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No. 603947
>>603934Fuck, two errors. He was fired from Facebook but calls himself the ex google techlead
Anyways, a few months old, but here’s the video about the doxxing
No. 603995
In typical scrote style, he made it all about money while ignoring his wife’s actual needs, and then judged her for taking her child with her out every day away from his parents while almost certainly not doing anything to be a father anyway. I’m trying to find the video where he said that his child is a burden. In the first video he focused on money, and even a bunch of his male audience were criticizing him in the comments. He said he wouldn’t describe the situation in depth to be respectful, but then went on to make another monetized video and again… make it all about the money.
>>603933It’s insane how many retards he has in the comments of his satire videos who take him seriously and don’t realize when he’s joking
No. 604488
>>603933I especially loved the video where he explained why his wife left him. He mentioned how he always just used his money for everything, so it came off as a humbebrag with "I'm such a great catch that she gave up on lol" undertones. But at face value it really did come off as an incel thinking money will solve all his problems.
Wife still complaining about issues left unresolved because you keep sweeping them under the rug with bribes??? GIVE HER MORE MONEY!
No. 604499
>>604488Techlead is rich but still an engineer with no emotional intelligence. It's a wonder he was married in the first place.
>>604493Either half and half or totally genuine. I know plenty of guys with attitudes like his. Love it when guys like him act as if they're special for being a software engineer, as if like 80% of the bay aren't software engineers.
No. 604969
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Oh boy, I wish this thread was here when the retarded ass Contributor Covenant drama was going down. The open source community is filled with insane people but this is one of my favourites.
Contributor Covenant
>A "code of conduct" i.e. set of rules for open source projects on how their community should be run and get rid of discrimination that is available for any project to adopt>Quote from the CoC: "We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.">Okay sounds good, how did they fuck it up>Well, as you would imagine, when a contributor to the project is found using language that someone finds offensive based on the listing above their access to the project can and should be removed, even when they have behaved well when interacting with the community and restrained from using problematic language. You tweet something possibly completely innocuous on your personal twitter account but end up hurting a snowflake's feelings - poof you're gone.>Can you already guess what group abuses this to death? Hint: it begins with a TNow the Contributor Covenant was created by an individual called Coraline Ada Ehmke (@CoralineAda on Twitter):
>A strong, independent wommyn in tech making the community more inclusive>Just kidding, it's a tranny nutcase in his late 40's/early 50's with major mental health issues and constant public meltdowns and suicide bait on Twitter and riding the troon fame to make a living because he's a lousy, unskilled programmer who benefited from being a male dudebro called Corey Dale Ehmke in a male-dominated field for years before succumbing to his fetish in his early 40's>So he's basically injecting his trojan horse of a rulebook into communities just so he gets to drive anyone out whenever he feels like>Worked for Github but got booted out for this bullshit he was pulling (poor contribution quality and taking time off work for "mental health issues"), then refuses to get a job that isn't exclusively remote because he's "averse to offices">Has a BDSM fetish (duh), is in a poly relationship with another MTF tranny and a cis man who's a sexual deviant. His "transbian gf" is a young gay man who he groomed into trooning out >Smokes weed all day to "help his anxiety">An important part about his character: Because he's such a shitty developer only experienced in a niche language (Ruby) and refuses to improve his skills he's bitching about how m-muh meritocracy is just "thinly veiled misogyny and white supremacy propping up fragile cis het white men's egos" [sic]. bitch you got your job by pulling your brotherhood strings despite being technically incompetent shut the fuck up>He makes tons of pointless microcommits to his github repositories (like moving a file's location) to look like he's an active programmer on his Github commit historySome of the drama relating to the Code of Conduct:
>How he does it:>In 2015 Coraline Ada suddenly popped up in the repository of an open source project called Opal accusing one of the contributors of having written transphobic statements on Twitter and demanding him to be removed because t-t-trans people don't feel safe with him around and him to donate to a "transgender charity of my choice". Original github discussion:>In 2017 Coraline Ada tweeted how a reporter should've been punched because he allowed Richard Spencer to appear on screen, people opened up an issue to have him removed from the CoC project due to encouraging violence but he immediately dismissed it claiming he did nothing wrong>He tried to make the Ruby language project adopt it too but ultimately failed due to diligent contributors realizing what it was about>The daughter of the creator of Linux, Linus Torwalds, signed the "Post-Meritocracy Manifesto" written by Coraline Ada which is basically him bitching about not being handed stuff without working for it: which caused an uproar in the Linux developer community>In 2019-2020 he's been busy tracking down all open source projects that are used by the ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and demanding them to refuse service because the dumb fuck doesn't realize that open source projects don't really have any control over who uses them, that's why they're open source>Additional drama: pic related, it's his meltdown from 2018 attacking the community of Ruby, the very language he usesHis twitter is a fucking shitshow, I recommend checking it out. He's currently suffering of side effects of estrogen because nobody told trannies that popping almost a decade worth of synthetic hormones does a good deal of damage on your body.
