but they still get a lot of likes and retweets .
I came here from PULL(which I wasn’t a user on, was just curious about Venus angelic) around 2 years ago. I love how real everyone on this site is because we’re not looking for updoots or anything of the sort. There’s no overly polite people who seem backhanded , as stated earlier itt when an anon is nice to you it’s not because she wants likes or whatever it’s real, I also like how we don’t play the pronoun shit, “yes she’s a sex offender but she is still a valid woman and we must respect her pronouns uwu” there’s no
“what happened to women supporting women”
“yasss sex work is real work get that bag”

One thing I don’t like is how bitter some PP women are I saw a post last year of some girl talking about her boyfriend in ot and some anon replied “ok have fun sucking nigel’s cock while he thinks about his favorite 15 year old Instagram model”

No. 601138

>One thing I don’t like is how bitter some PP women are I saw a post last year of some girl talking about her boyfriend in ot and some anon replied “ok have fun sucking nigel’s cock while he thinks about his favorite 15 year old Instagram model”

Agree with this. I'm PP'd as fuck but I for one, am happy if anons have truly found their Nigel like they think they have. I wish them all the happiness.

No. 601151

I was actually one of the anons caping for muh trutrans like 4 years ago here telling anons that transsexualism is ~real~ and ~proven by science~. You guys debated me to the ground, it hurt like hell to suffer through the cognitive dissonance but slowly I started to open my eyes and look at the issue with a more critical eye. The GC threads were especially helpful in my process. Thanks for that. Lolcow definitely pinkpilled me and I don't regret it.

The best thing about anonymity is that everyone is equal. You can't just block a person out of your echo chamber and send your cronies to attack them when you're losing an argument. You have to deal with them and their viewpoints without putting your fingers in your ears. Vice versa, you can say whatever you want and not be silenced for having an opinion challenging the status quo. On twitter every fucking discussion devolves into shit flinging and the original issue never gets addressed because of endless ad hominem arguments, in the end it's just about how many retweets and likes you can get out of a broad, provocative statement. Here you can't get clout based on your activity points or any kind of golden crown placed upon your head.

Anonymity has its problems and we have to deal with all sorts of mentally ill spergs samefagging and lying but still I would never give it up. It allows us to jump in a conversation much more easily because the stakes (i.e. your IRL reputation) aren't too high.

No. 601167

I think there are plenty of 30+ anons here (myself included) because a lot of us migrated from /cgl/ during our mid-20's and stayed here. I like it because there simply aren't a lot of spaces for women in my age group, as our society likes to pretend that women over 25 don't exist altogether. They're supposed to be taking care of their kids and then emerge when nearing 50 to do crocheting classes or flock to facebook mommy groups after going through the metamorphosis of becoming an entitled ~Karen~. Often the 18-23 year old kids here make me want to rip my hair out but I try to keep in mind that I used to be a brat too and that it's up to us older farmers to give them advice in life and slap some sense into them. Imo it's a lot better for them to hang around here than to try to beg for neckbeard groomer dick or be sucked into discord tranny circles or something.

No. 601182

Lolcow has wasted so much of my time but I'm thankful the GC threads showed me I wasn't the only one in the forbidden gray area between TRA and transpobia. Having a anonymous chan space where we don't get tits or gfto'd is nice, too.

>I get anxiety posting
>others get torn to shreds for no reason
It's just words on a screen anon, it shouldn't scare you that much. If it's not fun for you to post here then maybe you would have a better time finding somewhere with a more gentle userbase? Find what makes you happy

No. 601240

30+ anon here too and I agree. I try to give out the advice the 23yo pickme-sexpositive-naive and easily abused would have really needed but never got because these places simply didn't existed.

Also, yeah. I'm 30+, where else to go? Fucking reddit? OldfamilyFB? Mommy blogs?
We grew up with board culture. Some of us have been used and abused by it. We've been told to show tits or fuck off so many times. We've been groomed. We only existed as holes and tits to show and now we're just fucking invisible. Now, we hit the wall and should hide in shame.
Fuck that, I'm going to give vagina advices, show funny feminists memes and laugh at troons. Board culture is my culture too and nobody is going to be able to make me go away.

No. 601245

I like hanging around here like an old piece of furniture and chiming in with bits of life advice when I can. I used to use reddit but I am sick of it being plastered with weird pedophillic porn ads, hentai shit and all of the dark anti-women subreddits. No thanks. It's a shame there aren't many places for us to go that aren't baby/kid related or twee as fuck. Though to be fair, I love crocheting for my niece, but I am so much more than that and I think growing up when we did, we have a lot to offer on this board!

No. 601251

kek you got dunked on by one anon and are still bitter about it? Who even said they were pp? Some of you are so sensitive I don't know how you function day-to-day

No. 601325

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Wanna start a thread for older famers? To hang out and socialize.

No. 601331

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I would fuckin love that

No. 601381

Unrelated but I keep fucking cracking up at this image

Agree. Girls are always conditioned to be ~nice~ in all the spaces they exist and it's exhausting. It's like you can finally breathe at ease when you get to the intimacy level of being able to do catty gossiping with your new friend. Here you can just be a mean fucking bitch without having to worry about faces and it's so refreshing.

Why do these cunts always go to call peoples' employers? Because they can't handle the situation themselves they always need to get some authority involved? Fucking kids think they can just tattle to your employer like they were your parents instead of handling it personally like a grown ass adult.

No. 601396

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Lolcow made me more thickskinned and comfortable expressing my opinions. I’m cursed with extreme social anxiety while having a huge A type personality bitch sealed inside my heart like a nine tailed fox demon. I resented myself so much for being a quiet pushover who holds her tongue when she’s frankly disgusted by the conversations around her.
This is truely so embarrassing but when I first started posting and getting into argument, I’d get so assblasted I didn’t return to the thread for days kek I felt dumb and hated and paranoid. My opinions weren’t always right, that was part of why it was upsetting. But the anonymity encourages me to let my inner infight demon out, instead of making me clam up and self-conscious. This was so good for me as I learned to take things with a pinch of salt. I no longer feel personally attacked when proven wrong, I’m able to resist tunnel vision or the need to have the last word. I think I’ve grown considerably in the critical thinking and emotion management departments lol I can even neutrally disagree with seniors at work and make complaints when needed now. Years of therapy didn’t do this, lolcow did.

No. 601420

It made me more paranoid, if I ever were at all. You don't know who replies to your posts and some things make me think about it twice. But I keep posting because if anyone brings it up, I can simply deny and they can't prove anything unless they reveal that they've been tracking me. Sorry, I went ot.

No. 601500

Not even gonna lie, made me more comfortable with my sexuality and my body, as retarded as that sounds (however I've seen anons state the opposite, but that was because they started to see other anons' nitpicking behavior reflected in themselves). Also cured my pickmeism and my trans questioning thoughts.
It's pretty nice having a brutally honest female space/imageboard. 'S pretty chill here.

No. 601504

>all these posts about anons benefiting and growing from pp/gc threads
>mods and haters would have us believe we are a tiny minority and the rest of the board can't stand the manhate and it's ruining lolcow to the point of being banned

No. 601512

It was a group of falseflagging men/trannies/similar trying to create an illusion of a "small radfem minority" that "everyone else" wanted thrown out. When it was all going down Admin admitted that some troon from Kiwifarms was trying to buy the site from her so you really don't have to be a rocket scientist to put two and two together. Additionally the Twitter K-pop faggots were very vocal about wanting to ban all things not woke, they shut the fuck up the moment their threads were nuked and they all migrated elsewhere. I still don't believe it was a tranny janny because otherwise they wouldn't allow us even the fakeboi/mtf threads but the Admin/Mod team just being mislead by some gay op being pulled on them.

No. 601513

it's the misogyny

No. 601516

Now see how this thread gets shit up by the falseflagging men and trannies, just how they did with the funny lolcow posts thread

No. 601519

hey i shat up that thread, i'm neither a falseflagging man nor a tranny i just find you guys fucking annoying

No. 601520

Like clockwork

No. 601521

aaaannnyyywaaayyy, aside from leveling up my life due to MH-GC stuff, i also found a lot of good media. it's refreshing to get recommendations from women whose taste aren't twisted by top 10 lists that includes Fight Club and Clockwork Orange over and over and over

No. 601526

The shift from getting all my anime/tv/movie recommendations from 4chan to getting it from women was… illuminating. Suddenly I realize I wasn't actually a weirdo outlier for not enjoying that mediocre series that mostly got popular for the waifus/fanservice.

No. 601528

pink pill suffers from runaway confirmation bias and an over-active negative, paranoid imagination regarding men. it's good to have a proud, supportive, safe community where you can establish and inspire safe relationships and spot patterns and inspire change on a community basis. it's good to vent trauma and injustice and share your experience and to put it in context. it's good to develop a healthy, independent sense of self / ego and to put yourself first. But it's the other extreme of pick-me-ism. too little of it is based in reality. it's hostile, paranoid and toxic and full of baseless assumptions. no, you don't know every man's thoughts and how "rotten" every single one of them is. no, you don't know the complicated, psychological motifs behind individual men's behaviour. some of y'all act as if men were born evil. you can't look inside their heads and assuming so will set you up for faulty thinking.

No. 601529

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I’m not all-out ‘anti trans’ but lolcow has made me feel bolder in discussing gendercrit stuff with even irl friends; cases like Yaniv etc and the need for nuance that the predominantly “all trans folx r uwu tender and perfect” discourse on Twitter and Insta just doesn’t allow the space for and you’re cancelled as soon as you dare to remind someone that sex and gender aren’t the same and that trans and cis people are different and it’s not transphobic not to want to fuck a trans person. Ok phew thanks for reading.

No. 601530

Pinkpill is perfect for bpdchans with paternal trauma

No. 601534

You're stinky if you respond to bait

No. 601537

>Anyone who isn't an ardent terf is baiting

No. 601541

Lolcow has been an interesting experience for me. I realized I enjoy drama as long as it doesn't include me. I have tried several times to stray away from this site but can't because I might miss the juicy details. I also realized how involved people are in others lives. It's like, I can't figure out if we are all sad to pick someones life apart, no matter how screwed and sick they are, or it's just sad to see someones life spiral out of control because of their own choices. I've tried different threads as well, some more wholesome than others. But in the end, this site is so toxic, and perhaps, I am as toxic as this site.

No. 601543


“I realised I enjoy drama as long as it doesn’t include me.” - nail on the head.

No. 601545

It always happens. Notice that like 1-2 new posts that add nothing to the discussion but bait about fathers and terfs popped up.
Next, we'll probably be seeing the word "femcel" thrown around in an accusatory manner. Every time.

