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No. 63520
>>63497Oh? He publicly made fun of Hillary for having to go to the bathroom, saying it's too disgusting to talk about.
You want a guy who's too immature to deal with the fact that humans piss and shit to be running a country?
No. 63521
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Martin o'malley best candidate. Actual action plans rather than solely hot air like that bernie cuck.
Too bad because of idiocracy he'll never win.
No. 63522
>>63520I don't care what he jokes about, Hillary Clinton was Sec of State when the US actively aided and abetted the so called "Arab Spring" that created the power vacuum that is still creating chaos today.
You're everything wrong with the modern west.
"Oh, Hillary Clinton is a complete incompetent retard whose policies have led to massive regional instability and Islamist populists gaining power, but Donald Trump said something mean about her, that means he's worse."
Fucking idiot.
No. 63531
>>63529America still has huge leverage it could potentially use in trade negotiations because of the size of its internal market.
It just has to go back to how things were under the Monroe Doctrine. America's backyard is Latin and South America. It shouldn't involve itself in foreign affairs outside of that region.
No. 63562
>>63560>ineptHis economic policy is far more coherent than anything any of the other candidates have come up with:
>"Lol let's keep getting cucked by 'free trade'">"Lol let's spend billions sending people to college to study useless degrees."
>Move to DenmarkPlease don't, they actually have some of the strictest immigration criteria in Europe, we don't need American liberal girls fucking it up.
No. 63566
>>63520I don't understand why people are so hung up on his sense of humor.
Ya, he's a crass guy. Who cares?
He can deal with the fact that she was going to the bathroom. It was just a joke.
>>63555> including the retrograde political ideology Well if you want some newage political ideology, you can go to Canada, see how well they're faring. Just because some ideas are popular in the common culture doesn't mean they make good policies for a country to enact.
No. 63571
>>63565Where there's a will, there's a way.
By the way, no serious state on earth would accept 20,000,000 people entering their country and then say "fuck it, let's give them all citizenship anyway lel".
The latter, you know, the mainstream discourse on the issue, is far more insane than anything Trump has said. You've just been stuck in a leftist hugbox for so long you interpret that as reality. You need to travel outside of North America and Western Europe and see the world how it really is.
I assure you it isn't a place where "anti racism and LGBT" reigns supreme.
No. 63596
Trump is entertaining, but I am scared just thinking about him handling international diplomacy
>>63521This tbh
No. 63613
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>>63565Everything Trump is doing is pretty much political theater, and he is not serious about anything he says. Crazy stuff comes out of his mouth whenever his polls drop, it's really quite predictable
Why is he doing that? Because he's a freaking liberal running for GOP nomination. Trump supports abortion, gun control, universal healthcare, raising capital gains taxes, and even supports gay marriage. Unlike Hillary he's a isolationist peacenik that doesn't want to start a war with Iran & mess with Russia.
Unlike the other republicans, he has no political base so he creates his own through demagoguery. I find it amusing because his GOP opponents with better conservative 'credentials' are losing to a complete outsider. The republican establishment is also pretty fucking scared because a Trump nomination will shift the GOP demographic to the left permanently, regardless if he wins (he already brought in tons of blue collar labor union folks, which traditionally goes for democrats)
No. 63629
>>63566>>63571>>63613I'm only speaking for myself here, but… if the Republicans moderated their tone on a few choice social issues and foreign policy, I'd vote for them in every election. Beyond LGBT/women's rights and not totally abolishing welfare, there's not a whole lot tying me to the dems. I imagine I'm not the only one who thinks like this. The Republicans are essentially the less bigger government party anyways.
I think the GOP is more scared of Cruz being the future of the Republican party than Trump.
No. 63636
>>63613Trump wants to defund Planned Parenthood and he is anti-abortion, so I have no idea where you got that from. He was pro-choice, a decade ago.
source: also isn't for gun control, or healthcare. He is also and anti-vaxxer.
No. 63660
>>63629The ideological purists backs Cruz because he is seen as more 'pure' when it comes to conservative values (see latest issue of National Review w/ 22 shills), but the elected GOP congressmen who rub shoulders with him everyday all hate his guts. That's pretty telling of Cruz's personality
Donald Trump is an opportunist, no doubt about it. But I'd sooner vote for him than Hillary. Here's to hoping that Bernie can defeat the Democratic establishment
No. 63669
>>63660Yeah. IMO, the GOP doesn't know what they want the future to look like. I think the Republicans know that nationally, the Democrats are likely to win the presidency. They don't want to turn off the base. Rubio isn't a strong enough candidate. They don't want to back Trump or Cruz. They've got solid control of Congress but that's just a byproduct of them having a fantastic state and local machine. So the path forward isn't clear, giving Trump room to run.
