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No. 605108
Feel like shit? So does everyone in this thread. Vent to your heart's content.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/598810 No. 605109
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Some man decapitated his wife in my country because she refused to quit her job. Allegedly. I saw this post going around with some choice comments from facebook. That bitch 'Kinza' is probably a woman since that's a female name, hope she felt real great and a real true muslimah commenting that shit. I'm just so fucking tired. Just let a car run over me at this point, I don't want to breathe the same air as these creatures. Subhuman.
No. 605132
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My retarded cousin posted this on her insta a couple of days ago. I guess my troll comment telling her to get a fucking job at 31 got under her skin as she shat out this long ass diatribe trying to justify her bummy lifestyle.
Like this woman had so many opportunities she threw away, for god know’s what reason. Cars, money, food, family jumping through hoops to rescue this ungrateful bitch. I did post a response because the delusion with her is real and I was the cause of the sperg anyway.
The tl;dr version: I laid out all the shit she and her demonic mommy have done over the years - DUIs, dropping out of an expensive as fuck art skewl so she could be a photographer, abusing me, trying to turn our small as fuck family against me, not stopping even when our dying grandmother told them to love each other as a family. This isn’t even the half of the shit they’ve done. I didn’t want to write a long ass novel to her about it because autism is contagious, but I hope it hurts her as much as she and her cunt mother have hurt me. 25 fucking years of this bullshit man.
I know this is autistic, and I apologize for how fucking stupid it is. I don’t need to be reminded of that. I just had to give her a reality check because I know who she really is. All that crap about people wanting to see her fail are things they told me to my own face, how they wanted to get rid of me, how they hoped I wouldn’t succeed. Ugh. I grew up with her and suffered through that nightmare of her and her mother doing everything but actually physically harming me, abusing me, victim blaming me. No more.
No. 605167
>>605132Yeah speeches like in that pic are fine for people who have legitimately tried at life and just didn't fit into a standard societal mold.
That's not for people who have never tried to support themselves, have never held down any kind of employment, and have been shitty towards other people out of their own insecurities.
That post is strictly to make herself feel better for being a loser, and trying to rope herself in with the same group of people who found their normalcy and success via unconventional lifestyles. She can kick rocks.
No. 605170
>>605150Her mother works at the post office as a mail carrier, and she makes good money too doing it. She has no problems babying my cousin, buying her cars she wrecks in six months being drunk and dumb, but she rubbed it in my face when I got fired from a job two years ago.
I mean she used to get money from the state after her druggy dad kicked the bucket in the gutter. Grandparents gave her money too, she had it made. Anon, I wish you could talk some sense into my family because you see what I see. I told her the same thing, though not as eloquently as you did.
No. 605185
>>605148I figured as much as this one and cut to the chase, blocking him on everything.
>>605151Thankfully the former. It's one thing to come out and say you're looking for a hookup and another to try and build yourself as "gentleman" boyfriend material. That should have been the first red flag.
No. 605196
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I have a date I'm supposed to be getting ready for but instead I'm sitting on my unmade bed procrastinating and browsing lolcow because I so dread the amount of effort it takes to make my ugly fatass look presentable.
No. 605212
im starting to lose respect for one of my childhood friends. she is always complaining about her family, being broke, depressed, etc, but i've never actually seen her do anything to improve her situation. she still lives at home and won't go to therapy or consider medication to treat her depression, won't look for a job, won't go back to school to improve her prospects for finding a better job, won't cut off contact with her toxic family members. she just lies around the house all day and watches TV. every time we've hung out within the past year or so, she's either already drunk or high by the time i get there, or starts smoking/drinking at some point during. she's also been super flakey lately and doesn't respond to anyone's texts or calls, or says she wants to hang out and then cancels at the last second. now i find out that she's been trying to get fucking pregnant with her bf, who also has a ton of problems and they haven't been getting along for years now. it really blows my mind that she would do something that irresponsible. neither them is in any position to support a child right now and i feel like they're both smart enough to realize that. it seems so desperate and my jaw literally fucking dropped when they told me they were trying to have a baby
she's a really great person when she's not bogged down by all this. i know what it feels like to have depression and how much it saps you of energy so i've been trying to be supportive but i'm running out of patience and with her trying to have a kid now, i feel like it would be going against my morals to support her any longer. i don't know how to talk to her about this or if it would even be appropriate. apparently she can't take any legit criticism. a mutual friend of ours has tried talking with her about all this and was much more brutally honest with her than i'd ever be and apparently she just started lashing out and insulting our friend
also tbh it just really pisses me off that she has everything within her power to improve her situation but she just doesn't. her family is toxic but they aren't sabotaging her or anything. she has a ton of money saved up from unemployment bc her parents don't make her pay rent and she could probably afford to move out if she wanted. nothing and nobody is actively preventing her from getting her shit together but she refuses to help herself. i've tried so many times to lend her a hand and offer advice because i've been in her position before and got better, but she won't take any of it
No. 605289
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damn ,ever saw someone online whom you think is literally the winning version of you ? like this is what your life could have been if it didn't get so royally fucked up
No. 605329
It's a lot my fault for being a fucking mess, but my kinda-only-friends-because-mutual-friends constantly rags on my alcohol problem. It was far fucking worse than it is in the recent years, I went from chugging a bottle a weekend to drinking every 3 months or so, not counting a single glass of wine or something like that every so often, even then rarely. The big thing is, I'm on heavy antipsychotics to sleep to get rid of trauma related sleep paralysis, if I take them, I'm out for over 9 hours at least, and WILL pass out in public if I wake up before that. I also cannot mix it with alcohol. When I go to events and such where I'm up late-late with friends but have to wake up, I tend to have a few drinks to make myself tired enough to sleep without medicine, it's stupid but it's something that usually only happens maybe 3-4 times a year. Anyway, he mocks me consistently for it, he mocked me last night, as others were talking about drinking making them sleepy, I commented "Man I'm just sleepy," and he said something along the lines of "No shit, you're always drinking, miss "I need to buy a bottle to sleep." While they've been drinking casually every hour since fucking 3 pm, and another friend has been chugging some sort of whiskey-rum mix shit too, but ofc he doesn't get called out. This outing was stupid and I knew it was stupid to go out with people, even tho it's just 4, during all this, and this is what I get.
No. 605350
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Its 4 in the morning and I still haven't slept only because of a stupid reason my s/o yelled 'shut up already' to me even tho all I done was asked if he closed the door. I understand he had a rough week filled with overworking and couldn't even relax at all all day, but as a person who have been living under a household that contained a parent who would always throw their horrible days at me to a point the parent would beat me up, I got triggered. I did not react but I spent a bunch of time silently crying and I still cannot sleep even though I am supposed to wake up in 3 hours. My s/o never shouted nor said anything bad to me before but i still can't calm down. on top of that my health gotten worse and my only good family memberes haven't called me in 2 weeks which makes me feel terrified because their area has many COVID cases and they are old.
No. 605353
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I don’t get why my family keeps telling me I deliberately choose to have “ugly” friends, they’re just my friends, I don’t know how can anyone just hangout with a shitty person who is ugly just because they’re ugly.
I’m also not even pretty, most of the times my friends are the ones getting called pretty, if anything, I’m the one who is considered ugly.
So it’s kind of frustrating.
No. 605356
>>605351Thanks for writing this. I've been going through something similar. I am experiencing the most painful and serious depression of my life and every day is centered around suicidal thoughts that I can't and won't act on out of guilt and concern for my family. With that being said, the immense sadness I've been feeling for 6 months now has now turned into anger and an inability to hide my depression. Everything makes me angry. Today the internet wouldn't work for an hour and I actually felt like I was going to explode and start screaming, so I went for a drive. I'm still angry right now and for no particular reason. I'm just tired of being here. I feel like my parents who I live with think I'm being dramatic and rude, and that surely I can't be as depressed as I'm seeming to be or else I would never get out of bed and be a frail skeleton. I don't think they realize depression is different for everyone, and that I actually wish that was the kind I had. Not this feeling of entrapment, and feeling of wanting life to get better but not knowing how to get there, considering I've tried and tried, and getting angry and sick of the way life has treated me so far.
wow, literally no one asked for all this kek
No. 605377
>>605358Tbf, my parents only told me so once or twice as a kid, but my cousins? They think I’m some sort of pimp that has to get as many pretty friends as I can gather so they can fuck them.
I’m not alive just so they can have a free pass to fuck my friends, fucking manwhores, it’s really shitty.
No. 605386
>>605370Yes anon, and the only thing that helps me work through it is by obsessively evaluating everything in my life that could be wrong and attributing the dread to anything that seems "off" (even though in reality the "offness" is usually so minor it amounts to nothing and is in most cases not the cause of the dread)
Hope you get through this, take a long walk if you can, or listen to your favourite music.
No. 605389
>>605381Reason #2837 I despise dogs and dog owners
Remember ladies, you could move into your dream home one day and the neighborhood mutts will ruin the cute nights you imagined spending in it
If they can declaw cats without care people should de-bark dogs. No more bork bork uguu for you, bitch. Whoever is capable of such a feat would deserve a nobel peace prize and personal certified blowjob from yours truly. Granted that would only solve one of the problems I have with them. The steaming shits I find by my door is another.
Not saging because I'm that bitter
No. 605433
>>605381Yeah fuck your neighbor and their dog. I'm sure they're the bleeding heart type that think any kind of animal training is cruel boohoo. Anon I'm telling you, set up one or two of these cute "birdhouses" by your window
Anti Barking Device, Ultrasonic Anti Barking, Sonic Bark Deterrents, Bark Control Device, Dog Bark Contrl Outdoor Birdhouse's the only way my family was able to get the neighbor's dogs to stay away from our yard and our quiet, timid dog. We've never had issues with him barking, only with our asshole neighbors' retrievers.
The only thing I'm not sure of is if this will work through a window, it may have to be outside for the best effect.
No. 605445
>>605438Korra sucks but I WILL start crying if you call atla mediocre.
But jokes aside, I’m rewatching it right now and I still think it’s a stellar kid’s show. Cuz that’s what it is. It was a Nickelodeon show for children. I don’t keep up with fandom at all but I would suspect people who you say are holding it up as amazing storytelling aren’t trying to claim that the storytelling is adult-level complex and infallible, just that as a kids show, for kids, it does what it does very well.
No. 605470
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i wish i was more confident in the songs i write, but being emotionally available freaks me out so i just keep that shit on my harddrive. writing something and then singing it is so vulnerable idk how people do it
No. 605481
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I feel so bad for snitching but on another hand i am relieved my kid sisters (12 and 10) have been so annoying on social media lately like typical twitter hyper woke bullshit.
Such as
“Ew straggots”
“Um chile anyway”
“My gay ass: 👁👄👁”
I thought “alt” tiktok and retards on roblox were grooming them into this behavior because it was a bunch of unfunny edgy shit like “peaches coochie has roaches in it skksks”that and the sex worker positivity, nasty queer shit, etc.
I uncovered an account that my ten year old sister had and it was so weird, it was a fake “Karen” account. She was obviously trolling but still, she was talking about(as Karen) walking in on her son jerking off to weird furry porn and her doing it with him, she knows what pegging is ffs, she is ten years old I hope she was just parroting dumb shit and didn’t actually know what it fully meant but idk I went over and told my mom and she was livid that my sisters were doing all of that. It was so bizarre how themand their friends would joke about rape and incest and shit like abortions and csa but drew the line of dark humor at when someone on roblox “misgendered” their ugly fake boi 14 year old friend. My mom went through all their messages my 12 year old sister was talking to a 19 year old and he was grooming her, they were “friends” but he tried getting nudes and dirty talk out of her. I’m so glad my mom found out about it and took her phone away before she sent something. They were in discord groups with that guy and he taught My 10 year old sister about masturbating and made dirty jokes. My mom also found a message where my ten year old sister sent a pic of our baby niece and said “Y’all ever just want to 🤜👶”
My mom is so sad about my younger sister saying stuff like that online because “she’s just a baby” I agree, the Internet definitely corrupted her, now she doesn’t even have an interest in kids stuff just social media. But thankfully they got all that shit taken away
Anyways the internet influenced them and I’m kind of annoyed at how much they soaked it in. Never letting my kids have unsupervised access to the internet. Please check on your kid relatives, anons. Most of us already have been through that, from what I can tell in the Disturbing Interactions on the Internet thread
No. 605500
>>605481>but drew the line of dark humor at when someone on roblox “misgendered” their ugly fake boi 14 year old friend.lmfao zoomers in a nutshell.
However you did the absolutely right fucking thing by snitching anon. Your 10-12-year old baby sisters hanging around discords with grown fucking men grooming them is a disgusting fucking thought, you probably saved them from ending up as traumatized e-thots trying to get validation by sucking dirty neckbeard peen. I don't have younger siblings and my nieces are still too young to even use the internet but I definitely hope their parents will keep an eye on their online activity or at least teach them to absolutely not hang around older men no matter how nice they seem to be.
No. 605504
>>605481Everytime I read about this shit I get so scared of having kids in the future because on one hand I don't want my hypotetical daughter to grow up on the internet so I would NEVER give her access to it or a tablet/phone until she's like 15, but she'll get exposed to it anyways because of other kids with shitty parenting, bullies, and society being into kids having twitter at age 10 and raising them through youtube
I just don't want to shelter her, but I want to give her the chance for a normal childhood
I'm sorry about your sisters anon. I hope these degenerates die and zoomers get smacked for their stupid behaivor. God I hate this world I hate this
No. 605536
>>605481Well done to you anon. I had a very very similar situation with my sister at the same age. It's awful. I think we were all weird dumbasses at that age but now the depravity they get into seems a bit worse idk. Sucks too because even after trying to take away their stuff and deal with it, you know that innocence is never ever coming back, it's long gone.
Sending the pic of the baby would've sent me into a rage though like god damn you don't do that lol
No. 605581
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I live in NYC and it's a fucking shitshow at the moment. I think the cops are willfully turning a blind eye to street crime so that things escalate/tip over politically in their favor. everyone around here I talk to feels this sense of fight or flight. for well over a month now there's been this one homeless fuck who circulates around my block and straight up… assaults women, only women. punched a woman in the face outside the bank on the corner for no reason, and that's just one habit of his. there's been well over a dozen incidents and they keep letting him go because the charges "don't stick." and because there's outdoor dining now, he's able to go after vulnerable patrons and employees. I mean just yesterday I saw it happen again! the cops were flagged down—left to go pursue him—and came back to report they did nothing.
No. 605598
>>605506>I wouldn’t know how to deal with all this as a parentYou take away the devices that gives them access to the exposure.
This is the kind of problems reaped from parents letting their kids have unfettered, unsupervised access to the internet at 8 years old. It's not child abuse to take internet away from a kid who can't handle themselves on it, it's an act of care.
No. 605624
>>605615women or men pretending to be women having the lowest possible standards to get virtual points basically.
> oh, yeah men that are bald are totally my type teehee > I love when a man is wrinkled and saggy, I don't understand why women don't appreciate that more> I love unkempt men, that's so hot> we stan dad bods uWuI'm not going back through the comments again but that's vaguely what I recall from spending there 5 minutes.
No. 605634
>>605624The only person in my whole 20 something years in my life who i know likes bald men is my mom, always thought it was weird.
Apparently its because she has had a crush on a famous soccer player who is bald since like the 1980s.
No. 605635
>>605470I completely understand you, anon. I get very self-conscious about how "pretentious" I look preforming my own songs, how they sound and how bad I think the lyrics are. Emotional songs are
so hard to perform, too. Performing in front of people was incredibly nerve-wracking, probably the most stressful thing I've done unrelated to work. I dropped songwriting, but I know for a
fact that they're not as bad as you have it in your head. You could warm up with dong some covers if you have trouble performing in front of people (which I did), it helps - after that, transition to your own songs.
Please don't quit writing songs - I regret doing so, and I still have ideas that pop into my head that are too late to realize now. Your first songs are never genius-tier, but you always get better!
No. 605641
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My friend bought me a video game t-shirt several years ago at Comic-Con because she thought I was a big fan of this particular game, but she was actually confusing two similar fighting games (Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat). I've actually never played Street Fighter, but the gesture was so sweet and the misunderstanding was funny. Some random guy commented on it last week and asked if I really played the game in that "are you just a fake gamer" kinda way.
Like damn bro, not every woman who wears nerdy autist shit is a poser. Let people enjoy things. Nobody owes you an explanation or needs to prove themselves.
No. 605653
>>605647She’s pretty, white, blonde, blue yes, submissive waifu, can cook, clean, keeps her fucking mouth shut yet she acts like she’s won the lottery by scoring a 4/10 man.
If women like that can’t even get the best most of the time we are fucked.
No. 605668
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seeing a post about varg vikernes in the celebricows thread reminded me of how absolutely braindead he and his twitter cult is.
it also reminded me of how much i hate the LOTR fandom. now this will probably sound pretentious and rambly, but i just need to vent. i'm a huge tolkien fan and have read all of his works along with most of the material continued or reworked by his son. and i just can't deal with certain types of fans of LOTR and the silmarillion specifically.
i seethe so hard whenever i see bigoted men on the internet or irl mansplaining the ethics, religious beliefs and purposes of tolkien's legacy. especially since more often than not their introduction to his works is the dumb ass lotr movie franchise (which i find a disgrace to the series). there are so many men like this in white nationalist circles, both catholic and ~pagan~ ones. they're all pathetic LARPers who get their egos inflated by pickme tradthots also LARPing online. i just hate them and their dumb misinterpretations and projection. i hate preachy nerdy men overall.
the only funny thing about this is how varg and co will post copes like pic related when confronted with the fact that tolkien was a christian with clearly christian values.
