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No. 60442
File: 1453139809358.jpg (54.69 KB, 500x600, j-law-15.jpg)

damn JGL always gets shit for his face but I think he looks fine
anyway, jennifer lawrence for me, just can't stand her face for some reason, makes me think of a potato
No. 60445
File: 1453141885984.jpg (65.35 KB, 482x642, punchme.jpg)

Anna Kendrick always makes me want to punch her in the face. I don't know why because she seems pretty hilarious but she still annoys me at the same time.
No. 60448
File: 1453142997201.jpg (180.44 KB, 768x1024, benedict-c-768.jpg)

>>60442I can't stand her either. She's annoying as fuck.
Dunno why but I really wanna punch Benedict Cumberbatch.
No. 60450
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Johanna Herrstedt because she is cringy as fook especially in videos like these UGH No. 60455
File: 1453147899396.jpeg (29.22 KB, 320x486, image.jpeg)

>>60442God I can't stand her. Her stupid potato face or her shitty makeup or her "lol im the hollywood fat girl ~ im quirky unlike the other actresses ~" attitude. She annoys the shit out of me.
For me it's this guy. I hope he pulls another melodramatic fake retirement when he doesn't get his oscar like he did last time. That way I don't have to see his stupid face plastered all over the media for a few months.
No. 60476
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>>60445>>60448I'm feeling the same way. Especially towards Cumberbatch, man I'm even a girl and really can't understand why he's got the fangirls all over him, he's ugly. A weird type of ugly, like an alien. Everytime I see his face I can't help but thinking about that "Ayyyy lmao" meme and the dinosaur from the "yee" meme too.
I would punch Vanessa Hudgens' face, dunno why. I have this thought since the High School Musical era, I don't know, her face annoys me. I feel like she's mean as fuck in her private life
No. 60483
File: 1453153086195.jpg (17.14 KB, 244x300, ivana-baquero-4-244x300.jpg)

This bitch. I started watching The Shannara Chronicles and I can't stand her potato face and her grating voice. Eretria is an annoying character just as it is, but in the show is even more cringy. Isn't her character supposed to be gorgeous in the books? While Amberle is supposed to look more "average"?
And then they cast this average looking girl as the gorgeous one, and a gorgeous one to play the average character. Her face triggers me
No. 60511
File: 1453159551260.jpg (796.77 KB, 1536x2304, o-JESSE-EISENBERG-INTERVIEW-fa…)

This fucker. His face, voice, acting, he's just on a mission to get on my damn nerves.
No. 60526
File: 1453161691593.jpg (66.36 KB, 383x594, reeve fucking carney.jpg)

The face, the smirk, the Goo Goo Dolls hair helmet he'll be wearing until death. Currently the weakest link on Penny Dreadful.
No. 60530
File: 1453162867457.jpg (416.37 KB, 1007x548, Chloe-Moretz.jpg)

her face annoys the shit out of me.
No. 60598
File: 1453176886479.png (92.13 KB, 275x271, 1430274833010.png)

I've got a few
No. 60599
File: 1453176905432.jpg (43.56 KB, 615x409, Kylie-Jenner.jpg)

No. 60601
File: 1453177048757.jpg (76.55 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mz00eod8kU1qc1l8do1_500…)

good ol' saxy whatever happened to her
No. 60602
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No. 60610
File: 1453177947377.jpg (1.45 MB, 1740x2585, Rita_Ora_2012.jpg)

This woman, curse her.
No. 60616
>>60601>>60601>>60601She's boring, her tumblr is magicamusume.
Shes on the hatetrain for Doe/limecrime tho. Wouldn't be surprised of she lurks. Every time I name her tumblr she changes it
No. 60620
File: 1453178559614.jpg (35.56 KB, 615x409, Cara-Delevingne.jpg)

Not only is she uggo, but she is a haughty British upper class twat
No. 60621
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>>60476holy fuck, that's exactly what he looks like
No. 60626
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No. 60629
File: 1453179316976.jpg (57.62 KB, 600x412, Marvel-The-Avengers-Movie-2012…)

I hate Tom Hiddleshit SO MUCH. Why do so many women suddenly find him sexy after the first Avengers movie? I don't get it.
No. 60634
File: 1453179657778.jpg (260.68 KB, 660x440, kristen_stewart.jpg)

