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No. 61851
I thought we should have a fuck vegans thread, those preachy assholes on youtube are getting on my nerves.
My personal favorite Freelee the banana girl. She started out as a qt just sharing diet tips and not being up your ass now, saying all meateaters should be killed psycho bf DurianRider, he is pro abortion but dont kill the wittwe animaws!! is another retard, he thinks all women want to have babies just so they can slack off and milk their husbands for money. Oh he hates children. No. 61865
>>61861Yeah, i heard about that too.
I think veganism is dangerous because of many many many reasons.
No. 61880
This guy's the best: may recognize him from that Vegan Vagina video.
No. 61891
>>61861Are you thinking of fat hunger? Basically if you don't eat enough fat you are constantly hungry and go mad. The most common source of fat is meat.
It's pretty well documented in Arctic and Antarctic expeditions but not really considered relevant in the general population because of the calories involved. Of course that disregards the fact that many obese people are eating the same number of calories as explorers.
No. 62102
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No. 62121
>>62110yeah, i agree.
i'm vegetarian, not vegan, and i do not do it for health reasons. i realize without careful supplementation, it can be worse for your health in many ways. i'm only a vegetarian for ethical reasons.
i never preach about it or tell people i am one unless asked or served food
No. 62227
>I get second-hand embarrassment when they order a meal but have to bring out the "vegan bomb."I was on board with your post into you said this.
How is a person supposed to order food full stop without stipulating their dietary preferences? I ordered an all-day vegetarian breakfast the other day - that's something you'd cringe at?
No. 62229
>>62214Not a vegan buuuut…
>shitty frankenfood Kek you really believe that the meat you eat is pure and good and free of any chemical interference? Meat is just as bad if not worse.
No. 62230
>>62225I'm a veg but I continue to eat fish for the sole reason that it's kind of hard to abuse a fish so my conscience is clear.
How does one abuse a fish destined for the plate?
No. 62281
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The only food chain that matters
No. 62296
Plz be bait lel.
No. 62388
>>62238It's terrible but I'm not going to shit on you for it.
I didn't turn veg until I was 24 and if somebody had come to me before then and tried to guilt trip me I'd have told them to fuck off and ordered a quarter-pounder with cheese for good measure.
It's dumb to try and judge people based on your own standards when everybody is living their own life individually and with wildly different experiences.
No. 62456
>>62410Hens will lay unfertilized eggs daily right? They have to get rid of the eggs in their body.
So not eating them is a waste of resources. Would they rather have the eggs be thrown away then given to a hungry person?
No. 62484
>>62230>How does one abuse a fish destined for the plate?Well, the ocean fishing industry has caused some pretty massive environmental destruction. Not to mention fish caught in ocean trawlers are crushed or suffocate before they're taken out of the water and being brought up too quickly can cause their swim bladders to explode. If they're still alive when they hit ice, the ice burns their skin. Tropical fish that are from warmer waters can't tolerate being frozen to death. Some tests have shown that ice crystals may form in their blood before the heart gives out. This is why many laboratories don't freeze their fish for euthanasia anymore - a quick spike to the brain or total destruction for small species is considered the most humane method of disposing of a fish.
Also, some fishing equipment is designed to rip fish out of the water by their gills. Ripping up the filaments in their gills is painful.
Fish raised in aquaculture are kept in overcrowded conditions that makes them stressed, which leaves them prone to disease. Disease spreads rapidly in aquaculture. Some particularly fun, nasty fish diseases are columnaris, septicemia, and fish tuberculosis. They're a lot more common than you'd think.
When it comes to small-time fishing, it's also inhumane to keep a live fish in a bucket to suffocate. They don't just use up oxygen, since as they breathe fish also release ammonia from their gills. Letting ammonia build up in small stagnant water like that can cause the PH to crash and burn their gills. Since they're stressed they're also releasing stress hormones which makes for a less appetizing fish. Priesting them (club between the eyes) or a spike through the brain when they come straight out of the water is the most humane way to kill a caught fish.
I'm not trying to be a dick and you can keep eating whatever you're hungry for, but it's ignorant and a little hypocritical to act like fish don't feel pain.
This came out a lot longer than I meant it to. I swear I'm not a crazy vegan, just an aquatics enthusiast!
No. 62494
>>62484But anooon, fish aren't cute! They don't make any sounds or faces when they're in pain so clearly they're not abused in any way! That's nonsense!
I didn't know about anything you posted, I believed fish were killed by letting them suffocate on the surface and AFAIK that's what most people think too.
And yet that's not abuse at all!
Fuck pescetarians, they're the worst kind of hypocrites.
No. 62495
>>62380No, because redpillers are known for calling anyone who opposes their school of thought stupid, bluepilled libtards, and that was exactly what you just did. I didn't talk to you at all untill you posted the word libtard.