No. 601546

Forgot to mention, this site was one of the many reasons I also deleted ALL my social media. Kind of happy I did it. Not that I am cow material, but it's like, you never know who's reading and watching your stuff.

Yea, thats the funny thing about the statement. I enjoy the drama, and I'm pretty sure a bunch of other users do too. I mean, this is a gossip site.

No. 601548

Yep. It's essentially just the female version of TRP and other mansophere ideologies. The hypocrisy of everyone involved in these communities is astounding. A lot of them are just young and lacking in self-awareness. I figure they'll come to their senses eventually, but who knows.

I'm glad more anons are speaking out against pink pill this here on lc. I've been avoiding this site as of late because the constant impulse-rage, paranoia and man-bashing is just getting annoying. You need extensive therapy if you genuinely believe that all men are inherently evil, and I say this as someone who was in a severely abusive relationship with a misogynist for 6 years. This belief system isn't healthy and it ends up hurting you more than anyone else in the long run.

No. 601550

I think there's a sort of incel culture that has grown here, and there's a lot of trauma here that is getting encouraged by saying all men are evil, I understand but a big part of healing from it is not to think in extremes. I think a lot of women here are quite vulnerable but act nasty to feel powerful

No. 601551


Same on deleting all my social media because of lolcow. I only had Instagram left by the time I got here but still, the internet is forever and I don’t need to put any of my personal shit on it (with my identity attached, anyway)

No. 601554

Kek I have both and I was an ardent pinkpiller. Still have some radfem views but not as intense. I don’t think that pinkpill is ‘lITERALLY THE SAME’ as trp and male ideologies though as some anons make out.

No. 601567

same here. I have a family history rife with abuse where men were both perpetrators and victims and women were spineless, seemingly innocent enablers in the shadows. I suffered from unresolved baggage, black and white thinking and a hostile imagination for a long time but I like to think I'm wiser now. Cheers

No. 601589

Then I first started posting on lc I was borderline anti-sjw/altright and thankfully quickly got cured into a lite version of a radfem. I definitely waste too much time here, posting on anon is fun and addictive, it teaches people who are otherwise shy to also sometimes be a little "mean" and it's miles better than getting depressed by reading the misogynistic shitflinging on 4chan and kf. I already hated the way I looked beforehand, lc only gave me names for my problems (nasolabial folds kek). I'd like to say that I wouldn't take shit from any man in the future, so thanks for that. I'm the oldest amongst my siblings and can't really talk with my mom about any stuff regarding the female body, hygiene, beauty and so on, so being able to ask about this stuff here is also pretty helpful. Plus I guess my english improved a bit lol

Has it ever crossed anybody's mind that maybe it isn't that the userbase changed, but farmers as a collective became more pinkpilled as the time went by? 5 years ago there simply wasn't a need to be as defensive ("man in dress gross" was still the norm) but with the rise of tranny politics, porn addicts and incels into mainstream culture many women started educating themselves about these problems and thus feel the need for a space, an outlet for their frustration.

No. 601604

I've seen anons say "I love my boyfriend/brother/father but the pinkpill threads made me afraid of what they really think deep down." That's not a healthy way to live. There's a difference between being critical of sexism in the world and constant paranoia.

No. 601610

It's not paranoia when it's a realistic concern. We're not basing it on nothing, we have ample evidence of men being just as we feared and those men are often someone's brother/father/boyfriend. Obviously plenty of women would be right to worry.

I think we should give anons more credit. We're not dumb blind followers who will read a pink pill thread, automatically assume every man we know is secretly a woman hating pedo, then do something drastic like cut them out of our lives or attack them for being evil. Being cautious and yeah, maybe afraid, can keep us safe. Being more aware will make us open to seeing red flags. Ignorance might be bliss but I'd rather be prepared for the possibility that the patterns we observe in a majority of the population also apply to men I care about.

No. 601613


No. 601624

no one is stopping them faggot. it’s a good discussion, just because you’re autistic and can’t stand anyone going the littlest bit off topic doesn’t mean other anons are.

No. 601625

me when my black and white thinking is imploding

No. 601650

I liked the pink pill threads. Was nice to have a place to talk about and showcase the harmful shit that men pull all the time.
Were there a few unhinged anons that thought every single man was evil and incapable of caring about women? Sure. But they were easy to spot and obviously not everyone agreed with them. Also who wants to read a thread where everyone is just like OH BUT NOT ALL MEN after every post? Like c'mon, we go through this every time.

No. 601662

I feel the opposite after seeing the tier thread on /m/ tbh

No. 601673

And those posts were extremely rare and anons got told off for being too paranoid. Same for the occasional "I'd abort a male baby/Males deserve to get raped" posts, immediately taken care of by mods.
The goal is not to be vary of every man, but simply to no longer take any shit from them. Your father/brother/bf spouts sexist shits but otherwise treats you well so technically he might not be that bad…bullshit. You don't deserve being surrounded by crap like this, you don't have to stay silent just because you love them, you need to learn to clap back otherwise nothing will ever change.
Same for the many anons ignoring too many red flags in relationships, it's good that other farmers give them a wakeup call. Women in general tend to be way too nice and forgiving, unlearn some of that. Men never give us the benefit of the doubt, they never ever took any shit from women either, so why is the opposite seen as so brutally radical?

No. 601710

>female imageboard
>men get banned on sight
>finally a chance to be away from them and just have female centric discussions
>all anyone wants to talk about is men
Feels bad anons

No. 601715

because this is one of the few places you can vent openly without a ban. Cope.

No. 601716

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>be gender critical
>find female imageboard
>most users claim to be radical feminists
>browse for 2 years
>they do nothing but talk about men and trannies, complain/nitpick/a-log about women they don't like, and rant about how human sexuality is so gross and dirty and wrong

No. 601721

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No. 601722

Then leave? I don't understand people that want to forcefully change the culture of a place rather than just find one that suits them

No. 601725

"Cope" nta but kek. You're the only one 'coping' with your male obsession(bait-chan)

No. 601728

I don't have any desire to change the board culture, I visit mainly to engage with what I like and ignore what I don't. I'm simply expressing that I'm surprised after what I've seen here that most farmers consider themselves radical feminists, or even feminists.

No. 601729

yeah you don't sound like a bitter scrote at all

No. 601730


sure, jan(bait-chan samefagging)

No. 601733

I have a male obsession because I want to to discuss issues I can't elsewhere? Grow the fuck up

No. 601734

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>a woman disagrees with me? this must actually be a man!
Were you trying to prove her point, or?

No. 601735

the samefagging kek be gone scrote(ban evasion, serial baiter)

No. 601736

>accusing the wrong anon
>not knowing the definition of samefagging

No. 601792

>unless they reveal that they've been tracking me.
Paranoiafag here, if you are extra paranoid you can invest in a good VPN or use the TorBrowser(might be blocked). Not telling people you visit this website helps. Also there are alot of TiM in infosec, and I can see them targeting a place like this.I take precaution unless I'm posting something meaningless.

No. 601794

unironically, it made me take the pinkpill. ever since then i havent taken any shit from men and i gave up on the anti-feminist bc i grew up with bc of anti sjw 2016 youtube.

No. 601821

>ban evader and serial baiter


No. 601881

>Also there are alot of TiM in infosec, and I can see them targeting a place like this.
Woah, I never thought about this. Shit.

No. 601909

I already do this. VPN, script blocker, anti-keylogger.
My "paranoia" lessened since I posted that, it's just a mood that comes and goes.

No. 602175

>browse for 2 years
What do you like about the site then, anon?

No. 602259

Rest in pepperonis, bait-chan, till next time

No. 603924

I just enjoy lolcow because you guys don't bother me as much as other sites I have tried posting on. Yeah we fight and cuss and shit but it just doesn't have that tinge of hostility that you see on other boards or even social media? It's hard to explain, but I know a lot of you don't mean badly and that many of you have really fucking tough lives outside of this site. No one here gets buttmad because you're not kissing someone's asshole all the time, or constantly having to apololie for being too blunt and upsetting snowflakes like on reddit or twitter, we just laugh at retarded people and/or the retarded shit they do and that's why I enjoy coming here/ It's nice to be online and be able to just be yourself, because it's hard to do that now without offending someone. I seriously get tired of acting like idiots shit rainbows and being "nice" all the time because whatever. Being an honest bitch is more fun to me.

No. 603958

Stopped being a koreaboo and kpoppie, cheers to that

No. 603983

I didn’t know how amazing it would be to have a board that is for women, or how badly I needed it. I thought the way people reacted to women on 4chan was how it had it be. It’s been difficult for me to realize that I actually believed some shitty stuff about myself without even realizing it, so ty to the anons here I want nothing but the best for you all

No. 604723

lolcow has encouraged me to break up with every one of my shitty exes. i'm bad at detecting red flags so the farmers who told me "leave him sis" after ventposting have done me a massive favor

No. 604726

Made me feel more confident and drop my pickme behaviours, because of that I have a great bf and amazing female friends. Love y'all bitches

No. 604736

Hard relate.
Lolcow also helped me realize some toxic traits and behaviors within myself. I'm now pretty self aware of these things and have been working changing them.

No. 610157

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I started to browse Lolcow 5 years ago. I think I stumbled onto this place looking for drama about an e-celeb couple on Youtube that literally nobody even cares about anymore. Over the years, the site has changed a lot aside, and the board culture has changed drastically. While this site has given a lot of laughs and entertainment through 5 years (the Mystery/Kotori drama thing was the best in my personal opinion), I've realized that Lolcow gave me one thing that I really don't like: I am, or was, in a parasocial relationship with all of these e-celebs and seriously caring and following them, and I've gained so much information about these people that has little to no benefit to me knowing about it, considering I know everything about Luna Slater that couldn't impress a normal, functioning human being not exposed to the world of cows. It's devolved from psychoanalyzing these people and trying to understand what made them this to obsessively nitpicking and caring about some literal-who sex worker. Lolcow made me a parasocial human being.

On the bright side, none of the cows are remotely entertaining or fun anymore for me to care and I've grown too attached to this board and the "female being the default" thing, especially since people on 4chan and other imageboards are so hostile and focused on "irony", and especially unnecessarily hostile to women.

No. 610177

I used to be paranoid of this site. Like, used to lurk drama on some ecelebs or whatever and then feel bad because I felt like I was doing something wrong.
I also used to feel like I was going to be posted here someday.

I don't feel such paranoid thoughts anymore. I love all of you. I legit do. I love the board culture here. All of you made me grow up into someone more emotionally stable, and I'm still trying to progress and change for the better.
I used to have very big cow-like behaivors. Not anymore. I'm getting better.

