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No. 635104
Unpopular Opinions #33
>>>/ot/625008Keep in mind site rules as well as recent Farmhand additions;
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 635243
>>635228Kids are allowed to know what a penis is but not a vagina. Start 'em young. No one is saying
>go into depth about sexual organs with kidsLiterally just teach the kids proper names for their genitals. Head, shoulders, knees, toes, penis, vagina. It's not degenerate, it's normal. You can still refer to them as private areas and name them properly.
No. 635278
>>635228I was taught as a young child that us girls have vaginas and boys had penises, it wasn't anything different from being taught about having knees and arms. There was absolutely 0 sexual about it.
>>635196>you can definitely teach them it's bad for someone to touch those areas while also teaching them the actual names.exactly
Personally I think nothing good comes from teaching kids that they can call their knees, knees and their eyes, eyes, but they can't call their genitals for what they are.
No. 635279
>>635187Worked out great for my Catholic mother. She called them "privates" without explaining what they are or what they do, shrouded the area with tones of guilt and shame, and then wondered why I couldn't go to her when I was molested as a child. Then did a lot of rebellious sexual exploration that got me into big time trouble when I was a teen.
Would've been great to know my body and felt I could ask uncomfortable questions, instead of being whitewashed with modest and religious hooha.
No. 635738
>>635342that's not like, a normal thing in the church
and i don't think anyone has it worse than muslim girls
No. 635761
>>635332this is more of a cultural issue in my opinion. I'm from a muslim family and have muslim friends from all different walks of life (loving families,
abusive, controlling and super religious, etc) and usually the ones who have moms who tip toe around ever mentioning anything relating to being a woman around men are usually culturally influenced or very FOBBY. Same goes for those who are suddenly shipped overseas to marry a rando when they "misbehave"; It's usually cultural bullshit. Do you think your mom is truly like that because of religion or culture? Just curious.
No. 636016
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I think its poc women who have whiter fever and not the other way around
No. 636023
>>636016"White fever"
This is gross anon. Cut this shit out and stop thinking like this.
No. 636026
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>>636022>>636022Im not baiting. I genuinely fascinated by this. What is wrong with these women?
No. 636038
>>636026Imagine thinking this is the norm and not just some degenerate women or, like
>>636030 said, scrote fantasies. Also if shes's a Native SW it could be part of making money from white scrotes fetishizing her. Doesn't make it the norm you fucking loon, stop baiting.
No. 636044
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>>636016>>636026I mean, are we basing things off of random girls in pics/vids and stuff like you posted? Because I don't think that is a game anyone wants to play. It leads places.
No. 636051
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>>636048Its not white men making these posts.
>>636044Not just stuff posted online. You can also see poc activists(AOC as an example) who screech about white males while also dating them. Even white supremacists have caught on to this pattern.
No. 636057
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>>636051>mentally ill white supremacists who make constant coomer threads about wanting to "bleach", "breed out" and "colonize" women of other races (and often have a bizarre obsession with Asian women and/or children) obsessing over the prevalence of underage self-hating Tik Tok girls/SJW women dating outside their raceImagine my surprise. Don't forget that the very same community "caught on" to this, too.
No. 636100
>>636051Based, anon.
Women are already conditioned to seek male approval, but women of color even moreso in order to assimilate into the Western/white world. Society shills white men as ideal re: aesthetics, values, and status, so it’s no wonder women of color play along, even if they don’t realize it.
I’m Asian and all the 20 to 30yo women in my extended family have white bfs and husbands. Not other POC of course, because Asians respect whites and disregard or outright dislike other POC.
Tbh I don’t think it’s necessarily hypocritical to point out the privileges of white men while also being attracted to them, but ONLY being attracted to whites no questions asked is a brainlet way to live.
No. 636294
>>636127I was just thinking this. Same shit, different packaging.
>Brooding Cool Girl who's not like OTHER preppy pop stars!!! She doesn't GIVE A SHIT>she writes ALL her songs and picks her wardrobe ALL by herself!!! because she's INDEPENDENT>forced curse words that don't sit with the speech and a fake monotone, intentionally lowered talking voice >Music that's sort of edgy but still easily palatable mainstream pop song>Overnight mainstream musical career success nobody could explainI mean I'm old enough not to care about ~posers~ but the way this keeps happening with each generation and kids lapping it up just makes me extremely cynical about the music industry AND journalism as so many articles written about her praise her from an "unique artist" standpoint like someone was handing them a wad of cash under the table.
No. 636308
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People with big curly hair who make it their personality are so fucking annoying. Like everything they post is about their hair and whatever products they use.
>meet friends friend for the first time
>she has straightened her hair and wore it in braids
>proceeds to whip out phone and show me her “OMG CURLZZZ FOR DAYZZZ”
>many such cases
I have curly hair too but holy shit these bitches make me cringe
No. 636310
>>636288Dated someone who let his son eat adult portions of fast food, he'd buy him those big 'share bags' of sweets and just let him finish the whole thing in a sitting right before bed. The kid had no control over his portions, was overweight. The parents were in denial about his weight. I got it in the neck one day when I tried to have a word with the dad in private.
When he was 11 he started up a lil youtube channel (lied about his age, he was big anyway) and he constantly got comments under the vids calling him fat…dad made out like they were imagining it. Then they started fat-bashing random women when we'd go out to eat. The two of them with their large portions and growing guts.. oblivious and happily bonding over bashing fat women. What an experience that was.
No. 636314
>>636295I don’t have a problem if t double ice cream scoop is a special treat, but when it’s like
>cereal for breakfast>freezer chicken nuggets and fruit snacks for lunch>pizza for dinner Every day. It’s just disgusting. I see moms on instagram posting their “healthy lunch!!1” that’s like freezer tendies, graham crackers, desert… and two baby carrots.
I also seethe when parents be like
>my kid doesn’t eat vegetables, but they eat fruit all the time!Bitch of course they do, it’s sugar. Or
>kids won’t eat that “healthy” stuff! They’ll only eat spider branded fruit snacks! It’s been this way since the Middle Ages uwu Or worst of all
>he’s a BOY they eat (nothing but highly processed artery blocking) MEAT No. 636315
>>636308My hair has been about an inch long for the longest time now. I just like how easy it is. I don't relate to any type of hair talk anymore. A friend will get her hair cut and it'll be right above her shoulders instead of right at her shoulders and she'll vent to me and nearly cry… I listen but in my head I'm just ??
And it occurs to me they must think I'm really ugly given my choice of no hair lol
No. 636364
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Omikron is the best David Cage game
No. 636391
>>636386What if they just like feminine aesthetics..?
Unless you mean in a way that is obviously only to appeal to the male gaze, in which case I kind of agree.
No. 636396
>>636389I meant beauty standards by the media. In the past the beauty standards placed on white women by the icons who were promoted were women like Audrey Hepburn, Sharon Tate, Bridget Bardot, Sofia Loren, ect now it's women who look more relatable I guess, even the models. Someone like Emma Watson, Jennifer Lawrence, Anna Kendricks, ect wouldn't be considered a beauty in the past because there was a higher prerequisite to be a bombshell by the media.
It should go to other ethnicities (especially the ones living in the West) but beauty standards for black women has become intense with the IG bbl look becoming the default and black girls requiring to have the best presentation and coke bottle shape at all times to be considered attractive. In the black american community in the past a black woman didn't need to have a huge ass with a weave and heavy drag queen makeup to be considered attractive, now she has to have all of that and be mixed most likely.
Also there is east asia with the skin bleaching and cutting up the faces that doesn't look nearly close to a natural east asian face to me, especially south korea.
sorry if its hard to understand
No. 636417
>>636396Oh! That makes sense! I thought you mean just in terms of wearing makeup, not who/what the people look like. I see what you're saying, and you're not wrong. Kardashians have a lot to do with it with American women, which is so weird because they adopt black features despite being white women and set the beauty standard there for both. East Asians and their idols having plastic faces is just so sad, to the point that plastic surgery is the norm in South Korea even for middle class normies.
That said, I notice that a lot of people are starting to put less conventional looking celebs on a pedestal as well simply for not looking perfect, like Mikayla Coel, but they're an anomaly.
No. 636418
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Sometimes I think both female and male authors write male characters so much more interesting, especially in media that garners fandoms like games, anime, comics, etc.
I never really experienced it myself but I can sometimes see why young women get drawn to the idea of gender fluidity or turning into a fakeboi or something. Unless it’s a “normal life” type story, all the cool and interesting characters who impact the plot are mostly male and female characters are love interests, “self insert” types, and / or make up only like a quarter of the cast.
Pic unrelated lol
No. 636515
>>636418>all the cool and interesting characters who impact the plot are mostly male and female characters are love interests, “self insert” types, and / or make up only like a quarter of the cast. Honestly yeah, it's kind of sad. But I don't really care about the characters' gender.
>>636463I agree but unfortunately it looks like we're going back to the old cancer.
No. 636536
>>636418I was thinking about this topic today actually. What people find "well written women" to be is completely varied. For example with GoT, my friends all say Daenerys is the best written woman and their arguments all boil down to "she's badass lol". To me it's Sansa. But my male friends sperged out about how much of a "dumb bitch" she is. If a character is ever weak or annoying (even in a realistic moment of weakness) they call the character badly written.
Male characters aren't viewed as annoying when they have moments of weakness. This gives authors the freedom to give them steeper growth arcs
No. 636542
>>636536God, Fandoms are so sexist it's nauseating.
>any female character who isn't a 10/10 bombshell or a overall completely strong and flawless character with no true vices outside of being "shy" or something lol
>any male character even if he's weak, obnoxious, retarded, actually badly written, sociopathic, ect
>fans: Y'know what, he's actually really cool!What's sad is that the female fans play into this garbage too. Female characters have to be written within the confinements of flawlessness while male characters can be as spotted, morally gray, truly flawed, whatever, as much as they want. I'm so fucking sick of this.
No. 636543
>>636418They DO write male characters better. Writers are always holding out on female characters because either A) the male author can't see women as human for whatever reason and only remove them to their gender role expectations and looks or B) they always write female characters with restrictions and limitations in mind due to the basis on their femininity.
I don't know if its in part a fault of how women are reared to be in society (we're taught to control many of our personality traits from birth while men don't really get that) or people really just hate women like that, or both.
No. 636546
>>636418I always enjoyed male characters more, like as a kid I envied them, wanted to be them (maybe also found them attractive) and only later I realized that I never felt this way about female characters.
Nowadays I always try to be lenient or open towards female characters but they're often so flawed, that only seldomly happens with men.
>>636542We're not talking about complaining that female characters aren't strong enough, it's more like they're often mary-sueish, weird, have a very unnatural or am extremely predictable way of thinking/acting…
No. 636547
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I hate it when tumblr/fandoms portray homosexual/slash pairings as more passionate and sensually-focused than heterosexual pairings. Oftentimes I will see a pic of a gay couple and they will be drawn all into each other in a heated way while the straight ship just has some boring hand holding shit. The only passionate heterosexual shit you get to see is NSFW crap made by braindead scrotes. A lot of women in fandoms seem to prefer slash pairings or the fairytale Disney romance type of straight ships. I would LOVE to see passionately drawn images for a straight ship through the female gaze for once.
No. 636561
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Playing dudes isn't even that bad. Especially if you're single. Fuck them men
No. 636578
>>636546I always felt the same, anon. Female characters were always bland, wooden NPCs with zero agency outside of the obligatory "main character's love interest does exactly 1 thing in order not to look like a helpless damsel in distress", male characters get to be fun detectives, explorers and adventurers with colourful personalities.
I hated most girl characters in any media I consumed as a child because their personalities were often just "she is nice and pretty" or jokes like "she nags xD and talks about fashion xDddd" and nothing else, for the longest time I thought I was the only one who thought this way due to internalised misogyny but that's not the case. The 70s and 90s tried to change that but in the 2000s and later it just got worse.