God, I hate her fucking face
No. 60675
File: 1453184368882.png (786.8 KB, 540x960, image.png)

Here's some asshole from Tumblr.
No. 60679
File: 1453185093466.jpg (12.06 KB, 300x250, th.jpg)

>whose face looks like it's begging you to punch it.
With Brass knuckles, please
No. 60701
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Amanda Bynes.
No. 60727
>>60719go buy yo mama a house
go buy yo whole family houses
No. 60751
>>60511Yes I hate him
>>60516I really didn't like that movie
No. 60752
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>>60621>>60624Of course I am
No. 60762
File: 1453221146065.jpeg (560.05 KB, 936x1248, image.jpeg)

Neil Patrick Harris. I can't be the only person who doesn't get why he's such a big deal. Every spoiled theatre kid I knew in high school worshiped the ground he walked on.
>>60443You're supposed to want to punch him tbh.
No. 60890
File: 1453253995650.jpg (166.81 KB, 405x412, punch me.jpg)

Does it have to be 3D?
Every time someone posts her or some other loli the same artist drew I get an urge to punch my screen. Most likely because they're nearly always posted by insufferable pedos.
No. 60942
File: 1453265449247.jpeg (171.2 KB, 612x915, image.jpeg)

>>60530my younger sister got a snapchat from this girl once, when she was hanging out with some YouTuber.
can't believe nobody's mentioned Renee Zellweger (before her plastic surgery)
No. 60996
>>60762I'm with you, anon.
I'd not just punch him, I'd curbstomp the shit out of him. I'm not even an Amy Winehouse fan, but that he and his fuckbuddy ordered an Amy zombie meat effigy made out of fucking BACON, to serve to their guests on Halloween, makes them among the worst people in showbiz. I normally like dark humor, but goddamn.
No. 61002
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No. 61004
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>>61002Oh god, definitely. I like that his eyes usually hint that he plays a little fast and loose with his ADHD meds.
He has a sweaty punchable mound of a brother too.
No. 61053
File: 1453320513643.jpg (18.82 KB, 500x354, Mirror-Mirror-snow-white-movie…)

>>60620I fucking hate her and her ugly ass brows. the only celebrity I've seen who looked pretty with thick brows was the one that played snow white in that moive. (pic related)
No. 61072
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No. 61074
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Amy Schumer is so disgusting
No. 61076
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No. 61078
File: 1453328852147.jpg (1.92 MB, 2112x2816, cara-delevingne-no-makeup.jpg)

>>61053Shut ur whore mowf b4 I shut it 4 u m8.
No. 61087
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>>61078Cara should get curb stomped by a giant Russian man.
No. 61089
>>61087wow look, two absolute industry jokes.
proof that the world is all about money
No. 61108
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am supermodel. srsly.
No. 61109
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>>61107>>61108m8 u dnt want 2 go down this route m8 u dnt no how big my folder is.
No. 61168
File: 1453350139236.jpg (135.44 KB, 884x1149, krysten-ritter-wenn-ea5b254610…)

This bitch. She was super annoying to look at in Breaking Bad. Her face bugs the shit out of me, especially her nose and that fringe she used to have.
No. 61196
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No. 61311
File: 1453369508527.jpg (150.74 KB, 954x960, IMG_20160121_023833.jpg)

Is this to obvious? I really want to punch this guy tho
No. 61357
>>61352He's the CEO or Turing, Martin Shkreli who jacked up the price of a toxoplasmosis medication called Daraprim that's been on the market since the 50s to make major bank. He also bought a one of a kind Wu Tank Clan album for millions and said he would buy more from other artists if they offered.
>"There's no doubt, I'm a capitalist. I'm trying to create a big drug company, a successful drug company, a profitable drug company," he said. "We're trying to flourish, but we're also – our first and primary stakeholders are patients, there's no doubt about that."He was arrested for embezzling money or something like that. This is a guy who thinks charging someone $700 a pill to treat a deadly infection is A-Ok because profits.
No. 61362
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>>61358Not the anon you're replying to, but… I think this face is pretty punchable. His actions only add to it.
No. 61364
File: 1453383072233.jpeg (27.3 KB, 300x439, image.jpeg)