I don't know where I would be without the farm. I really do appreciate all of you. Thank you lolcow, you will forever be in my heart as the website that helped me in my early 20s, with shitposts, cyberbullying and everything else included.

I'm about to be 25 and let me tell you, from ages 17-23.5 I was a big, big idiot who needed an intervention, you were the intervention. I was always a late bloomer and a retard kek. Thank you for making me a better human being.

No. 610195

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I honestly think I'd be a NEET still if I hadn't found lc and had continued browsing 4chan. Realizing how much I didn't want to end up like certain cows was like a kick in the ass for me. its also helped me with my body image believe it or not. Especially frequenting the Anisa threads. My body is similar to hers and seeing people shit on her looks made me realize that someone is always going to have some stupid shit to say about your body, and all you can do is focus on self-improvement and accept that you only get one flabby meat mech to pilot in this life and you just have to make the best of it.

No. 610196

>Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
There are some funny posts sometimes. I also like when I can actually lend advice to someone younger/less experienced than me if I've gone through the same issue and came out of it better in the end. I actually like to talk to people and prefer /ot/ and /g/ over the other boards. I don't actually closely follow many cows and just develop passing interests in some here and there.

>Have you made friends?


>Has your life changed?


>Has your worldview changed?


>Have you experienced the opposite? Post away!

Overall, I feel like this place is marginally better than male-dominated imageboards, but tbh I feel like a lot of users here are just as obnoxious and overreact to everything they don't like. Also getting really tired of the "anyone who disagrees with me is a scrote" and the "if multiple people disagree with me it's samefagging" mentality. Heavily considering just making a fucking bingo card of lazy lolcow defense mechanisms at this point lmao.

No. 610222

No. 610272

I like lolcow in the same way I used to enjoy trashy gossip tv/sites in the past. I just look at it as a place to vent anon and the exposes on Internet personalities are really interesting.

The heavy emphasis on female as standard is also pretty refreshing. But the hate for transfolk, even in unrelated threads, on this site is alarming to me. I don’t know if you do that because of your insecurity or fear of what you can’t understand or what.

No. 610286


No. 610419

please get out.

No. 610468

Begone scrote.

No. 612799

just nice to have a place where i can freely talk shit and not be bombarded with tw's and blank mention warnings, uwu my anxiety/depression, like holy shit i just wanna be angry and not have to worry about a shit. i feel like places with usernames attached fight for a 'nice' passive aggressive culture and im not saying being kind sucks, it just feels so dumb and fake on username media. being petty/salty/angry are not bad traits if you just have those moods in moderation like any other emotion imo. just dont hurt ppl on purpose

No. 613565

I hate men and porn significantly more than I did before coming here, but I don't think that's a bad thing.

No. 613883

It didn't change my life but solidified the idea that women are better than men because lolcow is far more civilized and tame imageboard than any other I've ever seen.

No. 613952

>is alarming to me
Problematic views? On my imageboard?

No. 613968

Same, unironically lc made me a TRA

No. 613982

tranny lover gtfo

No. 613986

Love it kek

No. 614055

Joined lolcow when we were calling the parents of the tumblr "shoplifting fandom".

>Has your worldview changed?

Yes, I hate men now. I spend less time on social media. And now I'm a TRA.

No. 614059

Why has lolcow made so many people trans right activists. Not even any hate it’s just weird.

No. 614062

Nta but hearing trans issues be talked about so much made me curious to actually look into it

No. 614065

File: 1598307424674.jpeg (35.27 KB, 655x454, 1DDAAD4C-D072-4839-9908-334C07…)

/xx/ anons rn

No. 614093

you sure showed them anon

No. 614115

Because 90% of trans people are lolcows, so from there, people just end up looking into it deeper.

No. 614124

Was the complete opposite for me, can't look at a tranny without rolling my eyes these days

No. 614140

I am weary of troons now

No. 614309

I’d generally consider myself pro trans sorry bully me but I love lolcow as a space to vent about the obvious trendiness and ridiculousness of it. And make fun of how shitty and ugly the ones who are obviously just fucking autistic and mentally ill are.

>inb4 so all of them

No. 615032

I love how anons are such messes. Before LC I genuinely believed I was the only person ever with pathological anxiety, self sabotaging behaviors and some trauma. Normies make it taboo, you never really see it in TV shows or whatever. Male boards show you their weird enraged way of being depressed. Everybody else seems to live the perfect Instagram life. So I love the ugly side of LC. I'm a dime a dozen semi functional woman here. It's soothing to know.

No. 618749

I'm glad I found this site. You guys are the types of friends I wish I had. It's been almost a year since i've solely lurked (i'm scared of sounding stupid so I have lurker tendencies) on this imageboard site and I've never felt more understood. Like I've always been a loner irl because i have no hobbies, didn't care for what most girls in my class yapped about, and i ended up doing online school for most of my high school. So when I found you guys–it felt like uncovering a treasure chest lol. like all the different threads and stuff didn't make me feel shitty for being a basic teenage girl. (yk bcuz teen girls get shit on by the earth for just breathing) I would have had a better time coping as a teen if I found this sooner tbh. I think I'm just content with finding a space on the net where it's woman-centric, around my age group, and ppl actually think for themselves instead of regurgitating crap from social media. you guys are awesome and even tho i've basically experienced a parasocial-ish friendship with this site.. it's like the best friend i've never had–I can only hope it doesn't go to shit. damn i'm so lonely lmfao.

No. 618759

lolcow has made me less accepting of trans people. I personally don't care what people do what their bodies, whether they want to mutilate themselves or not but it crosses the line when people say its transphobic to not want to date someone after finding out they are trans. That's the part that made me less tolerant around trans people. I still don't care about what they do to their bodies but I would never want to date a trans person.

Also, lolcow has become a personal escape for myself. I come here to relax, kill time, etc. I like that I can be anonymous and still speak my mind. It's a sort of security where in my real life I have none.

No. 618855

Men really aren't shit.
The lesbians are onto something.

No. 618882

This board made me realize all I’ve ever wanted was a girlfriend, they’re definitely on the right path

No. 619463

It reassured me that there are sane people out there who see trannies for what they are

No. 619464

I hate this website but I can't stop myself from visiting it everyday. Merciful farmhands please just permaban me so that I may be free from this masochistic prison.

No. 619468

Curious, what do you hate about it anon?

No. 619469

idk if i did it right(or should have) but i reported you anon lol, let's hope your wish comes through

No. 619584

this. having different views from my social circle irl made me feel left out.

No. 619600

Thank you anon

No. 619630

ah. anon, I, too, suffer from the hahaha n-word just won't walk away from the screen case

No. 619826

I would say Lolcow has changed my life through the friend finder thread I've befriended three girls over the years and even met my girlfriend through it.
I wasn't new to following lolcows, but it was nice to find an place that wasn't scrotes or grannies who can't use the internet.

No. 619834

Awww, wow, that's awesome! I never expected people to actually find friends or even a partner through that thread. Good for you!

No. 619893

Like an irl gf or an online one?

Also who here wants to wife me? lol

No. 619914

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No. 636915

Since coming to LC, I’ve become more anti-porn, more confident about being gendercrit irl, and overall more pro-woman than I thought I was. I thought being an SJW/libfem was the way and forced myself to outwardly agree with things that I frankly never did, like being pro-porn and sexual liberation, TRA with elevating black trans women over all, etc. now I realize that’s all hooey, and even though there may be a place for those things (since no one deserves to die and female sexual liberation is a good thing, of course), they don’t take precedence over real women and their suffering. Human trafficking and child porn aren’t worth the uwu support my OnlyFans, sex workers are valid, if you don’t like porn you’re a vanilla prude-shaming, and putting black men over all women, especially black women who are the most marginalized in the US, helps no on. Sorry if this is rambly, I’m just quite happy to have found a space where I could grow confident in the things I’ve always felt were more important but controversial for some reason.

No. 639309

I think in some ways this board made me more confident in posting things online. Like I used to lurk a lot more because I was afraid of sharing my thoughts and what others would think of it, but having most of it be anonymous I learned everythings kind of just a drop in the bucket on the internet. As long as you aren't cringy or cow material you won't stand out much.

I found this place ironically because someone cowtipped it in one of Taylor Nicole Dean's comment sections and was glad someone was calling her out for her bullcrap. Stayed for the TND/Pettube/artist salt/Holly Brown drama but now I'm not even checking in with the cows as much anymore as I am looking through the other boards. I like that this is a place to just shoot the shit anonymously without stumbling across disgusting shit like on 4chan.

No. 639405

using lolcow has made me way more meanspirited and critical/nitpicky of people's looks. I notice having negative thoughts about random people's looks when I never did that before.

No. 639410

Can't relate tbh

No. 639411

That's not good, you should probably spend less time on this site then. There's already enough cruelty and negativity in this world, you don't need to add to that shit.

No. 639422

I've become less of a doormat and actually allow myself to have standards. I've also become more self-aware and critical of my own cow and pickme behaviors.

No. 639424

I feel like the thing about looks isn’t necessarily bad if you don’t act on it

No. 639429

Just use ot and g then

No. 639438

Lolcow has made me be more critical of myself rather than others, but it has also made me push myself more to lose weight.

No. 639726


Lolcow got me over my lovesick phase that sort of ruined my early 20s. Was crushing on or dating emotionally abusive men and was constantly hoping for them to "understand". Lolcow relationship advice and vent threads helped me finally realize that they do understand, it's just they don't give a shit.
I don't hate men but nowadays I see that a lot of men my age are perpetual selfish children and it's useless to waste your energy to teach them how to be adult at this point.
Meanwhile I have managed to build my self confidence and am able to focus my energy on education while balacing it with my full time job. Also I am enjoying my female friendships much much more.

No. 639749

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Lolcow has made me dislike my boobs (body in general, mostly the boobs and asymmetrical face tho). It never occurred to me that they’re too saggy but since seeing all the saggy boob talk on lolcow, I’ve started to feel pretty self-conscious about them.

No. 639752

Is the pic supposed to be an example of saggy boobs because those are perky as fuck. But all boobs are good boobs, even saggy and asymmetrical ones. You shouldn't take the nitpicky anons here too seriously. I promise nobody is going to care what your boobs look like once they get to the part where they can see them. They'll be too busy being happy about seeing/fondling some boobs to care at all.

No. 639754

literally………. for a site full of women only there’s a lot of scrotelike behaviour going on. all of the breast and vag nitpicks are so fucking boring. don’t listen to the people on here bb, they’re most likely projecting.

