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No. 6093
>>6044I think its disgusting how many girls are obsessed with Japanese and/or Korean guys solely due to their image (physical attractiveness and medial representation). They'll gush about how much they just loooove them despite not having any Japanese or Korean friends and not knowing anything outside of the culture outside of what they garnered from their youtube "research," which seems to typically revolve around whether not Japanese guys would be interested in them do to
their looks. It's so shallow, yet in the same breath that they utter how much they want to date them, they'll rage on guys who judge them based on
their looks, not wanting to be objectified. It's fucking disgusting.
an anon tired of the hypocrisy
No. 6105
>>6094Was that what it came off as? If so, I apologize for not being clear, that is not what I meant. I was trying to say that I am tired of people who are
*obsessed with people of a specific ethnic background because of the way they look. They are not interested in anything outside of their physical appearance. Yet, they use their supposed knowledge of their culture to justify why they want to be in a relationship with them. Going to Japan or Korea from the U.S. only because of how hot you find some its guys seems extreme to me.
People can like whoever they want, this isn't a problem until they begin to reduce an entire culture/ethnic group to the qualities they find attractive about it. Some girls I was working with last year were like this. They based everything off of the youtube videos, dramas and music videos they watched. The insane thing is that they actually disbelieved/argued against everything that doesn't coincide with their views of Koreans and Japanese guys.
They were raging because some youtubers said that Korean and Japanese guys will prefer to marry a girl from their own culture and just use white girls a sa one night stand. They began talking crap about Korean and Japanese girls saying: "it doesn't make sense considering they try to look like us".
Who the hell says shit like that??
They have never dated Japanese or Korean guys before, had Korean or Japanese friends, or been to Japan or Korea yet say what it is they like about these places and its people. They get their info from foreign Youtubers and blogs, not even reading up on things Korean and Japanese people themselves have to say.
I would much rather they say they just want to go get fucked by some Japanese and Korean guys because they like their faces.
No. 6623
>>6618nah it's fine, it would have been a nice bash so it sucks that you wont get to
you can still have fun with 1 or 2 friends though if possible
No. 7825
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I keep looking up things on google on "how to get your ex back." But I just know that we will probably never get back together. I just wish I could read his thoughts or plant a seed in his mind where he will come crawling back to me. I mostly wish he would care. I just wish he would show he cared or give me a second chance because I really care about him. I just wish I could show him but he's sick of hearing it. He's so tired of me now. He kept saying how he was scared to talk to me. Which is rather confusing. I don't know how I'm scary. I think he knows what he did ultimately ended our relationship, but I feel like I can forgive him. I just want a second chance. I just don't see him giving me one at all, which scares me. Am I really that bad of a girlfriend? I want a rebound already. I want to show him I am happy when really I am miserable. I'm tired of giving him the upper hand.
No. 7875
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At Uni, I have a prof that records every class and posts it to website so people don't have to stress too hard about transcribing every word b/c he talks super fast. I was listening to old classes at night like a sort of podcast as a way of reviewing for finals.
A few days ago I was listening to one from February–right around valentine's day. The prof had finished the lecture and left the mic running afterward. The hot mic picked up a clique of qt girls in my class who sit near where the mic is talking about which dudes they thought were hot. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying till I heard my name.
Now, it's not like I was the first name mentioned. A man really ought to be grateful he made the list at all, and I should've been OK with that and left well enough alone. But once you know people are talking about you, you kinda have to keep listening right? I started paying attention.
Eventually one particular qt I had previously asked out for drinks starts talking about me and tells all her friends about how she shot me down etc. Her friends all started giving her shit about it, like saying "OMG you told him NO? WTF?" She was like "pfft I want to play the field some more I cud do better" and they were sorta incredulous/ told her she screwed up.
I've been thinking about this and it's weird. On one hand I'm gratified that all these people think I'm cool & attractive… On the other, the only one of them I was really into thinks I'm p. mediocre
No. 7883
>>7875You should tell the prof that he left the mic on and posted a private conversation online. I'm sure that's not the only time that's ever happened.
Anyway, you shouldn't really feel too bad (though I know that's easier said than done). A lot of people in university are not really trying to get tied down and really do just want to play the field. "I can do better" is kind of an excuse some girls use with friends when they just don't feel like dating guys and either don't really have a good reason or don't want to say the reason…it doesn't really mean anything, and she never intended to hear you say that, so you know.
At least people think you're cool and attractive, it could have gone much worse lol.
No. 15570
>>6044dear diary,
I wish people knew when to end a joke, and when you rape it over and over it stops being funny.