No. 605056
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Are you guys following the Nat Alison vs. Gatsby drama on twitter?
No. 605062
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>>605056Remaining of the first thread.
Basically it seems like Gatsby is very badly run, a lot of the projects they hire contractors for are dropped, the documentation is done mostly to optimize SEO, and the turnover is huge, now a bunch of people on tech twitter are bashing them. Reddit doesn't care at all though and think Nat is just attention seeking.
No. 605081
>>605056>>605062Hadn't seen this before but reading the rant I gotta be honest - Nat really sounds like he's one of those whiny, entitled contractors who get butthurt as the company didn't hail them as the sole savior of the project and a genius contributor and is now being melodramatic about it. I'm not saying Gatsby didn't have its incompetent moments, but he's blowing it out of proportion in my opinion. It's just a company kinda fumbling around and him screeching about petty annoyances. I've worked with people like this and they're insufferable with their
victim complex.
Additionally the "this evil white woman was so mean!!!!" part and how many times he kept coming back to it kinda spoke for itself.
No. 605105
>>605056>>605062>>605081Samefagging because I reread it with more thought.
I'm not too hands-on familiar with Gatsby but I know it's been gaining traction lately, surely it wouldn't require him to spend 30 minutes building the site again and again to make each change. That makes no sense and honestly it sounds like he's doing something wrong himself or he's simply exaggerating. I have an extremely hard time believing the Gatsby devs would want to deal with that if someone who just came in would fix it and reduce the amount it took to build into 30 seconds just after two weeks. Something stinks with this statement, as does the fact that he keeps claiming that everyone else is an incompetent buffoon but him (and of course he "received nothing but praise" from everyone) which is already a big red flag for this story.
>"I started overworking, becoming way too invested in the gatsby website and ecosystem for a contractor, getting a sense of ownership over it, making improvements not-strictly-related to the translation project."And here he just outs himself as sticking his nose into issues that weren't included in his scope. This is something you don't want to do. It creates unnecessary friction between you and the other developers because you're belittling their work instead of focusing on what you were hired to do there. I get it that he's hired there to do ~consultation~ but him overcomplicating what he came there to do and filling his plate up with things he wasn't supposed to be in charge of tells me more about him than the company.
And just when I started thinking "did I misunderstand or why would he have to build a separate site for each translation, why isn't he using template strings and external localization files?" the story just falls apart and he starts having a spergout about muh diversity and being excluded from company channels
triggering his PTSD (lmfao). Literally like 3/4 of it is just him crying about evil white straight cis ppl oppressing him by trying to be allies,
especially this EVIL white cis karen !!! that he keeps mentioning multiple times.
He also keeps shaming Gatsby for wanting to create a profit. It's a company for the love of god, of course they want to maximize their visibility with SEO and paid plans. It's a common practice. It's not "unethical". It's the equivalent of plastering your flyers outside to create more visibility. Most of the stuff he's complaining about is pretty standard anyway, usually externals aren't included in the company as well as he was in the beginning either. It's no surprise they decided to exclude him from internal channels to keep him from spying on business strategies and how the inner workings are run.
All in all he sounds like a fucking menace to work with, the company seemed to treat him quite fairly but he kept fucking up and causing drama to push their buttons. I went to look at his twitter account for more information regarding the case and holy shit this freaky troon is going on tinfoil tirades about how React is the capitalist corporations' framework from hell and vapid idpol issues. The people appalled by this seem to have had a knee-jerk reaction to the "discrimination" part of the callout just like he intended them to, and shared the story simply based on the "horrifying" treatment he received by having to listen to a diversity speech a WHITE WOMAN!!!!! gave. I seriously hope nobody will hire him after this just to save the poor developers' nerves that have to deal with his delusions of grandiosity and the tendency to burn bridges.