No. 639755

I know we've said this a million times by now but Lolcow really made me appreciate women on a whole new level. A lot of bitches here are insightful, intelligent and funny as shit and I believe it's because we're anonymous and allowed to be ourselves unfiltered. A lot of women have to put on an act in social situations so they don't get to shine like they deserve to.

A good share of them are scrotes though, they constantly get banned for thirstposting in thot cow threads. I agree about the breast/vagina/other looks nitpicks because they're bordering on psychotic obsession but they're made by fellow mentally ill camwhores who are projecting and immensely jealous of the cow and want to run them to the ground just to feel a bit better about themselves.

No. 639767

Tbh sometimes I think nudes should be banned from here. I feel like it attracts scrotes even more

No. 639788

it does attract them. How many old cow threads haven't been bumped by scrotes begging for more nudes?

No. 639791

bitch. go back to the melanie martinez thread and tell me these even look the same. i know that's why you're so caught up.

No. 639834

I've been browsing since I was 16 (5 years) and I think it has contributed to my mental fall. Too much nitpicking that I read on here and projected onto myself. A lot of making fun of actually mentally ill and abused girls. The good part~coming across rad fem ideology.

No. 639951

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I finally quit smoking and part of the reason was because of the Vic thread. Yes, I always knew it was a terrible habit, but most of my friends/coworkers smoke and it was always normalized and accepted. I was so dumb for falling into that "social smoker" trap and it became an addiction in no time.

All the pics of Vic's black gums and her attempts at looking edgy with a cig in hand finally got through to me that I needed to quit and take better care of my health. I'm truly grateful.

If anyone else is trying to quit, take a look at her thread for a PSA on why smoking isn't cool. You can do it anons!

No. 640008

I feel the same way

No. 640036

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Now this is a bit weird but the state of shay and how it gets worse, motivated me to start working out and eating better. I used to follow her but I find her boring these days, so when I check on her once in a while, it really shocks me how fast she gained weight and since I also got here and there a bit of chub, I told myself to get my up and do something about it. It is also something I've read in many other threads where cows just get fatter but do nothing about even when they feel bad about it and I did not wanted to feel the same way about myself. Now it's been a few months and I lost weight and got fit, eat better and and do therefore mentally much better because working out also helps me with to deal with stress.

I also agree with other anons here about realizing and dealing with shitty behavior from guys, being critical about the trans movement and just find some people here and there sharing the same interests with you and just sperg a bit about it with them.

No. 640062

Good for you. Smokers are stanky and I hate talking to them. Now your lungs won't be stanky.

No. 640757

i learnt i have nasolabial folds which i was always under the impression was from smiling too much but instead i have a fat face

thanks lolcow

No. 640831

Lolcow has teached me that as an artist you cannot please everyone, and made me to actually study art theory.

Also staying away from the VOCALOID fandom… thanks /w/

No. 640884

I've always had them and I have a skinny face. We're just genetically unlucky anon.

No. 640917

Same, lolcow taught me that it’s not of worth creating art for the sake of becoming famous and that doing so is tedious and useless.
And vocaloid fandom is retarded.

No. 642403

Broke up with my boyfriend and we had an argument after. He said ‘you even asked that girl forum if we should break up’ lmaooo anons helped me drop him

No. 642995

i hated this website at first but i couldn't resist the juicy gossip… you bitches got tea with receipts! i've become a little more jaded, but it's also been good for me in weird ways. i read a lot of things here that truly make me laugh out loud or gasp. however… i've taken up to lowkey cyberbullying this pathetic loser on tumblr. i would normally never do something like this, but i feel like the toxic radiation this site oozes has made me too comfortable with being anonymously bitchy. i also send them encouraging messages on my real account, which justifies the mean things in my mind. but really, i know how matter how long i try to play therapist with this hopeless idiot they will never change, and it just feels good to be really confrontational and mean sometimes. maybe talking shit is like the ladies' version of guys who enjoy getting into physical altercations. hurting is fun!

No. 642998

Haha cool lolcow made you into a cow

No. 643043

you sound underage

No. 643046

They sound like a man trying to fit in

not saying they are but Jesus Christ the language they use, very "gay best friend" style

No. 643050

It is a scrote. Pretty sure there's a raid going on at the moment.

No. 643067

It's so funny how moids can't figure out how women speak. Most lost men don't even realize this is a female only board until people tell them and yet once they find out they start talking like a cartoon character. I know it's said all the time but god dam…. men be stupid

No. 643097

Yeah, I'm almost 100% sure it's a scrote. Probably an underage one at that.
>"juicy gossip… you bitches got tea with receipts!"
>"become a little more jaded"
>"laugh out loud or gasp"
>"the toxic radiation this site oozes"
These make it sound like it's either a 50-year-old woman or a scrote who's trying to sound like some drama channel stan on Twitter.

No. 643099

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This is my fav recent example lmao. Obviously us females constantly address each other as 'girl' and discuss how we want to suck scrote dick together.

No. 643355

The main thing this board did was peak troon me. The only trans people I encountered in my life before were fairly run-of-the-mill MtF who wanted to date men, were relatively lowkey about being trans except for the omnipresent gofundme for surgeries but even then their desires seemed fairly reasonable to me and I'm still friendly with those people. The idea of a whole underbelly of Buffalo Bills and sociopathic TRAs trying to convert retarded yaoi fangirls into fucked up gaybois never crossed my mind. It especially bothers me because I was a yaoi "transkid" when I was 12-14 due to stupid reasons like anime and self-hatred from being made fun of for having "boy" voice and "boy" hobbies and any hormone blockers or other bullshit would have completely ruined my life. The fact that I have at least big tiddy/ small waist/wide hip combo to offset weird butterface and was a game changer for my self esteem in life because I grew up being told constantly I was ugly and "boyish" by everyone from my peers to my family.

I'm also mildly autistic and feel alienated from women and gay men because I can't understand their communication style so straight men are still my best choice to make friends, I live in a huge gay city and know for a fact I would never have "fit in" into the gay scene at least here and would have been even more lonely, alienated and self-hating in life then I already am.

Sage for blogpserging but the whole thing freaks me out that these people are able to destroy innocent women's live just because they have a few "boy" hobbies or unconventional appearance and are susceptible to anime subculture and tumblr and shit. I am so glad I was a teenager before this trans kid shit went mainstream.

No. 643472

I was watching the hot chick the other day and the part with her little brother dressing up as her made me think of autogynephyllic troons kek l

No. 643512

tinfoil: every moid post on the board in the past 72 hours has been canyon

No. 644197

tinfoil: we're all canyon

No. 644429

CanCan Alfredo is that you?

No. 648004

Being added to a lolcow discord (not the official one) has literally cured my loneliness. Having people all around the world you have become legit friends with is amazing considering I'm such a fucking trainwreck myself.

No. 648009

How is it in there lately? I've considered joining but last I heard it was a massive cesspool of drama.

No. 648022

none of the discords that have been posted here accept new members anymore I think bc of the drama. I'm not saying which one I'm in sorry.

No. 648079

the only drama is with that fake popping and whatever discord that is full of men.

No. 648161

I'm sad other women genuinely looking for friendship can't join due to idiots trying to invade it. Not blaming you, just sucks.

No. 648225

I wish I could join a discord with other retarded women. It just sounds exhausting to need to prove yourself and deal with potential raids/scrotes.

No. 649540

I got clean, the luna and TND thread made me fucking horrified so I quit that bullshit

No. 649587


I feel this hard

No. 649600

Honestly, fair play. Not personally fond of every aspect of this site and sometimes I'm ashamed I still browse here, but I'm happy to see it could help someone make a positive change.

No. 649650

I'd love this

No. 652538

If someone makes this retard server i would love to join. We can just shitpost and be autistic retards all day, i need that energy.

No. 652573

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i found this website through the celebricows thread of all things and stuck around because i was obsessed w/imageboards as a teen but hated how hostile they were to women so I never posted anything (probably good as a teenage girl in retrospect). this is the one of the only places on the internet that is explicitly and uncompromisingly for women-only. There's such a relief knowing i won't have to sift through hundreds of irrelevant male opinions to discuss life as a woman with other women.

positively, i think this website and the anonymous aspect has been really refreshing. i like that there's no points/voting system and that clout chasing and attention-whoring are actively discouraged rather than rewarded like most social platforms. lolcow also made me realize i'm not nearly as much of a crazy/scary/weird mess as I thought I was, which definitely gave me a bit more of a boost of self-esteem. also, the anonymity aspect of posting has really kept my ego in check off-site and i find myself being more mindful about my non-anon social media – seeing what gets posted here of other people's milk makes me want to keep a lowkey presence.

in terms of negatives, i would say that i am aware of the annoying things about the people around me ngl… esp. hanging out with people with cow-ish tendencies and traits. most of my social circle is sjw-types and ngl i'd probably be branded terf 4 life and excommunicated forever if they found out i posted here. strange that i feel less judged by the cyberbullying website than by my own social circle. kek oh well.

lolcow: come for the jameela jamil munchie's receipts, stay for the community.

No. 652588

this site helped me quit using 4chan. I think that speaks for itself

No. 656815

This is LITERALLY THE ONLY place I I can go where people won't stone me to death for my actual opinions on troons. I live in a very "liberal" city where all the MtFs I've ever met get super-special treatment. They can never be wrong, even if they're violent, known sexual abuseres, or thieves. Because they're so oppressed and every bad thing they do isn't their fault, it's the big bad oppressors, like me. I love you TERF-y assholes.

No. 660123

You are a pussy

No. 660135

No no she HAS a pussy

No. 660140

I love you too sister

No. 660173


We love you too! You are strong and wonderful, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!

No. 660196

Love you too anon.

No. 661581

Dramatically increased my self-esteem. Used to be the aloof dgaf edgelord as self-defense. Now I‘m able to be more vulnerable and unafraid. Still a work in progress but it’s like I care more and care less at the same time, if that makes sense?
Thank you farmers support and chiding all the same.

No. 661606

It didn't increase my self esteem like other anon mentioned but made me realise that my self esteem was never as low as I thought it was. It's healthy in ways I hadn't appreciated before. Like I've never been too hung up on looks or based my worth on sex appeal or fitting into a set of expectations. I didn't know just how much other women can struggle with those issues. I have my own struggles but then I'm strong minded in alot of respects. Overall I probably have mid range self esteem. Spent years thinking it was in the gutter.

Gave me a thicker skin too. Growing up in a fairly polite country you don't get much of a chance to develop that irl.