Sad to say, but I think the Republicans have a better internal debate going on than the Dems. I don't think Bernie is gonna win. The Dems really needed a 2008 primary. They have a 2000 primary instead. I wish Hildawg hadn't run. I think once the generals start, so many skeletons are gonna come out of the closet you'd think it was Thriller.
No. 63693
>>63686Actually I'm Aussie and just don't give a fuck what happens to your train wreck of a country.
Enjoy your anti-vaxxer future emperor anon.
No. 63699
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No. 63876
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>>63520>2016>Not having a pissing funnel so you can effectively compete with men by writing your name in the snow>>63845But its true, I am. God bless the chins, where else could my masturbation habbits influence politics and become national news?
>>63845>she just covers up the hairBut she didnt, have you ever seen how hairy arab grills arms get?
Who else trumphat here
No. 63931
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Trump won't win and Bernie won't win.
I hope there's a political snafu and the lizard people reveal themselves as our true overlords.
No. 64341
>>63940/pol/ is… surprisingly influential outside of 4chan
I see /pol/ content and memes in places I wouldn't expect.
No. 64350
>>64342Fox News made a big deal about that Planned Parenthood scandal a few months ago. (Selling aborted fetuses to research institutions for profit? That was really dumb on the part of PP) There is no way any serious GOP contender can stand up and defend Planned Parenthood
Keep in mind your average democratic supporter thinks PP is synonymous with feminism with the women's health services they provide to low income people. In the other hand, your Fox News viewer pretty much thinks killing babies is the only thing Planned Parenthood does.
>Conservative leaning chink>Support abortion since it's our only weapon against dysgenics No. 64429
>>64362Black women on welfare make the vast majority of women who receive abortions.
I don't know about you, but less unwanted babies growing up in ghettos seems like a win to me. Outlawing abortion will make the population of poor and uneducated explode
No. 64431
>>64342They provide cancer screenings, STD tests, and birth control to a lot of people. Since most states still teach abstinence only education, it is very necessary.
But this thread is full of conservative trolls.
No. 64501
>>64361Labour is full of effete cucks and SNP don't deserve to call themselves nationalists
the Tories are as cucked as Labour is these days. "oh, let's take a hard stand on immigration and only import 200k violent third world mongrels instead of 2 million."
Labour has fucked themselves with Corbyn. they literally restricted membership before the vote because they were afraid of Conservatives registering and voting for him to fuck over Labour. turns out they didn't even need to.
No. 64575
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Glory oh Glory our savory is coming.
No. 64588
>>64429Abortion is never gonna be outlawed.
Whether a candidate is pro-choice or pro-life is pretty irrelevant. I think it's gross how some women will literally vote for someone based on if they approve of scrambling babies or not.
>inb4 bundle of cells not a bb baaaw No. 64761
>>64588Not to start a debate over this, but…
I do support abortion in most cases, but where can you draw the line? Aborting a fetus/baby 5 minutes before its expected delivery time would be considered bad by many people (excluding issues of it having a horrible defect or having a high risk of killing the mother), since it's essentially no longer a fetus. I suppose some people may genuinely think killing infants is also alright, in which case it wouldn't be a contradictory opinion to hold, but I believe most people in the West find infant killing unethical.
But in the first month, it's not even close to a baby, and so seems far more reasonable to abort.
What about the middle stage? How do you know when its brain starts to develop? When does it develop some degree of consciousness and awareness and sensation of pain or pleasure?
Most people seem to agree that before the third trimester it probably can't be considered conscious, which may turn out to be true in most cases, but it's interesting to think about. How can one objectively judge when it becomes an actual "human"?
No. 64807
>>64793>Strawman>No one is trying to get an abortion days before their due date. I'm well aware of that. To reiterate again, I genuinely have no issue with abortion in most cases, and think it's acceptable. I was not trying to use that as an example to attack abortion, but rather just to present a thought experiment: first day is considered obviously ethical by most (secular) people, last day is considered obviously unethical by most secular or religious people. The point is that "humanity" and awareness is a continuous variable and a sliding scale.
