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No. 60125
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My weeb phase was strictly restricted to anime and manga, I thought cosplaying and vocaloid were really dumb and still do. Asian culture wasn't fascinating to me seeing I'm already Chinese myself.
I guess my phase started around 5th grade, which was somewhere around 2005. CCS got me into all the weeb shit, from then on it was a couple of friends during middle school. By 15 I was autistically building up my MAL list and believed in something skin to the 3 episode rule. Gotta watch every single shitty show every season, even if I didn't like it at all.
Wasted away so much of my youth. I also attempted to convince my mom to watch some of the anime I watched, thinking they were actually mature. I want to smack my face just remembering that.
No. 60146
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Used to be obsessed with Vampire Knight in 7th grade;
>I was a cringy ~~~~**emo vampire**~~~~ weeb because of this anime.
>forced my friends to watch the anime …they liked it and they all became cringy weebs
>We were into yaoi because of Zero x Kaname; we loudly talked about gay sex during classes + making ugly drawings of it.
That was a dark time.
No. 60147
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I'm pretty sure I've been a weaboo as far as I can remember. According to my mother I used to watch Sailor Moon and DBZ on TV but I was so young then that I don't remember it. Once I started primary school I played Pokemon Blue as much as I could because it was fun and it made me learn how to read. I was also obsessed with some CLAMP manga in the public library, Card Captor Sakura and Detective School (my first husbando was the boy with blue hair) I think. The first manga I started buy regularly was Fruits Basket, when I was in middle school, it was fun and even though I'm too lazy to read it again, this series will always have a special place in my heart. I don't even care if it seems cheesy when said like that.
I watched a lot of anime on TV actually. Even now I'm not used to watching or reading anything online. It taught me how to be picky when being interested in new anime or manga.
Back then I didn't have any friend that shared my hobbies but now that I'm in college, I can sperg about whatever series I want with my friends, it's really fun. I think I actually really started being too weeny as soon as I started using the internet to lurk on forums and post on some Naruto websites with mini-games.
I used to say and think a lot of stupid shit because I was a cringe-worthy weeb (not only because of that, maybe) but I don't regret it, I just can't bring myself to care about what others think about me. All the good memories compensate, anyway. The only things I actually kind of regret is that I bought too many manga back then when they were cheap and I don't know where I can sell them because they take a lot of space in my place and I've never been too attached to some of these series.
No. 60154
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enjoyed pokemanz and dbz as a kid but never really made the connection 'zomg japan'
someone gives me sailor moon VSH for a present and i get my 4th grade teacher to start calling me serena/sailor moon (i dont remember asking to be called that. maybe i wrote it on my notebook or something idek)
started getting into jfashion which was really just me googling pictures of decora and manba gyaru. i think i tried dressing like that once before my mom was like wtf and i stopped, in shame.
i dont think i ever went full weeb after that, because my small town only had a few greasy weebs and knew i was not like them nor ever wanted to be. i did own 1 naruto shirt. wanted the headband so bad but just.. no. turned to scene kid instead.
No. 60155
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also i'd like to add, around age 15 my bf at the time was totally into shurikens (those ninja throwing star things) and had a hefty collection katanas. he was not greasy/fat/neckbeard or anything and claimed to hate naruto/anime so this was kind of surprising.
No. 60173
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I'm actually sort of proud I wasn't too weeby when I was younger. I remember I first found anime/japan culture when I wanted to rewatch Sailor Moon on the internet. From there my 12-13 year old self watched some various other animes and loved looking at decora pictures. I'd poorly draw anime characters but I'm thankful I never got into Naruto or Bleach, or anything of a similar caliber.
I fell out of my weebness probably by the age of 14 and didn't really like watching anime that much for awhile.
I sort of got back into anime/j-fash and I'm probably the most weeby ive ever been in my life… Once you catch the weeb fever its lethal
No. 60194
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Ah, this type of thread makes me nostalgic.