No. 661615

People talk about how infighting is a reoccurring problem here and while that can be true, I've also found anons in ot and g to often be wonderfully supportive, funny and reasonable. I enjoy a sense of community here that I don't always experience in other areas of my life. When I've opened up about a personal struggle that I was too embarrassed to talk about with friends or fam, theres typically been at least one other anon who reaches out to say that they can relate and wish me luck. I find that quite touching and reassuring. I've been called out by other anons when my thinking was too myopic and I appreciated that too. So for me this site has really reinforced the importance of sisterhood. please no nuke ot

No. 661620

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I thought I was open-minded before, but even more so after this site. I also became more opinionated lol if that makes sense.

LC made me realize why the preachy woke trend rubs me the wrong way. And like many anons said before, it made me resent trannies, who I didn't give a shit about before. Especially now that they're praised a lot online for doing the bare minimum and being disgusting. Same goes for the deathfats who get supported as well, who do nothing but complain and get asspats.

Lurking here made me realize all the shit women get, and how sexist the media is, that I, again, also payed no attention to before. This site made me less insecure after reading lots of threads about plastic surgery and how so many people deny it, and seeing anachans post ridiculous things. This website made me proud to be a woman, not that I wasn't proud before kek, but it just made me feel… empowered in a way. Kinda dramatic, but it's the truth.

The media boards are fun to read and farmers are witty and hilarious. LC is just a fun site where you can enjoy and be real without stupid woke pandering and I that's why I like it so much.

No. 661623

Funnily enough, instead of LC making me a meaner/more miserable person, I think it's improved my mood. Whenever I feel irritated I just go and unleash it here in the cow threads instead of being grumpy to people around me IRL. I feel so much more chill.

No. 661624

Hard same, I love /ot/ so much.

No. 662136

I'm jealous. My posts are always ignored

No. 663595

Ironically, I feel like imageboards have made me more tolerant. They've made me realize how important it is for people to explore their own feelings and ideas without having their names or any physical/cultural attributes ascribed to them and to accept those values, to a point.

This might be a faux-pas, but I'll admit that I lurk kf and lc a lot, but I don't really post. I honestly can't 100% comprehend how to be so invested in other people that I could really participate in the conversation in a meaningful way, but I find other people's interests and distatstes very interesting. Maybe I'm a genuine narcissist or a sociopath or something that I don't really care to gossip myself, but I still respect and admire the people who do.

No. 663755

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I wouldn't say I have experienced "life changing" stuff here,but it's one of the few places online nowadays that kinda feel like "home".I found lolcow through a first April's fools day 3-4 years ago,when PULL's and lolcow's domains redirected to the opposite site.I never used imageboards bf till then(and maybe it was for the best having read anons' experiences with 4chan) and I liked the anonymity and the fact there are rules about blogposting on specific boards.I was taken aback by the lack of PCness here but then I realised people were bending their backs not to sound "problematic" in other sites.

Even though people can be extremely mean on this website,I usually avoid it and stay on topics that I find comfy or just nice to browse through since I'm mostly a lurker.I like there's variety of topics on boards like /g/,/m/ and /ot/ (IM SO HAPPY /OT/ IS BACK DONT NUKE IT PLEASE) and I've learned things I wouldn't otherwise from reading stuff from anons.Also it feels nice to vent in some threads and even the possibility of some anon reading and being like "shit are you me?" makes me feel less alone sometimes.The fact that we are mostly women here and can relate to each others experiences as women is also comforting to me.

Also, reading anon's experiences and the PP and GC threads(RIP),I understood how the whole trans thing can be wrong and my distaste of men grew.Not that I will avoid and detest every man like some anons have said they do,but I do have enough negative experiences with men to justify me feeling this way and knowing exactly why.I don't NEED to justify behaviour of shitty men especially when a man wouldn't even try to get into my shoes.

tl;dr : came for the gossip,stayed for the non-gossip boards.

No. 663759

I just feel it so comfy here, and have no social media, so I just feel at home.

No. 684226

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I just explained the concept of lolcow.farm to my mom
I said something like

"Mom, I like going to this forum where we gossip and make fun of people, it's an all women community and we can talk about anything"
and she said
"Wow that's so cool! Making fun of people is fun!"
She also said that the cow motif is really cute.

I think she likes lolcow as much as I do lol

No. 684230

Would leave this earthly realm in laughter if your mom is using this place in secret

No. 684243

now imagine my surprise if it turns out my own mom has called me retarded in the unpopular opinions thread

No. 684313

The site has made me insecure about things I never thought about negatively. Fine things in the "real world", but the worst from the lc perspective.

No. 684326

ive been here for a few years and it only made me love women even more

- i love seeing women with similar interests, which is hard to find irl since i live in a shithole and am nearing my 30s
- great feminist threads
- made me start a skin care routine and helped me manage my skin condition significantly
- inspired me to lose some weight

only negative is i lost some time on reading years of onision threads

No. 684335

>"Wow that's so cool! Making fun of people is fun!"
I can't decide if your mom is a super bitch or simply amazing.

No. 684340

I’m tired of the rest of the world expecting me to be perfect: perfectly kind, perfectly accepting, perfectly tolerant. I am simply not that way at all. I’m so full of spite and venom and autism and anywhere else i go on the internet I’ll just be bullied for being a retard femcel or cancelled for being a problematic terf. This site rules its so much better than Reddit for advice. I love the humour of the board too. Can’t really remain interested in a snow or or thread for more than 5 mins though.

No. 684344

Probably both, she loves gossiping and saying stuff to me like "wow did you see that guy and how he looked like? ugly as fuck"

No. 684356

Because of this place, I'm now hyperaware that I may have budding nasolabial folds. I hit 35 and I'm losing fat in that tiny section next to my nostrils, but it hasn't made up it's mind yet. Please pray for me.

No. 684361

Nobody cares about them anymore, it’s all about what bitch has got a Hank Hill ass.

No. 684363

I have some budding nasolabial folds too, but I'm only 20 fml. I think it's because I'm lost underweight. Hopefully, they go away if I just gain some more weight

No. 684366

This site has made me become super GC. I may have found my passion because I've been getting super heated while reading the MtF thread in /snow/. I'm at that point where I'm preparing my speech about GC feminism if it ever comes up in conversation with a friend.
On the other hand, I've also learned a lot more about the world than I would like to. Not to say ignorance is bliss but I feel like there's so many evil people in the world. This is my first and only imageboard and there's some pretty dark things out there I wouldn't have stumbled onto otherwise…the Dan Schneider and Jessica Yaniv threads made me sick, but there's so many more people like that out there.

It has also made me much better at identifying photoshopped pictures.

No. 684371

I guess I'll continue to fly under the radar then.
I don't think weight loss helps them, but I'm sure it's not as bad as you think.

No. 684398

I had them since I was a baby, it doesn't make you look older (unless they're the kind with a wrinkle)

No. 684410

>it’s all about what bitch has got a Hank Hill ass
jesus christ i laughed so hard

No. 684493

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Yeah, it's not full on wrinkling yet. It's just losing fat in that spot like picrel. I don't like change.

No. 684499

Samefagging but she just said "ed sheeran has been ugly since he was a baby and never got better"

No. 684501

>I'm lost underweight
I know it was a mix-up but this is way too funny and cute lmao

No. 686621

nasolabial folds? so passe

No. 688860

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No. 707588

i quote from the pro ana scumbags thread, "farmers who're in this for real, one day the wars going to be over." It was something i really needed to hear. if you see this anon - thank you

No. 707594

i was always on the fence about being trans but honestly reading the fakeboi thread was a wake up call; nowadays the internet can be extremely coddling of the whole issue, and while i don't share every extreme opinion this site has on trans people/men, the fakeboi thread def helped me put into words how uncomfortable and terrifying the idea of trooning out was for me. every time i even think about it i feel sick, and i guess that's how i knew this really wasn't for me. as many anons have said before, it's okay to be gnc and a woman, or even just not being comfortable with femininity.

No. 707610

made me hate neoliberal feminism more. how are you going to accuse trannies of reducing women to stereotypes and harming feminism then turn around and make half the board centered around making fun of other women and accusing real women of secretly being men because they aren’t some uwu small aryan waif?

it’s one thing to hate trans people, but a whole nother to use that as an excuse to be misogynistic skull-measuring pick mes.

No. 707999

I used to be a cow in the making. I would act erratically online, use mentall illness as my excuse for everything, act like an immature retard in general. I stopped taking college classes and spent all day smoking and online, all my money on weed, food, trendy clothing, etc. I started reading /snow/ and realized i acted similarly to these cows sometimes, not as extreme but i was definitely a cow in the making. i really reevaluted my whole life, understood my immaturity and delusional behaviour, and i was done making excuses for my sad life. i chilled with the smoking, went back to college, pretty much got off social media, lost a lot of weight (stopped binge eating after seeing dollymattel threads), exercised and left the house each day and started working on my future. i'm not going to be like those fucking losers, and i realized how gross and cringey it was to act like that. i am very thankful for this website for basically showing me i was becoming a complete loser.

No. 708013

I think lolcow lowered my self esteem and made me more critical of other people's appearances.

No. 708019

I only come to this website when I’m feeling badly. I guess that’s pretty telling in itself. It’s good because at least I can check in with myself when my usage increases and seek healthier coping mechanisms

No. 708034

Thanks to lolcow I've learned how to protect myself online, how to recognize and ignore bait, and I've also unlearned cringe behaviors like listening and looking up to retarded podcasters and being a troon handmaiden

No. 708042

>I've also unlearned cringe behaviors like listening
proud of u

No. 708353

I've been browsing for around 2/3 years or so, and the only thing lolcow has changed for me is that I'm more up to date with tea, and I feel like it's made me a little more negative? I've never really shared the opinions of most of the posters here. I try not to take anything farmers say too seriously or let them impact my worldview that much just because of the type of people lc attracts, so it hasn't changed my worldview that much. I guess I have more criticism for things like sw and the trans community, but I still support them.

I don't browse the cow boards that often, but I really love /ot/ because of all the funny ass posts, and I love when an anon shares something genuinely interesting. m and g are superior and I wish they were more active because the cow boards are honestly dead.

No. 708357

This site was never meant to pander to your feminist fee fees retard.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 708363

This site has made me appreciate retarded girls. Thank you!

No. 709427

I spent most of my high school and beyond on 4chan; so lolcow didnt change a lot of my opinions but it did a lot to think trans folk are mentally ill. I was very close to being a handmaiden and while some certain people i dont mind or don hate for being trans in general i see a lot of toxicity and harm that it does. 4chan also glorified traps and passing transfolk. /cgl/ hates brololitas for being fetishest but the rest of 4chan made me think trans people were fine.