Obviously, almost no one aborts at such a late stage. But as you keep adding days and weeks, when does it turn into a baby instead of a fetus? Could there be some cases where a fetus is aborted just a day after it develops enough neurons and enough connections that it becomes conscious? I think it's an area that needs more research, since we genuinely don't know the answer. Maybe they're not conscious until the last 4 weeks. Maybe it's right at the cusp of the third trimester for most fetuses. Maybe it's earlier for some, though that's probably unlikely. I'm in the "into the third trimester is probably risky" camp, but again, it's not objectively known at this point. There's some research into ability to automatically respond to stimuli and to pain, but that's different.
It's somewhat complicated by the fact that a fetus is heavily sedated and effectively asleep until it's actually born. If a brain has the potential to be conscious, but is comatose, is it really conscious? If no, then it could actually be considered ethical to kill a fetus even a day before it's born, just as it is to kill a comatose but otherwise functioning human if there's no expectation they'll recover from the coma. If there is a chance they could recover, one could say "well, since the future potential to enter a conscious state exists, we can't kill them", though by the same argument one could say even a zygote has the future potential to enter a conscious state.
It gets even more complicated if you use self-awareness as a qualifier rather than mere awareness. By that logic, just as one could consider it justifiable to kill an aware, but not
self-aware, animal like a pig or cow, the same person could argue it's no better or worse to kill a newborn infant. In fact, even killing a 6 month old infant could potentially be argued for by that rationale.
I'm not saying I believe any of those things. I just find it interesting to consider what criteria we use to judge whether it's acceptable to kill a lifeform, human or otherwise.
No. 64847
>>64807Consciousness is arbitrary and hard to pin down. Even if a fetus has some form of consciousness, it has no experiences, speech, language, or comprehension of what is going on around it. In other words, the lights are on, but nobody is home.
To me, a fetus is all but a parasite until it is viable outside of the womb at reasonable amount. Very few premature babies survive before 22 weeks, so I think up to 20 weeks is a reasonable cut off date for normal, average abortions.
Late term abortions can be received at medical necessity.
No. 66503
>>63521I'm a democrat and a liberal. O'Malley was my governor, and I would NEVER vote him. He's a slimeball.
He'd be more able to compromise and implement something realistic, but he's the definition of a sleazy politicking shill, just like Hillary. Even if some of Bernie's plans are not realistic, his intentions and his personality are genuine, and that's why I'm voting for him.
No. 68493
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>mfw New Hampshire
No. 68494
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>>68436Sorry Bernie supporters.
Looks like Hillary is still going to get nominated
No. 68508
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>>68494top kek
so much for "historic victory," you slimy reptilian kike
No. 68627
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No. 68746
>>68743As a uni student I agree that 100%
I'm not exactly fascist hitler, but if you go against the grain there in any way you're going to have a bad time
I thought all the SJW garbage was just /pol/ memes but it's really even worse than I thought it would be.
I took psych as a gen ed and we had to all stand up and give our pronouns along with our name
No. 68763
>>68753Last semester
I wish I took a picture. It had a big list like He/his, them/their, she/her, zi/zer/ xi/en, etc. There was a good dozen of them
Everyone in my class was a shitlord and chose nonmeme pronouns. If I was more outgoing I would have liked to be called ze
No. 70477
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No. 70725
>>707192008: mccain is old he'll die in office u dumb republicans
fuuuuuck that
No. 72893
>>72663>>63565>>Uhhmm we'll just force Mexico to pay or something.. Just trust me Taxing remitances and import/exports. Its pretty fucking simple, something like 75% of Mexico's exports go to the US, and there are plenty of wetbacks sending monies to their families.
>He also isn't for gun controlHe is one of the few people who managed to get a concealed carry permit in NYC of all places
>>63629>identity politic's rightsSJW plz go
>>68738>black>peoplepick one
>>68970The proper pronouns for the A10 is GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! and BRRRRRRT. Warthog is just part of its name shitlord.
>>72663I got 3 seconds in and between her voice and the way she is talking I had to stop.
No. 73308
>>63374I'm not american but I love trump. He's a good man with a lot of energy. I hope he gets to make america great again. Even if he doesn't get elected, he still has touched many hearts and minds.
He's the president of my heart.