>Discovered anime at age 6 through Hamtaro
>Immediately enamoured & obsessed
>I collected about 100 hamtaro figurines and I would bring a different one to school each day
>Used "Ham-chat" in ordinary conversation (such as yelling HEKE?! trying to be kawaii and confused)
>My favorites later in elementary school were moe slice of lifes like Lucky Star, Ichigo Mashimaro and Azumanga Daioh. I watched all the episodes on youtube
>Didn't realize that the intended audience was older male perverts who like to watch younger girls
>At age 10 my role model was Matsuoka Miu because i thought she was so RANDOM XDD ~*~*~
>Continued to act in this cringey weeb fashion for several years
>Obviously was socially ostracized for being a cringey and annoying weirdo
>My loneliness only pushed me deeper into weeaboo hell
>Now an adult with actual friends and social skills
>Even though my life now is better on paper I yearn for my younger days when I was much happier for some reason
>Still occasionally watch anime but it's all shit to me now
>Desperately sampling different anime trying to awaken the youthful joy that I once possessed
tl;dr anime ruined my life and i'm a shell of my former self
No. 60210
I think I grew up watching anime, because I remember watching YuGiOh, Pokémon, DBZ, Tokyo Mew Mew and all that good stuff. I just didn't realize what anime was until they started showing Naruto on toonami when I was in forth or fifth grade. After that, I got a Gaia online account and role played as Hinata. In middle school no one ever wanted to be my friend anyway, so I just stayed home and watched anime/played elsworld and other weebish games/ducked around on gaia.
When I was in the 8th or 9th grade I met my first anime friend. She was the smartest girl in class, and she told me about you (and how much she hated it lel). I pretended I knew what yaour and yuri where, and said I hated it too.
I then stumbled upon my first you fanfic, and got hooked. Anyway, in 10th grade I met some weeb friends that I still have, (one of them to this day wears the Naruto headband I remember him showing to us in the 10th grade, he's a college junior now.). I remember us hanging out in my schools TV production room talking about anime and exchangING mangoos. We also did the picky challenge in out schools court yard, where a super senior called me jailbait and kissed me on the lips. (cringing as I type this stuff). We also may have made a bunch of shitty live action street fighter videos, and I may have worn really tacky red clip ons and fingerless gloves.
Most of the guys (all of the guys) I've ever dated have been weebs, one of them even used to compete in YuGiOh torments. But last time we spoke I think he stopped because of lack of time.
I'd like to say I grew out of the cringiest parts of my weebdom, but I'm trying to save money and get a good group of friends to go to some cons with me, and I still love vocaloid shit, so you know… it never ends.
No. 60211
Ffs me
No. 60220
To be honest my teenaged "cynical edgy alternative rocker" phase was a lot more cringeworthy and shameful than my pre-teen weeb phase. I used to be a huge fucking weeb but not one of those obnoxious loud yaoi-loving ones. But I did talk about anime and the Japanese language ALL the time and wrote my name in katakana at school, used random Japanese words, plastered everything with printed anime artwork, used weebish emoticons, drew nothing but same-faced pretty magical girls etc. I don't regret it really and looking back at it it was pretty cute as I was around 10-14 years old. At 26 I'm still a weeb but a low-key and self-ironic one.
>>60217Seconding this. I hate being a soulless adult.
No. 60261
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>>60194>>60217>>60222I relate to all of you so much.
>Sailor Moon was my childhood idol, constantly imagine myself as a Sailor Scout>Watch Digimon, desperatly wish I could get into the Digimon world as well>play Sailor Moon all day everyday, draw her anywhere, etc>didn't even know it was called "anime" back then
>fast forward to 13, friend introduces me to anime>read manga religiously, watch shit tons of anime>usually things I considered "edgy" such as Death Note, Higurashi, Elfen Lied etc>also read all the Shojo crap, wish I could live the life of my kawaii manga heroines>get introduced to yaoi, read all the mangas fanfictions, obsessed with OTPs, etc>I can draw decently for my age, get admired by weeb friends>convinced I'll be a mangaka someday >draw animu all day everyday>be a terribly awkward cringy teen, but all my weeb friends are the same so it's fineI miss those times. I had the very best friends in the world, everyone accepted me and my weird hobbies without question, and I was a lot more creative.
