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No. 616008

One of the weirdest yet funniest YouTube communities I've seen so far. Subliminals are aimed towards lazy, self-conscious people who think listening to audio will help them make money and get a girlfriend. There are subliminals to turn you Asian, give you mental illnesses, go to another dimension, become an anthro plane and God knows what else.

No. 616012

I've seen these too and if's the fucking weirdest shit ever. Snake oil in mp4 format.

No. 616018

Would those ominous sissy hypno vids count? I actually watched one once to see what's up but it didn't really do shit.

No. 616045

I would say so. I remember trying one years ago to change my eyes green and nothing happened lol

No. 616069

what the fuck lmao
why would people want mental illnesses?

i peeked at the comments sections for one of these before. full of indian men swearing up and down that they're growing a vulva. strong flashbacks to chris-chan's unholy festering taint

No. 616085

I tried them like 3 years ago (age 16, i was a dumbass). The ones i tried: pink skin undertone (im pale yellow) + ideal soulmate + desired hair + smaller feet.
Obviously didnt work but i made myself believe my feet got smaller. Turns out i just adjusted the ruler in zuch a way that it showed my feet to be 1 mm smaller. Placebo is a hell of a drug.

Whats up with everyone in comment section claiming they got real results tho? Even on amino app, people posting visible results. Are they just decieving (lighting, photoshop, angle etc)? Why would people lie about this? Idk are they lying?
Im in STEM now so i hate kinda believing this pseudo scientific thing but sooo many people say they get results and placebo does sometimes lead to real changes in body.

TL;DR: are the comments saying they got results all a lie or do these people actually believe they changed?

No. 616099

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I've seen loads for getting them, it's probably for attention or they're just really misinformed.

The ones directed towards trannies are hilarious, I just found one for growing a "delicate, cute penis" and I honestly can't describe the amount of second hand embarrassment I got from the comment section. Its both hillairious and horrifying.

No. 616103

commenting on their own posts to get more views and that sweet, sweet youtube ad money. i'm sure many are satirical. farmers should make some

No. 616106

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Wtf is this shit??
Whilst searching for recent subliminal audios there are lots of fetish subliminal audios,why???
Subliminals were a mistake

No. 616107


They're probably just lying about it or its just placebo. I've seen people saying you have to act like you have results to get them, so it could be that. I have NEVER seen photo evidence of any results, other than lighting, angle, weight loss and makeup changes.
Tbh part of me believes in subliminal messaging to make you mentally think something, they could be mentally more confident from it so they think they've changed, other than that I highly doubt they really changed.

No. 616118

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holy shit i found one of these one day. this is one for an artist on instagram/twitter who used to copy tearzah a bunch. at this point im not sure if it's for views or if people are legit crazy

No. 616120

>'affirmations change the past as well'
This has to be trolling.

No. 616144


Ive never heard of butt pregnancy fetish, I've seen a lot of stuff but that's the weirdest thing yet. Subliminals really do seem like some hypnosis/transformation fetish type shit.


they're obsessed with looking like specific people, there are so many for looking and being like celebrities and random Instagram girls, its really creepy to me. Speaking of tearzah, I feel like her and her fans would (and possibly do) listen to the mental illness ones kek

No. 616303

People who believe in this believe other stupid shit like manifestation

No. 616318

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Theres this youtuber meaganxrose who claims she got results but it's quite obviously lip fillers, I'm bewildered how people can look at her inflated sausage lips and really believe it. If anything she looks kinda creepy to me. She makes a lot of videos about subliminals and it's kinda sad to see people lying about obvious bullshit just to get views from (most likely) self conscious teenagers.


I've never understood manifestation, if it were real then surely things like delusion wouldnt exist because it would be "manifested". It's just another way to make money off desperate and lazy people.

No. 616327

I hate seeing her stupid face,she reeks of attention whore.I also find it funny how no one with dark brown eyes successfully changed their eye color to blue or green.it's all a big,fat,SCAM.

No. 616328

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ew why

No. 616772

This is embarrassing but I tried subliminals to become more confident and happy etc. I stopped because most of the reader's voices are so damn irritating.
So I just fixed my SSRI medication doses.

