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No. 610520
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I used to wake up with extreme difficulty, hitting the snooze button a million times, and it took 2 hours minimum from getting up to actually being fully functional.
Then I stopped smoking cigarettes (I was a heavy smoker) and everything changed. I wake up at dawn without an alarm, and need just 2 sips of coffee and a minute to be fully alert. It's also far easier to fall asleep. It's been years since waking up hasn't been a problem, quitting smoking was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
No. 610856
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>What's your current morning routine?
When I work:
>wakes up at 7am
>wash hair>brush teeth>wash face
>takes a good shit
>then do my make-up
>then rushes to make so tea
>while tea is cooking, I swallow my nutella toast
>puts on clothes, parfume and then drinks tea
>styles hair
>packs bag for work>shoes on>face mask on>leaves the flat
When I have my daf off:
>sleeps until 9-11 am
>brush teeth+wash face
>takes a good shit
>long ass breakfast
>goes on laptop to check stuff
>prob has second breakfast ( I do not eat dinner because I eat lunch really late so I'm very hungry in the morning and I just love eating breakfast tbh)
>drinks some more tea
>What makes the start to your day a good one vs a shit one?
It depends on how I sleep. Some days I wake up and I just KNOW that it will be a shit day because my sleep was shit to begin with
No. 611042
>>611025I like to do a "hard reset", which is basically just staying up for 24 hours. Then you can go to sleep whenever you want and sleep for however long you want.
It vastly improved the quality of my sleep when I stopped eating past ~4 hours before bedtime. You could try that too.
No. 611085
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>wake up between 6-8
>sneak out of bed without waking bf
>finish rest of water in hydroflask
>facial care routine
>open the blinds
>unroll mat, practice yoga and then workout for about 20 minutes
>water weed plants and vegetable garden
>sneak back into bed, wake up bf and cuddle for about half an hour
>go back outside to look at the plants together and to feed the mourning doves bird seed
No. 611709
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>wake up
>grab beer
>grab rear
>shave beard
>put on some scene gear
>get drunk before my mom wakes up
>breakup with my girlfriend so I can bang sluts
No. 611893
>>611833I got into the habit of pooping first thing in the morning because usually the first thing I do when I wake up is drink coffee, which makes most people have to poop. It's literally to the point that even if I don't have coffee first thing, I still have to poop.
tl;dr: develop a caffeine addiction and the poop shall follow
No. 612137

I wake up and follow this stretching routine to start my day! I've been doing it almost every morning (usually don't on my days off because I'm lazy) for about 3 months now.
Current routine:
>Wake up at 5:45am, laze around in bed for a little bit
>Dog usually starts barking at 6AM, get up and give her cuddles and a morning brushing
>Do stretches7
>Make breakfast for dog, eat cereal or have cup of soymilk for my own breakfast
>7AM, if dog feels like it, take her for a walk (she's old and most days doesn't want to anymore)
>7:20-7:30, wash up for work
>8AM, out the door
I honestly don't do much and could probably get away with waking up a bit earlier, but I like having ample time to take my sweet ass time doing every little thing so I'm not rushing. Ideally, my morning routine would be the same, but also consist of a workout and cooking myself a hot breakfast. I mean, I could fit that in, but then I think I'd be stressed every morning trying to do everything on time. I'm too sleepy and groggy to do much at all lol.
A good start to my day is if I wake up not groggy. I use the sleepytime calender so I'm not supposed to, but most nights I wake up in the middle of the night either to my dog barking or because I have to pee and it throws everything off. Now that summer is ending and the sun rises later, I already know it's going to start being a struggle for me to get out of bed on time. I can turn on my bedroom light, but my favorite thing about the mornings is basking in the morning light lol.
No. 724658
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current morning routine:
> the noise and my dog wakes me up at 7/8
> stay in bed either trying to sleep or scrolling in social media till 9, dying because of the temperature (it's summer)
> regret previous step
> shower
> chug 1st bottle of water
> have breakfast
> study for exams
> die internally at my fucked up attention span
> wash the dishes
> cook lunch
ideal morning routine:
> wake up earlier, maybe at 7
> the phone is turned off
> have breakfast
> go for a walk and/or workout
> short yoga session
> meditate
> shower
> study
> the dishes are already clean bc i washed them the previous night
> cook lunch
next week my classes are starting so hopefully i'll get my shit together
No. 724839
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Trying to more more active this year so from newyears its been:
>Wake up at 9am
>Make my bed and clean my work desk
>Go to the bathroom, freshen up and change clothing for zoom
>Online class at 10am-2pm, have a big lunch at break
>Walk down to the beach and back
>Have dinner at 6pm
>Give myself a few hours to fuck around online
>Between 8-9pm I do extra work if I have any, if not then I'll just continue doing nothing
>Take a shower or a bath, depending on if I need to wash my hair
>Put on pjs and do some light stretches
Try to sleep by 12pm
Pretty boring ngl but I am benifiting from going to bed and waking up at the same time every day