You know it's bloody sad when I Love Lucy had a better written female protagonist than some of the mainstream sitcoms of the 2000s.
Semi-related: Disney villainesses were a lot more colourful and fun than the female protagonists.
No. 636582
>>636578Honestly the 80s did too. The 80s often did the "strong-woman" or "wild-woman" approach which really was the exact opposite of the pre-70s decades.
Somehow everything regressed in the fucking 2000s and 2010s when it came to how girls were represented and I just don't fucking know why.
No. 636610
>>636598Shego was so fucking cool maaaan
I could not get over her as a kid
No. 636629
>>636599Did I say “good”? The talk was about how malexmale ships often get more passionate stories and art opposed to female ships because the males are often written more interesting aka more material to headcanon
in comparison to the females where anything outside of their ONE defining character quirk just feels OOC. Learn to read.
No. 636652
>>636547Not you attaching an Ed, Edd n Eddy yaoi picture to that post, lmao.
I get what you mean, though
No. 636676
>>636648Do you hate all of the styles, or just sweet lolita? (because that's what most people think of when they say lolita)
>>636662It definitely still is a style that people wear. Trends change over time, making certain looks outdated, but I feel like the style as a whole is still very much alive.
No. 636731
>>636723Rap is a genre that glorifies colorism, degeneracy, abuse against black women and cheating, majority of people don't even actually like rap
They like the lifestyle that's associated with it, the guns(that majority of rappers have never shot and literally can't even hold right) the various girls and the material wealth, it's a genre with no substance and no possible positive influence
No. 636764
>>636750This is true.
>>636760Well look at this fucking know it all
No. 636775
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All the meteors that come into our solar system should hit earth
No. 636793
>>636760I agree with you about rap. And yes metal does require technical skills but it's not less gross.
>>636748Whataboutism doesn't help your argument.
No. 636799
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>>636785I wish cyclists would need some kind of education to be allowed to ride a bike, I commte to work by bike myself and I hate those wrong-way cyclists so much! And you dumb cyclists do not have right of way on a fucking crosswalk.
No. 636806
>>636760you sound like a 65 year old dude from iowa who listens to old zep records and nothing else. congrats on your actually unpopular opinion.
>>636766there is no way they are going to comprehend why the classics are good if they think rap requires no talent anon, just leave it
No. 636814
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>>636799Wrong way cyclists make me rage my fucking tits off
No. 636841
I want to beat the shit out of the people who say "boys will bully you because they like you". They make girls believe that crap and later girls get into
abusive relationships because "well he's mean to me and hits me so he must love me".
>>636561Preach sis
No. 636848
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Hazbin Hotel is extremely cringy to me. The humor and character design feels tasteless and forced as hell as if the creator lives in a vaccum. The best fictional works (including animated) were from people who diversified their environment and interests while studying other human beings through ether personal experience or entertainment and nothing about Vivziepop gives me that vibe.
In fact, in my opinion, a lot of fictional works lack people who have that PERIOD. Increasing social isolation and dependency on the internet is killing people's creativity in all entertainment mediums, but it especially shows in visual arts.
No. 636871
>>636848Agreed…it’s one of those “idea” pilots where the emphasis on all the fashion-as-personality character designs and “omg look how quirky and outspoken this character is” is used to pretend there’s an actual plot.
I get the feeling if I were still an edgy middle schooler I would totally be into it and designing my own OC for the universe, though. Because glittery nonsense designs DO sell to that market.
No. 637012
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Today's obsession with incredibly tiny waists is so weird/creppy, it's like we're soon gonna go back to the 18th/19th century there everybody wears corsets because apparently having a waist that's thicker than your leg means you're brick shaped.
Whenever I scroll through the ridiculous photoshopper thread I'm shocked how girls with perfectly normal bodies feel the need to transform themselves into the human equivalent of a wasp. Everything about this is just so unrealistic, recently I watched some ballet and also couldn't help but notice how even ballet dancers, who are always extremely skinny, still have humane waists - while instathots who weigh twice as much seem to measure less than 50cm.
I always saw mine as my best body feature but according to standards of the past couple years I'm just a banana sadlol
No. 637042
>>636848Vivziepop reminds me of 2009.
This show would have been something I liked during my awkward transition from graduating high school to attending college; thinking I'm smarter than most people and producing content that only appeals to others with the same arrogance while simultaneously hiding my deep insecurities and mediocrity behind flashiness and acting bombastic.
This cartoon just reminds me of an awkward and cringey phase of my life.
No. 637101
>>636418A lot of female characters just
are badly written. I feel like a lot of people sperging about how evil mean fangirls excuse male characters for writing flaws but condemn female characters for them are just subconsciously filling in the gaps in the female character's writing themselves by projection to make them feel more fleshed out. Like we've heard the same song and dance with trying to defend the obligatory shounen protagonists' girlfriends, fangirls get slammed for coupling him with the male best friend because people love to pretend that the female character isn't created for blatant waifupandering and only there to be the prize for the hero and instead blame the fans for being "misogynistic". And all the ultrawoke female protagonists we've gotten in the recent years that have the amazing personality traits of being a Strong Woman and a marketing ploy.
And honestly badly written male characters rarely get an excuse, they're often slammed to be shit characters with lazy writing just the same. It's not comparable real life at all where actual, living women get shat on simply for owning a vagina because a lot of the most hated female characters are unsurprisingly written by men. I very rarely see female characters written by women being scrutinized unless they're mary sue self-inserts.
No. 637113
>>637101>fangirls get slammed for coupling him with the male best friend because people love to pretend that the female character isn't created for blatant waifupandering and only there to be the prize for the hero and instead blame the fans for being "misogynistic". Anon, we know you'd pair them up regardless of how his female partner is.
Fujos are so annoying, trying to make up some grand reason for their hobby/fetish and then additionally playing the
No. 637163
>>637136Uh, because the male characters usually have more screen time together, are more developed, and have a relationship outside of "my character exists to marry you"?
Idk how you don't understand this, it's really not that serious or hard to comprehend. "These characters are more developed, they have a better relationship, thus I wanna see them end up together."
No. 637166
>>637163Ignore that
nonnie, she's just mad people hate the male-written bland female childhood friend waifu character she's kinning.
No. 637174
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>>637012I always thought we were going back to the constricted corset look times with the exaggerated hourglass figure that's in now (except there's more emphasis on ass now). Once corset/girdles went out of fashion a natural body type was preferred. Now the body type that pretty much is only done by constricting/corseting/plastic surgery is in again. Sucks ass.
No. 637182
>>637163You should be able to enjoy media without inserting romance into everything. Especially if that media already contains romance with a badly written character and especially if the male character is already written well by himself, you're doing nothing but turning it into a generic from friends to lovers plot (with the omg i realized i'm gay because of him! twist)
>>637166Because women who are into meek waifus are sooo much more common than women who are addicted to shipping any scrotes who look at each other for more than a second…
No. 637194
>>636848It's hilarious how the pilot and fandom are already infamous
Besides I don't see what's so great about a generic,edgy,unfunny puerile cartoon with unlikable deviantart OC's that look similar to each other.
It lacks substance,depth and a heart,which many shows lack now a days because people are money hungry and lazy not to mention unimaginative.its another of those obnoxiously qUiRkY11!! pilots that attract teenagers and children.
No. 637271
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Gorillaz aren't as good as they used to be.
No. 637477
>>637464I keep it inside my head too, massive loner so maybe I'm concerned that if I started thinking out loud I might struggle to then find an off-switch from doing it.
I already get self conscious because I daydream a lot and wonder if people can tell I'm wrapped up in my weird fantasy land much of the time
No. 637487
>>637464>>637470This, it's not unpopular.
I'm out here talking to myself in front of strangers on the reg and I sense their judgement.
I have to wonder why though. We all have an inner monologue, so why is it disturbing? Social rules that don't make sense again.
No. 637511
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Feel free to rag on my grammar. I know my grammar is shit and I will try to explain the best I can.
Can I just say that fujos (hell any women who is a hime or into straight porn) have no rights to criticize men of their weird fetishes even though their fetishes just as bad if not that times worse then men that's they shit on. Don't get me wrong, I really hate men that shit on women for having any type fetishes. Even if at said fetish is tame compare to whatever fucking weird fetishes that men are up to. (Seriously I got a feeling men fetishizing things are getting worse and worse by times comes by.) By same time I don't think women have no rights to criticizes men of their fetishes when I seen many of hentai/porn fanarts and fanbooks and hell even official publication of some the most degenerate shit made by women and I have to wonder is this person is healthy and HOW do they get in that shit(and careless if is a man or a woman). What am trying say here that both sexes need to stop fighting over each others when it's come fetishes when both of them are equally disgusting for each other.
And no I'm not saying that people should enjoy whatever fetish they like, because there are some fetishes are questionably, disturbingly, grossly problematic whatever if is fiction or not. Even if you don't believe that lolicon or shotacon or ANYONE who is a furry doesn't make you a child or animal molester, at least keep these people at a watchlist so they if about potentially hurt anyone or anything. Please don't not forget kero and his horrible degenerate friends and supporters.
TLDR-People should stop criticize other people fetishes but the same time we should equally criticize it if might hurt a living being.
No. 637541
>>637511Idk, I just don’t agree. Whatever dumbass fujo shit that women like doesn’t contribute to men being trafficked and raped to make more degenerate porn. Men aren’t told to make onlyfans when they have bills to pay. Men aren’t burdened with unfair beauty standards because of degenerate boys love doujins. Women don’t murder men and then sperg about “rough sex defense.”
Most fujo shit is cringy as hell to me, sure, but trying to find an equivalence in everything men and women do misses the point.
No. 637554
>>637511>>637551I hate the "But men rape!"-argument so much. Just imagine, we know that already! We also know that men who consume disgusting media are freaks too, despite not technically commiting a crime, it still furthers their degeneracy.
Fujos love to play it off as an innocent little thing, an escape, because relationships between females and males are often portrayed so badly, same for female characters in general, but then they go on and read or look at drawings of underage looking boys getting gangraped. And when called gross, they scream misogyny, let women have their things! You can, but please not in the shape of the same hentai that males consume, just with the gender switched. If female characters and relationships are portrayed badly, then it's not progressive to consume media that contains solely males. Males who do dirty inhumane things with each other.
No. 637568
>>637511On this subject I think it’s hilarious when someone tries to criticize some fujo art/trope on twitter and in come in the
troons to claim that it helps them with their problems or whatever the fuck. At that point you can’t say anything or else the mob comes for you. Same with the fundas. They’ll just pin you as homophobic or claiming that you’re in their space and it’s over.
No. 637584
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I hate this ugly ass flag, intersectionality gone mad. Let's not even talk about the one with the troon arrow.
No. 637597
>>637554>>637511I can't really say I agree. It just feels different in every way when women are freaks. Nemu is the only exception I can think of right off the bat, and funnily enough, it's easy to find multiple males just like her, but difficult to find similar women.
I notice it's always women who try to make things into a "both genders bad" thing when it comes to all sorts of topics, but honestly, it usually isn't. It just feels like lying/self-delusion to pretend it is.
No. 637610
>>637594I get that, and it's a fair point that the equivalent might be more men into hentai/cartoons than irl bdsm, but it still just doesn't feel as severe as male coomers. Plus the point of OP is about fujos criticizing male coomers for their fetishes in general, not for equivalent ones, and like I said, I just don't think fujos are particularly critical or sex-negative anyways. The ones that are, yeah, they are hypocritical, but degenerate 2D porn is still not going to be as bad as what the majority of males are into and getting worse about. I can see your/other anons' side as well, though, and like. Don't disagree that it's degenerate and bad, it's just never going to be as severe as men. Sorry, it just isn't.