Also i feel like lolcow keeps me a little more normie as i frequent the celeb threads and i see how cringe venus and mira are and were. I wasnt a stan but i followed them and watched their videos.

No. 728007

I became a TERF and I also stopped sucking dick.

No. 728021

Queen shit

No. 728039

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I knew of lolcow for a long time because i lurked pull when i was a young teen so i could get more pictures of girls i thought were really cute, i lolcow was this like scary mean unmoderated corner of the internet, but i still found a lot of stuff funny and lurked here. fast forward a few years later and i start using 4chan, some particularly awful boards which i regret deeply. i was a huge pickme for many years up until i started regularly using and posting here last year, like i used to be all about that ~hating women i'm not like the other girls i only have guy friends~ bullshit and i'm so glad and thankful this site opened my eyes to how retarded and cringe i was being. and i literally hate most men now so yea

No. 728057

Keep fucking going nonny you're doing great

No. 728136

I hate that one of the only places where women can talk freely without being policed by sjws or called whores is a gossip board. But at least we have something. And anons are nice to each other compared to like 4chan where everyone just tells others to kill themselves.

Also I want to have a gf now.

No. 728142

a beautiful evolution anon, I'm happy you're now here with us

No. 782563

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Helped me feel confident having my own opinions, to be grateful to hear other women's unfiltered words, opened my eyes to a lot of things, I learn from the cow threads how not to end up and what some people are like out there. I think it helped me become wiser to the world that way, because most of us start out super naive. Also, I really have lolcow to thank for helping with some of my mental issues. It helped me stop feeling so sorry for myself (still working on it) and see things as they are. Anons pretty much say it like it is with what helped them recover and what you need to do in this world, so I'm really grateful.

I will say though that the internet in general messes with brains. It's addictive and I think I've gotten kinda mean using lolcow, more judgmental. In a way it's good because you need judgment to know what decisions are good or bad, but obviously it's not good to be mean and negative. I'm gonna try distancing from lolcow, I think, because it's really not how I want to be as a person. Also as much good as there is in this site, its poor reputation has truth to it and I'm not proud of myself for associating. Still I'll always be glad for the good things here, and not gonna stop hanging out here completely. Not sure I can stop much anyway but I'm gonna try to wean off. We'll see, anyway love you! I get really warm feelings toward posters here even when they are rude to me lol

No. 782569

I was so scared to go on here for years! I thought if you are a weeaboo you’ll end up on PULL and lolcow so that scared me away from what I liked. Fast forward to now and I’m a full fledge weeb without any threads! It helped me see that just because you like anime or Jfashion doesn’t mean you’ll end up on here. You’ll end up on here if you’re a douchebag. I’m happy to know I’m not a douchebag and enjoy my things

No. 782805

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The good: I found lc while recovering from the sjw life - I would literally wake up in a cold sweat after a nightmare wherein I'd misspeak on twitter and get dogpiled/abandoned by everyone who knew me (yes I realize there are some underlying mental health issues in there, but anyway) - so it became a really relaxing place for me. I've become much more chill after reading so many opinions different from mine and instead of immediately thinking "this person is being malicious" I found myself thinking "this person is living a life different from mine, let it teach you something and then let it go" and I've found that so freeing. I think that's one good thing about anonymous forums, tbh (I was never a channer); over here it does not fucking matter if I post something and someone loudly disagrees, they literally do not know who I am.

The bad: I've slowly come to realize that I've been using lc to replace friendship. i.e., in the evening after work I come here to "hang out", log whatever passing thought I wish, respond to anons and laugh with them, etc. The pandemic hasn't been great as I've slowly drifted away from my irl friends, so rather than report to them what I think of so-and-so event or celeb, I go here. I think that's enough of a sign that I need to limit my time here, but since I have nothing healthier to replace it with atm I don't really know what to do.

Big hugs, nonny. I think we're in practically the same boat and hope we both get the hell outta here in the ways that we wish!

No. 782834

LC has given me an unfiltered example of what I could have become without therapy. Straight up. BPD e girl mode was avoided and I embraced the harder path.
Now I'm in therapy but working thru a long relationship that has been toxic… I can't seem to leave. Least I can anon vent here instead of dry up my few supportive friends.
Lolcow has been there for me when I was peaking on gender topics, and has empowered me to be a bold female and empower other women.

Thank you ladies, love to you all

No. 782850

I broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years because I read the Onision thread and found a lot of similarities between them and I'm almost 100% sure he has a similar personality disorder. It's been about six months now, and I'm doing a lot better, figuring life out and stuff. He used to gaslight and manipulate me, and with therapy I'm slowly getting my shit together and building myself up from the shambles. Onision was good for one thing after all I guess?

No. 782865

Aw I love these posts. I love knowing that lc girls are lovely and introspective and highly emotionally intelligent, when we’re not chimping out. I feel much the same way. >>782834
I’m proud of u Bpd-chan

No. 782871

context, ive been on tumblr for 11 years so my entire teenage years were there. i still use it for shitposts but dont interact with political stuff and its fun to me at least

>feel happy to be in a girl community as cheesy as it sounds. in the time i used tumblr the most was for a stupid fandom i was in and liked being in a girls only community. this place is a girls only community but with grown up issues and not cringe fandom shit

>i was subscribed to onision for years. i was edgy and very young at the time. when callout videos against onision started popping up i unsubscribed, but they quickly went out of style cause mrrepzion and the someguy dude were pretty awful too. didnt keep up with him cause at the time they were some of the firsts to call him out and i unsubscribed. when i found lolcow i catched up on onision, i think there werent even that many threads cause i read from the first one. seeing more of the things he had done made me seethe.i know after the billie saga and of course the sarah saga everyone hates onision, but i dont know, a lot of people didnt know or care for years. i had a friend subscribed till the sarah thing cause she simply did not know about his awful stuff.
>lived in a similar way as Jill. grew out of the dumb weeaboo shit, the attention whore-y clothes, terrible hair choices, dont spend my money on the stupidest things. not cause anons called it stupid. but cuz i realized by watching jill that it was stupid
>learnt sex work is fucking stupid unlike what tumblr told me.
>started seeing trans people completely different than the way tumblr told me to.
>started talking about very traumatic shit and mental illness shit in the vent threads before i was actually on meds. it was the only place i could really tell people what i felt and was told to get help. didnt did it till i was forced to tho, then got diagnosed with bipolar 1 and anorexia (i was in complete denial of the diagnosis for like two months even though it wasnt just one professional that evaluated me). now i dont give a shit and post on vent threads about mundane stuff cause its comfy.
>i stopped treating people with mental illness with kids gloves the way tumblr told me to. cause you have an ED or borderline doesnt shield you from being a dick ya fucking cow. but before this i would absolutely be in the shit side of twitter where everyone has 1000 mental illness and no one wants to change in any way.
>became aware of people who photoshopped their shit to death and stopped feeling bad for not looking like that in my cosplays (i dont cosplay anymore i feel ancient).
>i liked tempcow. it was bad. really bad. but it was fun. i understand why it was removed compltely. but it was a fun experience.

No. 1203541

I used to think this was just a troll website with mean people, but once I stayed long enough I've experienced beautiful moments.

No. 1203547

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>Have you experienced any heartwarming, life changing, amazing moments on this site?
I think most of the amazing and heartwarming moments I've experienced in this website have been thanks to the introduction of movie nights and the draw boards. I'm thankful for the people who created those opportunities for us and keep being around.
>Have you made friends? Has your life changed? Has your worldview changed?
I think my worldview has definitely changed for the better. I'm happy u found this place and I'm glad for the good and funny moments between nonnies. This community is very cool atm.
>Have you experienced the opposite?
I used to be super paranoid and think I was no better than the cows of this website, honestly. But instead I found myself becoming a better person.

No. 1203548

sorry for the autistic post i am drunk
i love lolcow so much unironically. i love the doodle room and always look forward to drawing with anons, i love bonding over our shared disdain for cows, i love talking about our days and shit in the vent threads and anons here have genuinely given me more practical and useful life advice than people i know in person on numerous occasions. this is the site that made me a terf! i love our retarded infighting too! i really enjoy being able to fully express myself on here autism and all. posting here is kind of like bloodletting it lets the autism out. i hope u nonnies have a great day/night

No. 1203580

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I love watching unhinged anons go on about whatever. I think it’s cute and fun watching women talk about stuff. I don’t care much for most cows so I love to just watch anons shitpost or complain.

No. 1203581

lolcow peaked me on trans issues, before that I came from years of being on tumblr which was aggressively pro-trans. Trans people planted the seeds themselves that made me question them of course, but I didn't realize how bad it really was/is. For the first time I realized I'm allowed to question the status quo, in other issues as well. I'm unironically a more open person, I'm now able to think for myself and no longer blindly believe what I'm told just to fit in or because I'm told "it's the right thing to do", I'm able to spot manipulative people/men to keep myself and other women safe.

No. 1203588

Lolcow made me realize that there are a large number of women of all ages out there who feel the same way that i do about a lot of issues despite disagreements. And also share both my hobbies and interests! I never had healthy female interaction in my life (nor male really but idc about that) so it opened my eyes and made me feel less alone. There are downsides like how addictive it can be to spend time here or how sometimes a site can be too much of an echo chamber, but I appreciate this place regardless

No. 1203625

i go through periods where i simply don't feel like interacting with anyone i know, don't have the energy to get into deep conversations where i might end up sperging about something too personal and an anonymous space like lolcow is perfect for it, to fulfill a social need but without having to worry so much about whoever else is behind the screen or what they think of me. there are things about this site that does annoy me and anons can be dense/rude as hell sometimes but i like this for the anonymity and to simply discuss gossip and milk that my friends wouldn't be interested in hearing.

No. 1203730

I feel the exact same way as you, anon. I try to be conscious of what I absorb because I don't want to contribute to the echo chamber thing, but this is also the only place where I can talk to other women who won't think I'm crazy or a prude for my opinions. I felt really alone even when socializing before I started using lolcow, because I felt like I could never be transparent about what I felt or thought and that I would always just be abnormal and have interests and values and a sense of humor nobody else cared about or wanted to hear.

No. 1203832

Yes, i’m glad you relate too! i almost wish i found this place sooner. It would done me a great deal if i lurked here at 16-19 (KEK) but i avoided this website thinking it was purely to dunk on troubled people to my detriment. there is actual good criticism to take in. Also i don’t know if it’s due to female socialization or what, but before it always felt like there were barriers between me and other women. I couldn’t express myself and i felt like they couldn’t either. It almost felt forbidden to act a certain way. So i literally thought i was the only one who felt and thought the way i did. Lol.

