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No. 630073
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This is fucking retarded I know but I'm terrified of losing weight. I really want to lose weight but I'm so scared of possibly having loose skin and shit, and thus hating myself more. I'm so scared that it prevents me from making progress and it's making everything worse. I'm about 5'4 and 205-ish lbs. anons will I be fine?
No. 630082
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>>630073Girl same, same.
I'm in an even worse position than you at 5'5, and 300lbs. I am quite literally so scared of saggy breasts, stretch marks, loose skin on my belly. Not only that but I'm terrified that my boyfriend is going to feel differently about me (we met when I was 50 lbs less than I am now).
I only say that because I personally find it jarring when a person with a fat face loses a lot t of weight. I'm sure I'll be fine and look pretty but WHAT IF, y'know? What if my bones being exposed really jigs him out?
On top of that, I always get really inpatient and worried about the holidays.
But we dug this hole for ourselves and we gotta get out of it.
So, double-chin up and start eating less.
No. 630086
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On day 5 of Chloe Ting's 14 day shred or w/e the fuck and I swear this bitch wants me dead
What the fuck is an up and down plank!!! Why am I doing this, I'm fat!
No. 630088
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>>630073This girl started at 245lbs. It's worth it, anon!
No. 630091
>>630086I know what you mean, even regular plank makes me think I'd rather be dead, the one she's doing is just cruel… but it's all for a good reason, it all HAS to be worth something in the end
that pic is EXACTLY how I feel in my head, perfect choice
No. 630242
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I keep getting exhausted at around 5pm every day.
I mean falling asleep on my keyboard and unable to keep my eyes open no matter how hard I try. I usually have a coffee and vitamins when I start feeling like this but they don't help. I've gotten blood tests multiple times and I'm not deficient in anything anyway. In the past I'd take a nap (especially if it's after work and I feel like I've "earned" it) but I'll sleep for two hours and go into this state that I can only describe as when you've got the flu or your period and you physically cannot wake yourself, you're just going in and out of consciousness but keep getting pulled back into a deep, deep sleep. My bf will try multiple times to wake me and I'll just instantly go back to sleep. Sometimes I'll fall asleep like this on an uncomfortable chair or even while standing up. I'll wake from the nap feeling the exact same, not refreshed which is why I'm forcing myself to stop doing it. If I don't take it, I just get increasingly more moody, depressed and tired. I'll usually either collapse from exhaustion or sit there unable to do anything for hours. Then I feel like I've wasted two hours of my day napping or sometimes the entire day just glued to the sofa or bed because I'm too fatigued to do anything. Once 11pm hits I get a HUGE surge of energy. Even if I force myself to sleep (which I usually do because work), I'll lay in bed for HOURS just staring into the darkness. I'm never even thinking about anything interesting (just stupid shit like what I'll have tomorrow for dinner) and I'm not daydreaming because I have aphantasia. I've talked to my doctor about it and she said all she can offer me is sleeping pills but she won't give them to me out of fear I'll get addicted. Has anyone had this same problem and overcome it naturally?
tl;dr regularly fall asleep at 5pm and come alive at 11pm but I've no idea how to correct this
No. 630268
>>630076>>630077>>630080>>630088Thanks so much to all of you. <3 This made me feel so much better.
>>630082>>630089I wish you all the best, anons. We can do this!
No. 630269
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>moms birthday
>buy her a $30 bouquet (cheap but it was the prettiest i could find)
>feel horrible because i couldn't find any other good presents
>give them to her
>she keeps talking about the flowers all day and how they're so beautiful, taking pics of them for Facebook and shit
>''These are the most beautiful flowers I've ever received, anon''
>laugh and say she's gotta be kidding
>''The only flowers I ever got were those basic bouquets you get from the gas station or the grocery store''
>this bitch has had 8 boyfriends and been married
>tell her jokingly she has to heighten her standards for men
>she starts accusing me of being a gold digger
>turns into long ass argument about how ''love isn't about money'', even has the nerve to ask me if I'm a whore because I expect the bare minimum from men
So fucking tired of my moms pickme ways, being a Cool Girl doesn't fucking work when you're 50
No. 630276
>>630269Lmao, that's so pathetic but hilarious at the same time. I can't imagine being so insecure about my lack of standards that I'd whore-shame my own daughter for trying to be better. I'm glad you're decent to your mom, it sounds like she's in a lot of denial about the behavior she tolerated from men over the years.
My mom also had this weird duality about "money not being everything" and putting up with bullshit from my shitty biodad and stepdad, yet somehow expecting me to have higher standards and getting pissed at me when I merely replicated the types of relationships I saw her have for years. As if wealthy men would grow on trees and would pick an average girl like me with education and no money, especially when I didn't know how to play men's games thanks to her pandering ways. She was so nasty to me and yet she never bettered herself and waited until these men treated her like outright shit before she did anything.
I just wish women would try to be respectable examples, instead of hypocrites and pickmes.
No. 630280
>>630269Far too late to try and change her outlook on men now, at least the flowers made her happy. Happy birthday to her!
I'm kinda glad my mom is fairly based when it comes to men. But that's because my dad was a pos. I remember being like 12 and my mom crying her eyes out to me and saying 'whatever you do anon, never trust men. Not your father, not your husband, no man' because she learned that my dad had married another woman without ever telling her. He can marry two women (upto 4) at the same time, islamic laws and all, in our place it's allowed. But it really was the last nail in the coffin for my mom.
No. 630312
>start fresh on deviantart after years>starting with 0 followers>post ugly pic I did in an hour of a character from a popular video game>pulls a few favorites, a good amount of views>want to delete it because ugly but it's doing well so I leave it>post piece I worked on for a few hours, has nice colors and looks good in the thumbnail>character is not well known but from a popular series>0 viewsEvery time. I'm not in it for the views but what the fuck.
>>630305I always swear that I posted in a thread years ago, feel like I can remember what I posted verbatim and yet I can never find my old posts. It's frustrating tbh lol
No. 630320
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I'm just so depressed
No. 630334
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I am tired of the western art community. While japs are making art circles to make fan games/comics you are all complaining about stupid crap and cancelling people for misunderstandings. I am tired of walking on eggshells, i am going to draw whatever i like and make my passions projects the way i like them and no greasy transgrill with purple hair will stop me.
No. 630381
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Is it even possible to be considered attractive when one's face doesn't fit the "beauty standards" and you look bad/awkward on like, 90% of the photos?
My bf says I'm beautiful and that his friends think so too and I want to delude myself but in reality all I'm seeing is 4/10 face on a skinny body that makes me tolerable.
I hate living in the society and even having to think about this
No. 630391
>>630381I feel all of this so hard. I'm 100% convinced that I'm not attractive because I cannot for the life of me take a good picture. I have a very round face and a weak/non-existent jawline. I have basically one angle where it isn't clear how fat and weird my face actually is. I will literally have an entire day ruined if I'm tagged in a picture on social media because I look absolutely awful in comparison to everyone else. I avoid having my picture taken so I don't have to feel this way. I know it's childish but I really think that people are lying to make me feel better when they tell me I'm attractive.
I don't have the funds to afford plastic surgery, seeing as most of it apparently requires long-term touch ups and isn't a one and done thing. I basically just need to accept that this is how I look and probably only going to get worse as I age, and I don't know how.
No. 630402
>>630396Ntayrt but I can't feel validated by shit men say anymore knowing who they find "fuckable" is so varied and broad. Like they'd fuck a chicken sandwich if it was moist enough, and would suck up to it if it meant it would unwrap itself for them.
I've only ever felt truly pretty by other women's standards. Like if my female friends want to be around me, mimic my style, compliment me, and ask me beauty questions. THAT is how I know I have got a look that other women want and want to be around because it makes them look good too.
Gotta say, that's been rarer and rarer for me anymore but I really wish I was still a person other people aspired to be and imitated. Men are the ones who will lie to you to blow smoke up your ass either to reciprocate an ego boost for themselves, or because they want to use you. It's so sad.
No. 630408
>>630396Brain rot is EXACTLY how it feels, I wish I could just enjoy that someone likes me and not think of it anymore
>>630391YES anon, it's exactly the same for me, tagged photos are a nightmare, even on the days when I feel like I look ok and I thought I look good in the mirror, what can be seen on the photo is just ruining my self esteem completely.
I had photography classes at art school and had all of the theory laid out on how some people really look much better in motion as compared to the photo, and in general it's very different how others perceive us in real life as compared to a still frame, yet I just can't convince my brain it's like this. Especially if others look great.
>>630384>>630388You girls are right, and rational part of my brain thins so too when it comes to other people, it's so hard to apply to myself though. I hope I can convince myself someday i really can be somebodys type and I'm not being lied to out of pity…
No. 630416
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I am at my highest weight ever in my life and it sucks
I now have these huge back rolls and I hate it so so much
I am already eating better and lost 2.5kg so far, but I can't deal with these damned back rolls, I wish they'd just disappear first
No. 630423
>>630102I definitely have. And we are in our late 20's so definitely not a 'new queer' issue. Like they were out in HS, parents were always super supportive.
We've been friends for years but they started testosterone a few years ago. Everything that comes out of their mouth is just stuff off tumblr (idk how many times I've had to correct their misinformation).
Like do whatever with your body, I don't care, but why do I need to know about your new body odor? Or what your genitals look like?
I feel like a bad friend for not finding interest in this but I truly do not understand this transition to look…like an intersex person…
Idk I really was trying to give my friend the benefit of the doubt-they aren't like these other nonbinary tumblr kids but they are and I'm not interested in being involved.
No. 630428
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Fuck beauty standards and the detached, lifeless, empty, cold neurosis around them. At this point, we aren't flesh and bone anymore but detached, hyper-fixated obsessions on microscopic details on screens and mirrors that are totally warped and detached from real-life. I'm convinced in this shitshow of a society few people even have a realistic, healthy idea of what they look like. I'm blowing up unhealthy beauty standards with bombs. You're all beautiful
No. 630432
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>>630429Haha thanks anon, that's actually super cute of you
Obligatory pic related
No. 630435
>>630423Different anon but having spent time on testosterone myself it definitely does things to the way you think and feel.. ime it's a downgrade. Stunted emotions and a sex drive that perverted me to a point where I'll never complain about my low drive again! It eased my anxiety so much but then being emotionally stunted and a little perverted.. nah I'll just deal with anxiety tbh.
People don't talk about those changes often enough but they're there and it's kind of eye opening to experience both.
No. 630446
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>>630342At least they can work together to create something, western artists are so annoying and selfish they would try to cancel you out of jealousy if you happen to have 2 more followers than them.
The only drama from an eastern circle i know is this doujin group that used to do free fighting games and then went full hentai route. Now they send copyright complains whenever someone try to upload their older games. But that makes way more sense than striking someone's Patreon account because they draw something you don't like.
No. 630471
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just got an email from the online school i want to sign up at telling me i have to meet them in person to finalize the enrollment. gonna go tomorrow but i'm so fucking nervous. i havent spoken french or even spoken to another human outside of family in over a year.
No. 630508
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One of my neighbors full-on screamed at her friend when I came home today that we need to "go back where they came from, all noisy and shit, running up and down the steps all day!! This neighborhood was great before that house moved in, they need to go back where they came from!!"
I was so confused that I didn't say anything to her.
>I've been working so much I'm almost never in the house
>housemates are quiet introverts that stay in their rooms
>so definitely not "running up and down the steps"
>she moved into the house next door just last fall
>also accused me of putting trash in front of her house
>spoiler, I didn't
>this bitch keeps filling up our trash cans, making them spill over and blow around the block
No. 630512
>>630510That's exactly it. They kicked her out and keep goin on how this is the best solution without regarding my feelings.
But honestly it wouldn't be a complete lie. I would like to date and it will be less awkward if we lived separate.
No. 630531
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>when my self-absorbed friend wants to talk about planning her bday that's not until February meanwhile no one has said shit about mine that's literally next weekend
I don't always understand people. I couldn't imagine doing this to one of my friends, in fact, pretty sure even if I was that tone deaf they wouldn't have a problem telling me to fuck off. Maybe I just lose my backbone in my state of shock at the audacity.
No. 630537
>>630490Your parents got to offload her onto you and now they get to enjoy their retirement safe in the knowledge that you are playing mommy to ..what? You're planning a life of your own??
Sounds like a good idea to create a bit of distance, not to be morbid but your parents won't live forever so the fact that they have you playing parent to her already just means you're at risk of becoming a type of permanent carer when they pass. It's their job to help her get independant while they are still around to do that.
No. 630558
>>630537>>630532It's def not worth having mental breakdowns over.
I just had a long talk with her about how it just wont work anymore. So she thinks doing the dishes one time is going to fix anything. But also mentioned to her we're getting too old for this and it wasn't going to be forever. We will have a healthier sibling relationship this way too in the long run. I don't want to be her parent, I want a sister.
Thanks anons for letting me scream into the void. It just gives me more determination to just leave the situation I'm in now… well that and I feel like an animal caught in a corner.
Wish me luck next year in a new city!
No. 630584
>>630531People suck, sometimes im amazed at how everyone loves it when others remember details about them but then won’t bother remembering shit like the birthday of their friend.
at least we’re same week birthday buddies! I hope you can plan something nice, be able to take lots of pictures and post it everywhere so they can see you having a good time without them.
No. 630611
>>630508Is there any way you can put a lock on your trash can? I hate people that do that.
Also if you think her complaints are going to get worse, rather than engage I’d suggest just keeping a personal log of when you come and go from your house/what times. Maybe even lay some rubber mats on your stairs if you and your roommates are the only ones that use them. If you make an effort and document it (along with any of her psycho shrieking) you’ll look a lot more sane than her if she starts shit.
No. 630620
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My "real boi" friend is such a sensitive fucking baby. She will sit there and wallow in her own shit while doing nothing to fix the situation she is in. I've been through motherfucking hell and back and had the goddamn gumption to actually push through. Meanwhile she can't even dance in front of people because her sagging titties (from binding them, no less) haven't been mutilated off yet.
There are times I never wanna talk to her again but also I remember that we both understand each other on a deeper level. I just really wish she would get over herself, quit being a mega bitch, and succeed because no one is gonna hold her fucking hand.
>picrel is my face every time she comes to whine about another unsuccessful venture in her life.
Never met a NEET worse than her.
No. 630657
>>630652Yeah I thought so too, altough I would be able to cover only a part of the fence, since part of it is actually the gate and well… I can't fence the gate. But I guess it would discourage some people if there's less space where they could interact with the dog.
>>630650Me too anon.
No. 630725
>>630703Nta but I'm trying to get my diagnosis too, and so much you told is true. My doctor thinks I have c-ptsd and not ADHD so I have to fight back to be taken seriously on some stuff.
I considered lying a bit with him and my psychologist so they can understand it's not that I'm "scared" but "bored".
Can't you change your GP? Talk about it with other staff etc
No. 630797
> I even snatched his salmon skin last night at dinner cause he said he didn't want it and yet I think crispy fish skin is like the best part. This made me giggle.
Srsly though you should encourage him to do some therapy, sounds like it would help him. As for only dating boys with weird body image problems, I can’t help you there haha.
No. 630801
>>630611We tried keeping them in the back and bringing them out right before the garbage people come– still she does it. It's like she waits at the door or something..
I'm moving out in two weeks. My other roommate has more beef with her (she caught this bitch's mail along with food in our recycling) and she's also moving out in a month. So thank God for that.
No. 630807
>>630682>Boomers constantly forget that millenials are ~30 years old nowThis is what annoys the fuck out of me. They're forever stuck in the mindset that millenials are the current late teens when in reality the oldest ones are entering their 40s and even the youngest ones are in their late 20's. That's why they're so fucking patronizing all the time.
Also went to see the video and fuck I'm cringing myself to death. Even if it's ironic it's 100% just zoomer bullshit and trying to send a message that's way more relevant to stubborn boomers than millenials.
No. 630821
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I am SICK and TIRED of studying I just want to be held
No. 630830
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Reposting pic related for anyone who needs it like I did.
I found it on the female dating strategy reddit to train men to stop talking over us, but I actually think this strategy is effective on anyone trying to gish gallop their words over you.
God I wish I could've known about this strategy growing up with my narcissistic mother. Instead she conditioned me to emotionally react to every word so she would have the upper hand.
No. 630836
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So, like, this is a privileged bitch vent but
>been ordering food from this restaurant I like
>today, the delivery guy calls me, upset because he had to wait a little too long to get the money or something
>say "I understand" and make a mental note to give the maid the money to pay him before he arrives
>he keeps going, and outright claims he's doing me a favor by not spilling my food
>scoff, say "I hear you", then hang up before I say something rude
So…Am I supposed to expect spilled food? If so, can you just put that as a tagline for your restaurant or something? How are men this entitled even as fucking delivery boys? Lmao.
I considered calling the restaurant to complain about it, but that's how you get spit in your food, and he was probably just having a shit day. Guess I'll just avoid that place for a while.
No. 630847
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I don't want to start a fight in the /snow/ thread, but honestly, attitudes like this are why men target conventionally unattractive women in the first place for sexual harassment. Both because they know ugly women won't be believed by people who think sexual harassment is a compliment, and because they think all ugly women have been conditioned to believe sexual harassment is a compliment. Because any attention is good attention I guess huh, and uglies should be grateful for whatever they can get I suppose.
Rule #1 is that men will fuck anyone who will let them. They fuck children, old ladies, disabled people, disfigured, mentally retarded, and yes the morbidly obese if they have the opportunity. I really wish women would just believe other women by default because 9 times out of 10 the average dude really is just that "depraved" while he has the protection of anonymous, and not even that as plenty are arrogant enough to be predatory under their real identities too.
Sorry but I get so mad because other women have been shitty to me before because they either thought I was too fat/ugly to be sexually accosted, or they thought I was trying to humblebrag attractiveness by admitting I was sexually harassed and raped. Who still doesn't understand that sexual harassment and rape are all about power, opportunity, and ego in 2020?
Repost cause I didn't mean to quote.
No. 630852
>>630847anon, what it says in your pic is correct though. men who sexually harass women
are deranged, especially those who target women they think have low self esteem. people pointing that out, even in a mean way aren't wrong and they aren't going to be contributing to piece of shit men harassing people.
No. 630859
>>630847I think some people in these threads just don't think about how their words affect completely innocent people reading. The example you posted is gross, i can see why it would hurt to see this. It's cruel.
I've seen some nitpicking about appearance and i aways think about this, how a lurker with an X body type would feel reading that this feature is disgusting and ugly and seeing jokes about it.
By all means joke about personal style, uncleanliness, awful personality and cringy behaviour but physical stuff beyind the cows control just feels mean in the not fun way.
I never say anything either so don't get accused of WK but it sucks. I'm with you on this one.
No. 630863
>>630847You have spent too much time on the internet if you actually think most men would be willing to fuck obese or literal children. There's a small percentage of men that will do that, and it's much smaller if you exclude black and Jewish guys.
Most women will spread their legs open for a pity story. If you're not some autistic retard who lives on the internet, you'd know that decent-looking women will fuck men out of pity. Lots of women like having power over some male retard that they think can't get sex outside of them. And no, Tinder doesn't count as actual dating.
You need to go outside and leave the femcel echo chamber that you're in.
No. 630864
>>630850Ayrt, I know, but getting to
>maidmade me lol because it's more legitimately ~privileged~ than I'm used to seeing people be/admit to kek, wasn't meant to be an insult or anything. I was literally thinking about how I wish I had cleaning help this morning.
No. 630869
>>630859True, there was so much tit sperging in the shuwu thread bc someone mentioned saggy tits and an anon decided to say what you're saying essentially, but specified, instead of ignoring it.
With being on an image board, especially if you're looking at the cow threads, you have to know that they're talking about the cows, not you. The physical traits are gross and ugly because they're on people that this site generally thinks are awful people, so it's easier to nitpick. It doesn't translate to irl.
>>630863You're retarded if you think men on the internet aren't degenerate enough to have fat/feeder fetishes and be pedophiles wtf?
No. 630878
>>630869>True, there was so much tit sperging in the shuwu thread bc someone mentioned saggy tits and an anon decided to say what you're saying essentially, but specified, instead of ignoring it. Ntayrt but I think that whole debacle started because
Brittany Venti was trying to shitpost herself into relevancy again. She's done shit like that before, and proven herself not above self-deprecating posts on 4chan and the like for male attention.
It wouldn't surprise me, how other women feel about their own tits are just collateral damage to the likes of her and people like Shoe.
No. 630881
>>630869>>630871Men who spend their life on the internet aren't typical. There's a reason why they have to go on the internet, because they've been ostracized out of mainstream society for their autism/incelism/antisocial personality. And much of that ostracization came from other men.
I'm not talking about subhuman degenerates who live their life on some Tor imageboard talking about ClubPenguin toys. The previous poster literally thinks most men would fuck anything due to them being stuck on an internet femcel echo chamber. They likely haven't interacted with a man their age in real life since graduating high school.