No. 617787

god ive been waiting for a thread like this. there's been so much hilarious drama in this community bc of respected sub makers putting "bad affirmations" in their videos and getting cancelled

No. 617789

>sub makers putting "bad affirmations" in their videos and getting cancelled
lord almighty. please tell me it's not people saying "you put in something that didn't work" as if any of these videos work

No. 617829

actually, more like slipping in "negative" affirmations (such as "i will not get the job i want" or "i'm ugly" something like that) that allegedly damages the mental health of people listening. ive also heard talk of people putting weird satanic shit in? a lot of comments on subliminal videos are like "let's keep the community small so the power of subliminals doesn't fall into the wrong hands!!!!"

No. 617914

I only managed to find out about two but there was a woman called mind power who put messages to become satanic, slutty, depressed and just generally have a shitty life, then there was some kid called rose subliminals who put messages to "destroy your mind". I highly doubt they did anything but it's really weird and creepy regardless.
I will never understand how these subliminal users are so happy to let random people brainwash them, even if I thought they worked I wouldn't listen because god knows what messages they've put in it. Im 99% sure alot of these sub makers are just putting in messages to buy their shitty $20 paid requests although some of them seem to believe it too.

No. 617950

How can you even figure out what the messages are when you can't hear them?

No. 618000

Next thing you know you have intense urges to murder the postman and can’t figure out why

No. 618672


I think that's reasonable and I kinda see how it could work but is there even any legitimate proof that subliminals can effect you mentally? I can't find any proof of it online other than weird mkultra stuff

No. 619110

I used to listen to the weight loss ones and I lost weight, but I think at most there was a placebo effect. It was at the same time I started dieting and exercising. The weird thing is that there is a telltale "whirring" noise you can pick out underneath the music at high volumes or if you listen hard. And I occasionally hear it on random videos, usually unofficial music uploads. The creepiest one was a Disney lullaby compilation. I don't think it's doing anything to the unwitting viewers, but its really gross/scary that someone is trying.

No. 619223

That‘s super weird and scary especially considering the audience for the lullaby videos . I just looked for it. and I think I found it. Did you mean this video?

Is there a way to find out what they are programming into these videos?

No. 619435

Yes, the thumbnail looks familiar so I think so. I don't know that much about it tbh, the only thing I can think of would be to slow it way down and turn it up to try and hear them but there may be some other way with fancy sound editing software, idk.

No. 619452

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I’m only familiar with this concept because I heard Chris-chan uses it.

>Pic related, undeniable results!

No. 694427

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this thread is a little dead but i've been waiting to talk about this somewhere-
there is an insane amount of these subliiminals spread across the entire community, there are ones to be raped, to get drugs, have abusive parents, get away with murder, at this point it's fucking insane. i know most of these people are kids and kids do stupid shit but this feels dangerous.

i feel worried for the people that actually do this shit, i'm not an expert on it so i don't know if it works or it's all placebo but this is really fucked up.

No. 870486

necro bc idk if im supposed to make a new thread or not but omg ive actually gotten "results" from one of these n om really confused on if its placebo or not

No. 870489

these are "underground" subliminals, made by usually kids n teenagers. the rest of the subliminal community that just makes regular subs (think beauty, get your crush to like you, grow taller) despises them and has like warning posts for this shit

No. 870517

I know I sound crazy but I think the mind is very powerful and in a way subliminals do work. Ik that ISIS puts subliminal messages in their videos telling people to join them

No. 870548

subliminals work in that sense I think but the ones for eye color change, weight loss, anything related to appearance, making someone like you, etc don't and are basically a way to get ad revenue from children watching 6 hour long videos kek

No. 870806

Oooh, that's interesting. I can hear the whirring, it's like a crackly white noise. I wonder what the significance of the sound is, it doesn't seem accidental as the music box sound is too crisp in comparison so it isn't recording noise.

Even if we were to assume that these binaural subliminal audio pieces work, I don't think the frequencies needed would be replicated by what most people listen to them on, not to mention Youtube compression. I guess the true power of it, anyway, is how susceptible, lazy and greedy for effortless changes people are.
Truly fascinating from a psychology standpoint (and scary - I swear, the more time I spend on the Internet, the more I become convinced that I will be supervising what my children access on the Internet)

No. 880062

So are those the russian voiceover chanting shit and making commands on pornhub that were being removed en masse around when this was being posted….

No. 880074

….. what?

No. 880104

I second this. Now I desperately want to know!

