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No. 605650
>>605649Why? You've never made a mistake in you're life? Are you the ultimate paragon of morality? You never in your life have been angry or rude in public? Who are you to judge other people? MOST of the time, facts are actually left out. Cancel culture has no due process.
You social media sick zoomers are disgusting.
No. 605661
>>605642Cancel culture is weird because some people get "cancelled" (spoiler: they never actually do) and others are never brought up. Some people want a wider celebrity culture that is free of sin but some get a free pass because they're "just like that".
Sense8 got cancelled for making the characters of color suffer more or some shit (I never watched it) but I don't know if Trailer Park Boys would get cancelled for making light of children getting drunk.
>>605658Is that cancel culture or just people realizing they don't want to support an asshole?
No. 605678
>>605661Good question. Seems like everybody has their own opinion.
At what point do we recognize that people can change?
How old does the shit people are getting called out for have to be until its no longer relevant to who they are now?
Are there things that no matter how old are unforgivable? Obviously there are some, but when is the line drawn?
If they did something horrible but never made the same mistake, should they still be held accountable?
For me.. I feel like if it's something the person is still actively doing or participating in it makes it a lot harder to look past.
But if it was a one time deal that doesn't mean they shouldn't own up to their mistake
No. 605874
>>605681>>605682>>605685Agreed here. Instead it's used against D-list celebrities or regular people who made an offensive joke in 2009.
Roman Polanski is still directing and Chris Brown is still played on the radio, among many others. Cancel someone who's actually a piece of shit, not some random edgy teenager from an Arkansas trailer park.
No. 606075
>>605685Exactly. Men get called out for being straight out rapists and grooming underage girls but the bigger fireworks seem to always be saved for calling out women for doing something much less dangerous and destructive. Men always have their hordes of "anti-SJW" dudebros defending their asses but women never get that, they just have to stand up and swallow the social media outrage calling them out for whatever reaching claims thrown at them. The amount of hate JK Rowling got was completely disproportionate to what a lot of men have gotten for speaking up.
>>605693Also this. Despite JK Rowling getting hated on hard it's not going to ruin her because her media empire is too widespread to ever be taken down by a bunch of seething trannies and their supporters. The ones who get annihilated irreparably are those who don't have a lot of influence and thus couldn't even cause much damage and instead lose their sense of security, trust and livelihood over some stupid mistake or disagreement. It's not about educating people and allowing them to learn, it's about feeding their egos.
No. 606082
>>605693Look at tana mongeau . At this point she’s literally trying to get cancelled because it brings her attention and revenue. I don’t follow that bitch but she always shows up on my social media with some type of controversy and repeated copy and paste apology. If 6ix9nine can literally rape children and come out jail immediately after with a music video with nicki Minaj, no one can get canceled.
The only time canceling has ever worked was with Austin jones , because he turned out to be a fucking weirdo in general and he wasn’t all that popping to begin with.
No. 606117
cancel culture is morally and ethically wrong, in the perfect context (where people cannot create art because they will be censored), it reeks of totalitarianism. however, cancel culture is pretty overstated when someone is just simply called out by the masses, but the public is bloodthirsty so its always fucked.
cancel culture is also relative, hence why indie and pop artists face more repercussions (from their fans and media) than a black metal band or a rap artist. hence why tekashi 69 is not "cancelled"
>>606082>>605874both of those men are cancelled by most people but their die-hard fans. and both have faced legal repercussions and coverage for their crimes (despite polanski not be extradited), no one mentions them without talking about what they did.
>>606082going to jail is not cancelling lol
>>605649I can't wait for the day you're actually cancelled, in the perfect context, where you can't find a job, have friends, or live normally
No. 606133
I'm a fandom artist and I got cancelled several times over the usual stuff: old mean tweets and poorly aged drawings. The first 2 times it hurt real badly, I got agitated by it and lost many art """""friends""""" (irony is, some of them were cancelled/ complained about CC). By now I'm just used to it. It helps that cancel culture is getting a big backlash now, but I had to make several changes and learn from the experience. I don't draw for/join fandoms filled with teens, I don't draw anything lgbt, I don't respond to bait, I don't post selfies or any personal info like medical problems and such. I'm a lot more wary of who I become mutual with. What sucks the most is that cancel culture fills female spaces only, and as result of my changes, my followers/friends are now mostly men. I don't hate men, and I never insult women, but I don't want to be seen as a pickme…
No. 606152
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>This person did a genuinely bad thing, let’s riot against them.
>Actually I’m tired of rioting after the 1st or 2nd day.