No. 1203849

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I think as with a lot of users, LC peaked me, but that's not the most significant change I've had because of this website. The movie room has had a big impact on me. I'm a certain nona, and spending time taking care of the room and chatting with you anons has really improved my life. I used to feel constantly alone and worthless, but having these regular events where we all get together and share things we love, I finally feel like I'm a part of a community. I've never found this kind of vibe anywhere else. The anons who attend the movie room are truly special women. All of you are so kind, fun to talk to, and have amazing taste in music and film. My confidence has improved, my mood has improved, and honestly as dramatic as it sounds, it's kept me alive. These last couple years have been the hardest of my life, but dedicating time I have to organizing this stuff helps me get out of bed. I've made friends through LC that I talk to every single day, I've gained penpals, I have a place I can come to for advice and support or even a little kick in the pants if I'm being particularly retarded that day. I can't put into words just how much you anons mean to me, just know that I love you and I love LOLCOR.

No. 1203963

I think /ot/ and /g/ are a good continuation of how /cgl/ used to be, without the extreme nitpicking.

No. 1203967

I love you too girlie!

No. 1203973

I feel like /cgl/ nowadays is just full of men

No. 1203981

around a year and a half ago nonnies in /g/ told me i was a bitch for complaining about something very minor my ex scrote did that i whined about in relationship advice, and it made me realize i actually just hated him because he was a unhygenic misogynist and dumped him.

lolcow is also a home where i feel free to talk abt cows without gross misogynistic commentary you get on KF and just a good resource to ask other women about things in a troon-free space

No. 1204013

This website makes me feel even more alienated than before. It’s refreshing seeing other women have the same lives and perspectives but I feel like gen Z newfags who want to transform /ot/ into some gossip hub has ruined this place once and for all. only something like depp vs heard seems like such a PULL/lipstickalley topic, there should be banned topics and i agree all of the international threads should be moved to /int/. i personally feel like this place would be better with more relevant boards to visit, more mods, a present admin that actually loves the website, banning men from entering the discord, fixing /m/ that has been broken for months and addressing technical problems or just an entire rework, something to keep it fresh. it makes me sad to become antagonistic towards online strangers because if i bring up this criticism it’s ignored or i will get banned kek. i really wish 2XX would be promoted more instead of being hidden away because the staff is more scared of trannies and incels shitting up the board with misinformation.

No. 1204177

I have had a really tough time with toxic friends and chasing men that don’t deserve my time recently. But coming here, laughing at stupid shit has genuinely been a highlight of my day. That and, been struggling with my body issues. Realised a lot of that came from my weight, clocked similar weight to Shayna. Decided to get into gym and healthy eating. Finally starting to like myself again. ♥

No. 1211677

I started visiting here when I was underage (yes I was a retard I know) but honestly I'm glad I did. I learned how to be slightly less autistic, seeing how other people viewed me. I was an impressionable teenager but the Luna threads have really taught me the ugly side of addiction more than any school PSA ever could. Also I completely peaked straight out of my woke phase because of the tranny threads. I used to follow the cows a lot but mostly visit /ot/ and /g/ now and I love all of you nonna's, even the absolutely unhinged ones kek. I learned that having any particular body shape or facial feature is nothing to be ashamed of once I started browsing /g/ more and it really did help with my confidence. I used to be very judgemental when I still browsed /snow/ and /pt/ religiously but I stopped a while ago and I'm much more open to people now, also due to the fact that I'm not the only cringey autist in the world kek because it really felt like that before. I'm sad lc is going to shit with all the twitterfags now but I'm glad I was here early (2016?) and grew up with some kind of support network being a friendless teenager who fought with her parents constantly at the time. I've had some hard times and this place has really helped me not feel completely alone.

No. 1211720

I think i have only been here for around 2-3 years but i credit this site for being the place where i have found some really good friends from the friend finder thread, especially after a long stint for being a horribly lonely recluse. I also appreciate that lolcow is one of the only places on the internet where i feel like a lot of my opinions are appreciated and there are a lot of women here who can relate to my experiences.

I feel like this too. It actually makes me feel good when women my age mid 20s+ have the same hobbies as me. A lot of women my age make me feel like children when I am near them since i have a lot of childish interests and don't really give a fuck about mundane normie shit like relationships or families. I really used to think that becoming an adult woman meant that you suddenly became the most stale and lifeless person and it was the main reason why i was scared of aging.

No. 1211758

In lotsa ways, both good and bad.
I already have self image issues and seeing people get nitpick over the smallest things makes me view myself through those goggles, but I realize that I’m not a public figure being talked about and I need to stop internalizing things.
My parents are kinda dumb about a lot of things and didn’t teach me much about simple things so through these sites, I learned a lot of basic simple life skills.
Also just overall how not to act online, or to trolls, and in person like what is considered socially acceptable and when it’s too much.
The nonnies in /OT/ have always been generally kind to me with my questions or always give me a laugh so it’s a nice sense of community, no matter how stupid.

No. 1211921


No. 1212686

The Holly Brown thread made me stop pitying myself so much and start doing shit instead of complaining all the time. I also peaked kek

No. 2066610

I might not have any IRL friends but I feel like I can always depend on nonas online to have an honest conversation with

No. 2079291

My life got worse and I want to kill myself

No. 2080533

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I stopped being an edgy weak handmaid memed into hating other women when I got humbled by greater autism rivaling mine. You earned my respect.

No. 2080545

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outside of being a source of entertainment or a vent dump, the only good thing it’s done is make me care less about other people’s opinions. like after getting into about a million zillion infights i’ve realized that once someone decides they don’t like something, they’ll bend the world into knots to justify that dislike. rarely is there any logic or sense to it. and often, their opinions are hypocritical. so what’s the point of arguing unless you’re (i’m)
>not particularly heated about the topic and are just viewing it as internet tennis
>are needing to work some anger/crazy out from irl and you understand nothing that happens here matters

No. 2239989

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LC has been my home for a few years now. I have received some of the best advice from my vents, TV show/book/movie recommendations, and generally pleasant interactions with other anons. It’s one of the only places I feel like I can talk to other women like me. I love my nonnys even if they tell me I’m a retard, my days are genuinely better having this place in my life and I am happy to be here

No. 2240000

I stopped caping for tims like I did when I was a teenager

No. 2240002

gave me brain damage

No. 2240011

It's really nice to get away from the constant onslaught of wokeslop even though I just swapped it for new brainrot, a reminder that nothing in life is perfect.

No. 2240016

the one life lesson ive learned all these years on lc is to Lurk. Lurk the entire internet. lurk social media, don't give form to every little thought in your head. point and laugh at ithets addicted to it so you don't become like them. you will always have the upper hand irl then.

No. 2240018

kek lc is just more brainrot to me as well but it's better brainrot

No. 2240311

Same here, nona.

No. 2240335

this. lurk and don't post about yourself.

No. 2240337

On lolcow or just in general?

No. 2240345

in general

No. 2240403

Short answer, I peaked

No. 2284890

Now Im addicted to lc and I dont think thats a good thing

No. 2292997

I always lurked but I only started really posting 4-5 years ago and my god I was a complete retard before lolcow anons corrected my path and I'm so sad to see how retarded I was. I'm now trying to be better but I'm so old now I have no excuses. I hope one day I can leave all the retarded shit I did behind, everyday you have to choose to be a better person than yesterday and I hope I never never ever go back to the idiot I was before. I don't think a lot of anons here do forgiveness but I hope at least god or the universe can forgive me.

No. 2293005

Anon nobody remembers you, I've been here for ten years and if you asked me what was going on 4-5 years ago on lolcow I couldn't tell you.

No. 2293052

Thanks nonna but I still feel like an idiot. I hope at least in the future I can be a better person and not be the same retard as before. I have a lot of guilt for not being a better person, all I can say is that a lot of people start like that and then change their lives for the better. I hope I can achieve that.

No. 2293056

Honestly this silly little imageboard has helped me a lot. It peaked me on trans issues and women in porn. I also have pretty bad anger issues and used to sperg and infight a lot all over the internet, but lc made me realize how fucking cringy I was, so I found much better coping mechanisms. I'm an oldfag and haven't spent much time here recently (I'm only online so much right now because I'm unemployed until January), but there's a nice community on here. Thanks for making me realize I don't want to be terminally online anymore, nonas.

No. 2293057

No. 2293330

Think it’s made me just as schizo as the schizos on here. Used to laugh at them and now I am them

No. 2293941

increase in negative judgemental thoughts

No. 2314077

I trust advice from farmers the most tbh. Reminds me of those memes along the lines of "I trust Jack from Reddit 9 years ago over any AI" but it's lolcor

No. 2314112

I have seen beautiful moments of human connection here
But also I had to stop coming here so regularly after it turned me into a very angry and scared person. Whenever I come back to this site after a long time I laugh because some users here are so obsessed with shoehorning their hatred of trans people into literally everything, just go outside, you won't see many of them

Stay away if you can, or use this site in moderation and stay out of the threads like News That's Fucks With You or snow threads that are just nitpicking looks instead of real milk

No. 2314120

I still miss this one anon I met via this discord server she made and posted in a shitty general cow thread. We weren't exactly friends but she believed in some shit we'd probably get called delusional schizos for (but it does exist). Then again if we actually managed to talk again it would be very awkward because reality but damn that was nice.

No. 2314121

>Go outside you won't see many of them
God I wish that were me

No. 2314126

Same i work in stem lol

No. 2314197

>finding happiness
>In lolcow

No. 2316572

I'm tempted to switch to LC for online interaction/my daily dose of social media. It's so nice being an anon. Blissfully unknown and happy. I like dumping a post somewhere namelessly with no attachment and not having anxiety about whether it's read/seen which social media apps tell me. Maybe I'm just a detached edgelord but it feels so… cleansing kek

No. 2316579

I went a couple years without using the site until this week, honestly just know when to step away because imo the zeitgeist of this place really can be pretty draining despite the comfort in anonymous female community.

No. 2317230

I stopped posting all my retarded thoughts online with my name and face attached. I'm still scared my old posts might end up on here, but it's been at least 5 years since I've posted anything retarded and I deleted most of it.

No. 2317488

Honestly completely integrating to LC usage on a daily basis for me feels the ending of Midsommar where her mental illness brings her to the point of insanity and she accepts her new life and home as the cult. I am free, but I am retarded. Or I am retarded, but I am free? The true question. I love this place.