No. 880441

made me think of chris chan too. IIRC he used subliminals to try and grow breasts and also to grow a vagina

No. 978871

Why are there so many retards saying they actually got results tho? Like are they all lying or are they braindead

No. 978916

They're lying, most of those comments are just promoting said video

No. 979958

I remember using subliminals kek

I used the ‘Become Heterosexual’ subliminal that had bts in the background that I used to listen to, (linked below) as well as ‘Remove Dark Circles’, but I was just insecure back then.

But some of the comments are HYSTERICAL. Like I saw other subliminals in playlists like ‘become Asian’ or ‘Become Korean’, and girls will comment
>day 1: i felt kawaii but no change
> day 2
>omg woke up with slightly squinty korean eyes felt kawaii
>my dad looks chinese!!1
> we’re going to a korean festival today!
> I found an asian ancestor!
> I think rice manifested into my dinner!! ><
As well as others like ‘become Mexican’, or ‘Get tourettes!!’. So, by far, the mental illness desiring race changing subliminal users are the funniest to me. I think they’re mostly insecure teenage koreaboos, maybe with a side of autism and a dash of negligent parents. Harmless for the most part.

>>880062 we really want to know what you’re talking about, sounds wild

No. 979965

Listening to this one before bed every night, will post results later.

No. 979992

ah fuck trips i accidentally made cottage cheese noo yawns but when i close my eyes i see a double headed black eagle on red? Ok maybe i'm ill opens phone but Radio Televizioni Shqiptar starts playing top albanian hits oh noo

No. 980548

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a lot of them do stuff that helps with the things they want at the same time they listen to these things
if you look at the comments it's always
>Oh i did excersice the whole month while listening and i felt thinner!!
And pretend listening to 1 hour of kpop made them lose weight

No. 984309


there's like tens of thousands of those comments though. they gotta be dedicated then lmao

No. 984878


wtf that sounds like induced psychosis or some shit. why is nobody talking about the dangers of this stuff?!

No. 2139641

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It feels weird knowing teenage girl's are making these, I guess that's not young enough for them

No. 2139692

>teenage girls wanting a 'babyface'

No. 2139694

These read like fucking schizophrenic babble, is the entire subliminal audience brain damaged?

No. 2139703

>is the entire subliminal audience brain damaged?
Yes, obviously

No. 2139713

Kek fair. This is more concerning than the audience of LARPing autists I was imagining though.

No. 2139811

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i listen to these sometimes because im extremely depressed and i just want anything in my life to improve please

No. 2139833

why do you need our approval?

No. 2140030

The ones wanting mental illness are so funny. Get DID and desired alters, get OCD and desired intrusive thoughts, become a cutter, etc. I'd love to switch the horrendous intrusive thoughts I had as a child that made me think I needed to be put in a federal state prison with them.

No. 2140687

i dont im just making a comment lol

No. 2390886

Sometimes I wonder who the main demographic for these are, I know its teen girls but why do they want to look like lolis?

No. 2390891

theres a lot of weird ass subliminals, usually made by kids. i even saw one to manifest abusive parents and theres a lot for the DID larper's systems. its really second-hand embarassment enducing

No. 2390892

anon, it's trannies and pedophiles not teengirls

No. 2390894

They're also popular among men with sissy fetishes. I feel like that explains it.

No. 2390896

no it absolutely is teen girls, usually the gendie tiktok types

No. 2390897

There are 3 main types of these subliminal videos I end up seeing. One is the “Loli” pedo shit type, two is the eating disorder shit, and three is the ones where it can apparently “change your race”. Sure there are others that aren’t too bad like “get a new eye color” but it’s always the creepy ones like this

No. 2390899

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Groomed by anime and the internet, that's why
Unfortunately there are teen girls like this too. They dress in japanese childrens clothing and collect loli anime figures. Some are even women in their 20s. There's a whole subculture for it called jojifuku, picrel.

No. 2390902

No it's teen girls as well

No. 2390903

Idk, I can see trannies being into subliminals, but going off comments there's definitely a lot of teen girls

No. 2390907

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No. 2390915

I'm actually curious about the more "normal" ones like "manifest good luck" or "healthy iron levels" or something kek. It doesn't make sense but I wish listening to that could cure some medical problems. My question though is why are all the comments saying it worked? Are they delusional, or all lying? It's hard to believe they're ALL lying.