>Actually I don’t feel like @ing their close friends about it even if they not only know about but condone wrongdoings.
>Actually I don’t feel like directing my feelings on anywhere except Twitter even though a person’s ever-forgiving simp fans are probably on Discord or something.
>Bad person, you can hide for 4 months until we forget and after that you’ll only have a handful of people who are still mad.
Why are people like this?
No. 606175
>>606165This. Few celebrities ACTUALLY get cancelled, fans will make excuses if they have to. Even if a rich famous celebrity gets cancelled, who fucking cares? They can cry into their millions and avoid any consequences with it too. That is nothing like burning women alive for supposedly being something that literally does not even exist.
My only issue is what people determine to be cancellation-worthy, not the 'culture' itself. Eg JKR absolutely does not deserve it, because what she says is both accurate and ethically reasoned. But generally, racist/sexist/homophobic celebrities deserve to be called out and the public doesn't owe them shit. It's just something you have to take on a case by case basis.
No. 606320
>>606162You see, the celebrity doesn't have to care about what some twitter spergs tweet about them. The only person who actually got effectively removed was Harvey Weinstein for committing legitimate, systematic crimes he could be prosecuted for. That's not the point. Cancel culture is a waste of time exactly because it doesn't affect the celebrities that actually have a platform and are able to spread their message around. It only ruins those people who are vulnerable to it and mostly undeserving of the hate. If some crazy bitch wants to get rid of you due to whatever vendetta they have, they can come up with a reason. They'll rake through your Twitter likes, find that you liked a tweet from Jeffree Star and make up shit about you being racist, homophobic and transphobic based on this damning evidence and then attach posts from you as "further proof" with the context removed. People are talking about apples and oranges and willingly ignoring the recoil cancel culture creates, when they say "y-you can't cancel a celebrity!!!" they're effectively ignoring what the real problem is. Nobody is mad that an egoistical rapper is being called out for beating his wife, people are scared that they'll be fucked over for listening to his album without knowing he was convicted for domestic violence because that's what cancel culture is about.
>inb4 Cyber Bullying Isn't Real Just Walk Away From The Screen HahaTell that to the people who have had their employer contacted and gotten fired because they tweeted something someone found slightly controversial and blew it out of proportion. It's not an isolated occurrence either, this happens all the time now.
No. 606327
I feel like people have different (main) definitions of "cancel culture", and argue with each other over it. Some people seem to primarily think of it as when public figures have their history as bad people exposed, while others primarily think of it as random people getting doxxed and fired from work because they made a post on Twitter.
I like the aspect of the community at large being able to expose someone for being a shit person, or even a full-on rapist, especially in cases where the law won't intervene. Just because something isn't technically illegal doesn't mean people have to accept it.
I'm on Lolcow, reading about people being awful regularly, so to claim otherwise would be hypocritical. Also, in those cases where someone is filmed being violent, racist or otherwise awful, I think it's good if they get exposed and fired from their jobs. Clearly, they shouldn't be in any position of authority.
What I don't like is when women get chided and harassed for stupid things, while men are basically bulletproof, but I've realized it's just a reflection of most societies loving to police women. It's some weird misogynistic cultural thing that wouldn't disappear even if "cancellation" ceased to exist. I also think it's fucked up when little kids get harassed. 99% of the time, it should be their parents getting contacted, not the children themselves.
Also, the amount of people who bend the truth, spread outright lies and/or are just doing it because they're jealous of whoever they're "cancelling" is annoying. Those ones barely even hide what they're doing, all their "receipts" tend to be innocuous shit that they need to hype up to be worse than Satan, and when you check their account, they're just as bad (if not worse) than the person.
No. 608260
When it's done well, to be honest, it can be strangely cathartic. I think there are some situations where it is needed, and many other times where it isn't. I feel like when cancel culture first started gaining ground, people were a little more thorough and it didn't feel so much like an excuse to bully and harass someone just because they said "nigga" once, or rolled their eyes at a person who happened to be gay.
The policing and bitter nitpicking is when it annoys me. When someone actually takes the time to compile receipts on a person, fact checks, and isn't trying to get fame for taking down someone, that's interesting. I do genuinely want to know if someone I could be supporting is a bigot. I however don't particularly care if some retard took a dumb ass pic or used whatever word of the day is now a slur.
In a way, cancel culture has always existed, it just used to come in a more acceptable form and we called them "whistleblowers" lol.