I stopped animu and drawin completly around the age of 17, tried to be a normie, and y friends lost either contacts with me or lost their interest in anime.
Today, I am slowly trying to get back into anime. I used to be into SnK shipping because shit taste, but I can feel myself falling out of the fandom again. I don't have a real fandom right now and I'm missing it so much. Also I have no weeb friends with which to talk, draw and go to cons together, which makes me pretty sad as well. I mostly regret that I abandoned art. Even if it was shitty animu it made me feel so much better.
>A-at least now I can afford overpriced merchandise mom refused to buy me as a child/teen No. 60290
>>60194I feel ya anon, when k-on came out I had stopped watching anime for a few years but I was so enamored with this adorable and decently animated little show without graphic service and a cute friendship based plot. So disappointed when I discovered it was created for perverted dudes. I still like it though.
Nowadays I can't watch any but I got hooked on yaoi so I just fap to the pics. Though I feel kinda bad fapping to Free when i found out it was a high school and stuff so I stick mostly to Western Fandom now.
Once in a while I find a gem though. Michiko to Hatchin was amazing to me (and naturally it flopped, as good shows usually do.)
No. 60350
>>60261I don't really have a fandom that I belong to either… the best kind of fandoms are the ones that you fall into, where you don't really have to try to like it.
Wish I did like anime though… it doesn't really hold my interest enough though. I used to watch Sailor Moon when I was little though. But now the faces of the anime characters aren't expressive enough for me and I find the storylines repetitive. Would love some recs though.
No. 60467
>>60261Yeah I feel bad for abandoning drawing too at around 18, I used to be so good at it and I improved at a very fast pace and I was always trying something new albeit I drew only animus. It was a great outlet and I feel like I knew how to express myself a lot better back then.
I also used to dream about being a sailor senshi and dwelled in my fantasy world all the time. I still do that though, it's the sole thing that keeps me sane while trying to be a functional normie in the adults' world.
No. 60473
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>watched almost 1000 anime to this day
>can't stop being a filthy fucking weeb
25 and still enjoy watching cute SoL anime.
No. 60490
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>>60487SoL anime is just so comfy.
No. 60499
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>>60496The libcucks would be terrified if they knew our true agenda.
No. 60510
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>>60499Well don't wanna genocide people exactly, just wanna make anime real.
No. 60512
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>>60510If you want to get married to a cute tomboy idol / see a cute tomboy idol get married to another cute idol / be a cute tomboy idol, then you have to set aside your moral concerns until the cleansing is complete.
No. 60525
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>>60512Well, I would want a cute tomboy but killing is wrong anon.
No. 60539
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>>60525We will all have to choose between anime and pacifism when the day comes. Do you want to be the MC or just a clumsy background scribble?
No. 60756
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>>60539Violence is a bad thing anon, calm down.
No. 60767
>>60512I'll admit this shit. After visiting Japan when I was 16 I became a fanatic, especially hello kitty. To the point that when I moved into my first apartment my room was hello kitty hell. Bed sheets and blankets, matching curtains. Clocks, telephones, all kinds of annoying shit. The best being my hello kitty toilet paper dispenser which played "it's a small world" and lit up as you pulled on the tissue. Bath tub stickers, shower head that lit up, it was a horror show. The best part is when I decoupaged my bookcase with pieces of stationary.
My friend that I went to Japan with in high school was a total weeb. She already knew the culture and had friends there (her dad was stationed in Okinawa) so I got a taste of life there. Then the weeb took over. We'd write each other notes in the lightly bit of nihongo we knew, written in Japanese paper journals. We'd get fashion magazines all the time, and order stuff like snacks from a site that I can't remember, wonder if it's still around. I still have some Hello Kitty stationary. Who doesn't love a whimsical note now and then?
No. 60830
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>Started off with the old Sailor Moon like many weebs of my generation. Thought of Tuxedo Mask on the daily. My first husbando
>Then came Pokemon, and that blew up over night. Yugioh followed shortly after
>In comes Naruto. I even bought one of those stupid Naruto headbands that they sold at hot topic. Got into Jrock/Visual Kei. Loved Mana and Gackt.