No. 73316
>>73308he is also the president of my own heart
u have great taste
No. 74777
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>tfw hillary will win
No. 74840
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No. 75479
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This cracked me up today
After this George is trying to play the victim and posted that image as an example of Trump's fans being psycopaths
No. 75531
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>>75530Leave Yeb alone ;__;
No. 75554
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>>75486>>75492I think this statement should be corrected.
It's only free speech when a minority does it AND he/she supports 'our' (leftist) side. some minority goes against leftist dogma, they're automatically an Uncle Tom and they should be ignored and silenced
No. 75574
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>>74763i really fucking hate hilary
>she was in the gun trade with isis so she could let them destroy libya>she lied on her twitter about illegal immagrants shooting at her>she threatened the women who slept with bill so they would keep quiet>every organization she has been in had immediately lost millions suspiciously right whenever she gets to be in charge>she always takes a vacation right after the money gets "lost">she made rape jokes on her twitter multiple times>was trying to make relationships with areas in Afghanistan and one of which was a child rapist apparentlygod, atleast trump is fucking honest and not pretending to be a lib yet he is the one that gets all the shit
No. 75887
>>75574I have can't believe people are voting for that corrupt piece of shit Hillary
Is it really just because she's fucking woman?
No. 75895
>>75479George Lopez likes to go on about how American "pilgrims" fucked North America up a lot, doesn't he?
Where do these "Hispanics" get off thinking they're descendants of the fucking Aztecs? Do they even realize how brutal Mesoamerican societies were?
No. 75916
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Is anyone else getting sick of people comparing Trump to Hitler? This shit is all over my Facebook feed
They actually think Trump is going to kill all non-whites and nuke the world or something
Like, Jesus Christ people are so melodramatic
No. 75954
>>75916Honestly, they're just trying to "prove" that the Republican Party is going under.
I would argue, just to piss everyone off, that everything-for-free Sanders getting so popular among certain demographics is "proof" that the Democratic Party is going under, but I do try to be intellectually honest.
No. 75972
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No. 75981
>>75959I'm not even a Trump supporter but I want to see him win just to piss off leftists in general.
Remember in 2008 when all the progressives claimed they'd move to Canada if McCain won? Sorry Canada, nothing personal, but I actually do want to see them try to immigrate en masse over there for the "free healthcare" and alleged socialist paradise. Northern border crisis if you will.
No. 75983
>>75963I mean…his mother was white as snow, his dad was an educated Kenyan, and they wanted to make him the poster child for successful black inner city Americans?
Ben Carson fits the role much better, but race traitor Uncle Tom, blah blah blah.
No. 75988
>>75981Pretty much this
The leftist butthurt he causes everyday is just too good
No. 76057
>>76054>Is this really how America thinks?Yes. I asked my mom why she was voting for Obama in '12. I said she could have been naive enough to believe what he said the first time around, but since then hes proven to be a faggier version of Bush the second. She replied that she was voting out of spite. This attitude is common and has been this way since i've been alive at least ('83). They vote for the perceived lesser of two evils, but at the end of the day are still voting for evil, and are perfectly fine with it.
It has to do with the whole 'dont waste your vote' propaganda statist shills parrot any chance they get. What they're too retarded to realize is that the politicians they elect in to office abstain from votes all the time, because both choices are bullshit.
>build fencesits a wall. we already have fences, they're easy to cut holes in.
>hates the poor (because c'mon, I don't believe he doesn't for one second)you have zero sources.
>it's better to choose the least worst option rather than the worst why would anyone vote for the worst option?
>So edgyI'm sorry but you just have to go back to the other side of the wall.
No. 76059
>>76057Didn't he want to build a wall around Mexico and make Mexico pay for it? How the fuck is this even supposed to work?
>you have zero sources.Oh please tell me you have sources that Donald Trump would do anything for poor working class aside from his "no tax for under $25000" promise.
I might not have sources but he is rich, has a rich background and I don't believe for a second he knows or cares much about for anyone not being rich or privileged (thx tumblr for ruining that word 5ever, sorry).
>I'm sorry but you just have to go back to the other side of the wall.>If we build a wall and try to prevent immigration, everything will work out fine!! Al the evil will have to stay out!!!Please tell me, when has this ever helped, ever? Isn't there still fucktons of illegal immigration all over the world? And look how Europe is flooded with illegal immigration, hell even Turkey and Turkey doesn't want
any of them. And we already try our best to get them back to their homecountries and prevent them from coming but still, it's not helping.