No. 605773
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Thursday: neighbor over the road is in her garden coughing violently.
Friday: neighbor over the road is in her garden coughing violently.
Saturday: neighbor over the road is in her garden with 10 other people and several children throwing a party until 2 am.
Sunday: neighbor over the road is in her garden coughing violently.
This is never going to end.
No. 605830
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>>605826but…what about medium sized tampons…?
when i was a teenager though for some reason i would just roll up toilet paper and just jam it in. maybe i was too poor for tampons or we just didnt have them…?
No. 605844
>>605826Is that really how hymens work? I've used large and super-sized tampons from the very first time I got my period without problems.
Btw I also think pads are disgusting but when I say that I don't mean the girl/women is disgusting, it just feels disgusting when it's leaking out and you can feel it ew.
No. 605904
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I'm sick of the sensationalist/clickbait media that causes gas-lighting. There was an over-optimistic part of me during the pandemic that said "okay, maybe THIS IS THE TIME where the melodrama and fake beef halts. Because we have a serious situation right now where we can't afford to split and weaken from petty and hysterical reasons."
The coronavirus worries me mostly because of the supposed, long-term effects that linger onto the body once you get sick from it. And it doesn't help that its being politicized because psychopath autists are that fucking bored of their own lives. I can't even tell if masks help or not anymore because of these cunts. I still wear them when I go out shopping etc.
The only thing I know for certain is that I'm gonna focus on keeping my body healthy. Eating organic veggies and taking in optimal counts of vitamins while exercising. I have no doubts that the reason why corona-chan took off in burgerland was because everyone kept eating shit food.
Another thing I hate is the BLM garbage of how they lionize neurotic black men the most as well as infantilize both the offender and college cult kids who are burning down innocent people's homes.
>oh but the protesters were just having a sad grumpy day you can't put them in jail :((((
no fuck you deal with the consequences bitch. and throw the dipshit lawyers who are taking part in bailing the rioters in a ditch.
I can go on but tl;dr anyone who says that black people aren't horrified at the propaganda they are pushing is delusional; I have more chances of getting killed by a black man than a white one.
I just hope that normies will all abandon mass media as well as promoting the idea of critical thinking, being more open to criticism and discussions, and not harass others for asking questions. Free speech =/= calling mean names; free speech prevented both communism and nazis to get full reign. Some might argue to me that we are already living in a communist dystopia #blackpilled but I don't see it that way because you still have the opportunity to move out of the urban city shitholes like Chicago or California. And the ones responsible don't have full power, and are arguably losing it.
No. 605921
>>605904Seek therapy.
And I'm not just saying this to be a bitch. I think you need other people to talk to than just some anonymous imageboard.
> can go on but tl;dr anyone who says that black people aren't horrified at the propaganda they are pushing is delusional; I have more chances of getting killed by a black man than a white one. This really depends on where you live and your own demographics, anon.
No. 606006
>>605904Millenials are desperate to have some cultural legacy since the boomer robbed them of normalcy. If they can't go die in war, they create them on the internet. It costs nothing to do it, and people real get off on feeling like they have moral superiority and valor.
The clickbait with Rona is unreal. Everything is designed to terrify people whether its true, false, or a guess.
No. 606059
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>>605921>I think you need other people to talk to than just some anonymous imageboard.that's why I'm here. I already discussed it with my friends/family. And politics is something we all don't talk about on the regular, even if there is some hot-topic issue, it just makes us more angrier and wastes our time because you don't get anything accomplished from it.
This is a vent thread after all
>>605989Yeah, I'll still follow the precautions because I think corona is real. But what chaps my ass is no one is willing to be straightforward or transparent. In March when they told everyone not to buy masks, they could of clarified with "our health professionals need to stock them up" but instead it was "it doesn't work". Is it really that fucking hard to be honest jesus christ.
No. 606069
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Recently in my country a 10 year old girl was raped by her uncle (he abused her since she was 6) and got pregnant, obviously, the poor girl got a permission to have an abortion. Now a retarded infamous ex-Neonazi ex-FEMEN currently conservative lolcow called Sara Winter leaked on purpose the name of the Hospital the girl was getting an abortion in (and the girl's name) and a bunch of disgusting religious cunts/demented ""pro-lifers"" are gathering in front of the hospital to sAvE ThE fEtUS and are calling the doctor who is going to do the abortion a murderer. I'm fucking fuming.
Pic related: there are also some videos of these worthless piles of shit trying to get inside the Hospital.
No. 606095
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My bin is flooded with maggots. I've been pouring kettle water on them for the past half hour
No. 606180
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I'm interested in three different professions and I feel very insecure. I'm positive I can link at least two of them, more or less, together and pursue the other one as a hobbie; but I'm just not sure, I really like all of them.
I decided to take a gap year in 2021 for various reasons, for now, I'll try to avoid overthinking, focus on my present and take my time to make a conscious decision
No. 606188
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I'm upset about kissanime and kissmanga, they're the only sites with older more obscure titles…fuck everything
No. 606189
>>606180That seems like the opposite of a problem. So many choices and all of them are things you like!
It’s a lot more difficult if
no career path interests you.
No. 606191
>>606189You're right. I'm glad I've found interests because I have been completely clueless about my future and it was terrifying. Guess I'm just nervous about not making a good decision.
Thanks for the reply anon!
No. 606217
>>605137Anon are you me? Exact same thing. Went from "I really like spending time with you" to complete ghosting and not returning texts.
Based on experience, when that happens, it's usually that they were dating other people and made it official with one (which is fair), or went back to their ex.
>>605164I kinda agree, but it's one thing to let a conversation dies and stop scheduling dates and it's another to completely disappear and ignore simple texts.
No. 606220
>>605319People don't go out of their way to compliment someone behind their back if it's a joke. If you only had short relationships it's probably because of your personality.
You're either extremely bland or weird as hell. Plenty of ugly people can get into relationships because they're a pleasure to be around or are charismatic.
No. 606239
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>>605481seeing posts like this makes me so happy that my parents didn't let me have my own computer in my own room until I was 15, even though back then it annoyed me. damn.
No. 606244
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I got called back to work so I have an 8 hr shift tmr but I don’t wanna go and now I’m just trying to mentally prepare myself
No. 606317
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Im basically begging my parents for help to pay for college because my shitty ass associates degree is fucking worthless and I can’t get a job in my area and im too mentally ill brain dead to work in a normal job, i get panic attacks over nothing, after like two weeks i get paranoid the people I just met hate me and i become suicidal over it, alot of times im unable to properly feed and clean myself, im just barely fucking functional at this point.
They are threatening to cut me off after i finish shitty local community college and i dont know what im going to do, e whoring isn’t even an option at this point since the market is overflown basically.
I wish they would just declare me mentally unfit to care for myself, which I technically am so i could just rot quietly in a tiny home with some government money, they keep comparing me to relatives and friend’s kids that are pulling through with retail jobs but they aren’t fucking mental trainwrecks that haven’t showered or brushed their teeth in a week, its like they are in denial that im not a normal person.
I don’t know how to convey to people around me that im suffering without fucking suicide baiting or some other attention whore shit, no one fucking listens when you’re not being a cow, some days i get the urge to just stop eating util i look like that terrifying russian chick in the pro ana thread, it feels like no one wants to admit that im suffering unless i start to destroy my appearance.
My only dream was to make a living out of art, make movies and shit like that, but thats impossible unless you come from a fucking millionaire family.
No. 606323
>>606283You really shouldn't have watched those stories, huh?
I don't know, anon.. You weren't really kicked out of the friend group if it happened "slowly" - that's kind of contradicting. As much as it sucks friendships just kind of fade sometimes and it doesn't mean you're boring. The way you talk about it makes it sound like you might be behaving in a way that makes those thoughts a potential self-fulfilling prophecy. Just a thought.
I think the invite was a nice gesture even though I can understand your reaction. I don't see why she would force herself to invite you to her big day as they say. Maybe it was just her honoring your friendship even though you lost touch.
Don't beat yourself up, anon. I feel bad about myself too and I've lost touch with some friends (like most people have and will more or less in life) but I know damn well it's not because I'm boring and I bet you're not either so don't talk yourself down like that.
No. 606392
>>605108I am a lightweight and I can get seriously ill off of 3 drinks if not consumed properly and when I was younger I would tell people this all the time and they’d Try and embarrass and shame me and when that didn’t work have a fucking go at me, pout and sulk about it like I was letting them down. I’d still be AS DRUNK or more drunk than them but they took it personally that I didn’t drink exactly as much as they did. So annoying. I even had to put my foot down with my best friend and I literally told her if you don’t shut the fuck up I’ll never drink with you again, stop forcing me to make myself ill just because you think I’m “funny” or whatever the fuck. Just because you haven’t got the balls to embarrass yourself so I have to embarrass myself like some stupid fucking jester. I love my best friend but she had this false belief that me being drunk would make me enjoy myself more, but really it just put pressure on me and the anxiety would make me ill. This is one of the reasons I just became a complete hermit for a few years, because when I was 18 - 21 all anyone cared about was getting wasted. It was so boring going out with them, it was just sitting around in one bar, then another bar, then another bar, then a nightclub then kebab then home. I’d be bored out of my fucking mind the whole time because I hate the music and I hate the cringe men there and the atmosphere and the conversation was always bog as hell, but they where my only friends at that point and I didn’t have a bf so I just accepted that this was my social life. The worst was when I went to a girls birthday party and even her ugly ass mutten-dressed-as-lamb gold digging wannabe milf mother told me in a smarmy tone “just man up, it’s (her) birthday”.
Fuck all those bitches they don’t have a clue how to have a good time and they waste all their money trying to fit in with people they barely know.
No. 606440
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Day X of my unhealthy obsession …
My lizard brain is still telling me to fuck my neighbors. Will it ever end?
No. 606444
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it's laundry day, i woke up at 5 am with bad covid symptoms and i just realized my bf bought the wrong type of pickle for my olivye of which i have already prepared a huge batch. just kill me now.
No. 606508
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I'm the oldest of 4 siblings. My parents lived off of child benefits since they had me, and I'm strongly suspecting that's why they had us in the first place. We all lived in the same room and slept on bunk beds, I was trained to be my parents' caretaker and my siblings' babysitter from day 1. I spent all of my childhood wiping my siblings' asses and noses, getting them to sleep, forcing my brother to do just about anything for school, the list goes on.
One of my sisters is nice, but the youngest 2 are nightmares who always scream, cry, get in trouble for attention and never do as they're told. When I was in my teens they would always annoy me on purpose or break my stuff and when I slapped them or grabbed them to stop them from pinching my legs, they'd cry to my mom who would then come yell at me even though my parents barely did any of the fucking raising.
I never had peace and quiet to study yet they never let me go out with my friends, our apartment was always dirty and gross, and my parents never gave a shit about me because all I was to them was a free nanny.
I really don't want kids and I hate people trying to nudge me into it or insinuate that it's what I was "made" to do. I hate that I'm considered selfish for not wanting kids and wanting to live a productive life that doesn't revolve around serving and supporting others, or being their cheerleader/maid/nurse/mommy when people have kids for all sorts of selfish reasons, my parents included, yet people always act like people with kids are saints even if they abuse and exploit the shit out of their children. I've been raising kids all my life and I only now got a life of my own, and now that I moved in with my bf, my mom keeps calling me to ask me "how many I'm planning and when's my first", and when I said I don't want kids she tried to pressure me into it and say "what do you mean? you've got to have kids, they're a blessing!"
I just wanna live my life in peace now that I can instead of being pressured to deal with more screaming retards, I'm tired of it. We also live right above a kids' playground so I get to hear kids screaming their lungs out and toddlers hollering every day. Fuck kids.
No. 606554
>>606495Agreed that there are older men acting like they're still 25 years old. Yet I find that once you weed out the aged-out fuckboys, at least they're easier to read compared to their younger counterparts.
Older men typically have more money to spend, they ought to be more established and so less insecure, and the should know what they want as opposed to fuckboys who don't want to commit to shit. My comfy range is about 35-40 (I'm late 20s). Be careful of men still in their early 30s though because a lot of them are still idiots who are in denial that they're no longer 20 anymore and act like shitheels for it.
No. 606574
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Does anyone else have a detached mother? My mom has always been detached and we had some serious arguments in high school that only furthered the gap. I thought it was fixed but she doesn't text me or call me unless she hasn't heard from me in a week.
It hurts so badly to not have a mom that cares like most other moms do but I guess I fell for the "loving mother" meme on TV. Even while writing this now I can't help but cry knowing that we will never be close. I love her to death but I don't think she really feels the same way back about me. I've done a lot of fucked up things but even before all of that, I never really felt cared for by her. It feels dumb saying that because she has shown signs that she loves me and cares for me, but never emotional signs.
well i have gone and fucked myself up for the day
No. 606577
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I hate this
No. 606725
>>606554idk about dating older men anon. us dating them is why they end up so entitled and mean to older women.
imo except the money part, ther's no reason to date older guys. a lot of guys are better to date with since their personality is more malleable. ex: you can teach them to love giving you pleasure, and teach them how to pleasure you. old men are too stuck in their ways too improve, you can't really tell them that you're not enjoying sex without them getting aggressive.
No. 606735
>>606725Dated a late thirties guy when I was in my late twenties and went into it expecting the money situation, sex, maturity and all that to be better..not just that I expected that but he really went out of his way to paint that picture to me. Totally changed the moment I was stuck in a lease with him.
Sex changed overnight, he changed his mind about our argreed split in bills, many other things and I ended up experiencing nearly every form of abuse, financial, emotional, sexual, violent. I'm ashamed to tell anyone irl how badly he manipilated me. Worst experience of my life. Give me back flakey young guys lol. I won't date older again. Too easy for them to paint a false image. He had my dad so fooled that he barely believes my reason for fleeing across the country to get away from him.
No. 606739
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>>606310Based anon. I feel like we need a Fate/FGO general here because y'all are the only ones that get it. Those summer costumes are atrocious. Although it does look like we got some summer male CEs, pic related. (that Odysseus hnnnngh)
I was salty as fuck too about Circe being in the white day event. I know its just a game but would it kill them to have 1 event that panders to us without feeling the need to make sure the scrotes have something to tickle their dicks?
I know other mobage have started to pander to women and I've considered moving over to those, but I love the Fate universe and the husbandos are so goddamn beautiful and better written than a lot of the waifus of the week in FGO.
No. 606787
>>606765Just because you're not responding doesn't mean you're not wasting the same amount of free time you have aimlessly lurking the internet. You're better because you don't interact even though you notice the arguments all the same. Sure.
Loser smugchan.
No. 606823
>>606792I was outside for the majority of this date so no. I didn't have to wear a mask again until my date wanted ice cream and I looked retarded for the rest of the evening. What's the point of not wearing makeup if I only have to wear it until I'm seated at the restaurant, where polite Mr. Covid magically backs off when he acknowledges I'm eating?
>>606791Shave your beard, scrote.
No. 606829
>>606800Do you earnestly believe people are still emotional about internet arguments they had years ago?
Nope. It's all wasted time so you're all not really any better.
No. 606851
>>606833What does a mask do when you take it off to eat the food you just bought when you sit down five feet away from where you were just forced to wear it?
No. 606877
>>606559I’ve been having trouble pooping for a couple days and I couldn’t decide on what stool softener to buy, so I used some EVOO. It definitely helped but it gave me a weird burning/stinging feeling in my throat
No. 606984
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>A speedrunning event held for women
>Oh no I think I know where this is going
>Like half of the participants are troons, most of them don't even attempt to pass
>yeah something like that
On the plus side I was expecting no women at all.
No. 606997
>>606984Is it surprising over half are men in dresses? Only men are retarded enough to throw their lives away by seeing how fast they can mash buttons to make the screen blip go beep boop bop.
I'm embarrassed for the bio women in that pic too.
No. 606998
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>>606984Troon cluster located.
No. 607003
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>>606984dude threw on a skirt and said "fuck it, women's speedrunning"
No. 607004
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>>606984Your unfriendly neighbourhood sleep paralysis demon.
No. 607008
My father is a misogynist and I can't stand it. I barely talk to him, and when I do out of necessity or because I haven't lost hope yet, I can just feel his superiority complex oozing from the way he talks to me, like I'm a piece of shit. He talks to me like I'm a dumb child, when I have express my opinion on something he completely ignores me and he never misses the chance to say how much smarter he is. He's all over my older brother of course, which is ironic since he used to beat him up with a belt when he was a child. He treats my mother like shit (my mother also may have some mental illness, but this doesn't justify his behaviour), telling her that she's ugly like a monkey and fat (which she's not) and that, and I quote, "she would be better if she was raped" in front of me and my brother. I know that at the end of the day he's Just garbage not even worth calling a man, and he does all this because he knows this and tries to feel better about himself. I just hope one day he'll get what he deserves.
No. 607009
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No. 607011
>>606984I remember on quora once a troon was telling a guy who asked the dumb question of "how to tell the difference between a cis women and trans women".