>>62410>>62456Not a vegan but there's a chance when the animals reproduce the offspring will be male, and when that happens the calf/chick immediately gets slaughtered since they're of no use.
No. 62511
>>62494>>62484I didn't know any of this so I don't think it makes me a hypocrite.
I love all animals equally, I even try to save flies from inside buses and elevators. I guess I won't be eating fish again too.
No. 62518
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>>62494Are you telling me this fish is not one kawaii motherfucker?
Some fish actually do make noise too, it's been found! I'm thinking mostly on cichlids here, but some species make low level noises in the water we can't hear for communication, although most rely on body language, coloration, and picking up vibrations through their lateral lines.
Most fish on vessels are killed for consumption by letting them suffocate in the open air. In that post I was naming ways they might unintentionally die in the process, other than the ice method which is used on some vessels. Letting them die in the air isn't really even like how we imagine suffocation though. As long as they're wet, fish can still hang on. And as many aquarists can attest, finding your shriveled up fish on the rug is always worth putting back in the tank - they can and have come back after days out of water. On the deck of a ship it's more like they shrivel up, which is a painful process as they lose their protective slime coat, and pass out as the gills struggle to get whatever oxygen they can.
Suffocation in a bucket is more like how we would suffocate from lack of oxygen, since they're wet and their gills are still working. I believe some ships basically make a giant vat of alka-seltzer water and dump the fish in there since there's no oxygen. Some people euthanize their pet fish this way, but it's not recommended. They get knocked out, but they're still alive and can hang on for quite a while.
Also, some places bleed fish to death with a slice to the throat like you'd bleed an animal for halal slaughter. They can hang on a lot longer than mammals can. I think it's controversial in some fishing circles too since some believe it actually lowers the quality of the meat by stressing the fish needlessly. A lot don't bleed though, as the added weight of the blood means more money at the market.
>>62511I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called you a hypocrite. I attached another post about animal cruelty to yours in my head.
On the bright side, people who are big on personal fishing are usually very careful about slaughtering the fish quickly and painlessly. It's nerve-wracking, but if you can ever bring yourself to do it or know someone who does, it's one way you could get fish that you know suffered as little as possible.
A hook through the lip can hurt, but fish are honestly very tough, resilient animals. They can do some pretty serious damage to each other just coexisting.
No. 62538
>>62518We always take a small kukri with us when we go fishing and if we catch one were gonna eat we just cut its head off straight away and chuck the body on ice.
If you cut the head up into little bits you can use it as burley or bait.
No. 62556
>>62410>If vegans oppose the treatment of animals, so they won't eat eggs or drink milk etc, then why can't they give a good answer to why they wouldn't eat eggs from backyard chickens or milk from a solitary dairy cow on a farm?I would definitely eat eggs and milk in those scenarios if they existed.
The problem is that those are very utopian scenarios. In reality, those farms are likely killing (or sending to be killed) the male chickens and the bulls that are born. By buying from the farm, you're supporting the killing and potential abuse of the males, even if the females are treated well. It's not cost-effective for a dairy farm to raise and provide food for males when they don't produce anything for them, so I'd be surprised if any dairy farm doesn't do this.
No. 62586
>>62563So they just treat the male chickens like all the others?
Sure, I'd certainly buy eggs from such a place. Maybe I should look around.
No. 62600
>>62599>What is reading comprehension?I never said they preached.
Although on my fault, I meant to write Vegetarian, although the base of my comment still applies.
Less about you, more preachy cringe vegan.
No. 65494
>>62518Fish brains get flushed with huge doses morphines, when in pain. They're high for a long time before it wears off. Not long enough to sit in the air for days, but still. You can't really compare their experience to that of "higher" vertebrates. It's like comparing insects and fish in turn.
Basically the simpler the central nervous system and older the general form the sturdier the organism will be.
No. 65516
>>62528It's difficult in the beginning, but eventually you'll get the hang of it.
Also great that you already stopped buying meat, dairy and eggs!
Also, maybe a tip, certain bivalves don't have a central nervoussystem and thus can't feel pain and aren't sentient. So by eating them, you aren't hurting them. Maybe that will make the transition a bit easier for you.
No. 65585
>>65529It's their low fat high carb diet who is shit.
my period got regular and I've gotten less cramp on a vegan diet.
You just have to know how to do it.
And my doctor ( a real one, not a veganginger doctor tier) told me that a vegan diet was okay for all stage of life even without supplementation as long as you are aware of what you are doing and not just eating salad with hummus everydays.
I always laugh at people who say that a vegan diet is unsastainable, my mother who was born in a very poor aeara of Brazil spent most of her life eating nothing but rice and bean, manioc, sweet potatoes orange, stuff like that. My family grew big and healthy netherless, my oncle are all talls and strong, and they where all hardworking.
Maybe white people just have shit genetics?