No. 637638
>>637511I'd say you're mostly right but male weebs are usually into worse shit like rape while a lot of fujos I know are pretty vanilla
Weebs also love shitting on fujos and calling them degen for just shipping men, not even drawing porn. I don't condone fujos who are into more degenerate stuff, but I don't like seeing the double standard where they get driven off of social media by weebs and sjws alike while deranged coomers are made fun of but mostly left alone
No. 637699
>>637597>>637690One doesn't even always have to assume the worst, of course the majority of these women aren't actual predators but we're still allowed to say that it's degenerate to enjoy writings or images of things like rape. This is simply not normal or innocent, you are gross.
I'm a fujo too, that's why I'm feeling so strongly about this. Most women in hetero pairings are badly portrayed and that's why some women opt for m/m romance instead, but you'll hardly be able to enjoy cute vanilla stuff because nearly all spaces are always overrun with disgusting perverts, who are exactly into the same shit as scrotes, just with less tits.
No. 637739
>>637682They should be banned, tbh. They're annoying as fuck and massive self-righteous projectors who should be kicked off the board for their derailing.
I wish people looking to argue with someone online because they didn't get it out when some person IRL/on another website annoyed them fuck off.
No. 637747
>>637739Yeah let's just have an echo chamber with only ass kissing allowed. If you don't like arguments, You get off the internet.
>>637745Okay, you're saying nothing at this point.
No. 637758
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You know lolcow is full of newfags when ppl are engaging with the fujo hate sperglord again. I'm gonna need to look at some drawings getting raped to cope. Know that this is your fault.
No. 637775
>>637770Criticize isn't the same as aggressively dogpiling or hate sperging, and like
>>637750 said, there's something in between.
No. 637793
>>637781Bring it back for that exclusively. And to
trigger fujosperg anon. She's fun.
No. 637809
Hey there, the op of
>>637511. I wasn't trying shit on fujos. I was trying shit on to both sexes when its comes of weird fetishes shit. I can't think of a female equivalent of females who into weird shit.
Sorry if you get the wrong idea.
Well yes although men and women are different when it come fetishes(I still think at men are at their worse when it comes with porn), but saying that their are NO women who are into weird fetishes shit that men like (futanari, female tentacle porn, LOLICON) and vice versa (male pregnancy, arms and legs decapitation, SHOTACON) is kinda a bit delusional. (It is understandable since many of you never going too deep of the internets porn hole.) Trusts me guys I have explorer pixiv or any hentai sites that allowed ANY porn that makes me wants to throw up and ask HOW.
What I was trying say here that here really to stop fighting over of " if you like x, then you are a disgusting human should be ashamed of yourselves and need to be look down on because you're x-phile and x-phobe." That shit is annoying as for both sexes.
Saying that we shouldn't criticize fetishes is like a contest which one of the fetishes turn people mentally ill and might hurt someone.
And again I don't want people enjoy whatever fetishes they like if is real or not because there are some fetishes that NOBODY should get on and people rightly so call them out whatever real or not. We have seen many and many of furries and people who are into anime become child and animals molesters. (Kero and his fuckbuddies, lot of the furries, the recent legit callout post of a v-tuber and andallthefallenmoe website who got CAUGHT for having REAL child pornography.) And it's baffling that people are still defend of ANY disturbing questionable porn whatever when it come to fiction.
Even if you STILL don't believe get on of any fictional porn doesn't make you a real life molester out of the many of the cases, can we at least keep these guys on a watchlist whatever they doing on the internet. You will never know these people will do ANYTHING to make there fuck-up fetish real and doesn't matter if is male or female(we are certainly seeing that with the trannys).
TLDR- Apologizing for pinpoint fujos when I actually talk about women with any fetishes, everybody can get on to anything and to shut up about it which one of us have the worst fetishes, and actually putting people on a watchlist whatever fetishes that is mortally wrong and doesn't matter if is real or not or is it made by a man or a woman.
No. 637811
>>637808I mean, on a deep, fundamental level, of course
But at a restaurant? It's because they're loud and dirty
No. 637816
I don't get people complaining about eugenics when women abort severely disabled babies that would ruin their lives. I actually just saw some guy saying that it's horrible that since abortion is legal in my country there are 77% less newborns suffering from trisomy 21. Imagine thinking we need to be surrounded by more actual retards who will take up resources all their lives and eventually die of a heart attack.
>>637768I hate that one of my friends legit looks like this and is still talking about fandoms non stop despite being in her mid-20.
No. 637826
>>637825No but I've seen deaf people on twitter with this exact same persecution complex.
>>637821>Women shouldn't have to go through a full term pregnancy for a baby to die hours later either.Yeah that shit's beyond messed up. It should also be allowed to leave these severely disabled babies alone until they naturally pass away right after they're born instead of hooking up to machineries if they're not gonna make it anyway, or if they're never going to even become independent or aware of their surroundings if they somehow manage to get older.
No. 637879
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the way she’s talking to him is disgusting but OP is acting like this shit is soooo beneath him when he works as a bar tender.
he makes comments about social class and status when he’s just as low as her on the food chain. honestly she’s not beneath him, he should take what he can get or at least not act all indignant about it when he’s just as retarded and povo as her
No. 637897
>>637879Being a bartender means you should be open to getting sexually harassed?
Your opinion is unpopular for a reason, anon. Because it's shit.
No. 637922
>>637879This is fake as shit. Creative work from another idiot male who wanted to strawman about "if the genders were reversed!!!" for Reddit upvotes or some other form of internet attention.
Please don't post this nonsense again. Waste of data.
No. 637939
>>637931>this would appease the someone who eats plant-based, I'm telling you right now, no the fuck it wouldn't
There's literally no reason to do this (atleast not in America), we have plenty of food and imagine knowing other people are eating your family and friends bodies. Even in impoverishes countries that don't have enough good sources of food, there are still better ways than eating people. wtf.
No. 637948
>>637943we don't live in papa new guinea anon (im guessing)
>>637944you don't have to, i'm not forcing you to eat dead people. yet
No. 637950
>>637931I honestly would not want to eat apex predators. We bioaccumulate a lot of nasty shit and would definitely pass it on through our fats and flesh if someone or something ate us.
We aren't even supposed to eat tuna more than a few times a week ffs.
No. 637954
>>637950thats due to mercury.
i feel assured that we can health screen corpses to make sure there isn't any nasties in the tissue, fat is gross but muscle is muscle
No. 637960
>>637954And you think humans aren't tainted with heavy metals? Some humans absolutely have bioaccumulations of mercury as well as wonderful chemicals like BPA from our bottles and PFOA from nonstick pans. Hormones and mood stabilizers. Medications. Diseases.
Even if you're not scared of prion disease it doesn't mean humans are healthy or safe to eat.
No. 637963
>>637931Ok, Hannibal.
I thought my idea of harvesting the organs of death row inmates was dark, but this is another level. There is no reason to eat people unless its a survival situation. It kind of sounds like you just want to eat corpses tbh.
No. 637971
>>637948Nothing to do with the location, there they had a huge number of prion disease cases (a very specific one I forgot the name) because they had that tradition of eating specific body parts of corpses, but as soon as they stopped the number of cases decreased and there's almost no cases nowadays.
Meanwhile in the 80s (and 70s I think? not sure anymore) any young patient who suffered from a growth hormone deficiency that could render them super short and prevent/severely delay puberty had to get growth hormone injections but since these hormones came from human corpses' pituitary glands and some of them had another specific prion disease it spread and the treatment was discontinued. Except it was discontinued way later in France than in the rest of the world where a bunch of people were infected in their childhood or had to live in fear of suddenly dying decades after using that treatment. Thank god I was born in the 90s or I would have been ultra fucked. Don't get me started on the mad cow disease.
tldr; I don't want a prion disease thank you very much.
No. 637973
>>637969listen, prison guard anon wanted to harvest from death row inmates, supposedly without consent. at least my jazz is fully consentual
>>637971this is why we don't eat brains
No. 637975
>>637973It's not just brains, everything's risky.
>at least my jazz is fully consentualYou reminded me of this gay German guy who cut off some guy's dick with his consent, they both cooked it and ate it, and then he killed him, still with his consent, and kept body parts in the fridge for later. He became a vegetarian in jail I think. I forgot the name.
No. 637988
>>637979dont test me i will and it wont be a huge deal either
>>637982are you trying to say that if you got a kidney from a murderer you would become evil
No. 638031
>>638017I don’t think there’s a way to interpret ‘hope you get picked’ etc as not being about relationships. Whenever people make those trad wife memes about it the ‘Picked’ is always like getting engaged
>>638026I think every woman is aware of this and people act like a pick me for various reasons from just wanting to differentiate themselves in some way to just being stupid. I feel like the term ‘pick me’ demeans women, not the specific woman being called it, but women as whole, because it gives men this false idea that they are the sexual ‘pickers’ and attributes way more power to them than they have. I guess it depends on the situation but I think a lot of NLOG/pick me-ism is about as ‘
problematic’ as when people position themselves in comparison to ‘normies’. They’re just losers who have some kind of superiority/individuality complex, I don’t think that has to come from a desire to pander to men.
No. 638034
>>637992i don't even like that term but that's not what it mean like at all. pick me refers to women who share their opinions and views that closely align with specific male views(usually shitty redditors/neckbeards) as a way to attack women to get male praise. you see it all over the internet when a woman shares her opinion and ends up in a dumb argument with a dumb man. the pick me in this situation would insert herself into the convo but agree with the man. she just wants the man to praise her so she gets attention. it's not about dating or something.
i really only consider women pick mes when their opinion is either factually incorrect (wage gap is fake) or is against her interests as a woman (pro-life). a lot of stuff people say on here isn't usually what i call pick me but there are some cringy anons(especially since there's no man to give a fuck what they're saying)
No. 638090
>>638070hes got a point. i'll rephrase. we just eat the vegans
and to the 'ew 50 year old meat' anon, aged meat is a delicacy
No. 638091
>>638031But literal married women exhibit pickme behaviour and get called out too. The times i've seen it, it's more criticism of a woman who tries to be a cool girl and appeal to the men around her by throwing other women and even herself under the bus, not necessarily because she wants a relationship but bcus she wants attention and acceptance and thinks agreeing with men on their views and disagreeing with the nagging, difficult feminists will get it.
I dont like the term much either but sometimes you can just tell someone is molding themselves for acceptance and its annoying. Its a cliche but the cool girl monologue from gone girl put it in words for me if you havent seen it already.
No. 638116
>>638102You DON’t have to be pick me to get male attention or get wifed. It’s shown again and again that pickmes never win because males in fact think less of women who kowtow to them.
But these women have low self esteem and self worth, they mistakenly think that they have to work for a man’s affection. And the less a man respects her, the harder she tries to appease him, it’s self defeating.
Men do try to get women’s attention but it’s from a place of entitlement. They think it’s a woman’s snobbiness and shallowness that she doesn’t give him a chance. You will rarely see a man adopting a woman’s interests to impress her, it’s always the other way around. Women these days can’t even ask men to pay for dinner or stop watching porn lol idk how you can say otherwise when girls are ones simulating anime waifu when men don’t act like anime husbandos at all.
No. 638118
>>638102I had a slight pick me phase, and i think the difference is that you get good attention for being one of the good women vs unwanted attention just for your body/being a woman. There will aways be desperate men wanting to hit on you but its a bit different because when these women make an effort to stand out and be agreeable the attention comes from what they think is respect and from being likeable, but ends up just being doormat behaviour. And when it comes to one guy in specific, i think girls with low self esteem will do anything to keep and please him and aways be a positive person in his life, even when thats not really feasible or what he needs. Like a guy who loves beer and is drinking too much, a normal wife might tell him to cut it out before he throws up even if he will be annoyed, a pick me will not nag and let him be happy and do what he wants even if she has to clean up puke later.