The troon said you can't, also gave a similar answer for neo-vaginas. Looking at this picture I agree. You cannot tell the difference, not one bit /s.
No. 607076
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Hope all anons are alright today.
Don't do anything drastic. Drink some water.
I love you. You matter. Even if it don't feel like it. Hang in there. Talk to me if you need to
No. 607097
>>606998It's like the entire dilate department came out there to join them.
I agree though AT LEAST there's cis women in there.
No. 607107
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>>607030>>607040>>607070>>607074>>607096I made a chart of all the people that I think are actually women and not troons. Just because someone is objectively ugly and not feminine doesn't make them a dude.
The ones outlined in red… I wasn't really sure about. Some of them have obvious breasts but could easily have stuffed their shirts. I think eyeliner there might actually be a troon but passes a bit as a cute girl so whatever.
You are free to disagree or otherwise cross out who you believe may actually be a troon
No. 607121
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>>607107This one has literal male pattern baldness, ffs.
No. 607127
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>>607121Nah, I had a friend who looks EXACTLY like her, hairline pushed back and all. And she was 100% female, I tasted her pussy. (Pic attached)
I think it's a woman still.
No. 607133
>>607131youre retarded
>>607130Not what samefag means but true
No. 607141
>>607133I know what samefag means, retard. Someone just happened to post before I sent my follow-up reply.
>>607138Because it's possible for women to have receding hairlines, photo was to prove a point.
No. 607218
Received 4-week infighting ban for this post
>>607146 pointing out misuse of a word, literally the first and only aggressive reply to one person. Mods are so fucking stupid I can’t.
No. 607219
>>607211Tbh both of you sound like you have no idea how sex works. Did you actually communicate with each other about the experience in anyway other than your bf retardedly telling you that you smelled weird?
If you're "good at blowjobs," then he needs to get better at eating you out. If you know what you like, are directing him to pleasure you in that way and he's just not listening to you or claiming it's too much effort, dump his ass.
No. 607222
>>60721199% chance it's just his fault and there's nothing wrong with you, but please explain - how on earth did it hurt? I can imagine an attempt to be mediocre but it shouldn't be painful, it's just a tongue.
Though if you showered immediately beforehand, seems inevitable that you'd be dry? But then, again, he should be trying to turn you on and it seems he didn't.
No. 607241
>>607222>>607219He just kind of tried to shove a finger in me and it was painful.
I tried my best to direct him but there wasn't much that changed in how anything felt.
He is not a virgin so I guess I was hoping that it would sort itself out while working through the awkward stuff. I don't think he knows much about sex either, I shouldn't expect so much out of a first time experience.
I will look on the bright side and hope we figure it out eventually. It's just the thought that it might never get better that scares me but he was genuinely sad that he could not make me feel anything. Men are lucky to have sex on easy mode.
No. 607247
>>607241>He just kind of tried to shove a finger in me and it was painful>I tried my best to direct him but there wasn't much that changed in how anything felt.Have you fingered yourself before and know what works for you? The vagina doesn't actually have that many nerve endings and it can hurt, or you won't feel much, unless he curves his fingers inwards and hits your g-spot.
But then again, if you weren't turned on that much to begin with (ie: you weren't even wet) it's not going to work either way.
No. 607278
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>>607199Im suuure it was him tho…Next day I was in that same street (theres a bakery right in front of the building where he was standing at that I go to every day) and saw this car parked there. It says "Voice actors racing team"! And the building has some voice actors office there(cant remember the name tho).
>>607200"Sensei" is an ok thing to call someone older/in a "higher position" tho so no biggie.
No. 607354
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I can’t listen to Melanie Martinez’s nor Sia’s music, I just feel extreme disgust, which is weird because it usually is really difficult for me to be weirded out when it comes to music and art in general. I try to understand, but I honestly don’t like what I’m over-analyzing whenever I read the lyrics and such.
It just makes me feel extremely uncomfortable, I physically cringe and I have to stop listening to the song/reading the lyrics as quick as possible.
And I can’t even watch the videos on mute, I got some people and a friend telling me to listen to theit songs and watch the videos because they’re:
And I couldn’t, I can’t, I will never be able to do it, I can’t watch them, they somehow trigger a fight or flight instinct in me, my heart races and my stomach is a mess, sometimes I even shiver.
Why??? It’s utterly annoying and ridiculous.
No. 607459
My friend's gf will be having a baby soon and I'm stunned because frankly he seems so unfit.
Like he has a super immature mindset in that he just ignores problems/anything that bothers him. He has a good income and they seem to be having a blast picking out baby items, but like…I don't think he's emotionally mature enough. His personality as I know it has been subsumed by his gfs. His hobbies are now exactly opposing what they used to be (outdoorsy stuff, which coincidentally I'm into and could only get him to go a walk on my birthday, now he's all "wowww, oh boy I LOVE hiking"), and his vocabulary has changed completely to match his gf and her familys. IDK what I'm trying to get at but like…he hasn't even settled on his own identity and he's going to raise a child? PLUS it's scary that it's nothing like the child/teen/young adult I've known him to be. He's done a good job at masking himself from his gf so she's more well matched. And it also feels now like he's…stereotyped himself? IDK but he's not coming off as a complex human anymore. He has his range of interests and that's kind of where it ends, you know? He's just a simple dude who loves gaming in his mancave LOL.
When we'd hang he'd be dead at 10pm, like just passing out. Yet he doesn't have any sort of schedule with dealing with the baby, knowing his shortcomings. No clue on religion etc despite opposing religion families, and he's voiced that he expects our other friend to give the baby hard truths when it's needed. He's said he thinks it'll be easier than work or college. I don't know if he's just expecting the hard work to be passed to his gf (doubtful, he always gives 100% in treating her), or if he's just completely blind to the reality of an actual baby. It's not just a cute crib, but like you can fuck it up if you don't give it it's emotional needs.
No. 607504
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>>605108>be me, vintage clothing collector>have been searching for a very specific shirt from the late '70s for six years>with corona, i haven't been searching as hard for the items i want, specifically this shirt>not like it'll pop up anyway, right?>check etsy for the first time in a month>someone listed the shirt - in my size - exactly a month ago>holyfuckingshit.jpg>message seller about a flaw noted in the listing, figure i have time to ask questions about a shirt i'm planning to spend $$$$ on if it's been up for a month and no one's bought it yet>seller messages me back a few hours later and tells me the flaw was actually fixed and they just forgot to update the listing>see message about 25 minutes after they sent it>so happy, i'm finally going to get THE SHIRT i've wanted for like 1/4 of my life>go to listing to buy it>"This item has sold.">FUCKIGNSGFGJBSBLKLKNF, IN 25 MINUTES?!?!?!111this is going to piss me off for a really, really long time. i should have just fucking bought it no question's asked, but what were the odds of someone buying it the same day i found it when it had been up for a month? for fuck's sake.
No. 607514
I just went to look at pics of my favorite trashy goth bastard Victor Love and all I get is some dumbass schmuck actor because apparently there is some show called "Love, Victor" now? Fuck this now I have to google his band's name and try not to fall in love with the rest of them which is hard because the others all look better in the pics.
>>607504That's really sad, but you never know when something will come up again. Maybe it will be in 5 years, but maybe it will be next week, you can never know. I hope something good comes up soon.
No. 607555
>>607543Been there so many times and honestly thought I'd never be content but something shifted in my mind a couple years back and most of that suffering is just gone. I have the same shitty history but I don't feel all that intense pain anymore. Very few things in life are permanent.
What you're talking about is choosing a permanent 'solution' to a problem that you don't know is permanent. Even if you have depression that can mellow with age, most pain passes.
No. 607590
>>607481It’s just some autistic stuff I do, and probably a bunch of people does too.
Basically just listening to the song and figuring out what probably made the artist write it, what’s the message/idea they’re trying to show people with it, why would the people around you listen to it and relate to it, specially the parts that they say “hits them hard” and such.
I think the whole DD/LG theme of their aesthetic just makes me cringe and think that maybe my friend went through something or something.
No. 607592
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I hope you get some filthy cathair stuck in your little bitch mouth while chewing on black burnt coal toast soaked in salty bitch tears and then off yourself like the little bitch that you are
no, seriously, I feel you. I'm sorry your life sucks and that you're in such a bad place right now. It's normal to want a release and an escape from that. I have nothing to offer to you except my deep love and support, anon. If you can, laugh at some memes for me today. I love you
No. 607599
>>607596I grew up depressed and thinking I'd never reach 18, then that number changed to 20, 25, 30. I think that whole 'it's my time, I was always meant to die young' feeling is kinda common in depressed people. It's loopy when you step back and look at those thoughts.
Have you ever reached out for help from your doc?
No. 607600
>>607596I completely get it. Life often leaves me feeling or being powerless and depression even more. It's paralyzing. So many people rag on mentally ill people and their choices but in life, there often is just an illusion of choice. I didn't choose to be sick. The only choice I have is to put up with all the bullshit and pain gracefully and do my best and that can get unbearingly hard.
You're not selfish or a burden or guilty for existing in pain, anon. I feel you.
No. 607616
Is wanting to throat punch a dude who did you dirty a month after the fact a sign you're not over him even though you feel that you are?
Basically a ~nice guy~ led me on and fed me a bunch of shit about wanting to be with me. I let a lot of shit slide cause he was friends with one of my best girlfriends so I thought it meant he was better than other guys, hahaha. When I tried to set friendzone boundaries when I sensed he wasn't serious, he'd accuse me of "trust issues" and insist he eventually wanted a relationship with me despite giving me a sudden slow fade. Deep down he still had feelings for another woman who wasn't going to pick him and was just using me for his ego boost, I feel. He'd constantly bring her up in conversations which made me uncomfortable. He tried to manipulate me using his supposed mental issues as an excuse as to why he was playing hot and cold, so I told him to quit the sadboy shit and announce he was in a relationship with me if he actually meant it already. Reluctantly he did, but knew he'd be a liar if he said no. He needed an excuse to ditch me. It lasted barely two days before he dumped me, and used me having called out his ~mental issues~ manipulation tactic as having "made fun of his issues." I got big mad and messaged back about how he certainly didn't give a fuck about my issues and never asked, and didn't care about hurting my feelings, so why should I care about his? The hypocrite, as he accused me of "trust issues" while he was bringing food runs to that other woman who wouldn't have him late at night after he told me they fought. He has no problem making fun of and dismissing mental issues if it suits his behaviors. Same guy who told me he fucked his boss. Same guy who insists on having working relationships with his exes. All due to "mental issues." I remember feeling so confused and blindsided, as he dumped and blocked me while I was at work so I wouldn't have a chance to take it in and properly respond. I dared him to prove that he cared about me in any capacity, and then he blocked me just like that. Coming from the guy who insisted "big conversations" should always be done over a video call or in person. Guess he meant only when he wanted to manipulate me and not have anything spoken in writing anyplace, like when he accused me of trust issues for his inappropriate relationships.
After he blocked me, my friend showed me a screenshot she took of his social media status where he apologized to everyone for getting into a relationship he wasn't ready for (lolwhat???). Obviously it was just to make himself look good and to save face, it certainly wasn't for me. I can't believe how many people liked that status. I can't believe how many still buy that he's a "nice guy." Some of the mutuals I had unfriended me on socials because they believed his act.
I contacted that other woman who he was interested in and she gave me a lot of his tea after I told her how creepy he'd been telling me about their fights and the bad things he said about her to downplay his feelings to my face. She blocked him and then said that he was melting down trying to call her. Lmao, tells you all you need to know about who he actually wanted right? Well anyways, it looks like he probably got through in manipulating her back too cause it looks like she blocked me since that convo. He's likely showing everyone perfectly capped shots of our conversations where I was totes a mean bitch who makes fun of people for mental issues and how I was a jealous with trust issues and he was a perfect nice boi.
It's not fair. I hate that bastard. Maybe I feel I never got to say my piece and that's why my blood boils whenever I think of that shit who everyone thinks is a "nice guy." I don't care about him anymore, but I care about what he did to me.
I can't even really expose him completely now cause it's been too long and I have other dates now so it would look obsessive. I just hate "nice guys" like that so much. I hate how women are always framed like bitches no matter what games men pull over us.
No. 607626
>>607620Diff anon. I wish more people would share stories like this. I dived into depression the moment I hit puberty and didn't come out of it til I hit my thirties.
I've had two years of feeling relatively normal and nothing really happened to cause the sudden improvement, just time/aging. I've had grief, loss, abuse and all that in my past but it's amazing how resiliant the mind can be, even after years of self destruction I somehow just levelled out again.
No. 607636
>>607622Nta but I had IBS for years and it's better to avoid
trigger foods in those situations then to try and pre-medicate to avoid symptoms. I was on daily medications for IBS at one point and they do just stop working after a while.
No. 607640
>>607636She has lactose intolerance not IBS though. A lot of people premedicate for that.
No one likes to be around things that
trigger their allergies but if they know they're gonna face them they take medication. Idk, just seems more responsible.
No. 607645
>>607640She talks about spice, coffee and stress all
triggering it too, that's IBS on top of an intolerance
No. 607647
>>607626Similar story, I first became suicidal and depressed when I was 11. Now I am 29 and finally starting to feel better.
For me I guess the best thing I did was to stop identifying myself as a mentally ill/depressed person. Once I separated it from my identity, it stopped being who I was and it became easier to deal with it.
No. 607737
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Having ocd is so fucking frustrating. I have a new fixation on an illness and I'm trying to ignore my intrusive thoughts cause I know If I don't it'll keep getting worse but I can't. Like, I let my intrusive thoughts slip through, so to not get a disease I have to do mental rituals again and ease my nerves. But i know if I do it I'm just contributing to my own mental illness.
Fuck this. Atleast I have ricekrispie treats to comfort me through these hard times tho.
No. 607771
>>607768aw anon i feel the same way sometimes.
i wish people were less quick to be mean and bitter.
it makes me smile like a dork when i see anons being kind to one another though. like, it's nice that some people are still nice even when they don't have to be.
No. 607781
>>607773I remember when that happened holy shit. I didn't know that was why you cried, but I remember that anon's extreme/stupid reaction.
I'm so sorry. We're not all edgy, baity dickheads, and I sincerely hope you're okay!!
No. 607783
>>607773Nta but I remember you anon! Yeah that poster was off her rocker.
I've cried at the obgyn before out of hormones, anxiety, and just anticipating a shitty visit in general. I've seen women crying in those offices before.
No. 607784
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>>607620 and I'm glad mine and the other anons have helped you!
>>607647 bang on reminds me of myself, slightly different ages though. I was always an anxious kid to the point where I would force myself to vomit in early elementary school just to go home sick and spend time with my mother (attachment issues/anxiety/CSA) and had my first suicidal thought at age 10. I didn't start feeling better until 25 which was my personal cutoff age to kill myself, and I'm 26 now and happier and healthier than I've ever been.
I still struggle, but I am so full of joy knowing that while yes, I will carry mental illness with me, I can cope with it, I can survive it, and one day, the majority of my life will have been lived with joy instead of suffering as long as I allow myself to make it there. I believe in you anon and any other depressed anons reading this. Please give yourself a chance.
(edited bc linked wrong "I'm [post]".)
No. 607796
>>607778Her parents might be dealing with fears that she'll off herself given that trans people report wanting to die if their transition doesn't happen quick enough, add on the bpd and that concern increases tenfold..they might be spending so much because of either guilt or worry. Sometimes the more you have your shit together..the more people just expect you to be fine without help.
>they're gifting me a new laptop for uniThat's not too shabby at least. I bought a house last year and just got a bed frame lately, similarly it was just a matter of trying to decide what expense should come first. I'm an oldfag tho, the cycle of trying to have enough money just keeps going tbh, well beyond uni years lol
No. 607812
>>607781I honestly felt so betrayed, I didn't infight or shit like that, just words on screen but man I wanna have a few words with that anon
>>607782Shit, I'm so sorry anon what the fuck. Are these scrotes or actual women because what the fuck
>>607783Fucking still gives me the creeps
No. 607821
>>607796Oh, definitely. Only a year ago she said she hated her parents' money, her tune has changed since they've been paying for her hormones and going above and beyond lol
Ironically, she gets the absolute cheapest and mosy thoughtless gifts for birthdays.
>That's not too shabby at least.Yeah, the only price I had to pay was not getting Christmas or Sinterklaas presents last year (and probably this year aswell), but it's honestly all worth it for a laptop that won't crash while I'm writing my thesis and that I'll be able to keep for at least 5 years lol
>>607778Oh man, I get that so hard. I'm happy that you were eligible for that scholarship though! Every little thing helps
No. 607856
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I’m only 18 why is all my hair falling out I was cute when I wasn’t BALD fuck my genes fuck jannies and fuck trannies. Pic related its going to be me in a few months.
No. 607891
>>607882Nta but maybe get a second opinion or see if this is something common in your family. Either way bald girls are cute anon
except for gimpgirl google bald girls and see for yourself
No. 607930
>>607856I think bald can be cute. I used to shave my head just by choice.
I know some losing their hair choose to just shave it off first, to somewhat take back control of the situation. Diving into it rather than sitting back watching it happen.
No. 607998
>>607856I started my hair loss journey around that age too (Am in my early 20s now) and i've lost about a good half of my hair now.
It feels like a sick joke to start experiencing permanent hair loss as a
female teenager, and i honestly haven't felt like a normal person since then. In fact, i feel like a total freak and i can't even seriously think about going bald or shaving it all off without having subsequent suicidal thoughts.