No. 924580
>>924572It's sort of a thing in my country as in they follow whatever the american audiences do, so if an american profile of any sort is getting cancelled then people in my country will copy that even though said person has zero relevance here.
The only time I've seen an organic cancellation in my country was when we cancelled a openly misogynistic media profile that people have been trying to get off media for 15 years so it was a sigh of relief when it finally caught on.
No. 927910
>>605645He sounds like the kind of person who wouldn't like to live in a small town because "people know you too well". People like that are always a red flag. But cancel culture online is foul because it's total strangers who act like the rules that exist in their friend group exist everywhere. Every family, friend group, town, region, country and culture has different unwritten rules, habits and laws, and the concept that you can simultaneously do "the right thing" in the eyes of people you're directly accountable to and still be judged by someone far away who lives by different rules is absurd. And a good reason not to interact with people you don't personally know with your real name.
The reason kids used to be taught not to give their real name on the internet was to prevent some stranger from having a platform to attack you on, and know who you are.
No. 1186962
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>>605645>He basically is a full on misogynistic piece of shit dude eho thinks is smarter than anyone else but the key here is that on social media he calls himself a "male feminist".Kek, of course he does.
No. 1522739
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I know not all nonnies here are bad, but I feel like even within the farms, just like in any radfem circle, you cannot like certain things (like anime that isn't Nana or some other boring shit like that) because now watching anime is bad. This is what made me turn into an ex radfem, you have to be a very immature adult or a literal child to not understand that you can like things and watch things despite it being "thing bad". Radfems keep saying that all women are welcome, even weird ones, but say you like x thing and you are the antichrist. Cancel culture in radfem spaces makes radical feminism extremely hypocritical and no better than other radicalized internet politics. Idgaf if anyone replies to this shitty post, I just needed to vent.
No. 1522800
>>1522770>you're kind of a brainlet if you think that pointing out misogyny in pop culture is somehow hypocriticalThat's not the issue, I don't mind being critical of media and opposing misogyny in it. What I mind is people telling me what or not to watch and then feeling personally offended when I say I liked x anime or whatever. I don't like any ideology that forces you to not interact with things that a mature adult would know how to discern the bad and wrong from. While I also hate misogyny in media, I am an adult. We still don't live in the feminist utopia that I wish we all lived in. I want to be able to enjoy things despite them being flawed and not perfect and not made with radical feminism in mind. This is why while I agree with radfems, I simply am not one.
>inb4 enjoy your shitty anime!!!!Thanks I will!
>>1522770At what point does the internet eco chamber affect reality? I'd say a good chunk of the new radfems irl use radblr and in fact discovered radical feminism through it. There's a connection. Whatever is said in radfem tumblr and twitter will make an impact in the real world. If social media doesn't affect reality, then how come the trans movement of twitter permeated society this much?
>>1522781>Interacting with non-feninist media would make someone not a radfem. Because by watching it you allow it to influence and profit off of you, even by just exposure.>It is a strict community and always will be.>Everyone at some point who sees radical feminism and applies some of the practices in their life get called a not-true Scottsman about it.>If you're not a perfect follower, leaving a community that harassed you about it after doubling down was wise.This basically. Thanks anon. This is why even though I like radical feminism I could never fully consider myself one. Because of how strict it is. The infighting and the "you're not a real radfem if you do x" shit despite claiming that they accept all women no matter the background is what is destroying the movement from the inside. If this shit isn't stopped, more women will leave the movement leaving only the most insane members inside. Divide and conquer after all.
and no I'm not calling radfems insane, they're very sane in fact. There's some very hateful people in the movement though. Hateful towards women and everything that doesn't fit the mold in the name of perfection within the ideology. inb4 "well I love being hateful and bitter" well enjoy your life jackass. No. 1522811
>>1522770Also samefag.
>you're kind of a brainlet if you think that pointing out misogyny in pop culture is somehow hypocriticalThat's not the hypocritical part. The hypocritical part is saying radical feminist love and accept all women with an XX when I've seen clear examples of them bullying women out of the movement simply for disagreeing. The "we'll help all women" is not always true. It's not just radblr, it's also here when someone says they enjoyed some shit that of course doesn't fit the mold of what a perfect radfem is. Or are you telling me that the scrotal accusations when someone differs are a lie?
No. 1522902
>>1522847>>1522890none of those anons. keep thinking whatever you want but radfems are as radicalized as any other ideology on the internet and like every other one of those they are strict as fuck and ready to cancel whoever because they said the wrong thing. Besides that though, radfeminism has a big woman hatred problem and I'm not talking just about criticizing women but legit hatred.