To give a personal example, i used to hate those "fake gamer girls". I didnt need more male attention, i already got unwanted attention from being into vidya and just for exhisting as a teen girl but i still felt the need to prove myself as different and better to the male nerds by writing bad things alongside them about women posing sexily with unplugged joysticks, to make sure 13 year old me deserved respect unlike those harlots.
Sorry this is so long, i agree with you in a lot of points and dont really like the term either.
No. 638123
>>638122Wanting attention is different from actively pandering to get that attention. Tell me, what are males doing to raise their sexual value? Are they getting plastic surgery and dick enhancement to become greek gods? Are they tripping over themselves to throw money at women? Are they posturing themselves as emotionally intelligent and in touch with women's issues more than other scrotes?
No. Who do you think came up with the word "simp"? Lol
Literally don't understand what you're trying to get out of this unless it's some "males totes have it harder in the dating pool" type shit.
No. 638140
>>638133People do hate male pickmes, they're just called white knights and 'nice guys'. Desperation is considered bad in everyone. But considering the worst consequence a male pickme will face is rejection and humiliation, while for a woman it's being married/impregnated/strung along by
abusive men who don't give a shit about them, no shit women are gonna be more concerned about the latter. Being a pickme can literally ruin a woman's life because men will take advantage of that and use them, male pickmes just don't get laid.
No. 638144
>>638133Aren't male pickeme's called simps/cucks/flavor of the month insult?
They definitely get flack for sucking up to get laid and NLOB-ing, anon.
No. 638154
>>638153The root is women thinking they need to compete with each other and that their most important values are how useful and desirable they are to men. That's why so many feel threatened by friends, coworkers and even daughters. That anon mentioned rape, but it's a pretty common issue for mothers to feel bad and try to sabotage their young daughters because they feel they need to compete to not be replaced.
It's really awful behaviour, even late bloomer lesbians have it sometimes, the feeling of being lesser and jealousy because another girl in the vicinity is prettier and younger, like they "lost".
No. 638204
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Choke harder kek
No. 638205
>>638201She’s a child, good god. What have you gone through to lose your empathy for young women and be so callous?
>she’s being groomed and doesn’t careThat literally makes no sense. You should be ashamed. Disgusting, anon.
No. 638219
>>638215Nah, it’s saged and plenty of anons are this awful. There’s one that just said women that stay in physically
abusive relationships can only blame themselves for staying, and some other one that said women that let men treat them like shit deserve the abuse they get or something like that. It’s gross, people get real bold when anonymous.
No. 638221
>>638209I honestly do agree that their breadsticks have changed for the worse. It’s like the texture and they’re also waaaay too salty?
I fucking love me some Rigatoni with the 5 cheese marinara + italian sausage! It’s so delicious the 5 cheese sauce is a must have.
Also for dessert the Zeppoli… holy shit honestly my favorite restaurant dessert of all time.
No. 638225
>>638217Ayrt, and that sounds like a nice lineup. I've only just started coming around to mushrooms. Before, I was one of those picky eaters who refused to try anything that looked "weird." I had it in a pasta dish recently though, so now I'm on board. Also, of course we can go on a date ♥ my treat!
>>638221Couldn't have said it better. I went there for my birthday 3ish years ago after not going for years and thought they were 1. hard as shit but also 2. salty as hell. I'm jealous of your order. It sounds so good. I don't usually venture outside of the usual mousse cake, but that dessert sounds interesting.
>>638222I was more so joking. I do prefer Olive Garden over Applebee's but I would still happily go to Applebee's if someone asked me to. In fact, I was one of the anons capping for it in the Applebee's thread. I think a lot of people just think it's cheap/low rate heated up frozen food. I don't care though. The appetizers are worth it.
No. 638231
>>638225I’m glad you had a good experience and liked them! They’re very delicious in pasta, especially a creamy pasta. Stuffed mushrooms are also super yummy. Yay, can’t wait!! I’ll buy us dessert after!
I will say re: Applebee’s and any other “frozen food” restaurant, even if that’s what it is, I’m glad to have someone else prepare it properly for me, kek. I’m not going to deep fry mozzarella sticks or onion rings in my apartment, and I’m pretty lazy about waiting for the oven sometimes. If it comes out crispy and proper, who am I to complain?
No. 638255
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Users of this imageboard don't know how to use sage properly, some vocal autist decided when you should use it and a big chunk of users just went along with it just to fit in.
No. 638340
Anyways, >>638327, please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time,
the stab-or-be-stabbed mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, >>638327, should just stick with today's special.
No. 638342
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>I'm worked up over lack of self awareness, i see people around me doing things without even realizing why, makes me feel like i'm the only playable character in this videogame.
>Have you already rationalized your excessive use of sage, care to share?
No. 638481
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>>638464This is what women orbit? I hate everyday I wasnt born male. All I would need to do is not be fat to be considered hot lmao
No. 638485
>>638472preach sis! I swear I remember I once talked shit about Joji and I got banned from a discord server that wasnt even Joji related, seriously his fans are kpop level of crazy/delusional.
>>638481lol even fat guys are considered atractive all you gotta do is have a decent personality (if youre fat) or a decent face or be a semi successfull in anything in order to be considered marketable for women. Honestly maybe we women just really have low standards for men, its time for us to be as shallow and ridiculous as them.
No. 638487
>>638481>>638485Just being gay also works. I knew an absolute Chad of a lesbian once who put in about as much effort as the average man but was charismatic.
Women are just so full of love and don't care about bullshit (generalizing, of course).
No. 638515
>>638485A couple of his songs are about feeling ugly and he's gone into detail on that in interviews. Sounds like he's somewhat grounded in reality despite all the teen fans insisting he's some work of art.
He's bang on average imo. One of those guys where he can just change his haircut and look like shit in an instant
No. 638536
>>638531Are you tall, by chance? Also, you might eat relatively small portions of those things, at least I'm assuming. It doesn't take much fast or calorie dense food, especially multiple times a day, to get pretty heavy, and portion sizes and stomach capacities keep getting bigger.
t. short American fascinated with the obesity epidemic
No. 638606
>>638531Quantity and TDEE.
Sometimes hormonal disorders and genes play a part to being a bit heavier in general, so some people can eat as much as someone with high end healthy bmi but will be fat just due to shit luck.
For example I exercise for an hour each day on top of walking everywhere, never eat out or eat sugar, fast for 20 hours a day, and eat 1500-1600 kcal at 5'6" but am still bmi 23. If I ate 2000 I'd easily be overweight again. Just lost the genetic lottery.
No. 638609
>>638536Nta but I think the “muh genetics” argument could be used to explain some of the obesity crisis if it was argued that some people genetically have more addictive personalities or something. Not claiming that some people would still be landwhales even if they only ate salad because muh thyroid
I’m a eurofag, American obesity is fucking wild to me. We have fatties here but America is like that shit on steroids
No. 638615
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>>638614samefag the image didnt load
No. 638619
>>638609I didn't mean "stomachs are getting bigger" genetically/evolutionarily, if that's what you mean, and my bad if it came across like that. I meant literally, people stretch their stomachs out by eating so much. By doing that, they're able to eat larger and larger portions and consume more and more calories in a day. It's insane. It's why the gastric sleeve and band surgeries exist the way they do.
>>638615In that size!! That looks so yummy, but I'd need it in a kid's or something, and I'm a grown (albeit short) woman. When people order large shakes from the ice cream shop I work at, I just want to say "you know there are three big scoops of ice cream in this, right?" kek.
No. 638630
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>>638615>32oz>well how big can that possibly be, 150ml or something?>mfw it's almost a litrewhat the fuck, who can drink that much milkshake
No. 638654
This might only be unpopular if you're a Twitterfag, but I don't think landlords are that evil. If I didn't have a landlord, I would be responsible for doing my lawn, fixing broken and leaking pipes, plumbing issues, and electrical issues. I'd rather rent out than have a big debt into owning my own home and taking out a loan, which is retarded, a loan is one of the worst things to have.
And if it's not landlords either, than we have to rely on the government, which is even more wicked. Section 8 housing is literally set to keep low income families from advancing. If you get a new job where you're making a dollar more and it happens to be just a liiitle too much, you're not qualified anymore. If you find a significant other and they end up moving in, sorry, not qualified anymore. Pack it up and leave. Go somewhere else.
See, with landlords, as long as you pay what they ask for you're good. And it does depend on where you live, avoid complexes. There's many private landlords that convert houses into 2/3 tenant apartments and they're WAY cheaper, quieter, and sometimes even bigger than complexes and they rarely raise rent.
No. 638655
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>>638637Anon, stop. 500 calories a day is an absolute starvation diet even if you're a fucking midget. It's not only unsustainable but unhealthy. If your TDEE is 1500, cutting means you'll be at 1000 cal a day, which is already far on the lower end of things. Give it an actual try for a few weeks before deciding you know more than established science on weight loss.
No. 638659
>>638628I don’t look at that subreddit but related: I don’t think losing weight makes you much hotter
Like it would give you a big boost if you went from hamplanet to basically an athlete. Otherwise it knocks you up a couple points maximum. Ugly fat people just become slightly less ugly skinny people
No. 638680
>>638121I hate pick-mes with a burning passion. The conservative women around me love to express how anti feminist they are and not like the loud mouth feminists that will never have a man (as if that's a bad thing).
Ever since RBG died and seeing all the gleeful joy over her death makes me want to be a discriminatory feminist (is that a thing even?) where I only fight for the rights of the women who want it.
If a woman is anti feminist, she should renounce all the modern rights that feminists fought for her. Be a walking incubator, a walking and talking fleshlight but just get out of my sight and keep your mouth shut.
No. 638687
>>638609The genetics argument is real but abused to death. Some people are more prone to storing fat in their bodies, some are more prone to addictions, some people have a different kind of gut flora, their bodies might release more hunger-inducing hormones and so forth. There are multiple factors and it's also why one way of losing weight doesn't work for everyone. But someone guzzling down burgers and milkshakes on the daily can't really make up some bullshit "fat gene" that magically makes them obese. It's more of a distinction between those who are of average weight and the people who are slightly overweight or gain weight easily despite having healthy living habits.
Regarding the obesity crisis and emotional/addiction problems aside I just feel like eating unhealthy is more efficient and more satisfying. During the lockdown I found myself getting takeaway fast food meals all the time because cooking by myself takes too much time and buying all sorts fresh veggies and fish and other healthy things adds up with the prices and to be honest it doesn't taste as good as salty fries and grease-dripping burgers.
No. 638718
>>638437I don't know much about Baylee Jay, but from what I've seen, I don't think most of the "cows" in /snow/ are truly cows. Something like 90% of posts on that board seem to be vendetta-driven at this point. It's genuinely weird. Hell, I still maintain that one of the most popular cows on that board isn't truly a cow, and I still can't figure out why people have such a hate boner for her. I don't want to say it's jealousy, because that's a cliched and probably lazy accusation, but it really makes no sense to me and never has.
Also, the fact that you can critique any discussion centered around a cow without being accused of stanning or being a thirsty scrote really makes me believe most of this board is underage.
No. 638754
>>638654I'm a landlord, hopefully not an evil one. I'm just renting it out while I live at home and save up enough to pay off a chunk of the mortgage and live there comfortably (I'm not actually rich, just got lucky saving for the deposit due to a windfall). Anyway I pay for whatever the tenant asks to be fixed, let them do whatever they want within reason, never raise the rent and never interact with them directly because that's the property manager's job. My dad is even nicer to his tenants because he's had them so long, he personally does upgrades unasked, like got them a new air con system when they had kids.
idk if it's because I'm not American but I think tenants are more powerful than they realize because god, losing one is the WORST. We do whatever we can to keep someone in the place, I make almost nothing off rent because there's always vacancies at some point and I have to pay thousands in taxes because of the little I do profit. It hasn't risen in value either, it's barely an investment, I would probably have made more just buying shares and renting. I like the security of owning it and know I'm very fortunate in that sense but I got memed into the idea that property is always the best investment.