But like i said, mine is genetic. Yours could be a bunch of other things. Go get some tests done (if you haven't already?)and hopefully it's some kinda deficiency or any other temporary cause.
Ladies, your hair is perfect the way it is. Please don't get obsessed over how naturally thin or curly your hair is, or how slowly they grow. It really doesn't matter as long as you
have a full head of hair.
No. 608035
>>607882If your doctor/ gyno is willing my sister had a lot of luck with BC + Spironolactone
It slowed her shedding significantly
No. 608096
Every female boss I have ever worked for has had the following traits: extremely driven, sketchy business practices, at least a dozen "side hussles," obsessed with money, charismatic, believes in dumb fuck new age bullshit like the law of attraction or things that have been objectively proven false by science, and extremely poor communication skills. I have borderline panic attacks trying to follow what these people want from me. It's like they're speaking another language entirely, or are expecting me to intuitively fill in the blanks and figure it out on my own. I made the mistake of letting one of these people mentor me a year ago, and now I can't seem to get away from them. It's like they can smell me a mile away. These are the ONLY people who ever respond to my applications for internships or jobs. They always seem like such great opportunities, until I interview with the person and realize they're one of these types. Again. This latest one believes that microwaves cause cancer, and if I work for her, I have to bring cold lunches only on days that she needs me to work from her office. Fantastic.
I'm honestly so sad right now. I just want to work for a normal fucking person, preferably a female. I'm starting to worry that there are no successful women/women in leadership in the U.S. that aren't like this.
No. 608097
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>>608049I'm so jealous. My parents are literally on the internet 24/7 but still fuck up so bad. My mom is like a cringe cousin, asking to be on my laptop all the time to watch movies. I bought her a chromebook to get her to shut the fuck up.
When I was in high school my dad would confiscate my laptop to play online poker and kill it with viruses, then have the audacity to get mad at me when he basically deleted all my files and photos multiple times over. I can't remember how many papers I had to rewrite or just go to the school library to write because of him. He used mine because he killed the other computer with viruses, and then truly killed the laptop in the stupidest way possible. He confiscated the laptop for a dumb reason and was playing on it next to our jacuzzi. He dropped it in while it was still on and fried the motherboard into oblivion. He threw it away and hid from me the fact he destroyed it for 3 months, and tried to gaslight me the whole time into thinking I didn't look hard enough to find it. He cracked after I kept asking over and over getting angry then said he didn't want me to hate him more than I already did.
No. 608104
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My ex-girlfriend and best friend of nearly half a decade now treats me like crap and wants nothing to do with me and we argue constantly. I wish I could move on but it's so hard to do that with someone who meant the world to me. I miss how she'd tell me about the songs and poetry she wrote for me, how we would talk for hours on end about fuck all, her voice, her laugh, her face…
I'm a total social retard with really niche interests so it's very hard for me to believe I could find that kind of connection with anyone else ever again. I'm heartbroken to say the least.
No. 608105
>>608096Could the reason be your field of work?
Honestly I can see how being a little bit crazy can be an advantage in some higher positions. Though I can see why working for one could be exhausting.
No. 608116
>>608096my last female (and, more importantly, she was the sole owner of a one and only local specialty shop, so it was all her and then only me or literally 2 other employees and nobody else) was a lot like this, sketchy as fuck demands and really sketchy overall business but also not horrible or mean, just… off. and leaving me to fill in all the blanks, not giving me consistent tasks/training etc. she was also anti mask and i didn't work there long at all (she let me go after she was shocked that i could not easily, with zero effort keep in mind, carry literal 60 pounds 2 foot bags of stuff lol) but she also hinted multiple times at being into the whole essential oils magic treatments for disease etc etc you get where i'm going, along with handing out business cards for stuff like bone readings and aura reading sessions for her friends business…
anyway, i feel you. i just want a rational fucking employer
No. 608119
>>608114That's only the surface of the autistic bullshit I'm into really and nobody wants to hear me sperg about my shitty voice dramas or DOS games.
>>608113I already admitted to being a socially inept retard, but okay.
No. 608132
>>608111I think so, technically. My background is in liberal arts. I wear a lot of hats in that regard, but it's all related to liberal arts.
I had one female boss who was awesome, and had the exact type of leadership style that works for me. Unfortunately she was in a completely different field and I wasn't passionate about the work she was having me do, so I had to leave. I miss her.
>>608116Ugh, yeah this is exactly the type of person I'm talking about. Like, obviously I can't stop you from believing in that shit, and you can do so without it necessarily hurting anyone else, but these types tend to be kind of preachy about their beliefs, or they just constantly talk about them. The problem with "boss babe" types like these is also that they're obsessed with the idea of mentorship, so you basically cannot expect that they're just going to leave you alone to complete shit, and only interfere if you aren't doing something right. They want to have some sort of influence over you.
My last boss was extremely frustrating in that she micromanaged/provided "wisdom" to me when I didn't need or want her to, but then acted very business-like and cold, like she didn't have time for me, if I did need clarification, or wanted her support. It all just felt very off but it was never like she was outright mean to me, or anything. She really seemed to want the best for me. We just clashed really hard for some reason.
No. 608172
>>608101I’m the second anon, I think that my displeasure with our sex life has officially started to bleed into interactions that don’t have anything to do with sex. I wasn’t going to vent much about it because it upsets me to think about but fuck it
He’s had premature ejaculation issues since we’ve started dating and it’s been ten months. I haven’t had a orgasm once. I hate being fingered and his oral doesn’t do it for me. If we do have sex for more than five minutes it’s bad. I genuinely don’t know what the fuck to do. I’m so resentful and I guess I got lucky in the past with other dudes, because I’ve never experienced sex so bad that actually pissed me off
To top it all off the last time we had sex I said “maybe it’s something you should see a doctor for, it could be medical. If jerking off before doesn’t help and it’s been this long you may need to try something else” and he fucking says “I guess I do have to do a deep dive for information, it’s just embarrassing”. I genuinely almost lost my mind- we’ve been having literally ten second sessions of sex for almost a year and you haven’t looked it up? Anons I want to cry, I’m so fucking frustrated
No. 608211
I think my neighbor is stealing my packages.
For clarification, I live on a property with two houses. He's up front, I'm in the back. My house is gated off. Packages for me are usually left at the front gate, which is in the driveway of the front house.
Myself and a former resident have had five packages go missing since he moved in, whereas this was never an issue previously. One of my packages that got lost had no delivery details other "front porch." The front house has a porch. The other two packages, which I bought through Amazon, claimed to have been handed "directly to a resident." The guy has been home both times this has happened. I'll go check my front gate like an hour after getting the email, and there will be nothing there. I'll text or ask him directly if he got the packages, and he'll say he didn't.
The former resident had already moved out and was coming by to pick up some packages that had been delivered to the front house house. My neighbor (current resident) left them out on the porch and said he could just grab them when he came by. When the former resident gets there, the packages are gone. Current resident claims they don't know what happened. Dude gets into an altercation with him, claiming he stole them, etc. I got involved and basically ended up siding with the current resident because there was no evidence at the time he had stolen them, and it was possible someone had just come by and grabbed them off the porch. I'd already met the guy and he seemed completely normal and nice.
I'm really frustrated, because even if I'm wrong and it's not the neighbor stealing from me, someone else in the neighborhood is. It's not the best neighborhood to begin with, so I don't feel safe leaving the front gate open so that delivery people can just come in and leave packages on my doorstep. I'm not sure what else I can do about this.
No. 608243
>>608105Wouldn't be surprised if that's a factor. My father's an exec in a very large industry and prefers female bosses because he believes that they're better at communication and conflict resolution.
I was in academia and now tech, and I haven't noticed any patterns by sex in middle-management at least. I've had two batshit insane snakes of bosses who were male and female respectively, one absent, messy alcoholic male, and the rest have been fantastic. Have worked with some ambitious chip-on-shoulder female managers, but they were no less so than many of the men in that particular industry.
No. 608353
>>608332Anon you can be as vile and
abusive as you like, even to your own parents, as long as you don’t say faggot or wear a bindi sticker from accessorise. If you’re going to bully someone, target them as an individual kek.
No. 608358
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>>606984>>607140Why is it that speedrunning men seem like normal, decently-adjusted nerdy guys, while trannies are openly wierdoes?
No. 608364
>>608358>29No way, I refuse to believe he's less than 40. Is this what synthetic hormones do to you?
>>608362Knowing troons I'm pretty sure that was his sister's or childhood friend's name too lmao
No. 608410
>>608400thank you anon.
you're right in that he was not malicious, he is kind of awkward and says a bunch of stuff without thinking.
i haven't seen a therapist about this but it's a good idea.
No. 608450
>>607782I’m so sorry anons, I remember all of these posts so clearly cause they were like, what the fuck???
Not nearly as severe but one time I was giving advice in the vagina thread and my sexual history was integral to the advice, I mentioned that I had slept with (more than 1 but less than 5) people in the span of a year and an anon who was NTA I was replying to butted in to argue with people for over a day about how I was a whore who definitely had multiple stds, I was putting my life at risk, that she can’t access std testing in her country so somehow that must be true to me, etc. I just think there’s like maybe a handful of anons who are super spergs about sex and they’re the ones who reply increasingly caustic shit to normal posts. If it makes you feel any better, I always just picture what I perceive to be the average lolcow user and assume an ugly neet bitch is seething at her computer all day and chomping at the bit to moralfag. I hope you’re okay regarding your cancer, I’m so sorry to hear about that.
No. 608466
>>608193My boyfriend was/is the same way with his issues, although it's the opposite in that he can't maintain an erection. I was very gentle with him about it for a while, then finally I started asking him to use my toys on me instead. I think that kicked him into gear because he changed his masturbation habits and is almost normal now.
I can't tell you how much that shit affected me though, I went from having confidence in myself and enjoying sex to just never wanting to take my clothes off because I thought it was my fault. I believe masturbation is healthy and don't mind porn too much, I use it too, but it turns out he was just as pornsick as your average guy. I would've broken up with him if he weren't perfect for me in every other way, and if he wasn't as committed to improving once he understood how much it affected me. Sometimes words don't cut it, you have to start showing your displeasure.
No. 608475
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Everything irritates me. Flies are so loud, I killed them all but somehow there's always one more. I have to write my thesis but everything distracts me. I have the urge to check my phone constantly and I can almost physically feel the phone sucking out the energy out of me, my head feels heavy after I scroll mindlessly. My mom keeps bothering me to ask about some stupid shit and I feel the rage burning in my chest, I'm doing my best not to flip on her.
Hate when I'm like this
No. 608497
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I've finally realized that I'm a NEET precisely because after achieving big academic successes, I have realized that after all my years wasted on studying, chasing after approval of profs that I made no connections with who only wanted me for "model student bragging rights", all that I crave now is not to make profit or "bank", but just a friend group to spend time with and make life worth making a living for; a boyfriend; a fucking hobby that I'm passionate about. I fucking hate that I have to dig myself deeper into this hole of academia and compete. I just finally want to create a social life for myself, goddammit. But now, I have no idea how to, since I never learned how.
I only have online friends that have their own lives and I'm dreaming (pathetically, I might add) after a male in that group that gives me attention kibbles who I have no idea how he looks like. That's it. That's my social life right now.
No. 608543
>>608540Glad I could widen your worldview on the world of academia lol.
I deeply regret that I didn't visit clubs based on my interests, I just wasn't social enough. It all depends on how you decide to put yourself out there, or if you even will.
No. 608572
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(all caps for shouting - it’s what you requested)
No. 608590
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Fell asleep in my sisters bed and i wake up to our dad calling and saying hes in trouble and asking my sister for the directions to a bank quickly, multiply stress and confusion by 50 due to morning haze and wtf is my dad going to die
No. 608594
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>>608572>>608573>>608580>>608585>>608589Thank you anons your support made me skinny
No. 608631
>>608597I don't know what he is exactly because his talks don't appeal to me and I find I can't sit through one. One thing I notice under every youtube vid about him is anyone else voicing the same opinion of "meh I don't see the appeal" is told that they "just don't get it" because it's all so very deep and requires a big brain… I don't think he has the answers to life, I don't think any one man does.
Weirds me out that his fans are so intense.
No. 608765
>>608764they all have either dozens of shitty cartoon drawings on their accounts or some tacky shit related to anime lmao. guarantee they are all also on reddit.
>>608750one of them "linked" some rainn stat (you cannot even open links on instagram like nobody is going to read that retard) but i'm guessing it just says some vague shit about how men are totally also raped (yeah, by other men lol which i even said in my comment.) anywho.. instagram comment sections are cancer. the cringy shit males reply is incredible. "shutup you have no right to talk about the boys/bros", 57 likes on that reply on the same feminist post. i swear i'm gonna make reminders on my phone to never even look again.
No. 608835
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>>608590did he die anon???? pls tell me he and your family is okay…
No. 608839
>>608822lol my mom does this and i can't tell if she's aware of how manipulative it is. "none of your friends will ever care about you the way we do." then she guilt trips with "when i'm dead you won't even miss me."
>>608793i'm sorry for what you've gone through, islam is a horrible religion. but the arabic of the quran is different from arabic today, and using arabic to read the evil quran is very different from using arabic to communicate with others.
No. 608851
>>608822Never heard either of those things growing up but in fairness my mom was actually dying of cancer so it would've been extra weird in that context lol
Screams of either manipulation or just desperation to get through to you. Hard to judge without knowing the full context but you shouldn't have to point out your mortality to help turn an argument around.
No. 608890
triggered, stop stanning my mother.
No. 608902
>>608853Is it sad that absolute strangers have somehow managed to sound more supportive and emotionally available than my own mom who claims no one else could have?
If anything, the fact that strangers were often better towards me makes her flaws seem that much worse.
No. 608915
>>608853I think most of the time it is. I lost my mom young and I constantly think about how I'll never have unconditional love again.
But then I'm indifferent to the thought of my dad dying because he barely knows who I am and he made each of his kids move out the moment we turned 18 saying his job was done and not to ask for anything.
I can see both sides of it
No. 609019
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>>608935>>608938>>608967>>608969>>608991Ohhhhhhh shit farmers. What should I ask her?
No. 609027
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>>609019Oh my god I’m genuinely SO happy that he doesn’t appear to be lying to either of you and that she seems chill. What a best case scenario. You still did the right thing by asking her. I personally wouldn’t dig too much deeper.
No. 609054
>>608547Eagerly awaiting your report, anon! Good luck, I hope you guys find a good starting point to resolve this.
And if not, seriously, his conditions are not your fault. There are better dicks out there.
No. 609072
>>609038>>609041>>609058>>609061>>609065She says she's got a new boyfriend as well. And at the moment they're both living with each other cause we live in a high cost area, it would be too expensive for them to break lease and then try to live without a roommate.
Idk. I empathize with that, when I broke up with my ex the only reason why I escaped a similar situation was because I sucked it up and went to live back home. My ex barely kept afloat and promptly moved in with a new chick when the lease was over. It is tough.
I asked her why they didn't work out, she gave me a pretty mature answer and said he was better these days but that ultimately they just wanted different things.
No. 609088
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For the last decade or so I've been pretty severely depressed but sometimes I feel like I "wake up" and see how beautiful everything is and how happy I am to be alive and all the things I want to do with myself and then I become depressed again and go back to sleeping 17 hours a day and eating nothing but chips. Help
No. 609090
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I really really fucking hate working. I hate getting up in the morning, putting on a fake smile and taking abuse from a bunch of asshole customers who seem to have it their #1 goal to call over my manager and get me in trouble.
I'm hard of hearing and asking people to repeat themselves is the verbal equivalent of slapping them in the face, I guess.
No. 609093
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>>607856>>607998This is probably a stupid and autistic question, but why don't you two just get wigs?
No. 609096
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Blocked my ex on everything but occasionally look him up on reddit. He found the post I made asking questions about scenarios and whether they’d be considered abusive and posted in it… lmao. Mad as fuck, sidestepping the shit I asked about, implying that my drug abuse means I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to … what, break up with him? To think what he was doing was abusive?
He then blamed the whole subreddit for validating my feelings and implied I wasn’t telling the truth, and implied they were the reason I broke up with him. Also randomly lied about paying for couples counseling. I did, both times, and we both agreed to not go again, but he’s got it twisted in his brain like he paid for everything and I refused to go to counseling again as if he wanted to all along. Lmaooooo. Also I didn’t learn till the relationship was over that taking an abusive person to couples counseling doesn’t do shit - it empowers the abuser and makes them feel like you have a reason in why they are abusing you - that you have to work on something for them to stop abusing you. You fucking mad asshole? I talked to your ex and confirmed the worst - and yes, I do believe her over you. Weird how two women now think you’re abusive. Weird how you’re the common denominator in all this. I’m just lucky I didn’t get hit like she did. And I’m ashamed I didn’t get out of that mess sooner. Have fun being mad about it.
I need to vent here because I am itching to engage with him and I know it will be the worst decision to make.
No. 609110
>>609101Sounds like a cyst but I'm no Dr. Did you get all the pus out and does it still hurt?
>>609090As another anon that's hard of hearing I feel, people act offended when you ask them to repeat themselves, especially if you have to ask again I can't imagine working customer service. My heart goes out to you!