No. 2390924

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Sage as I’m unsure if this counts because it’s from Spotify, not YouTube, but
>888888888888 Decillion pounds
This has to be a troll

No. 2390927

We're on /ot/, not /snow/, you don't need to sage.

No. 2390930

Nor do you need to announce that you've saged either kek. Do newfags think that they have to include it beyond the email field too in order for it to work?

No. 2390934

Probably. I remember like 7 years ago I was a newfag and I thought the same kek

No. 2390936

If you really wanted to try silly woowoo shit like that, you'd want to listen to the healing frequency videos with decent headphones.

No. 2390937

Nowhere near my question but okay lol

No. 2390938

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Placebo Effect maybe? There's a subreddit where they post "results"

No. 2390941

was the troon colors on the sleeve intentional?

No. 2390948

its basically the same as the law of assumption/attraction so just research that if youre interested. basically the subliminals are meant to subtly influence your subconcious towards the ideals you want which helps you attract things you want in your life more. it probably sounds like weird snake oil shit to most people but this mentality has helped me irl in small ways. even if you dont agree with subliminals or LOA stuff i think keeping a positive and determined mindset is still a good takeaway from it.

No. 2390951

Ayrt, I've worked with mentalism and had it bring some good shit into my life, but that's because I'm the one believing and in control and making it happen in my life through combined thought and work. But I fail to see why listening to a bunch of rain sounds with apparent vocals in them that you can't hear will speed it up.

No. 2390965

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No. 2390966

It's a Japanese children's clothing brand, so no kek.

No. 2390971

File names are so funny on this site.

No. 2390972

fuck i typed an addendum to my post i deleted but i accidentally refreshed it. but basically its meant to be a subtle boost to your mindset by hearing affirmations really quietly to influence your subconcious. and to answer your prior question, people in the comments talking about how it works are usually doing "scripting" which is basically just speaking it into existence

No. 2390978

He just deluded himself into permanently squinting and jutting out his jaw kek. Moids are so embarrassing.

No. 2390981

To be fair I’ve seen people who have been around here for years do the same
I’m disturbed, why are they using pictures of real life 10 year olds for this?

No. 2390989

Because they're pedopanderers, autopedos, or pedos

No. 2390992

It's the same sort of garbage except people claim they work, unlike subliminals. Obviously you could try subliminals, idk why you're pretending you need validation to do something retarded here. I mentioned healing frequencies because there are research and claims that they work in healing the body. It's all the same bullshit.

No. 2390996

My question was about whether or not the comments section was lying, idk what you're on about.

No. 2391000

>children's clothing brand
>stupid looking adults wearing it instead
Kek I don't even think Japanese families dress their children in this kind of clothing for the most part, which is why they completely rebranded brands like mezzo piano because only adults were buying their clothes

No. 2391001

Oh yeah they're definitely under the placebo effect. It's like when men do those "porn addiction before and after" pics to sell their masterclasses and the only difference is focal point.

No. 2391027

I'm pretty sure that style of clothing used to be popular among children, but it's considered outdated in terms of mainstream trends now, which is why they rebranded, rather than because adults were wearing it. Adults wearing it seems to be a more recent thing, and they specifically like the old stuff because it fits in with their 2000s loli retardation. They would honestly probably make more money than they are now if they started selling that style again but in adult sizes kek.

No. 2391029

Oh wow, 13yos wanting to look 10? As if they're any different kek. It's shocking to me. I thought kids at that age wanted to be smart and strong and taken more seriously? Unless they've been poisoned by pedo shit.
When I was 13, I wanted to look 30 so people would take me seriously! Kids these days!

No. 2391040

pedophiles have always been on the internet, but now the pedo influence on making girls and women insecure over aging is on overdrive; adult women are obsessed with anti-aging products and skincare, so girls are infantilizing it too. Like the girls asking for expensive skincare and retinoids when they are far too young to use those products.

No. 2391049

Kek I wanted to look middle-aged when I was 16-17 because I wanted to hang out and chat with some friendly middle-aged people in town. Internet has rotted children.