>Nah she's a narc Stacy that thinks anyone unconventionally attractiveYou're just a bitter femcel who hasn't had a dick inside of her in years. I feel quite bad for you, but it's your fault. Time to lay off the obese lolita cosplay, and improve yourself. And then maybe you can land yourself an average guy.
But most men that you actually want to date will have a baseline of standards. I'm not talking about those weirdos on Discord or Tinder that you try to date because you're too afraid to go outside and join a club.
No. 630888
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>>630881>men wanting to fuck children and underage women isn't mainstream>only the most depraved internet dregs want to fuck children You say this? Lol. During a heightened debate about how prevalent and acceptable child sexualization is due to producers thinking it was acceptable to depict those very acts in a Netflix movie from a European country that's mostly white? Hmm.
Men will fuck anyone. Die mad.
No. 630891
>>630881NTA but you're wrong, any woman from the age of 16-23 knows this. Vast majority of men are internet dwellers (I mean you can't really live in a world where most peoples entire life is on the internet and claim that going on the internet a lot is unpopular). Needless to say it's considered normal for men to look at porn, so much that women get called controlling or even
abusive for not liking their boyfriends look at porn, majority of young adults browse memes or have some sort of social media that is their "thing". Come on now this isn't the early 2000s
No. 630893
File: 1600190682366.jpg (29.01 KB, 519x346, Maimouna-Doucoure.jpg)

>>630888The director of Cuties looks pretty French to me. Obviously, Napoleon & Charles de Gaulle is one of her ancestors.
Imagine getting mad that your fantasy world isn't real and that you believe that the internet & Hollywood is reality.
No. 630902
>>630863Where do you live, anon? It really sounds like you come from a place that's basically a desert when it comes to dick, so now you think everyone has to be a pick-me and men will only let attractive women hop on.
It's not like that in the world at large, I promise. Not everyone is struggling for semen. On the contrary, many women are trying to get away from it. Try moving to a city or something.
No. 630907
>>630888Most men aren't internet dwellers. You're so fucking autistic if you project your life onto others. Have you ever worked a real job (that pays more than $15USD) or go to school? You don't have time to waste on this type of shit. The only reason why I can browse right now is because I got quarantined due to COVID-19 due to some dipshit at my job.
Porn usage isn't normal, because most men can get a girlfriend after a few months of trying. Most men don't even look at "porn", they just masturbate to naked images of girls like they did during the 60s/70s when there was Playboy. Are you the woman who thinks masturbation ruins people or some shit? It's just outrage since you were brought up in a Protestant puritan culture.
No. 630909
>>630899>examples of non-European sexalisation of children I won't because the fact that shit isn't exclusive to one group of people shouldn't need to be said, and I'm not here to racebaitYou're not following the argument closely because clearly it's a response due to what was said here
>>630863>There's a small percentage of men that will do that, and it's much smaller if you exclude black and Jewish guys.Anon was trying to say only blacks and Jews sexualize kids, so clearly a white country not condemning a movie that depicts the sexualization of children is an indicator of the normalcy it has to white men too. That was the point of that. Since you seemed to have missed it.
No. 630912
>>630869>The physical traits are gross and ugly because they're on people that this site generally thinks are awful people, so it's easier to nitpick. It doesn't translate to irl.Disagree, i think people already think that certains traits are ugly and just let it out when it's acceptable because the cow is a bad person.
Like taking your example no one will suddenly start hating perky perfect breasts because a cow has them, but if the cow has imperfections it gets picked apart, like anyone with saggy or veiny boobs is an uggo who should get surgery. It cannot not affect someone who is reading and has boobs like these, and there are much better ways of making fun of them for things they deserve.
I know it's lolcow and all, but i wish we could do better. I left some time ago for some disgusting stuff said in the anachans thread and it's the same shit still.
No. 630913
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I hate my shitty roommate who was forced on me because she's a relative of my boyfriend. She moved in back in January and she's been getting on my last nerve ever since.
At first, I felt bad for her because she was getting out of an abusive relationship so I was Ok with her moving into our spare room until she could get her shit together. But then we found out she had lost her job last November and didn't tell anyone. Wtf, Ok we gave her time to get a job but when we asked if she had any luck or applied anywhere she said she hadn't applied yet. Eventually we gave her an ultimatum to get a job by March or she needs to go. Lo' and behold, she found a fucking job within a week. Great, now she can start paying her portion of bills right? Wrong! My bf didn't want to charge her any rent or bills because she was still getting on her feet and it's "family". Wth man? So she's sitting here eating our food, using all of our laundry supplies (bitch washes her clothes like every other day), and staying up all night using our electricity. Also, really petty peeve but he gave her Netflix and Hulu passwords which she promptly decided to share with her friends. He's changed the password twice since she's been here but keeps giving it to her. She says she won't share it every time but seriously?
Did I mention that she has two chinchillas? Cute little fuckers but they leave poop and hay everywhere! I went into her room once to ask her something and the wall the cage is against is just covered in dry piss and I couldn't step foot in her room because off all the poop and hay scattered about. The poop and hay also make it into our lint catcher, which is just fucking wonderful. I also saw at least half of our dishes and cups sitting around in her room, and no wonder she washes her clothes all the time because they're all over the fucking floor getting hay and poop in them.
I swear to god I feel like I have some kid living here instead of a grown ass woman. When will this bitch move out already??!! I know pandemic shit blah blah blah, but her job isn't affected by it so it's really stable. I know she gets annoyed with me getting on her ass for being a filthy pig all the time so you would she'd want to leave. Free rent must be worth it. I'm about to tell my boyfriend that she goes or I go.
No. 630921
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>>630907NTA but
>Most men don't even look at "porn", they just masturbate to naked images of girls like they did during the 60s/70s when there was Playboy. I can't with this fucking cope. By the way, do you realize Playboy is a porn magazine or? Are you in the fucking 50s when they used to have ice bucket ads so they could get away with putting that shit on coffee tables or something?
Where do you live, anon? Seriously answer. What era? When have you last spoken to a male? Tell the fucking truth!
No. 630927
Donald Trump is that you?
No. 630942
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>>630907> Most men don't even look at "porn", they just masturbate to naked images of girls like they did during the 60s/70s when there was PlayboyI have never seen a greater level of cope in my life
No. 630956
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>>630909>clearly it's a response due to what was said hereSeeing as anon tagged and quoted a completely unrelated post to the one you're citing…. not really kek.
>That was the point of that. Since you seemed to have missed it.Wow that's a retarded point. I can't blame anyone for missing that nonsensical reach.
>>630942KEK. Can we go back the 70s? Tbh I wish this wasn't just cope.
>Mfw No. 630980
>>630977He wants to swoop in and play cool dad now that all the hard work of raising a baby and a young kid are over. Now that the kid is a teenager he's pretty much independent. It's easy to want to visit and hang out with a teenager as opposed to the inconvenient sacrifice it would demand of him to raise a needy baby toddler. He chose uni over getting involved in the real way cause he's a cowardly loser. Now he can play
victim and act like he's entitled to the teen after all this time just because he make a sperm donation over ten years ago. Gross.
No. 631002
>>630994Samefag but I replied before reading the absurd copes you've posted on the rest of this thread, and I'm dying. Your boyfriend is probably cheating on you and/or watching weird porn, luv, but you just go and keep on getting picked!
>>630922>>630915>>630923>>630942>>630949my sides, ladies.
No. 631003
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I managed to curb the intense anger outburst I used to have as a teen, but now I have just as intense crying fits.
I've been full ugly crying and bawling like a baby for two hours every weekends for the last few month. Pic very much related.
Sadly I can't really go anywhere when this happen, so my partner has to be a witness to this shitshow everytime, it's getting embarassing. And it's obviously painful to him too.
Am I condemned to always have intenses uncontrolable emotions? I just want to be a regular person, ffs.
No. 631026
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I have to start writing my first assignment for a philosophy class, we're meant to examine a discussion on justice from Plato's Republic and present our own take on it. It's cool except I feel kind of brain dead, like I don't have any ideas to put forth that weren't already mentioned by the prof in the previous lecture. It doesn't help that I'm an unmedicated ADHDfag
No. 631033
>>630734I ended up on a similar twitter area. I can’t be too specific but basically it was a group of users who had a thread of videos of
men being violent against women. It was the absolute worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Makes me hate moids so much more.
>inb4 not all men No. 631043
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>>630471Il y a pas de raison anon, si c'est juste de l'administratif ils n'attendent que des "oui" et des "nan". N'oublie pas que si tu as été prise c'est parce que tu as les qualités requises.
No. 631103
>>631098Me too, anon. I feel ya. I now just leave them alone because I found that they get worse if I touch them. However, if you do decide to pop it, make sure it do it with a thin needle that's been sterilized etc. I'm sure you know the protocol!
This isn't the best advice, but if you have a weak hydrocortisone cream lying around, try putting some on. It helps to curb the inflammation, but if you do choose to use it, only do it for a few days. Steroids thin out the skin and weaken your immune system which might mean you'll have to keep using more and more to get the desired effect unfortunately.
Good luck!!!
No. 631128
>>630619Basically I didn't report information that I was supposed to report. I don't really have an excuse other than I'm a fucking anxiety-riddled idiot who doesn't read through forms thoroughly and forgets everything, including previous payments I've received. Pretty sure nobody actually gives a shit and it's going to be counted as just straight-up fraud and I can't even get in contact with anyone who can tell me what penalties I'm potentially facing here. I don't think it's serious enough that I'd go to prison but I'm counting on being yelled at and to be paying fines for potentially fucking decades
Thanks though. I hope everything works out too but I'm not hopeful at all
No. 631133
>>631026I would suggest writing down whatever you can, even if it was discussed in class by your professor. Simply typing up what you know can lead you to new ideas that weren't previously touched upon. Sometimes stating the obvious is all it takes to get that good ole Jimmy Neutron brain blast.
Good luck on your paper!
No. 631134
>>631007Femcels are real, I used to be one. With femcels it's not that they can't get sex, it's more that they don't care, can't be bothered or have given up.
>>631098Have you tried witch hazel? It's a natural alcohol that dries out the skin and dissolves the grease build up in pores that can cause spots. I use it on my chin when I need to.
No. 631143
>>631137Yep, agreed. I try not to be vicious or lash out at anyone here, but even I'm not totally innocent. This place is just filled with a lot of angry, suffering people and sometimes it's hard not to get sucked into that even when you come on here not necessarily feeling awful. I grew up in a family with constant nit-picking and arguing and I'm willing to bet a lot of anons can sadly relate.
I will say though that I can't bring myself to post on /snow/ anymore. It's just gotten too bad over there with all the obvious vendettas and severe criticism against people that, imo, are really hurting themselves more than anyone else.
No. 631160
>>631151Femcels aren't equivalent to incels. Femcels can get sex but don't for various reasons. Incels are men that want sex and can't get it.
Femcel = female celibate
Incel = involuntary celibate
No. 631166
>>631164I’ve always read it as
>>631160 from context clues, but it makes sense to function the way you’re saying. I think women who choose not to have sex should be called Enlightened instead.
No. 631261
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Pre-covid I worked at a museum's parking lot. I wore a polo and I hated it so much. It was made of a weird material and it didn't fit great on me since I have a small figure. Now I have a new job in guest services at another museum and I get to wear whatever cuteass clothes I want (while still being professional).
This morning I got an email that said we've received polos and we're expected to wear them. I can't fucking escape this shit
No. 631308
>>631287Yes, I agree with you. What’s the point of having a one-sided friendship? Sometimes I feel like I’m talking to a wall. She’s never happy for me.
She recently broke up with her bf and is meeting new guys. And guess what? She’s loooves to talk about them… but when I talk about what's going on in my life, she’s dismissive. I’m sad because I would like to keep the friendship, but it’s becoming impossible.
No. 631329
>>631310COVIDs being retarded with hiring and everyone is paid too low because because too many people are being hired in restaurants. On top of that everyone is getting lazy with cooking and fast food sales are going through the roof for some reason so it causes stress on the employees and tires them out.
Basically making burger after burger and never getting to sit down for one second while making 100 a week has melted their minds, at least my theory anyway as an ex fast food worker, before COVID you made more money and could still get some free time to yourself and to socialize to make work more bearable
No. 631392
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I think I'm a cow. I can't have friendships that last long, so everytime people get sick of it and cut off ties, I always see them later on their social media talking about how crazy I am.
This girl cut off ties with me one year ago and I still stalk her online. I don't even want to be friends anymore, I just get this morbid curiosity of waiting for her to badmouth me.
Rinse, repeat, now I need to please people, and that goes from me talking edgy chan discourse at 3pm, radfem discourse at 4, and tradwife discourse at 5, at 6 I'm a fervorous religious person. I lost all sense of self. I'm going fucking crazy.
It's like people were saying "lol retarded cunt" and I went, actually I have the same personality as you also I don't also fuck you but also Jesus bless you. It's tiiiiiring.
No. 631407
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>>631395Yeah, I feel like being in chans everyday (specially here and the robot chan) is slowly turning my brain into mush.
>>631397Thanks for your insight, anon. I was diagnosed bipolar and now I think that opened the gates of hell to how crazy I could be.
Yesterday I threatened to strangle my friend. What the fuck. Earlier this year I had a couple of guy friends, and this common friend of theirs threatened to find me, drug me, and rape me. And these people laughed at this. Why the fuck do I still talk to them.
>>631398Today I had 4 grilled cheeses and a slice of pizza, thank you.
No. 631418
>>631410I led my boyfriend on for 3 years just for a crumb of attention when I actually didn't like him for starters! Oh noes…
>>631412Sorry, anon, I'm not social media inclined. If only.
No. 631434
>>631426Well, they're clearly asking for advice, and I feel like giving them suggestions. One possible scenario is that they are a
toxic person and people around them do not like them because they are an offputting person and the problem lies with them, not everyone else surrounding them. I was asking anon if she had ever considered that. (also i accidentally hit the enter key before finishing my post, sorry!)
No. 631455
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I'm feeling drained and unmotivated these days, not just because of the world pandemicy. I'm late on all my homework and constantly tired and sore and just feel completely off for some reason. Work giving me more and more hours and I do it because I have a lot of pride at my job but I'm exhausted. I had a complete freak out on Saturday while working on the line (I'm a cook). Then broke down crying when the chef had a private talk with me. I should be the happiest in my life because I am finally in a safe living situation, something I have never ever had. Abusive parent, spoiled rotten roommates from hell, toxic mamas boy boyfriends. I'm finally living alone so I should be at peace. But is this just adulthood for the rest of your life is like. Drained, sore all over, fake smiling, exhausted 24/7.
No. 631478
>>631471Look for dimethicone in your hair products and see how high up it is in the list. I actually bought a conditioner with high dimethicone because that's what was in post hair dye conditioners - big mistake lol
Anyway I'm on some good shit that was recommended in the hair thread on g, garnier fructis, the conditioner is a 3 in 1 hair mask, with papaya scent. I would've ignored it without that rec but oh my god, since using it I remember what moisturised hair is like. It's so much softer AND shiny. Like you know it's good when you brush and it's like a smooth uniform layer with shine ugh. The shampoo is also needed imo.
No. 631479
>>630972Uhm did you tag the wrong post anon? Awkward because that's not even me but nice cope.
>>631475I've had that problem too. As long as the silicones are water soluble when using sulfate free shampoos the problem should go away. At least it did for me. Going with silicone free is also an option.
No. 631488
>>631475Yeah, I will have to take a good look at the ingredients, I guess… But there's just so many ingredients, I'm usually too lazy to google every single one.
>>631478Maybe sometimes the simpler answer is also the right one… Regarding Garnier Fructis. My mom always used it when I was a kid. But Garnier still do animal testing so I will sadly have to find something else.
No. 631590
>>631586I know he gets tired easily because of work and he is not active at all on facebook, and tbqh, I tend to leave people on read a lot and it can take me several days to answer to simple messages, so maybe I'm a bit impatient just because it's my crush lol.
I'll have to see him someday again anyway, I still have some books he lent me.
No. 631597
Noooooo I had my eyes on a girl I'm not even sure is gay for over a year, but I never managed to get her contact info, but we kept bumping into each other in totally different interest groups from meetup (one of them a pride parade though she's only mentioned bfs, hence uncertainty), but the past couple of times I wanted to ask but circumstances made it that I or she had to leave before being able to talk 1 on 1. Then covid hit so obviously no meets. I checked up on her and she's joined expat groups all the way in America fuuuuuck.
Nobody uses DMs on that site so I probably would've never PMd her because I couldn't bear the idea of her ignoring my message then seeing each other irl, but damn, I meet a woman I like maybe once every 2 years or so. She was so quiet and graceful but socially awkward and so enchanting. I felt giddy talking to her, and I felt so much sexual tension that I just KNOW we would've been amazing. Like I felt this kind of strong confidence in myself when interacting with her. It felt like she was always holding her depth back in group conversation, I sound like a deluded stalker scrote so I'll stop, if only I got her number and got to know her better, now she's stuck in that idealised space in my mind. Maybe I read her all wrong and it's 1 sided but I'll never know.
No. 631665
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Am I a hypocrite for being wary that my bf is poor? I feel bad because I'm pretty hard up myself. I live with a roommate because I can't afford a $1000+ rent on my own. I'm in a constant cycle of debt because I only make enough to pay minimums. He has a roommate too and makes about the same as me, but I sideye it a bit because he's older than me. I feel like in his several year's seniority he should have maybe gotten his shit together more instead of leaning on the partnership of his ex wife. When I asked him why he doesn't push for promotions at work (and let's face it, promotions come so easily for men and he's told me he could) he said he didn't want the added stress. I get it. The reason why I'm so comfortable at my current job is that it isn't stressful either, but the difference is I am never offered an opportunity for increased pay and responsibilities. If I could be paid more, I would. If I had options, I would. I want to make more money and would do it if I felt the stress was worth the pay. Employers looks at my experience and degrees and see woman who they know they can underpay, and even more so now that I'm of reproductive age–Murica is a cruel place. He, however, just wants it easy period.
That worries me because he wants a house and kids. Fine, so do I, but he needs to prove to me that he will man up. Tbh if he wants kids then I would prefer a SAHM situation until they're old enough for school because we have no family to fall back on and childcare is too expensive. I'm trying to heal my own trauma from being raised ignored and emotionally neglected, so I would want that time with them. Therefore I need to know that he would make enough money to pay the bills, yet so far it sounds like he expects a 50/50 partnership. Hate to burst his bubble, but I REFUSE that if kids are to be factored in to the picture. Balancing work and children means more work and stress for ME. I've read r/breakingmom and I am not signing myself off for a miserable servant situation. I'd kill myself, legitimately. I don't know how those women carry on like that every day. My mom did that and was a miserable bitch, but at least she had my grandparents to count on to help her with my care and help her buy a house when she became a single parent. Because I've cut her off, I have nobody.
Anyways, I know I have valid fears but it's not like he's given me a reason so far to believe he will be a bad man. Whenever he stays over he offers and asks what chores he could do. When he can take me out for dinner he does and he pays. He isn't violent, porn-addicted, unhygienic, messy, or mean. He agrees with my values. He has a car. He's reliable in all other aspects.
He's just fucking broke. I feel like I'll never find anyone perfect.
No. 631717
>>631707Yeah I'm not saying you shoudn't talk about your ideal plans for the future, just that a couple years of living together, paying bills together (and getting on each others nerves in new ways) will tell you alot about whether you have the compatibility to last long term.
Small sample group here but, I've noticed amongst my friend group that there's a common theme where 2 1/2 to 3 years into living together is when those couples most commonly split.
No. 631719
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I need to study for an upcoming test but my period has come today and it's really hammering my concentration and willpower
No. 631730
>>631717Sounds about right, I was almost at 4 years living together with my ex and came back from an international trip that he made into hell when I broke up with him.
I'll try not to let my guard down, it's just refreshing to hear a guy talk about what he wants and it isn't video games or beer.
No. 631781
>>631775I've worked for most of my life, even if only part-time at times. It's only recently that I haven't. Tbh I haven't been trying that hard because I get so disheartened by how much competition there is right now and how little work is actually available with everything being shut down. I was applying to 5-10 jobs (most of which I was overqualified for) almost every day for more than a month, all of which amounted to one interview that lead to nothing, and another where the manager ghosted me altogether
I'm not a fan of smug neets either, but at the same time, I'm sure the smugness is just a defense mechanism and that they feel just as useless as I do deep down.
No. 631791
I want to go on a vacation so much. Even just a couple of days on a place I've never been to. I want to see the sea so badly, I've never gone to the sea… I've actually never been on a vacation. My parents conveniently stopped taking them after my mother had me, and I can't go anywhere as long as I live under their roof.