No. 605114
>>605056I’m going to be real, I don’t give a fuck about this. I mean, it’s cool if you want to warn people of a company that’s bad to work for, but maybe I just have a bias against dumb contractors who allow themselves to be exploited by companies instead of making the industry better by just not.
In fact, the thing that shocked me the most about this thread was Nat saying
>with React contracts, I interacted with my clients through twitterSounds retarded as hell
>>605105Nope, agree. I noticed a lot of these things as well
No. 605156
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Got really tired and annoyed of him with each video after his first one and finally unsubbed especially after Techlead's little "diversity hire" video bit. I figured his stuff was just "shock-value, dramatization" jokes where he personifies ridiculous extensions of certain industry tropes but this guy is just making jabs at stuff he doesn't really understand for the sake of views and clicks and basically just goes to /r/ProgrammerHumor/ and makes a video out of the top post of the month.
He's drunk on his fortunes.
No. 605169
>>605114>with React contracts, I interacted with my clients through twitterHoly shit yeah, that alone screams how unprofessional he is. Considering how nutty his Twitter behavior is I have a hard time believing any reputable companies would look at his feed and think "this is the guy we want to work with". Diving deeper into his history he seems to be addicted to causing drama because he's been hellbent on bitching about being
triggered by the amount of white cis men at React conferences like it was the biggest scoop of the year. Top that off with basic troon shit like openly talking about getting fetish lingerie and shit and you have a cow. He also seems to have a high resentment towards women because he loves to act like they're somehow overrepresented in tech and acts extremely hostile towards them, and only accepts diversity in the form of "trans/nonbinary people of color" i.e. himself.
No. 605623
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This guy.
No. 605892
>>605623Another colleague type that I hate - brogrammers who think they're special snowflakes when they work out and can't shut the fuck about working out and their ~healthy life style~. Every lunch discussion turns into them going through their workout routine and diet and I couldn't care less. I get it, you're not a stereotypical programmer who douses themselves in doritos and mountain dew, you're not that unique. They always have this exact fuckboy haircut and beard too.
Also god his twitter is the cringiest motherfucking stuff I've seen in a while. Recycled r/programmerhumor jokes and JUST DO IT-gymrat content or a horrifying mash up of them both. This seriously feels like an AI-generated account just to annoy me personally.
No. 612209
>>605623After all these hours of workout he still looks insecure as fuck, how is that even possible
No. 1776462
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Posting now before she takes down everything, look up Annie Altman. She is a cow in her own right, I'll have to dip back into her back catalog but she accused her brother Sam Altman (creator of OpenAI aka ChatGPT) of sexual assault when she was a child. Now Sam is fired from OpenAI but no one really knows why (probably because he's a pathological liar IMO).
Incredible tiktok of some of her "work" - I dare anyone to listen through the whole thing, this is pure uncut full millennial BuzzFeed lib girlboss cringe. Singing about resource distribution over Lizzo' Truth Hurts No. 1776465
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>>1776462All her online writing and YouTube videos are painful to see, she's a Gawker/Jezebel-pilled internet nobody who wants to go viral. And her brother is a big tech power player in AI.
No. 1776469
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Her accusations, Sam Altman also hangs out with Elon and Grimes and is gay (has a long term male partner).
No. 1796502
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>>1796432I remember when he was engaged to Taryn Southern and they had some agreement where he would provide her with "lifelong financial support", and then he broke up with her when she was diagnosed with breast cancer because she had "become a net negative". He also made her give him a list of every sexual partner she had and all of the sex acts she's done, while he went out and had fucked prostitutes that he found on sugardaddy websites. Kek
No. 1807240
>>1807206I wonder if that bubonic faglord knows that having more than 10 lifetime sexual partners increases a man's risk of cancer by 70%. Also predicts accelerated aging. Many theories as to why, most of them way above his reading level I'm sure.
Life history, bucko. The #1 predictor of life expectancy.
No. 1807887
>>1807737I also love how he chose diffuse, dim lighting for this video to make his face look less harsh and aged than it usually is - almost going for uwu boyish in the thumbnail.
>>1807746His regimen could be a separate cow entirely. His doctors are clowning him hardcore. Without going into too much detail, his interventions literally cancel each other out - the retard is eating growth cycle suspending shit like rapamycin and then tops it off with growth promoting stuff like roids, among other things. This is because like every walled moid, he can't let go of the notion of anabolic peak, or likely doesn't understand that you can't be virile and also long living. Those things are inherently mutually exclusive in humans.