No. 638819
>>638483This, the male gaze in media had me convinced that I was attracted to tall sexy babies with all their body fat concentrated in only two places but actually I just like women.
I also think the covid lockdown has reset my mental idea of myself also now that I don't have to look in the mirror to do makeup daily and stopped using instagram and so don't take selfies anymore. I'm talking out of my ass here but I think many women with low self esteem would be better if they just looked at themselves less in the mirror or on their camera phones.
No. 638828
>>638818Ok coomer. Women can not date whomever they want, seethe more. Eating a 1000cal burger is something bad but occasionally acceptable, not rationalizing your role in rape and human trafficking.
>believing ur bf only watches porn once in a blue moonKEK
No. 638830
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>>638816>applebees is a good restaurantwow hahaha who in their right mind would take someone to that horrid place, with food that its either burnt, cold and overpriced (not that its expensive but seriously who would pay for a 12 dollar piece o trash served to you) thats like when Lainey said that their romantic date consisted of them going to olive garden, sure maybe to grease standards is a good restaurant. lol thank you for the laugh
No. 638831
Cities are shit and I don't know why people romanticize them.
>>638818>refusing to date someone or reprimanding your bf for watching porn every once in a blue moon is 100% insane behavior.Is it really? I think it's a decent standard. Porn is made to be addicting. Not everybody gets pornsick of course but the risk is still there.
No. 638835
>>638818If you can't get off without rape on tape/human trafficking, you are sexually broken/defective, and certifiably the insane one in any relationship. It's neither healthy or natural. Don't brother bringing up cave paintings of tits or whatever, either, you know that's nowhere near the same as Facial Abuse Teenage Milk Fart Cream Pie Anal Destruction Incest Time Bestiality Bonanza: Part 5.
This isn't really bizarre logic to anyone besides coping porn addicts, and sad women who have resigned themselves to life with a limp-dicked coomer (and want the same fate for the rest of us, since misery loves company). Sorry.
No. 638871
>>638847>Ackshually, therapists totally encourage porn!Cope harder. Just because you've inflicted a coomer partner/general coomerism on yourself doesn't give you the right to try and push it on others.
You're also still ignoring that the porn industry is damaging. There is no "maybe" or "possibly" about it, it's built and propagated off abuse. Step out of your bubble.
No. 638872
>>638859There are a lot of things that people regularly engage in that are "undefendable." There are just as many issues with supporting fast fashion outlets that operate entirely on sweatshop labor, yet I don't see anyone on this board lashing out at other anons for shopping at H&M nearly as much as I see people freaking out about porn use.
>>638861>therapists only say whatever it takes for them tocome back for another sessionNot sure what the point was in trying to argue against my point here if you generally don't trust that any therapist actually cares about the well-being of their clients, and is just in it for the money.
No. 638894
>>638891Cope harder we need some kind of animal products to be healthy.
For most vegans the only thing saving them is the hgh insect count in their processed foods.
No. 638895
>>638892Anon, I’m not a vegan, but you can be a vegan and have a decent diet, like how you can be a vegan and be a fatty-chan.
All diets can suck and all diets can be great, it depends on the person and their lifestyle.
No. 638911
>>638909Anon, meat doesn't naturally contain b-12. Most mammals (including humans) make it naturally, but it produced colon, so it just gets shit out. That's why poop has so much of it. Animals are fed b-12 supplements and a lot of vegans and vegetarians take supplements too. In reality everyone should probably be eating them, regardless of diet.
Also, I never said carnivorous animals should be on vegan diets. Humans are naturally omni, so obviously it's fine for us to survive whatever diet we choose.
No. 638912
>>638911*but it's produced in the colon
Sorry, typo.
No. 638940
>>638920Bless you. it sucks when you realize you have them and its like another thing to add to the list of insecurities
Fuck that honestly i got enough
No. 639058
>>639051I disagree that beauty standards have gone too far for men, I mean maybe the ideal is more unattainable now and I do notice more image-related shit aimed at men… but the beauty standard doesn’t really mean anything if the majority of men don’t feel pressure to achieve that look, which they don’t. Compared to most women who are spending a small fortune on achieving the ideal or feeling shamed for not doing so
The contrast in targeted advertising alone is wild. Men get ads for deodorant and razors - basic items that they would be using anyway. Women get ads for 5 different types of foundation from the same brand (because you’re worth being shamed for having imperfect skin), endless amounts of clothes, plastic surgery as if willingly being hacked up for image purposes should be seen as normal behaviour. Men have to be encouraged to do basic self care. Women are told they need shit they don’t, to the detriment of their finances and possibly their health
>internet subculture aestheticNo one cares about eboys besides 16 year olds on TikTok
No. 639065
>>639058You'd be surprised what I meant by that anon. I mean a lot of men who look groomed, or otherwise non-hypermasculine, I've seen called by women and men alike for being too "feminine" or even gay. There is this expectation of looking hypermasculine which goes into that poor hygiene/bad self-care thing. If you think about it men who were considered attractive in the past weren't necessarily hypermasculine… especially in the 70s and 80s. A lot of them would be considered gay looking now.
I think modern male beauty standards look gross and caveman-ish.
No. 639075
>>639065Men seethe at attractive, well-groomed men because they realize the threat they pose.
If the standard for men raises to a normal, decent level, they will
all have to take care of themselves or risk being left behind. Pick-mes want men in general to like them, no matter what, so they parrot what these cowardly, fearful guys say.
The truth is, women basically memed ourselves by following retarded beauty standards. If we collectively said "fuck off" to high heels, heavy makeup, butt pads, push-up bras and shapewear, men would have no choice but to deal with it.
No. 639196
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>>638920I think if you’re already pretty then dark circles can add to your beauty but if you’re average or less then it makes you look worse
No. 639297
>>639075I mean yeah they’d have to deal with it (I don’t think they’d actually force us lol) but imagine the collapse of all the businesses that profit from making women insecure. They’d fight it with government support in the interest of ~ the economy ~
Can’t imagine it being a case of men saying “oh ok then” and moving on
No. 639359
>>639240Personally I find overdressed men offputting. But then again I find women's fashion to be somewhat ridiculous and over-the-top too so meh
Clothing and makeup really seem like a normalized fetish/perversion to me. We're supposed to find people beautiful, not their obnoxious consumerist coverings which have been memed into being "fashionable" by teams of marketing sociopaths.
No. 639468
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I respect women who have survived sex work (like, actual sex work) and don't try to glamorize it or peddle it to kids.
I don't respect annoying privileged Twitter girls with OF links in their bios LARPing that they're an oppressed class because their parents are disappointed in them, and trying to kill any actual discussion on how to keep women in the first group safe and help them out of that industry because "REEEE YOU'RE ALL SWERFS THERE'S LITERALLY NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS IT'S JUST LIKE MCDONALD'S". Like, fuck off lmao.
There's also no point in respecting anyone who does this shit. I don't care that it's fake, still gutter shit.
No. 639476
>>639474>>639475>I don't care that it's fake, still gutter shit.Literacy, anon. Nothing else in my post was even about it.
Also, please sage your shit
No. 639567
Pls no not the spaniards are/aren't white discussion
No. 639573
Hispanic just means people from spanish speaking countries so they can be any color really.
No. 639626
>>638911are you retarded? so then did everyone in the past who ate normal/unprocessed meat have B12 deficiency?
meat, dairy, fish and eggs contain b12. so yes vegetarians can be healthy if they plan accordingly, but any diet that depends on supplements is not healthy or natural
No. 639631
>>639595In certain cities (like mine lol) you will actually find more asians than black people in southwest brazil.
Im of native american descent, which ironically is pretty rare in the region and everyone assumes im mixed japanese or chinese.
No. 639845
>>639747plant based meat substitutes are incredibly processed, it's better to eat some eggs or buy raw meat/fish and cook it yourself
you're delusional if you think vegans eat only fresh organic fruits and veg with nutritional yeast lol
No. 639932
>>639917I honestly don’t get why people with shit incomes still try to bring kids to this world on their own accord, it’s just probably the most irresponsible thing to do when even as a middle class person there’s still a bunch of struggle.
And if someone brings the whole “But they can’t afford contraception” maybe don’t fuck around like a fucking idiot? And I know there are women with really shitty situations, so I’m talking about the women that won’t get that maybe getting pregnant a 4th time isn’t a good idea when two of her children are already starving and facing a bleak future and that there’s no way Rob, the asshole cheating on his wife and using her as a toy, will accept her and her four children.
No. 639945
>>639932Can't afford contraception my ass. Condoms and precise thermometers and pregnancy tests are cheap. If you don't have access to late term abortion, why aren't you checking every month with a pregnancy test to make sure you're good?
Its just stupidity and 'oh he wanted to raw I couldn't say no!1!' shit.
No. 639958
>>639917I know someone with fibro who has four kids, the dads always leave her eventually and she complains about how hard it is because she has her 'invisible illness' and each of her kids seems to have something wrong with them too (two being autistic) Nobody made her have four kids!
She's on fb all day posting to chronic pain groups and each new bf she magically lands does most of the work both outside and inside the home. Pretty sure she's taking all sorts of government assistance cheques and not declaring that her employed bf lives there..
No. 640011
>>639626I was a little wrong, chickens, cows and sheep do get their b-12 from eating dirt and manure. So they do get that naturally. Livestock are still supplemented with it though.
I never said everyone has a b-12 deficiency, just that we're probably not getting enough of it. You can disagree, but that's just how I feel, and none of us are doctors so it doesn't really matter honestly.
No. 640152
>>640149Samefag, but I thought I should add
>1.We should talk about men less here and all female dominated spacesWe gotta see and hear men everywhere, I wish spaces for women could be less about them. I get why they're discussed so much though.
No. 640161
>>640152Kind of agree. Hating on scrotes is a fun and necessary vent, but actually supporting women is more productive. I’m tired of the obsession with trannies, too.
But lc isn’t necessarily a pro female space, so people can talk about whatever they want, which is nice in and of itself. Sometimes you want to be real about life in the context of society. I like participating in stuff like the ‘women shilled as attractive’ thread occasionally which is petty and unimportant. I would never talk about that around men or really outside of lc in general.
No. 640177
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custody shouldn't be automatically given to mothers, and abusive moms get off way too easily bc "they are doing their best"
inb4 "all men are evil", but my mom tried to choke me to death and there were many occasions before that when she should have had her parental rights revoked. If my dad had done that he would have gone to jail
No. 640233
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>>640201Nobody is saying bias in favour of mothers doesn't exist because it does (mostly from old, traditional men even though MRAs try to blame feminists), but it's not 'automatic' for women to get custody. The vast, vast majority of custody cases are settled outside of court, very few men actually pursue it. Your parents divorced when you were 4, did your dad pursue custody then?
No. 640234
>>640220>>640222Bc my mom was not as insane back then, she stopped drinking for 5-ish years. And when I got older I didn't want to move in with my dad bc I didn't get a long with my stepmother and was generally kind of shitty teenager, so I didn't tell my dad what was going on. I would lie that everything is fine.
If I has asked I could have moved in earlier but my mom being absent had a plus side, mainly that I had no rules or could do whatever I wanted.
No. 640249
>>640199My ex had minimal time with his son because he wasn't that arsed with actually spending time with him, but when he did he tried to fill the kids head with lies about why he couldn't see him more often and how the mom was stopping him from doing that….she really wasn't. The poor kid.