Now I'm a filthy neet basically. I started feeling ill as soon as I graduated school, and I haven't felt normal ever since. Maybe I had a huge burnout? Maybe some mental illness started manifesting suddenly? Who knows. The thing is that I have bad physical symptoms (pains, nausea, dizziness, general weakness) and concentrating on a job feels impossible. I also started having anxiety attacks every other day. I bury myself in drawing because it's the only thing that fullfills me, and thanks to that I make some money that I put away for emergencies, to pay for my stuff and my dog's food.
I'm a fucking neet and I want things… it's selfish and pathetic, because I shouldn't really have the right to want anything. It makes me feel even more miserable. The people that studied alongside me at school are now having trips, studying abroad and overall being functioning humans. And I'm here.
No. 631807
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This thread depresses the hell out of me. Half of y’all are being mean bitches for no reason and the other half I just really want to give a strong hug and stroke your hair.
>>631404>>631455>>631525>>631584>>631588>>631770>>631791>>631525Internet hugs to all you anons specifically. I’m so sorry things suck right now.
No. 631830
>>631816Thank you, anon. It means a lot, really. I already hate my body as is, but I am trying my best
To be fair he's usually very supportive and compliments me a lot despite the weight gain, but he's human too.
No. 631837
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>>631834Wish i could at least send you some memes or some shit on ig so you'd have at least some messages daily, it's gonna be okay anon. I know the feeling though, cry it out.
No. 631844
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My partner gave me a tarot card when we first met and I've held onto it for so many years but now I can't find it. I was so autistically attached to that stupid thing but I think it might've accidentally been thrown out.
>why live
No. 631845
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>>631791I wish i could take you somewhere anon
No. 631848
>>631820Saying that I'm making money is too good. They're more like savings. I posted about this some time ago maybe, last time I went to doctors trying to fix this I was sent to an anachan hospital or whatever they're called because they believed I had an ED because I ate very little (it was due to the nausea). It fixed absolutely nothing, I just wasted time, now I don't trust doctors or therapists and I can't stop taking xanax. I really really appreciate your concern and advice though anon. I wish you many good things.
>>631807>>631845Thank you anons, I send you hugs.
No. 631861
>>631404I relate to this a lot. I don't even know if it's all inside my head and I'm just self-sabotaging but I've never really felt I belonged in a group or that I was genuinely missed. I've so strongly internalized the mindset that I'm that kind of person you hang around with for a moment and then drop when you come across a more interesting one. It sucks. I haven't even had a proper relationship because the concept of someone genuinely wanting me around for more than a couple of hours seems alien to me.
Related vent: I wish someone asked me just once how I'm doing instead of me having to be the emotional trash can to everyone and trying to solve their problems. For once in my life I wish I was the one being carried and cared for.
No. 631871
>>631866>there is just something intrinsically so awful and pathetic about meStop reading my thoughts anon
Seriously though this is a common response to abuse or even neglect that started young.
No. 631876
>>631866Did the abuse start during childhood, anon? I feel the same way and was abused since I was a kid. Abuse at that age fucks with your brain development, which is why it runs so deep
I’ve still got a long way to go but recommend taking a step back and treating yourself as if you were your own best friend. Also it may be true that people find it hard not to abuse you as you may be attracting
abusive people who can sense your vulnerability. Fuck being their next
victim No. 631884
>>631866Yeah, I know what you mean.
I'm a bit conflicted, because even if I know the reason/cause that made them act like that, I don't think they are fair reasons. Or maybe they are, but it's weird to hold a kid to the same standards as the other adults in your life. I think these people are emotionally stunted and that's why they don't make the difference between kid and adult. They just see "bad person". Sage for rant.
No. 631920
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Im really starting to think about taking my own life. I've fucked up big time, i have a partner who has major trust issues, i always have to take a picture of my food for him to let him know i really did eat. I forgot to do so, i also ate all of my food. I feel hella bad now, he lost feelings and hes talking about taking his life. All was good in our relationship, we loved each other a lot, i still do. But he doesnt feel anything for me anymore, my anxiety is messing me up, my depression is messing me up, i just feel like killing myself.
Im already thinking about how to end it, in a peaceful manner, non painful. But at the same time, im thinking about my cat and my family, and it really fucks me up. Right now im contemplating, but right now im still deciding.
maybe someone might change my mind, or maybe not. Im too far gone right now, im not sure if someone can talk me out of it. its 1 am here, so maybe i'll end it in the morning around 4 or 5.
No. 631927
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i fucking hate body dysmorphic disorder. i can barely go outside and spend 6-8 hours a day obsessively looking over old photos or fixing my appearance in the mirror or taking multiple showers to try and reset my hair and skin so i try to get it right. and the problems are so repetitive that at a certain point i feel stupid and embarrassed talking to my friends about it, plus its so vain and i dont want to make anyone feel self conscious. but its not even about looking “hot” its like, i just want to look “human.” ive had this problem for 8 years now and it was finally getting better but quarantine set me back a million steps.
also i know looking at this site does me no favours but i cant stop. like ill be watching a certain cow for a while and all the criticisms i see about her, suddenly i focus on myself. even if i've never felt those criticisms about myself before. its lunacy and tiring.
idk im drunk and really sad.
No. 631942
>>631920I know it's probably difficult to gauge sincerity levels in an anonymous reply, but I want you to know that I relate to much of this, it reminds me of my (fairly recent) past. I realize now how much of my feelings of emptiness/pain/futility were like parasites I'd picked up from another individual, a contagion type of thing, and because I loved this person I tried to make their pain my own. almost like I wanted to understand them more, so I accepted that parasite as "mine" to the point that I forgot it wasn't there the whole time. and then when I felt like I'd become that parasite nearly entirely, the cord that kept me tethered was feeling that part of me that wanted to live without it. if only to see what it would be like. I could not "take my own life" knowing it was no longer "my own," so I decided I had to make it my own again before I could decide what to do with it. that was a year ago.
sorry for the blog. if nothing else, anon, I know you deserve to see what the other side of the hill looks like. hug your cat and remind yourself he looks at you only with love.
No. 631950
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Damn anons, I just realized I haven’t laughed on this website for a long time. I used to have so much fun on here, it’s why I was hooked for years. Think back this past year, I have only engaged in infight to feel alive. Is this a sign for me to move on?
No. 631951
>>631920I know you have your own issues regardless of this relationship but it does sound like the relationship is playing a large part in you feeling like this. I've felt like ending things after each of my relationships reached their burnout point. I'm glad today that I didn't act on that.
Breakups are hard but if it's a relationship that's dying a slow painful death already.. then chances are you'll feel much better for leaving that dynamic and moving on. You are both talking of suicide.. go your seperate ways and find support.
No. 631959
>>631952I'm just always feeling stessed, anxious and depressed now, i'm not sure why either lol
can't be a neet anymore tho since i'm doing an MA program, it's for the better in the long run i can't enter my mid twenties with not even a start at a career
No. 631966
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I literally have 6 different litter boxes with 3 different kinds of litter, and I keep that shit immaculately clean, and my kitten still chooses to shit on the floor instead.
No. 631989
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I seriously want this to be over. What the fuck. What the actual fuck. Why is no one concerned, I’m clearly mentally unstable.
No. 632004
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bpdfag here, my psych took me off my medication because it was making my depression worse and he didn’t want me to spiral and do something worse than lame hysterical suicide baiting. My anxiety has been brutal for the past week since to the point where I am contemplating filling out paperwork for a stress leave from my part time job just to have one less thing on my plate. Talked to my counsellor today and she told me that I can just call my psychiatrist back and tell the office that I’m not coping well without my medication and need a refill. I feel dumb for not thinking of this sooner and just suffering for a week.
No. 632035
>>632028i am a weirdo, don't knock it.
>>632029that's basically the plan.
No. 632067
>>632031I'm not too familiar with these situations firsthand, and I'm a coward by nature. But I take things like this very seriously, and I encourage you to be braver than me.
The fact that he lied about your cat before, spews sexist garbage, and has no consideration for his neighbors should erase a lot of your hesitation. Your paranoia is not irrational. But I understand your fear of being physically hurt.
I would encourage you to call/email your landlord (or send a typed letter if you want to remain anonymous).
You could formally label it as a "noise complaint" (because, he is having very loud, hours-long conversations, which is objectively unreasonable with close-by neighbors). Is he shouting to someone in-person, or over the phone? It could be difficult to mitigate whatever arguments your neighbor is having depending on the relationship he has to the other party, even with the landlord's awareness.
You could mention how his tone can be interpreted as AGGRESSIVE towards people who walk by him. In your apartment or neighborhood, are there children? Elderly people? He could be promoting an UNSAFE ENVIRONMENT for vulnerable people.
Have you ever felt at risk having conversations with him? You say he doesn't believe in women walking alone outside. Do you feel THREATENED, physically or emotionally?
If you have trouble recalling things on the spot, make a list. When you are done making a list, think about if your situation would be that of a friend or beloved family member. Would you consider their situation acceptable?
The answer would likely be no. Respect yourself as much as you respect your loved ones.
Of course, if you feel like speaking out would result in personal harm, then please get a second opinion from someone trusted, because I don't have a good answer for that. Actually, get a second opinion regardless, because I'm about as amateur of an advice-giver as they come.
But for you own safety (peace of mind and/or physical) and the safety of others, I encourage you to make your concerns heard, whether sooner or later.
(the words I capitalized are things to say that might perk your landlord's ears as red flags. but results may vary, and should be supported with examples.)
No. 632099
>>631927>but its not even about looking “hot” its like, i just want to look “human.”That’s exactly it, anon. Well articulated
I hope you can get professional help if you aren’t already. Obsessively perfecting your appearance is only making you feel worse but it’s obviously compulsive and cannot be solved easily. It’s no way to live
No. 632111
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My period is coming up and I could literally eat all day long, but I need to lose weight. How do I stop myself, anons?
No. 632118
>>632111Don't. Nothing good comes from fighting your body when it's dealing with a natural hormonal cycle.
Just wait until your period passes to eat less, then adapt your diet. The few days you wait won't ruin your weight loss, but forcing yourself to do it now will make you feel ill and may negatively impact your motivation for further weight loss because it will be unnecessarily difficult.
No. 632126
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i'm kind of worried that i'll never want kids. i love children, but i've been raised to focus on my education and my career… i feel like, after i've just begun to establish myself and dip my toes into the workforce, can i really drop everything for a child in 5 years? even 10?
i have plenty of time to think about it, but it's not an option i even fathomed while i was in school. it sounds selfish and conceited but i don't think i could "settle" for being a housewife with my skillset. not for a long time at least. i learned all of this to make my own life, but now that i'm graduating people are asking about when i'll have kids? ugh i feel so icky
No. 632128
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>>632118>>632125Thanks, anons! I had lost about 4 kg but now I've gained 2 kg back, I guess it's mostly due to water retention but it's still demotivating. I will take both of your advice and eat all day but only veggies. It's really mostly the act of eating, I'm not craving anything in particular, I just want to eat. My boyfriend is making me some pumpkin crisps that I'm gonna snack on.
No. 632129
>>632126if you have any doubt about having kids, don't.
Make that money, focus on yourself. You can always adopt later on.
Also reading r/breakingmom should help you out kek
No. 632185
>>632179It sounds like an eating disorder where he keeps an eye on her? That's where my mind went anyway. That or depression causing lack of appetite
Either way you have one suicidal person trying to look after another and they'll only make each other spiral in that dynamic, ime
No. 632203
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So fucking tired of the TRA agenda and women's spaces being used for being more non assertive to let these freaks roam and screech at us for doing absolutely nothing. Will it ever stop?
No. 632293
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I can't tell if I'm in a bad mood and it's coloring my interactions with my friends, or if my friends all happened to turn irritating within the past week.
No. 632300
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recently I found a youtube channel my ex from 2 years ago had made sometime last year, it's a lifestyle / blog channel where she just talks about her day and holy fucking shit I've been watching them non-stop and I can't explain how much I miss her now. why am I doing this, why did we fall apart, why can't I stop torturing myself fuck, I just want to spend my day with her.
No. 632320
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The disappointment I felt yesterday when I checked my old friend's twitter who went even deeper in the TRA idelogy. Curiousity got the better of me and I went to see tweets mentionning her private account handle, so I can get part of the discussions to understand what's going on and I kid you not her mother fucking friend accused someone of being a terf for saying pronouns = gender. Jesus.
tldr; lost friend is in her not-a-girl phase with no commitment because she copes her rape through gender identity.
No. 632352
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What do I do if I realized that I'm a toxic person?
I recently reflected a lot on my relationships (or more like the lack of them) and had the realization that I'm not a very nice person to be around. I create a lot of situations where I end up feeling like a victim, I'm generally very negative and have an inclination to focus on bad things and complain a lot and I also realized that I take more in relationships than I give (I don't think I have much to give at all, honestly). I'm also paranoid and insecure and always lean on others to make me feel better about myself. How do I become a better person? What do I give when I feel like I have nothing? How do I not bring others down to my level?
No. 632361
>>632352If you realize that those are all of your
toxic traits, be cognizant of them when you interact with other people in the future. If you catch yourself having those thoughts or behaving in those ways, then stop yourself in the midst of it and correct it. Eventually, you'll learn, especially if you're consistent. Also, therapy. Good luck, anon. I think we all go through periods of self reflection where we become better people because of it.
No. 632420
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Urggh, my boss just sent out an email asking us to pay attention to when visitors leave cause yesterday two visitors wandered up to the second floor well after closing time. There were two of us plus a supervisor: My coworker left for the day at closing time and I looked at the visitors in the lobby and asked my supervisor (who was counting cash in the store) if I needed to tell them to leave. He said, "No, as long as they don't wander around, they're fine." So still being new, I said, okay, bye! He also said bye to me. So I left..
Why am I so dumb
No. 632544
>>632511I feel ya anon. I don't have the social media issue but my dad seems to still love my ex even though I told him that he got physical with me in arguments… I only hinted at the other abuse because no dad would want to hear the details of what he actually did to me.
A little bit of superficial charm goes far for men like that.. and it's infuriating
No. 632549
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(angry letter I'll never send)
You're a disgrace to all actual domestic violence survivors. The fact that you went to the media to spin this entire affair in your favor is ridiculous. The truth is, he is a piece of work, but you are too. Everyone knows it, and that's why people keep saying "You saw his track record and still went after him?", you gold-digging shithead. What they still don't fully realize, though, is that you're batshit insane in your own right. Stop trying to paint this as if you did nothing wrong and he's the only bad one. You are not an innocent battered housewife, you're a gold digger who knew she had a good ride going and absolutely thrives on negativity. Two mentally unhinged people fighting for dominance in one house, and now one of them is crying victim to the press. The only true victims here are your innocent children. I can't imagine the shit they must've seen before they could even count.
Imagine trying to portray yourself as a "god-fearing" woman, and then literally flashing your pussy at pastors in church. Front fucking row, and they had to tell you to stop coming. Fucking lol. You are in your 30s, how are you not ashamed of this shit? How many "suicide attempts" have you notified random friends about now when you don't get your way, knowing they'd go to him and then beg on your behalf for him to talk to you again? Two? Three?
What kind of mother beats up her own son and tries to fight while pregnant? Who brandishes a knife at her own children? Your own personal assistant cursed you out, and the police threatened to lock you up on his behalf that night your drunk ass was caught philandering. Don't even bring up the CSA from your past, there is no excuse for the shit you do. Even your family members know it.
All those times you left of your own volition, why the fuck did you keep coming back? No one threatened you, he sent you back all your shit. Stop claiming you were "broke and homeless" when you were literally staying in an apartment he was paying for. What, all those friends you get to run these shit stories wouldn't take you in? Couldn't any of your sisters or brothers let you live with them? Either you're lying (and I know you are for a goddamn fact), or you're so fucking toxic that even they wanted nothing to do with you.
No matter how many blogger friends you get to post bullshit, trust that everyone who's not trying to social-climb knows the full depths of your degeneracy and keeps a wide berth from you. You are a walking disaster. Your own kids have seen both of your unhinged, disgusting asses first-hand. You may think they'll forget, but that shit stays in the subconscious, and I would know. Just know that you are both the causes of ALL the problems they'll face in life. Was the money and sex worth it, you sad fuck? God, I wish I could publicly drag your ass, but I'm not a social media whore. Go post a thirst trap with another Bible verse attached, maybe then you can catch a new old man to leech off of.
I hate this entire "Kardashians but with added mental illness" tier family. I wish anyone above the age of 28 would be banned from social media. I feel fucking sick. I wish I could start a Lolcow thread on your asses, it's a brand new fucking headache and neurosis every week with you.
Also, to the other ex who uses the same playbook of lies in the media - Everyone knows you're a fucking female, PoC Harvey Weinstein, except Weinstein was actually successful. Stop putting people's names in your smear campaigns when you don't even know who they are, exactly when they entered his life and haven't even talked to them. Stop trying to speak on someone's behalf and lie on their name when they don't like you or agree with your agenda. It's been fucking years, you have GRANDCHILDREN. Shut the fuck up already.
No. 632570
>>632566when I first read this I thought you meant you were glad your dad literally
fucked each of his kids
No. 632572
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Does anyone else feel like a huge failure because they couldn't make it in college?
I'm 24 and struggled with school all my life so college was hell for me. I feel so lost because you need college to get a decent job… but I never really had any aspirations growing up other than just having a comfortable and safe life. I'm starting to believe I have a learning disability or something because I could never focus in school. I think the anorexia I have gave me brain damage or something. If you read this thank you and to everyone struggling, I hope you find peace soon.
No. 632582
>>632572I've always had a rocky relationship with school because I was "home schooled" but my parents didn't actually school me growing up, then randomly threw me into correspondence high school, which I never finished and the school shut down but even before it shut down I fucking sucked at it and only racked up about 7 credits in 2-3 years
went to college later and have failed or dropped out of most of my classes, I'm now on my 3rd time taking a class that I failed the first 2 times. I feel fucking stupid, my brain is really disorganized and I'm pretty sure I have ADHD or some other learning disability. I've wasted so much fucking money on school and I wonder if it's even worth it, I feel retarded honestly
you're not alone anon
No. 632586
>>632572I went to college but dropped out after my first degree, I'm average at best and just struggle too much socially so I'm not that optimistic about my future studies or job. I'm not ambitious for my career either I just want money to live a safe life (and nice people/co-workers to be around with). I'm still confused on what to do next, I'm interested in graphic design but don't even want to put the EFFORT to be better at it.
Yet I still don't see myself as a failure, I'm not bright but I focus on what I love and my hobbies. I like video games and there's so many j-rpg I want to play, I have so many artistic projects in mind, I wanna go outside more, etc. Basically I just want to be that neet artist that draw cute stuff, but without the depression.
No. 632589
>>632582I wonder all the time if school is really worth it all the time too. College is so expensive and the debt is so unappealing. I've seen so many people with degrees struggling to find work and that puts me off even more. The dream job I want doesn't even need a degree but it's a physical job and my body is a little fucked from my ED. There is so much pressure put on people to go to college and if you don't then you are a failure.
I hope the best for you anon and that we both reach our goals.
No. 632594
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Unique Vintage has now bent over for the big dick troon gang that came after them for selling Harry Potter stuff. But did they do the same for Torrid? Probably not.
Seriously, why the fuck does Unique Vintage need tranny models? For fucking what? They don't have to body to even rock the clothes that UV sells.
Can't wait for them to advertise clothes with men in dresses.
No. 632607
>>632572Good luck anon! Take care of yourself.
If that makes you feel any better, I have a master's degree but I'm not going to have a good position with a good salary anytime soon… I feel like I have wasted my parents' money.
We don't have the same path but I aspire to have a safe and comfortable life (with a loved one) as well, let's get it together!
No. 632626
>>632572I dropped out of university because I hated it. At the time it felt really bad because people were telling me that no matter how unhappy I was I should have finished my degree because I needed it to get a job. I don't care anymore because they were wrong. I did a training course, got a job and now I own a business.
There's many ways to succeed. If what you're doing isn't working, it's time to try something else.
No. 632631
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I hate how women aren't "allowed" to like cute things after a certain age and must be either sexy, motherly or office-style mature when they are past 20.
Men can be stuck on superheroes, cars and sports for their whole lives and no one bats an eye.
Even worse just becasue you like cutesy shit they assume you're a ddlg sexual deviant.
Yeah its fucking cringe or whatever but you can pry the pastel pink shit from my cold dead hands.
No. 632634
>>632623 honestly I do feel good lmao
Feels weird because I hugely disagree with his ”bullying for the greater good" shit but I'm glad I fucked his mindset up like nobody clearly has before. At least I can say I did it in private, didn't swear at or harass him or call my friends to pile on and call him a dick.
And I'm not patting myself on the back like I saved the world, this was just a personal vendetta and I own that shit
No. 632646
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>>632633I work in the communications area so looking "presentable" was part of the gig, ofc quarantine made me be able to dress and decorate my workspace more like the pastel nightmare i want it all to be.
>>632638Mewkledreamy, new sanrio IP.
>>632640Idk maybe its because im on my early 20s, but the people I know IRL are very aware of this stuff, like to the point we can joke about furries.
