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No. 64255
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No. 64264
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This fucking guy. Apparently he used to be with Linda Evangelista too.
No. 64420
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No. 64522
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Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko. She's cute but it looks like he got hit in the face with a shovel.
No. 64528
>>64522she's ludicrously petite to be married to that guy
I'm 6'5" and I find it awkward to date anyone under 5'9"
he's 6'6" and she's 5'0"
No. 64535
>>64528I just googled pics of them together and holy shit. I wonder how tall their kid's gonna be.
I think Wladimir's droopy squid nose throws everything off. If it wasn't for that he'd be pretty handsome.
No. 64577
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No. 64751
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Christina Milian and Lil Wayne
No. 64759
>>64522Hayden, gurl, you're beautiful. Why are you doing this?
>>64528I don't get it. Sex can't be comfortable.
No. 64780
>>64775holy shit lol
>>64767my ex was very bi… until she turned 30. then the biological clock started ticking very, very loudly, and she only dated guys. was still into girls, but only wanted to be in relationships with men.
No. 64805
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No. 65044
>>64805It's unfortunate that her daughter turned out looking like Jay-z instead of Beyonce.
I've heard their marriage is more of a contract than a marriage.
No. 65052
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No. 65057
>>65052lol wtf
Also no hate, but why is that fugly white guy with that asian girl? even if he has money like bitch what are you doing; and in my experience old white dudes are the most vile and he probably just has a fetish. i want to vomit.
No. 65858
>>65857With money yeah. Actually the mitigating factor in virtually all the interracial relationships featuring above average white women I've seen was money.
You think anyone unironically finds a poo-in-the-loo like Aziz Ansari attractive on a physical level?
No. 68394
>>65052Holy shit I remember this documentary.
I have no clue what she saw in him. Of course the visa is one thing, but she did say that she felt a deep connection with him. (I'm paraphrasing, but that was the gist of it.) He's a manchild who's twice divorced and got the idea to import a bride from Asia after his son married a Japanese chick.
No. 68498
>>68394i mean most men are absolute babies, but the few i had the misfortune of meeting that had asian fetishes were HUGE manchildren, while simultaneously having dd/lg kinks.
i don't fucking get it, and i have NO IDEA how asian-american women especially tolerate this for even a fraction of a second. like fuck money and status you're a joke.
No. 68603
>>68498Asians in the US or any other western country don't tolerate that kind of man.
This idiot had to go all the way to China to find someone desperate enough for a visa to marry him.
No. 79025
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No. 79026
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No. 79034
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No. 79035
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No. 79036
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No. 79037
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No. 79038
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No. 79045
Yellow fever really does a number on white girls conception of what's attractive, eh?
>>79034Lorde isn't hot Chang.
>>79028Jesus Christ. He looks like Ho Chi Ming and Confucius rolled into one. Quit destroying our gene pool weebs.
No. 79047
>>79046Lorde has frizzy hair an average body and non delicate facial features. Look at her fat lips.
She isn't attractive even compared to the Confucius she's with.
No. 79052
>>79025>>79026They're not ugly, unless you just think all Asian guys are ugly. I think they're kind of cute in a nerdy way.
>>79028>>79037The girl is clearly hotter especially the second one but the guys aren't ugly, just average Asian guys.
No. 79056
>>79052>>79028 is very clearly unattractive.
You're just a weeb. Go be a self hating white girl somewhere else.
No. 79175
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>>79129Koreans are horrible people.
Go and read any expat-centric forum and read about the experiences White girls dating Korean guys have had. I'm amazed white weebs/koreaboos have such low self-esteem they're prepared to put up with shit like their bf's family either refusing to see them or outright calling them a whore in Korean. It boggles the mind why any white girl would put up with that shit, especially when the Korean boyfriend does nothing to stop it.
If you're interested in this shit, like I said, just go to any expat forum. It's amazing what utter scumbags Korean men are.
Not that Chinese men are any better, pic related.
No. 79574
>>79568Daves ESL cafe is a old as fuck forum with ancient archives and is still active.
It will cure you of yellow fever.
No. 79584
>>79583Living in a Confucian society with a man informed primarily by Confucian ethics will cure all but the most severe cases of yellow fever.
I think the saddest story I read was of some white girl and her boyfriends father who would call her a whore around the dinner table and her boyfriend wouldn't say anything.
Isn't Confucius wonderful?
No. 79586
>>79175>that picThe fuck is that about anyway?
What is wrong with Chinese men?
No. 79669
>>79584Confucius is shit but what does he have to do with dating white girls?
>>79586Do you seriously not understand how the education system and the CCP works?
No. 79670
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No. 79671
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