That relationship didn't last too long. That was another issue, he had met so many of dads gfs that I feel bad for just coming into his life and then leaving (like the rest of them did too) The guy cheated and even had the cheek to have his son meet the mistress under the guise of 'this is dads friend' A week after we split he moved in with her. I could've wallowed in self pity but my concerns for the kid trumped that. He understandably freaked out over the sudden move and sudden new gf
No. 640263
>>640255It was my moms fault, and everyone enabling her bc she "was a
victim". I was too scared to do anything bc she would threaten to kill herself if I left, and was in and out of the mental hospital.
No. 640298
>>640282>>640294>>640292>>640291>>640289man I told you guys to let her cope with the first thing before adding this too
this little bitch is gonna khs if she realizes everything at once
No. 640325
>>640263You realize your dad was an adult who left you in the care of a mentally unstable alcoholic and never actually sought to know how you were being raised right
Anon he could have found another place and another girlfriend to make you comfortable and safe. He was a whole ass adult and he had that responsibility to fight since surely he knew your mother was not right in the head.
No. 640407
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The jodi arias case was one for the girls team
No. 640426
>>637961Anon, these situations are abnormal and outliers in their respective fields so it doesn't justify OP's weird cannibal opinion anyway.
I wonder what some of you loons are like in real life.
No. 640697
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People wearing Ahegao hoodies rub me the wrong way, I know sex is natural and that many people watch porn yadda yadda I know, but just because having sex is natural I don´t think it shall be okay to go around with clothes covered with hentai pictures, and is not like "If you know it´s porn you are part of the problem", like I said, porn became so normilazed that you don´t have to be a porn sick person to know exactly what it is.
It comes up as vulgar to me and something of bad taste when it´s done outside from the Internet, is like taking screenshots of a porno movie, pasting said stuff on your clothes and then wonder why people think is creepy.
Not really sure how unpopular this is, but I´ve seen this being defended around and the only group of people I´ve seen been opposed to this are over-dramatic woke twitter kids.
No. 640704
>>640697I used to have a cute tee with harley quinn on it and the more I wore it and looked at it the more I noticed how pronounced her boobs were in the image.
It was nothing as bad as some of the sexualised images of characters out there but I remember one day feeling like people might view it that way and assume I'm some pornsick lesbian. I threw it out, probably an overreaction but in my small town people read into everything.
No. 640708
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>>640697I feel the same way about overly sexual tattoos like pic related. It's just uncomfortable for everyone except for the douchebag flaunting it.
No. 640720
>>640713>>640712AT LEAST it's well done but. Yeah. Why.
>>640715Mewtwo is a scholar and a philosopher he would never do this
No. 640721
>>640697I knew a friend of a friend who was just the type to wear Ahegao clothing. He was 23 at the time. He would always parade around laughing about how horny and cumbrained he was and how it's totally funny and cool that he's horny and a cumbrained weeaboo boy. He even went to a fast food place and showed the cashier a picture of some hentai panel, all for 15 minutes of Twitter fame.
It took the anti-porn movement and NoFap to shame him into shutting the fuck up and people telling him that he's a retarded male.
No. 640770
>>640732It’s seems to mostly be a miserable bunch of ex pick-me’s turned “““grooming
victims”””, bpdfags, female /r9k/ users and bitter failed ftms. I’m sure the odd person would be okay but the vast majority seem awful.
No. 640851
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>>640840I don't think anyone actually thinks she looks black. It's all just jokes on how she used to be pale, and is now tanned. She looks Latina at the most
No. 640899
>>640865I kind of agree, but mostly because of phobias, I have a friend who can’t even see pictures of bugs because she freaks out, so I think it’s okay to not let her have to look at shit she doesn’t like.
But it’s kind of retarded when the
trigger warnings spoil stuff, like when you look for a fanfic or a comic, people will post this mountain of
trigger warnings basically telling you all of the conflict in a story.
I kind of wish those websites had a section for
trigger warnings so the people that don’t really care, can avoid spoiling themselves.
Maybe just show the really, really shitty ones so you can avoid them, like rape or incest.
No. 640911
>>640899Yeah i think that's a nice compromise, show
tw only to those who want to see them like spoilered text or a separate section.
And yes phobias too, they suck and i don't think people realize it's not about being childish or blaming anyone, just avoiding unnecessary stress. Like your friend, i'm sure she appreciates it even if she has to see bugs irl sometimes.
No. 641005
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Those color changing smart lights are tacky as fuck
No. 641055
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Even with y2k fashion sort of coming back being classic 2000s skinny isn't going to, the average weight is way too high for anachan to be considered fashionable again, sure trendiness caters to a minority but being underweight nowadays is so rare its not even worth it from a commercial point.
No. 641062
>>641055>being underweight nowadays is so rare its not even worth it from a commercial point.Doesn't rarity make it even more of a selling point? Normal people are supposed to aspire to a look and choose buying shit for instant gratification instead of putting in the effort to look like a model.
On a similar note, idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I think recent fashion trends are overtly ugly on purpose. It makes clothes that much more of a status symbol when a woman is so thin and attractive that she can wear something ugly and still look good.
No. 641069
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>>641062Yeah but they are supposed to be able to duplicate it even if in a shitty way, people can't afford lip fillers but they can afford lip liners to make up their lips bigger.
>>641065Yeah I think a Megan Fox-esque physique, relatively thinner than Kim K but still curvy and toned being the new ideal instead of paris hilton or livejournal thinspo skinny.
No. 641166
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>>641159pic during Jennifer's body shooting and pic after the shooting
No. 641208
>>641159>>641166Idk anon, she definitely looks underweight in the left pic. Look at her sternum, the beginnings of a face eater chest are there.
Seems like she just has small bone structure, so her ribs and hip bones don't stick out easily even at a low weight. You see that a lot in girls that are underweight yet don't look very emaciated.
No. 641256
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'gigachad' is not attractive
No. 641447
>>641440We all know that's not why thigh gaps are venerated or called overrated in certain circles, anon.
Also, you'd have to be significantly overweight (or even morbidly obese) or autistic to even be bothered by a sensation like that. It's almost like being bothered that you can feel your bottom lid whenever you blink, or by having an elbow crease when you bend your arm.
No. 641480
>>641443It does feel horrible if you never had that in your life. That was my number one reason to lose weight again.
Also isn't everyone talking that you need wide hips for a thigh gap? My hips are boyishly narrow.
No. 641484
>>641440I haven't had thigh chafting in years despite wearing skirts and dresses a lot of the time. I have fat thighs.
It has a lot to do with dressing appropriately. If I know it will be hot outside and I will be doing a lot of walking, I try to wear shorts or pants. If I want to wear a skirt I just make sure I wear some boy shorts or tights so that my thighs aren't blatantly rubbing together. Sweat plus friction are what cause those rashes, so if you prevent one or the other you're golden like a goose.
Imo it's like complaining about big boobs hurting after a jog because that person didn't know they need to be wearing a better fitted sports bra. These issues shouldn't be happening if you're prepared and know how to dress your body.
No. 641587
>>641563I was hoping COVID was going to relax the housing market in my area but I was wrong. COVID just made it so that most housing development came to a halt, increased the demand for housing as a result, and made it so that only those making in the upper middle class income bracket and willing to bid 20k over asking are the ones with a sliver of hope.
I'm so tired of giving away my income to rent for subpar housing that isn't my own. How do people who say they like rent actually enjoy living this way?
No. 641590
>>641587where do you live, anon?
im sick of my city being gentrified. its fucking disgusting that these developers come in and build 1 bed flats and flog them for £200k when the average income is 30k, far below what one would need to make for a mortgage for that.
literally the only thing i can do to afford a house is move up north, away from family and higher paid jobs, or buy down south and rent a room to a lodger. (uk)
country is totally lopsided with london sucking the economic life out of every other part of the country. its an utter horror show out here.
No. 641608
>>641563I'm neither in the us or uk but the housing market hasn't change for the better during covid and I don't see it improving either.
I wanted to find a cheaper place to rent but the prices haven't budged one bit to my unpleasant surprise.
No. 641642
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>>641563>be burger in red state>live with mommy and daddy, have no expenses other than car payment so I hoard my income like a rat>recent grad so I qualify for a special state matched FHA grant >get my first house for no down payment, bundled mortgage insurance payment at $750 a month>2.5% interest rate compared to boomer’s 17%>still sitting on 15k nest egg at 24 years oldFeels good lads
No. 641717
>>641697As gen z I at least appreciate most millennial humor is self depreciating and they understand their weaknesses
Many of my gen have both inflated egos while being delicate at the same time
No. 641765
>>641740Nta, but what do you gain from being an asshole? No one cares if you are not-fat with high prospects European uwu.
Don't be an ass, people that go to community college or no name college are no lesser then others that attended fancy schools, we are all just apes with overdeveloped motor skills and brains living in self inflicted climatic Armageddon after all.
No. 641782
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My industry is constantly criticized for "forcing overtime" and while sometimes it is excessive, personally I kinda like the just-before-deadline grind, makes me feel needed and valuable; also once it's finished the serotonin rush is honestly off the charts. I wish the narrative was more like "thank you for hard work", not the patronizing "oh poor babies are being forced by an evil slave driver I'll never buy what they made", it feels insulting and implies that all the hard work that was done is for nothing as the person speaking is going to boycott the product.
No. 641789
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Brandy of one of the cutest women to ever exist
No. 641810
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>>641799>bc I'm christianAnon you're adorable and yes you're right
Hooray for Jesus
No. 641820
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>>641799I'm not Christian, but you're definitely right, anon.
>>641811>Completely disagree both about it being misogynistic and cheating (not trying to start a debate, will not respond to any replies to this)I mean…You can also say "Completely disagree on the earth being round and water being wet (not trying to start a debate, will not respond to any replies to this)", but that won't excuse you for lowering the collective thread IQ.
No. 641821
>>641806>T. noempathyBut really, the world is alful and awful shit happens to people all the time. Check the statistics on rape and domestic violence.
It's very likelly that a lot of anons here experienced horrid shit and lived awful lives near monstruous people.
If you think otherwise you are just sheltered like those boomer scrotes that believe school shootings are made up by crisis actors and date rape is not a thing.
No. 641856
>>641806anon it's really difficult to talk about these things to other people. you forever become "that person that a bad thing happened to". I've posted on here about getting sexually abused as a child and I've never spoken about that out loud to anyone.
>us trusted anonsexactly,
anons. just writing it down and having someone else read and respond to it without the threat of your real life friends/family/coworkers finding out about it can be therapeutic. obviously it's no replacement for therapy but aside from a therapist who am I gonna tell? My fucking friends? Nobody's asking for therapy when they vent about their fucked up lives on here. They're hoping for relief.
No. 641857
>>641799It’s for two reasons: one, if you call it cheating you will get dog piled and called pathetic and a jealous baby. Two, it’s the least
problematic thing about porn.
I do think the cheating aspect and the havoc it wreaks on women’s self worth and esteem is worth talking about honestly on its own, but our society is too retarded for that conversation
No. 642077
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I love Natalia Kills. Her sperg-out on The X Factor was dumb but goddamn u all for holding it over her up til now when other artists have gotten away with worse. Now I'll never have an album like Trouble (2013) AGAIN
No. 642184
>>642122This is how extremist views get fostered imo. When someone has views that slightly differ from one group they get kicked out and forced into the other group, the second group accepts them and instills the idea in them that the first group was bad all along.
Extremist beliefs only in 2020
No. 642239
>>642227Ayrt, obviously I think some things are bio women exclusive. Like I don't agree with trans-women competing against women in sports, and I believe some things trans-women won't ever be able to truly understand about womanhood. Trans-women are born male, so they do have a different biology. They can't fully understand things like periods, birth, FGM, various childhood experiences a lot of girls go through, etc… So they can't speak for us in that kind of stuff. And there are things I can't understand about being trans. I think all we can do is empathize with each other and let people talk about their experiences without trying to feel like we need to be included or whatever.
Tbh I don't know enough about trans people in STEM and political spaces to feel comfortable speaking on it. I hope this entire thing made sense though, I'm pretty bad at articulating myself lol.