No. 632667
>>632646 >Mewkledreamy, new sanrio IPThanks anon.
I'm 30's, give off a butch lesbian vibe.. but then I have a cutesy plush collection confined to my room. People never expect it
No. 632712
>>632708thankfully no one has bothered me because she(as of yet) hasnt made a video talking shit about me, but she hardly knows me outside of the time I told her to take down the video.
The mutual friend of mine shes shit talking on though, I feel has it worse because that video is pretty popular now. She drops her name in the comments and is allowing other strangers to insult her. I kind of feel like shes baiting her because the caption in the video reads "I hope she doesnt find this video because I dont want more drama", knowing this other girl also uses the app.
I have no idea if I should bring it up to this girl that this bitch is doing this, or if I should let it go. I just really do not like my bf/fiances ex, she is a terrible person
No. 632748
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My cozy tag group has been raided by genderspecial uwu zoomers (including mods and admins) and it's getting more aggravating by the day
I only haven't left because there's still some genuinely good and funny stuff, but I don't know how long I'll last
No. 632779
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It’s been 45 days and zenmarket still hasn’t sent out my packages!! I even sent them a message and they said it was because of pandemic(which I understand)! But then why were you able to send out my other packages within 2 days then!? I WANT MY WEEBSHIT!!!!!
No. 632792
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>bf wants to go to sleep too early
>shoves his arm underneath my neck or head to cuddle which is uncomfortable for me
>he likes to be extra hot which causes me to sweat, I like it cold but he doesn't like to be chilly cause he's rail thin
No. 632803
>he sleeps with eyes open It creeps me the fuck out. Sometimes I have to waggle my finger in front of his eyes to see if he's really asleep. Sometimes his mouth hangs open and he legit looks like a dead guy.
No. 632852
>>632841I was sort of looking into FFXIV since it seems to be popular and not too full of hard to learn mechanics. I know of Black Desert Online and Blade Soul I think it was called?
What about you?
No. 632867
I've been feeling super low lately and I can't stop thinking about about a friend of mine who died 3 years ago. She just disappeared one day (she lived in another city) after vising the hospital for something and she said she would be in touch soon. She had a tendency to ghost and then reappear which I didn't mind because I knew she had been through a lot and a lot of bad stuff was going on for her. I offered to go stay with her but she declined and that was it. She then didn't talk to me for another year, and I spent every couple of months trying to find her on social media, dropping her a DM/text message just to let her know I was thinking of her. She never did reply. I thought maybe she just wanted space or a new start, but it turned out she had overdosed on her own in her student house. I didn't find this out until a year or so later through an old mutual and it has absolutely destroyed me ever since. I can't get over the sadness and pain she must have been feeling, the thought of her being alone when I was only a few seconds away on a text. I always told her my phone was on me at all times, no matter what time of day, but I guess she just couldn't do it any more. She was not found for a few days, and I can't get the image of her lying face down in the living room, alone, out of my head all these years later. It has been on my mind a lot this past week and I just want to scream for her. Her life was awful towards the end, which was so unfair because she was such a beautiful person with so much potential.
I have looked through our old facebook messages and I had a few smiles and actual belly laughs at some of the stuff we used to talk about, so that cheered me up a bit, but the last few chunks of conversation were really quite grim. I'm sorry for ranting on here about it, but I feel like shouting into the void might help a bit. I don't think I will ever get over the pain of losing her, and the bit of guilt that maybe I wasn't seeing signs of things to come. I will be okay soon, but I still can't believe she is gone.
No. 632880
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Seriously, who invented the meme of women who talk too much? My boyfriend is talking and talking and talking and laughing at his own stupid jokes, he can never just sit together in silence. I don't even notice it sometimes but I have PMS and I just feel like I want to strangle him tbh. I love him, he has so many good qualities but he's really fucking annoying sometimes.
No. 632923
>>632906I was being serious, too! I mean, he'd probably think I'm joking but I think he would get the hint anyway.
>>632918I'm weirdly relieved to know that there's anons who also have talkative boyfriends like mine. I enjoy listening to him, respect his viewpoint on a lot of subjects and he can be hilarious but sometimes it's just too much, especially at 1-3 am when I need to get up at 7 or when he has a bad day and is just complaining nonstop. Too bad men don't really have a lot of sleepover parties with their friends, then he could chew someone else's ear off for once.
>>632921What would you suggest?
No. 632941
>>632938I was wondering about this the other day. I always was told how similar I look to my brother and dad growing up. I was a Tom boy and got all his old clothes until I hit puberty and there was pressure in the changing rooms to have training bras and nicer underwear, rather than vests lol.
It wasn't until my early 20s I started embracing my feminine side more and wearing dresses. I mean I got molested at 14 wearing baggy jeans and a hoody and I use to hate the attention I'd get in my sports kit and never wore just socks with my school skirt always tights to be covered. Had gross instances on the bus with old men. I maybe would have been persuaded to identify more as my tomboyish self if this movement was so large back then.
Now I feel confident and embrace my femininity when I choose too and feel like I can hold my boundaries better. Although there have still been instances of being groped when put etc. but I put that issue on the men rather than my womanhood.
No. 632991
>>632978 I know the feeling anon, sorry it sucks not to feel safe at home. It's always good to be proactive about security so maybe that's the silver lining of this, to remind you to upgrade little things like window latches to keep the house safer.
Also if it makes you feel better, it's kind of a myth that normal delivery/service workers will scope out your place to rob while they're there. Because they would be the #1 suspect if you had a break in, you could easily locate them through their employers.
I know we get paranoid about guys being demons on the farms but there's a 99% chance those guys were just normal people trying to get through their day. And you can trust your gut that dodgy guys will give off a dodgy vibe. Especially if they're scoping your house, they'll act cagey and shifty. Or they'll look like junkies whose body language is even more obvious.
No. 632995
>>632991thanks anon, logically I know that they'd be pretty stupid to try to rob the place because of how local they are, and it's not like they stayed around after, literally placed the piece of furniture then left. Still, I hope to never see them again and I've now also decided to buy a home security camera.
>>632982 is right, this has made me want to up my home security and that should put me at ease. To any anons reading this - consider doing the same!
No. 633089
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Moving on is so difficult. why is it so fucking hard. i lurk on their social media hoping that they’ll maybe come around and realize that they’re an asshole or realize my worth. why don’t they? i know my worth isn’t decided by scrotes and yet it hurts to be treated this way constantly. i’ve never had a single good relationship with men. after i got out of my abusive relationship of a few years and took a year to get over it , i’ve only been stuck with emotionally distant and immature men who i thought were better. i really thought this one was different. i’m a fucking idiot and it fucking hurts to not be cared about and not having my worth be recognized. i’m so fucking stupid for thinking it’d be different. it truly was just performative in the beginning. Fuck me
No. 633112
i have bpd. i've gotten a lot better at reining it in, except now instead of getting angry i just get anxious. i know it's wrong, but it really sucks sometimes to not have that immediate catharsis of confronting someone. now i just kind of sit with panic but it feels like i'm drowning in it. at least with the anger i had a solution for my thoughts, even if it was wrong.
>>630073i'm dumb as fuck so don't take my word as gospel but i think loose skin depends on age/genetics, how much muscle you have/gain, and how quickly you lose weight. i think you can "healthily" lose 4-8lbs per month. i'm having this same crisis too though. i hope we both hit a healthy weight with minimal loose skin to show for it at the end. <3
No. 633125
I wish I was kind, smart, funny, charismatic, anything but I'm not, I'm so fucking boring to be around and so asocial and quiet and I know no one really likes to be around me. They just tolerate me at best. I haven't hung out with anyone other than my family in over two years except this old dude who I hooked up with and got assaulted by him the second time i met him because i'm so smart that i ignored my gut feeling the first time I barely take care of my appearance because I know it's of no fucking use, I am ugly, it's no use to get a haircut or do makeup because I'll still be ugly after it's all washed away. I've given up on making friends or socializing now. I know no woman will ever find me attractive or interesting enough to ever date me, so I've given up on relationships too. I'm only going through the motions because of my mom and sister who love me very much. I'm such a disappointment in every way, I am rude to them, I'm exhausting to be around. But I'm only alive for them because I love them both a lot. I hate myself so much. I hate looking at myself. I hate hearing my voice, I hate when anyone asks me something about myself. I don't like existing.
No. 633137
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There’s this French exchange student in one of my study groups, and she smells fucking awful. I literally have to hold my breath even if she’s across the table. Even keeping socially distant. It smells like she wedged fucking cheese up her unwashed vagina and let it ferment for weeks. I hope she stays home tonight.
No. 633153
>>633089I agree with
>>633146, please stop torturing yourself by looking at social media anon. This guy's inability to appreciate you has nothing to do with you as a person, it's about his own idiocy. I know it's almost impossible not to take it personally at first, but the sooner you can take some mental space from him and appreciate the good things about yourself, the sooner his opinion will never matter to you again.
No. 633156
>>633087Ehh i texted her like four times (lmao) and she hasn't bothered to answer. I guess they could be busy but I don't know how busy you could be to not over a text over the course of a couple of a week. I'm going to give her a call this evening when I know for certain that she's free.
I don't get how it's ok to ghost someone when you have met three times in person. I'm really racking my brain to see what I did wrong. I guess I was distant when meeting her friends but they were a well-established friend group who had grew up and lived in the same town. Maybe I acted too snobby?
Anyways it really sucked because this was my first time trying to make a new friend post-college/post-COVID and it makes me think that I'm never going to be able to make friends in the future.
No. 633213
>>633168This is such an odd thing to say I couldnt even think of a response because at the end of the day it’s a vent thread on an anonymous imageboard. Analyze and assume my situation if you want I suppose
>>633153>>633146yeah, i know this drill already. It’s hard to stop sometimes weeks later even with no contact at all because I’m retarded and have too much free time. i’m the same bpdfag from a while ago. It’s hard to be content with the fact that this person doesn’t give a fuck about me and is content with being a piece of shit. don’t want to give any details at all for my own privacy. it just really fucking hurts sometimes thinking about how much they’ve affected me and how much they don’t give a shit. it tanks my self-esteem in the moment. I didn’t expect a reply to one of my spergs, thanks anons. cant let my mind wander and fixate on this garbage
No. 633223
>>633222Oh it is peasant food.
>Like many other Italian favorites, including pizza and polenta, it started as a peasant dish, being composed of inexpensive ingredients.Broke scrotes cheaping out during bdays. Let's just go to Applebee's!
No. 633289
I didn't want to believe the scrotes about male vs female island survival shows, but I am totally baffled. I am watching the Bear Grylls series season 2, and the girls team is just ridiculous. I can understand lacking strength, and not being taught as much about tools growing up compared to boys, but they just keep making dumb decisions. They wanted to find a beach, so they went to the middle of the jungle, and then they decided to split up and the team searching for a beach has been lost for days, and the team at camp just sits around and does nothing. It's constantly raining but they are all dehydrated, and only use one tarp to collect rain water, they are scared of the crabs on the island and don't try to eat them at all, they didn't think to try and build a shelter until the other team was lost for several days. I just don't understand why they are so silly. And also, if they wanted to find a beach why couldn't they have just stuck together and trailed along the shore?
Ah well. I wonder how farmers would survive on an island. I bet no one would do anything due to fear of getting sun damaged skin and nasolabial folds.
No. 633303
>>633213My boyfriend has BPD, and I promise you I'm saying this from a place of love - y'all have the ability to move on like nobody's business. I am shocked sometimes by how little he gives a fuck over big, serious events. Stuff that drove him insane and hurt like crazy in the moment. Then like a week later he's all, "Nah I'm over it." Genuinely does not give a shit. I know it's easy to obsess and fixate and feel like the world's ending right now… but once you DO get past that point, you'll be better than ever anon.
Say what you will about Miley Cyrus, I loved what she said in an interview: "Men in my life have told me I’m a cold fucking bitch because I leave when things are done… [but] I don’t fuck dead guys, when it’s over, it’s over. You’re dead to me and I move on." Let that guy die so you can go on to find your real match who's gonna be crazy about you.
No. 633350
>>633337He honestly just processes stuff faster. It's not that the emotions didn't matter at the time, but once he fully accepts they aren't serving him or others anymore, he's able to move on more easily than most "normal" people.
>>633345I think it can display somewhat uniquely even on an individual basis, but with both sexes BPD is partly resultant due to the fear of abandonment. So those with it are likely to display behaviors that protect themselves from that pain more readily than others. Hence totally divorcing themselves from whatever caused the pain, which can seem cold, but is more a coping mechanism.
No. 633352
>>633265>>633261>>633233>>633223>>633229>>633232I don't know what you farmers did but you spoke changing his mind into existence. He decided to make it tonight instead of tomorrow after I told him I didn't have a dinner plan this evening. Which means hopefully we can arrange something better for tomorrow night.
No. 633369
>>633364This makes me irrationally angry… they put the physical health of a nonexistent fetus above yours
If you want to the childree subreddit has a list of docs who do it. Works better if you are in the USA but there some from other countries too
No. 633417
>>633414People don't like me because I'm awkward and reserved and I'm also miserable bitch …..
I'm the hoe that cries that no one likes her but the second someone shows interest in me I think they're faking it or I get too scared that they'll soon dislike me so I retreat. I'm basically self-destructive and don't know how to stop it.
No. 633427
>>633422I really don't think what you're describing is petty at all, it's amazing you didn't set fire to the kitchen in a blind rage.
One thing though - is it possible that your roomie left that food out for you to share in some sloppy potentially fire-hazardous gesture of kindness?
No. 633436
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>plan outdoor park gathering for my birthday with bf and a few other friends
>all but one friend and bf wind up flaking out the day before
>would rather just have a day alone with bf but it's too late to cancel the whole deal on one friend who was genuinely being nice
>she just has a lot of obnoxious energy and I handle her better in a group so I'm not as grated
>but now she's going to be the third wheel awkwardly shadowing me and bf and there's nothing I can do about it
No. 633458
>>633222>>633352Final update: It was shit. Couldn't even finish my bowl out of politeness. Also it seemed nothing like fagioli that I saw online?
He literally mixed chicken broth, white beans, olive oil, pasta, white wine, and an entire bulb of garlic to the pot and cooked it. Topped it with basil and parm. It was watery and pungent to the tongue even though I love garlic.
He didn't buy anything to eat with it like bread. It's college depression food for freshmen who think they can cook.
I wasn't rude but I think he got the message it was really underwhelming, still thanked him for cooking–even though he attempted to get me to help like twice and I didn't do it haha. I made sure I sounded flat so he'd never make this for me again. I want to sneak out of my apartment and go get McDonald's or something. I'm hungry and the garlic water is burning a hole in my stomach. This was so unacceptable.
>mfw I made us ribeye, a cheesy baked potato, and steamed broccoli for dinner yesterday and this is the best a man could come up with ALSO RBG JUST DIED HOLY FUCK WOMEN IN AMERICA ARE SCREWED.
No. 633463
>>633458>mixed chicken broth, white beans, olive oil, pasta, white wine, and an entire bulb of garlic to the pot and cooked itEWw someone tell this dude cooking irl isn't like in video game… sorry fam yikes
No. 633481
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No. 633495
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>>633484Yet Obama couldn’t appoint a Justice during an election year? No matter what side of the political spectrum one is on, how does one not see that Trump and his team are fascists? I saw the McConnell shit, too. With a majority Republican senate, they’ll probably get their way.
We’ll be stuck with a conservative, boomer, nearly all-male Supreme Court. Perhaps for the entirety of our lifetime.
One of Trump’s top picks, Tom Cotton, a senator from Arkansas, already said this a few days ago.
How the fuck has Trump gotten the opportunity to replace this many Justices!? I wish we had an actual voice. Every prospective Justice is a copy of each other.
No. 633512
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Truly fucking depressing. Those Pride flags.
I live in a state with a trigger law that will automatically criminalize abortion should legal abortion be federally overturned.
No. 633522
>>633519>Waaa I have it worseStfu third world chan, have compassion or gtfo Don't think loss of rights in America won't make your hell hole worse
Also imagine thinking American can just move to another country like in the movies or some shit
No. 633526
>>633490>>633489>>633493Nah I'm just pointing out that people here think women are always innocent and can never do anything wrong when plenty of women did vote for Trump.
>>633522>>633524I think Americans could emigrate but their lives are so cushy they won't bother to. Otherwise we would see more American emigrants.
(global rule 7) No. 633530
wish i had the money and resources to just up and move wherever i wanted
No. 633535
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Any bets on what’s gonna happen from here on out? I honestly can’t stomach thinking of an outcome.
I also feel like it’s in everyone’s best interest to care, regardless of country. Whatever happens in the U.S. inevitably follows elsewhere. Just look at how much more right-leaning the world has become.
No. 633540
>>633534I was going to type things like "What's stopping Americans from moving to the Appalachians or some other nowhere place, "losing" their passports/documentation and starting from ground zero?", but then I remembered America is basically a giant cage masquerading as a country, and all its citizens probably have government-issued tracking chips placed in their assholes from birth.
If not that, the reluctance to part with one's comforts in the "advanced" side of America and aversion to building a whole new life is a pretty tightly-locked cage on its own. Very nefarious.
No. 633552
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>>633538so uhh leave your own country then sweaty?
Moving might be hard, BUT ITS NOT IMPOSSIBLE. Giving up is a choice for you all 3rd world chan
No. 633565
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My tokophobia was already getting worse and eating up a lot of my thoughts and now the neighbors just had a baby who cries a lot.
I was already so stressed and getting physical symptoms from never relaxing and now i'll just die i guess.
No. 633582
Even if Americans wanted to run away, where could they even go to? Like, yeah, some of them can just go anywhere and have a nice life because it’s a looked up to nationality, but not really? Running away from your country sucks, you can have a “vip” nationality like American or any European country, but you still need lots of money in your bank to be able to stay in any country you want to flee to and not everyone has that saved in their bank accounts and if they have it, maybe the had other plans for that money and it sucks.
I’m not even American, but i think it’s kind of shitty to tell someone “lol just leave” as if it wasn’t hard to leave the place you grew up in, and gave you some sort of sense of “stability”.
If you can run away, go for it, I guess, if you can’t, don’t try to go out as an illegal kind of immigrant, because that’s just shit.
No. 633679
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I hope somehow life turns around. not looking forward to the near future atm, I can manage it for the most part, but it’s been a struggle that’s for sure ontop of other bullshit, current events aren’t helping. i hope all you anon’s will be eventually okay
No. 633693
>>633526Why do you dumb bitches think every American is some upper middle class WASP with a cushy life? You know most native american and african american women here face extremely high rates of abuse and poverty?
Damn, so fucking rude and self unaware shut the fuck up.
No. 633716
>>633679Same energy anon.
The borders have closed and even though my bf and I are like 100 km apart we can't see each other until who knows when.
It's been really tiring not being able to project yourself, make plans and shit. And life always gets in the way.
No. 633731
>>633722What were the weird comments he made?
I've been with a guy before where he wanted sex all the time but I still managed to feel unattractive. I think because in the beginning he spontaneously complimented me alot (I was younger than him and above his league looks wise) The then lack of compliments for a long time was enough to make me feel like shit. We'd get ready to go out for dinner and before leaving the house I'd ask if I look ok… couldn't drag one kind word out of him. I still knew I was above his league but small things like that got to me.
Do you think it's just that honeymoon period passing?
No. 633788
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>>633778I deleted my posts anon cause i was scared he might see them somehow if he came here randomly
thank you anon bless you
No. 633823
>>633788Does he usually come on here? I only found here through my ex and now two years post breakup I think he's recently larped me in a couple threads. Fuck these shitty men.
Love yourself anon, you deserve respect and nothing less.
No. 633848
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>>632676So the situation isn’t AS bad anymore, bc I finally filled out enough surveys to get a 10€ giftcard to a store. Too bad it will take like 5 days for it to arrive, and I literally haven’t had anything except tea and coffee for the past 3 days bc the protein shakes make me feel so nauseous when I drink them.
No. 633885
>>633875I'm 'rationing but not too bad off' anon. I'll be alright. My fridge broke so the contents were ruined plus I'd to obvs buy a new fridge. Few days of living off the sparse contents of my cupboard and I'll be fine again. Fridge arrival and payday both due in a few days.
Won't be taking the luxury of balanced fresh meals for granted anytime soon.
No. 633934
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Himbos are my ultimate weakness. I like to have "deep" conversations, but I prefer to have them with other women. My dream man is cute, tall, respectful, good at sex and taking care of the house and he doesn't care about politics and social issues (but also "trends" of any kind, social media and porn). But all the men I know literally can't shut the fuck up about politics. There's literally nothing less interesting than a man having political opinions of any kind. I'm at the point where I don't believe a man can have access to the internet and not have some formed political opinions he will sooner or later bore me with. Why are himbos so hard to find? Why can't men just shut the fuck up and be cute?