No. 609144
>>609123Me too anon. I'm nowhere near PT status but when I was 17/18 I was having a really hard time mentally and acting very self-destructive toward myself and my mom's answer was to blast me on FB too. I'm so
triggered lol
No. 609247
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I feel like an idiot for not going anywhere this year. All the people I know were or are going down to the sea side or traveling somwhere meanwhile I'm staying at home because I'm worried about the virus (I'm from Easter EU). I can't tell if I'm the retard or them, but then again they come back home fine so… I hate feeling like I'm missing out and I really really really need a change of scenery especially now that I'm alone in the office until I quit, which might be a few years.
I just want today to be over.
No. 609265
>>609224She was just the only woman. She is an insecure person who screams that fatphobia is the reason why she doesn't want to do anything.
>>609227Thank you lots for responding, anons. I was genuinely angry and confused inside, no matter how childish it sounds. I even thought that maybe she wants to actually fix the way she acts towards me, but then remembering how much of a sneaky bastard she is to a point where she makes everyone convince that bf is not a part of her circle (while being her brother) anymore by making her friends keep boo-hooing over dating someone and not spending time with them, when in fact he spends his time discovering new passions and studying, not the "she took him from us" like they are implying. If they wanted him to spend time with them they could have asked, but all one of their gay fellas does is screams "ever since he started dating he became a nOrMiE!11" when the speaking person using Discord the same way boomers use Facebook. Sigh, sorry. I shouldn't throw my frustrations into anger.
But I seriously feel horrible how she even convinced his nice ex-roommate to stop talking to me out of blue. She knows I moved in to a completely different place and its nearly impossible to make friends because of COVID.
No. 609272
>>609267i'd be upset too if i found out a boyfriend was liking an ex's pictures/posts when we'd been together for a year. you probably think you're overreacting because that's how men condition us to think of our normal and
valid emotional responses to the shitty things they do, but you're not wrong to be upset.
No. 609291
>>609288OP and I agree what I did is major cringe and lurking on hookup profile 3 years back is creepy too I just hate being like this
I was gaslighted by an ex before but this guy did nothing wrong to me ever so I really hate myself for being like this.
No. 609296
>>609291>gaslightingGod I hate creepy men. It never ever crossed my mind to turn the tables if I ever am gonna date a guy to be honest, so if he didn’t do you anything wrong I’d say at most to just observe if he’s chatting online with other women and/or to see if he’s a good bf.
Also, a lot of men and women stay in touch with their hook ups as non sexual friends (because it was kind of friend of benefit ish). If you see him in a different light I totally get you, but at least he was honest about it.
Interrogate him only if he ever slutshamed you.
No. 609315
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my city doesn't really have lockdown anymore but whenever i go out it's just not the same. it's like everywhere you look it's the same damn thing getting hammered in your brain - keep a certain distance between people, wash your hands, only this amount of people in a shop etc etc, i'm so fucking exhausted of it all. the energy is completely different, it's like something vital in the air was sucked out whenever i go out, everything feels cold and miserable, like a dystopian hell. so i usually end up staying home not doing much even though i'm sick of that, but i just want to avoid all those patronising messages because whenever i even see the word quarantine, virus etc i wanna pluck my eyes out with pins and stick forks in my ears. i couldn't stand it 6 months ago and i can't stand it now, you'd think people would understand getting constantly reminded of this hell would be draining on others but no. this lockdown has fucked up so many people's lives. god i wish it was 2013 or something.
No. 609339
>>609315My country barely has a lockdown as well but it's no different than during the lockdown, neighbours are partying all the same. Though the lockdown part never really happened, at least in my canton.
Most people cram in shitty local beaches like sardines. Looking at what's going around me i wonder why i have to do anything when armada of kids is screaming in my face during school hours of public transport.
No. 609368
>>609347Actually the country that doesn't have a shoreline, Switzerland. I'm the same anon as
>>609326 and it's the same country.
Was wondering about calling them beaches, they're more like smallish lakeside midget "beaches" but they're packed just as alpine resorts were during the first wave. The hidden beach just for several houses in a village i live in has armies of airbnb tourists, mostly from switzerland or belgium. I miss japanese tourists, would trade them for all of them.
We have somewhat good response from the goverment (which got more rightwingy, damn expacts infecting our country and infecting us, etc., which is another vent topic) and they acted quickly but literally all of my elderly neighbours (90%) have been throwing parties left and right since the pandemic began and they won't stop.
Numbers are very small but it's a very small country and the mentality of people, especially the ones that get to keep 70% of their salary for pension, is killing me.
No. 609404
>>609379I watched someone die of cancer. It was gruesome, horrifyingly long and painful. They bled from every orifice. Not like you just fall asleep and die, like a tv show. Swallowing a bunch of pills would be a better option.
But hey, I get it. Just fantasizing about stuff. I’m just
triggered. Hope your back feels better.
No. 609438
>>609379Anon if you have trouble with a vision of shitting yourself imagine dying to the smell of your insides dying and rotting.
I don't mean to be crass but it's the truth.
There's nothing romantic about it and unlike anon north of me i'm just pissed off
No. 609449
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My hair is hideous. I have a date after work so I did up my face and wore nice clothes, but my hideous witch hair is already greasy and thin even though I just washed the shit yesterday. It makes me look like ass and bloats my face.
I'm desperate. I'm five seconds away from sticking my hair in the bathroom sink here at work and scrubbing my roots with antibacterial soap.
Why couldn't I have decent hair instead of whatever the fuck this shit is?
No. 609452
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>>609449Try this and thank me later. Smells good and works like a charm.
No. 609455
>>609449Are you brittled hair blonde?
I know i am and my hair is greasy after 5-6 hour when i take shower at 10 and wake up at six.
I'd do dry shampoo, wait and walk it out, if you're late a bit, doesn't matter, things can happen.
Don't do the sink, please.
No. 609463
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>>609449Get a hair topper. 50% of people who have nice hair wear one. Everyone on Instagram/reality tv wears them
No. 609466
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My s.o is going to travel to Poland for work soon and I can't stop feeling anxious and terrified to tears because of COVID, especially considering that our own country started hitting a second wave of COVID. I wouldn't mind that if I had a normal health, but I have always had huge problems with my health. I am so worried about both of us, I hope things will be okay… Goddamit. I hope he will be okay, most importantly.
No. 609468
>>609452I was hoping to spare myself the trip but you're right that's like my only option. My old shit ran out last week, I'm just so pissed at myself cause I was at the store last night but I just couldn't be assed because I thought everything would be OK today. Fuuuuck me.
>>609455Nah. Although I was a blonde as a kid and then bleached my hair from age 14-21 when I couldn't handle the reality that I was a boring brunette. So I do remember being a brittle blonde and having to wash everyday. It's not quite like that anymore since going to natural, but I'm still genetically fucked. Idk, maybe this is just hair karma and I permanently screwed the way my scalp is from that period.
My hair is damaged even though the worst I do is give it a natural henna treatment every now and then. Greasy roots, messy curls, dry uneven ends.
>>609463Lmao why didn't I ever think of a toupee for women? This is brilliant.
No. 609481
>>609475>>609470Thank you guys for making me feel less crazy for feeling uneasy over it. But I can't help but feel guilty calling it rape. I hope I can move on and feel better soon. I don't know if it because of this incident but I started having trouble swallowing after it and lost a shitton of weight, slowly getting it back… I hope he does face consequences but he won't, I just want him to maybe delete that video, who knows how many pals he must've shown it to, for bragging rights.
>>609471I feel like I'm being overtly emotional and I should move on from it by this point and just think of it as one less than good experience. Like, people have had worse happen to them and this was mostly because of my own nonconfrontational-ness.
No. 609491
>>609481Yeah, you weren't blowing it out of proportion at all. I was just baffled that you'd think something like this was being blown out of proportion. Like the other two anons said, it was rape and the fact that he recorded it and you were underage. What a sick, sick man.
Again, I'm so sorry that happened to you. It's not something to "just get over," I hope you seek whatever help you need get it. He'll rot in hell when he dies, don't worry. Big hugs and best of luck moving forward.
No. 609505
I've been thinking more about my therapist who, while perfectly nice, might not take me very seriously. I've mentioned not wanting kids anymore, and while she expressed a bit of disappointment, she still affirmed me. She asked why, and I said that when I was at my worst mental health state, I had really vivid violent visions of injuring my baby (in the vision) and drowning it while depressed/going through post-partum, and I could totally see it happening. She just said, "oh honey, that's ridiculous, that would never happen," and while she's probably right, she's also not experienced me at my worst and didn't really acknowledge my vision/hallucination.
I'm well-adjusted now, but I worry that she doesn't take me seriously because of that. Maybe I'm over thinking it and she's just doing her job as a therapist to negate irrational thoughts, though. Eh.
No. 609507
>>607998 and there are so many reasons honestly.
First of all, my hair can still pass as "normal" thin hair for now, since i used to have very thick hair, so i haven't seriously thought about wigs.
I also can't afford good quality human hair wigs that look good on me(most of the wigs are also made for african-americans so they are very far from my own hair color and texture), and i don't wanna wear cheap fake-looking wigs.
And of course, they are also uncomfortable af. I live in a hot area so wearing wigs for most of the time is absolutley impossible.
Lastly and probably the biggst reason is that i'm very embarrassed about the idea of wearing a wig. I'm still in college and i was known as the girl with pretty hair in school. I go to uni with many of these friends still and i can't imagine just showing up in a wig one day and having to explain myself in detail.
No. 609543
>>609508Gigguk and all anitubers are cancer and I feel bad for watching that shit when I was like 18-21
Especially Digibro who recently trooned out and went full on degenerate , yikes
No. 609560
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>>609528>>609541>>609544please stop anons i can't take it
No. 609567
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This is petty and makes me sound like a spoilt brat, but I'm still pressed that my mum never got me anything for 17th and 18th birthday but did for my brothers (who are older). I thought christmases and birthdays were supposed to get boring at 20 but ig not
No. 609568
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>>609559But anon don’t you know that hentai isn’t porn but ~art~ made by artists??
Anyway yes I agree the anime community needs to start over and stop lumping normal anime together with degenerate stuff. I feel sorry for the kids who will inevitably hear about hentai from anitubers and continue the cycle of perversion
No. 609569
Remember when tentacle rape was peak degeneracy? Now it’s unironic incest NTR pregnant loli. Hentai exacerbates tranny shit. I hate the pick-mes who enable this shit almost more than the cumbrians.
>>609557Or tumblr or deviantart lol dunno what she’s on about with muh pure western fandoms.
No. 609616
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my mental health has been taking a nose-dive recently. I experienced strong paranoia twice, once thinking someone specific would break into my home and attack me in the evening and that I shouldn't be home for that time and second that the water going through my too easily accessible boiler in the hallway had been poisoned by someone specific (because I sometimes get a sore throat after drinking water or headaches get worse initially after drinking tap water). I've also been obsessively in love which has been a nervous emotional rollercoaster. I had a cold which knocked me out. I'm now watching my friend's cats despite not being sure I don't have that virus which makes me feel really guilty and anxious but I also wanted to go and my friend at least is not worried about it. I often wake up really depressed and wanting to die. I'm halfway to going to a psychiatric hospital but still wanna try managing and improving with my usual recourses. I def should make an effort to fall out of love tho as it's an easily fixable stressor.
No. 609635
>>609605Ugh, I empathize. I don't understand why some mothers think it's appropriate to constantly burden their kids with their own problems. It's like they can't stand it when the attention isn't on themselves.
Reminds me of last year when I had a psychotic Tinder date do me so dirty that I cried in my car on the way home and was on the verge of an episode. I'm still somewhat traumatized by it and it really damaged my trust in men. I went to my mother for comfort, but she was actually pissed at me for being upset (she didn't say it outright but implied I deserved how the guy treated me) and then made it about her and her divorce which by then was months-old news which only happened because I told her about stepdad cheating which he tried to drag me into keeping secret (which makes this her third divorce btw) and how dare I have went to her about my "little man issues" because she's going through the actual hard time not me! This is after I spent so many nights listening to her rants, tirades, and trying to deal with her emotional incest the best I was capable. When I got angry at her back she said I was treating her like an emotional punching bag, called me a backstabber(?), and started literally screeching at me when I didn't apologize for offending her.
That's the night I packed up and left and I can count the number of times I've talked to her since on my hands. She's a self-absorbed bitch who should have never reproduced and no less married.
Sometimes I think parents just had kids to fit a societal mold because it's what they thought they had to do. And not because they actually saw joy in raising a human with independent wants, needs, and emotions that they would have to sheppard. It's like they're angry that their problems aren't as recognized once their kids are born, which I can sympathize with but what did they fucking expect? Just imagine having a pissing contest with your own child about who has the most damage. It's so absurd.
No. 609746
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I hate my fucking brain. I really wish I had a healthier cope than, "Something is upsetting/distressing/painful? Wish I were dead!" I'm in a healthy enough place where I wouldn't attempt suicide or self harm, but for my mind to still default back to that is so frustrating. I redirect myself every time but it's exhausting and the damage is already done after I've thought it. I just wish I never had to think at all.
No. 609784
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>>609746I've felt that way lately. Too exhausted and fucking done to live, too lazy to die. I'm shocked I haven't relapsed, I guess I have no energy to. I should be proud I haven't, but I feel like a pointless, stagnant bauble, directionless, with nothing to do and nowhere to go. At a weird point between healthy and unhealthy. Why was I so happy six months ago? What happened? It's like the entire worlds mental healths collectively gone down the shitter… unless someone's a rich fuck who can wait this garbage out, continue to entertain themselves with no woes whatsoever
No. 609812
>>609635Just imagine having a pissing contest with your own child about who has the most damage
Fuck anon I feel you so hard. This is my BPDfag mother exactly. She has internalised her pain and struggles to the point where it's a cornerstone of her identity BUT ALSO she's ridiculously petty and competitive about it. When anyone even briefly mentions a struggle they have you can see the cogs turning in her head about whether or not it measures up to her own, and it hardly ever does. She weirdly deferential to people whose struggles she has actually deemed worse than hers.
>emotional incestFucking this, I have a restricted emotional range and limited empathy because she demanded so much of my emotional energy from a very young age, like under 6 years old. I remember coming into her room to get help with something that was making me sad at around 6 and feeling everything inside turn to stone because she was having another meltdown and needed my help, and my feelings had to be pushed away. I first had depression at 8 and only brought my feeling up once because she just talked about being depressed at 3.
We have an unusual living arrangement that means we live in the same building but can fairly successfully avoid each other. I stopped talking to her several weeks ago and I fucking hope she's happier because I am! Don't have to listen to her moan about not getting laid.
I feel for my younger sister, she's been groomed into a fully sycophantic crony.
Could literally talk for years about this but I won't. Anon you mad
triggered my mommy issues lol.
No. 609827
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No. 609840
>>609820>>609827Can't believe that a pingu image and anons could fill this gal up with so much determination
Thank you both!!
No. 610030
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Everything in my life right seems to be coming to a chaotic halt and the icing to this shit cake was me losing my wallet so now I have to get new bank cards oh and fuck me in getting a new license city hall is so backed up the next available app isn't till November
No. 610111
>>610075i hope things work out for you anon! (and you get to kiss a cute girl lol)
don't get discouraged by the lack of options on tinder. i've heard that it's sorta not the best environment for gay women. i know there's better apps out there but i can't recall anything specific- i'm sure other anons are more knowledgeable about that though.
No. 610160
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I fucking loathe doing online Zoom classes so much. There is literally nothing positive that has come out of it. There is NO need to do online classes when everyone is coming back to uni already (COVID cases are little to none where I am. Everything is almost back to normal). It's awkward, annoying and actually feels less productive to be sitting there staring at a screen when it could be done in person. Connection is always fucking shit and again, some of the people in the zoom call ARE ALREADY AT THE FUCKING UNIVERSITY. I have two classes that require going in person so I don't get why the rest of them need to be online. I even forget about the online courses entirely because the ones in person are more likely to catch my attention.
No. 610310
>>610296why did you hate them? were they
valid enough for them to lie about someone else being sus?
No. 610362
found out my bf has his ig stories hidden from me, even my work ig, feels bad man, even if he posts whatever, why would he do that, hiding it manually, my 2 accounts, just thinking about it makes me real idk sad… if it was in reverse I'm sure he'd feel annoyed, so I did the same and I know once he finds out he's gonna be mad, idk what I'm gonna tell him if he confronts me about it
I'm sad anons, real sad, I never hide my shit, what a meh ,disappointment…
No. 610365
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>>610362Have you confronted him about it? What did he say?
Damn, I'm glad my bf doesn't use social media, even though I really don't think he'd ever do anything like this. This is a major red flag, anon. Do you have any mutuals who could tell you what he's been posting?