>>1522890>they actually encountered core radfem beliefsbelieve me when I say, radfem core beliefs are not wrong. it's the people in the radfem spaces that are a nuisance. I'm sorry to be that person but I feel groomed by radfems.
No. 1522930
>>1522890One can agree with radical feminism core beliefs or even be crypto-like without being a radfem because to be a radfem there's a clear step by step guide of what you can and can't enjoy. I'm sorry, but while I also hate misogyny and porn, just not being able to enjoy anything (and no, I do not watch porn or fanservicey stuff. Or things that are really disgusting in general.) feels like a sad existence to live. Did I mention how some radfems hate when women marry men, have sons, or be hetero / bi? I love separatism like all of you do too but you can't simply yell at women who DO agree with radical feminism and their core beliefs but decide to do things that go "agaisnt the ideology". In any case, how is not watching anime put in the same category as donating to a women's only shelter? Like, I get it, both things contribute etc. But if you decide to do the later and not the former, you still cannot call yourself a radfem. And let me remind you, most radfems online think not watching an anime or a movie is enough to justify their name as a radical feminist. In any case, I'm done with this ideology, yes I do love me some core radfem beliefs and not just the gender critical stuff. But it's such a flawed movement that I just can't ignore the flaws anymore. Stop assuming everyone who deserts is just gender critical btw. How silly.
No. 1522952
>>1522948>I say this genuinely you don’t have the critical thinking skills to be a radfemk sure, you can think whatever you want about me, I'm anonymous anyway.
>>1522951>Enjoy being terminally online.Same goes around.
No. 1523146
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>>1523110Because everything has to cater to your sensibilities and you can't comprehend that people can enjoy things you don't? Grow up.
No. 1523147
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>>1522965Once again:
>Discord - Not Even OnceSupport chans, ditch Discord for good.
No. 1523156
Modern anime sucks
>>1523149It's either this or a million ugly reboots and sequels.
No. 1523162
>>1523110because despite nowadays media landscape being vast but barren you can find a piece of gold every now and then? Its just the same as everywhere else. I won’t stop reading books just because there are so many shitty ones released either. or stop reading lolcow because there are so many users who annoy me when I love chans and this one ain’t that bad also
>>1523147hard agree anonymity with enforced rules just gives the best ground for discussion imo especially for media.
Back to topic; I would argue something is only cancel culture when someone is clearly having the motive to cause an outrage out of spite or power fantasy and engaging with people who do this as a hobby. Idk if it feels too forced or too much like a planned campaign it would need really good arguments to convince me depending on whats the topic. But genuinely there are so many disgusting rapists and predators out there who still roam freely living luxurious lives abusing their privileges I wish every cancelling would be directed at them instead of some rando no one cares about or idk people who’s worst offense is that they disagree with you lel
No. 1523167
>>1523163>Haha I remember trying to discuss anime on the gendercritical refugee discord and would only get passive aggressive comments in reply or be completely ignored. 0 radfems watch current season anime or they will just say some patronizing comment like "Oh I haven't watched that since I was a teenager".? Unless anon meant they all turned 20 like this year….lol. Even
>>1522739 was talking about anime itself and didn't mention any specific anime, but I guess one other anon assumed she only watched things like Lucky Star. It just seems like such a cheap cope. The modern radfem community is just full of tryhards (and often hypocritical ones), that's just how it is.
No. 1523259
>>1523166I'm not an old hag I'm a zoomer myself. As such I find myself in zoomer adjacent spaces online and I saw how younger weebs have this obnoxious relationship with anime, where it's more about the aesthetic and how retro y2k it looks rather than actually talking about said anime. I don't even think it's a generational thing but rather this is just the trendy way of being a weeb right now in the more chronically online communities. Making silly azumanga daioh/csm femcel instagram accounts, collecting figurines from 00's shows to show how cool you are, posting alien 9 pictures because it's a semi-obscure shitty ova that also adds to the cool factor. It feels like it's all about appearances and I found it funny these types of anime fans made their way to lolcow. Judging by the picture you used I made the assumption of you being the same type of person.
Interestingly enough those specific anime these weebs worship rarely appear on our anime thread because women actually talk about anime there. On the other hand all I see these girls talk about is sanrio merch and consooming more figurines. I'm not going to make this a conversation about how you're not a real weeb because that's retarded but I've never had a normal conversation with a person like that. I'm making a lot of assumptions here and I'm definitely projecting a certain type of anime fan on you but that's the impression I got from your post so disregard this if I completely missed the mark.