Any biofag here knows what antagonistic pleiotropy is and could probably explain better.
No. 1808024
>>1807737Cowness aside, I think longevity research is fascinating. I wouldn't wanna live forever, but maintaining physical and mental function for as long as possible into old age surely must be everyone's dream. I kinda have to commend his dedication, though it's obvious he's also selling a product.
He's on botox right? His features and mannerism reminds me so much of Data from Star Trek TNG, very uncanny vibe
No. 1808041
>>1808024He's on a variety of extremely retarded things aesthetics wise, most of them (as usual) literally cancelling each other out (see: tretinoin/monthly laser AND adipose matrix injections, topped off by collagen destroying topical finasteride/minox). That's part of the reason why he looks older by the day. Also kek at the fact that he looks exactly like Mitt Romney in this pic where he's liplessly soyfacing at vegetables.
Longevity research is indeed fascinating, and anyone familiar with it sees how useless his regimen is. What's unfortunate is that we won't even be able to get any meaningful null results from his self experiment, because he takes EVERYTHING at once.
No. 1808085
>>1808024he's probably on botox yeah
>>1808041Pairing tretinoin with topical minoxidil seems to be a fairly common regimen. I don't see how the minox could cancel out the tretinoin (tret is one of those things where it is really obvious that it is making a difference and really obvious when you stop so you'd notice if it was rendered ineffective). But the monthly laser is a waste since it means he has to keep stopping and restarting his tretinoin and the adipose matrix injections would require healing where you aren't bombarding your skin with anything that could interfere with it so it's definitely a waste.
He should just get plastic surgery, at least it's better documented and some of the potential surgeries have good results and fast healing times. He's too stubborn to do stuff that actually works like hair transplants or blepharoplasties.
No. 1808197
>>1808085Typically tretinoin is part of the formula because it increases skin permeation, thus increasing the topical delivery of minoxidil. His formula is finasteride+minoxidil, tretinoin goes on the face. However, topical fin and minox don't exactly stay put. They end up on your face one way or another.
Tretinoin promotes collagen formation via fibrosis, whereas minoxidil is antifibrotic. Tretinoin is also a ppar-γ antagonist, so he's kneecapping the potential results of his adipose matrix injections. Lastly, laser, especially spamming it multiple times per year, further damages adipogenesis - similarly to HA filler staying forever, this is actually no longer in the realm of personal anecdotes.
Tl;dr everything he does is like shooting heroin and then immediately hitting some Narcan. There's no rhyme or reason. It's just "slather and inject and eat everything simultaneously".
No. 1808216
>>1808197It’s mental illness. I think he knows but doesn’t care. In theory I think some of what he’s doing could be combined to work but not if he’s doing everything all at once or too frequently.
I think a lot of it could be fake though and he will come out with a personal brand of supplements to hawk.
No. 1808269
>>1808216You're onto something because there's no way what he's been doing would add up to 2mil per year. Even his supplements are all shitty ones from Amazon. Rapamycin is dirt shit cheap, so is acarbose. Tretinoin is $2 everywhere that isn't America. Pro laser devices are like what, 4k each tops? Red LED panels cost nothing, medical grade HBOT chamber is under 20k. Etc etc etc. For that price tag, I was expecting him to do shit like cultured autologous BM derived mesenchymal stem cells (and even those are maybe like 50-70k as a BRAND NAME procedure - surely he could find it for less). Then again, judging from what he's confirmed to be doing cosmetically, he's kind of a retard so there's a chance his doctors are actually fleecing him this hard.
You're absolutely right about shilling his product, which is something his equally retarded simps have been malding about lately. They all thought he was selflessly doing this "for humanity" and "to push research", because "he's a billionaire lmao he doesn't need to shill products". That persisted even after he started selling $75 olive oil and dark chocolate. Now that he rolled out a powder form of his Green Giant smoothie (which he previously insisted should ONLY be made of fresh veggies), they're all malding in unison.
No. 1809873
>>1808269ntayrt I do agree that he does a lot of unecessary procedures butI don't doubt that he spends over 2mil per year. The majority of the cost are not in supplements or even the cost of having medical-grade machines + home gym or even the procedures, but the constant monitoring by a full medical team that I suppose are on his payroll. He lives in one of the most, if not the most, expensive areas in the world in terms of healthcare costs and having multiple specialized doctors advising him and conducting research (of which the scientific validity remains to be seen), skilled nurses, regular clinical exams and tests… I honestly don't know much about the medical field but this simply cannot be cheap in california and the more I think about it the less 2 million sounds like.