No. 633942
>>633934>There's literally nothing less interesting than a man having political opinions of any kind.Someone finally hit the nail about how I feel about men with political opinions, really, the moment they start flapping their flappers about political issues, they stop being interesting to me as well.
They usually either repeat the same shit they heard the
cool internet people talk about, or they try to appeal to whatever they think you like so they can get a crumb of pussy, it’s annoying.
I wish there was some site with only himbos.
No. 633992
>>633860There are but:
1. Id have to walk almost 9 kilometers there and back.
2. You have to wait outside. I live in a small town, and I would rather kms than have anyone I know see me there.
No. 634013
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>>633934Preach, men should really just go back to macho fighting out their disagreements. They don't even argue in good faith, it's all just peacocking and stupid ass 'I'm speaking louder and and interrupting you, I have nonsensical circular arguments until you give in because it's too tiring to keep going with my stupidity'. Turning on the politics channel is literally like watching children fight. All sides are the same, all delusional and sexist.
No. 634030
>>633934my bf is not himbo handsome but he fits everything else, he's not into politics but he has good values
not being a twitter politics fag is so refreshing, no drama, always hears me out and then agrees that i am right lol
No. 634031
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I wish I was still a teenager, I feel like my teen years and childhood were robbed from me (its abuse babeyyy) and now im on my twenties and finally mentally stable in a healthy environment and keep cycling between wanting to do dumb teen or child shit and being a responsible adult.
Right now im obsessing over looking for alaska like im 13 years old and just discovered tumblr.
I hate being a mental fuck up.
No. 634035
>>634031You can do whatever the fuck you want anon, as long as you're not hurting yourself mentally. You're still allowed to like "childish" stuff, don't feel like shit, I rewatch gossip girl from times to times and I've binged pretty little liars last summer
Enjoy your free time and your stability in life!
No. 634163
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>>634139What's wrong with her looks anon? Could you help her with a little makeover (new hair style, makeup, clothes, etc) perhaps??
No. 634172
>>634163She's overweight with a fridge body (she doesn't gain weight in the hips, ass or boobs). As for her face, she has a bulbous nose and very hooded eyes. She's really red in the face as well. She wants to lose weight but has a problem with food and pregnancy has done her dirty…
All of her friends are really preppy so she must feel bad about that. When she goes out with them, if I'm home, I do her makeup. She has given up and since I'm far away from her I can't really help. I think she would think it's silly if I offered a makeover of some sort.
At least she looks 10 years younger than she is because of the weight.
No. 634212
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god i know anons were tinfoiling about poop posts the other day but…, trust me, i just cant say this to anyone
was about to sleep when i felt i need to use the bathroom…
turns out im apparently SO constipated ive been sitting here for the past 20 mins squeezing out massive logs of poop ….they cant be "forced" out and it hurts so bad before they do come out
i had "bunny droppings" for a couple of days but i DID poop…i just didn’t think it would result in..this. oh god. i dont want diarrhea to come out pls no
No. 634244
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but you're right tho. I forgot that Kronk really is a himbo.
No. 634268
My mom: "I'll just stop asking how you're doing since you don't take my advice about taking care of yourself"
This would be nothing new, mother.
>>634235There's not much you can do anon. I'm in the same boat, same stats and everything. It just happens. Do you find that you're always tired with no energy to do anything?
No. 634278
I was a fucking whale, and I mean WHALE. I lost over 120 lbs and now I'm finally near my desired weight, the thing is I just noticed that whenever I'm feeling anything relatively strongly, be it happiness, stress or sadness, I eat. Am I excited for something? I need food. Too much work? NEED FOOD. Someone is expecting something of me? Must eat. Am I sad, annoyed, happy? Food is the answer. I can't believe I just realized this patron after all these years, no wonder losing weight has been a nightmare. Worse thing is I don't even enjoy food itself all that much, it's just the feeling it brings? I think I developed this habit because as a kid I was always left alone at home and my parents didn't seem to realize that kids need, you know, something to keep themselves entertained? so since I just had a few toys I would sit and try to keep myself occupied until I was called for dinner. Eating became my favorite activity because I was at least looking forward to something. Damn I wonder if that's the root of my fucking life going nowhere? I know I need a therapist since this feeling of utter despair will never go away, I mean I've been like this since I was a fucking kid, but meds are too expensive and I just can't afford it. Holy shit it just hit me that I have wasted my entire life, my youth and now my adulthood to depression. Feels bad man, I wish there was a button that would give me the chance to go back and dunno, try to fix things. I don't want to die I just want to start over again. I made myself sad writing this so now I need to eat that's just great.
No. 634307
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Aaaaa I hate being forced to work with community service workers with zero work ethic. All they do is waste my time, do everything wrong, and sit on their phones.
All this bitch did today for 3 hours was dishes while a volunteer and I took care of the entire facility.
And of course, I get scheduled every shift she's supposed to come in for.
No. 634325
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I just feel really dumbfounded right now but also angry and hurt.
I was friends with this guy for around 2yrs. Just platonic. I did have a bit of a crush on him at the beginning but I didn’t ever act on it. I ended up getting into a relationship with another guy and never ended up telling my friend because I felt weird about it, having liked him, and part of me was worried that he’d stop talking to me as a friend. So I just never mentioned it to him and we just messaged as friends.
One day I ended up telling him about the relationship after I got broken up with and was in terrible pain. He just seemed really cold in his response and asked me not to talk about my love life. A week or so later, he tells me that he used to have a crush on me and I admitted I used to have one on him too, which is why I felt awkward at first telling him about my relationship. He ended up apologizing for being so cold before. After this, we continued messaging as friends (only every few days) with no flirting.
Today I casually mentioned to him that I was reconnecting with my ex, thought that things were going well, and that I felt good about it. He reacted really coldly and told me that I was “dragging him into something” he “didn’t want to be involved with,” but all I was doing was talking about my life?? I expressed my confusion and he told me that he wanted to “distance himself” from me and that I had been “sending him mixed signals.” I’m just fucking hurt and confused, I ended up cutting him off. I never expressed that I wanted to enter into a relationship with him and I never flirted with him. Just wtf.
No. 634428
>>634416Lol this was my life and I realized I can't rely on them for shit because they're just as lost and self absorbed as I am. We keep trying because we want validation, but if you're searching for help there you gotta temper your expectations cause they're not trained for it. The best person is a therapist for purely being heard, psychologist for actionable advice.
I notice a lot of other women feel obligated to offer assistance for personal issues despite being way out of their depth, then being too polite to let you know when they are - thus empty platitudes and personal anecdotes.
No. 634431
>>634278>Am I excited for something? I need food. Too much work? NEED FOOD. Someone is expecting something of me? Must eat. Am I sad, annoyed, happy? Food is the answer. >Eating became my favorite activity because I was at least looking forward to somethingIf this doesn't speak to me, anon. Related vent, I've had weight and eating problems all my fucking life and even though I'm not a full on hamplanet I'm still slightly overweight and keep yoyoing. The moment I stop strictly counting calories I immediately gain back everything I worked so hard for to lose because of this exact fucking reason. Eating is a comforting thing to me and I always look forward to it because I really can't find similar joy and fulfillment elsewhere despite trying out numerous hobbies and distractions. Sometimes it works but at some point I slip back to snacking on things. Eating good food feels good and makes me relax.
I think my root problem came from my parents being health nuts and were very strictly "I eat to live" type of people which made me develop an unhealthy obsession with treats as I associate them with special occasions and comfort.
No. 634439
>>634416I have to agree with
>>634429They’re your friends, not your therapists; they’re not trying to compete in “who’s more miserable”, I kinda feel like that’s your own projection. They’re just trying to relate to you and make you feel less alone and you sound a bit unappreciative.
No. 634451
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>be kissless virgin
>need physiotherapy and choose a male physiotherapist specifically just because you want to be touched by a man at least once in your life
>it feels so fucking good and he's cute
>talk whatever comes to your mind and make him all giggly
>holy shit is this the legendary "small talk"?
>after the first appoinment it gets worse and worse
>unable to speak for some reason, cringe because of intrusive sexual thoughts about him
>literally get wet when he touches you and start to squirm
I'm never coming back. I want to die
No. 634481
Do you know that kind of friend who you just know they hate you? That friend who always bullies you, criticises everything you do and act passive aggressive whenever they can just because you can’t have nice things for yourself? That’s my closest friend.
And we’re 30 right now, not 13 years old anymore. She actually thinks her words mean a lot to me (as it used to be) and part of me knows she’s just doing it to try and make clear that she thinks so low of me, but truth is I just feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her every time she says something snarky, every time she proves me to get an awful reply which I won’t give her, I just…can’t understand how much energy she spends after all these years on this.
She complained about everything I did: what I studied, who I chose to be in a relationship, even the clothes I wore or the food I ate. When she starts to ask questions about it I just internally roll my eyes and start to think oookay, here she goes again.
Apart from that, she’s a good friend and it’s not all wrong about our friendship but I don’t know…I wish I could tell her good things that happened to me without knowing she will complain somehow, no matter what.
I tried to talk with her about this so many times and she uses the being concerned about me - card so I just stopped caring a long time ago.
No. 634482
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I think some ex friends of mine are trolling me. I saw some emails in my inbox that indicated someone used my email to sign up for porn sites I would never go on. It's been a year since I've talked to them but there's no one else that would've done this. I thought they'd have moved on but I guess not. Maybe their little group got bored during covid, idk.
No. 634486
>>634481"she's a good friends except she's a hater and can't be happy for me ever"
anon. she's sapping your happiness. you're 30, do you still need to cling to bad friends so you don't have to eat lunch alone or something?
No. 634547
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How the fuck are people applauding this? This made me legitimately fucking angry. There's literally nothing uwu wholesome about this homophobic bullshit, I'm seething so bad I just want to scream.
No. 634679
>>634673I get you anon. I feel like this when I hear about men supporting women through their mental illnesses…I can't even get some of the most basic empathy. Guys will just walk out on me over small shit but other women find men who'll stay with them through thick and thin.
Doesn't seem fair, makes you question your worth.
No. 634709
>>634679You can find those guys but they have savior complex, if the woman really does become better mentally and starts to create a life for herself, he gets
triggered and tries to control her. Also, pretty face trumps all.
No. 634711
>>634673Shitty men can sniff out desperation, mental instability and "nice" girls who are too shy to say no to them so they flock to you, good men of sound mind often won't approach you until they've gotten to know you better. The internet is a place for the former, you can sometimes get lucky but no one who has their shit together and is not a bridge troll without irl options will turn to e-dating.
I used to bend over backwards for my exes in a desperate attempt to be a "keeper", but even if they do see you as one you'll just stay unhappy and start resenting them for not putting in any effort while you do all the hard work, and even that's not a guarantee to not get cheated on or treated like shit. In fact, I did get cheated on and I was treated like shit, even if the guy ended up being "nice" he would often be a lazy manchild who needed a mommy to clean up after him and be his therapist.
So I stopped accepting the barest of minimums and thought "might as well be single and do whatever I want without being cheated on or called ugly and crazy". I stopped being interested in men altogether until I became friends with a girl whose brother ended up being my bf.
This man is fit, good-looking, kind-hearted and would die for me, he has an amazing relationship with his sister, gives me little gifts and does favors for me all the time, is pretty generous in bed too and he was a virgin when we started dating. Literally have zero complaints about him, and all it took was growing a spine and not dating internet hobos.
TLDR: don't be a pickme.
No. 634714
>>634709 > they have savior complexI met a guy at one of my lowest points, there were red flags but it was perfect timing for me to just let them slide… I was grieving the loss of a parent.
A miserable two years followed and one day in conversation he talked about how I was so lost and low when we met and how he had lifted me out of it… It was an
abusive relationship, I was depressed, drained and desperate. I went from 'normal grieving process' to losing all my self esteem. Hearing that he had such a different account of events helped push me to get out of there.
A savior complex is one thing but he actively worked against my wellbeing and then declared himself my white knight??
No. 634719
>>634673I feel. A personal cow I used to follow had a boyfriend that had the patience of a saint. He supported her through her mindblowing BPD fits and accepted her being an entitled NEET with no future or ambitions to do any better than to scroll Twitter all day. Didn't leave when she "attempted suicide", didn't leave when she let herself go and gained like 90 pounds. Accepted her borderline cheating on him and finally even agreed to a polyamorous relationship because he wanted her to be happy.
Of course after years of this he finally left but I need to emphasize that it took him years to grow a spine. How the fuck do these mental cases find men that have redeeming qualities to them but as a well-adjusted, working woman only comes across douchebags that belong in the gutter rather than a relationship? I know I'm being a catty bitch here but good fucking lord.
No. 634726
>>634673Raise your standards and don't lower them, the sky is the limit!
Be happy when you're single so you have the patience to wait it out for a male who meets those standards.
Personally I go 2 years or so between new men, and when in those relationships I've never paid for food, have my drinks refilled and stuff brought to me without asking, respect and no expectation of any sexual favors or unfair household labor or…anything. They're happy with a "thank you". My most recent ex took a day off work to look after me when I had a little cold, waited hand on foot.
It's really unfair on pickmes to be honest, by all logic THEY should be treated the best, not uggos like me who can walk away from a bill or add stuff to her partners online order without worrying about paying him back. I feel like to them it's this mental thing of..I act like I deserve to be treated well, so it must mean I deserve it.
Good objective things to look out for would be a great relationship with their mothers and whose love language is acts of service.
Sometimes I see the mistreatment from bfs towards women it's hard to believe it's real. More that the women put up with it because they think there's no better. I had some fuck buddies that had kind of off behavior like that but I mean, that's why they stayed fuck buddies.
No. 634744
>>634709>>634714Ugh this was my ex to a T. Was the kindest person in the world, acted like he wanted to save me, etc. I was at my absolute lowest when we got together. The more confidence I got in myself and the more I asserted my independence, in the relationship or otherwise, the shittier he treated me and the more controlling he became. He started cheating on me when it became clear that I was set to get a pretty cushy promotion at my job, and left me for her two weeks after I actually got it.
Be vary,vary wary of men who have a savior complex. Hell if you're at a particularly vulnerable point in your life where you don't have much power or control, I'd recommend not dating at all to protect yourself against predatory types like these. In this state, it's very unlikely that you're going to find someone that isn't jusr as fucked up as you, or is going to take advantage of you in some way. Work on yourself and don't date until you can honestly say that you are okay with being alone.
No. 634759
>>634746Hope you feel better soon, anon.
Reading this kind of stuff is anyways distressing as shit because I always wonder if there's some magical sentence that'd bring you back from the brink and have you never consider suicide again. No such thing. Empathy can be a curse.
No. 634772
>>634746Anon I'm suicidal the past two days, I even watched birdbox and was impressed how easy they could all just die lol. Please don't though. I know you said for us not to say but I'm telling you because I feel like offing myself. Killing yourself is never easy or painless. My uncle and cousin killed themselves and both methods were suppose to be quick but it wasn't. There last moments on earth were even more agonising than what they probably could have ever imagined.
Anon hold off. Is there anything in particular getting you down? For example I have no friends whatsoever and my parents do not like talking to me. So I have no one to talk to when I'm depressed I come on lc too. Life will get better if I get access to opportunities that can change my circumstances (e.g. Get a job, get a wage, start having an income therefore being the sole person responsible for my well being). Please let some frustrations out here. Even just typing shit is therapeutic enough sometimes.
No. 634776
>>634769It'a a shit thing to do, like that guy who livestreamed his suicide. Stop trying to upset people on your way out. That's bpd shit
Or like you said could be scrotes getting off to the sheer effort women will put into their replies to suicide bait
No. 634786
>>634641> I mean if they're literally only ever talking about themselves and you can barely get a word in edgewise, I understand the frustrationThis is exactly what they do. That’s why I’m venting. I know my friends shouldn’t be my therapists, I know they can’t help me as I wish. I just lost my job and when I tried to reach them for a nice word, they turned the conversation into a “at least you don’t have to work too much hours as we do” “you know anon, I wish I would get fired sometimes too lol” “I’m sure it will pass, I’m just so stressed too because I have too much work left behind”.
Three months ago I got cheated on. When I told them, they started to ask me questions and insinuated how DUMB (exactly those words) I was for not noticing earlier. And then they started sharing some cheating stories about people who we all knew and we hadn’t seen for more than five years. When I kinda tried to say that I would prefer if they wouldn’t talk about it because I was still hurt, they started to remember all the times they cheated on someone and tried to explain their reasons.
Those are just two examples of what I have to deal with that people and I’m frustrated because even then my mind thinks it would be worse to be alone than with them.
No. 634787
>>634728You're probably right, good men don't spend their time on tinder, not to mention 4chan, reddit, kiwifarms, seeking attention on youtube etc.
All the men in my family were shit. I was molested, I was severely bullied by boys at school for being an autist, I literally don't remember any good interactions with boys and men besides my art teacher maybe (who was a gay man kek). But I still believe there are some good normie men out there, but they're very rare and I will never meet one, probably. The worst thing is, I spent so much time on 4chan in the past, it fucked my brain. So many pedos on /tv/ and even /v/. Sometimes I think literally every man would want to marry a 12 year old and groom her to become the perfect wife, but he just won't admit it openly and it scares me. Men in history had no problem with fucking kids until feminists started to push AoC laws in late XIX centry (AoC at that time was like 10 in USA, despite the fact that girls had their first period at 14, on average, so even later than now). It makes me sick.
No. 634813
>>634742Try spironolactone.
>>634719>How the fuck do these mental cases find men that have redeeming qualities to them but as a well-adjusted, working woman only comes across douchebags that belong in the gutter rather than a relationship?It makes me a little nauseous to think about. I’m a confident and completely independent person with their shit mostly together. Why don’t I attract guys like the men these messes do?
No. 634822
>>634810I don't have good advice for this but I can relate. I wouldn't say anything
triggered the memory for me, but a girl my age at around 6 did something similar to me, and a few years later I suddenly realized how wrong it was. I felt a lot of shame as a kid as a result. Later on she was actually attending my high school, and we pretty much avoided each other. Idk if she remembers what she did to me or not. I'd rather keep those memories locked away tbh
No. 634827
>>634816>>634821Thanks for the suggestion, I have some sort of blockage with talking about sexual stuff during therapy lol, its like my brain genuinely doesn't want to open this pandora box for my own sake.
>>634822I never saw the girl again and tbh I highly doubt she turned out well considering how messed up she was, I also just kinda ignored the memory for a long time because I honestly had a pretty shitty childhood and teen years so I always had some fresh new homely baked trauma to deal with.
But at some point I was asked If my dad or any male relative had touched me inappropiately, and I was like uhhhhh no??? but after that I gave a long hard thought on the memory, and decided to just throw the suitcase away instead of unpacking.
No. 634835
>>634810Anon, I was just thinking about this last night.
When I was like 6 or 7, I was spending the afternoon in the house of one of my male friends (with other kids) and we were riding bikes in groups of two, and I ended up with his older brother (He was like 11? Or maybe a little bit older) and exactly as you said, I have this dream-like memory of being behind him on the bike, feeling uncomfortable and seeing that we were absolutely alone on the road … I'm really wondering if something happened. I understand the feeling and I hope you feel better, truly
No. 634845
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I vent massive shit about my friends on lolcow but tbh I don't know what I'd do without my adult circle of close female friends. I'm glad I have an outlet so I'm not bottling up my annoyed and angry feelings towards them cause no matter how much they piss me off and annoy me they always seem to find a way to make up for it later and prove themselves good friends. I don't know why I doubt them.
No. 634901
>>634810Jumping in to say I have the same feeling with my uncle.
I have one hazy memory of us sitting under a blanket playing with a rotary phone or something and maybe I was being tickled? And what struck me a bit later is how mundane the thing we were laughing about was, and what a weirdly intimate situation to be in with a grown man alone. Liked I liked him as a relative but we weren't THAT close. He seemed a bit of an eccentric though, but idk it feels like almost a significant gap in my memory? Like it's not just because it was boring that I completely forgot the events around it, you know?
Also he had that classic pedo look with the mustache and thick glasses kek
Anyway he just kind of disappeared from my life (last memory seeing him I was maybe 8ish). I asked a cousin a decade or so later about him and they said he lived in London and nobody from the family talked to him much because he was weird. Just "weird".
I figured maybe he was atheist initially because that part of the family is from eastern europe and stauchly christian, but then later found out they all knew I was atheist and cool with it, so idk. Maybe he was gay? But I absolutely believe their solution to finding out a relative is a pedo would be to just cut them off and never speak of them again.
No. 634910
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America is on fire, our President is a fucktard, it's getting cold and dark, and my depression is creeping back in…
No. 634929
>>634493I only said I
used to have a crush on him, and told him that I was a mess after my breakup and wouldn’t be able to get into another relationship for a long time. There were no mixed signals. I was completely clear with him. We spoke completely platonically for weeks afterwards. I think he’s just a bitter asshole who’s mad I wasn’t interested in him.