No. 610378
>>610363>>610365we had several arguments about ig, cause he got jealous of dudes leaving comments on my photos, once I saw every girl he follows and I told him about it, he doesn't follow naked girls or weird stuff, but girls 18 20 yo, he's 32, he has those girls on his fb also, I told him that was weird to me, he said he knows those girls from work school etc, seems like it is true cause his friends follow some of those girls, anyway he got mad and deleted ig, a month or 2 ago he opened it again and told me about it, and I didn't even think about it but he said yesterday that he posted a ig storie about some streaming he's doing, I checked to see the storie and we'll there was nothing, I saw with another account that he doesn't know and there was the red ring, didn't watch the storie cause he'd find out about that profile lol, then I asked him about it and he said ah I posted it yesterday so it might me gone by now, let me check, yeah its gone, I believed him… now I checked again with my other account and he has a storie, random meme… and well idk what to tell him
No. 610380
>>610362I agree with
>>610365 that you should confront him but at the same time there's literally NOTHING that could possibly explain it and make it ok, even if he is not posting anything particularly suspicious it's just so weird to be hiding your online activity from your partner. I suppose making a decision to dump him based just on this would be hard but seriously, if he's hiding this, what else is he hiding? Why would anyone bother doing something like that? Major red flag.
No. 610381
>>610380yeah I mean I got suspicious cause he mentioned the storie, and he said he checked so he knows he has his ig hidden… yeah it's gone cause I posted it yd, yeah sure, ig stories last longer, but I believed him annons
what should I say, I have mine hidden from him now, he's gonna find out cause I always post random crap all day lol, and the highlights on my profile are now not visible for him, cause his 1 storie highlights is not showing from me…
No. 610543
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Seriously fucking pouring one out for you girls with shit relationships with scrotes you can't even trust, surely it will just keep getting better and by no mean shitter and shitter.
No. 610556
>>610547Wtf anon, masturbation is completelly natural and men that like 'uwu purity' are creepy.
You should not be ashamed of you biological needs, you should be angry that your bf shamed you and implied you should be a clueless asexual baby to be sexually desirable by him.
If he can't make you come when you do it is not because you de-sensitized yourself, it's because he's shit at sex.
No. 610584
>>610581Lmao what? If you don't like being sent porn, just say it. If you don't mind it, just say it.
If your boyfriend snaps your bra and you get irritated and then he says he won't snap your bra anymore so that you don't get irritated, are you being
Also porn bad
No. 610669
>>610635No, like he used to send me posts of porn on twitter and be like "this is us" or post a pic of something similar back when we were long distance.
idk what he's talking about other than me being upset at him following popular porn cosplayers and getting on him for that.
No. 610674
>>610669That’s gross and you’re right to react negatively to it. It’s called having boundaries, nothing
abusive about that ugh grow a spine.
No. 610691
>>610674You're right. I've just been in an
abusive relationship in the past and used to have to tiptoe for the stupidest reasons in order for him to not be upset so im a little hyper sensitive to comments like "I dont want to upset you"
No. 610692
>>610619Well I've had a couple of glasses and I really need to get this out cause oh god I hate my thesis supervisor
This asshole is notorious for being the chaotic professor who rarely replies to mails. I decided not to heed my upperclassmen's advice and chose him as a supervisor anyway because his specialisation is fucking cool but oh boy did shit just go fucking downhill from there
>Early May 2019>I send him a mail to cordially ask him to be my thesis supervisor>He replies, I am pleasantly surprised, thinking oh hey this is gonna be easy>Tells me to come by his office on a specific date during his office hours, alright then>I go to the office on the specific date>No one is there, only a teaching assistant>"Yeah he's at an overseas conference">Excuse me fucking w h a t>Send an e-mail again, telling him he made a mistake, asking him if we could reschedule>He doesn't answer>Send e-mail again, fucking nothing>I decide to go by a week later during his office hours 2 times and he ISN'T EVER THEREI pretty much gave up at this point and exams were starting, so I just did the online paperwork to get the ball rolling, so he'd get the electronic demand via the learning platform and this bitch accepts the demand but straight up doesn't even contact me.
I only got a hold of him in November and my semester was packed to the brim with classes, so I told him I'd pretty much only do casual research this semester and he said "okay I'll send you a reading list to get you started" and then WOW SHOCKER didn't send it.
At this point I should have complained to the faculty like 5 months ago lol
Have a meeting only in March, and this dude has the audacity to tell me that the subject I chose is boring??? Told me it was fine 5 months ago fuck off
So that's the story of why I procrastinated until the Summer to even start on my thesis because this man managed to suck the motivation outta me before the academic year even started. I know that my predicament is hugely my fault but I can't/couldn't help but feel immense hatred whenever I read something concerning the subject I had to write about. I'm just glad this ordeal is over
No. 610700
>>610540does it matter? I'm not I'm one year younger that him…
idk anons any tips for touching up this theme with him? I know he's gonna be all mad cause he says he's not comfortable nowadays with his social media, cause I told him I checked that time, and I said well I can't hide that stuff, and I'm not checking on you anymore, and it was true, but he started ranting about ig a week ago so it made me check again, and now this? phew, I mean if someone says he has to be careful now with what he likes cause I might be checking, wouldn't that make you check? lol…
No. 610720
>what a rude bitchWelcome to lolcow jackass
No. 610743
>>610736Anon you’re worth it and I hope you feel better. consider yourself lucky that scrote piece of shit showed you his real self early and not five years down the line - they all wear a fucking mask and eventually expose themselves.
that being said, the pain from discovering someone’s true colors after feeling worth something to them is the absolute worst. I really, really feel that.
Love u
No. 610747
>>610736Ugh it hurts reading this because it reminds me of myself a couple years ago, same once lovely turned shitty relationship, unmanageable mental health, suicidal ideation. All I'm gonna say is all the times I wanted to die and was going to attempt, I gave my partner at the time the tools I was going to use (sharp objects, my medication and alcohol, my car keys when I wanted to jump off a cliff or building…) and like. Locked myself in the bathroom and cried and slept in the tub lol. Shit sucks so desperately hard for years and it feels suffocating and like it won't end, but it does. You'll find another therapist, dump your shitty boyfriend (hopefully sooner than I dumped mine kek), and you'll slowly start to feel better. I promise. I spent over a decade of my life depressed and severely suicidal, giving myself an expiration date, and now I've passed it and I'm happier than I thought possible. I genuinely believe you will feel it too. Wishing you all the best, and I wish I could be there for you every day, anon. I really do. Going through this and feeling alone is so painful. The only way out is through. Big hugs.
No. 610761
>>610720>>610722>>610752yeah, I might be acting like a retard, meh anons this is the vent thread so that's why I wrote all that stuff.
I've been browsing lolcow for years and there's no need to be a rude ass anyways.
No. 610793
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>>610764Aw anon! As long as it's in a good way. The worst part for me (2nd anon) was definitely feeling alone, especially since I lived with my bf. Telling friends, family, and my bf ended up kinda in the same way, and feeling lonelier after reaching out to others is such a devastating blow. I'm sorry you're going through that. Major fucking lol at being a mental health worker because I'm studying to be a social worker myself, god, of course. I hope you know as a MHCI how to keep yourself safe and that you extend the same kindness, empathy, patience, and safety measures to yourself that you do to your clients. It
is what makes you good at what you do, but you can still be good at it once you're healed–hell, better at it! And it's WHAT YOU DESERVE!
Most people who have never experience true suicidal ideation or attempts, even if they've been depressed, will never understand and won't know what to do or say. It's really difficult to interact with or talk to them about it, and it sucks to feel like you have to give them grace while you're suffering, but I'm sure you know that they do love you and want you around. I certainly do. Really really hope things turn around for you soon
No. 610811
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>>610805Does this look like a white problem to you?
(ban evasion) No. 610828
>>610826They're your ex, why do you want to remember them? I'll admit I have some things from exes, some sentimental, some practical, but generally when the relationship ends, I don't really care to think of it that much.
But generally a good idea, better luck dating in the future anon!
No. 610835
>>610828we didn't end on bad terms so i don't quite want to wipe my memory men-in-black-style.
he was severely lacking in the "thoughtful" department so it feels like i did so much and got nothing in return, in a way.
just being salty going through all my little souvenirs and stuff lol.
No. 610838
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>>606825Aww, can I have your bf's number? I just wanna chat with him, thanks anon!
No. 610919
>>610866>>610866I’m debating my sexuality since I find gnc feminine men to be so hot as hell. But otherwise, I have no preference really.
>>610874I was on a discord convo the other day about tomboys and the bulk of the tomboy waifus I‘ve seen posted either had their tits out or looked way too female for my taste. Don’t get me wrong I like boobs, but I have limit to how prominent they should be lol. I was trying to explain them without using the word “butch” that I rather want more masculine ladies then some straight dude friendly manic pixie cut dream girl. It was draining as heck.
And the obsession with boobs is somewhat Alienating to me, as well. A female character doesn’t need tits to be seen as female, lol. The moment you make it a smidge smaller, dudebros screech made up conspiracy bullshit over the whole thing.
I just don’t get why straight dudes are never satisfied with what women are.
No. 610936
>>610919God I fucking hate the male interpretation of a tomboy. It's always just a woman with full face of seductive makeup in skintight jeans being a male wish fulfillment manic pixie dream girl. Like no fuck that noise right there you trash scrotes belong in the garbage. They think "tomboy" is just a Cool Girl archetype.
>>610932Agreed. Good post.
No. 610942
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>>610932>they deserve to be served at the tomboy outback steakhouse as the steakbased
No. 611011
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>>610990Skinny girl with pixie cut who has long, dark eyelashes, perfect eyebrows and nice skin without caring about "girly" things like skincare, makeup or attractive clothes. Likes sports, but still "small" and has little to no muscle (this is so that the man doesn't feel too emasculated). Text might allude to having "abs" or "strong arms", but this will be absent from the actual image (photograph or drawn piece) in favor of a soft, flat stomach, skinny arms and a classically feminine, thin waist.
Sometimes has massive balloon tits. Might appeal to femdom fantasies, but not
too much or too often (she's still a girl, after all). "One of the boys", and sometimes anti-feminist or scornful toward other women because of that. Won't criticize males for anything (unless it's to defend her boyfriend from a mean Chad bully), just some gentle dudebro ribbing at most. Ultimately, will still get married and have a man's children to fulfill his fantasy.
Pic related is pretty much the only non-cancerous pic I've found on this "archetype".
No. 611014
File: 1598055275824.png (64.21 KB, 500x443, i-only-wanna-look-cute-when-im…)

>>611011Samefagging to post the cringiest, because it relies specifically on the "tomboy gf" being extremely insecure, not even enjoying hobbies like video games, constantly only thinking of the (male) viewer, and also only wanting to be attractive to him (and in that last part lies the true mind of 99% of male tomboyfags, kind of despicable to want a girl who's deliberately frumpy to everyone but you).
I actually like tomboyish girls, I just think the male-brained fantasy of them is dumb.
No. 611064
>>605108I went through 2 salt art threads which has absolutely shattered myself esteem and made me so paranoid about posting art (I’m just a hobbyist and I haven’t studied art in a school setting in years) but seeing a bunch of anons tear apart other people’s art, including some who are hobbyists or just starting out, made me so paranoid and anxious.
I know the internet isn’t a safe space where people are nice towards each other, dear god I wish it was, but I feel as if I intentionally hurt myself
I normally never come anywhere near this website because it makes me feel so bad but I’m so bored and it’s been months since I left my house.
No. 611161
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>>611064Don't take it to heart anon, we all gotta start somewhere! There is some art in that thread that I kinda like tbh
I'm sure if you posted in the self post art thread and asked for advice anons would help you out.
No. 611163
>>611064Trust me, lc is the only place where people would be that mean. On the rest of the internet people have the right mind to just ignore art they don't like.
Either way, who cares? Not everyone gonna like what you post, and sometimes it comes with the territory of being an artist. If you're ready, post your art. I'm sure it's nice anon.
No. 611240
File: 1598074857686.png (182.4 KB, 800x600, sketch1597636917703.png)

I can't make friendships. I end up ghosting them. Also I end up hating anyone who ends up caring about me. But I dont want to hurt them so I just distance myself. I hate everyone who is kind to me and I miss the friends who treated me like trash. Whats wrong with me? God..
No. 611249
>>611236Desensitized because I’m not
SoooO anxious and paranoid and literally shaking at mean comments not even directed at me on the internet? Lol wtf get some self esteem. Just consider the criticism if it applies to your dog shit art and practice harder, that person doesn’t even deserve to call themself hobbyist.
No. 611265
>>611243Isn't it funny how saying trans women aren't women has gotten people permanently banned from Twitter, but virulent racism and harassment based on it is basically free game?
I've noticed the same thing on 4chan, too. Transphobia can get you banned, but /pol/ shit is fine. It's weird.
No. 611279
>>611265I got banned for calling a male "he" when he didn't even have pronouns in his bio or dress feminine. It's insane how easy it is to get banned from twitter for even tweeting at a tranny.
On the flip side a guy tweeted me that he knew where I lived and was going to come "fuck me up good" and I got an email saying twitter saw no violation in his tweets like what the FUCK
No. 611295
>>611265I had no idea you could get banned for transphobia on 4chn, I never been but I aways assumed it was like Kiwifarms on crack and anything goes.
I've also seen transphobic screenshots on here and lolcow from 4chn.
Huh, the more you know.
No. 611374
>>611262I personally don't see anything wrong with it anon, mastubating gets tha job done and people should value solitude more imo.
Plus men are shit.
That's if you can handle missing out on the romantic aspect that is
No. 611431
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So someone sent me a book about a girl called Isadora Moon, it looks cute and innocent but when you actually read the story its obviously designed to promote multiracial values. The girl is "half fairy half vampire" because her mum is a fairy who had babies with her dad, a vampire, teaching your child that race mixing is fine. The fairies and the vampires act differently but their both nice, just so your child learns all cultures are equally valid. What about the evil vampire habit of sucking blood out of their victims? No according to the story vampires just drink red juice, come to think of it lying to defend vampires is really quite like lying to defend Muslims.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 611438
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>>611431>>611432>using a children's book to racebait (and thinking Islam is a race)Mental illness.
Anyway, I wish I was a vampire fairy.
No. 611439
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No. 611460
>>611448Anon, does he usually apologize after these spells of bad moods, or just act like it didn't happen after a bit, throw you a bone, and you take it (and feel glad because you just missed him that much)?
It sounds like you've allowed yourself to be the lover, instead of the loved. That's not good for most women, men just take advantage.
No. 611506
File: 1598097649289.jpg (23.08 KB, 480x480, 04de8cf12b0b0044f174118d30fd42…)

>dad looks at recent picture of me
>"you don't look good in this picture anon"
>rude but ok
>"here's a good picture of you"
>shows me picture from two months ago when I was underweight from starving myself
>they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine.jpg
No. 611559
>>611524Write down beforehand in bullet points what you're going to say
>and the website makes it more and more difficult to understand which number to callCall one of number, if it's wrong, they can always redirect you. You can do it, anon
No. 611564
>>611524>>611559currently on call. it dawned on me as the guy was walking me through the steps that this is all because of me (a misunderstanding that snowballed). literally an unpaid bill of 8 bucks and equipment to return. god i hope i can just pay and ship the equipment back asap.
thanks anon.
No. 611615
File: 1598111910320.jpg (55.73 KB, 600x394, m00cfykzeb851.jpg)

>have work crush
>have always had unrequited crushes since I was a kid and no real romance but this guy is different because I actually talk to him
>get so obsessed every time we interact that I usually end up thinking about him all day, dreaming about him that night, etc.
>get so frustrated by this feeling of vulnerability that I start getting intimidated by his presence, avoiding him at all costs
>start having bouts of self-loathing, telling myself my crush is unreasonable and pathetic, despite the fact this guy has shared interests with me, is reasonably within my league, seems to enjoy our conversations together, and is single
>combination of emotions is causing me to lose sleep
>get so mad at the end of a shift one night that I start having intrusive fantasies of following him home and killing him
what the fuck? i mean what the actual fuck? when did I become like this??
No. 611625
>>611590the second one wasn't a the best angle but the first one was just me sitting in a chair looking visibly skinnier and with really bad dark circles. Tbf it was a better picture overall but still that shit hurted
my dad really is oblivious though (or at least I choose to believe he is lol), and it's not the first time he's made a comment like that
No. 611641
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I really do be feeling this
No. 611663
>>611460Woah, you've got the latter on point!
Yeah very often I'll go to him, tell him how it bothers me and when telling me I'm being sensitive doesn't work he'll say "sorry I made you feel that way". Sometimes when his error is egregious we'll have a big fight until he apologises for actually being an asshole. Was the same today: "sorry you percieved me to be negative" before the real apology. He's making dinner to make up for it at least.
And I just kind of worry that the desire to break up with him to avoid these "bad days" is immaturity because being influenced by your partners mood is something that's inevitable and you need to kind of desensitize yourself to not be bothered when they snap at you or whatever.
I'd love to be the lover and not be at a disadvantage for it. I'm just full to bursting with love and affection for those close to me!
>>611452>>611487>>611454Thank you all for the validation, you helped me stand my ground when he tried to normalise his actions. Have a good weekend!
No. 611678
>Be looking through my old highschool photo collection>see photos of a guy I had a crush on for a while>has exact clothing, hairstyle and build as my current boyfriend>the boyfriend I had after that was also similar>My taste in men has not changed in a decade and I'm now questioning whether my love for my current bf would fade if he shaved his headI feel so shallow
>>611615Sis stop acting like an incel and just joke to him that if the world doesn't end soon would he like to get a coffee when things are more normal
No. 611682
File: 1598117895176.jpg (42.63 KB, 459x500, smoking.jpg)

Sometimes I fantasize about what it would be like to have a NEET gf. She doesn't even have to be a housewife or do anything either, just kind of exist in my general vicinity and occasionally talk to me. I'd pay money to just not be so lonely in my apartment. All I do is work…and now with the 'rona I can't even spend the money I make from my job.