No. 2321210

Maybe I'm batshit nuts, but this site is like the only pinch of normalcy for me at this point. Genuinely my "safe space" or whatever the term is. Of course there's lots of differing opinions and it's not like I agree with everything (a hivemind is also not good) but it just feels… right to me, the general converged opinion. Feeling? Also being anonymous and all that is great.

No. 2339372

LC has peaked and pink/blackpilled me too much that I can't have normie friends too much anymore. That's okay though.

No. 2339379

Reading threads like Things You Hate, Vent, etc. and seeing the million different things people nitpick and seethe over has actually made me watch my own behaviors more closely so in a weird way, lolcow has made me a more considerate person.

Also peaked, but that goes without saying.

No. 2340018

I peaked while browsing the threads on here a few years ago and got introduced to Mag Berns (rip). I suppose that's a good thing because it's something I'd never even dignify before then. I find myself relating to other women a lot more after years of feeling like I don't fit in. The only problem is that sometimes what I read on here makes me so pessimistic.

No. 2340208

I was friends with some girl on facebook who got cheated on and found lolcow from a mickey moon thread linked. I hate to be cynical but i deeply appreciate how much effort you nonnas put into research and anaylsis into our cows. It was shaking finding out fucking chris chan lives near me but it made me so much more aware of being cautious in every day society, and womens rights as a whole.

No. 2340373

It helped me see men on a more critical side, when I was going through a shitty relationship nonnies in advice thread helped me out to see what was really going on. Keep in mind this was way before around 2017-2018, most advice for women that were going through emotionally abusive relationship with men were "just communicate with him" or "treat him with kiddy gloves he is confused lil baby".

On the less positive side, when I was following all sorts of lolcow (pt and snow were active a lot then) it would amplify my insecurities (nasolabial folds kek), but as years passed I grew out of that. I like how lolcow has also grown to be more pro-woman

No. 2340508

>taught me that men aint shit and I should drop them when they're giving me trouble and stop being the "fixer/mommy" in relationships
>happily single as a result ever since
>been on IBs since I was a child and it's nostalgic
>cow records are genuinely entertaining and fascinating
>I really don't give a fuck what people think about me. I've encountered enough retards on image boards to realize that none of this shit should affect me emotionally
>sometimes I'll get a sliver of positivity somewhere on this site and it makes my day
>sonic always tells me what I want to hear

>nobody will shut up about the transes
>retards abound
>a perfect place for astroturfing shitty propaganda
>lolcow comments reflect in my head when I start to feel self-critical at all
>kek is ruined because you bitches are so annoying about kek
>lel is better but i never see it
>retards slinging out "newfag" and "troon" insults every time they get triggered by someone's comments
I'm still here though lel

No. 2340918

When I first discovered this site I was a handmaiden who believed in good intentions from everyone and thought cows were innocent people being hatetrained. Welp. Men are shit, troons are nasty, and cows are awful people who deserve to be discussed about.
>Pinkpilled, blackpilled
>Feel like I have a clearer mind as a result
>Feel a warm sense of community with anons and pride
>More understanding and empathetic towards a woman's world
>Can be a bit too negative and pessimistic
>Feel like a contrarian who's just being a contrarian for the sake of it despite my opinions being genuine to myself, often have to go crypto irl
>More understanding and empathetic towards a woman's world. It's fucking bleak…
>Lost friends, but this might go in pros honestly since I'm viewing the bright sides.

No. 2341014

I came here after efagz on livejournal ended. I introduced miss Victoria murder on there a long time ago and she became regularly posted. I’m glad she has grown to be such a prized heiffer with endless milk. I barely contribute to her threads but it’s still so funny to watch.

After a while lolcow peaked me and I no longer support troon shit in any capacity. A lot of stuff on here makes me happy to see, because we deserve to have a place to showcase and discuss scrote nonsense and not have them crying and silencing us.

No. 2341289

Lolcow changed my life with this post from the weeb diet thread 8 years ago

Every time I think about skipping meals or something because I cba to cook I remember "she went from ana to ash" and laugh to myself, and then eat something even if I don't cook anything that night.

No. 2341629

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Lolcow killed the last bit of handmaiden left in me. No more second doubts. I don't feel like I'm a helpless victim of "the patriarchy" anymore. Instead I feel genuinely blessed being born a woman. I truly see us as superior. Moids got their physical strength and that's it.

No. 2341667

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What if moids have the capacity to be the superior sex since they aren't required to perform the monotonous "labour" women do, in order for the species to exist but have completely wasted that potential and taken their position for granted anyways?

No. 2343272

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Nonnies, what would you consider your fondest moment/memory on lolcow?
For me it has to be the times a nona would step in to defend my point or better construct a reasoning that I couldnt articulate adequately in my initial post. I try not to reply to the posts so I dont toot my own horn but I appreciate them so much and they make me feel less stupid.
I also enjoy the times I would make a single post and a long discussion would spring from it, I read back on those threads and reminisce on the witty and hilarious anons who kept the discussion alive.

Despite all the shitty infighters and baiters, I think back to the sweet interactions I've had on this site and continue to lurk a little longer.

No. 2343274

Same thing you wrote in your post, as well as general agreements and shared interests. It feels strangely more wholesome on an anon imageboard. It's simultaneously less loving since they're anonymous yet more loving, somehow…
I'll also never forget the anon on a dumbass shit thread who recommended me some good noise cancelling headphones, and this anon who made a discord server on this shitty /w/ thread when I was a bit of a newfag and said server died out in a week but we had some great times.

No. 2343282

I was introduced to LC via the PULL forums in 2017, started as a lurker on the soundcloud/toopoor threads when it was at its peak and then once that died down I moved on to reading other threads that talked about handmaidens and making fun of degenerates/moids and realized I found a corner on the internet where I can freely express myself without have to walk on eggshells.

No. 2343333

the kaitlyn tiffany thread. it filled up too soon but it was so fun to see nonas united in shitposting

No. 2343640

That was one of my favourite experiences here kek

No. 2344171

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checking in on her and she seems to have moved on to more ambitious projects

No. 2344234

Good question. Aside from first discovering this place and immediately going "oh, there are other women who are as hopelessly online as me?", I would say most of the Tunesdays or watch-parties. A chatroom is much more memorable because you get that instant gratification of being replied to, and you're all busy with one thing in the present that unites you. So it feels more personal I guess.
I guess I keep coming back to this place because I often feel like a different species from other women sometimes, and this is the only place where women don't need to perform anything to anyone. Even if anons happen to be lurking men or troons, no one caters to them, it's truly our territory. Tumblr is close to an online female-only space, but that one has the obvious problem of being too wokescold-y.

No. 2344426

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There’s nothing memorable about this place. I think this place stopped existing as itself right after COVID/shift of administration and moderation. I think they’re making subtle changes where laughing at others is no longer acceptable on certain boards and even on the ones where it still is, people are quickly met with immediate redtexts and helicopter modding. I have a rare opinion that saging really doesn’t make a difference at all especially since the hide thread option exists but whatever. I think it’s place I come to when I’m extremely bored and want to talk about something because I don’t have much social media anymore. I don’t think it’s too memorable but what I am hugely grateful for is finding a tarot anon to email until she deleted her email. I feel bad because I am a poor faggot and couldn’t pay her back and I’m 100% sure she faked turning Christian so she wouldn’t have to be rude on why she didn’t want to do it anymore but I’ve been seeing weird Christian flavored posts lately from various posters so maybe transitioning to different faiths is becoming popular. I still appreciate her, she was fairly skilled. Otherwise I’ve been a shitstirrer and a normal poster, there are no singular kinds of posters. I’m pretty sure an anon who was trying to talk shit was also the same one complimenting me in another thread, nothing about this place is something to take seriously. I guess it can get a bit much with the negativity especially when you want to go online and distract yourself from a bad day or just a bad time in your life but whatever, it might be too overwhelming for people who’ve never been on certain places on the internet especially forums but I’m super used to online craziness. Most of my time here is either infighting or being ignored for making normal posts KEK, the only thing I really sort of regret is posting my art here (no I’m not that hilarious goatfag from /m/ it was from a few years back), I don’t really draw anymore unfortunately.

No. 2344460

No, you're right. Anons have super vigilant sage etiquette where even though a post is relevant to the thread, they'll still sage it for some reason. I still want to see what threads people are talking in, feels like obstructing the natural floe if this website.
It probably comes from the redtext-happy mods being so insane with their shit. I don't think it used to be this severe even 6 months ago.

No. 2344792

Got into my latest obsession thanks to the good taste of anons here. So now I will only share it here, where I belong.

No. 2344801

It made me feel more retarded than usual and almost consider getting autism tested because I don't understand most of the things anons get upset over, 80% of the moid accusations make no sense and every child actress/child of celebrities that gets called ugly just looks normal?

No. 2407536

I like the environment here because I am very argumentative and shitpost-y and vulgar. I restrain that aspect of myself IRL and even in places like Reddit. There's one female dominated subreddit that no tranny touches but god, the way women act in that sub is just so… walking on eggshells, and I feel that way about a lot of female spaces. Even so I always hated scrote shit and their misogyny, I knew about 4chan but avoided it like the plague for that reason. So I'm glad that I finally found a place that mixes what I like about female dominated spaces and male dominated spaces

No. 2407540

I also like calling people retards. It's like a filler word and my truest form of argumentative rhetoric, and also, I am impatient and impulsive and I need to release this on someone. So glad I don't get banned or deleted for it

No. 2407546

lc is eventually how you talk to your friends when you spend every day together. Reddit is how you talk to new/work friends

No. 2407569

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>the way women act in that sub is just so… walking on eggshells, and I feel that way about a lot of female spaces
I was only semi-active in female dominated subreddits and I know what you mean. Snark subreddits specifically were unusable as people attempted to justify their criticism as coming from some morally superior position so it wasn’t actually gossiping or bullying. Like how redditors claimed they followed amberlynn because she was a harmful, toxic woman who lied and not because she was fat. I don’t care about being a better person I just want to make fun of people, let me be a bad person in peace dear god.

No. 2407691

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I no longer feel guilty for identifying as transphobic thanks to LC. Anything with "-phobic" in it felt like a no-no word, but what else could I use to describe the uneasiness I got every time I went to the bookstore and saw an obvious AGP with greasy hair wearing a tacky pleated miniskirt? Something didn't feel right, even as a former handmaiden.

No. 2407719

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It's nice to know that there is a place for women with worldviews similar to mine.

No. 2410557

I belong here permanently. Too bad I have to redownload other social media to keep in contact with events irl. I just want to get rid of everything and sit here on the farms

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