No. 634935
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i hate having nerve pain, someone please put me out of my misery
No. 634988
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i still blame myself for being groomed when i was 14. i lightly touched on it in therapy but i've been able to bury it deep. i haven't told anyone else because i'm ashamed, and every time i remember i feel so alone.
i grieve the child i used to be and i hate myself for letting her get hurt. i want to be weak and cry and be held but i just can't tell anyone. i'm in my early 20s now and i've grown so much, but it feels like that hurt kid is still inside and constantly in pain. pls hold me from afar anons
No. 635009
>>634972It’s fine if you enjoyed it anon, but a lot of people have watched it and their issue is more with the way it was shot than the subject matter. They could’ve had the girls in similar situations without the camera repeated honing in on their undeveloped chests, asses and crotches for several minutes at time, effectively making the exact type of material they are trying to condemn. And it’s also highly questionable to use
actual children in a movie being shot like that. They are too young to be making those choices for themselves. Really makes you question what kind of messed up parent would allow their child to be utilized like that.
No. 635012
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>>634988I’m so sorry anon. For what it’s worth, my thoughts and affection are with you from afar. Please don’t hate yourself for what happened. The only person who deserves blame is the
abusive freak who put you through that. If you can feel sympathy for the girl you were, I hope you will also develop sympathy for the woman you are now dealing with the aftermath of what she went through. You can work through this, you’re stronger than you think. But it’s okay if you need time.
No. 635046
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Had a threesome last night with a fuckbuddy +1 chick he brought in and im just…irrationally annoyed about how much of a dead fish this bitch was. Like, im a stupid degenerate whore and i get off on servicing so im totes okay with licking and sucking all evening but jfc if ur gonna be so passive whyd you even fucking come all the way over to my place. Later on she said she couldnt rly sleep (which i totally understand, i fucking hate sleeping with other ppl), and they started discussing their options and then my fwb said he could just head home since he lives closeby and she was just. Weirdly clingy. Honestly i just wanted the both of them to fuck off.
No. 635059
>>634810I'm really late to the conversation but I remember reading that quite a lot of "repressed memories" recovered during therapy are false memories. There are conflicting studies about whether repressed memories are even real or not. Memories are unreliable and creating false memories is easier than one might think. I'm not trying to downplay your or anyone's experiences though, but it's food for thought! You might very well be remembering a dream you had rather than any real situation.
Dissociative symptoms are more reliable as signs of something traumatic having happened to you as a child.
No. 635064
>>635059Nta but I've heard that too so I'm reluctant to get into my concerns with a therapist.
What I have noticed in therapy is that once we go anywhere near my childhood I get this sense of panic and on my way home from those sessions I'll be struggling to get home while I'm in such a daze. Signs like that I think have to indicate something.
No. 635067
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>>635057Oh yeah, l agree. Its never been on my personal wish list but in this case i just went with the flow. Unless i knew the girl well enough to know we have sexual chemistry I definitely won’t bother again however. It’s definitely for me the taboo part, im not bi but i really enjoy doing absolutely degrading shit if im horny enough. If someone is too vanilla , i dont think they should bother.
I would however would love go get dp’ed or spitroasted by two moids still lol
No. 635119
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>new hire at work
>25-year-old overweight woman with short hair and feminine voice
>goes by male pronouns
>wears a yuri on ice lanyard
>nametag says Victor
the lord is fucking testing me.
No. 635122
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>>635112same things are happening to my friends, it really sucks, especially the job thing. some are super stressed about graduating during this, what they’re going to do, financial situation, etc.
I was personally planning on really bettering myself this year, getting the help I need and spending more time offline through getting in touch with the things I love. now I’m holed up in a shitty situation, I just want all of this to be over. It’s frustrating as fuck. I spent so many of my years being in a hole and now when I’m slowly climbing out of it it I feel like I’m back where I started. what about you anon?
No. 635128
What is there to do, she's gone.
No. 635131
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My laptop screen just randomly started flickering, and its a half a second flick i can barely catch
I legit bought this bitch like 5 months ago and its an expensive model
No. 635160
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I went down a rabbit hole of videos and articles about Frances Glessner Lee's crime scene dollhouses and I know they keep the solutions a secret so that detectives-in-training don't cheat but god I wanna know what happened to Marie Jones SO GODDAMN BAD
(if anyone wants to join me in my torment a bunch of the crime scenes are available on
No. 635161
>>635119Holy shit, stay strong anon.
>>635122I graduated last year but already had a hard time finding a job back then. I either had the right degree but not enough experience, or I was overqualified, or sometimes I had the correct degree but employers didn't even bother to check my resume so they didn't even realize it and refused to give me interviews. I got so sick of it so I left to work abroad with a working holiday visa, except my timing was horrible so the pandemic was officially declared a few weeks after I arrived, a bunch of interviews scheduled so I could work in the tourist industry were canceled, one after another, I became a language teacher as a part-time job instead until companies could open up again, caught the virus before that could happen, thought I'd die right then and there and came back to my country after that. I'm back to square one now except it's even harder to find a job now and I keep seeing people from university getting opportunities offered to them on silver platters because they're just lucky, rich enough to move to other places anytime they want or know the right people thanks to their families and friends. When are your friends going to graduate?
>I was personally planning on really bettering myself this year, getting the help I need and spending more time offline through getting in touch with the things I love.What are the things you love? They're things you can only do outdoor or that are expensive? Do you use social media? I personally deleted all my accounts, only use messenger to talk to very close rl friends and limited my use of instagram because having to post pictures makes it easier to avoid shitposting all day long.
No. 635184
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>Chats with a guy for a while
>He asks me out for a date
>Sure, why not
>He cancels two days before the date because he found someone else he's more interested in
>Okay, cool. Good luck my dude
>Five days later he hits me up again
>"Hey, it didn't work out… are you still up for that date?"
No. 635211
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>>635195Rip their dicks off (in minecraft). Honestly just put in the beginning of the report what sections everyone did (make sure you get the job of final draft editing and handing it in). Unless your teacher is a female solidarity type then bringing it up will put you up for being labelled the class bitch (happened to me). Just leave a paper trail. If the professor cares then he'll speak to you about the work distribution, and give the 2 members a bad grade.
Stem shits are always so fucking passive aggressive and manipulative, good luck.
But for next time, I've found its very helpful to divide up the work early, and keep a daily log of what you did that day and who did what. If forces everyone to atleast contribute something. Also, recording your meetings openly can kick their asses up from their phone. Just try not to be totally confrontational, always make it seem like you just want to do your best work and have good intentions.
No. 635275
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>>635232Kek imagine being afraid of being called a nag. Cuss him the fuck out like the disgusting pig he is, and refuse to touch him.
Are the straights ok? Soon it'll be normal to hand feed your bf while be plays vidya, and change his diapey.
No. 635284
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>>635271I know yeah. Just look for women who don't want to marry/have a bf, and focuses on their female friendships. Radfem theory is eh okay, but the women invested in it are usually just another type of masochist/mentally ill. If you're going to be friends with radfems look for the chill ones who don't go on about how women are suffering every second. Ones who just like dunking on scrotes and don't hold pity partys.
No. 635285
>>635232You're right, you shouldn't bother nagging. You should just dump men who can't grasp basic hygiene.
>inb4 Some of us aren't bitter gays here and we have plenty of experience with coddling unhygienic scrotes. Sure you always hope that if you love them enough that they'll want to change for you, but by and large they just see you as a sucker. They never change. He's immature.
No. 635321
>>635232If you're not going to nag him then at least negg him. Drop little comments about how nasty his breath is. When you go in for a kiss pull back and go "ew"
Or just break up with him
No. 635360
>>635194I'm so sorry that happened to you anon, sounds fucking awful. I wouldn't say that the guy I'm with now is a rebound, it's just that the relationship is very very new, and I spent sooo long with my ex, it's hard not to miss
the good parts sometimes. Even though it could get pretty
>>635318That's what I'm considering really, thanks for giving me the last push I needed!
No. 635481
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I like 2hus because I think they are cute in the way a dog or rabbit is cute. I do not like being lumped in with lolicons! I know it's not just men, but I generally do not trust men that like cute things.
No. 635514
>>635502I ended up changing my mind about the reasoning for this and settled in it is homophobic or something, I'm not sure if homophobia is too severs of a term. Because from my understanding, girls get jealous enough with other women but to contenplate that your man could also be wanting to chase cock is wild too.
Like straight guys fuck ugly girls and it doesn't put me off them so why does a man getting homoerotic with a guy turn me off. Cause I think I'm a bit phobic but like in my head. I would never hate someone for it I just wouldn't date them idk!
No. 635517
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>>635501Aw anon, I think I remember you talking about it! How sweet, I hope you both enjoy the experience and the day! What kind of cake are you making, and happy birthday!!
No. 635521
>>635502Gay/bisexual men are on average,more promiscuous and have a higher rate of disease and
problematic sexual behavior.
That alone is cause to justify hesitation or to be cautious, there's nothing homophobic about it.
As to why women have a problem with it, it's what
>>635516 said. Women have to be open to fucking and entertaining every degenerate they come across.
No. 635531
>>635523Believe it or not, not every person who looks at sexual statistics is homophobe-chan.
Knock yourself out:
>In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States.
>Overall, homosexual men were significantly (p < 0.001) more likely than heterosexual men to have gonorrhea (30.31% vs. 19.83%), early syphilis (1.08% vs. 0.34%) and anal warts (2.90% vs. 0.26%)
>It is speculated that higher rates of gonorrhea and syphilis result from a larger mean number of sexual contacts, more potential sites of infection, and more hidden and asymptomatic disease, while the lower rates of the other STD result from a lesser susceptibility of anal mucosa to the causative agent(s) of NGU, herpes genitalis, and venereal warts or from a lack of pubic apposition (pediculosis pubis). No. 635535
>>635527that's my stance, it feels like we are going backwards. I see so many people judging people for who they DONT want to fuck now , before it was judging people because who they fuck.
It's even shitter when it coming from LGBTQ+ members. I've had men tell me flat out they don't date bisexual women and don't want to date women who knowingly mess with bisexual men.
The reason does not matter to me, I can't tell people who to fuck, I just keep it moving.
Rejection hurts but everyone has to deal with it.
No. 635546
>>635539happy birthday
nonnie <3
No. 635557
>>635211thanks, anon and
> Just try not to be totally confrontational, always make it seem like you just want to do your best work and have good intentions.thanks for this part too, whenever I will feel like going crazy, I will remember this since I also do not know how should I act towards them
No. 635579
>>635567Seriously. Years ago when we were just passing acquaintances, we got drinks on the porch of some café in our town to catch up, and this grody homeless dude started hitting on us through the gate. I ignored and wanted him to go away, but he reveled in the attention, even when the homeless dude realized "she" was a boy and
generously said "oh, I see you're a pretty boy." It's highly disturbing, and they will never understand. Sorry for blogposting, but you know. Vent thread. Probably gonna start phasing myself back out kek.
No. 635618
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Hello, 23 yr old anon here. I only lurk but I just need to get this out.
I found out my boyfriend (of 2 years) has been watching porn for the past year, at LEAST once every 2 weeks. He's a total normie, knows nothing about the internet, so it's pornhub front page stuff from what I can see. Now, he's perfect for me, great job, has good hobbies (gym, cooking, reading) and I am in love with him (which is a first for me).
I found out by going on his phone to look for directions while we were out, and he happened to have an opened tab of a pornhub video on there (it was a POV porn of a slim blonde "virgin with a tight pussy" getting fucked anally and vaginally). When I asked him about it he told me he only watched it once months ago, and he hasn't watched it again. This was a lie, because I made him show me his full history and its actually been far more frequent. Now, I've never explicitly told him to NOT watch porn, but I have told him how disgusting it is, why its linked to trafficking etc.
His Excuse: General boredom and stress from work, easier to sleep once he's came, can't ejaculate without porn since he's been using it since he was 15.
I've spoken to him about it after really getting hysterical at him, and he's promised that he'll stop, because "it's easy, I don't need to masturbate at all" and "he now knows how much it affects me". I believe he can kick this addiction because he's a strong willed person (and I want to believe it). However, I can't stop thinking about the porn he's watched, the front page of pornhub is DISGUSTING, and that's the 'normal' stuff.
I'm so mad at men, and him. The thought of him watching this shit makes me fucking sick, how could he watch these videos and then come to me for sex?? Right, because it's like having your cake and eating it too. How could he touch me after watching "teen" and "step mom" porn??? We were having problems in the bedroom anyway, (he can't come frequently or maintain an erection recently), so it all makes sense now. How fucking stupid was I to believe him that he "doesn't watch it". Half of me wants to end it because I'm a proud person, and I want to show him that his actions have consequences, and that porn will fuck your life up (even if it's totally normalized). I don't believe people will do what they say, especially men.
HOWEVER, the other part of me knows that this is an addiction and it can be overcame. If we can get over this, there may be a stronger relationship in the future. Also, I'm never going to find a man who doesn't watch porn. At least this one is understanding enough and loves me (I think).
What do Lolcow?
P.S. Why is it a woman's job to educate a man on porn? Are they so fucking retarded that that can't do a bit of research for themselves??
No. 635627
>>635618>>We were having problems in the bedroom anyway, (he can't come frequently or maintain an erection recently)Crazy how many younger men are like this, I guess watching porn is easier then trying to get sex from someone.
>>635623Is detransing to him just putting on regular clothing (like it is for a lot of troons) or did he actually do hormones, change his name & all that?
Hopefully he didn't fuck his body up with hormones, I hear a lot of them get ED and shrunken dicks.
No. 635633
>>635618>this is an addictionNo it ain't sugar. This man just had no self-control and gave himself an erectile dysfunction in his 20s (can't maintain an erection and cannot ejaculate–so an ED) from ruining his creativity and imagination via watching literal boob tube.
You're only 23. You deserve a man who's going to take you to pound town and make you feel desired. Men your age should be wanting to fuck everyday and orgasm in your presence. You're way too young to deal with dead bedroom problems. You can give him a chance, but just know that you're likely wasting your time. Normalized porn use for men means that shit is easily accessible, he'll likely rescind and rinse and repeat with the denial and excuse game.
No. 635643
>>635641NTA but a dead bedroom is a big deal and requires more than just "a talk." Additionally, the revelation that it's been caused by secret frequent porn use makes that man a liar.
If he will lie to OP about this, imagine what else he will lie about to keep himself out of trouble. Get some standards and realize when men just want to feed you shit to keep you on the hook.
No. 635651
>>635642Good for you, queen. I’d die if I came across something like that from a male partner.
>>635643Oh shit, you’re right. I completely missed the “dead bedroom” part honestly, I was skimming, my mistake and I’m sorry. That’ definitely changes the severity of things. Yeah, OP’s man may not have a huge libido to begin with if it’s really that infrequent of porn use and they’re still not banging, and that sucks ass. Definitely still needs a lot of communication and corrective behavior, which again, he seemed to be agreeable to. That shit sucks anon, I’ve dealt with dead bedroom with me (only men, hmm) twice, and it’s not a fun feeling.
No. 635666
>>635646The weirdest part was that his fetish was totally detached from our sex life. We had sex nearly every day and it was pretty vanilla, he always made sure I came, and he never had a problem with getting it up or cumming. What bothered me most is that it felt like a betrayal when I found out because we'd been together for 3 years at that point and living together for 2. He insisted that it was just a masturbation fantasy and that he had no intention of ever acting on it in real life but it just seemed like such a significant fetish and a different side of him I'd never seen which was a dealbreaker for me.
I wasn't angry, I just felt kind of sick. It's not like he cheated on me or anything and I was very detached from the porn use. I just felt stupid for wasting my time lmao. Luckily this went down like right when our lease ended and he let me keep our dog
No. 635696
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No. 635722
>>635618>can't ejaculate without porn since he's been using it since he was 15He's too far gone to save.
>>635632>blonde virgin teen anal>not that big of a dealIs this liberal feminism?
No. 635740
>>635634>>635625>>635627>>635632>>635633>>635634>>635635>>635639OP here! Thanks for all your replies (and anyone else who indirectly replied and started a discussion), I'm really surprised at the amount of responses.
>>635628I really appreciate your nuance and understanding of my situation. I am giving him a chance because I am human, I am deeply in love, and I can't drop him without giving him a chance to restore my faith in men.
>>635625>>635633>>635635It's not so easy to just leave someone and detach myself. (Also my birthday is next month and he's rich so if I can't get over it, I can at least get some gifts lol).
Also just to explain, he does satisfy me normally, it's just in the past few months he's had these problems, which correlates with his porn use. His libido is normal, same level as mine usually.
>>635689There is no 'healthy' porn usage imo. I also consider it a form of cheating.
>>635722I'm going to give him a chance to change, I have nothing to lose except a couple of months, in which time I can get money from him. Also I agree, the fact that 'teen' is normal and on the front page/most popular really disgusts me. I'm finding it hard to cope with that fact.
Sincerely, thank you to all who took the time to reply. You've helped me through it.
No. 635746
>>635733You post about this all the time anon, don't you think it's time to escape whatever hell hole you live in that means your fucking father listens to incest porn where you can hear it?? It sounds straight up
abusive, like sexual harassment. Do you bring it up with him or your mother? Are you not scared he is sexually attracted to you considering all the incest? Does your father have literally zero shame?
Move out, fucking hell. I'd be terrified and wanting to cut contact with my dad if he was like that.
No. 635770
>>635618I'll just never get into the mindset of a man. Porn is boring to me. I get it seeing naked people, but like, I also don't? I've used porn hub when I've felt horny and it's hard to even find something catered for a woman's gaze. Mort of the people in the videos imo are ugly lol, and even just by virtue of them exhibiting themselves in porn turns me off the idea of 'being' with them. I don't get porn. I find it easier to actually cum with just my imagination and thinking of real life experiences or real life men I find attractive and can fantasise about.
I had an ex that excessively looked at porn. He didn't have a smart phone or WiFi so I thought that's good. Then I found his dvd collection (how fucking old school) and he spoke about watching porn at work to his mates when he didn't think I could hear. He had fucking weird porn, a lot of granny stuff. That was a turn off. I was a mid 20 year old woman and would get mistaken for even younger and yet the guy I choose to be exclusive for was wanking over grandmother's.
If men can't cum without watching porn just fucking leave them to their mental illness. Cumbrains don't deserve actual love they'd rather have an in silico experience the gay fruits
No. 635798
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any way i could speedrun overcoming my vaginismus + csa trauma in a month? the plan was to lose my virginity before my 23rd birthday but covid fucked my shit up, earliest therapy appointment is december.
in all seriousness i'm so lonely, at this point i just want to have sex with someone who somewhat cares about me. ive been touch starved my whole life but the lack of irl social events has amplified these feelings. why is tinder so scary, where can i find a boyfriend, how did i end up here, etc etc.
No. 635814
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My stepdad is a selfish ass and I can't wait until this lease expires so me and bf can finally have our own place together and I'll never have to deal with his bullshit ever again.
I came home from work today and stepdad was splayed out on the couch and hogging the living room as usual. His several cereal bowls were festering in the sink, old dishes not put away, pans that needed cleaning in order to be used, and trash (his only routine chore) only half taken out. I had to spend the first half hour I got home–even forgetting to take off my own shoes–cleaning before I could cook my own dinner. I'm pretty much the only one who routinely cleans the kitchen, and yet he acts like a martyr when he up and does it like once a month. Hmph. As I finish up and am washing my hands in the sink, I notice two bottles of opened Nyquil and cough drops on the counter. I ask him if he's sick.
My boyfriend is supposed to be taking me on vacation this weekend for my birthday. This SELFISH FUCKER is probably gonna make me get sick too. For the first time since COVID. Does he isolate in his room or wear a mask? Fuck no. He can't even surrender the shared television for a couple of hours without throwing a tantrum. He whines about me "sending him to his room" when I ask twice a month if I can have the living room to myself, or to please lower the tv volume when I'm trying to eat or have a conversation. He hates his room because he'd have to find a way to entertain himself like I'm forced to every day, never mind leaving the apartment to go do something. So, like hell if he's about to isolate himself while he's sick. He's gonna make sure every bacterium aerosols and smears just so I catch whatever ratchet funkery he's brought home out of his own carelessness and stupidity. He can't even care that it's my birthday soon, because it's all about him. I'm FUCKED. He has COVID for all I fucking know! He's had several close calls at work and goes out with his prison guard hussy and her seven brat children so it is a possibility he has it. Body aches, sniffles, sore throat…and did he even check his temp? Pft, no.