I haven't been out with friends or on a date in months and usually it doesn't bother me but I rn I feel like if I were a Sims character by socialization need would be completely empty at this point.
No. 611703
>>611682whats up anon?
funny you say that I was thinking how every relationship I've been in we've split every single thing and how I never had someone offer to buy me an item, but I'd let them throw in snacks or something with my money…
No. 611711
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I hate melodrama so much and I’m tired of being exposed to it so often. I mean it’s obviously easy to ignore it on lolcow but it’s really unbearable close to home. I hate the way my friends act on social media, I hate the pissing contests, I hate feeling like I want to crawl out of my skin because yet another person I know is putting on this weird badass persona online when irl they’re pedestrian. I literally just want to be able to have a normal conversation with people without it turning into some weird jumping through hoops thing. I really want to have good relationships with my peers but it’s so hard when they’re more preoccupied with trying to look better for social media than actually forging real relationships with other people.
No. 611785
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>>611768How many times must we repeat ourselves
No. 611806
File: 1598126596574.png (305.3 KB, 400x502, tumblr_ff8be3a79adcd9f2f5b081f…)

The absolute state of the body positivity movement…
what a fucking shame.
No. 611820
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>>611806Atleast her hair is cute
>>611811I mean this pic doesn't bother me, but she's looks around the same size as Tess.
No. 611856
>>611821Scary to think that there are women like her that are actually in someone’s thinspiration folder
>>611842It wouldn’t be said about someone at a normal weight, no. I agree with anon. If you look at this picture for even 30 seconds you can smell her rancid bakery pussy and the fungus inevitably growing in her folds
No. 611871
File: 1598128279522.jpg (65.66 KB, 853x852, th.jpg)

>>611820>she looks around the same size as Tess…are you fucking kidding me? Tess is morbidly obese. The woman posted earlier is just fat. Compare her to this pic of Tess and tell me you still think they're the same size.
No. 611873
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>>611806I just know them tiddies hangin
No. 611887
File: 1598128869236.jpg (66.19 KB, 1078x576, c1b713e73deafe516bec97934a1758…)

>>611873Come on anon… I'm underweight and I have droopy tiddies…. they aren't that bad…
No. 611888
>>611811Oh my god no anon. I'm the one who posted the pic. I am maybe somewhat less fat than her and I just think this is not okay.
I don't think this level of fatness is in any way distributed. No one should get this fat to begin with. Fatness doesn't come out of nowhere, most of the time from poor parenting, trauma, and depression. Your body starts getting bigger because of stress.
I think she's too big. I don't want to call her names, but yes, she's toooooo big. Way above a healthy weight and way above average. And trust me when I say being stick thin is not what I would consider average.
She looks trashy as fuck. Like. Not sexy at all. This style just looks super bad, on anyone, but looking at a girl with a really big problem like obesity wearing something so skimpy and revealing and trashy just makes me feel so fucking sad. She thinks she has value by wearing this kind of thing. She thinks she looks good. It's almost like a self hate kind of thing, or a degradation thing. She might think she looks super sexy and gets all the male attention and validation, but instead comes off as just another fuckable body, but fatter.
No, I'm not a prude. But the body positivity movement was suposed to be a thing to be okay with your body. To love it, or accept it, or be neutral about it without fucking hating it. And I was all about that. But then perverts and stupid people made it into "all girls can be hot and sexy even the hamplanet ones". I'm just tired.
No. 611897
>>611888>I am maybe somewhat less fat than herWhy are you shitting on someone for being fat if you are also fat.
>>611871ayrt, You're probably right, I guess the girl in the pic looks fatter cause she's sitting, but I imagine she would be a lot smaller than tess if she stood up
No. 611901
>>611873>>611887Droopy tiddies are fine, anon. I've got ones similar to the woman in that picture, and aside from never finding a bra with cups that don't make them look like they're just bunched up in there like old socks, they're completely fine.
For the sake of venting, though, all the cute sports bras and similar that keeps them up and supported are so damn expensive.
No. 611944
>>611939I’m not trying to be mean, but your first post literally sounds like textbook autism. Girls with autism are harder to diagnose because they are often forced to acclimate socially in comparison to boys. If you’re smart then you know how to mimic regular people. You’re mimicking regular people and going through the motions. You are likely on the spectrum.
ETA I’m truly not picking on you, it’s just very obvious.
No. 611970
>>611957The “complex variables” is exactly why so many girls on the spectrum go undiagnosed. It isn’t a disease anon.
>>611947I hope you will just be open to the possibility. Autism is not a dirty word, although I know our board likes to make a joke of it. Although it’s unusual, there’s nothing fundamentally wrong with you being okay as an individual, especially since you’ve specified that you bear no ill will for others. I hope that you find a balance that works for you and I think it’s cool that you don’t have to experience loneliness. Is it okay to ask how old you are? There’s always a chance that as time passes you ease into different needs and desires. As long as you have balance I think you’ll be fine. You aren’t hurting anyone.
No. 611981
>>611958If it's just a social development issue, then please explain to me why a nonverbal 35-year old who functions about as well as the average 6-year old and will need support for the rest of their life, can have the same diagnosis as a shy girl who, for all other intents and purposes, is "neurotypical," but they don't connect with others easily and collect 1970's cat calendars as their only hobby. Tell me that you think the fucking rain man has anything noticeably in common with this person.
We do actually need better ways to diagnose people with this condition than just relying on a set of behavioral criteria that keeps getting longer and longer with each update to the DSM, because the amount of variability you see in the community right now is outrageous. It's way too easy to misdiagnose people with the way things are currently, and it's also too easy for those who self-diagnose to be accepted without question. The criteria is extremely loose and not based in anything definitive.
No. 611987
>>611981>what is a spectrum?do you even know what social means? language and communication are social skills.
also you're on some shit because women have been historically not diagnosed as autistic because of shitty gender expectations and had to live and struggle with their issues.
No. 612026
>>611987>because women have been historically not diagnosed as autistic because of shitty gender expectations and had to live and struggle with their issuesThis is such a crap argument. You can say this about virtually any issue that has been historically overlooked due to "shitty gender expectations" of women. The methods used to screen for mental illnesses like Autism is dog shit with or without this sudden societal increase in looking at everything through a feminist lens. In fact, I would go as far as to say this often just makes the issue worse, because it's harder to say anything bad about and thereby fix a thing if it's being used to further a trending agenda with a lot of financial backing.
You don't have autism just because you struggle to connect with people, or because you struggle to communicate, or even because you have a weird hobby. I can list about half a dozen other conditions in the DSM-5 that all of this can also be symptomatic of off of the top of my head.
In general, the diagnostic criteria for most mental disorders is garbage due to clinician/client bias, situational external factors, lack of physical evidence, and the near impossibility of discounting co-morbid conditions. Using gender expectations as a reason not to criticize an extremely flawed system is both insulting and lazy.
No. 612056
>>612032>no is trying to tell you that having one quirk makes you have autism.TAIRT literally armchair diagnosed someone with autism based on one post where the person cited having trouble emotionally connecting with others.
>>612037>argue that DSM criteria isn't definitive enough and misdiagnosis is almost a guarantee>"you sound like you're talking about ADHD anyway"The irony.
No. 612063
File: 1598135145914.png (984.13 KB, 800x583, F48D761D-9B29-462C-8403-073DDC…)

i feel so alone & i feel even more alone when i'm around my 'friends'. i'm at a breaking point. i can't keep a job for shit and i'm pretty sure i have some kind of post-viral fatigue which is making it hard to do anything to improve my life. i try to exercise and it makes me even more tired. im addicted to caffeine because i can't function without it. and my boyfriend is a piece of shit but i live with him so breaking up is gonna be incredibly hard. i want to kill myself but i'm not going to because that's stupid.
also remote therapy sucks ass.
No. 612064
>>612056But that anon
did show signs that there’s a possibility they have autism. It was suggested to her because there’s a chance she has it. I don’t understand what you think you’re accomplishing with these walls of text.
No. 612067
>>612064i think
she actually has autism.
No. 612078
>>612064I'm trying to say that using a diagnosis to justify or explain yours, or anyone else's behavior, is ultimately pointless, because the system used to screen for it is flawed for reasons I've repeatedly mentioned. Autism is one of the best examples I use to illustrate this because of the insane amount of variability within individuals who all supposedly have the same diagnosis. Yes, everything exists on a spectrum, but we still need better methods based in physical evidence to place someone on that spectrum to begin with. It seems like for the more severe cases of autism where the person is nonverbal and borderline non-functional, there is a more neurological basis, whereas for others, it's treated as a more of an issue of social skills. That's a problem because a vast number of other diagnoses in the DSM also list same/similar issues with socializing and connecting with others.
Yes, technically that anon could be autistic. She could also have about 8 other diagnoses simultaneously. How is knowing this actually helpful to actually improving her situation?
I'll stop sperging about this because I'm obviously just screaming into the void at this point, but as someone who is actually very passionate psychology and human behavior, it's an issue I do feel very strongly about.
No. 612118
File: 1598138803441.jpg (10.16 KB, 235x235, 51daf1998baf98c772d652f4cadd13…)

I really feel like i've lost all my creativity as an artist. I've been drawing for 5 years, and took long break from it during that time, but when I started again I just had no creativity. I was never creative in the first place but now all I can do is studies and paint landscapes from reference.But my fav is drawing people and character designing. Wtf do I do. I might as well just give up.
sorry for saying creative like 50 million times
No. 612126
>>612118I don't have any advice, but I'm sorry, anon. I wish I could help you.
Maybe you just need to find inspiration again.
No. 612166
File: 1598142050521.jpeg (253.79 KB, 1242x1446, 1526624335342.jpeg)

im starting to realize that my life is meaningless. i have no friends that i go out with, no interests, hobbies, passions. i also now hate my major in college and its too late to switch. some people would like my life, having so much free time, no expectations from family, and not starving poor. but im still not happy with anything. i just try to make the day go by as fast as i can so that i can finally sleep and think of nothing. not only that but i can't function like a normal person. i can't make appointments for myself(the main reason why i haven't gone to the doctor, dentist, and optometrist in over 3 years). i can't even go out to get fast food by drive though and its pathetic.i just want an end to this but i have always though of suicide as stupid and cowardly. i just know that i won't be able to achieve anything.nothing in my life makes me happy and there's nothing i can do to make myself happy.
No. 612215
>>612207Oh my god anon I’m so sorry, I can’t delete it but I responded with this
>>612208 but it was meant for the post about female rapper objectifying themselves in unpop opinion, dunno how this happened. I’m laughing at how that looks but I’m so sorry.
No. 612245
>>612229to add to this my car already needed to go into the shop. thanks to a vital part being stolen now it's virtually undriveable and will die if I drive it too far. so I have to get it towed. fuck the fucking faggotlipped thug who did this, doubt they'll catch him but if they do I want to see him hung upside down by his toes until the blood rushes to his brain
sage for samefagging I'm just really fucking pissed right now. still have to buy textbooks for this semester and i am not keen on bankrupting myself and having to ask to borrow other peoples cars
No. 612249
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I really want to join a K-pop cover group but my city only has one and it's kind of shit.
>I just want friends to pporappippam with
No. 612312
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Seems I got kicked from one of lolcow's discords. I don't even know why, maybe I just didn't interact enough. Woe is me
No. 612321
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I have severe social anxiety but also crave social contact. It's gotten super bad since quarantine.
No. 612377
>>605108Oh god I just logged into facebook after so long and found out my childhood best friend just had her first baby - and somehow I feel so heartbroken because I realize we've drifted so far apart and haven't talked in so long
We always had a great friendship but I don't use social media and it's so hard to keep up when people primarily communicate through social media
I feel so sad and pathetic
No. 612427
>>612424Same for me, and we're the same age. The fact that I'm not not as passionate about video games, manga or tv shows as I used to be is one thing, but seeing how horribly fandoms have evolved with time just put me off of it forever. Now fandoms is just people yelling about ships being
problematic or not or copypasting unfunny memes over and over and over again.
No. 612429
I love my father in law dearly but sometimes I can't stand him anymore. I met him almost 10 years ago and I can tell he loves me because I adore his son and it’s mutual. He’s a good person who always treated me with affect and kindness.
But also he’s one of those people who has all these crazy theories about things, always has been. When I met him he only complained about politics and whatnot, soon I realised he had his point of view and he kept convinced 100% his POV was the right one. At first I tried to debate with him sometimes, just to get all my words twisted and even being told “no, anon, the truth is…”
Well, he just got worse this year for obvious reasons. I swear it's not even funny anymore. At first I tried to brush it off (he kepts talking like one of those old mad men) as always, I didn’t care if he complained or if he wanted to convince himself about this new world order thing he totally believes because I don’t share his opinions so I’m not affected but I can’t ignore it anymore.
Every conversation and every situation goes to the same point with him. And I mean EVERY conversation. Right now we were having breakfast together and I saw people walking with dogs, I commented how cute they were and he agreed, only to start complaining about people wearing masks (muzzles as he calls it) and how it’s all planned and he didn’t stop talking about it for 20 minutes.
Few days ago an old lady almost tripped over us and I commented how she looked scared and he kept silent for a moment and then started again “well she should be scared because she’s the main objective right now, they want to start an extermination…”
Yesterday I was talking with him about how our brain reacts to the panic and he instantly grabbed his phone to show me something with had nothing -absolutely nothing- to do with the thing I was explaining and showed me a 15 minutes video of something related to mind control through water and air.
I just keep quiet and without looking at him, not even commenting once. I do this every time, I disappear in front of him until he changes the topic (it’s not usual though). Worse part is that his friends think exactly the same as him so it’s not that he feels alone and needs someone to explain his theories, he just wants to FORCE it on people and that’s what’s getting on my nerves. When I try to talk about anything (and I mean ANYTHING), he’s just not listening to me, always searching on his phone a new video that he can show me. Do you know that moment when you’re talking with someone and you see how he just moves his head, wanting you to shut up so they can start talking about what they want to talk? Those are my interactions with him atm.
Even if I think it’s pure madness, I can try to listen to him and let him explain what he thinks but I can’t stand when he starts asking me questions about it and then he doesn’t want to hear what I have to say.
I had a really hard time finding a job (I’ve been unemployed for more than a year now) and he saw it, I even lived with him and my bf at some point earlier this year so when he asked me if I would get vaccinated I instantly told him that of course, if it’s going to be obligatory for working anyways. He told me that he would prefer me unemployed before than having some microchip which would control my mind with 5G inserted on me through a shot. And that hurt me. Because he’s dismissing how I’m feeling just because he’s convinced Bill Gates is some kind of satanic illuminati who wants and will control all the humanity just because he can do it.
I’m not going into much details because if I had to write everything that he thinks I would be writing until tomorrow but I just can’t comprehend how he can’t see that obviously if you search for the videos or articles you want to see and read, it will tell you exactly what you want to hear. It’s simple as that.
I’m tired of being around him every time we have to wear our masks because he refuses to do it (claiming that it’s agains our rights) or he does it and it’s even worse, saying out loud for everyone to hear how pointless this is, how global governments wants us to control us by wearing this, that we would get suffocated, that a new change is coming and people is sooo blind, soooo oblivious (not him and his peers).
I just don’t understand how much he cares about this new education system he’s convinced they’re (????) going to make based on the Pope’s believes (I wish I was kidding), I mean, even if it was true (which I clearly think it’s not), how it comes he doesn’t think people will see just as he “did”? He thinks people is going to accept it just because they don’t share his opinions and I think he couldn’t we more wrong even if he tried.
Truth is people here wear masks because they want to protect themselves and others, and the ones who don’t want to wear them just do it because they can get a fine. That’s it. Nothing to do with social control, or mental control or whatever.
Sorry if this post is a mess, I’m not writing it to discuss about theories and things (I know there’s threads to do it here), I just needed to get it out of my chest because my boyfriend is the only person I could talk about it with and he just claims that he did stop listening to his father a long time ago so he wouldn’t bother him with things but with me it’s just a non stop talking about it and I’m actually losing my patience.
As I said he’s not a bad person, he did for me more than anyone of my family even did, even my father and I owe him a lot, I just wish I could have a nice conversation with him as we did before, and not having to sit in silence with this pseudo woke person who thinks he has the truth about the world in front of him.
I love him and I tried so hard to explain to him that this topic always makes me feel pressured about the future and that I Live day by day, that I don’t want to be thinking about the future too much because I get panic attacks (this is half true) and he tells me that he understands it but doesn’t change a little bit.
No. 612436
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Wanted to make some protein pancakes. Some ingredients were missing but I had already started so I had to improvise. They turned out like shit and just taste like artificial sweetener. Ew. Now I’ve wasted a bunch of good ingredients. Angry.
No. 612455
>>612444That's pretty much what I used, except I didn't have a banana and I used sparkling water instead of milk (was supposed to use oat milk). Stores aren't open on Sundays in my country. I mean, they don't taste cooompleeeetely awful but they're too fluffy and way too sweet. Maybe I should get an unsweetened protein powder so I have more control over the sweetness. It was a pretty impulsive idea anyway.
Using bananas for protein pancakes sounds intriguing though, I need to try that.