No. 642240
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Modern calligraphy is so boring and uninspired.
No. 642255
>>642176>want an official apologyJust me or are people demanding official apologies dumb af? If you're going to demand an apology it's probably not gonna be genuine and therefore worthless.
>>642224I don't know the whole story but isn't it possible she didn't know it was a symbol to begin with? People have random tattoos and images from pinterest tattooed all the time.
No. 642256
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>>642241you best believe my wedding invitations will look like this
No. 642274
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>>642256Your family and friends trying to figure out wtf just arrived in the mail.
No. 642433
>>642397anon care to explain/show an example/comparison?
No. 642463
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>>642456>>642449Why do you mock me so
No. 642504
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This makes me sad, I love this image I loved Britney and Justin so much, they were perfect for eachother, this is my all time fav image of them.
No. 642655
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>>642643stop trying to larp as a human i know it’s you
No. 642686
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>>642643>i love skinny jeansThey’re awesome
> I have a pair just for sleeping inFor the what??
No. 642755
>>642743Is this seen as a red flag? I also think it’s very normal for friendships to fade and change throughout your life. My close friends from school aren’t close to me anymore, my close friends from college aren’t close to me anymore, my close friends from my old place of work aren’t close anymore etc
Would that be a concern for someone? Have I inadvertently been putting people off because my current close friend is my flatmate I’ve known for less than a year now? Lol
No. 643148
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>>643145You have yet to discover a good ketchup anon. Pro tip, plastic bottle ketchup is always bad, I guess it's something about the plastic that spoils it.
No. 643149
>>643138Google says the UK has more than 37 dialects but maybe you do hate them all kek
I don't hate any accent afaik but I hate when people end every sentence going up
No. 643170
>>643160Certain American accents are truly awful.
(You know who you are)
No. 643175
>>643138Same, I can't fucking stand that londonian british accent, I go feral anytime I hear it and I can't understand anything when they talk, especially when it comes from patronizing people like Hbomberguy or that ex channel awesome dude. There's a ton of movies and shows I utterly refuse to watch just because the characters are british.
I'm ESL and I'm fine with other anglophone accents like scottish or kiwi, but I really have a hard time understanding any of them outside of northern american or canadian accent.
No. 643214
>>643178i didn't know maggie thatcher used lolcow?
honestly, though, as a geordie, it's not our fault you only have half a braincell. i spent months in south korea and koreans could understand me better than some southern english/american/canadian/european ESL speakers i've met. tldr - not our fault you're all thick as shit kek
No. 643226
>>643214London snobs really do think they're the standard of English and switch off whenever they hear a Northern accent but Geordies can struggle with southern and ESL accents too, I've seen it.
People who have no experience with hearing accents are just bad with accents.
No. 643310
>>642580they were dating for real, don't listen to that anon who knows shit about britney. they even had their first kiss together when they were like 11/12
their breakup was real and hurt both of them
No. 643379
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>>642397I’m not sure if I want either style to come back
No. 643384
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I fucking love 2010's tumblr fashion and I want it to come back. Peter pan collars, polka dots and plaid, big cozy girly clothes mixed with ripped jean's and oxfords, it's all good to me. At least it was cute.
No. 643421
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>>643412I can kinda see what you mean. Something about the thin eyebrows on white people gives me white-trash vibes. On some people it can work though, like Brandy.
No. 643489
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>entire personality is Starbucks, Arctic Monkeys, and these drawingsRight
>irreverent, proudly tacky, glitter graphics/blingeesBoth look like shit, but at least the right is more fun.
No. 643521
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>>643489Maybe I should have attached an uglier example like this
No. 643591
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>>643521WHY did anyone wore skirts over denim? For what purpose? It’s so fugly, just get a pair a stockings or leggings.
No. 643628
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Y2k fashion is just copying stuff black/latina girls wore back in the early 2000s. White people were not wearing this stuff kids are copying on tiktok back in the early 2000s. Paris hilton and the like was not wearing the cute stuff people copy now. The stuff white people were wearing at the time was cringe/ugly, the cute stuff people copy is what black and Latina girls were wearing.
No. 643658
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>>643656Even if it's fugly thats the look people are trying to recreate.
No. 643660
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Vocaloid has barely any interesting songs nowadays, maybe I’m just looking at it with oldfag tinted glasses, but there used to be a bunch of series of songs with storylines and alternate endings/plots, remixes were really interesting to hear as well.
There are some nice songs nowadays, but they aren’t as great as the old ones.
Maybe I just need to lurk more for interesting composers.
No. 643667
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>>643663It's not race bait. The y2k stuff that is popular now is similar to fashion popular with black people at the time.
No. 643692
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>>643582liberal feminism.
>>643628you're complaining about people not getting their facts straight but bring up Paris Hilton? girl she was innovating and started a bunch of trends that people are still referencing today, are you thinking of disney channel-tier white people fashion?
No. 643726
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It’s okay to wear leggings as pants, they’re comfy and lightweight. Just don’t wear granny panties nor shoes that will make you look stumpy.
No. 644031
>>644029maybe she meant she'd eat anything edible that came out of her body, so, no teeth, fetus bones, etc
I don't know why I'm speculating on behalf of a would-be cannibal, tbh I'm hoping the attention will draw out an answer
No. 644042
>>644029if its some organ thats full of pus or i'd die by eating it i would avoid that
>>644035no, i mean if it died i'd default to 'we should eat corpses in order to not waste viable meat' but i wouldn't participate in making a baby just to kill and eat it
>>644037eating a tape worm seems counter productive
No. 644077
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>>644057Live your dream, anon, I'm all for it.
No. 644091
>>644078This is a Midsommar balance of wholesome and terrifying
>>644081>>644081This too, children have such unbridled imaginations
No. 644150
>>644115I normally don't get involved but when I do argue with someone they usually don't respond, but if a second person has argued with them they will always respond to that person and not me. The argument might continue forever whilst my point gets ignored the entire time.
I can't tell if this means I've won or if my posts are just completely incoherent which is sad
No. 644313
>>643582Liberal Feminism, yes.
>>643726Agree, but only if the front and back are at least semi-covered, like on the right. Otherwise they can look kinda trashy.
No. 644471
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>>644024Anon I support you in your cannibal endeavors but there’s a reason it’s such a taboo, eating people meat regularly fucks with your brain chemistry big time. Practice safe cannibalism and eat very little very rarely.
No. 644515
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>>644488south america here and have all my baby teeth and half of my wisdom teeth, dentist had to pull the bone saw on the last two so i couldnt have them.
I intend on getting jewlery done with, alot of girls i know have charms with their baby teeth that their moms used to wear.
No. 644551
>>644515That’s kind of gross, anon, from which country are you? Because I’m also South American and I’ve never even heard a mention of something like that.
I’m sorry, but that’s just weird, it’s not even a cute design idea for a necklace of something so out of place.
Just take a picture of the kid and keep it in a necklace or something like that, Jesus Christ.
No. 644571
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>>643835t. high waisted women everywhere
Seriously though fuck high waisted jeans. It's become a goddamn sisyphean challenge now to find a pair of pants that don't end under my fucking sternum. Low rise pants were made for my body type and I want them back reeeee
No. 644942
>>644938I mean, Albanians and Kosovars are also European Muslims, and they added their own traditional cultural practices like honor killings ( which makes it more extreme, but they still aren't nearly as reviled as brown Muslims.
No. 644945
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>>644931Anon there are 13 countries that have a literal death penalty if one were to leave Islam, I don't know even know why this is an argument. In my own country Pakistan a Hindu can convert to Islam easily but If I Muslim and left Islam then I'd be hanged
No. 644957
>>644950>Are you Pakistan anon that did a beautiful job at helping your family be less restricting? The one and only, seeing anon here claim that Islam is totes tolerant and its just filling with me absolute rage right now
>>644952I don't know how many times I have to say this bit Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Pakistan, Iran the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen all Muslim countries have literal death penalties for leaving this faith or Insulting Islam, the fact that its even more then one should be shocking alright
No. 644968
>>644958someone saying the Niqab or Hibaj are oppressive restrictions placed on woman isn't offensive
speaking of that the Niqab and Burkha are great examples of the artificialness of Islam, The thing is in Muhammad's time a Hijab in places like Arabia and North Africa were an absolute necessity, the rough sandy wind and heat would have been much worse to deal without a Hijab but as Islam spread to areas outside Arabia the Hijab itself became arbitrary really because it served no purpose for women outside Arabia, Lahore doesn't have sandy wind but women are still obliged to wear it
No. 644996
>>644985Ha I knew it. Apparently even the containment threads weren't enough, full on ban of any dissenting views is required.
Mods if you see this, pandering to one person on this site will be the downfall of this site. I saw someone banned for saying janny. If people feel they're being tone policed then they're going to jump ship, especially in anon places like this. Transgender people just keep and keep pushing, until you 100% submit to everything they feel. And then they keep pushing until it's a completely safe space for them, where only women sucking their girldicks is allowed. Hope you can come to your senses before it's colonized, just like every other female centered space.
No. 645003
>>644996>>644985if this is true, imagine dedicating your time to a place where most of the user base hates you. don't you think you'll start internalizing the shit they say about your kind? you must lack respect for yourself, be braindead, and/or a degen with a humiliation fetish. pick a struggle "sis"
tl;dr go away
No. 645017
>>644982I felt bad when someone I was arguing with got a ban, the topic wasn’t even anything offensive.
Unpopular opinion maybe: “infights” — to a certain extent— make this place more fun and is better than refreshing ot after 2 hours to see 3 new posts
No. 645026
>>645018Big brain moment but isn't there
multiple mods
No. 645029
>>645008Ntayrt, but it’s gotten so autistic that if the anime/manga only has cute anime girls, it’s 100% possible that it’s going to be about a really, really specific hobby like guns, geology or fucking trains.
If that’s not autistic, I don’t know what it is. At least manga/anime used to have stories with a plot (maybe it was good, maybe it wasn’t, but it had a plot), now there’s some good ones, but you have to dig through so much retarded and weirdly specific stuff that it’s even more shameful to admit that you read manga or watch anime.
No. 645030
>>645025Because this isn't a radfem site you stupid reddit refugee. Being a libfem isn't against the rules. A tranny got banned and their posts got deleted in some thread here on /ot/ just today.
>Whine about not wanting the website to pander to one side>Mods ban both sides>Reee >???>>645026So mods are trannieluvrs who pander to the infamous trannymod but also ban trannies? Guessing this is all done behind each others back and everyone cowers in fear every time they ban a scrote as to not upset the moidmod? I think the newest mods are too strict and have gotten retarded bans but these tinfoils are getting out of hand
No. 645037
>>645030am not the tinfoil anon but I thought it could be like, the mods are not a hivemind though they obviously accept the rules for lc users. If there is a moid mod, or simply one who's sympathetic to them, he'd be pretty chill with letting us rage most the time. Maybe thinking himself a neutral party. but it leaks through actions sometimes
I dont know if there is or isnt but I've seen instances including just today of a mod implying (jokingly?) being trans
probably dumb of me but that's how I imagine it if this was true. All i'm saying is, there is diversity among lolcow users' opinions, there must be among mods too. no need to shit ourselves about it, thats simply how it seems
No. 645089
>>644945Morocco almost never put people on the death penalty anyway iirc. The only times it happened recently was for the culprits of the Marrakech terrorist attack in the 2000s and Moroccans were petitioning for it to be done to the guys who raped and killed on screen the two North European female tourists. I've also read yesterday that they're also asking it to be done to a guy who kidnapped, raped and killed a little boy and kept some of his body parts in the fridge.
I also wonder about Algeria because my grandma told me there are a shit ton of Christians, I think Catholics, in her region where the native culture is well preserved from before Arabs fucked up everything. The worst I've heard about was about some people doing a picnic in their garden and getting fined for it because of ramadan but they were separatists so I'm sure it's more political than religious.