I would honestly love to see a financial breakdown of his costs and if that 2 million include costs of blueprint as a company/entities he owns related to health or if it's just the costs directly related to his medical expenses.
Maybe his wealth is in stock or somehow tied to his previous companies and so he needs to larp as a new age diet guru oops sorry I meant totally cool and stoic epic tech CEO to cover his medical bills.
Someone tell him gywneth paltrow did it firts please and without burning as much cash on social media promotions because I doubt other wannabe influencers are letting him in on their videos out of the goodness of their hearts.
No. 1809912
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2 posts but I forgot to talk about this, on another note, techbro retards do not undertsand a sliver of nuance and think everything is an equation with a clear answer. Like there are many things that can improve your health sure but you can't code or debug your body/health like techbros think. There simply isn't an "optimal" diet, and if there was one it would be closer to italian nonnas living in sardinia or grandmas in japan in one of the longevity blue zones, with fresh food, VARIETY and blood-related COMMUNITY, and nice occasional treats instead of a sterile shithole in california.
I'm not a medicalfag but the guy that invented the lobotomy won the nobel in his days, too bad there were no podcasts at the time, can you imagine? He would go on Joe Rogan talking about how visionary this new procedure is, especially for women of course.
And techbros would eat it up.
No. 1811064
>>1809912Ever wonder why actual gerontologists don't come out screaming that AGING IS SOLVED because of X intervention? It's because, for one, nobody actually knows what causes aging, and there are regular shitfights over this in academia. That one bearded "celebrity" longevity scientist (can't remember his name fr) is a ROS/accumulated damage retard, so is scammer David Sinclair. Some ancientfags like Leonard Hayflick himself are straight up blackpilled and stand entirely by programmed aging (actually, Leonard believes it's so programmed that nothing can reverse it safe for physics-based time warping solutions kek). Hypefags mald about programmed aging all the time, periodically flinging some retard tier on vitro "age reversal" papers according to one of the 42069 proposed "biological clocks" (there is zero standardization there too).
Then there are severely unpopular, actually credible theorists who don't have BPD/walled moid panic and thus agree that aging is both programmed and acquired. They also remember the boring school stuff, like how the maximum lifespan of an animal is strongly predicted by its extrinsic mortality (prey animals being good examples), followed by mode of reproduction and ecological niche - it's almost as if evolution is a thing or something. The extremely unpopular ones continue to remind everyone that there's such a thing as reproduction/longevity tradeoffs, causing much REEEEing from the Bryan type old liches. They can't accept that virilization and aging are the same process, meaning that a long life would entail accepting some level of muh skulinity loss.
Tl;dr the longevity scene in general is pretty fucking cowish, 10/10 would recommend.
No. 1811264
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>>1809873Someone tell him that what he's doing is literally pic related, except less successfully.
>mentally ill old man wanting to be his sonMany such cases.
No. 1811273
>>1811064I don't understand how these moids have this much hubris. Don't they understand that messing with this stuff is just going to cause them to die from some new horrific type of cancer at best or at worst develop some brand new terrifying ailment that we're lucky enough to avoid by dying naturally? What if it's like when you get blasted with radiation and your dna just starts falling apart at the seams? And let's not even get into what could happen to the mind
It's all just womb envy in the end, isn't it
No. 1811962
>>1808041Most of this longevity shit is so vain, how does younger looking skin actually make you age less? How much of his time is spent on completely useless interventions that don't enhance his longevity at all, that are only there to maintain this external veneer of youth?
>>1811264This guy is like the embodyment of this, there are loads of studies on how not having a super low body fat percentage is beneficial for the elderly. Yet he insists on keeping it low to look more like his son. (ew)
No. 1817735
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The amount of time and effort and money he is dumping into his looks is insane just for him to look like this omg just gain 20 pounds and give up already
No. 1891891
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The balding piglich that wants to sell you meal kits and $80 olive oil is channeling his inner Johnny Depp in his newest, heart-rending fanfiction: No. 1936322 undead ghoul finally announced a cult. His simps are soyfacing - now they for sure will be saved from hitting the wall. Maybe even grow some hair back.
Hope it's not a manic delusion and he actually does it, the milk will be endless.