Maybe I'm too Eurofag for all of this but please, tell me why the hell anyone would really want to vote for Trump, aside from "all the other politicians are totes shit!" and some vague reasons like "he's telling the mean truth". I am legit interested in the appeal of this guy for you
No. 76060
>>76059>Please tell me, when has this ever helped, ever? Isn't there still fucktons of illegal immigration all over the world? And look how Europe is flooded with illegal immigration, hell even Turkey and Turkey doesn't want any of them. And we already try our best to get them back to their homecountries and prevent them from coming but still, it's not helping.They come here because their passage incentivized by liberal policies towards asylum and settlement. Look at the spike in inflows after Merkel said they would accept anyone in 2015.
It's the same reason "refugees" from SEA don't even bother applying in NEA states anymore. They just bypass them completely and go to America instead.
I don't think you realise just how permissive the West as a whole is comparative to the rest of the world as far as immigration and naturalisation goes. Take it from someone with a law degree.
No. 76062
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>>76059>Didn't he want to build a wall around Mexico and make Mexico pay for it? How the fuck is this even supposed to work?Taxes? Something like 75% of their exports go to the US. And tons of spics here send remittances back to Mexico.
>Oh please tell me you have sources that Donald Trump would do anything for poor working class aside from his "no tax for under $25000" promise.You made the argument he hates poor people. Now instead of providing sources as requested, you're putting words in my mouth and are trying to construct a strawman.
>I might not have sourcesSo you hate Trump because your TV/kikebook/whatever told you to?
> privilegedAnd this is why we need two walls. So people like you can't escape to canada, and the right wing death squads can take care of them.
>Please tell me, when has this ever helped, ever?Worked pretty well for the Jews.
>And look how Europe is flooded with illegal immigration, hell even Turkey and Turkey doesn't want any of themAnd they dont have walls.
>And we already try our best to get them back to their homecountries and prevent them from coming but still, it's not helping.Which is why you need death squads. That'll not only prevent them from coming, but it'll encourage most of them to go back from whence they came.
> tell me why the hell anyone would really want to vote for TrumpI'm an anarchist and dont vote, but i'd love it if he took care of the H1B visa problem. I used to work at BlueCross BlueShield and got pic related in my email one day.
No. 76065
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>>76054>it's better to choose the least worst option rather than the worstHence the vote for Trump. He's least worst option out of all of them
Tell me which candidate do you really think is better than Trump?
And don't say Hillary. She'll make George W. Bush look like Gandhi when it comes to starting more wars.
>>76062Pretty edgy
No. 76070
>>76068I got that off KC
And perhaps the whole universe doesn't revolve around your pol
No. 76073
>>76070The anime trump memes are definitely 100% /pol/ see
>>63699. There are routinely threads with people getting others to shoop them on to their waifus. Do you really think some tea partyfag is shooping trump hats on to obscure(?) anime (Upotte!) waifus?
No. 77395
You know what he meant- of course, he meant Romney to suck his dick!
Trump emasculates Rubio all the time to imply that Rubio is gay.
Don’t play dumb, folks….
“excuse me, you dropped to your knees?”
“Yes,” Russell Brand answered.
Several seconds later, the lascivious Trump continued:
“Must be a pretty picture, you dropping to your knees.”
Trump Gets AIDS In Sacha Baron Cohen's Latest Film And Sony Is Freaking Out TRASHING TRUMP
No. 77665
>Trump Rally In ChicagoAlright fags, Trump is having a rally in Chicago next Friday the 11th. If you want to go you better get your tickets NOW. It is at the UIC Pavilion which seats either 7,000 or 9,500 depending on who you ask. There is going to be a large protest by BLM, the liberals and all the other fags here in Chicago. There are currently 6,500+ protestors who said they would go, 11,000+ interested and 29,000+ invited. The protest was only announced yesterday so i'm sure they'll get up to over 10,000 going by Friday. The protestors are all claiming tickets, so if you want a ticket you need to register NOW. Who knows how many protestors will actually show up but considering Chicago's demographics - both racial and political i'm sure it will be a shit show with lots of them being escorted out, and there is a good chance people will be turned away due to over capacity. If you're looking to hang out with other /pol/acks at the rally then send a email to for coordinating where we will meet up before.