For me, Anne Hathaway has always been crazy punchable. And it just gets magnified when she smiles.
Years ago when I heard she was gonna play catwoman I screamed. She looked so horrendously out of place the entire time.
No. 61365
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>>61364and my number 2 most punchable is hands down this one. Doesn't help that she plays shit characters too.
No. 61372
>>61364I remember seeing her in the Princess Diaries and probably due to the character I always just thought of her as a homely kind of girl who cleans up kind of ok. I was stunned when I kept seeing people referring to her as the most beautiful woman alive. That big 'ol mouth.
>>61362This faggot has one of the most punchable faces I've ever seen even without the backstory.
No. 61380
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>>61376Forgot to add: I do think she's pretty but yeah, that big mouth though.
Also, Gwyneth Paltrow and her fucking Goop. She's repeatedly proven that she's out of touch with reality and about as useful as a punctured basketball.
No. 61398
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No. 61399
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No. 61425
>>61358I think his face is pretty punchable by itself on top of his shit personality. He looks like a mouse.
Why? do you find him attractive?
No. 61485
File: 1453413091603.png (115.87 KB, 284x312, 1448217869776.png)

Went into /snow/, thought of this thread.
Ember Whann, wannorexic extraordinaire.
No. 61489
>>61425lol fuck no. But
>>61357 really doesn't seem like she cares as much about his face as his actions.
No. 61490
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No. 61505
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No. 61514
>>61505Aidan Gillen Internet Defense Force reporting in.
noooooooo ;_;
No. 61568
File: 1453430266985.jpg (Spoiler Image,124.42 KB, 634x798, c4bfef6d-24c8-4f61-9265-6ec957…)

Tell me this isn't a face that need punching. I dare you.
No. 61586
is that? And I agree, it is punch worthy.
No. 61588
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No. 61589
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No. 61749
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>>61505Was being wrong part of your plan?
No. 61760
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No. 62150
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No. 62171
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No. 62338
File: 1453551386727.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, jndsjfnoweisjgp.jpg)

This bitch
No. 62355
>>62338She's hot as fuck
Boianon here btw
No. 62361
File: 1453563758602.jpg (28.14 KB, 359x376, mkkm.JPG)

>>62338>>62355Whatever floats your boad anon
No. 62365
File: 1453564136961.jpg (38.85 KB, 876x493, lena.jpg)

Repeatedly. With knuckledusters on
No. 62385
>>62361Every girl looks like that without makeup
Even you
No. 62387
File: 1453569341705.jpg (61.98 KB, 634x421, kek.jpg)

>>62385No, i'm sorry you have such a shitty life experience that you think all girls look like that without make up.. Here have a make-upless hottie
No. 62437
>>62387blonde girl isnt amazing looking but she had an unflattering angle tbh and the image you are providing is bullshit as the girl on the left has a flattering picture with lotsa good lightning. I look like an angel on some pictures even though I never filter my pics but irl I am really ugly lol
P.S blonde girl without makeup is still wearing makeup and the dark blonde girl is wearing it too
No. 62440
File: 1453580051388.jpeg (222.45 KB, 1280x854, image.jpeg)

These heauxes
No. 62446
File: 1453581479575.jpg (20.96 KB, 300x400, bitchface.jpg)

she looks so mad all the time, like who pissed on your cereal bitch
No. 62451
>>62445are you a guy? She doesnt have that glow in real life….also, I have high standards so I dont think she is that pretty…i'm not jealous of her which means I think Im prettier than her.
And I dont wear makeup myself ever because I'm a hairy bitch so I am the living proof that a "healthy glow" is bullshit. a healthy diet does not give you a healthy glow, a tan and good lightning does. I eat clean, avoid the sun and I dont have that glow like the girl has on that pic irl unless I am sweating from working out or apply baby oil. Women can look good without makeup, but its very rare.
No. 62642
File: 1453660619622.gif (589.51 KB, 275x207, 1453231210067.gif)

Meg's face and attitude both trigger me. It's unsettling how she constantly brags about being hot when she looks like this
No. 62711 mean, it's more of her personality and voice that make me want to punch her.
28 fucking years old living with her mom and eating nail polish for a living.
No. 62754
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No. 62762
File: 1453679471280.png (333.46 KB, 635x569, wP5lnT9.png)