No. 1936380
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>>1817735How does Jared Leto at 52 look younger than this weirdo who drinks literal blood? Spoiler cuz it's Jared leto and I still hate him.
No. 1936672
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>>1936380I think he's had some work done but he was also blessed with good genetics, his mother looks incredible. Unfortunately, Johnson clearly doesn't have the same kind of luck because even with all the fancy treatments he looks his age.
No. 1940776
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Huberman cheating scandal hasn't been covered yet, but yet again moids gonna moid. He cheated on 6+ women at the same time, spreading diseases to his partners with unprotected sex because he lied to all of them. Anyone can see this coming since he's a podcast gym junkie, tech bro, self-help, supplement peddling, ice-bath, testosterone obsessed, Standford professor sperg. He's been on Joe Rogan and other podcasts non stop for years,
Article Here: Happy end? All the women found each other and teamed up, documented all his cheating and timestamped what he did to each of them gave it to the New York Magazine. He tried to impregnate many of them as a way to keep his control and show how committed he was (mind games). In the end, for all his life protocol optimization, look maxxing, successful public career, $$$, and reputation - all the women dropped him like a bag of shit.
No. 1940787
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I also enjoyed reading this reddit thread of people FROM HIS OWN SUBREDDIT going in on him and saying he's a liar, loser, shill, and more. No. 2043672
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>"have the gums of a healthy teenager"
Hes so weird lol. You have healthy gums, but not gums of a teenager. The obsession is bizarre.
No. 2048803
>>2043737He's an inbred ginger mormonoid (pretty clockable from all the becoming God nonsense), his retard genetics will do a number on him in no time. He's my favorite walled moid cow by far though, I think he and his seething simps need to be on /snow/ like yesterday. He's also very obviously an autopedo and wants to be his son. Watching him wither every day as he loses ground against the hairline reaper is unironically my Blueprint protocol.
Bogged Bryan when? You know it will happen. Screenshot this.
No. 2048824
>>2048815It's just weird his dad wants to kinda skinwalk him and shit, this is a bit
abusive and he's still underage so he's too stupid to see through it, especially it's his dad doing this to him so it's not like he can escape it easily.
No. 2079938
>>2048803>Watching him wither every day as he loses ground against the hairline reaper is unironically my Blueprint protocol.Lol same. Seeing his videos, seeing the money he has spent and the extents that he has gone restructuring his whole life around anti-aging just to look… like that… has made me embrace aging much more.
It's the same kind of sad, grossed out feeling that I get seeing Madonna's weird Purge mask anti-aging plastic surgery.
He still looks exactly 46 years old. Just a 46 year old with good skin. No amount of Gweneth Paltrow's goop rebottled is going to reverse the expansion of his facial bones & the old man barrel shape of his chest. Flipping through other celebrity moids who are in the late 40s and 50s, many of them look younger than him. Flipping through celebrity women the same age, it's clear that women look way better in the intermediate phase between adult & elderly (look at how young Nicole Scherzinger looks compared to this skinwalker).
No. 2079946
>>2079938samefag for more thoughts.
He also jumps into every crazy fad treatment headfirst with very little research, and no care as to how it might interact with the other elements & chemicals in his routine. He doesn't actually know which one of the things he's using are helping him because he can't stop himself from doing everything all at once.
It's clear that his 'self-care mansion' or whatever he's calling it is just his safe space to indulge his OCD fully.
Him dropping his ex-wife because she was now a "net negative" since she got cancer is all that you need to know about this man's moral compass. He is just another low integrity business guy searching for online fame & praise in the ~successful techbro hustlers academy~ niche.
No. 2081651
>>2079946The last one might be milky. He did follistatin gene therapy. Follistatin is elevated in most cancers. Dumb haggot just can't keep his hands off anything anabolic.
(shout-out to that one pitbull breeder "biohacker" tranny who CRISPR'd his myostatin to get beefier and now regrets it)
No. 2384625
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Google now loves Trump-sama kek>In recent years, Google had been an outspoken supporter of DEI targets, particularly after the murder of George Floyd in 2020 and the protests that followed his death.>At the time, Google's chief executive, Sundar Pichai, set a five-year goal to increase the number of its leaders who came from underrepresented groups by 30%.>According to the company, the proportion of black people among its leadership almost doubled between 2020 and last year. It also said representation of women and Latino people had increased in those roles.>Google is the latest major company to make a U-turn on its diversity policies. No. 2432997
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Google has just removed International Woman's Day from it's calender app.