No. 2391056

In 2023 I watched one that was about speeding up time because I was going through some shit. Shortly after I found myself in the midst of even more bullshit where everyday both dragged on and went by in the blink of an eye. Don’t know if this is just me being an idiot but I haven’t ever watched one that would undo it and I still just can’t believe it’s 2025 (though I’ve felt that way ever since 2020 ended). I’m not sure if I believe in them if any of that manifestation shit but it does get me thinking

No. 2391058

Same except covid fucked up my sense of time and I was just depressed as hell

No. 2391267

A lot of it is placebo effect, but as far as I've seen some of it is actual psychosis or schizophrenic delusion. A lot of the schizophrenic/schizo-something women I've met have mentioned some kind of current or past association with subliminal communities, law of attraction stuff, etc. "If I believe this thing hard enough, it's going to happen, and if I think about it in the bad and wrong way then it won't" is an very common style of magical thinking.

No. 2391271

I've never known a mentally well or non-personality disordered woman who talks about loa obsessively

No. 2391300

this thread is calling me out while I listen to "pass your driving test" subliminals

No. 2391389

You could just study the handbook instead babes

No. 2391685

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i stumbled upon this guy on discord once and have some very funny videos of him i’ll try to find

No. 2391699

File: 1739178612086.mp4 (11.43 MB, 360x640, subliminalking.mp4)

TOPKEK he sent me this he’s like the final boss of subliminals

No. 2391703

KEK what the fuck is his accent, I can't even put my finger on it

No. 2391706

Is he an aussie trying to sound like corpse husband? He sounds like he's trying to shit

No. 2391707

File: 1739179166296.png (310.47 KB, 828x1414, apimpnamedgilgamesh.png)

iirc he’s dutch? also KEK at the amount of fucking tabs he has open and the absolute schizo shit
>v3 dragoncock
>UBERMENSCH superior body
>dozens of steroid subliminals
i asked him how much of it was placebo, he said only a little bit he’s also on roids anyways irl but that doesn’t change anything righht?

No. 2391708

How many years has he being doing this for?? His reddit account seems to be suspended or something but the posts I can find date back at least 4 years

No. 2393574

The "different skin tone" one is so funny because the entire room has clearly changed colour in that picture kek, obviously this is the result of magic and not just changing a lightbulb.
>Belch jumpscare at the end
Jfc. I love how he just glasses over the ones like "demon transformation" and "makes you a psychopath"

No. 2393578

Incredible. I think you found the one and only non-TIF who watches testosterone-boosting and dick enlargening subliminals.

No. 2397552

Say what you want but listening to this actually worked for me when I tried it. About four years ago I listened to some subliminals to shrink my feet an get a smaller shoe size. I literally wore size 38 for years, and all my shoes were in that size. I listened to some subiminals to shrink my feet for sometime and my feet actually shrunk. I went from size 38 to size 36. I had to replace my shoes and I have been using size 36 ever since.

No. 2397584

Say what you want but listening to this actually worked for me when I tried it. About four years ago I listened to some subliminals to loose wait. I literally wered size 9999999 brazilion for years, and all my cloths were in that size. I listened to some subiminals to loose wait for sometime and I actually loosed wait. I went from size 9999999 brazilion to size -5. I had to replace my cloths and I have been wering size -5 ever since.

No. 2397599

i….almost took the bait.

No. 2397642

does he have on a potato sack in the left pic wtf kek

No. 2407023

as a subliminalfag since i was 12 sorry it's deep engrained in my psyche now, you're not supposed to listen them all at once! that scrambles the mind.

>the amount of fucking tabs he has open
i felt called out

No. 2412017

How have subliminals improved your life? What have you changed? I used to also be 12 and obsessed with this stuff but I don't think I actually changed in any way.

No. 2412026

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I will never buy the pig in the poke
There's many a foul pig in a fair cloak

No. 2412128

My friend sends me them sometimes, they are a cute image background noise. I don't think they work, but they have a cute thumbnail

No. 2412159

>You must be over the age of 18 to post here

No. 2412187

The youngest person allowed on this site would have been 12 in 2019, nonnie. I'm also a zoomer and I'm in my mid 20s, it's just how it is now.

No. 2412311

Nta but fuck time flies so quickly. 6 years… 6 years. Covid fucked my sense of time up so bad.

No. 2412477

Soon alphas will also post here.

No. 2413282

Oldest alphas are 15 this year, so… damn. I'm getting old.

No. 2425216

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need subliminal to manifest trannies fading into obscurity. maybe if we all listen to it itll happen

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