No. 645096
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Contemporary artists rehash the same subjects more than classical or past artists did. They also have less understanding or appreciation in the diversity of human expression or experience so for that reason I consider most contemporary artists extremely uncreative no matter how technically great they are
No. 645101
>>645096Your art opinion made me think of my art opinion. T.hanks!
So, chronicles are fucking boring, if I have to read about another “amazing book written with a chronicle style” I will blow a library up.
I also feel like there’s barely anything interesting to study about Latin American literature since everyone and their mother keeps focusing on fucking 100 years of solitude, motherfucking
doña bárbara and bitch ass
rayuela, they were cool the first two times I had to read them, but not anymore, no more. Please. Stop beating those dead horses.
No. 645172
>>645011>>644985>>644996>>645003There she is. There she goes again. Look, everyone! She posted it once again! Isn't she just the funniest gal around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a little boy as you once again type your little “tranny janny“ quip. I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown woman who spends all her time on lolcow posting about transgender people. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a “Tranny admin” poster. A pathetic unfunny “admin is a scrote, our jannies are trannies” poster. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is “TRANNIES SCROTES TIMS TIFS PICK ME INCEL R9K“ You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little woman laughing in the dark by herself as she prepares to indulge in the same old dance that she's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
(tism bait) No. 645174
>>645144The very concept of a woman deserving rape is abhorrent.
>>645144>I'm not going to reach out extended empathy for vile and disgusting "humans" like thatBut you are a vile and digusting "human" for thinking that rape is an acceptable punishment, does that mean you now deserve to be raped?
>you've reduced yourself to the same level as a racebaiting 4chan sperg4chan spergs also think rape is ok in some circumstances so you are the one that has brought yourself down to their level.
>>645170Instead of agreeing that one side or the other needs to be raped wouldn't it just be better if rape was bad no matter who it happened to? I don't understand this logic.
No. 645176
>>645174Anon didn't say they "need to be raped", she said she didn't care if they got raped.
If one side literally wants you to be raped, suffer in other ways and/or die because of the race you were born as, why should you care if it happens to them? What do you owe them, exactly? Because they're certainly not giving you the respect or decency we often like to think humans deserve.
No. 645185
>>645181>thinking the same of themBeing indifferent to something bad happening to someone who wanted that same thing for you is not the same as wanting it to happen.
I don't fully agree with anon, but I definitely get where she's coming from. It's self-destructive to extend care and attention to someone who despises you (and that's why I don't cape for males). The best thing isn't to get on their level or even try to harm them (unless they're posing an actual, literal threat to you in a moment), but to numb yourself to their entire existence, and that includes not giving them your emotional energy under any circumstances. Like I said, you don't owe them anything.
>No one deserves to be raped.This is true, don't think anyone said anything against that.
No. 645193
>>645149>I also think she in facts advertises the school since who the hell would want their daughters (even if she’s seen as a cool smart classy lady now) to end up as paris hilton? Anon, this makes no sense. That school and the abuse that took place therein literally fucked her up and made her the way she is. If her parents had actually given a shit to raise her instead of neglecting her and then sending her off to what's essentially a detention center for children when she became a handful, she would've been far better off.
At least let your hateboner be logical, ffs.
No. 645296
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2003 Strawberry Shortcake will always be supreme. Cute and aesthetic af. It’s the only iteration where all the characters aren’t forced to look like hyperfemme thots.
No. 645383
>>645378Is it really that common? I literally don't know siblings that hate each other, mine and I have a great relationship as well.
I always thought that if you hated your siblings is because at least one of you wasn't raised well
No. 645394
>>645296Did anyone have a problem with them making orange blossom lighter and giving her straight hair?
Strawberry shortcake was my SHIT growing up, the characters were adorable and they had such fun diverse hairstyles and clothes, and the songs were fun. The kids today are missing out
No. 645401
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>>645394I don't think she looks lighter, necessarily, but the straightened hair is lame and unnecessary. Lazy-ass character designer(s) thought they could combine Strawberry Shortcake with Winx Club, and failed miserably.
No. 645407
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>>645296Even though I grew up with the 2003 cartoon, I will admit I have a soft spot for the older strawberry shortcake design
No. 645412
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>>645370yes. paw patrol. Forgive me for ranting about kids shows but I have a brother who watches them. He doesnt watch that thank god. But even sesame street has declined somewhat for me. I mean I love a lot of what they do, they still bring musicians and I even appreciate the autistic girl or whatever. They've always had diversity and my bro is autistic. But if you watch the old stuff something feels authentic there. Everyone is like family and elmo wasn't even the main focus, which was cool. Now half of it is animated I mean the characters, and there's that abby bitch (my brother loves her tho). I blame her for marking this downfall
Wow i sound ridiculous but I've had to sit through this stuff daily. I just pity really young kids of today. The wiggles were great but now suck. Everybodys mom gets them a frozen backpack and thats the best media can do. Bitch i miss shows like little bill and even fucking oobi. God I was lucky to have the shows I did
(ok im done sperging)
No. 645417
>>645412samefag actually Im not done one last thing. I think it's because nobody cares about kid's media anymore. Even kid's toys are pathetic and ugly. I once heard a youtuber posit that it's because kids aren't picky about quality. Probably yeah. All the effort goes into adults and things from THEIR childhood, or getting them to like cartoons like steven universe idk. Well, kids may not care but
I care. I pity how fugly everything made for them is now.
No. 645498
>>645428>>645412 i'm with both of you anons, that's why i make it a healthy mix of all the shows. my kid watches sesame street but he watches the old ones too. paw patrol is a 'sometimes' thing, he watches the OG magic schoolbus.
it's not necessarily me being nostalgic for what we had as kids, but it's exactly what you were saying: quality has dropped, kids can't form their own sense of humor anymore and the shows have no heart.
No. 645538
>>645498I don’t think magic school bus is necessarily a fair comparison. Paw patrol is like Mickey Mouse club house. It’s for 2-3 year olds, kids are aged out of it by 4. Magic School bus isn’t relatable to them.
Generally I agree though, I bet the toys part has to do with the fact that kids don’t play with toys much, they bum around online
No. 645551
>>645516In my country it is. The classics are considered just as good as our own, sometimes better. Half of the modern popular literature here is American
Maybe there are American authors I haven’t discovered who are great, but everything so far has been disappointing
No. 645696
>>645685How exactly? I don't talk to men, I don't pursue men sexually/romantically, I don't care about male validation and I don't shit talk other women when men are around. I just wish women developed some personality besides acting like airheads, uwu basic anime, eating noodles on the stream and squeaking/screaming
>>645689Yeah but there's a difference between commentary here and there and then giving your full thoughts AFTER the game, and talking almost continuously during the game, including cutscenes or when the game gives you instructions, and then acting confused because you don't know what the fuck just happened and you don't know what to do next. Sure, male streamers do this too, but I've seen it way more with the female ones, which is sad considering there's less female than male streamers
No. 645698
>>645696I should clarify
>talking almost continuously during the game and often about shit UNRELATED to the gameSo no, you can't even count it as a "reaction" to what's happening in the game
No. 645701
>>645689nta but there's a balance, like it's fine to me if a streamer is explaining something about the game or making small talk, but no one needs to hear every shriek, belch and stray thought echoing through their skull.
With some of the popular streamers, it seems like they're auditioning for tv work or something less transient, so they tend to get bitter as time goes on and the "mainstream" world doesn't recognize their comedic genius and charm.
No. 645735
>>645730People spend
thousands a year, even with special deals from being insiders. What the fuck! Are you buying literally everything? How do you not just have 50 of the exact same color?
Then they try to normalize it like other hobbies. Putting makeup on yourself isn’t a god damn hobby get a life shit. Then these same people have the nerve to chastise others about consumerism and waste. Bitch die
No. 645748
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>>645370haha "paw patrol"
more like
No. 645754
>>645730idk how they can stand it, I'd constantly feel guilty and stressed if I had massive amounts of expensive consumables with expiry dates sitting around. I'd feel constant pressure to use all of it as often as possible to get my money's worth, but that doesn't seem feasible with the amount that some girls accumulate and the frequency they buy more. Even if you went out every day with a face full of makeup, you'd never use it all in time before buying more new releases.
And yeah honestly it's just a vapid af 'hobby' with unpleasant results, I hate the look and feel of heavy makeup. Cannot understand the appeal.
No. 645899
>>645871I fully agree except bitchy misogynistic gays of color are not really that much better, honestly
Also, why do so many bitchy gays like that "WAP" song, or rap songs by female rappers about pussy in general so much? They neither have nor like vaginas, so it's not like they can relate.
No. 645925
>>645864Yeah I especially hate the ones that are tryhard bitchy. Like, they WANT to be the stereotypical femme bitchy gay friend. It’s strange but maybe they think it’ll help them make friends or something.
>>645871>white gaysOh no, gays of any race will pull that shit for sure. And they get away with it because retarded fag hags will coddle them.
No. 645946
>>645944I'm mixed, and I've been accused of "getting my callousness and lack of empathy" from my white side. Because black women are just supposed to let themselves be walked all over by everyone and their dog.
Black women who simp for non-black troons are even more embarrassing. At least with black ones there is the pretext of black solidarity.
No. 645966
>>645963Same, I love exploring different aesthetics.
But when people like the Alyssa Silos girl fake entire setups it just becomes uncanny.
No. 645976
>>645965how many times does it need to be explained that
being depressed and
having depression aren't the same thing?
No. 646022
>>646020And then you have the straight white girls idolizing these dudes because they want their GBF.
Back in high school I had this white girl classmate who claimed to have an inner sassy gay man who himself had an inner sassy black woman, like a matryoshka doll of cheap insulting knock-offs or something.
No. 646041
>>646022Yeah and then these same girls more or less unconsciously imitate them after hanging out with them and they become just as obnoxious. I remember for some reason in university in my country this gay guy who was just 18 but already look much older, we were talking for the first time about video games and anime and he seemed very sweet and normal, but then I think he was trying to look for a sassy [insert my ethnic minority here] fag hag because he was shit talking and making fun of my friends or avoiding them for no good reason, but he was trying to make small talk with me whenever they weren't there, shit was weird. He thought insulting people for being just as average as him made him look cool, sassy and witty and in his social media he's a total ameriboo who won't stop bragging about being a SJW who hates bad orange man but who then shits talk or makes fun of women for existing or being some sort of competition against him. After that I met more and more guys like him irl. It's like they don't want to just mind their own business because they're so insecure.
>>646036I don't get it either, it's like they want to associate themselves to women or something? But then they insult vaginas all the time. Nothing wrong with wanting nothing to do with them but stay polite at least. Just as annoying as them saying "bitches" every five seconds.
No. 646169
>>645864Gay men simply cannot be trusted. They are, after all, men.
Not to mention they always try to involve themselves in women things. Fuck off Ryan, no one cares that straight men don't let you hang out with them because you're a faggot
No. 646319
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Link looks better when they draw him as an actual man instead of some creepy femboi trap twink
Especially with a little body hair absolutely delicious
No. 646327
>>646319Agree. Though I find a lot of art that has him more masculine and hairy tends to be pairing him with Sidon for some reason? Like, that's weird for two reasons 1.) Link and Sidon have no implied romantic relationship, even after you fix the divine beast, he's just a generally appreciative guy 2.)
Link was basically engaged to his sister, like wtf, you'd steal your dead sister's finance? I think people are self inserting themselves with link because they want that shark dick
No. 646432
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I actually enjoy watching the H3's podcast Frenemies with Trisha Paytas. Stone me, idc.
No. 646676
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>>646669I like a few episodes from the seasons that aired during the 90s (even my child self didn't like later Dexter) but no way that cartoon would hold up to the standards of current cartoons.