File: 1453154854831.jpg (392.07 KB, 1680x1050, Cute-Crying-Baby.jpg)

No. 60829
>>60613>>60622>>60623I will never understand those that claim to hate a large percentage of the population for a trait out of their control. Even more so, those that claim to hate them yet visit sites where they are the majority. It is like being vegan and being butthurt that the meat butcher doesn't sell food you like.
Is this what mental retardation looks like?
No. 60873
>>60867It is copypasta, you retard. More than one person is posting it.
Try not to be so butthurt next time if it bugs you that anons make a meme out of your autism.
No. 61506
>>60891I will get the authorities to do a stop and identify on every single one of you harassing me through email.
Are you guys seriously going to ignore the fact she threatened to call the police on me, gave out my email from my forum profile and shouted loud enough to be classified as disorderly conduct? She is using police calls as a threat. Threatening is illegal. She intimidates others to get her way.