No. 635835
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I'm in this server with a troon, the server is relatively active with ~300 members and ~20~30 members being most active, I've been active in this server for three months now, the troon joined about 2 weeks after me and as expected he's abusing the vent channel, I never used the vent channel but I've written some pretty deep short vents mid convo sometimes that no body even gives a fuck about, but I'm always in the vent channel comforting people and just talking them through stupid basic problems for hours even though I've got my own problems that are wayyy worse than theirs, I usually ignore the troon because it's just too much but I try to help others as much as possible…
one day I wanted to cut so badly so I began distracting myself and I was chatting with someone in private and he suddenly tells me "Also uh, [troon] posted something in [vent channle] and im really concerned abt her" i rolled my eyes at the "correct" gendering and checked the messages and they were literally censored short text about being tired and wanting to quit followed by a "gn", I told the person that it seems like he's going to sleep so it's okay but he insisted that I dm the troon and help "her" so I did because I'm a fucking idiot and I wasted 1.5 hours listening to him talking about how his relationship is haarrrddd and how psycho his gf is and just stupid stuff, I wanted to do anything but talk with that troon so I tried to make it end asap.
I'm suicidal depressed as hell but try to keep to myself because I don't want to be a burden but in reality it's more of that I know that no one will give a fuck when I try to reach out and it will just make me sink lower because even though I try to keep to myself I still let some of it out and no one even replies to me, it's literally just me talking to myself in some random shitposting channel and still no body gives a fuck, nobody dm's me and no body gives a shit about me anywhere even though I push past my limit to help people,, I blamed being basically ghosted IRL to stuff like being ugly, poor, shy, having speech problems…etc, but being ignored online in the same place a troon is being coddled is another type of pathetic, and above that being asked to help coddle him even though he called me a transphobe publically (was one of the reasons I started ignoring him) and been an attention seeker all along.
I hate it here, I want to cut my arteries so bad and just end this pathetic existince once and for all.
No. 635840
>>635835Anon, I'd take a break from reading other peoples vents and from comforting them. It's not healthy to push yourself to help people, it'll only drain you and you need your strenght to get through the day when you yourself are depressed. Listening to other people talk about their problems and trying to help them, even if it's just by giving them a virtual shoulder to cry on, will get to you and add to your own sadness even if you don't necessarily notice it.
And honestly, don't force yourself to listen his problems if you don't want to or just because someone else asks you to. Life's too short to spend your time doing something you don't have to, especially if it's on some server where no one knows you IRL.
No. 635846
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Almost posted on g in no makeup thread but its just another vent
I dont wear makeup and rarely ever have, aside from not feeling comfortable it would be hard and pricey to get into. However i have felt that im really ugly. I've dated, and some people have said im pretty and i believed it but some days like now I see videos of me and want to die. I feel that theyre lying, since objectively my nose is big, my face scrunches when i express, my eye brows are too light and my face shines and reddens a lot easily in unflattering way. Along with other things i wont go on about it
I just have been crying but, I decided to google "difference without makeup" because my therapist once suggested to. I have before but i looking now I feel like everyone (with issues) should google it once a week i swear. Without makeup women look… to me, normal, human. My intent is not to hate on it and i know i'll get told "Suck it up, either accept yourself or wear it. beauty isnt everything" Im not meaning to complain in a way critical of others, and I acknowledge my feelings on myself aren't healthy. Its really pretty and i see why women wear it for sure
Personally I'm just sad it exists to this degree… Even when I've seen these pics before, it's so easy seeing made up faces everywhere, saturating what we are told is beautiful, I forget what a natural face looks like. no exaggeration. And I feel like an ogre when I see myself. But i just look like a human being, I suppose, and thats what I sense strongest on people without makeup
I don't hate anyone who wears it etc., I just wish it wasn't like this I guess. I don't want to wear it because of that feeling. It makes me sad that I could forget what a human face looks like. (Ik that sounds dramatic and theres plenty of women who go bare, but I think you know what I mean. Its seen as "ugly" or "homely", they're either invisible or truly an exception. Yet i see these pics without makeup and everyone looks like that!!!)
So i just wanted to vent thats all… Even if it might improve my look, I don't want to do it and continue what upsets me, plus I would probably feel worse about what I am underneath. I dont know how Im going to feel better about myself. Ik its unhealthy , and I go periods feeling confident until certain pics videos make me want to die :( I want to wear a full face mask, forever
No. 635854
>>635849(this is my last reply sorry to clog up the thread.)
I appreciate that perspective and i think its awesome you have your look. Yeah, I think you're correct. my issue is probably in self-comparison. guess i feel that many people are prone to that, which is why Im upset with things, but its certainly not fair for me to seem opposed to other women like that. I meant to only vent but there is a problem that I do that. I do gotta find confidence not to compare mainly, maybe it's from too much social media/movies/idk. Its awesome you have a look that works for you and you're right, both should be able to coexist .. ty for reply now I'll vanish
No. 635899
>>635846a little unrelated but I did google it and came across this dudebro website (called refined guy lmao) of with and without makeup and the caption for hillary duff made me rage more than any other;
>Hilary is a new mom, so I guess she’s entitled to leave the house without makeup and look like death warmed over. (Anyone who gets four hours of sleep a night because they’re caring for a newborn gets a free pass.)She's entitled? To leave the house without makeup? She gets a FREE PASS?! aaahhhhh fuck you FUCK YOU
The worst thing is that on the surface the captions arent super disrepectful, maybe they say she looks her age without makeup, or there's a big difference between the two, and "respect" to the women posting no makeup pics on social media.
It's such an inherent sense of entitlement to say "it's OK that she doesn't wear makeup because she's just had a baby guys". How about it's FUCKING FINE EITHER WAY what's with the fucking expectations?!
That said, yeah I find women that wear classic makeup that don't have very prominent features to look very generic. They might be attractive but kind of boring attractive?
No. 635904
>>635892FINALLY. someone who has the same opinion as I do.
i always disliked anglos more than other european people especially their race-baity ways. Anglo americans are the worst. every "asian women are better and wifey material than white women" or "big black cock is cucking white men haha" post in an insane tangent is 9/10 from an anglo american dumbass. they live and breathe racebait and their overall thinking patterns are insane and make no sense. i also believe they're ugly as sin on average and that slavic, nordics, mediterranean people all look better than them.
No. 635924
>>6300602020 hasnt been a good year for anyone I know, but its really put me thru the ringer. I've been having a problem with voices lately, the past few months and I'm pretty sure its from stress because I'm conscious of the fact I'm hearing voices so I'm not like actually crazy. They're not mean or anything for the most part but goddamn they are so annoying and I have problems talking sometimes because I'm thinking of what I'm trying to say but then I'm hearing someone else talking and I flub my words.
Earlier today there was this woman's voice I hear sometimes and she was just saying words that rhymed (Like pot, spot, lot, hot, etc), or sometimes its like someone put an AM radio in my head because I'll hear some dude talking about a baseball game or narrating some sports shit. I don't even like baseball. Or sometimes it just sounds like a bunch of dogs barking outside?
I don't know its weird and annoying. I keep thinking they're gonna go away but at what point is it a not going away thing? I don't know how to control it or make it better, shit sucks. I hate 2020.
No. 635938
>>635926What about swimming? Not the best suggestion I guess because covid, but who knows you could be a rich bitch with a private pool.
Have you considered only focusing on your upper body? only arm and back exercises, likely it won't be as effective but it can keep a routine up.
No. 635948
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>>635892>It should just be Scandinavians from now on>Slavs are trashyOh hi Varg, how's it going with your pureblood """Aryan""" heifer wife and inbred kids?
No. 635961
>>635942Feed as in social media feed, anon.
Let’s espouse age old racial/ethnic hatred but through a sexy instagram filter.
No. 635980
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I'm tired of the "evil black guy is bald" trope in Hollywood. Currently I can only think of two that are main villains that aren't bald (in main media where the cast is not at least 75% black): Breaking Bad (Gus) and Black Panther.
I just hate the fact that it's always the same guy that plays the villain. Before Michael Duncan died, it was only him and Ving Rhames who played the evil guy in every movie (where, again, the cast was mostly white – I say this because obviously black films have evil guys too)
I'll go ahead and say also, can we do this for other races too? Why does the Mexican villain always have to be a drug kingpin? And why does the Japanese one always have to be working on some super evil technology or again, more drugs, and they rarely even speak English.
I really want a truly evil mad scientist or just a villain for the fuck of it that isn't a stereotype and one that is American.
Let's get these villains more diverse, it's a little stale. But I guess it's what the people want to see.
No. 636001
>>635991I know, but if I wanted to go through the experience of going to a movie theater, I literally have no choice. I watch media from other countries often, but living in America, some of the "omg this is the best TV show" follows what I said and I do enjoy some mainstream movies. You're probably right that I could watch more though.
Do you have any recommendations?
>>635993Nah, I'm good
>>635994How would this be bait? The only way this would be bait is if you assume everyone on lolcow is an alt-right racist which isn't actually the case. No it's not bait, dummy
No. 636021
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I have these periods where I cut everyone off and literally do nothing but binge on sugary shit, sometimes alcohol, watch useless videos and just daydream. Then when I come these off, I feel ashamed of myself and get my shit together and start reconnecting with people, abstain from chocolate and alcohol, go out, meet people, do stuff, and then the cycle continues. I'm like a snail coming out and going in its shell over and over and over, self-numbing, then getting hit by the consequences and I'm forced to face reality. I've recently lost my job because when I was in the dark place I couldn't focus on my tasks and I got a lot of complaints on my job. I want to stop but don't know how
No. 636027
>>636013I guess I wasn't really aware of this, no.
No. 636056
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why do i always feel the need to overshare? the guy was just asking what the name of that bacterium mentioned in the lecture was, not the story of how it killed my family member recently. why did i even tell him, i dont even know his name and weve exchanged exactly 2 sentences before today. that girl i talked to after the exam didnt want to hear the story of how my violent drug addict brother ended up in the mental hospital, and my casual acquaintance didnt want to hear all about my numerous family problems.
what the fuck is wrong with me, i need to get a grip and get some actual friends so i stop doing this shit. i might feel relieved after telling people about these things but i know that its just uncomfortable and awkward for them to hear it. it needs to stop.
No. 636061
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All I can say is thank fucking satan I have a job that I can arrive reasonably late to everyday because I cannot drag myself out of bed.
>job is several minutes up the road
>supposed to be there at 9
>alarm goes off at 830
>snooze until 9
>wake up
>snooze until 930
>keep hitting 5 minute snooze until it's pretty much 10
>roll in to work a bit past
I'm a fucking ingrate.
No. 636097
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Holy flying spaghetti monster i just want to get laid. I have a boy who i'm supposed to have sex with but we live in different cities and obligations that makes it difficult to meet up(plus a limited ability to travel, we're both penniless students kek)
Hes so fucking hot but i cant tell if hes stringing me along(why do that to a chick whos chomping at the bit to fuck you?) Or if he genuinely cant find the opportunity to meet up. Normally i wouldnt care because i have another boy i meet up with regularly but this time he couldnt.
I'm so fucking touch starved and its only been like two weeks since i've touched a boy/been touched by one. I want to find a boyfriend at my school so i can have daily access to cock but that first bozo is holding me back. Inb4 you call me a simp
No. 636108
>>636097Probably just stringing you along tbh. Seems like if he really wanted to be with you & wanted to fuck, he'd find a way or at least give you a solid timeline for when he can.
Does he know you like him and want to smash? Sometimes guys just like the ego boost and will drag you along if they know they have you already, especially if they're not that into you. You sound like an option, not his priority. I don't think you should consider him bf material but I understand you just need some physical touch. Just keep your feelings about him logically in check.
No. 636182
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Third worlder here. When I was in middle school boys would chase girls around with mf scissors to snip at their uniforms, they faced no reprimand for this. I wish I had stabbed these scum. Little boys are just as fucking evil as men. But I know if I did that, I would have been the one getting in trouble. I’m so so so tired of living in this world.
No. 636265
>>636182I remember some little boys in
kindergarten doing shit like this. One was especially gross, I remember he'd chew big pieces of food and then spit it at girls, rip their dresses, and expose himself at almost every chance. We were always told that he was just "playing around" and didn't mean it, but looking back, this kid had a lot of fucking issues and shouldn't have been in a regular classroom.
He did eventually get expelled I think for hitting some boy really hard, but it's weird looking back on it. Everyone acted like he was totally normal and it was just regular "horsing around."
No. 636274
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anons i suck, im 21 in college, need to work, have anxiety, been getting call center jobs since highschool and only call center jobs bc cant deal with in person ppl, covid blessing in desguise, working remotely, have scheduled shifts, dont feel like working, why am i like this ? I literally only have to do a minimum 25 hrs per week, good pay, I have it so easy yet im self sabotaging by not putting myself in available and taking calls, I havent had energy for about two weeks now. I might get fired. been telling them there was an internet outage. My boyfriend is out doing PHYSICAL in person labor 3 days a week all day, thinks I'm working all day too so that we can hang on his days off, and I lied to him, i've been playing vidya. we can't afford only 1 person working and even if I like my own money and it just wouldn't be fair, not appealing. yet even with money as an incentive, I just can't. Why am I being such a incredibly lazy fuck, and how do i snap myself out of it? maybe I should look for a different remote job? but wouldn't I just get bored of it eventually too?
No. 636277
>>636182You just remembered me all the shit I had to do in my first school to make the guys stop harassing me.
I used to kick, bite and even punch those bastards so much, I wasn’t exactly a great person, but really, men are fucking retarded.
I’m so glad my teachers always managed to favor me after I cried my eyes out of frustration, I got a bunch of those shits expelled and if I had to go back in time, I would do it again.
Sometimes I wish school records were actually considered when applying to a college/university, because they don’t deserve any opportunities if they think they can be assholes and be forgiven for that.
Also, fuck the
>b-But he likes you!No, fuck off, retard, he doesn’t like you, he’s a fucking asshole.
No. 636281
>>636182I went to an all girls school. They did the same shit of pulling up/down your skirt and shouting about your underwear to people, telling everyone what color underwear you had on. Calling you frigid if you seemed unhappy about them pawing at you…and then a week later they start calling you a 'eww lesbian'?? The irony
Never even occured to me that my anxiety issues aren't me just 'overreacting' to my bullying. When you really think about it that's a horrible experience. If that happened to me tomorrow I'd go to the police so why did teachers allow it to happen in front of them?
No. 636347
>>636338Same for the fat ugly kid part, it was so dehumanizing when they would toss pieces of erasers at you or spit at you, expose themselves and just follow and taunt you. Then they have the guts to contact you? Good thing you gave him nothing, that cunt isn't worth your words or time anon. I used to feel kinda weak for still feeling
triggered or having flashbacks to that shit in my 20s but honestly? That shit hurted, and it's HUMAN to sometimes feel it again, also to see people (read: men) differently than others who weren't bullied. You are still worthy, you weren't weak and these cunts deserve all the shit life has to throw at them. Hugs to you anon, it'll get easier.
No. 636354
>>636338How do kids get so fucking mean? I always heard they come from 'bad households' but I came from one too and I still ended up never bullying and only ever being the
victim to it. I got abuse at home and even more of it at school. My reaction to everything was to withdraw and develop an anxiety disorder, not to take pleasure in hurting somebody even smaller than me.
>One of the boys messaged me on Facebook a couple years after highschool Wonder what his real motive was there, like did you get cute around that time? I think you reacted in the best way tbh
No. 636373
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Tfw all the "boys" who bullied me at school and spat on me for years now have well paid white collar jobs and happy relationships (or even marriages despite being in early to mid 20s) and I'm a lonely chronically ill neet
No. 636383
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>>636373Tbh my friend who was a serial cheater and has a crazy ex and a kid randomly met w dude who’s head over heels and worships her and is good looking to boot.
I’m starting to think any sort of dating “strategy” or advice is total bullshit. It’s all socializing as much as you can and like 90 percent luck. I’m ready to throw in the towel and just stick to my husbands.
No. 636424
>>636420Time to be the other woman, anon.
I kid. That's awful. I'm so sorry, I don't even know what else to say. You deserved better than them, and you still deserve better from future partners should you choose to pursue them.
No. 636429
>>636373To me it was always obvious that my bullies were gonna turn out to be successful, because they're just gonna take over their fathers' businesses.
>>636405Anon's experience simply was with male bullies, no need to be so defensive.
But you're right, my mom works in a primary school and a father of a bad kid literally told her that at least his son is gonna be successful, a winner in society, because he knows how to fight for what he wants, hurting others doesn't matter…so depressing. I was always told to be a good quiet kid, of course somebody like that doesn't stand a chance in nowadays society.
No. 636433
>>636429I think it's so annoying when people blame things their parents said on how they turn out. Most parents really don't give good advice, and people either look to themselves or their peers for how to think and behave. It just seems to be people lacking in social awareness who end up this way.
If you're a man or woman with a docile personality who loved sucking up to adults, that's on you. Most kids aren't like that even though parents and teachers encourage them to be like that.
No. 636449
>>636373Did you go to a nice school or live in a good area anon? My problem is the opposite because I went to a pretty shit school. All my bullies constantly dragged on me because they were (self-admitted) jealous or I annoyed them with my presence or something.
I'm trying to think of people who really fucking hurt me being success stories, but I can't. The people who are more successful than me were honestly indifferent if not friendly to me most times. Most bullies turned out now to be working dead end jobs with low pay, are miserable young parents, and in some cases are drug users.
Felt really good that the same guys who rejected me cruelly, thinking they could do better than me, were the same ones messaging me recently lamenting that they didn't shoot their shot with me.
But I totally would have been bottom barrel if I went to an actually nice school. I doubt it's entirely on you.
No. 636489
>>636468Kids bully because their
victims can't or won't fight back to cause a consequence. If there's deterrent enough to make them stop bullying, they will. Parents can't do shit. End of. Would a bully really target someone strong who would kick their ass every time they tried? Fuck no. Because the bully would be humiliated in a way that parental involvement can't reach.
My problem is that I was raised with half forsaken Christian values and told that God would give me justice. That my bullies would face the 'real' judgment in the end (as if a god had he existed would give a fuck about mean girl shit). Not to mention my bitch mother castrated my ability to defend myself by "ordering" me to not say shit back to bitches openly harassing me in the hallways after I got put in detention a few times for having the audacity to yell something mean back or to write back their nasty notes. Mommy cared more about appearing like a good parent than actually being one for me. What I should've done is given them a few good punches to the jaw after school and made it known they can't do that shit to me. But no, thanks to my parents not supporting me in a real way and my fucking moral and scholarly fear that me defending myself would end badly overall, I looked weak which placed a target on myself.
No. 636495
>>636489>Parents can't do shit. Uhm yes of course they can? Maybe start with not treating your kid like a literal prince who get's praised for breathing, who get's every shit he wants? If they get punished serverely enough for hurting others, they're gonna be too scared to try the same shit again. Kids bully because they don't face enough consequences from parents, teachers,etc If bullying
victims "deserve" it because they're no strong enough, because they don't fight back enough, that same logic could be applied to any other crime as well, men only rape women because it's fun to them since they like to feel powerful.
No. 636504
>>636495Yeah not every bully is a spoiled brat getting everything they could ever want. Sorry but your sheltered is showing.
Some kids don't care about parental punishment or are sneaky enough to never get caught. My mom thought like you and she punished me for defending myself because she thought I was bullying when I was having
valid angry and frustrated reactions to my bullies. Did it help anything? Fuck no.
Sorry but rape has got nothing to do with this (and you know the issue is way more complicated than punishing men as you know even the threat of jail and death in some countries doesn't stop them).
No. 636520
>>636495>If bullying victims "deserve" it because they're no strong enough, because they don't fight back enough, that same logic could be applied to any other crime as well, men only rape women because it's fun to them since they like to feel powerful.What are you trying to prove with this? No one is saying anyone deserves anything but this is how logic follows in the real world. Men rape women because it is easy for them to do it physically, and secondly they target women who would be believed by society to have "deserved" being raped. Rapists are also sneaky and blur the lines of rape or make sure they aren't caught. They know the consequences and they do not care.
Sound familiar to this bully conversation yet?
Are we seriously going to pretend like the law stepping in post ex facto in an effort to punish men takes back the initial rape and violence when we all know it doesn't? In some cases rapists escape justice with incredulously lenient sentences, and we all know the death penalty isn't a deterrent for crime.
Men are less likely to target women supported and protected by an entire community. Men are less likely to target women with good social status. Men are less likely to target rich women. And above all, men are less likely to target women who they feel they couldn't subdue or trick for the rape.
It sucks but it's true.
The parallels of who gets chosen to be victimized for bullying are very similar. The only real defense is self-defense and community support.
No. 636523
>>636504I complain about rich assholes who get away with anything all their life and you call me sheltered…
Your mom wrongfully accusing you doesn't prove that bullies shouldn't be punished. What else do you suggest? "They only need love and conpassion uwu?" Most bullies think of themselves as in the right, they never feel sorry.
And even if not comparable to rape, it's still disgusting
victim blaming.
No. 636529
>>636523Yes because you're acting like parents in poverty can never be too permissive and defensive of their kid's behavior and that's straight up bullshit. Just because little Mikey has a daddy on food stamps doesn't mean he isn't an entitled prick.
Who's suggesting bullies needn't be punished? All I'm saying is that empowering kids with the ability to DEFEND themselves and be believed works way better.
You're making weird assumptions.