No. 612456
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I'm sick of people mistaking being passive and weak with being nice. If you let people walk all over you, say sorry every 5 seconds and never share your opinion you're a fucking pussy, you're not nice or sweet.
No. 612545
>>612429Does your partner agree with you? Doesn't he get involved at all?
In this case I would pull away from your FIL and see him less, if he knows you don't want to talk about these things but won't respect that then why do you need to respect him by seeing him? Every time he mentions these things say "I said I don't want to talk about that" and leave the room, put headphones in if you can't leave. You will look childish but what he is doing is just as childish.
No. 612553
>>612488The first thing that comes to mind is when I first started school instead of a regular kiss goodbye she touched tongues with me. She stopped doing it publicly soon but it was the goodnight ritual until my mid teens when I insisted she stopped because I found out what French kissing was and it was too close to that for comfort.
She gets angry with me when I don't let her come in and talk to me while I'm having a bath or shower. Her logic is that she birthed me so she should be allowed to see the body she produced but it makes me really uncomfortable (I don't like being naked in front of myself even). She asks to sleep in my room or for me to sleep in her bed a lot, I guess because she's lonely. Usually when I say no I can hear her crying from her bedroom.
Not really that kind of weird but once when I admitted I was suicidal to her, her solution was to offer to commit suicide with me and got out the medicine box I wasn't supposed to have access to. That was when I was 16, I haven't really been able to confide in her since. She's got a lot of mental health issues going on and I don't want to risk anything that might upset her.
No. 612556
>>612538Ah yeah of course. But it was more of the fact that someone said, "Fans of xyz character (who killed a bunch of people) think she is innocent because she was abused and ignored by her siblings." And I'm like hell no, this character is 30 and needs therapy instead of lashing out at people. Just the discussion of what fans thoughts on the page felt weird to me, but I could have seen myself eating this up 10 years ago in high school.
>>612433Umbrella Academy. I looked at tvtropes and at reddit. I didn't look at tumblr, but there's no doubt there would be tons of fans there because the original comics' creator was Gerard Way.
I never really got into tumblr-style fandom participation, but I definitely feel like I am way too old for it now.
No. 612560
>>612553Anon, seriously, you need to see a therapist asap. This is
not okay, none of the behaviours you mentioned are okay in any way. The touching tongues is extremely strange, her not being able to respect your boundaries and manipulating you by crying is horrendously creepy and I don't even know what to say about the last part. You absolutely need to talk to a mental health professional about this.
No. 612562
>>612553Jesus, your mom seems to have some deep fucking issues. I hope you've moved out or will move out really soon. Do you not have any siblings? I can kind of see my mom is yours except my sister takes some of what she dishes out too. But I cannot imagine my mom wanting to commit suicide with me as some form of love. She'd do it alone at most. I'm really sorry you've had to deal with your mom, who doesn't respect your boundaries. And my mom's excuse is the same when she does things I don't like. I hate when she or anyone else touches my butt but she always does it with the same excuse your mom gives 'but i birthed you anon!'
You say your mom is very lonely, she probably seeks all types of companionship in you but she is going way too far, I feel. It can be tough trying to touch any subject because you don't wanna upset her or provoke a tantrum or something but I think you would have to do that, so that she knows that you have boundaries that you don't want crossed. Also if you can, convince her to get some fucking help. And you too, this is very troublesome and not okay, I hope you can cope with it in a healthy way and get professional help.
No. 612565
>>612553>once when I admitted I was suicidal to her, her solution was to offer to commit suicide with meTERRIFYING. I second
>>612560, you need to see a therapist.
No. 612566
>>612553you need a therapist, and in the long run, cut ties with her. she probably needs therapy too but she's too far gone and you /cannot/ walk her through this process.
leave and heal, as soon as possible.
this is not healthy. at all.
"but she needs me!!" she is severely unstable and you being there doesn't seem to do much when she's loudly crying herself to sleep because you won't sleep in her bed.
No. 612573
>>612508I would say that after a year, it's solidly time to prioritize your SO over your friends. I wouldn't waste my time with a man who took longer than that to do so TBH. Especially if you're looking for a life partner.
>>612536>prioritizing friends over an 8 year relationship Yikes. OP, don't listen to this anon- such relationship dynamics are only "normal" among people with serious commitment issues and immature perspectives on how being a couple is supposed to work.
No. 612575
>>612508>My bf always prioritises his friends feelings / opinions before mine and it’s starting to make me resent him.Trust your gut. That's bullshit and he's bullshit and this bullshit won't change even after several years. TRUST ME. I had an ingrate of an ex who I bent backwards for in my pickme mid-20s and never got a single effort of reciprocation for it. And yet he'd pull out the red carpet and move mountains for his shitty little friends who hardly ever darkened our doorsteps.
So go ahead, give it to him. Tell him what you just told us. He resists or puts up an argument? Well then you will know it's not just his ignorance but his willful intent to not prioritize your life and time. If you stay with him after that, then I hope you enjoy being in fifth or sixth place behind his buddies for the rest of your life.
No. 612587
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whenever i kiss my mama's boobies now i think about anons' replies here, let me do it in peace girl
No. 612588
>>612504You got roasted? Wait are you the anon that said you kissed your mama’s breasts?
Hey everybody, it’s the anon that said they kissed their moms breast’s
No. 612605
>>612553This is classic spousification - it's absolutely not ok. I'm sorry you are going through this, look after yourself and keep reinforcing your boundaries if you can't cut her out.
I see lots of fucked up parent acquaintances doing low level versions of this; "I don't need a new partner, my child is the love of my life!" etc and it drives me nuts having gone through similar. Blurring those roles is creepy and
abusive, if you don't need a partner that's fine but your child is not a substitute.
No. 612635
>>612427tbh people who are still in the fandom and say 'it wasn't like this before' and try to separate themselves from sjws are just as bad. i don't knock people for liking
problematic shit but they use all the justifications in the world before actually thinking about why they like incest or rape
No. 612700
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>see rant on fb from toxic high school buddy
>talks about "owning up to her bullshit"
>had to push her away a bit years ago because she was a total user who'd constantly ask for shit while never doing anything in return for any of her friends except her men who'd she have babies with
>think the post will be about her being a mooch to that effect
>it's a self-masturbatory brag about not being perfect and her biggest flaw is having been "too nice and helping others build too many castles"
Bitch what castle? You couldn't even build a hovel on how many actual selfless deeds you've done for other people. If you "wanted to be everything for everyone" you had an odd way of showing it cause it seemed like you did whatever the fuck served you at the time? Or are you just building a narrative to explain the hideous trendy tattoos you no longer like, or the fact that you did nothing in your 20s besides struggle as a broke pickme who bent over backwards for even lazier men who never gave you the life you didn't bother to work for yourself?
She didn't get a lot of likes, I wonder if she'll delete it later since she tried to bury it with posts about her kids and reshares after.
No. 612710
>>612709Last year my grandpa had a stroke that went undetected and we only realized because he started suffering aphasia and was speaking in garbled words.
I highly recommend getting her to the hospital or doctor as soon as possible.
I’m sorry you’re experiencing this anon, it’s such a scary and stressful phenomenon. Watching our loved ones age and suffer medical issues is so heavy. Thoughts to you and your family
No. 612756
>but but but no one wants to intervene when a man is being physically violent tho!! Then get your gamer weenies to record the situation to give to police since, you know, they're already on their phones playing a game intended for 13 year olds.
Fucking soyboy gamers those cartoons are turning them all into softbrain coomsumers.
No. 612827
>>612820>>612821>>612822Thanks guys,
I deleted it because i felt i was being too specific about it and it looked very doxxable, if anyone is curious, a mtf i had friends in common got murdered.
It just idk, I know it was probably the classic mix or homophobia and misogyny, I live in a pretty conservative area, but she wasn't the typical gross agp gender crit takes an issue with, she seemed like we could be friends you know?
That thought of ok maybe most transexuals are ok and maybe i should respect them just doesn't get out of my head.
I will probably get pinkpilled again sometime tho.
No. 612830
>>612827It doesn't change anything but I hope justice is served for her
Follow whatever beliefs work best for you, you can be gender critical and empathetic without either pandering or wanting them all dead. I'm going to stop replying more though because this always seems to be the hottest take here
No. 612872
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My roommate is a clean freak and my other roommate is a slob troon, they've been at each other's throats ever since I've moved in at the beginning of the year. Whenever we talk, clean freak goes on these 30min tirades about slob roommate and keeps hinting at me to do something about him, but I really don't want to get involved.
Few days ago I put up a sign in the bathroom with reminders and texted everyone including our landlord to keep things clean, please. (Slob used a coffee exfoliant that got EVERYWHERE.) It has helped, bathroom is so clean now. Clean freak is now saying she's going to contact her lawyer uncle to take slob to court and she is hinthinting at me to send a picture of the sign to landlord. I tell her I don't think landlord gives a shit (which he really doesn't since Clean Freak is a frequent complainer and he evicted someone for her already). She loses her shit and brings up all the crap slob has done to guilt me.
>bitch I don't care
>send landlord the pic yourself??
>stop trying to drag me into your shit
No. 612877
>>612868As someone who's dealt with chest wall pain, when you say "keeps hurting", does it frequently hurt for sharp but short periods of pain, or does it hurt more consistently (such as a dull ache)? The first kind is scary but is rarely dangerous. The second kind can indicate a problem, though usually not your heart (lungs would be a bigger concern here).
Can you go to an urgent care clinic? That would probably be more affordable than an ER. Of course, if it has been hurting intensely for hours nonstop, then you REALLY need to be seen.
No. 612894
>>612885I mean you technically don’t want to do it if you can find an excuse to avoid it
>>612874Which means you don’t want to OP but you gotta learn to not do it for yourself
No. 612928
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I'm upset this wasn't the final product
No. 612965
>>612508Blogposting for another perspective. So I've got best friends of 15 years, they're very dear to me. In my second relationship while still immature I made the mistake of making it well known I prioritise my friends first, because in my first I made the rookie mistake of just…forgetting about my friends in the honeymoon phase of my first real relationship, and they let me know they were hurt by it after the breakup. Obviously saying that degraded the relationship and was disrespectful to my partner, I was an asshole in that relationship overall anyway.
For my most recent relationship it's all about balance and respecting the time of both groups. I'll make sure to make time for my friends, and will do my best to find time for them if it's been a while, but I'll never prioritise making plans with them over already established plans or expectations with my partner. And I'll express to my partner that it's been a while since I've seen my friends and he'll also offer to cancel our plans if a window opens up for me and my friends to hang out (rare since one has a baby, we're all nearing 30). I'll suggest a gaming sesh with friends 2-3 days in advance and double check with my partner if he had anything special planned. If a friend is in need of support then that'd be the only time I'd actively cancel plans with my partner for a friend.
How exactly does your ex prioritise your friends over you?
No. 613025
>>612872Your clean freak seems fucking nuts. She wants to sue over a dirty bathroom?
No. 613124
seeing my ex in a couple of days and i feel bad because i seem to have gotten over him way faster…
i'm moving so we both feel like we need to say good bye regardless, but he's undeniably afraid.
our relationship was relatively short, and i definitely feel like i was too good for him, looking back. he thinks so too, so that's probably why he's still not over me… meanwhile i have an exciting and new path ahead of me, was super busy with lots of things in the past month, and i even feel very positively about my new place. i even made a resolution to never date someone so… stagnant ever again, even if i don't regret the relationship. t'was fun and much needed during 'rona times. i spent many years of my life "stagnating", so i need people around me who want to better themselves and make the most out of life.
i don't know. i'm simply not going to mourn a relationship that wouldn't have gone anywhere any longer. this place needs cleaning, these suits need packing, and my studies will need focusing.
No. 613141
>>613083That these fuckers
triggered a psychosis after they violated me in the psych ward. Honestly it was so bad like in the movies where they show a psychiatry in the 60s
No. 613145
>>613135NTA, but I'm inclined to think that hoarding wealth you don't intend to give back to the economy is a shitty behavior, even if you may not be a shitty person. In regards to poor people, it's usually the poorest and least well-off in society who are doing the most necessary low-skilled physical labor (cleaning, construction, mass production, transportation) and creating necessities like food and clothes, whereas those who have the highest annual salary/income only have that because they've got hundreds or thousands of employees working below them, getting paid minimum wage…
TL;DR, rich people are usually assholes
and lazy, in that they do the least amount of work they can and get paid an obscene amount for it, while poor people are working leagues harder and longer than them just to make scraps.
No. 613203
>>613104not super young but LB seems very immature and I think the straight girl is worried about offending the group but it's not like people haven't called out LB about it
>>613110Yeah pretty much what makes it worse is the straight girl has a "boyfriend" I don't think it's official but when It was brought up he said LB is harmless, like no dude LB is fully describing how much and what she'd do to the girl you're supposedly fucking if she got the chance
No. 613386
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My mother is so fucking selfish, everything really always has to be about her 24/7. My grandma has an important but relatively mild operation on her heart tomorrow. But despite being a very cool and level-headed woman, she is visibly anxious and scared shitless of it. And what does my mother do? Instead of reassuring her and calming her down, she calls her 2 times and visits her 2 times today while hysterically sobbing about how she doesn't know what to do when she dies. Then continues the same game on her husband, on me and on a grand total of 6 friends she called while doing the same thing. And just when it seems like I managed to cheer grandma up a bit after calling her, she fucking visits her again and makes her anxious. I even suggested to go with her this time because I knew she'll just vent like a literal child again, but she insisted I do it after her. What is so damn hard about pulling yourself together for once and considering someone elses feelings as more important than your neverending urge for attention and validation?
No. 613473
>>613466>inb4 it's not that easy Try to find a different job. It is 90% because you have a stressful job. This problem wouldn't have a reason to exist if it weren't for the job. Ask your bf to help you find another one.
t. Someone who's been there.
No. 613476
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>>613447I'm sorry anon, I'd be your friend.
No. 613484
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>>613476Thank you sweet anon.
No. 613569
>>613447And what did you reply?
Confront them with their own cattiness, ask them what they mean by that etc. (in a formal, non-whining tone). Or better yet, just straight up remove/block them because they sound like they see you as a cow.
No. 613571
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I went home for lunch to fry up some bacon but now I'm sitting in this office thinking I smell of ham.
No. 613711
>>613635I'm genuinely afraid of female therapists. First one I got was icy cold, wouldn't ask questions (I was 13, shy af and unable to really hold a conversation) and just wait starring daggers at me.
Once, she asked how I was at the start of the hour. I made a little joke about how this isn't really how I wanted to spend my birthday (it really was my birthday) and she was genuinely offended by that. Like upset and mad for real. And it stuck with me, like I did something really wrong. Sometimes, I think about it randomly and feel bad.
Never told about this trauma to any shrink since because I fear the shrink will think I'm some bpd case who invented this story.
Not sure women would have better advice about being a fucking loser anyway.
No. 613946
>>613893Be a sis anon, it's hard times!
I'm sure with all the zannies anon we have we could start an exchange for
nonnie in need, kek.
No. 613957
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god I fucking hate scrotes harassing that poor AT&T girl. weird-ass dudes with anime avatars insisting that's it's a meme to constantly spam nasty shit on her pics and insta live. It's not a fucking wonder why girls won't talk to them. They should neck themselves and save womankind.
No. 613975
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>>613946Would literally love to queen but no DM feature
No. 614047
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Third time this year a man has declared me his soulmate and the only one he has ever connected to and something something destiny. This is not a humblebrag this is a cry for help. I just want a normal casual fling please God help me. Is it because I'm nice? Is it because I'm weird? Why does this keep happening? I swear they seem detached when we meet.
No. 614069
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this is extremely lame but having grown up on imageboards and turned into a functioning adult against the odds, I don't feel like I can relate fully to anyone I know irl.
I work in animation and thought I would meet more people who poisoned themselves on the internet growing up, who'd have the same frame of reference as I do. I love my friends but I am tired of them showing me normie memes and I legitimately feel lonely when I find something funny or cool on the internet and know that if I showed it to any of them it would take about 7 layers of explanation to explain it and even then they wouldn't find it funny.
I've only ever had real romantic feelings for one man in my 26 years of life and i am sure 90% of those feelings were because he had a good grasp of internet culture. I am truly scared I will be alone for the rest of my life because I cannot find someone with good taste in memes.
No. 614074
>>614069Wait samefag
>26 years of lifeWe’re the same age how are you isolated
No. 614136
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My laptop has an ultra shitty battery life due to being old as shit. It died before I was able to grab my charger and I was in the middle of a Zoom lecture. Got it up and running again and now the damn professor won't let me back into the room.
No. 614215
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i got a side job today delivering newspapers and now the commitment of having to do something from like 3am to 6am every single day stresses me out.
i guess at least it’s a solo job so i can listen to podcasts while i’m driving around, but we’ll see if it’s even worth it
No. 614244
>>614225It’s very powerful that’s she’s come to apologize. I have a similar situation, my mother has also apologized and regrets a lot but I still hold resentment towards her. I don’t ever act on it because she’s not the same person, but the pain is still there and it’s not like it expires just cuz she sees the wrong now.
Not sure if that helps but just know that what you feel is
valid No. 614251
>>614234Hell yeah bitch if i don't come out of this with buff arms I'll be pissed
Also I'm deeply concerned because I cant aim for shit. Catch my dumb ass climbing out my car to go grab a newspaper I accidentally chucked into a bush