>>62338>>62361Ugh yes. She annoys me so badly. All she does is cry and whine about the most trivial shit.
I once saw a video of hers where she was crying about people role playing while using her pictures.
It was hilarious.
No. 63615
>>62784Oh my god, thank you. I was losing hope with female followers and how they were commenting and sympathizing with her pathetic "I feel like I was rape" video.
If someone took my photos and put it on some daddy dom porn tumblr and I found them, I'd just laugh. This girls acts like she's being raped from it. She's also been a model since her young teens (?) and acts like those pictures floating on the internet are being used for porn. They sound like generic kiddy clothing modeling you'd see in a catalog so lol.
Don't do something like fucking modeling and putting yourself out there on Youtube if you hate people taking photos of you, online or off. It's not ~victim blaming~ because she is not the victim of anything. She literally can't even come to a conclusion of what's wrong with it other than "it feels bad so I'm going to cry to get sympathy and hopefully more views!"
No. 64410
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No. 64413
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No. 65614
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No. 65660
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I saw this thing with a comment on a facebook article and my fists are angry
No. 65661
File: 1454459021173.jpg (2.66 MB, 3333x5000, 1451158722449.jpg)

Especially when she makes stupid faces as such
I also wanna just put a plaster over that nasty ass belly button, it creeps me out.
No. 65714
File: 1454484216316.webm (2.41 MB, 1280x720, Dunham horror.webm)

>>65678I have a treat for you, friend :)
No. 65718
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No. 65770
File: 1454514861894.png (234.8 KB, 478x379, emily-ratajkowski.png)

Nice body and tits though, but the pissed off monkey face makes me want to punch it
No. 65771
>>65714Seeing her move is so strange.
>>65674Really unfortunate pear body, she's at Pear-chan levels. If you just see her waist up you'd never know just how big she is.
No. 65795
>>65714God she's so Tumblr it
triggers me. Ever seen her bit in that Taylor Swift video? It makes me want to slit my own throat, eugh.
No. 65809
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No. 65925
File: 1454566894354.jpg (119.4 KB, 652x800, grace.jpg)

There was a TexaninTokyo video recommended to me on Youtube, so I decided to check it out and jesus christ, the girl has the worst set of crazy eyes with a mouth big enough to be proportionate on PT's jaw. Are there no attractive people in the world of Jvlogging?
No. 66022
File: 1454599550199.jpeg (83.52 KB, 1024x609, image.jpeg)

I want to beat the shit out of this guy and wipe that "I'm a spoiled rich douchebag" expression off his stupid face. Fucker thinks he's untouchable and all-powerful. Never before hated someone so much that I tense up just from looking at them. Gosh I hate this guy and his stupid punchable face.
No. 66029
File: 1454601128488.jpg (41.5 KB, 512x512, ZQIDeJEh.jpg)

>>65925>>66007I read her blog sometimes. She calls herself 'attractive for Hollywood standards' all the time kek
Her husband is pretty punch-able as well
No. 66061
File: 1454606860783.jpg (1.5 MB, 1942x2728, Matteo_Salvini_-_Trento_2015.J…)

This fucking pig is the Italian Donald Trump and needs to be punched asap
No. 66081
File: 1454611433212.jpg (39.48 KB, 628x353, thot.jpg)

Natalie Nunn has one of the most punchable faces in existence.
No. 66084
File: 1454613138750.jpg (118.39 KB, 600x760, CKokXZ2UYAAqDZW.jpg)

>>66063Kys Trumptard. Good luck with your wall
No. 66087
>>66084I'm European.
Like I said, the left is done here. Nobody supports your rapefugees anymore. Have fun clinging on to a dying cause.
No. 66088
>>66081BGC is truly a guilty pleasure.
Her chin can cut the act those girls have in the house.. Jesus.
No. 79900
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No. 79913
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MIA, she is also massively salty and seems like she'd try to make you feel guilty if you're not brown
No. 80018
File: 1457757762908.jpg (118.36 KB, 540x657, IMG_20160311_234048.JPG)

I've noticed that a lot of pageant girls have extremely punchable faces. This one has dem crazy eyes too
No. 80024
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No. 80037
File: 1457765604134.png (202.05 KB, 300x397, Screen shot 2016-03-12 at 1.57…)

unfunny asshole