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No. 604095
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No. 604098
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Met a guy at a target that had this exact hairstyle, if I'm remembering correctly his name was hunter. Every hunter I've met was a dick so here ya go.
No. 604108
Anyone with the name Mariah is just bat shit crazy. They don't tend to look alike, but are incapable of having normal relationships with other people.
>>604098Looks like troon from Euphoria, Hunter Schafer
No. 604111
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Every guy I’ve personally known named Patrick has hair like this and a huge dick
And they were all from different countries
No. 604119
>>604111I knew a Patrick who looked a little bit like this. Knew another who looked nothing like that at all though.
No. 604148
I'm extremely suspicious of people named Hailey or some variation thereof. It either makes me think of some annoying teen pop star or this chick I knew in high school.
No. 604216
UK edition -
Joan/Suzanne/Louise/Lynsey/Sandra/Cheryl/Pamela/Mary/Angela are all names of boomers I've met in every job I've had. In each job, there's been at least one or more of these bitches and they're always hard work.
Dave/John/Steve/Mike/Gary/Matt are the male equivalents. Always big headed boomer idiots who think they run the place.
Chloe - always a cunt. A bitch who will harass you for no damn good reason.
Hannah - Normally okay with you but sometimes has days where they want you to feel like shit.
Vicky/Victoria - either a posh girl who thinks they are the queen of the world, or a girl who wants to scrap at the drop of a hat because you look at her the wrong way.
Christopher - Thinks they're cool and different because they like rock music and Marvel. 'I'm such a nerd!!'
Adam - Similar to Christopher but is more of a little shit. Likes to cause trouble and watch the fallout.
Connor - A lad who thinks everyone fancies them and wants to be their mate. Regularly has a bit misshapen head and jug ears.
>>604175The Kevin I knew used to be okay, then he came out as gay and used that as an excuse to touch the girls in our group in high school, make fun of us and other shit. He was and still is a dick. Fuck Kevins.
No. 604271
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I’ve never met a Chris who wasn’t an overweight nerd with bad hygiene. Chris Chan is just the poster child for every male named Chris ever
No. 604273
>>604175In germany idiots are often called Kevin
Brigitte is the german Karen
No. 604364
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‘Scuze the Daily Fail screencap but it’s relevant.
No. 604370
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>>604364Well duh, theres no way a girl named Chardonay would be anything other than a troublemaker and possible future cow.
No. 604635
>>604381Catherines are evil but every Katherine I know is great. Also Katelyn/Caitlyn or any variation thereof are cardboard people. Personality of bread.
>>604431>mikeMichaels are fine but if he goes by Mike he's the devil, avoid.
No. 604892
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>>604155>>604307>>604722It’s absolutely true though - there’s a reason why that joke works so well. Almost every class growing up (at least for a late millennial like me) had multiple Ashleys and they were always brats.
No. 604932
>>604275Mdr tellement vrai
Good thing about having an old classical name is that there is no stereotype associated with it! Except a lot of people telling you it's their mother/auntie/grandmother's name.
No. 604987
Guys named Tim are irritating. Picky eaters, rules lawyers, teacher's pets.
>>604100Go away, Angela
No. 605416
>>605415NTA but anons response isn't spergy, unlike weird vagueposting meant to insinuate she's anti white or whatever /pol/ shit
>>605385 is
No. 605419
>>605416>NTAsure, jan.
Can y'all stop retarding out for a sec?
My vote is heather. never met a non-bitchy one kek
My vote it
No. 605428
>>605424Southern US here, I'd say for men;
>Joshua/Josh>David>Tyler>Brandon>Aaronand for women;
>Emily>Hannah>Alyssa>Kylie>Jenna>Rebecca No. 606115
>>604277Spot on. Never trust a Tom. Also men named Nathan are usually disgusting and foul, fat chodey incels.
Also fuck any bitches named Jessica.
No. 606158
>>606115This is true about Jessica. They're entitled brats and I had to report one for fraud today. kek
I'd say bitches named Breanne are one of the highest offenders.
No. 607207
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shit my name was finally included in this thread
No. 607287
>>607214agree with
>>607267 but also the 2 Annas that I know were certified batshit insane and the only Linda was very "I'm a libra!! of course I am a control freak haha"
No. 608241
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Who else lurking this thread for their name to crop up to see what farmers would think about them?
No. 608266
>>607700Soft disagree, all Kirstys I've known have been pretty classy, if a little wine mum-ish.
Really chavvy girl names are Brooklyn, Chelsea and Danielle. Chavvy dudes almost always go by a nickname ending in a -y sound.
No. 608391
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>TammyI’ve met a lot of Tammys around the western US. They’re always a bit older and indigenous, if not latino
>outgoing personality>”cool” mom of more than 2 kids>goes out drinking margaritas with girlfriends on weekends>loud laugh>leggings and PINK hoodie, sunglasses, long beautiful black hair tied up in a messy bun>drives an SUV it reminds me of this American dad clip kek
>Shauna>rez or white trash girl > oompa loompa build>wears basketball shorts and Jordan’s everywhere>loud and rude>drinks copious amounts of malt liquor and 40s >hooks up with her cousins >will fight you>rumored to do hard drugs but swears she just “smokes bud”>parole officers and going to AA meetings >couchsurfs and usually staying with relativesI think it mostly applies to the southwest like Colorado/Nevada/AZ,etc. but hoping some other anons catch on No. 608412
>>608370I’ve met minorities named Elizabeth and they were nice, and my friends (although one of ‘em tried to get me into the Tupperware MLM a few years ago so I’m not sure anymore lol)
White Elizabeth’s are trash kek
>>608391I blame the white man for this tbh No. 608485
Some of these internet name-personalities don't make sense to me. I can understand Chad as the dudebro or alpha male since it's even in 90s cartoons, but Stacy comes across as accomplished office lady more than it does the female counterpart to Chad.
Nigel would be some kind of quirky natural guy because of No. 608541
>>608486>>608503Different anon
Because of these two, I associate this name with British people only
No. 609847
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female names ending in -ana
big stuck up cunts
No. 611158
>>604111>PatrickI knew two. One was obviously Irish and the other was a giant older fat guy with a big beard that always wore a hat.
>>605428>DavidSome Mexican guy I barely knew who got depressed in high school but later saw that he pulled his life together at some point
and went to uni.
>>607255>HannahNature girl.
No. 611193
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A bit of an unpopular opinion, but I am so sick of this Karen meme. Not only is it passé, but it always rubbed me the wrong way.
Here is a table of middle aged women just existing and someone goes and take a photo of them and assumes they're their worst nightmare. They might actually be very kind ladies, and I get that it's a joke, but at least make it funny instead of hammering in this tired meme.
No. 611196
>>611193Do memes these days just have a shorter life span or is it just me?
I agree though, I imagine those women have that haircut is because it's easier to manage.
No. 611204
>>611199Same. They're the kind of table that calls me "sweetheart" a lot and they're a bit demanding but generally sweethearts themselves basically.
I wonder if there's a bit of stereotyping going on? A lot of people say black people, middle aged women, etc don't tip well but maybe it's because you basically suck at your job because I never had those problems.
No. 611870
were the types of kids who were regarded as *hot**.
And also, the other future for Lexi (worst case scenario) is being caught in an affair with a much older white trash man who is her friend's dad and getting pregnant not long after high school.