Doors open at 3PM, rally begins at 6PM. It would probably be a good idea to show up there before 3PM considering the number of potential protestors.
>Where to register for free tickets
>Where to watch the protestor counter grow No. 78377
>>78373>Which is hilariously hopeless from a country that's 60% white (with a good portion of those people being hispanic). It works in China and Japan because of their native dominance.Two points here, America used to be around 90% white.
Second point is that our elites are doing the same thing to Europe too, where our countries have been 99.9% white for virtually all of history. So it's hardly a matter of American nativism not really making sense. It's just an all out assault on white demographics in general.
No. 79868
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Chicago being classy as always
No. 80023
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>>80019Not to discredit the rest of the video, but the YOURE A WHITE FUCKING MALE killed me
Also award for most punchable face goes to…
No. 80084
>>80029And Taiwan was 99% Austronesian at one point too, can you believe that?
And Guangdong was 99% Vietnamese at one point as well.
And North Africa wasn't always 99% Arabic-speaking populations as well!
It's almost like you have selective outrage or something…
No. 80103
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>>80084Well done reinforcing her point, jackass.
No. 80183
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No. 80228
>>80103What point was that? She never made a point.
That places have been conquered and colonized by all races?
No. 80236
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>>80228Her point was you picked an arbitrary point in time that was convenient for your own argument. Are you the guy from the white people problems thread?
No. 90092
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>>80412Cruz just threw in the towel. Meanwhile Sanders continues to erode into Hillary's lead.
I would love to see what Hillary thinks of her current situation
No. 90095
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>>90092>erodeshe's still up around 300 pledged delegates you fucking idiot, commie cuck sanders only netted around 5 delegates today
democratic race is almost over
No. 90176
>>90159I can't be angry with you, the fact that Trump has the nomination is enough to have me happy for at least a week. I know I didn't made myself clear because this isn't my native language, but fuck it.
>>90112Anon, did you read all of it? Besides, China might be the biggest economic power, but the fact that American culture has the vast majority of influence around the world, and that most people consume products such as movies or television that come from that nation makes them incredibly popular, and gives people the illusion that such nation is the biggest superpower in the world. USA might be on a deficient state right now -economically speaking-, but normal people don't care about that. They control the media, they control the thoughts.
No. 90231
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How do you justify planning to vote for this lying piece of shit?
No. 90248
I am researching about the Donald Trump and I read this wikipedia page During my research I concluded that the Mahdi IS in the body of "Donald Trump ". Do you agree with my conclusion that he is the mahdi?
>In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي, ISO 233: mahdī "guided one") is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for five, seven, nine, or nineteen years (according to differing interpretations)[1][2] before the Day of Judgment (yawm al-qiyamah / literally, the Day of Resurrection)[3] and will rid the world of evil. No. 90249
>>90245are you telling me when they said 'mostly true' they were lying and actually meant 'false'? or that when you make a statement less specific and more open ended than one rated as subjectively true, that makes it objectively false?
>somehow you can't trust trump but you can trust this thing: politifact is a paragon of virtue and you should base your opinion on it's reports
No. 90265
>>90249>>90250Please, stop samefagging. You do know there's a difference between corporate tax and all tax, right?
>are you telling me when they said 'mostly true' they were lying and actually meant 'false'?>by that logic you could say that trumps statement is true even though it actually is falseJust what the fuck are you on about?
No. 90266
>because of the quality of benefits that are returned to citizensThat's pretty much where
all taxes are theoretically going to. By your definition tax might as well not exist since there won't be any differences. I'm not sure if you've thought this through lmao
No. 90304
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No. 90306
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No. 90629
More woke black people
No. 90635
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I love Trump, I really do. Let me tell you, he's a great guy, he really is. And he's right. We need to build a wall, and we can't let these people continue to cross our borders without knowing how they are. And who's going to pay for the wall?
No. 97450
>>97439Yeah, I can understand disagreeing with him on some other areas. I know people on the radical right who are 100% behind state gun-control for example, but what is happening to western nations shouldn't even be considered a matter of political partisanship. It's not a right or left issue to say that allowing tens of millions of undocumented people into your country and then just saying "fuck it, let them have citizenship" is a fucking stupid idea.
No non-western state on earth would accept this. It's not a matter of political affiliation, it's a matter of common sense.