>2006, my Yaoi phase begins. Gravitation, Loveless, ect. Also had a rekindled love for yugioh at the time. Became a sonic fan and was one of those stupid OC maker idiots. Got into a lot of drama there. Dark times
>2009-2010 I became a Hetaliafag. Pretty sure my mental age regressed by 4 years during the era.
>Present day: These days I dont care much for anime. Mostly into vidya and a few fandoms for some games.
I was always a closet weeb who hid my powerlevel in real life. Don't have many embarrassing stories, if any at all.
No. 61058
i had a really fucked anime phase that eventually turned into emo/scene and then back into anime. here goes.
it all started when i was like maybe 8/9 and my older sister who was maybe 16 at the time let me stay up late and watch inuyasha with her. when i was around 11 i discovered jhonen vasquez's work, namely invader zim and later jthm which i'm still a bit of a fan of today because i love shitty humor.
invader zim introduced me to amv's with nightcore music which got me into nightcore and then vocaloid. i heard my first miku song in around early 2009. i didnt know anything about vocaloid then or even anime, really. i just liked the music.
fastforeward to when i was 12-13 and i met a friend that i'm still chill with today who introduced me to hetalia and then shit just went downhill from there. we got a group of maybe 5 people to be gross hetalia fags and we went hardcore and like gave eachother country nicknames and all the other bullshit.
when i was in like eighth grade literally i was the kid who wore cat ears to school. i actually made cat ears, wore them to school, wrote shitty japanese in my textbooks, wore rainbow hair extensions and dyed my natural hair a gross pink, got into blood on the dancefloor, etc. unfortunately i never got to go to hot topic until near the end of highschool because i live in south ontario where there's like one hot topic and it's four hours away, but we did have spencer's and hmv which is where i got all my emo shit.
freshman or sophomore year of highschool i got so painfully into any kind of anime ever i had literally no standards i'd fucking watch anything and i hate myself for it. loveless, sailor moon, the hetalia seasons as they came out, extremely hardcore into soul eater, rewatching inuyasha, neon genesis evangelion, ouran highschool host club, highschool of the dead, fairy tale, etc. i've never watched a single episode of one piece or naruto and i'm glad about that because their fanbases are gross and i like to distance from that.
i had a really small yuri phase but it lasted maybe a month until i got grossed out and went to yaoi. i wish i could say i had a yaoi phase but i guess it was more of just a hentai phase because i'm a massive fucking faggot anyways so the allure of "holy fuck its gay" was more "yeah this is what im attracted to irl" and it wasnt really any more special than a 15 year old discovering sasha gray for the first time. still loved it tho.
eventually i got back into vocaloid hardcore to a point of like roleplaying with two friends. one of them is now an edgelord tumblrfag now who is a lolcow himself and goes by like 700 different names- havent talked to him since 2015 tho, he was so cringe -and one of them was a decent enough person besides being a weaboo and later becoming abusive. we started dating because of our shared love for vocaloid that eventually developed into a love for eachother and we were basically those two gross emo faggots who were also weaboos it was a fuckin wild ride and it makes me cringe thinking of it.
2012-2013 enters my tumblr weaboo phase where i played the dangan ronpa game and watched the anime, got into snk, free!, madoka magica, more fucking black butler, more soul eater, a two month long love for sword art online that has since become a dull hatred, lucky star, another, the super sonico anime, dramatical murder tho i didnt watch the anime because im too gay for that, noragami, kagerou project, and the ACTUAL MOST ANNOYING KAWAII AESTHETIC PHASE EVER OH MY GODDDDDDDD.
in like 2014-2015 i didnt really watch too many new animes but i got really into fire emblem awakening and i'm still a massive faggot over it.
and now that its 2016 and i'm in university i havent watched any animes other than jojo's bizarre adventure and i love it more than an autistic child loves trains. i've been told to watch many animes like owari no seraph or green green by a friend who loves old shitty animes but my answer to all of the requests has been "wait until i finish jojo" because i'm actual fucking jojo garbage and i'm autistic as fuck over it.
there's so much more that i havent gone into but i dont want to write a bigger wall than i already have so i guess i'll stop here.