No. 636566
>>636535>not the parents faultBut I didn't say this, I said parents punishing their kids doesn't really work for numerous reasons.
>if you weren't so weak you wouldn't get bulliedWhat you quoted doesn't even match what you're paraphrasing. I realize it's extremely upsetting to hear that weak people are more likely to get bullied, it doesn't mean I'm saying they deserve it. If that's what you misunderstood.
No. 636583
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This is a privileged autistic rant, but.
I’m so annoyed.
Why is he fucking tired but I can’t be tired?
Why is he always fucking busy but I can’t be busy?
It’s just not fair, I have to be the one picking and dropping the maid even if my period is killing me and I have a bitch ass stomach flu that won’t go away.
I have to stop studying or doing my assignments because someone needs me to do something mundane, and what is my brother doing? Watching fucking Chinese cartoons or texting.
>but anon! He’s tired because he has been working!
He doesn’t even need to go to the office because we’re in quarantine! And yeah, it’s annoying to talk by the phone, but there’s no way he can be tired for fucking days because of a random call.
Also, if I have to pick something up, like say, 10 kilos of meat
>oh anon, he’s tired! And busy! It’s not that heavy anyways, you’re strong! And it might help you lose some weight!
Yeah, because I’ve been having to carry random heavy shit over the years, because the baby boy is too tired or busy to do anything in this motherfucking house.
I just know how is this going to be when I start working next year, I will have to do everything in the house because he’s too fucking tired! And too motherfucking busy! And I have to lose some kilos anyway! So I should just do it and it might help me lose weight!
Really, fuck this gay bullshit, I don’t want to be the maid of the house doing random errands and shit, I’m sick, I feel like my womb is trying to fucking rip itself off, I have things to do and that I also want to do, this is annoying.
No. 636592
>>636583Sounds like people are judging you unfairly because you're a little overweight.
Tell him this relationship is 50/50. If you both pay bills you both need to do equal work around the house, no question about it. If not, plan on separating in the future when you're financially stable or see if you can't live with a roommate who isn't a giant baby
No. 636636
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I really fucking hate college, and I just started. It's not about the professors or students, but it's the classes and having to do large amounts of work that I can barely handle or pay attention to, it's such a huge ass strain. I'm taking an art-oriented path and I can't help but think if I'm making the wrong choice or not. It's starting to seep into my head and create a lot of existential problems lol
No. 636675
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My hair is very curly and tangles a lot, but is not dense. As a result I find it difficult to style. I wear it in a ponytail 99% of the time because I don't know what to do with it. The last time I tried to change things up and make a top bun, the sides of my temples showed a lot and I felt so insecure about it. So I never tried a new style after that. I only let my hair down when I'm home alone and sometimes when I'm with my girlfriend. I'm so angry because I see lots of nice hairstyles like pic related that I'd love to do but my stupid hair is so thin (especially at the sides) that I'd probably look like I have cancer or something.
I really want to smack my parents for dealing me bad hair genes. Ironically, both of them have thicker hair. So do my siblings. Goddd I wanna punch all of them.
No. 636689
I've just come to terms with the fact that my mom is mentally ill, and there's nothign I can do about it.
I spent the first 25 years of my life on hold because she needed 100% of my attention
I wasn't allowed to go to anyone's house, I wasn't allowed to have anyone over
She moved me to the middle of no where away fro mall of our family, which I now realize is because she was horribly abused by her parents and can't stand to be around them anymore
I dropped out of college because I couldn't take care of everythign and do that too, I have a chronic illness that's been trying to get worse since high school, she kept upping my rent every time I started making more money
I felt like I could never even save for the future she had me convinced would never happen.
I understand that it isn't her fault, she's sick, I get that now, I'm an adult now, but the damage is still done.
I still feel sick having ot council my mom through her shitty marriage, which apparently she blames 11 year old me for not telling her to get a divorce while at the same time constantly screaming about money, and the house was falling down around us because even thou my stepdad is an architect and engineer, he will not maintain his own house.
So my mom moved me in with him whn I was 7, and the screaming never stopped.
Well, that's a lie, they got a dog four years ago, and the dog is also fucking traumatized by her old family, because who the fuck isn't anymore,
now they don't scream, becasue it makes the dog upset
and I'm like, man, sure wish you had that energy two decades ago
I can't even get a ride the doctor with a 9mm kidney stone refusing to pass, but she keeps bringing up how she took the dog to the vet and is was $3000, and all that had happened was the dog fell off the foot stool; isn't she such a good mom to be catastrophically worried all the time?
Except when your kidneys start shitting up when you're 15 and you try to talk to your mom, ho is the only person you're allowed to be friends with, she shuts you down and says to never speak about it, and when you try again another time because you're so fuckign scared because you are literally a child, she tells you "If that's how bad /you/ feel, just fucking try to /imagine/ what I must feel like." and looked at me like I insulted Obama on his first election night
that's how she always shut me up and made me listen, she had a horrific childhood, so nothing bad could happen to me, and if it did, she either ignored it or blamed me
I never trusted that she loved me when I was growing up
I don't know what to do now, I'm 25, I have no training, a GED but I dropped out of high school and haven't taken a college class since like 2014
Plus, still, chronic illness, and I live in america and there's a pandemic
I have no idea where to start
Am I fucked?
I can't connect with other people anymore because the first real friend I made where my mom couldn't stop it, turned out to be exactly like my mom.
So I nursed that toxic relationship for a decade, of course.
I just don't know what the fuck to do
She wouldn't let me have my own bank account until I was 24, I had to figure out paying taxes and shit by myself, she was so determined to make me so stupid I had to stay
I want to get out so bad, I know it isn't her fault, but she hurt me so badly so much
No. 636695
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I had some health and family issues and basically ghosted everyone the last few months, not because I wanted to but because I felt like absolutely garbage both physically and mentally and I wouldn't be able to speak with anyone.
But no one came after me, the last texts on my phone are from months ago, no one gave a shit i basically went MIA when that's not typical at all to me, i just feel forgotten and abandoned by my irl friends.
My mother suggested I should have a small get together when im feeling better healthwise so it can lift up my spirits but i don't want to see my friends, they fucking abandoned me without a care in the world on how i was doing, they are just fakes.
I feel so alone anons, i went through so much shit these last few months, all by myself.
No. 636704
>>636695As a fellow ghoster I need to tell you a thing anon as it's something I wish someone told me years ago.
No one owns you shit, you are not entitled to anyone's attention or contact. If it comes by without prompt that's great, but that's usually not how the world works.
Stop being a whinny piece of shit that thinks only she has problems and go call your friends to have a hangout like your mother said.
Asking people to read what you want for afar is crazy and infantile. You want friends? It's 100% your responsibility, you be an adult and call them.
No. 636713
>>636700Thanks, I had two very nice people who stuck with me through the whole thing, I even felt comfortable enough to tell them what the fuck was actually going on aside from my shit health.
I also had some ex-college classmates (I dropped out last year) pop by and text me some juicy gossip or complain about their relationships, it was very heart warming in a weird away.
I genuinely don't think the others have much of a good excuse, it wasn't a one or two months thing, more like since May, and they didn't even bother to ask how i was doing during quarantine.
>>636704That would be fair enough if i was ghosting for the sake of ghosting, but i was sick, how am i supposed to go tell peoplee they should talk to me when i could barely feed myself?
I've known these people for years but the day i stop being the one to go after them, because i physically can't, they just pretend i never existed, something much worse could've happened to me and they wouldn't even have had the decency to ask where i was.
No. 636835
>>636830i feel this anon, you have to give yourself credit when credit is due. I can’t take a compliment for the life of me but it’s been getting better a bit. the very least you can do is say thank you or just respond back with your own, or “you’re very kind, sweet, etc.”
i don’t know your strengths or anything but if you consistently get compliments on your outfits i’d say you have considerably okay fashion sense, as for smarts, you seriously need to give yourself credit. i’ve been realizing a lot of the population isn’t as smart as i thought they were, especially when it comes to critical thinking and analyzing. it’s been hard accepting that i AM smart, i’m sure you are too. hi give yourself credit anon!
No. 636944
>>636725Are you sure your best friend is your best friend? What she’s doing looks so
toxic to me…maybe it just reminds me of my
abusive ex best friend.
No. 636975
>>636971It's an awful feeling to be ignored and I'm sorry you feel down, but you need to try to not overthink things and realize you're not the center of the universe. If you were ignored by the staff it's not because they've looked at you and thought "oh that anon is hideous and dumbs, I'd rather talk to the other girl". Most likely what happened is that you, as you were accompanying your cousin, stayed behind and she did all of the interaction, making, naturally, the staff focus on her. If the roles were reversed and you started the conversation with the staff, they'd definitely focus on you because this is how service job works. It's hard to get past the awkwardness but you can do it if you try and push yourself out of the comfort zone just a tiny bit. Little steps, little interactions, every time you'll get a little better and soon you'll see it's nowhere as bad as you think it is.
No. 636984
>>636974>>636975You are right that I'm overthinking it because I've already made up my mind about it, that I'm ugly, unsocial, awkward etc. She was just so effortlessly charming and beautiful, I felt inadequate. I've been told by my family many times that I'm not goodlooking, pointing out my many flaws etc. I'm happy that they're honest so I don't flatter myself. Employees are already overworked, underpaid, they wouldn't have wanted to deal much with an awkward person, saves the frustration. I hope I can maybe get enough courage to talk and be chill, I can barely talk to my family without feeling like crying. Anyways, thank you anons, I really am thankful you kind of put it into perspective. I am an overtly negative person. You guys are cool. I'll try not to let it bring me down anymore
No. 636993
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The chronic muscle tension that i didnt realize i had turned into 24/7 painful titties. I just want someone to coddle me but i know my parents would never lift a finger unless I literally begged them to. I feel petty as fuck cuz i have friends that have it way worse than me. But my boobies are hurting and i wish my mom’d just bring me some chicken rice congee
Ill guess ill make the congee myself huh
No. 636994
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>>636984Kek I don't know why people try to deny lookism so hard. Anon I've been both ugly and ok looking, with no personality change, and people definetly treated me differently.
How is she supposed to act outgoing when her own family is constantly shoving her faults in her face, and people at the store act like that?
I don't mean to say give up, but a simple personality change won't do much if you truly are objectively ugly. Trying to be outgoing will be read as annoying by people. Don't torment yourself with this 'muh confidence' self flagellation.
No. 637001
>>636994To be fair, I didn't know her family said awful things about her appearance to her which obviously diminishes confidence as well. And you do have a point, I suppose.
>>636984But still, anon. Being attractive isn't the end-all, be-all to confidence or being outgoing or meeting people. Most people, especially store associates of all people, won't find you annoying when talking about products or asking for help. I'm sorry your family doesn't help your confidence at all, but that doesn't make you like. Less worthy of attention or companionship. That may not mean much coming from a stranger, but I wish I could be your friend. I hate shit like this.
No. 637003
>>636994Lookism in a service industry, especially as niche as in an art shop, seriously? Anon didn't even try to ask for advice and is upset for reciving none, come ON. How is she supposed to get out of this mindset if you keep enabling her?
I have a friend that isn't attractive by society standards but she is not trying to hide behind other people, she's outgoing and approachable and makes friends with everyone with ease, confidence IS the key. Sure, when it comes to dating probably will not help enough to make a serious difference, but the regular day-to-day life it's gonna change everything.
No. 637013
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>>637004Anon, you should probably either reset the game and just try again or start where you left off. Also, if your bf's anger problem influences you this badly in a video game, I hope you either have already left or will leave him. That's not healthy at all. Animal Crossing is supposed to be fun and not cause you this sort of stress or guilt! I hope you push past it and are able to enjoy it for yourself again. If you need help to get over it, you should definitely seek it as well. Best.
No. 637017
>>636994I lean to agree with this anon.
On one hand, having a friendly presence and coming off as outgoing or extroverted can bump an ugly person up socially. BUT–and this is a huge but–an attractive person will never have to try as hard for the same results an ugly person gets for thrice their effort. It's easier to act overall confident when people are literally feeding into your confidence as a default. Lookism is absolutely a thing, as well as ageism for women.
I've experienced it myself.
I went from being an unattractive pudgy kid, to a somewhat attractive teen, legitimately pretty throughout my mid 20s, and now I'm back to uggo mom bod crossing the threshold of 30.
Nothing changed about my personality or demeanor, but now because I'm not as attractive and youthful, people treat me different. I mean if you want me to go over every painstaking scenario where a bias has happened to me this would be a long ass post. I just know that many other women have had similar experiences to mine enough where we can say it's a pattern and not just coincidence or being in a bad mood or something.
No. 637026
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>>637004what's with AC attracting autists
No. 637028
>>637022I say this with love anon: Learn to recognize which men are feeding you shit and telling you what you want to hear so they can get something out of you. In this case, it was your attention and cuddles. I know it doesn't feel as bad as opposed to being pumped and dumped but the fact is this man still wasted your time, and your time is still valuable. No one who was really into you to that degree would have lost it overnight to go after someone else in the first place.
The only logical solution is to make men invest in you so they feel they can't just walk away without having "lost out." This man could walk away from you this easily because he got what he was after with minimal effort, and bet his next target will be as smooth. Make men take you out and pay for dates. Make them drive to you. Allow them to chase you and play it cool.
Even if you feel this strategy seems to repel the men you want, it proves that they weren't going to respect you or take you seriously in the first place proving that they weren't who you actually wanted after all. You want someone who wants you. Remember that and tell yourself that over and over when you feel you're doubting yourself. You're absolutely worth someone's full blown effort.
No. 637133
>>637013I think now that I admitted it somewhere I can relax and enjoy the game again.
>>637021No, thanks for being frank, this helped me organize my thoughts.
I think my real issue is that I'm still shocked at how I immediately chimped out instead of trying to look for a solution when I knew there would be new rules, etc., in this new version of the game. I'm aware it's not literally a living animal/person/whatever, but it is representative of one, and I'm afraid that if I let this slide then what sort of real life cruelty could I begin to justify? It is just a game, but I never wanted to be the kind of spoiled player who beat the shit out of uneanted villagers so they could have a perfect cute town, I'd much rather be happy with and enjoy what I'm given, isn't that the point? I try to be like that with everything. But here I am. I just have to admit that I was that bitch, try to do better, and move on.
tl;dr i'm a social retard i'm working on it ok
No. 637151
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I am doing terrible in my classes this semester. I keep flunking all my exams and I don’t know what the fuck I’m going to do. I am literally in a fucking piss poor college compared to my last one (had to move, long story), but I was getting A’s and B’s at the previous one. Pretty much the only difference is I’m having to go online thanks to covid. I swear to god I’m not as retarded as this semester is making me out to be, but goddamn this is fucking demoralizing.
No. 637159
>>637148Anon she's
>>637156 100% spot on don't let a fucking manlet make you feel less than. Would you let Ben Shapiro make you feel this way?
No. 637176
>>637156Tbf he didn't say it directly (he never does and has admitted to just lying to avoid conflict), but did somehow feel the need to introduce me to the woman he does have feelings for while the wound was still fresh and the difference was very obvious.
He's still my friend so I can't hate him for possibly just being tone deaf. I thought meeting her would make me feel better but it absolutely did not, clearly.
>>637159>Would you let Ben Shapiro make you feel this way?Anon you made me lose it on the bus at this
>>637161Honestly that's probably what hurts my ego so much about this.
Though he is sensitive/gentle and conventionally attractive in the face.
No. 637191
>>637183Bitch unless you have the shortest neck in the world there's a HUGE length difference between your shoulder height and chin. Even if she thought your ends were so scraggly she should have let you know what she was doing beforehand and advised of how much more she'd be cutting off.
She's a dumb cunt with scissors and gaslit you with a weak excuse so she wouldn't lose your coin. At least leave a bad review if you're not going to call that salon back and tell them what happened.
No. 637211
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Damn i'm so in love that it's taking over every little aspect of my life. I never knew i could want somebody as much as i do as him. Wasn't even trying to catch feelings, but now i get to call him mine & it makes me feel like i'm handling a small newborn kitten. He's so small & delicate. I don't wana fuck this up.
No. 637290
>>637277You're still extremely young anon. I'm sure you're intelligent and capable of taking care of yourself, but your brain literally won't stop developing until around your mid-20s. I think it's great that you're so self aware that you realize what you want out of life will almost certainly change between now and several years down the road. It's definitely worth considering.
I got married at a young age (20) and I absolutely regret it. I did end up learning about myself, but it took me far too long to realize my needs weren't being met and I was essentially just existing for the sake of supporting my partner. I wish I'd taken time to get to know myself before rushing into things and facing the many years of depression that followed.
I'm not implying your boyfriend is a bad person, but it's simply a fact that very few teenage relationships last because people change so much from their teens to mid/late 20s. There's no need to hurry and solidify things before you're ready; if he's the right person for you, he won't mind waiting for marriage. In fact, he should be happy that you want to be as certain as possible before committing to him. It would mean your relationship has changed from just a childhood crush to something more real, grounded and long lasting. I would try to pin down what you do want from a relationship, what you're currently getting/not getting from your boyfriend, and what you might potentially gain from seeing other people. Make a pros and cons list if you need to and decide what would be most beneficial to you from there.
No. 637316
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Gonna leave out the name of the game in case a salty mod member lurks lolcow.
Basically I was playing an MMORPG and I got scammed out of in-game currency by a few million because I utilized an autoprice feature that I had paid real money for. The scam goes: Someone makes a new account or gets their side to list a rare item for an artificially low price on the marketplace. Then they rely on other users using the autoprice feature to update the prices in their market pages without noticing the substantial drop on one or more rare items if there's a lot (plus they'll price innocuously so there's plausible deniability like making the price drop to $61k as opposed to $616.2k as originally so they can gaslight the victim into thinking they've made a mistake).
Obviously anyone paying real money for the autoprice feature is getting it precisely because THERE'S TOO MUCH SHIT THEY'RE SELLING TO CHECK INDIVIDUALLY, and to check everytime defeats the fucking purpose!
Whatever, I'm new so I made a topic about it on their help forums just to ask more about it, make sure I wasn't going crazy and other players actually do that, and to be careful about it in the future. I didn't name any names who did it despite my market history telling me who it was who bought from me. One particular user bought out an entire stock of my items and re-listed them in their market for the actual price. They had a lot of that particular item so clearly they take advantage of these sorts of "mistakes" quite often. Regardless if they did the markdown play or not, they benefited from this dishonesty. I checked their account and it looked like a typical side account to funnel in game currency to a main, but whatever, I didn't mention anything about them in my post.
Cue a bunch of people replying that it's common and a real thing but to basically watch my back because it's ultimately my responsibility to make sure things are priced well. Alright cool.
But then an admin shows up and tells me that he's banned users for doing this and asks me to submit a support ticket with the usernames so it can be investigated.
Great, so I submit the ticket with the names thinking someone on staff is aware of the situation.
Awhile later I get a fucking moderation warning that my post has been deleted because they said it wasn't hard to see what player I was referring to and that I'm targeting a player who could be completely innocent.
Fucking what? I posted no identification info at all on the forum and wasn't even specific about what items were bought or in what quantity so how was I "targeting" anybody when I was just asking a fucking question about a scam tactic?
Then an hour or so later some staff asshole replies to my support ticket and basically says oh someone else did it and repeated the same script I've read about it being on me to verify the price as if I didn't understand that from the beginning.
IMO I think someone on the mod team cheats and uses this as a soft loophole. Only the "wrong" people involved in this scam are the ones who face any consequence. I did some digging in the forums and it turns out people have posted about this scam before, but the staff aren't going to do shit to make a real solution. The best they can do is mark a drastic pricedown in red next to the item before updating the autoprice–but again, absolutely no one gets the feature because they want to scroll down on every individual page in their market to make sure no one is scamming. Fucking assholes.
No. 639507
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so i'm in this 2d art class and i'm pretty sure i did not follow the requirements for that class, so i'm probably going to get a low grade but it'll be the prettiest low grade i'll ever get since my design looks sort of cute. everyone else posted their designs online and i feel really insecure because i'm an absolute moron who can't follow instructions while everyone else is fucking Da Vinci
kind of doubting if i should even be in an art-related career.. maybe I made a mistake???
No. 639539
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I'm obsessed with physical appearance (my own and other peoples) to the point of dysfunction. When I see someone the first thing I analyse about them is how attractive they are, what's "wrong" with their face/body, and what I'd do to fix it. Or on rare occasions obsess about how perfect they are and tinfoil about what they might do in terms of diet, exercise, skin routine, etc. I go back and forth between thinking they must be doing a load of shit I've no idea I should also be doing and thinking that's preposterous and that everything comes natural to them and I'm just born to be ugly.
I put on make up in the morning coz societal condishuhnning but then I have to cover up my mirror or I'll waste hours navelgazing. Also I can't recognise myself in pictures and don't even want to believe it's my face I'm seeing so I avoid them to where friends and family find it weird and off putting.
I hate my fucking life.